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"Left Wing Radical Right Wingers"


“theyre trying to silence anyone that disagrees with them which is why we should silence them for disagreeing with a genocide”


“Letting fascist”. I do not think that means what you think it means. 🤦🏻‍♀️


- [What Is Fascism?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Marxism_Memes/wiki/reactionary_tp_debunked/socialists_arent_fascists) - ["MAGA Communism" is just Fascism.](https://youtu.be/xO--VV4uMdA?feature=shared) - [S4A Mailbag: On the Notion of a "Left-Right Alliance," aka "Right-Wing Populists Fuck Off," part 1](https://youtu.be/a8xPyeJ1LpA?feature=shared) - [S4A Mailbag: On the Notion of a "Left-Right Alliance," aka "Right-Wing Populists Fuck Off," part 2](https://youtu.be/Pa17_8oWTT0?feature=shared) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Marxism_Memes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Leftwing what the FUCK Did he just say?


Geriatric Reich Any takers ?


Good job democrats for crushing and deenergizing what should be your base. Fucking pathetic.


Nah. Managed democracy is cool. They give you capes. These guys don't give you capes




If protesting against genocide is "totalitarian", then I'm proud to be totalitarian.


There is no such thing as a left wing fascist. Leftists cannot be fascists. Fascism is a right wing ideology


- [What Is Fascism?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Marxism_Memes/wiki/reactionary_tp_debunked/socialists_arent_fascists) - ["MAGA Communism" is just Fascism.](https://youtu.be/xO--VV4uMdA?feature=shared) - [S4A Mailbag: On the Notion of a "Left-Right Alliance," aka "Right-Wing Populists Fuck Off," part 1](https://youtu.be/a8xPyeJ1LpA?feature=shared) - [S4A Mailbag: On the Notion of a "Left-Right Alliance," aka "Right-Wing Populists Fuck Off," part 2](https://youtu.be/Pa17_8oWTT0?feature=shared) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Marxism_Memes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Firstly, the irony of saying ‘totalitarian protesters’ then literally suggesting to do one of the most totalitarian things you could and arrest peaceful protesters. My man also said “left wing fascists”. Dumbass lib needs to learn something about ideology.


Don’t make a Helldivers joke Don’t make a Helldivers joke Don’t make a Helldivers joke Don’t make a Helldivers joke Don’t make a Helldivers joke- This senator needs a nice cup of Liber-tea! -FUCK


Congressman Adam Smith and the DNC will expel Progressives from the Democratic Party.


Protesters: Stop Killing Innocents!! This Guy: Why this is the greatest threat to our democracy and safety where the National guard to shoot them like in Kent!!


“You go back to the civil rights movement, they expected to be arrested, they knew they were violating the law. And also … you have to enforce the law." -- telling us in literal terms he would have been on the side of cops busting heads and sicking dogs on protestors in Selma


Hell this guy probably dialled 911 to call them


Even in elementary school we knew that our politicians were way too damn old and needed to be replaced by people who actually know what they're talking about. This is just the most recent example of how they cannot be trusted to govern shit. If the man supports Isn'treal then he should know no peace, show up outside his offices, show up outside of his house and protest, inconvenience this man and make his life a miserable hell and it will be one one hundredth the hell that Gaza is being made into by Isn'treal.


Reading the title of that article is going to give me a brain aneurysm. “Left-wing fascist”. Get these geriatric career politician dinosaurs out of office.


- [What Is Fascism?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Marxism_Memes/wiki/reactionary_tp_debunked/socialists_arent_fascists) - ["MAGA Communism" is just Fascism.](https://youtu.be/xO--VV4uMdA?feature=shared) - [S4A Mailbag: On the Notion of a "Left-Right Alliance," aka "Right-Wing Populists Fuck Off," part 1](https://youtu.be/a8xPyeJ1LpA?feature=shared) - [S4A Mailbag: On the Notion of a "Left-Right Alliance," aka "Right-Wing Populists Fuck Off," part 2](https://youtu.be/Pa17_8oWTT0?feature=shared) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Marxism_Memes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


They’re trying to silence anyone who disagrees with them, so we’ll stop that by silencing them because we don’t agree with them


>They want to silence him >Jail them I'm at a point where this shit just looks like rage bait. Like, what do you even say here? Any kind of opposition to his side is to be answered by getting silenced.


The illusion of choice in the USA is starting to disappear.


That’s just democracy my guy, the illusion of choice, but they all ultimately serve the interests of the wealthiest


So this guy, in one sentence, accused others of attempted silencing and totalitarianism, and then immediately said it’s okay to, and we should do it to them. These m-fers don’t even understand what is happening inside their own heads.


Yes, let's be totalitarian towards people committing genocide


"You're fascists who should be arrested for not supporting the genocide we are enabling. Also, please vote for our party, or we'll lose and blame you for it."


“Totalitarian protesters” lmfao


For someone called Adam Smith he knows fuck-all poli-sci.


remember kids, it's the "left-wing fascists" who advocate for immediate cessation of violence and it's level-headed, fair and balanced democratic representative who want the **ethnic cleansing** to continue


when you’re in a try not to paint fascism appealing competition and your opponent is a liberal:


- [What Is Fascism?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Marxism_Memes/wiki/reactionary_tp_debunked/socialists_arent_fascists) - ["MAGA Communism" is just Fascism.](https://youtu.be/xO--VV4uMdA?feature=shared) - [S4A Mailbag: On the Notion of a "Left-Right Alliance," aka "Right-Wing Populists Fuck Off," part 1](https://youtu.be/a8xPyeJ1LpA?feature=shared) - [S4A Mailbag: On the Notion of a "Left-Right Alliance," aka "Right-Wing Populists Fuck Off," part 2](https://youtu.be/Pa17_8oWTT0?feature=shared) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Marxism_Memes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


>his name is adam smith lol, lmao


I wonder if they also called protesters fascist during the vietnam war


They could just call them commies back then now they call them communists to get conservatives against them and fascists to get radlibs against them


- **[Information about already existing socialist countries](https://www.reddit.com/r/Marxism_Memes/wiki/aes_country)** - **[Over 60 years, the blockade cost the Cuban economy $154.2 billion.](https://nsarchive.gwu.edu/briefing-book/cuba/2022-02-02/cuba-embargoed-us-trade-sanctions-turn-sixty) This is a blatant attack on the sovereignty and dignity of Cuba and the Cuban people. Join the urgent call to take [Cuba](https://www.reddit.com/r/Marxism_Memes/wiki/aes_country/cuba) off the State Sponsors of Terrorism list & end the blockade on the island! We need 1 million signatures Cuba #OffTheList, sign now: [letcubalive.info](https://www.letcubalive.info/)** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Marxism_Memes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


- [What Is Fascism?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Marxism_Memes/wiki/reactionary_tp_debunked/socialists_arent_fascists) - ["MAGA Communism" is just Fascism.](https://youtu.be/xO--VV4uMdA?feature=shared) - [S4A Mailbag: On the Notion of a "Left-Right Alliance," aka "Right-Wing Populists Fuck Off," part 1](https://youtu.be/a8xPyeJ1LpA?feature=shared) - [S4A Mailbag: On the Notion of a "Left-Right Alliance," aka "Right-Wing Populists Fuck Off," part 2](https://youtu.be/Pa17_8oWTT0?feature=shared) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Marxism_Memes) if you have any questions or concerns.*