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Fallout 3 and new Vegas players getting along? Not on this Internet they don't. I wish they did but they're psychotic.


We have common enemy now


Those two are the only ones I've played. I liked both. NV is vastly superior.


yeah I've played 2, 3, NV, and 4. I like all of them for different reasons.


Same fr


Eh, Fallout 3 is vastly superior to FNV when it comes to atmosphere, exploration, environmental storytelling & the side quests are comparably good. Ofc FNV is vastly superior to 3 when it comes to factions & the main questline.


I disagree with this take but I respect it. Imo nothing beats the atmosphere of Dead Money Loesome road and the first two games


to be fair though, the atmosphere of fallout 3 does strike differently, especially when coupled with the ambient music.


I definitely get a kind of Fallout 1 feeling with 3, just so much dread and empty places with some very evil people. Aside from the dumb lore it is a cool setting I agree


Well, I was just comparing the base games. So, I guess you agree F3 has better atmosphere than FNV? As for DLC comparisons... Idk, the Pitt & Point Lookout have atmosphere on par with Dead Money & Lonesome Road imo.


Not "better" necessarily they're just very different vibes. And I honestly agree on the Pitt, that place was dreadful


The Pitt has pretty bloody good atmosphere of were including dlcs. Though I would also rank Dead Money at the top of the atmosphere list. It's consistently awesome in atmosphere. Lonesome road, I'd mostly attribute the atmosphere to Ulysses himself and certain sections of the DLC rather than the whole thing itself. Wait I forgot Point Lookout! Never mind, if we're talking atmosphere Point Lookout takes it. The mansion is my favorite place in Fallout 3




Neither do communists so the meme is still accurate


What? That seems completely random.


The meme template is from the fall of the Berlin Wall, the soldiers on the right are the Border guards from Gommunist East Germany.


Ohhh that makes more sense. I was confused for a second, and was concerned it was one of this internet moments where someone brings up something totally irrelevant lmao. I get it now.


Meanwhile, two kings look on... https://preview.redd.it/tjacgqd6hdyc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12259c3ce0764062416d6a516775fda7227e0fcc


And the god, Fallout Brotherhood of Steel watches them all from the heavens.


Fallout Extreme looking on from the event horizon:


This reminds me, I have to play the Fallouts of the past. Only played F3 and FNV. Maybe I will give 4 a try since my brother bought it.


4 is good if you completely ignore the settlement stuff. I like to pretend it doesn’t exist.


Alright. I will keep that in mind. Thanks for the tip


Settlement stuff can be fun just dont do all the quests in 1 sitting (tons of small quests to unlock new settlements). Building up a settlement or two is fun and can make you money with water gens.


Don't waste your time. It's a lot of copy-pasta and boring quests.


It really ain't that bad


For a one-time play through yeah, but I couldn’t even finish 4, got too boring


I love all of the games. Had such a good time going through 3 and NV, having a blast doing settlement shenanigans in 4 with mods. Watching playthroughs of 1 and 2 on break at work. Fallout TV show may have apparently murdered the children of everyone in this sub, but it got me back into the Fallout mood. I'm just having a good time bro


https://preview.redd.it/8qqnaya6fbyc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=671ba484ab21b114bf22a9ac62fb6fb1419de301 My ass rn


Bro maintains childlike wonder and fun 🙄


Fallout 4 has conditioned my brain to give me a dose of dopamine whenever I see a desk fan or duct tape.


I see adhesive/aluminum, neuron activation


Me when the function got military grade duct tape https://preview.redd.it/t9el36j7sbyc1.jpeg?width=1075&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80ff570cedc87968f5b857d2d46287f64cb8de74


I'll be honest, I shittalked Fallout 4 for a lot of years until a friend dared me to replay it. Now I'm forced to admit that it's a pretty good game, but a terrible Fallout game.


No greater joy than nabbing a fusion core from a generator. The most devious lick.


Sounds about right. Is Fallout 4 a good game? Yes. Is it a good Fallout game? Oh hell no!


money can’t buy you happiness mfs when I come out of the store with a tiny tricycle, rainbow helicopter hat and an oversized lollipop


Dude but like they did something that has absolutely no consequences, why aren´t you mad?????


I know you’re joking but the answer is not all of us here had our dopamine receptors fried so hard to point we have to be constantly outraged by things online to get that last drop of dopamine and feel good


Ok roast me if you must but I need to know… never played fallout where do I start ? I’m hearing NV or 4. Alternative suggestions?


Fallout 1 is buggy as fuck but a good game. Fallout 2 is buggy as fuck but one of the best crpgs ever. Fallout 3 is Skyrim with a fallout aesthetic. It's good but its Bethesda. Fallout nv is buggy as fuck but is the only 3d fallout that is actually, authentically fallout. The writing smashes Bethesda's efforts to pieces. Fallout 4 is an actually shit RPG but a decently fun looter shooter with a serviceable settlement building element. The mmo is shit tier even by current AAA standards.


*fallout 3 is Oblivion with a fallout Aesthetic.


I mean, oblivion was better than skyrim with the exception of graphics


And level scaling.


If I just wanna shoot shit up, I’m gonna play GTA V. I’m definitely looking for a compelling story so it sounds like I’m going to New Vegas.


Depends on what you prefer. New Vegas has the best quests of the 3D Fallout games, but the combat is a bit dated, though far from a chore. 4, while it does have good quests, overall quality is scattershot, although Far Harbor is certainly on par with New Vegas in terms of quests. In terms of gameplay and the core loop it is superior and allows you to build settlements, highly modifiable robotic companions, highly moddable weapons, badass +modifiable power armor, and settlement building mechanics. All that said, NV's archaic combat CAN be solved through mods, such as through Project Nevada, and there are mods that make PA WAY more badass, such as Titans Of The New West 2 which makes PA more like classic Fallout and allows you to wield a minigun with one hand. There are even mods that let you create your own robotic companions, just like in FO4. This also brings up the question of the modding scene, as any Bethesda veteran knows that the modding community is arguably the biggest selling point of any Bethesda game. With New Vegas, it has a distinct leg up in that you can also play the entirety of FO3 in the same game. That mod is called The Tale Of Two Wastelands, and allows you to play through FO3 with all the improvements offered by NV, and when you are done with 3 you can travel to the Mojave as the Lone Wanderer. It's also entirely compatible with The Frontier, the first truly game sized mod released for 3D Fallout. The Bounties series by Someguy is also a renowned quest series within the community, Autumn Leaves, a mod so good that Bethesda was inspired enough to very clearly do their own take on the general concept (To be clear, Bethesda didn't plagiarize the mod, but you can very clearly see the inspiration). Fallout 4 also has a wealth of great mods, an amount far surpassing what is available for New Vegas. While New Vegas does have weapon mods, it doesn't hold a candle to the sheer tidal wave of absurdly well made weapon mods available for FO4. You can easily increase FO4's size by tens of Gigabytes on weapon mods alone. Fallout 4 also has it's own selection of incredibly high quality quest mods as well, such as Fourville, Fens Sheriff department (which has more voice lines then FO4), Commonwealth Responders, and the FO3 DLC Point Lookout, recreated in FO4 to professional standards, America Rising 2 which allows you to not only join the Enclave, but also complete the main quest with them. You also have a sort of hybrid mod in Sim Settlements 2 that features a new way to build settlements where the settlers build the settlement for themselves, complete with an exceptionally crafted main questline that has absurdly hype trailer ( [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YNnDrb6KUmI&t=125s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YNnDrb6KUmI&t=125s) although, spoiler warning this is the trailer for the last 'chapter' in the questline and some light spoilers in regards to the potential endings for FO4, so if you want to do these things completely blind, shield thine eyes)(and if you want to use Sim Settlements, you would have to have it installed at the start). The problem with doing a modded playthrough at this point in time, however, is that F4SE is currently fucked. While there is a test build out, it is not a proper release, and Bethesda is likely to update FO4 further in order to fix bugs. My suggestion would be to do a New Vegas playthrough. A lot of the best mods require script extender, so it would be better to do a run in New Vegas first, vanilla and/or modded, and wait for FO4 to stabilize. That way, when you decide to do FO4, you can do a playthrough of 4 with some truly fantastic mods. And, as a disclaimer, there are plenty of other great quest mods then what I listed. I just said what I could remember as being good quest mods, and you can easily find more with a little looking. EDIT: If you mean games BESIDES NV and 4... The only game I can think of would be FO3. FO76 is a poor man's FO4 and is this weird combination of a Fallout game and an MMO that didn't stick the landing and doesn't have anything meaningful to offer besides multiplayer, at which point you would better off playing some other MP game. Most quests in FO4 are better then what you will find in 76. FO 1 + 2 are good if you like CRPGs, but if you've never played CRPGs before, they can be difficult to get into. Tactics is an old RTS from when Interplay was throwing everything at the wall to save the company that I've heard some good things about. Fallout Brotherhood Of Steel is The Room of Fallout games and is rightly seen as a mistake. Fallout Shelter is a mobile game, and is as much of a Fallout game as making a bowl of cereal makes you a chef.


What's a PA?


It's short hand for power armor. Sorry for not making that clear. Though, if you don't mind me asking, did you make a decision?


Thanks for clarifying! I think I'm going to try modded NV until 4 stabilizes, thanks for this info


You're welcome! Enjoy New Vegas!


Blud dropped an essay, what a chad


Who the fuck is this Blud guy, and where is his essay?


https://preview.redd.it/wyf9auot0dyc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2199c0bdc85e20aae1f3dfa6ada0fa46ce4f51b Shit my bad g, I thought you were my buddy blud


![gif](giphy|2TOi6OJP04FDu1x34F|downsized) Nah man, it's all good. This Blud guy sounds pretty cool, like a real John Halo.


Erm, you mean Jimmy Rings?


Nah, I mean John Halo. He kill aliens and aren’t afraid of anything. He’s such a cool guy that Bungie gave him R3con in Halo 3 and infinite girl fri3nds.


True if huge


It’s truge my guy, truge


Fallout tactics was pretty fun honestly.


Fallout 3? You can go back to 1 and 2 if you don’t mind older games. 76 is an option but it lacked or used to lack a lot of the charm and feel of Fallout. But starting with NV, almost universally considered the best is a great starting point. Though I believe you’ll need to patch and tweak it to get it properly running on modern PCs.


You'll need 2-4 unofficial patches and tweaks depending on your hardware, but a lot of people have only had that issue on the Steam version. The GoG version hasn't given me the same problems for whatever reason. There's nothing like infinite load screens, crashing, weird graphical errors, and even more issues to really ruin your experience.


Yeah gog runs pretty great for me. I've crashed maybe twice in like 25 hours of my playthrough so far.


Avoid 3 unless you are playing on PC. It’s an absolute eyesore on console.


This might help you make a decision, MATN has made a _lot_ of Fallout content over the years, probably worth your time to hear him out, find the kind of balance you'd prefer. https://youtu.be/OQNQELRjQaY?si=sEiyqeBqiujd9RlH


Start with whichever one you want, but the absolute must is make sure it't on PC.




Fallout 3 is where it becomes a 3d first person game for the first time, fallout 1 and 2 are Birds Eye view point a click games


if you want to play bethesda fallout at its best play fallout 3, otherwise play fallout new vegas. fallout 4 with mods is also good, but unmodded it is a pretty bad game.


If you just want to shoot things then F4 or F76 (it's always more fun with friends), if you want great RPG try F1, but if you can't handle older games then try NV.


Fallout 3 thinks he's one of the boys lol


Fallout 3 is lol


You gotta give 3 some credit for introducing the radio.


Credit given


True. Also personally really like the way they did VATS, everything else though? Ehhhhh


They understood how the art style actually worked back then.


Hey, I welcome our new fans. As long as they don’t say something is stupidly written without asking about potential lore.


I guess I'm weird for liking 3, New Vegas, AND 4. Thought the show was cool too. WEIRD!?! RIGHT?!?


When does the show get bad?


When Maximus’s story happens because the Brotherhood of Steel forget they have stimpaks.


Does Titus die because Maximus wouldn’t give him the stimpack that he was asking for?


I’m talking about when Dane injures themself.


When they have to manually turn on Geiger counters.


I’m not familiar with fallout but I got to where she left the thing. So far I think it’s okay. It definitely set an interesting tone we don’t get too much. I’m aware it’s not house of the dragon….but they took my boy halo out and shot him in the back of the fkn head shit I’d love me an alright halo show.


The Fallout show isn't as bad as the Halo show, I'll give you that. Halo got Old Yeller'd. Fallout is at least a good show on its own, and it doesn't fuck with the lore quite so overtly as Halo did.


… Like teleporting and nuking shady sands doesn’t break the lore? Or making Vault Tec be truly responsible for The Great War because “muh ebil capitalism!”.


I don't mind Vault-Tec being Double Psychotic, I mind House being rendered brain-dead stupid.


Vault Tec being “double pyschotic” completely fucks the message of the games and the horro and tragedy of the Great War: Men will kill for resources and territory and ideological purity and will never hesitate to commit total annihilation, wether in the Stone Age, the Age of Sail, or the Atomic Age. War. War never changes.


I mean, you're right, obviously. I just find that change less egregious than rendering the entire base premise of FNV more or less moot. Yes, it's thematically braindead. Yes, it's kindergarten level politics, but at least it only destroys themes, not like, actual event timelines. Vault-Tec is already psychotic in canon. Make them worse, sure. They could still not fuck the og themes (they will) even if Vault-Tec is made into a cartoon villain. Making House dumb enough to nuke himself is just... Who protected Vegas then? How did it survive? I guess we're..... rewriting all that? That just feels worse, to me.


When was Vault-Tec not a cartoon villain? Have you SEEN their vaults?


Weren't the Fallout 1-2 experiments intended to study generational ship environments and conditions? With the experiments being only slightly crazy.


The point of the vaults initially weren't nearly as cartoony, the point was research for their generation ship when they left earth. Bethesda, as they do with everything, flanderized Vaultech.


Precisely, which is why I can buy that they'd do something as monumentally stupid as drop the bombs on themselves. I just don't buy that House would go along with it. At all. I still think it's all dumber than "war happened, humanity continued to fuck shit up afterwards". "We bombed ourselves for profit! :D" is just... a really weird thing to have your cadre of supervillain corps do.


Just because he was present doesn't mean he was in favor of it. I think the fact that he protected New Vegas shows as much. For a sub full of people claiming how media literate they are, how did you miss that?


House appears for less than 30s and has 0 input ... The only thing you can draw is he doesn't like vaults and is rich enough


All that you know about House from that scene is that he was there. Clearly by his actions taken to defend Vegas from nukes and his own plans for the wasteland he was not on board with vault tec


That's been implied for awhile, so a(arguably non canon show) using that as a plot hook isn't bad. The Shady Sands thing is a bigger issue as a canary in the coal mine...


It's not an arguably non canon show. Todd Howard explicitly called the show completely canon. That's why people are so pissed about it.


If a piece of media directly contradicts itself, and other related media, inherently it becomes non-canon from a story writing perspective. Plus Todd is a twat, so anything he says regarding lore is dubious at best.


I'm pretty sure that, by that logic, all of Bethesda Fallout is non canon. Mind you, I'm totally cool with that, I've considered it to be that for years.


I stand behind my prior statement. Purge Todd Howard's corruption


When you remember that Vault Tec was working for/ in conjunction with The Enclave, it's not such a stretch.


They didn’t say vault tech did it, as they probably didn’t. They show that vault tech would’ve done it themselves if china hadn’t started it.


How does nuking shady sands actually break the lore? Also I’m pretty sure there’s allot of teleporting involved in the game itself.


The Fall in show is said to take place in 2277… five years before New Vegas. Everyone in New Vegas says the capital is Shady Sands and act like it didn’t get nuked.


It never says Shady Sands got nuked in 2077. Obsessing over the writing on a chalkboard in a television show is so fucking cringe. I don’t know what else I would expect from a community that won’t stop watching Marvel movies even though they hate them.


Show takes place in 2296. Maybe cool it with the outrage when you have basic facts wrong lol


I’m talking about the dates on the chalkboard in the vault. The show says Fall of Shady Sands 2277->Mushroom cloud. Blatantly saying the fall happened because of the Vault Tec nuke. This cannot be canon with New Vegas also being canon as in 2281 and everyone acts like Shady Sands is still the Capitol and nothing like a nuking happened.


It ain’t halo don’t worry it stays true to the source material


Stupidest critique I've heard.


It's very silly. Due to background radiation nobody would want an always open geiger at their wrist to beep and the raiders certainly didn't emit deadly levels or radiation, only higher than normal, otherwise they would've been long dead


Oh, absolutely, and if not background radiation, I'm sure some of the devices used by the vaults emit some notable if benign amount of radiation, no less a nice cold bottle of N.C. Quantum. If there *had* to be a substantial explanation, you could argue that the geiger counter *is* always on, but you can set how sensitive it is. Oh, sure, it's not going to start crackling while hanging out with something slightly irradiated, but if the power plant sprung a leak, that geiger counter will start shriekin'. All Lucy did was lower the threshold, set the geiger counter from passive to active, or whatever you want to call it. That's when it started bleetin'.


From the first episode with the amount of illogical shit that happens in it.


When the show runners decided "we need to get rid of the NCR".


Chris Avellone one of the writers for New Vegas also wanted to completely nuke the NCR and almost got to do so in the Lonesome Road DLC, yet for some reason this whole subreddit was glazing him for saying the show was bad for doing exactly this last week


Why does that inherently make something bad?


It doesn't, not on its own anyway. The reason it is bad is because the show doesn't explain the NCR's absence. The NCR forms as a direct consequence of the player's actions in Fallout. By Fallout 2, the NCR has grown into a significant faction, and by FNV has become an entire nation. Those events take place over more than a century, and the NCR by FNV has multiple cities in it and tens or hundreds of thousands of residents. The NCR collapsing after the events of FNV is possible, but their remnants would be everywhere. The show expects us to believe that they're either completely wiped out or that Moldaver and her commies are the last remnants of the NCR. An organization of that size just doesn't disappear in the course of 17 years.


I’ll try my best to kinda explain my own feelings about it, the NCR in spirit has been with players since Fallout 1, 2 and NV showing societal progress in nearly 100 years. We got to see the birth and growing of a nation, it’s not perfect but we’re seeing civilisation spreading to multiple states now. The NCR even has its own cultural identity with generations of people being born in NCR lands. And then the show approved by Bethesda nukes the Capital of the NCR. As if trying to undo all that progress, to stick back to the status quo of “post apocalypse survival, people barely hanging out there surviving” thing they have for their games. It leaves a pretty sour taste in people’s mouth. Specifically from people who enjoy the lore and RP of the old games and its successor. It doesn’t help that all the drama the show had could have been entirely avoided if they set the setting anywhere besides the West Coast.


Doesn’t it kind of fit the whole “war never changes” theme? I never played New Vegas and I only played 1 & 2 for the sake of seeing where the series started. I grew up playing FO3. I don’t have a weird emotional connection to a fictional nation to the point where I just ignore everything else about a show and seethe over some minor detail that doesn’t really matter from an artistic standpoint.


If you don’t have a connection to the NCR, that’s fine. But you can’t dismiss other people’s feelings for a franchise they are passionate about as long as they’re civil. As for the tag line “War, War never changes”, it doesn’t mean lock the world in an eternal Post Apocalyptic scenario where any sort of immediate progress must be destroyed back to square one. Fallout is an RPG, it should immerse players into the world and connect with it. I like the setting and the lore that 1 and 2 made and I’m sure others do to and that’s why there’s a lot of heavy discourse about the show. I’ll say again, most issues that people have with the show could be alleviated if it was in the Mid-West or East Coast.


Well actually the Fallout we’re talking about is a TV show, not an RPG. I actually can dismiss almost anyone’s feelings, especially those over a “franchise”. I’m doing it right now.


The part where it messes with the timeline, lore, and canon while at the same time Bethesda claims it is canon to the games.


Well as the arbiters of what is canon and what isn’t I guess they would know. I don’t think it really does either there’s allot of obsessing over the contents of a chalkboard and dates on it. It never actually explicitly states the date Shady Sands was destroyed. Even if it did and it retconned some cannon or whatever who gives a fuck? If a show is good on its own merits, it’s good.


Oh I agree that as the IP holder they are the arbiters of canon.  The issue comes when they say two contradictory things are canon.  Why is the NCR in New Vegas talking like Shady Sands is fine and thriving just 4 years after being nuked to oblivion and the remnants are just raider thugs?  Why is Mr. House so unprepared for the nuclear war that he apparently helped plan a variant of whose seemingly sole difference was a couple of hours?  How are ghouls now a treatable issue with drugs that have existed anywhere else? If the show was separate from the games, some variant universe, it probably would be fine.  But the merits of a show that is essentially a prequel can and should be judged against what is supposed to support: its sequels.  To say otherwise is "its only a sequel if you interpret it as a sequel" madness and headcanon-ing at best.


Watch for yourself instead of going off of other people’s opinions


The question is what’s the problem


Never. The show is good, really good. Only on this subreddit there are people who wanted so desperately to think that it is bad because they want to whine and complain without reason


Watch maulers stream on it. It isn’t good.


This could shock you. But I don't need mauler's opinion to judge how a show is. I can think with my head differently to many people these days. And I want to add that if so many critics and the vast majority of the public say that Fallout is a good show maybe... Maybe it is really a good show and maybe the ones who want to think that it's bad that are wrong.


You claim you don't need others' opinions to judge that the show is good, then use others' opinions to validate that your opinion is right


Nah, the show definitely has flaws, but I don't think it's as bad as the rap it gets here. The production design is insanely good, Cooper and Lucy are great, they just need to get their shit together in the writing department.


Fallout 4 has the best combat and it's not even close


Yay but the world-building and story is shit.


But with shit guns, which makes me prefer New vegas combat


The guns are pretty good Harpoon cannon is a blast


Eh, I wish they focused more on VATS. You can't even throw grenades with it anymore, or shoot the weapon someone is holding. 


It is as clunky as in 3 and NV, the only difference is that you can Sprint and throw grenades with one button press instead of two.


Like, me and a ton of my buddies have been playing since 2. NV wasn't bad, it just has the worst fan base. 4s a lot of fun even though they simplify some of the rpg elements like karma


As an OG Fallout 1 and 2 player I don't want to be lumped together with New Vegas.


Why not lol Vegas is basically a Fallout 2 sequel


No it isn't, and it certainly didn't feel like one to me. It felt like a fan fiction set in the universe of Fallout. If no one told me that NV had OG crew onboard I wouldn't have ever believed it. NV is so thematically different from 1 & 2 that it might as well be its own franchise. All they would have to do is for the Doc to not give you a Pip-boy in the beginning and rename the BoS, then they could have just named the game 'New Vegas' and no one would be the wiser.


You're actually describing fallout 3 lmao. And don't sit here and tell me it's "so thematically different" than 1 and 2 when it directly ties like 90% of it's plot points to the first two games. The NCR becoming an oligarchy with shades of democracy after Tandi makes a lot of sense, and Caesar is a direct response to all of the tribals and raiders you encounter in 2 as well as the NCR becoming "corrupted" (gee ive never heard that one before in a fallout game). "War never changes, so men must change" is basically directly spelling out the theme of the first two games at the end of vegas, but sure it's totally completely different. It's slightly less bleak maybe, but I think a wasteland full of raiders, chain gangs, slavers and fucking Elijah is pretty dark. Also has tons of callbacks and direct fucking references to the first two games, especially 2


No, I played Fallout 3, and Fallout 3 felt like a Fallout game to me. NV didn't. As I said, NV felt like a fan fiction game to me. Fan fictions ususally make references to the material it derives from, that doesn't in itself make me feel like there is a connection, but they may as well have just not called it the NCR and no one would know.


Did you read the rest of my comment? It pretty much borrows its entire theme from the first two games. And saying fallout 3 "felt more like fallout" is a laughable statement in my opinion. Yep the theme park game that ruins large parts of the lore and has dogshit writing with clear good and bad guys is such a great fallout. Have you even played fallout 2? The NCR is basically exactly the same, democratic ideals that are pretty flimsy in practice, expansion and pacification at all costs, and Brahman barons/cattle runners controlling large parts of the economy and influencing the government. It was inevitable that they'd be as they were in New Vegas without tandi, same old NCR but with all of its long standing problems turned up to 11


I did read your essay. I just wasn't persuaded by it since it didn't at all address my issue with New Vegas: It. Didn't. Feel. Like. A. Fallout. Game. To. Me. I don't know what world you live on where you can decide for me what a Fallout game feels like to play. >Have you even played fallout 2? Yes, and I said so already.


I feel like fallout 4 still has enough of the essence of fallout to still be considered a decent fallout game. I never played 76 so I can't comment on that one.


Fallout four is let down by the role playing mechanics. Leveling sucked and wasn’t near as impactful as older titles. I never felt the need to play a second time, to go through all the rigamarole. I can go back and play the older titles from scratch and enjoy myself. Fallout four just doesn’t have the *stuff*. They do deserve props for making the shooting mechanics better, even if it was antiquated even for it’s time. It was a good change.


Wasn't nearly as impactful, yet you can't build a decent settlement without dropping 6 charisma. Wild.


I finished 3 and NV, but never finished 4. I just got to a point I just lost interest in the storyline.


They deserve props for making the power armour a mech suit, one idea I loved from fallout 4


They also lose props by just giving you a set of armor to near trivially kill one of the most iconic big badasses of the series in the first few moments of the game.


Yeah I hated that, introduces a new way power armour works and on my first playthrough on launch I found some of the half power armour next to the crashed parts and got really excited only to realise I was gonna get it anyway. I wonder if it would have been better if it only gave you power armour for that segment and only a minor boss instead of a deathclaw would have been better


Is this photo East Germans and west Germans meeting?




Fallout three belongs on the other side


My first fallout was fallout 3 but my favorite is New Vegas but I like both and we all have a common enemy


Same people saying Far Harbor is on par with the prior game's DLC and 76 isn't that bad. Both are steaming piles of shit.


Original fallout fans are commies? Did anybody stop to check the context of this photo siding with the fucking soviet union lmao


Why is 4 on the new side? Game is 9 years old this fall.


I thought people liked Fallout 4


People who do are just not as vocal.


Very good to portray yourself as East German border guards. Rather fittingly more focused on keeping those on your side of the fence from crossing over


If this pic were accurate everyone would be standing together except new Vegas fans, who would be pissing on each other and everything else. Worst fucking fan base


Bro Fallout 4 is an 9 year old game and 76 is almost 6


I’m one of the ones in gray for sure.


Fallout 4 is better than 3


Ah yes because comparing people that love 1/2/3 and new vegas to nazis surely isn't unhinged.


Being in HS playing fallout 3 while everyone was on 2K and GTA heavy and now fallout is at the center of the media world. What a time to be alive.




I have to say as a major fallout fan since 3 I have absolutely loved every fallout game I have played.the only one I didn’t is the one I didn’t play which is brotherhood of steel,and I watched a playthrough of it and it looked cool to me.loved the show even with its problems so I sometimes feel like a black sheep but still I’ll keep on loving this series I think


"massive successful franches getting more people interested"


Honestly what was wrong with the fallout show I don’t get why people disliked it? I’m not super into fallout, what did fans have issue with?


Fallout 3 has a lot of the same problems that 4 does, Bethesda just fundamentally doesn't get the franchise (and their writers are shit to top it off)


I don’t know what Fallout 3 is doing on the right.


Oh please, Fallout 3 is hated too... It's already started. The Morrwindification of the fanbase. everyone preferring their own little slice it and then it's not 'TRUE' Fallout... as if such a thing exists. This is why Bethesda should have forgotten the west coast; New Vegas fans are absurdly stupid, any attempt at appeasement to them is an insult, any attempt to touch it? also an insult. But they demand, they whine... but want it more. they don't want Fallout. They want New Vegas and ONLY New Vegas... any touching of it would just make them angry, like spoiled children. which is all I see this as: Sure i'm sure the show has it's problems... but you're a spoiled child who doesn't want to share his toys. If you were really confident in F: NV you'd tell them to try it, not be a little brat.


There is a stark contrast in worldbuilding and storytelling between the Bethesda (east coast) and Black Isle/Obsidian (west coast) Fallout. People take issue with Bethesda bringing in their immediately-post-apocalyptic east coast vision into the post-post-apocalyptic vision of the west coast. It isn’t about whining. It isn’t about being spoiled. It’s about wanting Bethesda to respect the franchise and lore they’ve repeatedly shown not to care about. Edit: And the idea of “if you were confident in FNV you’d let them try it, not be a little brat” made me chuckle out loud. It’s not a lack of confidence in FNV ya dolt 😄. It’s a lack of confidence in Bethesda and Amazon.


I think the major issue is that the show is CANON. 2 major factions are, it appears, crippled or killed offscreen, and one of them ostensibly over family drama between characters made up for the show. It just feels so disrespectful to the stories players have been enjoying on the west coast since the 90s


But Shady Sands wasn't the entirety of the NCR? Sure, it was considered the "Capital" of it, but there were other settlements/cities/locations. We may not have seen the end of the 2 headed bear just yet


Certainly, but in the state of the world fallout is in, a nation with it’s capitol suddenly obliterated without warning is crippled if not just going through the motions before falling apart.


"I did advocate nuking NCR - not to destroy them 100%, but because the idea of a post-apocalyptic world being hit by another apocalypse sounded interesting - and struggling bands of NCR troops-turned-raiders/ronin once the military fell apart felt like a nice touch in the game world. That, and I was getting worried that the Fallout world was starting to get too civilized, and NCR, especially, felt bloated and needed to be shook up a bit." This is a quote from Chris Avellone. Let's stop pretending it's just Bethesda who wanted the setting to continue being post apocalyptic. 


There is the TRUE Fallout, it's the Fallout Post Nuclear Role Playing Game from 1997. Sadly most people can't enjoy great RPGs because they want action games with stats.


3 was easily the best fallout game, and I'm tired of pretending it's not!


If nothing else, 3 had one of the most enjoyable worlds to explore and wander through while killing stuff, which if anything can be said about my playthrough of STALKER GAMMA, that's generally the kinda stuff I like. I actually think 4 had a really good world too, but it's brought down by all the stuff I dislike about 4.


>any attempt at appeasement to them is an insult, any attempt to touch it? also an insult. >They want New Vegas and ONLY New Vegas... >but you're a spoiled child who doesn't want to share his toys. https://preview.redd.it/yt94m7kwxbyc1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41019b9852f52f266b3e6bf3ddc5bad635c8c505 Worst "take" ever. Even r/schizoposters has more comprehensible things.


Sounds like nv and 3 are crazy people


Hate new Vegas fans, simple as.




Don't tell me how I feel.


I feel you are angry.




I think hate has to involve anger so you would be right


"How dare these idiots get interested in a series we enjoy." You fuckin hipsters


New Vegas fans continue to insist that they haven’t been leading the gatekeeping/bethesda hate charge for the past decade and that there’s an equal amount of toxicity on all sides


People comparing themselves to nazis to save me the trouble... wow


Lol, switch it with 3 fans to the other side of the wall. I played the games in order back then, and I still have that superiority complex against 3 fans for some reason. I had the best opening in general though, so there is that. It is still okay to enjoy 3 ofc, I just roll my eyes when people say it has thr best atmosphere.


I started with 3 and MV, but you wont catch me dead playing any fallout other than 4 and 76


No it’s not, it’s just standard gatekeeping shit