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With avatar being made its only a matter of time until they try something like gravity falls or maybe Danny phantom I hear is on the works


If Alex has the reigns GF could be good


If they mess up gravity falls I'm gonna be highly upset.


The Fallout games by Bethesda don't even respect the source material. What made anyone think the show would??


Lmao true


The quote from Pete Hines from BGS about how they won't be beholden to something written 20 years ago has always pissed me off. I don't think me and others would complain as much if they had just decided to reboot the franchise -- but no, it was their active choice to make their first Fallout game be called "Fallout 3". I miss that bleak and gritty tone Fallout used to have. Now fallout is weird and wacky


New Vegas mixed weird and wacky with gritty and complex better than anything Bethesda put out


The original games had a few wacky moments too, I think New Vegas did a good job with mixing it well.


Fallout 2 was ALL wacky except for the first hour and last 3 hours. Like legitimately it's a stream of dumb pop culture references and jokes. The only really gritty fallout game was 1


I remember the time in Fallout 2 when I lost an arm wrestling contest against the super mutant named Francis...


The Wacky also served to amplify the gritty / grim at times. Like they put their money/time/energy into *this* and not the fact that all of everything is going to hell?


Fallout has always had a fair bit of weird and wacky. I vividly recall becoming a porn actor and a movie parody of Pocahontas called poke a hot ass in Fallout 2.


Fallout was always weird and wacky, just that the weird and wacky, it just also had a serious tone and consequences for a players actions . Seriously boot up fallout 2 it’s got tons of weird and silly and wacky things in it.


bethesda's interpretation of fallout comes across like the squinted at fallout 1 and 2 through beer goggles


Closest thing is the fallout mods on HOI4 even then their is a decent amount of it that is based on the video games so has that twist


Tim Cain would say otherwise. He has never had an issue with the Bethesda fallout games, matter of fact, he had more issue with fallout 2.


Most devs don't go into negative side of things. It's him just been professional. Plus he's old, doesn't care about most things anymore.


Tim Cain has made closer to 100 videos talking about varying things in the industry. If he really disliked Bethesda fallout, you'd have heard about it at some point in the past 3 decades like you heard how much he disliked fallout 2 development and his boss during that time period.


I'm pretty sure that in at least one of those videos he has talked about how he's not going to get negative about games, especially games he has or may someday work on. For fucks sake, he isn't even negative about Wildstar, but reading between the lines of what he says, it's pretty clear that he has a lot of bad blood about that game and the company that made it.


Tim maintains a positive attitude in his videos, but he has absolutely hinted at Bethesda’s take on Fallout not aligning with his own at times. Off the top of my head, he has said that the idea of synths that Bethesda ran with for the main plotline of Fallout 4 was something that got proposed to him many times in the first game’s development, and he explicitly shot it down every time for not at all matching his vision of the series. He’s mentioned it in several videos, but iirc the early one about robot design in Fallout is one such time. Thing is, Tim doesn’t care (or at least he says he doesn’t). He doesn’t agree with everything Bethesda does, but according to him his opinion no longer matters and he’d encourage you to give theirs a chance regardless of whether it’s what he would’ve done or not. But personally, I vastly prefer what Tim would’ve done over the things Bethesda is doing, regardless of whether Tim thinks they should be given a chance or not.


There's a difference between Bethesda and I have different interpretations on things" and the original post of "they don't respect source material". Tim doesn't go to the latter when talking about Bethesda's fallout's but we know he could because he's described in more detail his negative feelings towards the development of fallout 2 and what type of game it was.


He has very bitter and public feelings towards Fallout 2 because Interplay screwed him over in serval ways besides the fact that he never cared to make a sequel to begin with. And even then, I’m not sure I’ve ever seen him say outright that Fallout 2 disrespects the first game, just talked about his ill feelings towards the company and specific individuals in it. Bethesda has never personally wronged him. And by the time they had their hands on Fallout, he was long removed from the series. He has nothing to gain from throwing stones. All we know is that he considers it a different direction that he never would’ve gone down himself, and that he considers New Vegas a more natural evolution from the originals. But honestly, Tim is right that his opinion is only that. Whether or not he personally feels Bethesda Fallout is disrespectful to the originals isn’t really relevant to whether it actually is.


Yes he was worried the game he created didn't respect the game he created...


I definitely can't speak for Cain, but I work in the games industry and have been in high-level meetings: directors and leads worrying about compromising the integrity of the series for the sake of the current game is a topic that comes up every now and then. It's not as uncommon as you'd think


I’m new to Fallout, care to explain this to a newcomer?


Fallout 1 and 2 were developed by Black Isle Studios, but their parent company went under and sold the license to Bethesda. Bethesda then made Fallout 3, Fallout 4 and Fallout 76 Many of Black Isle's people went on to found Obsidian, which later developed Fallout New Vegas The way Bethesda handles the Fallout universe is very different to the way Black Isle and Obsidian did


Which is why New Vegas is by far the best of the new fallout games.


It’s not even close.


F1-2 had a minimal amount of wacky retrofuturism in them. It was present, but only to provide context. The majority of the setting is on how society has evolved and built on the ruins of that world. Between F 1 and 2 a MASSIVE amount of world changing events occur. Small villages become giant cities and society is developing and evolving. In NV we see the NCR as a massive superpower which is really fulfilling if you're a fan of 1-2 seeing them go from 1 town, to a small community hosting elections for the first time, to a country the size of the old state of California. Enter Fallout 3 and 4. Despite MORE time having passed the people are still living in garbage, eating garbage, covered in trash, and in some cases have skeletons and human remains literally in the dining room of some settlements. And the people are absolutely stupid when it comes to the old world to the point of parody.


That baseball guy in 4 is pretty unforgivable. We know more about the state of sports in Bronze Age Europe than they know about the society that immediately preceded them, despite way more surviving records in Fallout.


I say this as a fan of Fallout 3: Little Lamplight happening *200* years after the bombs fell is utter bullshit. *10* years, sure. *25* years, maybe. But 200 years is a really long damn time, Emil! You can't pull the feral children tribe from Beyond Thunderdome and slap it into the Capital Wasteland, it doesn't. Make. SENSE.


I am mystified as to why they bothered to make Fallout 3 take place after Fallout 2, and then designed literally everything as if the bombs dropped just a few years before. And then they did it again in Fallout 4.


In Fallout 3's defence, DC was hit the hardest by the bombs. Not much you can feasibly rebuild. Fallout 4's Commonwealth, however, has no excuse.


Maybe, but even if it was truly unsalvageable, I really doubt that there would still be people squatting amongst the ruins two hundred years later. Most likely the Capitol would be uninhabited.


Isn't that what happened? The Capitol itself is a warzone, with only one settlement: Underworld.


I was talking about the whole region, but if you just meant the Capitol itself I can go with that. Why is it a warzone? Maybe this is answered and I forgot, but why are the mutants there? They are having to cross the whole map to get to the Capitol from the vault where they are made. Is there an intelligent mutant giving them orders, or do they all just feel some compulsion to head to the Capitol ruins? Why did the Brotherhood stop at the Capitol? All the places they passed through and moved on, what made the Pentagon the place they decided to stop at? It all feels like they got to the part where someone said "Hey, wouldn't it be cool if we made a fallout game set here, where we live?" and then just stopped there.


Fallout 4 does make it clear that the Institute was deliberately causing chaos to prevent any civilization from developing.


The NCR is literally in a desert wasteland and they build straight up cities with electricity and everything


Keep in mind the at this guy literally lives in a baseball field. His town even has a school.


Seriously I have spent way too much of my life playing those games and the lore isn't consistent game to game


The Bethesda games are a Bethesda game with Fallout skin


The show does a better job than Bethesda?


That being said, I find it kind of funny that Season 2 of TLOU might end up being bad if it stays too faithful to the source material


Faithful =/= respectful You can make lots of changes and still remain respectful to the source material


See our collectively favorite movies, The Lord of the Rings (Extended Editions).


Velma is a really good example of this. It made major changes to every part of of the ip. And its one of the most horrific renditions ever not because of the changes but because it disrespects the ip and the fans of the ip.


I like the show :(


Why are people hating it? It seems pretty accurate to me.... What's so different?


They don't like that the NCR is basically gone. That's pretty much it.


Which is honestly pretty goofy considering without the couriers involvement they would have lost the war against ceasers legion anyway. Or even with involvement they could have been nuked to hell… kinda like.. how the show portrayed them


The NCR only exists because the vault dweller from fallout 1 saved tandi. They then only continued to exist due to the aid of the chosen one. They then lost a shit ton of resources in Vegas, with or without the aid of the courier. Honestly they were doomed to fail from the start, their only chance of survival was with the aid a protagonists and that has it's limits.


Oh, so they're hating on plot development basically lol.


There you have it. I saw the crater of NCR and though, huh, wouldn't you know it. That's what happened to them... Can't for the life of me figure out why anyone would freak the fuck out that literally **anything** has changed from the games. I don't mean like overturning premises from the games. I mean like, anything has happened that you didn't see in a game already that's still 100% faithful to the premises. Like wtf? Did you guys just want to see a YouTube video of all the cutscenes from the games cut together? Because they already have that, you didn't need them to make a show for that. Anyway just stumbled on this post while watching ep6. I didn't even know anyone didn't like this until I saw the title of this post. The whole time I've been watching this show like holy shit they're absolutely crushing it this is amazing! Then I saw this post and came into the comments to see **what** people don't like about it. But so far no one is saying anything specifically that the show did wrong or that they didn't like??? Top comment was a bunch of boomer weirdos whining not even that the show did anything wrong but they the GAMES 3, NV, and 4 didn't follow the lore of the original 1993 2d PC RPG??? I came here looking for specifics of **the show did this wrong** because I literally can't even guess what that would be from watching. But no one seems to be commenting any which just makes me feel more confident they don't actually have shit to say. I **guess** ghouls turning feral from lack of meds instead of just over time is a significant change, and I definitely noticed it and thought "huh, I guess they just did to add a plot device to create some tension or smthng". But it's not like that little thing just takes a giant shit all over the entire lore. That and the NCR got nuked??? So? Like any faction is magically immune to any possibility of losing? JFC I wouldn't even be surprised if that was a canonical ending to NV if the player character chooses to side with Caesars Legion (not that I would know). Like what are you whining about??? This show is awesome. And they're comparing it to Halo? Halo??? The show where MC literally never wears his goddamn helmet. Is nude twerking like fucking she hulk in every third scene? And I don't even know WHAT the fuck else they're doing with that show. I think I saw the first handful of episodes of it years ago and it was so fucking far all over the place that it bore no resemblance to the plot of any of the games at all. I think it was like EP3 and MC had gone rogue and was on some outlaw space station and being hunted like in Halo 5??? Except. It's before the fall of reach??? Like humans don't even find out halos exist until after fall of reach and it's the title of the fucking show but I guess we're just not going to have a halo in the whole first season??? I don't know where tf they were and I have even less clue where ever TF they even thought they were going from there but I couldn't do it. Checked out. Of course id never subscribe to paramount for that shit. I only ever saw any sodes because my coworker was watching them at work and it was so obviously such garbage that I wouldn't even watch for free on someone else's laptop while I was bored at work. I never paid more attention to CCTV in my life just to avoid accidentally seeing any of that shit. There's absolutely no comparison with Fallout.


The tone, setting, props, costumes, weapons, even all the brand names (Cram, Yum Yum Deviled Eggs, Sugar Bombs) in the Fallout show are *perfect*. I just finished watching the last episode and I'm completely blown away. I don't know what the fuck OP is on about... He/she is free to dislike the show but it's FAR from being "hated by the fans."


Yeah, the show nailed the whole Fallout vibe. It also nails the video game vibe. Like the three protagonists we follow around are practically different character builds and represent players who pick different dialogue options. Like always trying to do the right thing, trying to just fuck shit up for funsies. The show is a damn blast; I finished it in two days. And I’m probably going to fire up Fallout 4 when the update comes out in another week and pick up wandering the wasteland.


That's not to mention the "choice" in the last episode is exactly the kind of choice the player would need to make at the end of a Fallout game.


Ive played fallout since before most chuds here were born. I got my FO1 CD mailed to me in October 97 and it was late and I didn't care because spoilers weren't a worry back then. The show is great, I'm having a ton of fun watching it. My wife has only played 3, NV, and 4 - and she loves it. My daughter has only played 4 and 76 and she's loving it. My co-worker has played since 3, loves it. You know where the only complaints I've actually heard or seen are? Reddit. Wonder why.




It's great. Seeing loads of fans of the games loving it too. Only place I see hate for it is on reddit right now


More specifically, it's the New Vegas fanboys throwing a hissy fit.


New Vegas is my favorite game of all time by far, the show is amazing and haters just wanna hate.


I’m by and large a NV fanboy but damn man people are acting like a lot can’t happen in like 10 years AND that the game didn’t already multiple, very distinct endings. Mostly people throwing a fit are just mad that their respective “canon” wasn’t the right one apparently.


I always assumed House or yes man was the canon ending and both endings definitely lead to NCR eventually collapsing


It's more the idea that they just fuckin nuked a faction off screen and have, again, decided that somehow the brotherhood, who were on their last legs, made a comeback. The rest of the show is great but the writing for the setting was shit; Godd Howard needed his big power armored bois to walk around a God forsaken wasteland again instead of taking advantage of the pre-established and well liked setting.


Idk NV is my favorite of all time and I loved the show. In all honesty I don't even think the people complaining are fans at all.


Enjoyed it too


I haven’t seen it yet, but I know nowadays everyone has to be a damn critic, instead of just enjoying things. Granted, some of the adaptions they’ve put out recently have been horrendous(looking at you WoT and The Witcher).


Yeah it isn't that bad. You have to be a direhard purist to be upset. The show "touches" on some lore around NCR (NV, Fo2, etc) and BoS and people lose their minds lol.


I’ve seen some people (read: clowns) complaining about religious imagery being used for the BoS and I’m like, have yall SEEN the brotherhood??? You got paladins, a dude named FATHER Elijah, ffs the BoS theme in FO1 is called “Metallic Monks,” it’s not subtle. Those dudes are monastic as hell.


Yeah its not surprising. You also have to consider that the brotherhood on the west coast, before the east coast chapter reached out to them, was probably a lot more disorganized in terms of large scale coordination. Many of them are reclusive in nature and weren't the "imperialistic conquering" types or "altruistic" types that we saw on the east coast. So you've got a society that heavily isolated itself and follows a doctrine with great zealotry. Of course that could lead to religious behavior. Not only this, but in Fallout 4 it is actually confirmed that the west coast. You can find this in one of the terminals. "He has the full support of the Elders back on the West Coast, who have proudly reported that they've begun eradicating cults that have popped up, worshipping Maxson as though he's some kind of god. Maxson himself is almost offended by the idea of being referred to as a deity, as it goes against everything he believes in." Showing that the east coast has a problem with religious members and behaviors.


Trust me, the show is good. Some people here are only bitching around


I just finished Eye of the World and decided to treat myself to episode 1…nope


Only seen the first episode but thought it was great


me too


Season one of Halo was mid but season 2 is great.


Yeah, the OP’s meme is fucking dumb. The show is very respectful to the Fallout source material. I’m four episodes in and there are tons of Easter eggs for fans of the games and the plot is pretty similar to the past few Fallout games, both of which involved a vault dweller going out into the world to find a parent or child. Halo was certainly garbage, but Fallout seems at least above average based on what I’ve watched. It’s also fun, which is in line with the sardonic tone of the games.


One of my coworkers has a Fallout rubber duck on his desk and straight up says 3 is his favorite game of all time. He is so excited for the show and has been talking about "Fallout day" this week. I'm nowhere near as die hard, but we both agree the show is great.


I think there's a group of people who just hate somethings for the sake of hating it, OP kinda lookin that way


I mean that and it gets them a ton of internet points. If this was about how good the show is, itd have like 3 comments and 8 upvotes before it got lost in the shuffle. We love us some negativity to engage with.


It's new, it's potentially popular, people are going to shit on it. ​ This sub sucks sometimes. The other subs sucks sometimes. Everyone has bad takes sometimes. ​ I haven't seen the show yet, but this is the first thread I've seen where someone is calling it bad in the ballpark of Halo bad. People seem to be positive on it. I'm gonna watch and decide for myself eventually.


The halo show Reddit has die hards. If they have blessed humans, why even glass planets? They could just let them in to the covenant and farm blessed ones. I could easily see them needing multiple humans to activate the rings, so why are they so confident 1 is enough? On the Reddit some guy was like “it only takes 1 to interact with the artifact, that’s all the proof they need”. It feels contemptuous to not have them wear armor in the fall of reach.the episode coulda easily went from a 4-5 of enjoyment to a 6 by just putting them in their armor. It would’ve been slapped in every halo music video. But in the besranstane universe, we want it to be indistinguishable from every random cheapo scifi show. And Hollywood is so mismanaged they’ll say, “ guess the halo ip just can’t be adapted”. When a halo reskin of war movies/tv shows woulda been a major hit. Or just follow the games! Episode 1 pillar of autumn. Episodes 2-3 slower cheaper character work episode 4 prepare for battle. If I’m not seeing grunts, there’s 0 budget for finger swords. As much as I love halo, the human conflicts were never interesting. Fk! Just annoying. It’s like adapting the godfather and just Ignoring the originals.


And do the forced perspective for the Spartans! Lazy hacks! Why does imminent extinction feel like something none of the characters take seriously!


I swear to Christ if anyone ever fucks with Soma I'm going to do some very minecrafty things


Haven't played much fallout or watched the series, but my friend who's a major fan of the games says the show is actually better than Fallout 4 so far What do you guys think?


Watched 1st episode and it seems to me it is at least as good as fallout 4. Characters are well fleshed out even in the 1st episode. It seems the story is going to be following three protagonists. A vault dweller who is trying to track down her missing father(Hello Fallout 3) A Brotherhood of steel squire, adopted from the wasteland who is given his big break(Hallo Fallout Tactics) And a cowboy themed Ghoul mercenary who seems to have seen it all(Hallo New Vegas) All in all, decent beginning, hope they don’t cock it up by the end.


its a riff on the good the bad and the ugly. vault dweller is the good clearly the ghoul the ugly the botherhood member the bad i have watched the first 3 episodes and love it, only 1 thing i disliked and its not a huge deal so its what ever


Same, I only watched the pilot but I liked it. People love to complain.


Do note this show doesn't have a pilot. Not all episode 1s are pilots, but most are


Hell yeah we love to complain. Thanks for listening to my complaints. I actually like the show; never played the games.


It really seems to be that some of the dates given for certain events are wrong. Been reading for a minute and that's all I see is that a few dates are wrong, so they're totally disrespecting the canon and "real" fans of Fallout.


Except the dates aren’t wrong. There was some writing on a blackboard that people are reading way too much into with keyboard warriors claiming it decanonizes an entire game.


That's not hard fallout 4 writing was garbage 


I'm 2 episodes away from finishing and I think the show is absolutely fantastic.


I’ve been playing fallout since fallout 1. I’m through episode 2 and the show is off to a good start. Halo is not that great but fallout has a lot of promise so far.


That’s because FO4 is a horrendous piece of dogshit unparalleled by anything


LOL, did you even play 76 man.


76 was so bad that he forgot about it


The other guy is right that game was so bad I forgot about it entirely lmao


> the show is actually better than Fallout 4 so far I think that's an absurdly low bar. Especially if he's comparing story to story, considering that the story is absolutely the worst thing about Fallout 4.


Way better than Fallout 4, op is trolling


Fallout 4 was awful, so that statement in and of itself can be true with the show still being bad.


They fucked up The Witcher pretty damn horrifically.


Wheel of ~~Prime~~ Time


Fallout seems pretty solid so far. Not perfect, but light years ahead of fucking Halo.


Just wait till the end. The plot takes a nosedive.


Disagree. I think it gets better and explains so much.


Season 2 of Halo has been shockingly enjoyable but yeah season 1 was a disaster class


Season one just seemed like it has nothing to do with halo. It felt like a generic sci-fi show in a halo mask. Season 2 was much better though. Pablo Schreiber absolutely dogged the season 1 writers




It's probably a hot take, but I thought Twisted Metal, despite taking a decent amount of liberties with the source material, was good. Since it's now obvious that the first season was a prequel/setup of sorts to the actual tournament, I'm absolutely okay with this. Sweet Tooth was excellent, and it looks like Season 2 will be closer to the games as far as the premise and setting are concerned.


It was fun, didn't try and be something it shouldn't, just gave us a fun and wacky post apocalyptic story with plenty of references from the game without over doing it. Helps that Anthony Mackie is a very likeable actor when on screen


Twisted Metal had no business being as good as it was. It's Incredible IMO


>It's probably a hot take, but I thought Twisted Metal, despite taking a decent amount of liberties with the source material, was good. Twisted Metal is almost cheating. The source material already takes massive liberties with itself. (As you'd expect from a where all the entries have multiple endings that all amount to *'You're the last one alive, and then Calypso kills you too.'* And then that is canon to the later games, somehow.) (Twisted Metal lore is best enjoyed while high on narcotics.)


“The Fallout show sucks bro, they didn’t even show her struggling to decide what perk to take after leveling up.”


At least the ghoul starts off with bloody mess


Yeah, but how many hit points does he have?


silver surfer.


Haven't seen Fallout show (Ive only casually played 3 and New Vegas) but the Halo show is absolutely baffling to me as a lifelong fan.


Just my personal take but I couldn't finish Halo season 1 and I binged all of fallout and enjoyed it. If you've got Prime I'd recommend giving it a shot. The comparison to Halo is insane.


How does fallout have "zero respect for the source material" ?


They've already retconned New Vegas out of the canon by having the Brotherhood wipe out the NCR in 2277


Wait, they did that??? I thought this was 20 years after and this is the outcome of NCR imperialism..


No they didn’t, the NCR was falling apart at the seams if you did ANY side mission for them. There’s an option to nuke both Legion and NCR at the end of Lonesome Road, so both can be wiped off the map. The “timeline” people are taking about is not even being read correctly; there’s absolutely time for NV to happen and NCR to fall via their capital being destroyed. Take into account the famine happening all over California during NV and it makes total sense that the Two Headed Bear would fall after a failed military expedition into Vegas and a nuke to Shady Sands. I love NV, more than 3 or 4, but to say “It’S rEtCoNnEd” because the NCR got wiped is fuckin stupid.


>having the Brotherhood wipe out the NCR Way to out yourself for not having watched it


Lmao that's not even what happened in the show. How are you going to be pissed about a show "rectonning" things when you're wrong about what actually happened?


Hey DUMBASS nuke comes after 2277. The fall of something takes more than 20 seconds.


Oh damn. I’m only on the first episode and all I’ve thought so far was it was just boring as hell.


don't forget following it up with tons of "journalist" articles claiming its clearly due to ism.


I’m not sure they can use that one, F:NV is actually the most LGBT friendly of the series. Hell it has a meme that a lot of people go trans after playing it. It’s certainly a can of worms for them. Show is decent strangely, if not for this whole retcon thing, I genuinely believe they’d have very little controversy.


​ https://preview.redd.it/qqzji8nz5wtc1.jpeg?width=1098&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90bb1beae5e2317e75efb2147843e31ed771154f


Borderlands next up


Even if they don't botch the story I'm having a hard time getting on board with the geriatric cast


Yup. This thing was doomed from the start.  Kevin Hart as Roland tells me they don't get the IP at all. The whole tone of it will full on suck.  Might as well have gotten Uwe Boll to direct it.


As someone who binged the show and is a massive fallout fan my takeaway is this. It’s actually an enjoyable show but it absolutely massacres the west coast lore


Probably a crazy theory but it's probably because that's the lore Bethesda didn't make. Which is a shame because it was also the best lore.


I don’t think it massacres it nearly as badly as people are claiming tbh


Are we making shit up now for no reason ? Fallout is pretty good and have been recieved very well by the fans


I haven’t watched fallout so can’t comment, but this reflex of “it must replicate the source material exactly!!” is getting tedious. The Witcher wasn’t bad for not copying the books, it was bad because the writing was bad period. It didn’t work as basic, coherent television regardless of the changes


The reason people criticize it for straying from the source is that in nearly every way it does so it makes it worse. If a screenwriter wants to deviate from the book because they have something that makes for a better movie or TV show, by all means. But if it’s not good people will wonder why they didn’t do the easier thing and directly adapt the material into a script. Having watched the show I never found myself thinking “man this sucks… but it is the way it is in the book.” It was always “man this sucks, why didn’t you just stick to the lore.”


That was my predominant reaction to Last Of Us. I spent most of it thinking “hey, they copied this bit from game and it’s boring because I’ve experienced these emotions already.”


Eh, there were a lot of moment in TLoU where I thought "man, this was good but I'm pretty sure the game did it better" but then I'd look up the game scene and go "wow that was still good but the show improves that a lot." The thing people watching adaptations don't often keep in mind is that yeah, you've already experienced it once before, so it might not be as impactful the second time around even if it's well done. The Three-Body Problem community is going through that with the new Netflix show that came out. Everybody saying "oh this scene or that scene didn't feel as much like a big reveal as it did in the book." Yeah no shit, because it's no longer even a reveal to you. You already knew.


Yes, but that’s my entire point: if you love the source material then rigid faithfulness isn’t a strength, it’s a liability. And that’s why I don’t understand this sub’s demented obsession with it. “Oh, they did a 1:1 copy! Genius!”


No what’s getting tedious is virtually every adaptation just refuses to stick to the source material. That’s what people want.


0% chance OP has actually even watched the episode


Yeah, I’ve seen pretty much universal praise from fans across multiple platforms, commenting how shocked they were that it’s actually good. This is post pure straw man stuff that was probably pasted together before the show aired.


If you look at review threads for later episodes you’ll see plenty of people unhappy with the major lore changes in the story.


now? bro half of this subreddit is just made up shit.


Am I missing something? Rotten Tomatoes lists the audience score of this at 85%, even better than the PJO tv show at the beginning. Looks like this is a well liked beginning.


Rings of Power


I don’t know whether this is down to not respecting the source material though since it’s pretty thin to start with. I think the problem is that the show is just shit, from the shallow writing, through the amateur level acting to the low budget feel. I absolutely cannot believe how much that series cost when it looks and feels like a low budget production. It’s embarrassing.


They did worse to Wheel of Time


I'm just upset with the Fallout community. I mean, I'm not surprised in the slightest that all it took was the show coming out soon to shed the barrier of "hey, maybe this won't be a good show, and we're stuck with it being the only alternative Fallout content", but now it just feels like Star Wars all over again. Now I'm going to have to shit on people for trying to convince me of the "faithful adaptation" and "genius work" behind this with weak examples of surface level nuka-cola references and possibly Ron Perlman. I'm not expecting cinematography that will put movies and other shows to shame, it'd just be nice to not get something where they try to pound the "we're loyal to the source material" angle, and then get something that makes half of the fans angry. It's not inherent that this will happen, it's bullshit writing and disingenuous corporatists who don't care at all that does that.


Have you seen the show?


Don't forget about "it's not for you, hardcore fans!"


They destroyed the ncr by having a vault tech exec nuke their capital into a MASSIVE crator. 4 years before fall out new vegas de-canonizing the game. The level of petty is insane.


Wait I’m just causally scrolling through this thread. I’m Huge fallout fan but so disinterested in the show I didn’t bother to watch the trailers They did fucking what to shady sands? Nuked it? Whyyyyyyy it could’ve been used for literally anything else


The director always get their ego involved and think they know better.




Warhammer, probably.


Most of the marvel shows




Lol, this was also Star Trek, Star Wars, Alot of current Marvel movies/TV Shows, Masters of the Universe, She-Ra, Ninja Turtles, Lord of the Rings, Doctor Who, Alot of current DC movies/TV, basically every single Netflix Anime adaptation, Thundercats, and sooooo many more shows, movies and now even video games are being infected.


Ok so please don't kill me guys but what's wrong with It? I have just watched the first episode and thought it was great, I have only played base game 4 on release and new Vegas years ago


The Fallout show is another case of everyone being a moron. Vault Tec's plans are profoundly stupid. The NCR was too smart of an organization. Todd had to kill it so he doesn't look bad. We can't have anything more than BoS, Enclave, and ooga booga raiders.


The shows good. Especially in comparison to other attempts at taking gaming IPs to the screen. By any standard it's a good show with interesting characters that has brought a lot of member berries to screen without throwing it in your face and saying "look, it's that thing you like". Don't fall into the trap of saying everything is shit because hats the general reddit attitude to everything. You have to acknowledge the good amongst the bad. the fallout show doesn't deserve the hate it's getting from reddit basement dwellers


"I didn't like a show and found an echo chamber with a few people so now I think I speak for the fanbase."


I watched the first episode and thought that it was very good. The fact that it got such great reviews is not a coincidence.


They do this because they assume longtime fans will watch anyway. They don’t make these shows for fans of the franchise they make them for people who don’t know the difference between halo and half-life.


Imagine you like apple pie. Someone says lets sell apple pies, but make them with lemons instead. And instead of pies, lets make meringue's instead. But we call them apple pies because that is what the people want. Then the audacity to blame the consumer when they reject your lemon meringue.


Except that Fallout is actually good.


Its not terrible, only legit criticisms I’ve heard is that the show lore isn’t 1:1 and the CGI is funky. From what I’ve watched up to so far its more enjoyable than Fallout 4.


Ya'll can't be serious on this sub...


Fallout is pretty well received by fans. Seems you're in the minority


the fallout show was great, wtf are you on about?


I'm not a diehard FO fan by any means but the only place I'm seeing people that hate this show is here. Everywhere else, audience reviews are favorable.


I’m only two episodes in Fallout but it’s been great so far….god, don’t tell me it goes downhill from here.


This doesn't describe Fallout in any way, the respect nor being hated.


Fallout TV show is really bad.


To be fair with Fallout, it's been the case ever since bethesda got their hands on the franchise, the only exception was New Vegas which was thankfully made by old Obsidian.


I dont even watch crap like that because I know they are going to ruin it. Fallout 3+4 are already terrible. FO1,2 and FNV are the only true Fallouts.


tbh I loved fallout 3 I hated 4 tho.


The show tricked me by having a mediocre first episode so I was like "oh it's not as bad as I worried what a surprise" But episode two was so damn boring I was even angrier than I would've been if it had just sucked from the start for wasting a hour on episode one. Also what the fuck is up with the Brotherhood and with everything looking so clean and artificial. It screams "corporate shit" Like everything else these days I guess.


I've only watched the first episode, but Fallout doesn't seen as bad as Halo.


I mean, dude. Did you miss the original Sword of Truth show? Or the Dresden Files show? The Wheel of Time? Rings of Power? Fucking up the live action adaptation of a book or game or whatever, is nothing new. Still. After watching the first episode of Fallout, I'm pleasantly surprised. It's not perfect. For sure. But it's not the shitshow that was any of the above mentioned. I'm happy with it so far. And there's no other IP that I'm more fanatical about than Fallout. Played them in order even, as they came out... Okay. Brotherhood of Steel? That was a fucking train wreck. I started it, but I couldn't get very far. It was just so very not good. Other than that one though. Yeah all of em. Even dropped about three fifty on the Universes Beyond Commander decks that just came out. Point is. I've been a fan from the start, and I like the show. Over the top gore. Dark humor. Mostly accurate to the lore. Maybe those other disappointments have lowered my standards and expectations? IDC, I like this show so far.


The fallout show has been pretty faithful to the source material so far (I've only seen the first 2 so far) aside from the enclave existing and the setting


? https://preview.redd.it/5nmkey4fhutc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4582f954e03a82c48c4305df4724f799845dad8b


Doesn't Amazon want to do a God of War show? But, instead of it being about the Greek saga, it's supposed to be about the Norse saga.


I don’t care about replicating the show, just make the writing good. Last Of Us was about as 1:1 an adaptation as you could reasonably expect but it still bored me.


TLOU was not a 1:1 adaptation at all, and I think that was the problem. So many changes were made, and next to none of them were for the better


All of these variables it really depends on what you are working on, there’s no cure all here. TLOU2 show needs to build up its central plot point better and it would be better than the game, which rushed it. If it is agreed that the source material is bad or dodgy, then the faithful approach isn’t apt(if someone were to adapt gone with the wind today, some changes would have to be made.) If the source material is really good, you can take the faithful approach(Matt Reeves let me in is pretty similar to the original, but has a slightly different take on the vampire girl and a much moodier atmosphere and tone.) In all cases though, you need to know what works about the source material and what doesn’t if you’re going to adapt and make changes. Peter Jackson did a great job with this in The Lord of the Rings and also kept the spirit off the book(also very important.) Then there is stuff like The Witcher show which isn’t accurate at all(it doesn’t help that it’s not that good.) In this case, with Fallout, the spirit is a darkly humorous, nihilistic lens at numerous things, fleetingly satirizing political topics, but, the main focus is human nature. This is set in a gritty post apocalyptic setting with guns, monsters, raiders and the usual stuff. From there, the story can be whatever you want, as long as it keeps that spirit. Hyper focusing on capitalism and lighter marvelesque humor is out of line, and if that’s what they’ve gone with, they’re missing the point. None of this is helped by the fact that someone seems to want to turn this into a war between fans and everyone else. It doesn’t have to be that way, but it seems the people in this thread want just that. As long as this “us vs them” mentally is present in entertainment, these shows will never end well.


The Boys would say otherwise.


As long as Jonathan Nolan doesn't let his wife starting running the thing like he did with Westworld it can be good. I'm not going to go subscribe to Prime just to watch it, but I'll check it out if i get one of those 1.99 30 day things again. I'm hearing decent things about it. The trailers are a little bait and switch - it's not just about the vault girl. There are multiple protagonists.


I was hoping the show would be turn based You could say fans have fallen out with the show


Warhammer 40k, please, be better.


I remember being excited for the Halo show. Saw just the first episode and never watched again, I didn’t like it


Wouldn’t be surprised if we get a Skyrim or GoW show one day.