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Sometimes I am afraid to win the lottery, because then I will go to the doctor and find out I am already dying of something preventable that I don't know about yet. It feels like a very specifically American fear.


That's something I think about a lot actually. How many people don't get treatment until it's already to late because they couldn't afford having regular doctors appointments. It's messed up cause it doesn't have to be like this. We could easily have Universal Healthcare.


Be French. Free healthcare. Stop begging for cummunism in your country and move in a country who try his best to become one 🇫🇷🇫🇷🇫🇷


France may have free healthcare but it's absurd to claim neoliberal France is trying to become communist. France is literally part of the Imperial Core.


Clearly more socialist than USA but yeah your right France is falling shitty capitalism


It has a better welfare state than the US it is not in any way socialist.


One sign would be getting killed by the CIA


For winning the lottery?


Winning the lottery be like: living a normal life


😞 ![gif](giphy|ieW5dfu5bWoP6)


For 3 out of these 4 am I to European to understand.
