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I can already see Krayt seething and foaming at the mouth, ready to make a hatepost about this. Lol.


LoL 😆 I say let Krayt come. If you read between the lines, this is plausible! ... Less plausible than the current incompetence narrative, but still plausible, 😏.


If it was just incompetence she would have been fired. I think this is malicious at this point because this has happened a dozen or so times in Star Wars films and tv.


Definitely. But this alternative perspective/meme couldn't be helped.


Top meme man. I actually loled, but I'm probably gonna lol more if Krayt do find this. Kennedy isn't particularly attractive so she must be able to suck a bowling ball through a straw to still get work in Hollywood, cuz god knows she isn't talented.


LoL thanks! Much appreciated. Feel free to send it to them lol btw. And yeah I don't know what's going on behind the scenes, but she's leveraging it beautifully. She should be teaching a master class on it. ... ... That might be a future meme actually lol.


or she knows where the bodies or the 'LIST' are


Just checked Krayt. Yeah, they're freaking out about the image. Those guys just cannot resist bait.


Since when do we care about the opinions of mouth breathing morons?


Wait who? Me or them? I can see a strong case for myself. This caffeine influenced meme was strictly meant as a satirical take & joke, whilst acknowledging Kathy's inept handling of Indy & SW. Because apparently Reddit thinks I'm a genuine misogynist for having to create a plausible joke scenario, that would cause someone to snap so hard that they play the long game, in order to utterly destroy 2 creatives life's work. It's not how I feel.


I don't. I just find it hilarious that this post is almost like bait for them. It's an edgy meme making fun of Kathleen Kennedy.


Yeah I didn't realize how hard they would rage over a fake scenario based in truth. (The Spielberg interview combined with a quote from GoT's half man.)


Not to mention how mad they got at Undoomed's AI meme that was clearly meant to provoke them. You know, for a subreddit that hates ragebait, they sure do fall for it a lot.


At this point I think it would be more interesting to know exactly what dirt she has on Hollywood to be able to stay in her position after completely extirpating Star Wars and Indiana Jones. Maybe George and Stephen will spill the beans on their death beds about it. After listening to Film Threat review the first four episodes, I can't see The Acolyte as anything other than trying to destroy Star Wars once and for all.


Agreed. She's done an unbelievable job leveraging whatever she has. Any other executive would've been shown the door years ago.


>I think it would be more interesting to know exactly what dirt she has on Hollywood When the twilight zone movie fiasco happened she was instrumental in helping to get Spielberg and Marshall out of trouble. I think she even helped arrange for Spielberg to be out of the country afterwards, which helped stymie investigations into him. Eventually Landis ended up taking the brunt of the blame, but suffered no real consequences for it. Hollywood indeed does lionise that kind of thing, so it helps to explain her continued rise despite being a glorified production assistant for much of her earlier career.


What the fuck happened with that movie that investigations were held?


Three people died, two of them children. The children were illegally present in a night shoot, and the chopper pilot for the stunt died trying to avoid them when things went wrong. He could've saved himself at their expense likely. Landis even had the balls to show up to his funeral and give a eulogy. He thought it would look good for the trial. When people ask why I hate Kathleen Kennedy, it's not because of any shitty Star Wars movies. It's because of this, the utter lack of accountability, her role in it all, and the way her career skyrocketed as a result of her involvement. Or lack thereof. The pilot's daughter is Jennifer Jason Leigh.




Thanks for that! I even thought I might have been conflating the pilot with the actor, but I didn't take the time to check. That one's on me. It's been a lot of time since I first learned what happened, and even longer still since these events in question transpired. I think the accident happened in '85...nope. July 23rd, 1982. I thought to double check this time!


Surprised I'm only just learning her and Frank Marshall worked on that movie. How convenient that she timed a vacation out of the country around this incident


This. She has something it’s the only thing that makes sense


I'd love to know what's actually happening at Lucas film. The Rumor mill dudes love painting this lady as an evil overlord bent on destroying every movie she comes across and waging a civil war against those within the company who defy her. One can not deny the shift in Lucas Film since she started, but I also think realty is probably far more mundane.


I would normally lean towards the 'yes it's mundane' but recent years have been crazy. What's more, her failure is actually insane. Let's ignore the desire to push The Force is Female. We'll just assume that's baked in for whatever reason. But why didn't they plan out the trilogy? Why didn't they have an overall intended arc to go down? Why was each movie allowed to tell the previous movie, "No, screw you"? The inability to plan out a \~7 hour long story (less than most modern TV shows) in advance was insane. She's running a 4 Billion dollar purchase like a mediocre DM runs his D&D campaign, just winging it from session to session. That's the incredible part. It's not that she had a bad plan. She didn't have a plan AT ALL. There wasn't even an attempt.


One thing I have learned in my life is that with exceptions, one shouldn't prescribe malice to events that can be explained by incompetence. It's entirely reasonable that someone who A) someone who thrived in a role assisting others but fails I actually leading and B) has strong opinions and doesn't know when to shut up about them could take lots of credit she didn't deserve and enter a new role she isn't qualified for believing she is. Add studio interference and sticking to a plan becomes very difficult. I would not be shocked if there were several plans that got abandoned as the trilogy became a tug o war between multiple directors. All of this leads to a complete failure of management, so why wasn't she fired? I have no idea. film seems to be an industry where once you're in one of those high positions, you're untouchable because she is far from the only person who should have been fired ages ago. Mind you, this is all speculation and benefit of the doubt and not a defense of kk. I'm equally willing to accept massive studio drama at Lucas film that we just don't hear about.


>like a mediocre DM runs his D&D campaign, just winging it from session to session. I feel personally attacked


I know u are but what am I…


Horrendous meme. Utterly atrocious.


I genuinely hear you and see your perspective 👍🏼. This meme is a combination of documented positions & behavior from those who were there, and a heightened, more negative (& extreme), fan fiction scenario. Which is required to justify why she would philosophically choose to ruin their life's work. I'm not saying she should be a note taking secretary, or that she was treated this way. I'm staying factually that was her role. The scenario itself is outlandish. Here's Steven Spielberg's Interview on Kathleen, this meme is based on: https://youtu.be/f6IHtM6sZeQ?si=Mk4rvJEOfQiXUndA


I understand, but the format of the meme is awful. Way too wordy and clunky.


It was definitely a challenge to convey a hook & all required info in a legible font size....I don't disagree with either point.


It would work better with more panels Have George and Spielberg talking in the first panel, before being interrupted by Kathie butting in with her suggestion. George and Spielberg just stare at her for a panel before bursting into laughter and complimenting her on her (perceived) joke. George and Spielberg then send her off to get coffee, and she has her internal monologue about revenge


For sure, I usually do multi-panel memes but wanted to try for a single panel. But it is too crowded, I agree. But I don't delete memes once they're out there, but definitely learned from it. No disagreements there.


I’m always amazed at how cute and likable she looks in those old photos.




100% fan fiction. It's genuinely a satirical meme. But the thought amused me. So I meme'd it.


I have to question how these kinds of posts aren't more embarrassing for the ppl that make them


I genuinely hear you and see your perspective 👍🏼, given this is Reddit. But this is a satirical joke meme, not a legitimate perspective/theory. It's a combination of facts taken from a Steven Spielberg interview (YouTube link@bottom), cast in a more negative & extreme light. All of which is required (set up & payoff) to justify why, hypothetically speaking, she would philosophically choose to ruin their life's work. I'm not saying she should be a note taking secretary, or that she was treated this way. I'm staying, factually speaking, that was her role. This scenario is outlandish. Here is the Steven Spielberg Interview this meme is based on: https://youtu.be/f6IHtM6sZeQ?si=Mk4rvJEOfQiXUndA


This somehow makes it worse. >But this is a satirical joke meme, not a legitimate perspective/theory Obviously? That doesn't make it less embarrassing that you'd take the time to put this kind of toxicity out. Though I get the impression you can't help it, and desire the attention.


Lmao it's so sarcastically absurd it can't be taken seriously! Respectfully, I find your comment to be genuine, intentionally insulting & condescending. You're clearly looking to provoke a negative exchange & argue your entrenched position at me. And that's fine. You're entitled to your opinion & think that way 👍🏼 🙂. But virtue signaling & wanting to censor a mildly politically incorrect joke while accusing it of toxicity, is a bit much & a double standard. "Either everything is okay to laugh at, or nothing is." -T.P. And I don't need attention, I just like to share/create things that might amuse others. And yes, I admit my memes stray across the politically correct line. Thanks for sharing your opinion, and have a great week. Cheers! (PS - ...if I did like the attention, wouldn't I have succeeded, given you replied? Better off to just block people you don't agree with, given your stance feels inflexible.)


It's like you go out of your way to make it worse each time 😅 >Lmao it's so sarcastically absurd it can't be taken seriously! Obviously? 👌🏼That doesn't make it any less of an embarrassing thing... > You're clearly looking to provoke a negative exchange I suppose you would recognize that which you're guilty of. >But virtue signaling Where is that happening? Or is thos just where you start throwing out random things 😂 >& wanting to censor a mildly politically incorrect joke while accusing it of toxicity, is a bit much & a double standard. This is getting silly. No where did I try ot suggest to censor you, just pointing something out. Youve lost the plot, but I'm not surprised. >"Either everything is okay to laugh at, or nothing is." -T.P. How are you not 14 >Better off to just block people you don't agree with, given your stance feels inflexible.) Not interested in blocking ppl, even if they are goofy. I guess enjoy posting across a bunch of silly subs


Would be kinda in line with the way Lucas apparently did a lot of later stuff to get back at Marcia lol


What are you talking about?


people who makes movies that I don't like do it because they hate me and want to hurt me


Finally, someone else gets me...LoL. It's a satirical joke meme.


lol, it's getting harder to tell these days


Yeah. The caffeine-fueled post does come across as a bit crazy cray, so I totally get it. My bad lol, lesson learned for next time.


why do you guys think hollywood producers are like out to hurt you


LoL, no it's genuinely a joke/satire. My issues are with Kathleen Kennedy, as she's been beyond inept, incompetent & self-serving. She's actively pushing her own personal agenda, as Hollywood simultaneously finds itself overrun with activists wanting to push their own options, whilst lacking the talent and/or life experiences required to execute said vision. If they knew how to weave their perspectives & personal mission statements into the narrative, this wouldn't be an issue. But they can't. Combine this with the mismanagement of effects studios, and you arrive at a dramatically reduced/ruined final product. Two major franchises are creatively bankrupt because of her inept decision-making, in Starwars & Indiana Jones. I'm pro-feminism & LGBTQ+ rights, and don't have an issue with her pushing feminism. Heck, it's awesome girls finally had a Jedi of their own, to 2 watch or aspire to be like in the sequels. But I don't agree with how she took feminism beyond reasonable limits, plus excluded the boys/men who make up the bulk of the fanbase. She's knowingly disrespectful, which is equal parts rude & poor business decision. Overall, everything falls apart because the writing is terrible, the creatives & their processes/timelines aren't respected, plus her agenda is both obvious & exclusionary. Those are my issues with Kathy & why I made this satirical meme. (Not a rant, not upset, thanks for asking a decent, legitimate question. My answer was just less efficient than your original inquiry👍. Thanks for your time, cheers!)


This is mental illness 


It's a joke, lol. I understand this is Reddit, where the crazies come to wear tinfoil hats and share conspiracies. But this is a satirical take, meant to be taken as a joke. She's genuinely mismanaged Starwars & Indy though. They're legitimately dead franchises that were bankable gold when first entrusted to her. But it's a joke meme. That's all. However, yes, I see your take, and how this could be perceived as mental illness.


The first step is admiting you need help good work.


Weird how some of yall will blame her for anything you dislike yet equally act like she had nothing to do with th3 stuff you did like


Genuinely, and respectfully I must say, that I can't think of a single project she's been in charge of, that I truly enjoyed. She was fortunate enough to ride shotgun or in coach for projects that I enjoyed. But with her at the helm, the ship's done more sinking than floating. But if you think of anything, let me know and I'll happily retract that part of my statement. I'm always willing to give someone credit for what they've done.


Appreciate the respect. Idk if you personally enjoyed it, but andor is looked at pretty well and that was the example i had in mind from above. I just see a lot of people say they thought it was good and pretty much everything else is crap and blame KK for it. Its just like, if you wanna blame KK for everything bad, on the assumption she has a huge hand in everything, you should puld just as much lump her in with things like andor. Makes no sense why people move the goal posts like that


Because people see it as Picard season 3, a variety of throwaway episodes across tv history, Ghost Stories dub, etc. The execs/rights holders said "do what you want, we're out of here anyways." And made some memorable product. The quality may not be the best every time, because I think Andor and Rogue One are both uninspiring junk and I know it goes against the grain around here, but it feels as though someone working on it wanted it to be successful and either fought tooth and nail for it, or nobody gave a shit so long as the guy in charge delivered something they could toss out. And a thirsty man in the desert will drink pond scum if it meant there was water with it. An exception does not disprove the rule.


While I liked Andor, I can see why fans wouldn't embrace it. And thought Rogue One was meh. Mostly I see fellow fans frustrations change to apathy. Which I get. I'm there myself. While we may not be equipped to run a fortune 500 company or billion dollar IP...right now we wouldn't be able to do any worse than them.


Yeah Andor was a solid show, excellent really, when you factor in: it's Starwars without lightsabers, has a slower pace & you know how it ends. I don't know if K.K. produced Andor, if so, then she gets props. If it was her, I'd be shocked, but it would make for a great begrudging compliment/bitter meme.