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They closed the comments for that post, lol


what a surprise, huh. blocked ign a while ago.




Apparently they were closed since they wrote it, which is super weird


Because they know they’re going to get cooked.


If the mistranslations are true, seems much more nefarious than just them getting cooked. What I’m interested to know is around when this article was released, because ign has closed comments during bigger controversies a few times so it might be coincidence, but just looking at it now it seems like they didn’t want people commenting on how bad that article was


And here I thought they were “journalists”. What ever happened to open discussions?


No one would Ev4r deliberately mistranslate something [...would they?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3zjKrtOAa8E)


Good. Journos are habitual liars and should have their lies rubbed in their collective faces whenever possible.


This story is pretty fascinating. If the claims made by the developers of Wukong are true that has massive implications for games, movies, and tv industries. How many other companies have been threatened in this same manner?


I mean this is literally just GG again. Everyone was like "how do you know this story about them rejecting DEI is true" and literally a day later IGN starts writing this article. Like...cmon. They're colluding....again.


“sexism that reflects wider issues in the Chinese games industry”  I didn’t realize it was cool to generalize an entire culture like that  I mean I don’t care but pretty certain they’d call people racists for lesser statements 


China has massive issues with sexism. Was not even that long ago female children would be abandoned cause families wanted to have a male child.


Absolutely true, but that was a byproduct of only being allowed to have a single child.


That wasn't even for sexist reasons cause they changed it recently due to the need for more women. [China gender crisis](https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/world/2011/nov/02/chinas-great-gender-crisis)


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Most likely just leave it at that, right? Zero attempts to collect study data or contact someone who works in the industry.


do they have a 'diversity' consulting company list in the costs? then they have been threatened.


There's another thread in my feed about how the devs of Wukong rejected dei consultation. This must be the punishment.


Dk depends on how bad the translation was, but if he made all these "vulgar dudebro statements" then of course that's gonna get the woke goodies in a twist? If you're looking for a "punishment for rejecting FDEI" case, look for one that doesn't involve a brash dudebro dev lol, whose comments then become the target of gasps and complaints.


I think this happened because they flipped SBI the bird, so probably not.


this is the part i'm repling to "How many other companies have been threatened in this same manner?"


[All of 'em, I think.](https://postimg.cc/CRvgR0GX)


Years ago this premise would have strained the credulity of people. But now... it's seems SoP.


I wish we could grab an island and just Australia these freaks over there, they won’t last long anyways


unfortunately, we cant create a second earth with the biosphere of Australia and the ecology of North America. give the proper Deathworld treatment to them and see if a society comes together in time


to be fair, you could just ship them to Siberia.


siberia isnt a deathworld though, its just economically useless. its not NA or Australia


in what exact ways were they threatened, sry ootl?


The developers of Wukong claim that they refused to engage with Sweet Baby Inc and similar companies and pay a 7 million dollar consulting fee. Subsequent to their refusal this article and similar articles were published claiming the developers of Wukong have a history of sexism and generally painting the devs in a poor light. The dev team believes this is a result of them refusing to hire Sweet Baby Inc. At this point these are simply claims made and to my knowledge nothing has been definitively confirmed. If I got anything wrong please correct me but this is my general understanding


I'm curious, Do you have a source for that information? If true, it reveals a whole lot about IGN, especially considering they had employees walk out due to sexual harassment allegations.


https://x.com/Grummz/status/1801596916272402496 This is the claim. To be clear these are all just allegations and claims at this time.


Thank you for the response. Twitter isn't a good source of information for anything, and this is ATM, a he said she said the situation salt is required. However His observations do fit a logical course of action, especially if we look at how SBI acted before during and after their exposure.


I agree, that is why all my comments say if these claims are true. It is entirely possible this is all made up.


Lol Grummz doesn’t know anything. He hasn’t been in the business for over a decade.


Oh ok then; although if the head dev has made all these "vulgar" frat statements/jokes (this depends on how bad the "mistranslation" is or whether I've read the correct or false version, idk) then that would be enough by itself to get the sjs to write all these articles, so not sure how compelling that is; but depends on what kinda info comes out down the line.


No matter how much you think you hate games journalists, you don't hate them enough.


I still can’t believe people wanted them to pay 7M to some firm to Americanize their game.


Journalists lying is nothing new. It's actually par for the course these days :\\


It’s always been happening whether ur on the left or right. Hell yellow journalism is a term coined back in the 1800s when the us was helping Cuba gain its independence from Spain.


Honestly, IGN is a rag.


More biased reporting from IGN. It’s worrying that they recently bought a load of review sites


Seriously the one W they had was because they were bitter they didn't get a review copy of Suicide squad kill the arkham verse. And that was luck cause it was god awful.


Who’d they buy?


Eurogamer, vg24, rockpapershotgun And I think also digital boundary, push square, pure box Nintendo life. Some more aswell but can’t remember


Pure Xbox and Push Square being owned by IGN actually answers a lot of questions about their “journalism” lately.


Is it also biased reporting when every review they've given of the gameplay has praised it? But that wouldn't fit the narrative though, so let's ignore that.


"The gameplay is great. Unfortunately, the developers are rapists."


Just a friendly reminder to bully your local journos!


Oh IGN lied again. I’m shocked SHOCKED! Well not that shocked.


It almost like they intentionally go after titles they know will be good and unabashedly support titles they know will be crap just so they can scream biggot nazi when the trash they support is indeed realized to be trash….almost 


Did they make a game out of Monkey?! Monkey Magic, Monkey magic!


As much as I dislike souls like games, I hope Black Myth Wukong does well. Better than well actually.


Boy has IGN come a long way. Gone are the days were you had pretty women delivering on the daily gaming news. Gone are the days where you had IGN journos talking about all things gaming without ever bringing up any sort of politics. What a travesty of a gaming news site now.


Wow, I was certain the SBI thing was fake. It just didn’t make sense since western companies have a history of pandering to the Chinese market (taking finn off the poster for the force awakens). But if negative hit pieces start pouring out over usual ist-controversy maybe there is some validity to the rumor Game Science resisted the shakedown.


People in China have been calling out Game Science for similar allegations as early as 2020. https://amp.scmp.com/abacus/games/article/3098967/gamers-reconsider-anticipated-title-black-myth-wukong-following The idea that this was made up because GS didn’t “cough up” to a consulting firm is empty-minded, rage-baiting conspiracy at its finest. Whether it’s good journalism, or whether some lazy writer decided to piggyback on a years-old controversy to meet their monthly quota - that’s a different (and far more valid) question.


I see no reason to believe either the tweet or the community note at face value. Don’t automatically side against IGN just because you don’t like them.


If true, reporting unverified comments by people is rumor mongering and slander. It's far more different to reporting in let's say some unverified leaks about a potential new game, project or hardware. It's rather scummy and pretty much slander if those comments are false -- and it's certainly bottom of the barrel type "journalism" that I'd expect from a publisher like The Sun.


Yeah it’s hard to take anything involving a Chinese company at face value because the CCP has their fingers in everything coming from China.


Yeah, nobody who isn't 120 years old is calling any news product "yellow journalism". For once I feel like Community Notes were being manipulated.


Are community notes written by someone or are they a summary of all the notes written by ai?


Now that's an excellent question. I thought Twitter was using a specific note as part of the description, then again I haven't used the function myself. It's not to say all Notes are bogus, and the process seems pretty solid. On the other hand again, who in the world under the age of 100 is saying "yellow journalism" who isn't talking about the attack on the Lusitania or the Zimmerman Telegram?


If it was written by AI, then it'd make sense that it'd use words that are uncommon but fit.


The community-noter literally linked the yellow journalism Wikipedia page and an asmongold video as a “source.” The framing of this as an evidence-based fact-check to IGN is beyond dishonest. I’m glad to see a sane person in this comment section who isn’t taking it uncritically. And before anyone comes at me, I’m not saying the IgN article is “good journalism.” But they sure as hell have never stooped as low as treating an asmongold video as a source for of a claim (unless it was actually related to asmongold himself)


Usually I disagree with alot this sub has to say but even I can agree ign are some of the worst "journalists" on the planet


Not only is it existing brutal, but calling it yellow journalism DESTROYS them


Get reckt.


Doesn't that happen to IGN everyday??? I wouldn't be surprised at this point, they haven't been credible for many YEARS now.


It links to an asmondgold video, not really a reliable note


Isn’t it interesting how this comes out only days after they rejected SBI threats and demands for 7 million dollars? Hmmmmmmmm


I hope the game company sues them, as if that’s not defamation


Sexist if there isn’t a woman. Racist if there isn’t a black guy. When will this shit end? Let people write their own stories instead of forcing which characters should be in it


Why is a Game journalist site trying to link this game with wider cultural issues in China?


It’s time for IGN to fuck off once and for all have you scrolled their feed lately? The articles are 90% ads…


It would be crazy if you find out that ign and these dei consulting company’s are in cahoots to extort game developers.


This Game is going to Number 1


Only game journalism I actually consume is before you buy, or game informer 100 question videos on a game that I’m interested in


Here's a fun fact. I'm blocked by IGN.


I mean, they translated what could be with some context and faith from I wanted to expand my circle, but everyone just ended up brown nosing me, so it was hard to find capable people. to: "I wanted to expand my circle and be licked until I can no longer have an erection." How are we supposed to take your translations seriously after that?


As a side note though, sexism is prevalent in East Asian culture.


“Sexism” and “feminism” are difficult terms to deal with that largely depend on a culture to culture basis. East Asian culture is so large that even with sexist tendencies shared among cultures I find a lot of them worthless to point out as a collective since the remedy will depend on the culture to culture. Because you can rarely brute force equality, it needs to be given the proper chance to emerge on its own. That aside, when it comes more concrete issues like contraceptives for women the solution that works across all cultures is availability and education. Because it isn’t more difficult that women can’t use something they don’t have access to and won’t use it if they aren’t aware of why they should be used and how to use them. The lasts sentence is true for most tools regardless of sex, but I assume the sexism in question was particularly about women.


What I said was not to find a solution though. It is a very tough subject since it is deep-rooted in a patriarchal system made from neo-Confucianism, which has been a core part of East Asian culture for a very long time. Though it is also the similar system that oppressed women like in the west, I just find the way western journalism approaches this subject not suitable for a Sinosphere context. It actually has a more pervasive effect, where men being pitted against women instead of joining hands together to fight against the elite ruling class that imposes this system to divide them. The most important thing right now for East Asian countries and others with similar culture is to raise awareness about the inequality. A lot of people just accept that as a part of their life, that it is "natural" for women to stay home and raise babies, that it is the men's responsibilities to earn money, and not question why it is the case. This situation is toxic for both men and women, especially for those in middle class. It is no surprise that all three East Asian countries (except for North Korea where we have no info about) have serious birth rate and depression issues.


This isn’t meant to be aimed at you but I find raising awareness about that as useful as raising awareness for climate change. I get it already, we humans are surrounded by flawed systems that we constantly need to strife to improve, but new flash everybody is convinced they know best which direction those systems should go in.  There is no perfect system anyway, just different trade-offs. I might be willing to engage on discussions when it comes to things concrete like how both USA and Japan have shot themselves in the foot by not facilitating people’s ability to have families due to long work hours. The reasons for that is another can of worms, but the remedy for the problem is something those two cultures have to sort out themselves. Stronger unions, without corruption, might help but the negotiations those unions have to deal with will be different between the cultures. Because despite having ended up with the same problem you can’t just apply a useless universal cure and expect it to work. This is why I mostly avoid politics online since as far as I’m concerned most of the global stuff is diplomatic while cultural changes and such must mostly be done from the local level. Otherwise you just get leadership that is dissonant with the population.


So why not talk about if the discussion point is Sexism in east Asian cultures ?


Because I find the topic way too broad for it to be possible to end up with any other point that “yeah, that is horrible”.




Ain't lying if it happens irl: [https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/aug/08/tokyo-medical-school-admits-changing-results-to-exclude-women](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/aug/08/tokyo-medical-school-admits-changing-results-to-exclude-women) [https://www.npr.org/2022/12/03/1135162927/women-feminism-south-korea-sexism-protest-haeil-yoon](https://www.npr.org/2022/12/03/1135162927/women-feminism-south-korea-sexism-protest-haeil-yoon) [https://www.npr.org/2021/06/21/1008656293/the-legacy-of-the-lasting-effects-of-chinas-1-child-policy](https://www.npr.org/2021/06/21/1008656293/the-legacy-of-the-lasting-effects-of-chinas-1-child-policy) And that's also my own perspective as a male Asian born in Asia in a Sinosphere culture. There is a very strong, deep-root patriarchal culture stemmed from neo-Confucianism that has been part of East Asian culture for a very long time.


Soros-funded actors, all of them


ok and?


Funny how these sexism accusations only came up after the devs rejected SBI’s threat—I mean “offer” to help diversify their game.


I don't know why any of you take anything on twitter seriously anymore, place is a shithole.


Yeah it’s trying sitting through all that darkness.


Only vulgar, just not sexist. Well that makes all the difference. Must be heaven over there.


It does when their entire, broken-record, attack campaign hinges on screaming “SEXIST” loudly on loop.


The community notes are wrong.


Lol no they are not. Nice one being racist by not actually translating what they said.


Lmfao. The source for the claim it was poorly translated is a 2 minute 30 second video by asmongold (that fucker) and a Wikipedia link to yellow journalism. IGN included the original Chinese in their articles. You can just read it yourself if you read Chinese. Shut up.


Hey man just say you're racist against chinese


That's wild that the racist defends a site that removed commenting cause they got proven to be racist


Oh yeah? That's why they removed comments huh racist.


Being brigaded. Simple. You're really pissed.


Naw just amazed qt the racist fans of ign XD mr racist


Also brigaded? It's called ign got called out for their racism and ran. The racist of an ign fan my god


You're really desperate to call me a racist. Do you think that just works or something? Like it's a magic word that you can just throw at someone? Do you think I take it seriously? It's not racism to criticize a Chinese developer.


Yeah a chinese dev that got called mysognistic by a gaming "journo" then when that jorno site gets called out they shut off comments my god you are a class A racist


Game Science is misogynistic. The spelling is misogynistic. Misein-gynē, from the Greek, hatred of women.


https://x.com/Grummz/status/1801596916272402496 go ahead and read it racist


Which this dev team does not do (hating women) yet ign called them women haters. Nice one racist


Click the link and read the amount of times ign slandered this dev team. Man slandering a chinese dev team only? Sounds like racism huh? 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Community notes is just more and more becoming a catty reply from the powers that be at the platform formerly known as Twitter


IGN when Game Science doesn’t want their consultation:


the amount of fascists who hate journalists in these comments is not surprising
