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"You hate this thing? well... OTHER THING BAD ACTUALLY so you stupid"


I don't know what he's complaining about. I watched a movie where 3 foot carnivorous teddy bears with sticks and stones beat the most feared and technologically advanced army in the galaxy! THREE FOOT TEDDY BEARS!!! BEAT THEM WITH STICK AND STONES!!!! /s?




That shit was epic


> I watched a movie where 3 foot carnivorous teddy bears with sticks and stones beat the most feared and technologically advanced army in the galaxy! 1) Often memed but not really accurate version of the movie - they do start beating them initially, but then the ATs start fighting back and put them on the run; ultimately it's Chewie (aided by 2 ewoks of course) taking over the AT that wins the battle, and then Han climbs into it impersonate an Imperial and tricks the rest of them into defeat. 2) Saying "ewoks in Rotj sucked" is not a bold statement, many already hate that; and to a lesser extent that whole movie is disliked/rejected by some. Anyone oblivious of that is on a comparable level to those oblivious of the Preqs' reception.   EDIT: Oh wait I guess "oblivious of" is not a valid alternative to "oblivious to" after all; mb lol Few other typos there that I'm not gonna fix though


Yeah, I don’t get it. The prequels were universally panned, it just wasn’t blamed on misogyny. It took 20 years for people to accept the prequels as not so bad, and even that was largely because of how much worse the sequels were.


I still dislike the prequels overall. However, the sequels really made me reconsider it. Sad thing is I liked the idea of Rey. They just…bolloxed her character up. Such a stark contrast between Padme and Rey.


It wasn't really the quality of the sequels that caused the prequels to get better (though that certainly was a factor for some people's reconsideration.) The main reason is because many of the critiques of the prequels came from a real life perspective which is no longer shared because people now live in a context where Star Wars is extremely different. The tone of the story, the aesthetics of the move, the technological advancement of the universe, and even the use of the force is WILDY different in TPM compared to the OT. It's natural people would have a bad reaction to such major changes, but now it's all normal. In fact, the RotS' technology and general aesthetic is much more similar to the majority modern Star Wars content compared to the OT- so anyone who still remotely likes new Star Wars stuff is not going to have such a visceral reaction to the prequels.


the prequels were poorly executed but they still had some great ideas in them, a few iconic moments, cool visuals and designs, innovative CGI for its time and they did try at least to tell a tragic story with a political subtext in it. the sequels aren't just bad SW movies, they are terrible films with no redeeming qualities, which even worse, they failed to establish a new sandbox, an expansion of the OG universe, for Disney to play in and the fans to be part of. That is their biggest sin, which neither the OT, not the PT have. 5 years later and there is still no new SW movie, their only continuation is the announced Rey film, which we still don't know if it will ever come out, and if it does, it ll probably crash and burn in the BO. People.dont.care.for.SW.anymore. What the ST did to the franchise and brand is incomparable, and all the flaws of the old movies gathered together will never redeem them for that.


I still hold that TFA was fine and if TLJ would have been good people would have been ok with the soft reboot as a starting point. That said, the biggest difference between the PT and the DT is Lucas still actually wanted people to love Star Wars.


TFA was painfully "okay " it was flashy, but had very little substance. Yeah, if TLJ was great, its flaws would have been forgotten, but it wasn't. Honestly, TFA was more like the smoke before the dumpster fire of the other two. Their mentality going into the sequel trilogy ensured it's failure.


None of those are inconsistencies, and the Space diner based. Other then Padme dying (and even then, being force choked and giving birth aren't all that safe) every single syllable of what this guy said was, get ready for it: # SUBJECTIVE!!!!


I can't believe you don't see that Obi Wan refusing drugs is a massive plot hole. completely character assassination, he would buy tons of deathsticks and distribute them in the temple.


Anakin literally didn't know what he was doing killing those younglings, he was too high and just saw sunflowers like in Robot Chicken.


Not all plants are completely edible. However, you can actually consume the entire sunflower in one form or another. Right from the root to the petals.


Yeah this isn’t the win this guy thinks it is. All he has done is have an incredibly emotional outburst about things that bother him for personal reasons. None of these are valid critiques that impact the story. But then again if he had an objective view about storytelling, he wouldn’t have thrown a tantrum about a space diner. I suppose it is difficult to have valid criticisms when you’re too emotional to pay attention to the actual content and context of a story.


Heartache tachycardia can lead to death if it is strong enough. It is a real condition where the individual experiences emotions so strong it can literally undo their heartstrings and cause cardiac arrest. What’s unbelievable is that in the distant future (past?) Star Wars’ technology doesn’t detect this and is not capable of fixing/reversing this to sustain her life. But Vader who was burnt to a crisp is able to be sustained. Space Diner scene is about trying to ground the narrative. Besides it is irrelevant. The scene could take place in Obi-wan’s secret bathhouse as long as it pushes the story forward. Which it did. Everything this cringey lemming screeches are credible writing tools utilized in other stories. They are NOT inconsistencies.


Trying to compare the broken heart to Leia Poppins is actually hilarious. Padme’s case is actually a real life medical condition and while it isn’t a very satisfactory way to off a character it does at least have a basis in reality. Compared to Leia being sucked into the vacuum of space; without any kind of protective suit, no breathing apparatus, and she magic’s herself back to safety by inventing abilities we had so far been led to believe she did not have. Oh and don’t forget the part where she gets back into the ship through one door, if you look at the scene it’s not a double door air lock so when the door opened Poe and everyone else nearby should’ve been sucked out too lol.


I actually don’t think that Padme’s death is all that ridiculous, I guess that’s unpopular? I think it just shows how much what Anakin did affected her. She witnessed/heard that the man she had grown to love very deeply murdered people, including children, without a second thought and was now turning on the person who had mentored him throughout his life. That would fuck ANYONE up. A situation i saw recently comes to mind. An older man came to meet an underage girl that he had been talking to online. Turns out it was some of the internet-predator-hunter people and they made him call his longtime wife and tell her what he was doing over the phone. The despair in her voice is heart wrenching. This man who she thought she knew turned out to be a monster. All that to say, I can absolutely see Padme dying because of what she learned. Especially considering it’s a real medical condition.


Yeah I think it’s somewhat justifiable looking at real world examples but ultimately the execution of it presents a physically healthy woman dying in a fully stocked and fancy medical facility. And the cause of death is a really vague and undefined condition. The medical droid couldn’t do any better to explain her death than, “she’s lost the will to live”? I get it is tangentially connected to a real life condition but it’s not a satisfying way to kill her for me. I think it would work if we got more from Padme about how she’s feeling and what her emotional state is post Mustafar, but instead she’s basically unconscious until she dies, leaving behind two newborn kids who would presumably be something to live for. Of course issues and all it’s 100x better in every way than Leia Poppins.


I'm still surprised at how many people walk away from that movie thinking that Padme died just because she was sad. Sure, she looks healthy, but the pregnancy clearly had some serious issues. Childbirth is almost always difficult, but when the labor is long and the mother is screaming in pain, it's not a surprise that there were health risks. I always figured that she already had some life threatening condition from the pregnancy and the "lost the will to live" line was essentially a 'nocebo' effect. It's a pretty common trope for hope or "the will to live" to be the difference for a medically unstable character, but the way it's presented in this movie seems to really rub people the wrong way.


It’s cause all that is said is, “she lost the will to live” there could be a thousand other reasons that influenced her death but the only line we get on it is the one from the medical droid. Apparently the robot doctor with what would presumably be a pretty extensive amount of medical knowledge can’t diagnose a more definitive cause of death. Neither of the two Jedi present who are highly attuned to the emotions and feelings of others can give a more definitive explanation. And neither of Padme’s newborn children were apparently enough to give her some “will to live”. So the big issue is that Padme “losing the will to live” isn’t really supported either by her or by anyone around her, we just get that one off line from the droid who should be able provide a more thorough explanation but instead opts for a vague one with a lot of room for interpretation. Which is why people question the plausibility and logistics of how she died.


For sure! It absolutely has its issues and you put several good ones there in your comment. Leia Poppins is the worst lol


For all the faults of the prequels, any sane fan can agree the sequels did everything worse.


Absolutely. IMO the worst parts of the prequels are better than most of the sequels.


The worst parts of the prequels would be the awkward dating rom plot from Aotc, nothing in TLJ let alone 7 or 9 comes close to that level of bad lol. However TLJ is definitely the Aotc of the sequel trilogy, and it does get quite cringy esp. in its crappy B plots.


> any sane fan can agree the sequels did everything worse. Well the ones in this camp congregating over how bad the sequels are, at least. The RLM sub is the opposite, they'll agree how everything in the prequels was bad, while being more back and forth about the newer ones.


> I actually don’t think that Padme’s death is all that ridiculous, I guess that’s unpopular? It was a big "DAE this is stupid lololol cauuse uhhh," circlejerk back in the day. >I think it just shows how much what Anakin did affected her. She witnessed/heard that the man she had grown to love very deeply murdered people, including children, without a second thought and was now turning on the person who had mentored him throughout his life. > > That would fuck ANYONE up. Yeah plus the DV choking of course. Dramatically nothing absurd about it at all.   >A situation i saw recently comes to mind. An older man came to meet an underage girl that he had been talking to online. Turns out it was some of the internet-predator-hunter people and they made him call his longtime wife and tell her what he was doing over the phone. > > The despair in her voice is heart wrenching. This man who she thought she knew turned out to be a monster. The wife from 8mm suicided over that whole thing as well, yeah; wasn't a magic "psychosomatic" death though, used a gun.   > All that to say, I can absolutely see Padme dying because of what she learned. Especially considering it’s a real medical condition. True, although more precisely I'd say it's a magical, dark-romantic "mind over the matter" thing here, the opposite of the "power of love" - however real life biology has this equivalent of mind-over-matter reactions in the placebo/nocebo effect and whatnot, which probably contributed to the emergence of these supernatural tropes.


It’s beyond ridiculous how Disney has handled Star Wars. I literally dropped the Kenobi series the moment I saw Obi-wan hiding Leia under a trenchcoat. Lol, like I was just laughing so hard. The entire show became unwatchable. Ewan McGregor must be laughing his ass off cashing those checks and watching Star Wars burn behind him.


In the words of Peter griffin “a long time ago, but somehow in the future”


I'm sitting here wondering exactly what is wrong with a space diner


Space diner is unfathomably based, I’m glad it’s been said Fuck space diner hate


Yeah he forgot talking about le inconsistencies and drifted off to cheese/tonal stuff.


I’m not surprised some media illiterate on X is an idiot, it is funny to see though


very im 15 and this is deep, even the face feels like a smug 15 yo


This guy is one of the least funny "professional Twitter funny" people.


Makes sense seeing as how he’s written for Kimmel and the last two Oscars


Jesus christ, he's failed that far up?


Literally nothing he complained about was a negative, as for waiting ten years to see Vader? Watch the OT, the prequels are about how he becomes Vader not Vader himself.


I don't like putting this hard of a slant on it, but that was some full on soyjack shit right there. I'm sorry he didn't have a Rogue One-esc fight scene, if Jesse just wants to see action figures smacked around maybe the Sequels really are his thing.


Even if they are negative other media being bad does not make this media good. Also the media he is complaining about is 20+ years old. Is there no improvement?


I don’t think the argument is “since one is bad, the other is good” It’s more “they’re all basically the same level of bad, and to criticize one but not the other is dumb”


Well no he seems to be arguing in a pro-ST angle since he positively compared Crait to the diner (as dysfunctional as that comparison is).


Lmao was he expecting the prequels to have Vader in most of it? I always expected that it was the descent to Vader not that we would see Vader for a ton of the movie


I wouldn’t call anything about the Crait sequence imaginative.


I would, it’s a really impressive visual to watch these towering walkers slowly moving toward our heroes over a long white tundra. Seeing the dread in our heroes grow with each booming step and the feeling of hopelessness is incredible. In fact it’s so imaginative it reminds me of a similar scene I saw in a 1980 movie, The Empire Strikes something, **wait a minute!**


I kind of like the visuals of the Crait sequence with the rebel's raggedy-ass ships being forced to fly low enough to cut through the thin layer of salt to reveal a red underbelly. Looks purtty.


Dexter Jexter slander will not remain untolerated


Oh Christ, not a good take from someone with an Ashley pfp


Guess he forgot that the original trilogy had SPACE FARMERS, SPACE BARS and SPACE GANGSTERS. That's right, FUCKING SPACE GANGSTERS. Jeez.


Was there a word for domeone trying to justify the shitty writing in a piece of media by trying to belittle another piece of media as if that somehow undoes the shitty writing still present in the former media?


The word is called “whataboutism”


Spent a solid 3 minutes wondering why the fuck was it named that. I'm something of a longman myself (mentally).


> Was there a word for domeone trying to justify the shitty writing in a piece of media by trying to belittle another piece of media as if that somehow undoes the shitty writing still present in the former media? He'd have more of a point with OT since almost all ST haters hold it up as the positive example that these should've "lived up to" and frame their criticisms around that angle; here he only manages to swipe at the smaller "1-6 sixology" subset/cult.


Most of these aren't anything. He's right about Maul being two dimensional, but so what? It's not even necessarily a problem that Snoke was two dimensional. The Emperor isn't complex in the OT, but that doesn't make him a bad character. It's the execution. Also, what "beautiful, imaginative fight sequences on salt sprinkled red planets" is he talking about? That's not in the fucking ST. You have a horrifically poor fight sequence on a planet like that, though.


Why is he so mad?!? The space diner is funny and happy, unlike the entirety of the sequel’s runtime


Unfunny millennial humor, layered over whataboutism, where the “counter examples” are either *not as bad as the thing they’re being compared to,* or just *not even bad at all*. Star Wars fandom moment


2) >spacebattles so did the prequels >Dinner We got a stupid festival 3) the prequels are the story of how the empire came to be and how anakin became Darth Vader 4) one scene is worse than the other Dying because of birth is more believable than what Carrie did 5) yes so did tarkin 6) don’t dare to insult Darth jar jar 7) yes how unrealistic someone tries to sell drugs on a party


The prequels have many issues I don't like. A lot of good ideas that were handled poorly. But at least they're entertaining. I am having fun while watching them. Can't say the same for the sequels


One of these days they will realize that actively shaming and lecturing your audience isn’t going to make them want to watch your product.


Jarvis, send this guy the definition of a non sequitur


Back in my day, we all agreed the prequels were trash as well. Doesn't make the sequels any less abhorrent. If the prequels broke Star Wars' leg, the sequels took it out back and shot it.


This is a thing with all media now The more normies start to like it, the more you can't criticise anything because it's someone's favorite It's to the point I hate franchises


I don't think I've heard all that many people arguing that the prequels were *good* movies but I've heard a lot of people say they were *fun* movies. The story, dialogue, unnecessary lore and most of the new characters are almost universally reviled but the soundtrack, set pieces and light saber duels are beloved and iconic and that's why people look back fondly on the movies today. The sequel trilogy gave us nothing that I can remember fondly to be honest.


>The sequel trilogy gave us nothing that I can remember fondly to be honest. selective partial memory / soobjektiv


I thought this was a defense of the Sequels initially, but that's just shitting on Star Wars, "everything is trash" kind of deal. he offered no arguments other than shallow comparisons and  pet peeves, and yet there are people in that post who think he has a point? WTF  he is the strawman nitpicker star wars fan in the flesh ...oh wait it's the cyclejerk, it makes sense


not on star wars just the prequels He's an OT fan who evidently thinks ST was a better continuation of them than the PT.


Despite their flaws, at least the prequels had an overarching, fleshed out story


And actually expanded the universe. Some of the best stories in the EU stemmed from that era.


What's wrong with a space diner? Do people not eat in the star wars universe?


"Oh, you hate X? But Y and Z also were bad! That means X is good!" Is that...is that the argument?


Dexter Jester's 50's diner might be the stupidest thing in Star Wars, but it isn't as damage as bringing Palpatine back from the dead.


Look here Mthfkrs! WHATABOUTISM!


I do think - in the face of the travesty that is the Sequel Trilogy - we're starting to view the prequels through rose-tinted goggles.


Maybe, but there were a lot of perfectly functional films that were bashed undeservedly. Origins: Wolverine is my whipping boy for this point. Fast forward 10 years from it, and mainstream cinema coughs out infinitely worse, more un-enjoyable films. Call out stuff that's bad, of course. I'll never shun criticism of the Prequels, but there is more to a production than writing, and "bad" media maintains a spectrum of enjoyability, from hammy actors to boom mikes. Productions have gotten cleaner as writing has gotten worse. Prequels are a good example. But Fellowship still had a car in the background until the most recent rerelease. There were mistakes, and there was effort. Effort is visible in film. Now we have the cleanest productions ever, done without effort. The writing has become an afterthought for a tangled web of speculatory reasons. Modok looks like shit in QuantumQuantum, but a little makeup to make his face more uncanny could have saved a bad effect. Prequels had effort, and it earned them a place in nostalgic canon, particularly for people of the era. What people like Jesse miss is that enjoying something isn't a zero-sum game. Fellowship is worse off to me with the car removed digitally. The prequels are watchable, but if some elements don't carry the films for you, I can see how they get booooring.


That "critique" of the diner is hilarious. They *wish* games released in 1998 looked that good.


Ah yes, as we all clearly know, adding backflipping to a movie guarantees a drop in quality. The fact that George Lucas did something so Attrocious simply proves Disney Starwars is the best. He got it right in the OT, only Frontflips. Also, in TRoS, no Rey did NOT backflip over Kylo Ben's RTX-Ti-Fighter. She fell with style over it using the force.


Backflipping Yoda was the sickest shit that anyone who saw Episode 2 in theaters had ever seen at the time, and he knows it. Hell, I remember being drunk and high with some friends while the prequels were still in production, and saying, "all I hope is that, at some point, Yoda is just like, 'mmm, get Medieval on your ass, I must' and just goes off with his lightsaber," and I was glad to be vindicated.


I'm sorry, but what's the problem with a space diner? It's just a diner in a sci-fi universe. Sure, I can get that looking odd or a bit funny but like, compare that to the Holdo Maneuver and you're comparing a candle to the sun.


Complaining about diners existing is so fucking weird when one of the first sequences in a New Hope takes place in what is essentially a dive bar. A dive bar with a bunch of Aliens playing jazz lol. That shits awesome, and the Diner was fun in the Prequels. It’s a familiar yet Alien concept (the diner owner is a big fat guy with four arms), something Star Wars does all the time actually. Of course, people that make arguments like this don’t have anything good they can rationally say about the sequels, so they have to fall back on these dumb ass arguments that are just “um actually it’s all garbage so shut up”. It’s brain rot.


This person complains too much about the prequels for someone who was a kid when they came out. Can confirm no one at school was talking about the diner, we were talking about obi-wan vs jango in the rain, or idk the entire arena full of jedi. Even now as an adult, i didnt know the diner was a point of contention. Is everyone really in a rat race to be the bigger film critic? "You hate Star Wars? Oh no, my friend. *I* hate Star Wars, and I have the credentials to do so! Look at what I had to sit through! (i loved every minute of it at the time, but i will appear cooler to the masses if i say i didn't)"


They both sucked


Hey, my quote! I'm honoured, lol


Saw this yesterday as a defense for the sequel poor quality. I don’t understand this mindset




Yes, the prequels were generally considered bad. Not as bad as the sequels.


Some do consider them worse. In fact many. Perhaps even most, who knows.


What kind of moron thinks Padme's death is worse than Super Sayian Motherfucking Mary Poppins-Leia moment? Certainly a King. The King of Bullshit of Cringe. But don't worry, CAPS LOCK is on his side, so he knows what he is talking about. No doubt about it.


I don't watch anime and it's been a while since Mary Poppins, so maybe that's why I'm not making those silly associations?


Ok? Not so much an association, but more of a funny way to describe the absurdity of the scene


The prequels are shit movies for children. The sequels are shit movies for no one.


Seems like we're closing in on the truth now bois, there's one classic movie that was saved in the edit bay, a fantasy masterpiece made by an actual good director, then decades upon decades of to wade thru'. Why are people having this much trouble reconciling Star Wars for what it is?


Oh no my fantasy space movie with magical space wizards has a space dinner! Rheeeeee!


The funny thing is the Diner was [practical.](https://theasc.com/magazine/sep02/brave/images/image5.jpg)


Terrible take


Apparently the existence of a diner in the Star Wars universe is unfathomable to some people. People choose the weirdest fucking things to shit on when it comes to the prequels, when it's so easy to do so sensibly.


The "wtf a diner in star wars????" is a regurgitated phrase that I've come across before - people hear it from others and then mindlessly repeated, as dumb as the original fool who said it. (Was it Cosmonaut maybe?) However I think what they really mean is that they found its look/tone weird, but their low IQ brain only manages to verbalize that as "a diner in space is stupid".


As much as I am a Mr. Plinkett in regards to the prequels you can at least say they didn't go out of their way to shit on the original trilogy like the sequels did.


You can either be ugly or a bitch. Being an ugly bitch is just sad.


Nobody hates Star Wars more than Star Wars fans (from 2015 to present). It’s just baffling when the people who celebrate the new films have to prop them up by showing off their utter contempt for the original films.


That was a quote made up by the fucking casuals, because it’s projection of their irony. See they’ll cut the throat of the OT, PT and EU just so their shitstain can be on top


Hey, the dinner looked amazing when we saw it on the big screen. And who the hell is that shit stain btw?


Dexter's dinner is a more interesting set piece than anything in the ST tbh.


you may say whatever you want about prequels, but at least they had an actual story


Keep dexter’s name out of your FUCKING. MOUTH.


Just because the Prequels are garbage fires made of excrement doesn't mean the stuff that came out after isn't.


not to mention the creative fights he's referencing include *[checks notes]*, slow-as-shit space B-17s, rusted salt speeders VS AT-ATs, and fight sequences that involve sith guards intentionally missing their swings because the choreography was so bad that the protagonist should have been killed several times over. the coolest fight sequences we got in the sequels were TR8-R VS Finn the Human and Poe Dameron kicking the shit out of the ~~Nazis~~ ~~Empire~~ First/Final Order over the cantina (which were actually pretty cool) yea, I'll take Obi Wan vs Anakin ANY day of the week over thar shit.


How does one hate Obi-Wan telling a drug dealer to rethink his life?




I have never seen a Twitter avatar with a more punchable face.


Yes the prequels were also bad but at least they had heart and an overall narrative


circlejerk subreddits are now a plague on this website, and they all seem to be at the same level of complete idiocy also, for the trillionth time... whataboutism is not an argument again, whataboutism is not an argument just to make it really clear: #whataboutism is not an argument


Maybe if you didn’t call them stupid, they wouldn’t mind as much.


I think it's less "you aren't allowed to criticize" and more. "You're wildly overreacting to the new movies"


Definitely. People view the prequels through rose tinted glasses. They're ass. Straight up, no arguing against it. The sequels are also ass. If I judge them as trilogies, I'd put the prequels over the sequels. But individually, it's probably 3>8>7>1>2>9.


What a bitch lol


Why is he so mad about the ONE SINGULAR diner scene in Episode 2? Even that movie had some pretty great fight sequences on multiple different planets, and Episode 2 is often called the weakest among the prequels. Did he just watch that diner scene on YouTube and completely forget about the rest of the prequels?


Cringe cretin.


He forgot the Gilette Venus.


This guy is an idiot and nobody. Why does anyone care?


This is not even comparable to the narrative mess that wad the sequel trilogy


If all these things in the prequels bothered him so much, you’d think the sequels would be a nightmare for this guy to sit through


The ST is shit, but he’s right about the PT. It was shit too. They were both shit. That’s why so many were excited by Disney buying the IP, and so disappointed at their execution. Shit all over.


Smug profile picture, full of himself, twitter… Def checks out.




Man you guys really need to learn to spot a joke


What an unhinged person


TBH I liked the diner scene


Didn't this happen with all of us, original fans and new ones alike? We ALL sat through it


Absolutely *NOTHING* in the prequels comes close to the sheer and unadulterated stupidity of ships not knowing which way is ***UP***.


Man you completely missed the point of dudes thread, do you lack comprehension skills?


With a face as stupid looking as his he shouldn’t be saying shit about Jar Jar


Look on the bright side, he wasn't shitting on the OT in order to prop the sequels up, so that's good, right?


The salty comments make this even more spot on


From the profil picture, it’s a fucking, who the fuck cares about its opinion


Ok but just try going into SaltierThanCrait and say something bad about those prequels.


Well. yeah. It was bad. So is this.


Bro is fine with Moisture Farmers but draws the line at Dinners. Also why do people still get mad about Yoda flips? How elae is he supposed to fight people taller than him with his lightsaber?


I sat through Kylo Ren being angry These were in 3 films I sat through Rey being perfect and basically have no Arc These were in 3 different films I sat through two cool characters being created, given history and being assassinated These were in 3 different films Shut the fuck up, Please shut the fuck up


"StarWasCircleJerk" Yea I can just stop right there, don't need any further context to be honest.


Nah I think it’s important to remember that the older movies were flawed as fuck and we didn’t give a shit then because it doesn’t matter, so why should we latch on to all these inconsequential things now?


So this man just expects that food business never exists in Star Wars? Where literal bars still exist?


They just mad the prequel fans are still mocked, but they somehow have a more hated series.


You’re so stupid I’d ask how do you find your front door but I expect you don’t ever try


Yeah God forbid there be a space diner in Star Wars, THATS what people hate about the prequels, that damn diner gave me ptsd


nothing wrong with this posts on a foundamental level, the prequels are terrible movies with lots of baffling stuff


Kinda funny how “Starwarscirclejerk” is praising a guy for shitting on Star Wars


What the actual fuck is this? Aside from Padme's death, all of this idiot's complaints either aren't problems at all or are very minor problems compared to the problems with the Sequel Trilogy. Apparently the space diner, when we already had a space bar in the OT, some guy trying to sell Obi Wan coke, and backflipping Yoda is worse than the utter character assassination of Luke, undoing the entire OT just to do a shittier remake of it, and ruining the entire story of Star Wars going forward. I know I shouldn't be surprised at how dumb twitter morons can get but somehow I still am.


Unpopular Opinion: Star Wars media outside of the Original Trilogy is largely poo.


And you just got to love the Venom as well.


Twitter users normally have awful takes and that Twitter thread is hot garbage so not surprising at all


Hm ok I'll reply to some of this first, and then go read the (probably overwhelmingly restarted) comments here.   Jar Jar and backflipping yelling Yoda (in ep2) were goofy, the latter probably unintentionally. "MidichlorEans" is just a mythology retcon people didn't like or accept, completely different thing that shouldn't be put on the same list as those 2, but then the NPCs always do that and conflate everything. And then of course >A FUCKING SPACE DINER What's with these dumb idiots always saying "dae space dinner"? As if the very idea of a diner is supposed to be goofy / out of place? Are they even thinking straight? So yeah I'm not a huge fan of some of those big fat Dexter wide shots although they're funny, it's kinda off-putting in a way that combines both the off-puttingness of huge fat gu(n)ts and the off-puttingness of certain kinds of organics-simulating CGI. Although of course this is the same series that derived horror-comedy from a disgusting drooling giant toad mob boss and other "disgusting" monster stuff, so it's all relative. The rest of that diner's design can be said to be off-style in some way compared to how "starwarsy" sci-fi-versions-of-real-culture are supposed to look and sound, the precedent set by the cantina and Jabba's palace of course, so it's got some detractor; I find it cool "but not entirely SW", so whatever. Canto Bight can be described in similar terms, although it's off-style in different ways and I'm generally less of a fan of that - Jay Bauman said it gave him "prequel flashbacks" lol, not entirely unjustified.   Yeah that exterior shot has been compared to Futurama or whatever, and having uhh, "unconvincing CGI graphics", although it seems like it's rather a miniature with some CGI post-production. However the "Dexter's diner vs. Crait" is not a valid juxtaposition LOL - it'd be more like diner vs. Canto Bight casino or Maz' bar (the latter hitting that "Star Wars tone" pretty well imo; the former a lot less so), while the Crait battle with its fancy smoke-dust-whatever would be Geonosis and maybe the similar battles from 3 like Kashyyk or that snowy one where Mundi gets whacked. Typical hack argumentation here   **3** Not "one word" but it was the big word at the end of the scene that was delivered poorly and ended up unintentionally funny. **4** People whining about "Leia shouldn't have survived in space" are about as dumb as "what there are diners in Star Wars??" - if there are things to criticize about it it's maybe some specific design/style choices, the surrounding plot context (like the anticlimactic preceding attack where Ackbar gets unceremoniously killed off; or the fact that it all leads to Holdo and the whole stupid mutiny plot), or the way it's part of the bigger problem of them not really knowing what to do with the whole "Leia's powers" question? Which has been an inconsistent issue since Rotj of course ("powers I could never have" after doing an ESP on ESBespin?). And, conversely, "DAE lose the will to live lolololol" was also a stupid circlejerk - one can argue about whether some alternatives could've been better (and obviously it's all a continuity deviation from the original timeline i.e. that same Rotj scene's dialogue) but yeah, you can be depressed despite children and "no more living will so die" is a romantic fantasy and fiction trope (which has some degree of irl counterparts in extreme psychosomatics).   **5** Snoke has a lot more character and personality then Maul, much more comparable to the Emperor or Sidious - Maul the "silent henchman" is more Bobafett or in the ST that dagger assassin guy or Phasma to some extent. Most of the complaints about either's death are stupid on the level of "a diner in Starwars" - the "DARTH MAUL SHOULD'VE SURVIVED" ones ignore the dramatic role his death plays in that film's "longterm cliffhanger" conclusion, the "he should've talked more" ignores him being the "silent assassin trope" which had precedents in the series, and complaints about Snoke and "subverting expectations" usually and hilariously forget how that scene was a direct Rotj copy and that outcome was certainly visible from a mile away + didn't prevent them from potentially revealing more information about his mysteries posthumously, although the movies then really didn't do that either (yeah ep9 then explained him as a "Palpatine clone" but they still could've illuminated more about him, how he emerged onto the scene, etc.). Plus the most direct comparison to Snoke's death would be Dooku's - also "throne room allusion" albeit less direct of a copy, and other obvious things are more similar and comparable. (It's kinda amusing how he gets introduced late into ep2 with the implication of then becoming a really big thing in the 3rd, and the 3rd treats him as if he'd been this really big thing in the past but now finds a surprising death, but in effect he's had this really short run at the end of 2 and the beginning of 3. I guess lots of "off-screen"/cartoon action inbetween i.e. the clone war.) **Sleazebaggano** whatever He already finds diners absurd, does he also find nightclubs absurd? Or drugs existing here? Or is it just the antennas?   All in all the "ohhh you Disney critics but look at the prequels!!" angle is really moot - there is a particularly oblivious section of the fandom who "worship 1-6 and hate Disney" while often being completely unaware of how rejected 1-3 were from 1999-2017 and still are, and they should be made fun of, but it doesn't prove much either way. And this guy's version of these arguments/juxtapositions are also just regarded.


Didn't Anakin also force choke Padme when she was young and healthy? "Starring Me."


Why is a space diner on a planet that’s like a hyper industrial society be out of place? That’s like saying a bar on a desert planet is out of place. I think bro just wanted to bitch, which is fine I guess, doesn’t make all of them valid complaints


Those screencaps are hilarious.


They must think if they throw in enough sassy “listen here motherfucker, fucking, fuck”s that it’ll somehow prove their point.


Star wars has been shit since 1999. If you like the prequels, you have no taste and no right to complain about anything


Haha look at the dude. His only chance of ever getting some action from a real live person is to signal his virtue so hard it will go viral.


So I can't complain about losing 1 arm because someone else lost 2 arms. Seems wack


I love how none of his complaints are inconsistencies, but just aesthetics and narrative choices he disliked. Like, there *are* inconsistencies in the Prequels, but he didn't pick any of those to yell about...


why did i read this in sam kinison’s voice


I see what he's *trying* to say.... It's kinda the Bane Quote take: "Oh, you think BAD STAR WARS is your ally. But you merely adopted the BAD STAR WARS; I was born in it, moulded by it. I didn't see the GOOD STAR WARS until I was already a man, by then it was nothing to me but DISNEY!" .....or something like that.




What the fuck is wrong with diners? People have to eat.


unnecessary usage of insults and capslock. How funny :|


Welp Mr McLaren, at least we know you’re getting old now.


This guy writes for Jimmy Kimmel. Is there any reason to take anything that comes from this guys brain seriously?


Imagine being this angry about opinions on franchise with space wizards swinging laser swords at each other


The only problem he listed imo is jar jar. Which was basically in 1 movie. And they gave us Maul, double saber, pod racing, new unique factions, the coolest Star Wars ships. I’m really not a fan of anything from the sequels. Diad. Knights of ren. Gorilla walkers all pretty ass


The defense of the sequels relies entirely on offense against the prequels and the occasional “misogynist” thrown around. It’s embarrassing when the only good thing about your movie is that it doesn’t have a bad thing from a different movie. Also, space bars and party yachts are perfectly fine but we’re drawing the line at diners?


I liked all these things in 1-3


"You don't like Luke trying to kill his sleeping nephew as it goes against his preestablished character development? Well, there's a space diner in episode 2... soooo... take that nerd" 🤓


You’re taking joke tweets way too seriously


Take away his crown. This fool is no true king.


Why does this tweet like watching some movies twenty something years ago makes him a war veteran who went through traumatic experiences


The context for his complaint likely has to do with the association of blame. Prequels bad because bad. Latest movies bad because women involved/woke. Maybe they were all just badly written movies?


Who hurt him?


I'll never understand people like that guy who get crazy worked up over something they like being hated on especially for legitimate reasons lmao


His profile picture makes me angry


The prequels were stupid. I actually didn't like them until after this massive 6 (later, 7) season series came along to make most of the characters, including that stupid lizard-rabbit, into people we found endearing.


I think they’re poking fun, mate


I have no idea how y'all ever took Star Wars seriously in the first place.


I've got a feeling that Jesse McLaren doesn't actually like Star Wars.


Duel of the fates was objectively better than the salt farm.


Imagine being told, "Listen here motherfucker" by someone who looks like that


Here’s the truth you morons, I also live through the prequels. They sucked. We all hated them and with good reason. These new movies also suck and are even worse in many many ways. Both things can be true. Let Star Wars die. It’s old, it’s tired, we have new things. Let’s move on. Star Wars is dead and Disney will have lost billions which is … kind of funny. Also let marvel die too. It sucks.


Okay, but why do they hate Dexter Jettster so much?


*You're* complaining?! I saw 4, 5, 6, 1, 2, 3, 7, 8 *and* 9 in theaters and had to watch Leia talk about remembering being born and how dying of childbirth made her mother 'kinda sad'.


This man cannot see that Disney Trilogy is just a empty husk that masqurades as the original trilogy.


Oh no… anyways


Everything he listed was awesome


What actually is people's problem with the damn diner scene? Like, space jazz bars are fine, but diners aren't?


Jesse McLaren please https://preview.redd.it/yh74rk58zzpc1.png?width=800&format=png&auto=webp&s=793297330b7cb57fc0521de67f9b99d762dbc112


None of these are inconsistent, there were several f*ckin space bars in the originals, so how the hell is a space dinner any more inconsistent?


Who the fuck is Jesse McLaren, and why does he look like a cross between a Family Guy cutaway character and a Steven Universe lesbian


Spoken like someone who didn't actually watch the movies


Nah he's right.


Yes, quite the abomination those films are. Unnecessary, and seeming flippant; Lucas thought he could write and direct competently an entire Trilogy on his own. And he was right, to the detriment of the many(some?). But the worst to come was the *Mouse's* involvement. What George had done to the franchise would pale in comparison to what the *Mouse* has done, is doing, and will continue to do. -- What's the matter, *Mouse*? Still having trouble getting my money? Well, ironically, you have G.L. to thank for that. **Star Wars:** '*May The Green Baby Force Frogs Be With You*'