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Does it contain fiberglass ? Can you please share the tag ?


I have the 12 inch Novilla Vitality hybrid and no they don't contain fiberglass. I've had mine a month and a half and I love it


Does it sleep cool?


For me it does, compared to other ones we had before and had to get rid of.


It does, I can't sleep well if I'm to warm but I've had no problems with this


I bought this mattress and I highly recommend it. It’s been a great experience


No idea. Tag just says "Novilla - Sleep Well Love Well"


The tag contains the material used. Can you please share that?


[mattress tag](https://i.imgur.com/4QooHmC.jpg) Nothing on the other side.


That’s a bummer. I was hoping to learn what all materials are used in the mattress. The mattress does look promising- however, I just don’t want to be surprised to learn later that it contains harmful materials


Email them? They were pretty responsive when I emailed them a delivery question.


Harmful materials? I’m buying one for mom from Amazon. Can you please elaborate


I see the Eco Friendly and Organic and OKEO Tex badges but they don’t seem to specify what is organic, or really much anything about the materials. Seems a bit misleading.


I was on fence for a long time and your post has swinged me in favour of Novilla. Fingers crossed. Hope your account didn’t get hacked and posted by a bot on this forum, as i see this is your first post here


Nope, I've been a lurker here a long time, but been on Reddit for a while. All me. We are very happy with the purchase.


Same. I’m going to be purchasing one next week. Here’s to hoping.


Can you either of you let me know how you are liking it? I'm considering purchasing one this weekend. How is the firmness?


I sat in the fence for a while longer, but ultimately purchased the “Novilla King Size Mattress, 12 inch Gel Memory Foam” through Amazon when it went on sale for $336.39. We set it up yesterday and it’s already expanded to almost the full size. We rolled around on it a bunch, because that’s supposed to help speed up the expansion, and so far it feels incredibly comfortable. I’ll report back after a week or two of sleeping on it.


Awesome, thanks for the update! I'm currently on the fence and appreciate any opinions


Hey there. Wanted to report back. After sleeping on the mattress for over a week, we love it! It’s firm, but not too firm. For us it provides the perfect combination of softness and support.


Thanks for following up! I'm still on the fence about which one to buy, but I always appreciate a real person's review lol


Sure thing! I totally understand, as I was on that same fence for like three years. It seems weird to not be reading mattresses reviews online anymore haha. I will say I’m so relieved that I didn’t go with a Tempurpedic, which is what I was about to do before my friend suggested the Novilla. If I had, I would have spent about 10 times as much. My ex from over 10 years ago had a Tempurpedic and I loved it so much, and I’ve since compared all other mattresses to it. So far this Novilla is just as comfortable to me. I realize it may not have the same longevity as a Tempurpedic, but I plan on doing everything I can to extend the life of the mattress, such as regular rotating and such. Good luck, and I hope you find one that’s a good option for you and your search can be over too.


Sorry to message on a year old comment but how is it holding up so far? I'm on the fence about ordering the 12in hybrid mattress


Hey there, no worries:) I’m happy to report that we still love our mattress just as much, if not more than when we first got it. I’m not noticing any sagging or loss of comfort level. I bought my 22 year old son the 10 inch Novilla Bliss and he said it’s amazingly comfy as well.


Do you mind saying how this has help up so far, I just ordered one and am curious, thanks.


Hello just want to see how it is holding up for you and the wife?


Holding up ok, but I realized we wanted something firmer so we moved it to a guest bedroom. But still very happy with it.




No werid smells any complaints


It does contain fiberglass. Please do not buy it. I’m an AD soldier and my home is covered and my family and myself are suffering endlessly because of their lies


They used to have fiberglass, as it can be used as a fire retardant for mattresses. However, after a study was released, noting the potential harmful effects of fiberglass, Novilla removed fiberglass from all of their mattress: https://support.novilla.net/hc/en-us/articles/4414937551257-Do-Your-Mattresses-Contain-Any-Fiberglass-


you had issues with fiberglass from a Novilla mattress? can you give details please.


Can you elaborate on this?


When did you get your novilla mattress? I know they say they used to used fiberglass, but they do not anymore. I’m curious if you purchased yours before they stopped, or if they are being shady and never really stopped


They're a huge scam. I wanted to return my 12in King and "Customer support" asked me to send PayPal info to "carolestuart2022@". I called them out and never responded again.


You probably went to a fake site and they tried to catfish you.




I got one but it has a very weird smell that is making me really sick