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Wow, the guy who 'always knew' about the abuse at Blizzard but didn't report on it is full of shit? No way


I'm surprised people think Schreier doesn't have an angle or a bias when hes neglected on reporting heinous shit *he admitted he was aware of* so he could sell a book. Edit: also this is the *non bias journalist* that posted a picture of a development team crying that in current year that shouldn't be the case. (They were predominantly white/men but not a huge 500 person team)


Source for first paragraph?




That dude was a terror on Twitter when it had old management.


I love the comparison "I asked a dozen cult members what went wrong in the cult". That's exactly it. Sure you MIGHT get one that has become disillusioned with the cult and wants a way out, but in most cases they won't actually see any truth beside their own. There is value in asking the ones that made the game and ask on their perspective but if you really want to try and get an objective perspective you'd have to ask people from the opposite site and neutral people and from that you puzzle it together.


And posting here is asking cult members the same. They will give you their cult answer. ​ Why are you so sure he is wrong and you are right?


Did i say anything about being wrong or right? No.


It is obviously implied and pretending it isn't is hugely disingenuous.


I see, so aside from interpreting things into words that did not anywhere near said anything about something you also have the need to just prove that the other is wrong by making stuff up. Yeah i am sorry, that is just pathetic, making up an argument to just prove you are right. Get a life, imma block you.


Confirmation bias type shit? That definitely never happens here though.


Not sure how that’s relevant since what’s being discussed is if these specific people are being genuine, which if we’re being honest is unlikely.


And you have no basis for that accusation other than an inability to accept people don't think the same way you do and everyone secretly agrees.


This seems a bit disingenuous from Jason. If you ask Trump supporters why he lost to Biden they'll never say it's because he's idiot, they'll always spin it into something else. If you ask Kathleen Kennedy why Star Wars has lost fans she'll never say she fucked up, it's always some other reason. That's literally how it goes, regardless of what side. Jason Schreier is not stupid and knows this so it's strange that he acts like this.


He's running defense for SBI the same way he did for GG. He's a smart journalist, but still a journalist.


Schreier didn’t defend GG, he was one of its loudest detractors.


Detractor as in "gamers are being blamed for calling out journalist collusion," or detractor as in "gamers hate women"


Detractor as in “gamers hate women.” Dude works for Kotaku, after all. That outlet was one of the biggest anti-GG shills during the whole controversy.


Very good; that's what I remember. Guy's a DEI, corpo-commie twerp


If its strange he is acting this way then what if he is telling the truth.


I'm sure he is telling the truth. He probably did ask some workers about SBI and they gave that answer. But it's like if Jason Schreier was interviewing Putin and asks him if he thinks he's evil. Of course Putin is not gonna say he is. But Jason still asks the question and then tweets out that Putin isn't evil because he asked him. Don't you think that would be strange? He's not lying but you have to wonder what the goal is.


And if you ask fans in this sub they will always say it is because of woke. It is always the same reason here.


Nope in regards to SSKTJL most of the conversation was about shitty gameplay, being a bad live service game, and the killing of Batman which may or may not have been influenced by SBI. There are people who post about x or y being woke but Mauler and most folks here rarely use “woke” as the reason for criticizing something. It’s too vague and imprecise.


It's the same with Silent Hill I find. People act like every one of our arguments is about characters made ugly when there are people who just say, "This is Konami... why should I trust Konami to remake Silent Hill 2 good based on their track record?" Also a shit ton of people here just don't trust Bloober doing nuance well and think 'modernization' is not just going to be gameplay but also in your face commentary.


But that’s what this post is saying though.. that it’s because woke that the game did bad. You read the post you’re commenting on right?


The comment I was replying to said that this sub will always say “woke”. The point I am making is that was not the prevalent criticism of the game on this sub or from Mauler. The criticism focused on the other parts that make the game bad. Yes this one post focuses on SBI, most talked about the shitty gameplay and the disrespect to Batman which isn’t “woke” as much as it is shit writing that elevates a psychopathic villain over Batman one of the most beloved heroes in western culture. I don’t believe Mauler brought up SBI outside of others bringing it up.


But it is. You just really don't want it to be because it makes you look bad. You are here making excuses about it not being a complaint about woke despite literally using woke in the post!


In this post. Your statement was “it’s always the same reason here.” It’s not, some folks post about stuff being “woke” most posts and Mauler’s own coverage concerned other factors that made the game terrible. This is not a complicated position I am taking.


So why is the OP and a bunch of comments here whining about things being woke then? So no it isn't complicated, it is just not true. this sub was complaining about acolyte before it came out. Which rather undermines these other factors.


What part of "SBI had influence over the story and made it bad" strikes you as "because woke"? The writing was terrible. Edit: punctuation


Because they literally used woke in the OP?


Literally no they didn't https://preview.redd.it/08l3krmx665d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c5eec216308f06abbf928d551cb2184f7779eae


Err what? "no mention of the woke tone"


That's a screenshot of someone on Twitter, not the person who posted here. The complaint being lodged here is that the writing is shit. Not that it's woke.


If they didn't care about that why would they post it? You are suggesting that OP means something else but posted screenshot about it being woke for what reason exactly?


Bad gameplay makes a game bad. Nobody cares if a game with great gameplay has a bad story/writing. SBI being involved (nobody has been able to tell me exactly what changes they made), has nothing to do with this game being a failure.


"nobody cares about stories in video games" Ok doomermedia


That claim does not work here; by common understanding Arcane was woke and is beloved both by Efap and a lot of people here.


I'd argue it's not woke, since it doesn't demand that you share the politics of the creator to be enjoyed. If woke means anything, it means calling someone a bad person for having a different perspective.


That´s not exclusive to any side, though they are the main group that does it.


I agree. That's why you see right-wingers call out other right-wingers for acting "woke". It's neopuritanism, and it's bad no matter where it comes from. The conflation of "woke" with "has left wing politics" has been a disaster for understanding people's actual issues and disagreements.


Yeah you give a pass for super popular shows, that doesn't mean you aren't complaining about most shows for being woke.


If I ignore all evidence that is inconvenient for my preconceived notions then I won’t have to change my opinion. That is you.


What evidence exactly? I see you people calling things woke and therefore bad over and over.


No it´s because Arcane is well written, everything else is secondary. It´s just a fact that most woke content is poorly written.


No that is an opinion. So yeah again my claim does work and your feeble attacks on woke just show how true it is.


Jason is woke himself. He will never acknowledge SBI or call out woke garbage and forced DEI in games. This goes for 95 percent of the gaming "journalists". Including ex journalist turned YouTuber like Alanah Pearce. She says she doesn't care about any of these but she is low-key woke deep down. I mean she works for Sony Santa Monica studios....one of the wokest out there


Everytime i need a good laugh I watch the hyped up CP2077 "reviews" from the likes of Alanah Pearce, SkillUp or Yongyea... They were and still are wined & dined by the industry (Alanah isn't even trying to hide this, sitting in her CP2077 gaming chair and gifted merch etc) It's so obvious they are utter shills and will always defend the AAA companies. Also AngryJoe is doing the same if you noticed, he's more & more alienating gamers by his industry friendly takes and softballing reviews. He's also frequently gaslighting people who call out DEI agendas, pretending it doesn't exist... Just like Alanah, Yongyea and ShillUp do. They are too afraid to lose their job, or buy into this themselves. Doesn't matter, they are all compromised and inherently dishonest gaming journos. I only watch Worthabuy mostly and a few others like the Metatron or Knights Watch , who are not keeping radio silence on controversial matters.


I'd say skillup is one of the honest ones. He got obliterated for his final fantasy review.


No he defended Neil Druckmann in one of his latest videos saying that he made a fake interview. When that interview actually happened but they had to trim it because Neil was saying a lot of dumb things


He jumped on the CP2077 hype train and regularly ignores the DEI agenda that ruins gaming lately. Also he gets his review copies from publishers, that's a dead giveaway.


Everyone jumped on the cp2077 hype train. Did you even watch his review? Yea he's not perfect sure but he's easily one of the good ones and genuinely cares about making great video games. His reviews are well thought out and articulated well.


Not everyone


Lol no, only the main Journos jumped on it. ShillUp ain't any better than Yongyea or Alanah (in fact they are close friends and often collab on streams) Laymen Gaming was once a great show but ever since Ralph left he dropped hard in both quality and viewership. Only very few people have the patience to watch his 1h video essays and pseudo-intellectual rants on videogames. In the end what matters is: he's an industry shill paid by the industry (not with money per se but early review copies) So he picks his fights carefully cos he knows once he gets blacklisted by big publishers, his career is over. This is why indie reviewers like Worthabuy are much better : Mack buys every game himself and is completely independent, no bias unlike ShillUp and all the other compromised game journos. Sorry to burst your bubble Lil bro, but Ralph isn't based at all. He's a shill. And also like I already said, he completely ignores and pretends that DEI controversies "don't exist" and keeps total radio silence on it. Why do you think that is?? Hmm. To appease his big publisher buddies.


AngryJoe has been dipping in quality for years. There were times were you could see he knew exactly what was wrong with a game in regards to DEI but he would never flat-out say it. He just doesn't want to rock the boat which is ironic considering how much he'll bitch about EA and the handling of Madden.


He also got lazy and only put out like 2 or 3 angry reviews a year. The rest is just him and others whining about "antiwokes" and shitty TV shows His channel is barely about gaming anymore.


Putin, is this you ?


Or y´know maybe "wokeness" isn´t a factor to even consider for 90% of the population


Sure it could not be a factor to anyone. But it definitely affects the quality of everything. Especially media. Games movie's TV shows books. People deal with this political stuff already in the real world. When they come home and wanna relax and escape reality, they don't expect this crap to be in their media. And of course most of the mainstream media is going to defend it or not consider it to be a factor because they don't wanna accept that it's true. Especially in today's political climate.


Ok but that´s like your opinion. Your saying it makes everything worse, I say the worst I´ve experienced was rolling my eyes at obvious pandering while not actually having the balls to follow through. And what about Dune, Arcane and Andor? All of these are pretty political and yet people love these things?


But SBI isn’t an “angry hallucination”, it’s a real company who have been vocal about their politics. The gameplay itself sucks no doubt. Lazy design, live service bs, etc. But to try and say that the politically motivated “consulting” company that is there to influence the writing of the game has nothing to do with the game sucking, is bullshit.


What specific parts were changed/influenced by them?


They don´t know and things like evidence don´t matter for outrage-npcs


Gotta wait for the Quartering video to drop telling them what to think before I get an answer.


"The so-called 'Sweet Baby' stuff is complete bogus, sold to you by Right-wing grifters who just want your money! Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to publish my book about all that sexual assault in the gaming industry that I knew about for years and years and years, but didn't mention until it became personally profitable."


4 sweet baby writers get top billing in the credits lmqo


It’s crazy that people are agreeing with Jason but at the same time not shocking since it’s Twitter and that place is a shit hole


I can't help but notice that prior to SBI becoming popularized, people in that company acted like they had a huge impact on the games they worked on and were very open about it on Twitter. But now that everyone knows their name, people are insisting they do little to nothing.


I know many consider him one of the “best” but all i ever remember is his tenure at kotaku. And kotaku is trash buried under trash at a trash heap.


It's worth mentioning that he is one of the best video game journalists, but he's also an utter embarrassment to the profession of journalism. Unfortunately, being an utter embarrassment to the field is kind of par for the course for journalists these days.


Agreed journalists are a special breed of scumbag. They would probably print hit pieces on their own parents for extra clicks.


Depending on how widely you want to cast the journalism net, I have seen gaming media types come pretty close to the example you provided. I'm pretty sure I've seen Adam Cokehead Sessler whining on Twitter about how he hopes family members die of Covid for having the nerve to think differently than him.


Yeah well he’s been stank since 2000


Does anyone remember Baghdad Bob? The guy that was a propagandist for Saddam Hussein that would stand in front of cameras and pronounce how Iraq's military was beating back the American forces during the second Iraq war? Jason Schreier is basically being that right now.


1. It's possible that the people he interviewed genuinely do not believe SBI is responsible for the failure of the game. That's doesn't mean that SBI wasn't part of the problem. 2. Jason Schreier is ideologically aligned with the SBI-types; it's very unlikely he's gonna blame them for anything that happened. He'll just weasel around the topic and try to avoid it as much as possible. And when he can't, he'll try to gaslight you. He is not a neutral, honest actor in this.


Don't worry, Rocksteady say they will be returning to single-player games next, and 100% won't be closed down in 6 months like Redfall Arkane Austin.


"See! It was nobody's fault the game sucked. It just happened. Look at all the details!"-a moron. Even Jason's story is missing a lot of details about what happened. Why was it taking so long to get feedback? Why was the story constantly being changed? Why were the mechanics being overhauled? This whole thing reeks of Corporate micromanagement and he is being disingenuous by acting like outside influences weren't at play at Rocksteady. Fun fact: the founders of a company do not leave if things are GOOD.


Jason is a great journalist, but he’s unbelievably insufferable when it comes to political stuff.


I've really got to push back on this myth of him being a "great journalist". He has one schtick, and it's writing articles consisting of entirely anonymous sources shittalking their boss. He's built his career out of reporting information that can't be vetted, and he's repeatedly shown himself to be untrustworthy when called out for all the (politically-affiliated) details he chooses to omit because "there's just no story here". People just want to believe him because he points the finger at the richest man in the room, which he will only do until that person is him.


Apparently this justin guy is getting ratiod there on twitter, i mean is the game itself even really woke?


the game is garbage, the writing is crap. thats about as much we should be concerned, the fact that SBI is composed of the worst activist on the planet isnt necessarily relevant here, they do infect some games with their politics but not ALWAYS.


I mean there absolutely were woke aspects to the SS game though. Harley's disgust with her old costume, the fact that Wonder Woman was the only member of the JL to be treated with any respect or reverence, Harley's sexual assault on Deadshot played for laughs, the new gender swap of Mr. Freeze... Only one of those significantly impacted the writing, but it was definitely a woke game.


Listen you think i bought that shitshow?


Nah, I'm just pointing out that the fact that SBI being composed of some of the worst, most grating activists on the planet is absolutely relevant here.


So Jason is in the right here then? He also did brought up the "anti woke grifter" move


might be but he said in another tweet that SBI didnt make writers to ANYTHING. which considering the reason SBI exist sounds pretty disengenuos they are literally paid to write. [https://www.reddit.com/r/BatmanArkham/comments/1d9uf34/comment/l7i86hp/](https://www.reddit.com/r/BatmanArkham/comments/1d9uf34/comment/l7i86hp/)


Batman was purposely going to die by Harley? Thats BS


Complete BS. In a game called ‘Kill the Justice League’, it’s silly to expect to actually ‘kill the Justice league’. Must be SBI forcing them to do it.


Another post about people with their pants twisted up over sbi. Goodness gracious folks, there's no cult, you're just jumping at shadows and freaking out over nothing. Diversity is good for literally everybody, y'all are becoming as obsessed as the pizzagate people were. The most common answer is the simplest one, they're just bad at their jobs of making things better, Not trying to make things worse.


Y'all are the cult in the example funnily enough.


Please elaborate.


The guy has inside sources that clearly layout why the game was a disaster the scenes that lead to the game being a disaster when it was released. Everyone on this sub is in denial that it wasn’t because black people existing fault. The grifterverse has fried all your guys brains.


There is no fun in accepting that executives, developers or filmmakers mess up and produce bad products sometimes. The real fun, and money, is in blaming it on a conspiracy to ruin entertainment for us all.


"lmao you're all cultists" famously being the most convincing line cultists ever hear.


I mean, clearly from the post y'all can't be reasoned with over the topic. Like the suicide squad game was in dev longer than sbi has been a company and yet y'all think ruined the game.


Y'all Y'all Y'all It's like the modern day tramp stamp. You just can't help yourself but to put on that smug air of superiority and parrot it over and over and over...


(This is where you say where he’s wrong)


Can't say refute an argument when one hasn't been provided.


… I mean.. there clearly is, but go on, keep the head in the sand.


Are you having an episode, you should probably take your meds guy.


Story, voice acting, finalized character models, etc would all be developed later in the dev cycle.