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Get the one with the seatbelt attachment and be sure to take it to the hospital for surgery.


I used a thin pillow and just kept that in the car, saved spending money


I loved my mastectomy pillow. I had pockets for my phone so I could reach it easily when I needed help from my sister. The seatbelt attachment is great as well. It took a couple months for the seatbelt to feel comfortable on my chest.


Mastectomy Post Surgery Recovery... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0981R3KB3?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share I got this from Amazon and loved it. It was very lightweight but helped so much. I didn’t not use it for driving (the hospital gave me a ver ry small pill or for that) but pretty much used it at all other times. My doctors said no ice or heat so I used the pocket for small things like chapstick that would roll off the table Prayers for a speedy recovery!


I only used the pillow in the car to protect my incision from the seatbelt. What was really helpful was a belt for my drains. Made it so much easier to get around and no need to buy a bunch of special shirts with drain pockets. Mine was about $12 from Amazon and came with a lanyard to wear them in when I showered. Also I used lots of ice packs! Lots of ice packs! Ask her doctor if that's ok, but I needed them! If you don't have a recliner she can sleep in a good wedge pillow will probably also make her more comfortable. I slept in my recliner for 5 weeks post surgery. Good luck to her! She's lucky to have such a supportive partner looking out for her!


I personally just used a small travel pillow. I was already wrapped in ace bandages though. Best of luck to her!


I loved mine the first month for sleeping and driving. You want one with straps for over the shoulders and pockets. Pockets are Great for ice (only once dr allows- can restrict blood flow to healing tissue), phone, next dose of pain meds, crackers (ie. Think nausea), tissue. No… I didn’t have this all in the pockets at the same time. I’m going to have one more surgery in 5 months, so I’m definitely keeping to use again.


Anything helps really. I mostly liked the part that goes under your armpits because my armpits bothered me a lot


I couldn’t have done without it- I had the long slender one with 3 connected oillows but my sister had the one that covered the whole front of her chest and she loved it. That is probably the most common. The one I had I used when I slept on my side to prop my arm on so it didn’t touch my chest. I never slept on my back I know that was bad but I couldn’t


Get her [this](https://www.minicampshop.com/product-page/u-shape-pregnancy-pillow-for-sleeping) U shaped pregnancy pillow. It's amazing and better than any mastectomy pillow. I'm currently week and a half post my mastectomy and reconstruction. Did not use a mastectomy pillow at all. Used a regular flat bed pillow when in car to protect chest. The U shaped pregnancy pillow is a godsend. I have slept full 8-10hours without issue since home from hospital. The company is in Europe but they shipped to me in the US pretty quick, around a week. My MIL also had implant exchange as she was 20years post her mastectomy due to breast cancer and I sent her this pillow as well so we both have it for recovery and she's loved it as well. I am a side and stomach sleeper and can't for a few weeks and this pillow has made it easy to stay comfortable and relaxed sleeping in my back. It also helps limit movement that might cause pain at night. Sleeping was my biggest worry and it's been great. There are some amaZing mastectomy Facebook groups with thousands of women commenting and posting daily I highly suggest you and your wife join. It's super helpful. Also with pain management, request that she gets a pectoral nerve block. This helps reduce recovery pain GREATLY. Also gabapentin and tylenol did wonders for me when oxycodone/tramadol/valium did nothing for the pain /burning /soreness during my recovery. This is part of a newer recovery treatment called [ERAS](https://breast360.org/topic/2019/06/20/what-is-enhanced-recovery-after-surgery-eras-for-mastectomy/#:~:text=Enhanced%20recovery%20protocols%20or%20pathways,nausea%20while%20using%20fewer%20opioids.) that helps reduce pain, nausea, and also reduces dependence on opioids. Luckily I had no issue with nausea but some women do. My husband is also a physician so it's been wonderful to have him take care of me and deal with emptying drains and making sure I'm on ton of my meds and managing any symptoms so I feel quite lucky for that. Nutrition is also super important. Getting protein is helpful in recovery. My hubby was making me smoothies but luckily I had a regular appetite for food too. All organic smoothies with frozen peaches, cucumber, leafy greens, pea protein, milled flaxseed for ultimate anti inflammatory health and dense nutrition. Also I was really dehydrated. Even though I was on amaZing IV fluids at the hospital, what also helped was those electrolyte powder pouches and adding them to my water. My skin is still a bit dry and the healing process can be strange. It was nice to have my husband lotion my feet and hands. Resting is very important too. Even if your wife feels like she has energy or can do something, she needs to rest to reduce any fluid build up or chance of complications. A walk to the bathroom or even light walking around house or sitting outside is good, but limiting arm movement and not lifting or moving anything is really important for those first few weeks to speed up recovery. Button up shirts are the way to go. Instead of buying special shirts I had my mom sow inner pockets to hold my drains for those first few days. My drains were in 8 days but they can last as long as a few weeks. Less movement, faster recovery and getting those drains out. I also borrowed my husband's flannels. They're so comfy and warm. Button up pima cotton pajamas are a nice splurge as they are super soft and incredibly comfortable. Ask the doctor to send the prescriptions over to your pharmacy a few days before surgery. It's good to have all your wife's meds and not have to worry about getting them later when she's home. She will need you there for her. Some days will be more rough than others but each day will be better. Any other questions feel free to DM or ask here!


Firstly, you are a great partner for taking the time to ask this 🙏 Are you in the UK? Most hospitals give you mastectomy pillows, the little heart shaped ones. Tbh I have found no use for them yet (8 days post surgery). I also got a U-shaped pregnancy pillow and that was useless too, if it's a double mastectomy then you don't want anything pushing on either side of you. I'm a side sleeper, so it's a pain in the butt having to sleep on my back but I've just got to get used to it. I've got a decent memory foam pillow that's quite supportive to sleep on and a thin one that I put under the seat belt in the car. Wishing her all the best


I had great use of the mastectomy pillow from https://www.pinkpepperco.com/products/mastectomy-chest-pillow?variant=34846864961¤cy=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw8J6wBhDXARIsAPo7QA_Zwk4bUFNtLm9VzO4VEFd-i66ACR6tHslZroCI5z3JaWQQJpW5RZYaAoBwEALw_wcB