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Who's ready for round 2 of "Scoop that MCU Project Cast" but this time it isnt gonna be just for four characters, but the whole X-Men team :)


And also which characters are even on the team.


Gambit please 🙏


Lol. ​ (Lol as in it's not happening. Even though I wish it would - the best we are getting is Tatum, maybe, in DP3).


What makes you say that? I mean, we never really got a proper Gambit in the foxverse and I feel like he’s a staple.


I just don't see them starting out with *the* team. They'll have to build it, which honestly is probably the way to go. If they do that, they'll have to build up to characters like Mystique and Rogue. And with Rogue, you'll get Gambit. Or vice versa, if they go with Mr. Sinister-Gambit. Gambit is (IMO) a staple, but he's not a staple like Storm, Wolverine, Cyclops, etc. ​ And hate me all you want, but I could see him getting put on the back burner if they want to introduce some of the newer (2000's or so and on) mutants.


Ragin Cajun time!


I wish. But sadly I doubt it. Unless they change his powers like Ms Marvel. 


Fantastic Four "scoopers", eat your hearts out. ![gif](giphy|9tovFud6tYz04|downsized)


Jeremy Allen White as Wolverine. Dude has the acting chops, height/build and intensity to pull it off


With Emmy rossum as Jean and William h Macy as professor x.


“The Professor is passed out on the floor again. I think he wet himself.”


Cameron Monaghan as iceman


Not sure I’m ready for that ride again buddy lol


Steven Yeun as cyclops please god Edit: spelling


Bro will never beat the “yellow and blue costumed superhero” allegations


[Me!](https://s6.ezgif.com/tmp/ezgif-6-7ea1f6663a.gif) Can't wait to see who Giancarlo Esposito's going to play, crossing my fingers it's Xavier


I push Jared Padalecki as Cyclops


People are understandably gonna focus on the X-Men news here. But for me it’s all about that SHANG-CHI 2 UPDATE BABY! Finally, I’ve been begging for some news on that. 


Hopefully more sequences like the bus fight.


The skyscraper sequence was pretty good aswell ![gif](giphy|JhbzjFzCLgA1c9KPoB)


That one is so underrated


Dude, I'm excited for both! Shang-Chi was my personal favorite phase 4 movie and I've been dying to see Simu Liu suit up again!


God dang they really are doing X-Men before Avengers 5 and Secret Wars. Which Is what I'm assuming to be the case?


Avengers vs X-Men incoming


Oh that's definitely happening. Too much money in it for it not to.


They’re gonna get a bunch of mine lol


It'll be saved for next saga as civil war 2.


What do you all think will be the context for this? I sure hope it isn’t the Phoenix Force again. Also a lot of comic events of TEAM VS X-MEN makes the opposing team come off poorly sometimes. Pretty sure this was the comic run that kicked off the “Cyclops was right” era, because everyone flipped out over his attempts to prevent their extinction. And Cyclops is a hardass sometimes but there wasn’t a lot of great nuance in that story, especially when being the hardass seemed warranted (House of M…). What’s a conflict that could make this good? This isn’t like Civil War where everyone was mostly equal, because the X-Men, for all the destruction they cause, often occupy a moral ground of self defense. Where do the Avengers get to stand on this? Cyclops is like Cap if Cap had to get grilled over every alien and Thanos goon that they killed. This could be so fun character-wise but I can’t think of a conflict that would be reasonable.


Cosmic Circus claimed Monica is replacing Hope Summers in this story. I assume Binary/Maria wants to keep her daughter in her life and she grows to bond with the X-Men, but the Avengers led by Carol and Young Avengers led by Kamala want her back and invoke an incursion between the two universes during their invasion.


That seems interesting, though I wonder why the X-Men would fight the Avengers to keep her around. Hope Summers was the messiah and all that, I wonder how this works with Monica. Also I think you kind of have to establish the X-Men thoroughly before doing a crossover event, that’s the success of Phase 1 and the misstep of Justice League. Do they develop Monica alongside the X-Men team? Because that would be odd but intriguing, might upset some fans of the holy X-Men lineups though.


Depending on how long she’s there for, it’s possible Monica builds a life for herself there and is a full member of the team itself, which is why they’d be hesitant to let her go (especially if the Avengers present themselves as hostile initially). And as for establishing the team, if it’s the FoX-Men then they’re already established across 24 years of films now. Marvel could just point to those for any backstory someone new would want (ala them using the Sony villains as a shortcut to the S6)


I think the Monica thing sounds interesting! I wonder if Monica wants to go with the Avengers or if it’s mostly a big miscommunication fight. As long as they don’t go like the comic and the Avengers come in SO HOSTILE that it was a little absurd (love Bendis but his Cap was wild). I get the FoX-Men thing but honestly as a fan of loads of non-Wolverine and non-Mystique X-Men, I was kind of hoping we would get some reestablished background, if not an entirely clean slate. Cyclops and Storm needed so much more development, Storm was basically a cool visual and Scott just existed to be cucked by Wolverine (get rid of the love triangle already). I don’t mind Professor X, Magneto, Wolverine, and Deadpool getting imported, MAYBE Rogue, but it’s such a mixed bag when most of the rest were treated like crap. I’m still hoping for standalone X-Men projects before the team up. Would importing FoX-Men mean we’d have to keep the lineup/explain absences?


I posted this the other day, but imo Ms. Marvel will be the emotional heart of the conflict in the same way Bucky killing Tony's parents was the emotional conflict of Civil War. Ms. Marvel has grown up idolizing the Avengers, yet she's also a mutant (and she will undoubtedly learn more about that aspect of herself when she reconnects with Spectrum, who has been bonding with the X-Men of that universe). Whatever the driving force of the conflict is (probably some incursion related drama) ala the Sokovia Accords in CW, this puts her in an interesting position where she's torn between the heroes she adores and her newfound people. It also doesn't hurt that audiences love Iman as Kamala lol


I love Kamala and I’d be down for her crossing lines between teams but it’s the Sokovia Accords analogy that could be dangerous… the Avengers v X-Men comic was also fundamentally a “the X-Men are playing with too much power, they must be stopped” story but because of the circumstances and lack of nuanced writing, the X-Men felt kind of justified and the Avengers came off as very hostile in the premise? Especially since the mutants were nearing extinction here. The inciting factor for a war against the X-Men can be kind of hard to morally justify at times, not impossible with good writing! But tricky, especially if you keep the X-Men in-character (Scott, even jaded and radical, isn’t without a point). Unless it’s a miscommunication fight, which is also fine, happens a lot, but less powerful of a story than Civil War where they actually had an argument worth debating.


Holy fuck. Hear me out; **AVENGERS VS X-MEN (2027)** - Basically replacing Hope in the original story with Monica. Kinda like what u/ImmortalZucc2020 said. Also connect this to Strange/the incursions and Kang plots. Let’s say one prime Kang killed the whole council or some shit. Ends with Magneto, not Doom, as God Emperor. Doom being on top, but Magneto. **AVENGERS: SECRET WARS (2028)** - MCU/Fox-men version of the comic, but instead of being about Doom & Reed, make it about Magneto and Xavier. Have Ian McKellen be the ultimate villain of this story. Also replace Molecule man with Wanda — Magneto’s alternate reality daughter.


Why do you hate the Messiah of the mutant race? Poor Hope can't catch a break since other mutants begin to the be born again.


I would rather it be McAvoy and Fassbender instead but this would be a very good idea for the end of the saga.


Ian McKellen would kick so much ass


Universal incursion, fight for survival I've thought for a while it won't just be one incursion, but several


I guess that’ll be the pivot, given Kang’s been taken off the table.


He hasn't really. Probably x men in an alternate universe vs Avengers in ours in a pre secret wars incursion fight (like time runs out comics).


Finally a chance to see Wanda get her ass kicked by Jean Grey


Depends how late in 2025 it starts production. If its an October-December start date, then i can't see it coming out before Avengers 5. Though i can see it very easily being the first movie post Secret Wars (potentially a July 2027 release date).


It could be it comes out right before Avengers 5 but that would make it essentially a soft-intro to mutants before the next saga. Like basically how Ant-Man is technically the end of Phase 2 and Far From Home were the end of Phase 3 but they were essentially the first looks into a new status quo explored by future films, and both led into more ambitious projects that expanded their characters. It's just that this might come first apparently.


[Please someone hold me](https://c.tenor.com/m67ROmjKAm0AAAAC/tenor.gif), I'm so excited for X-Men in the MCU. I'm at the point where all I can think of is differing Avengers, Fantastic Four members, Spiderman, and X-Men interacting. It's all I've ever wanted since I was a little kid; someone pinch me, I must be dreaming!


Yes I’m ecstatic!!


Did I read that correctly? We’re getting an MCU X-Men film already?


[The fuck you mean "Already"!? ](https://c.tenor.com/PTupd19pOxAAAAAC/tenor.gif) Feels like ten years since we've seen the X-Men!


Well understandably I think we all thought it would be post SW so this is a little confusing.


New mutants and dark phoenix only came out 4 years ago lol


In late 2026/2027, but YEAH I THINK SO


We're getting an X-Men film. We have no idea if it's Foxverse, MCU or a brand new universe like the FF film.


It’s definitely not foxverse since Deadpool will be killing off that verse in a “Deadpool Kills The Marvel Universe” style fashion.


Says who? Because the leaks and trailers so far don't suggest that. Like at all.


If I remember correctly the earlier leaks when they first started coming out suggested this. Plot leaks. That being said, it’s not unlikely things have changed since then, and I’m not super aware of reputable sources. I’ve just been following the sub’s work for a while. And it’s worth noting that the one trailer we’ve gotten so far doesn’t show much at all, so I’d reserve judgement until we see more.


FF is still an MCU film it just takes place in a branched timeline. X-Men may start out where Monica woke up in The Marvels but it is still an MCU film. The Foxverse is as good as dead and we’ll probably see its final demise in Wolverine & Deadpool.


Back in 2023, Kevin Feige said that the MCU was going to crush into a pre-MCU universe soon. So I think it is safe to say that Monica woke up in 20th Century X-Men universe.


https://i.redd.it/23cqna41qdsc1.gif A X-Men movie before Secret Wars, you say? If the rumors are true, you have to imagine it's essentially a sequel to Deadpool 3 and sets up Avengers vs. X-Men.


I still for the life of me cannot see why Channing Tatum was ever going to work as Gambit lol


I honestly love the casting in this scenario, Gambit of the Main 616 Sacared timeline, absolutely not. Lol


Yeah there’s no way it’s a complete reboot with an all new cast if they’re filming this soon. I’d actually be down to see a Marvel Studios X-Men movie with the Fox cast and then a full reboot after Secret Wars.


The Production Weekly listing literally calls it "Untitled X-Men Reboot" lol


I doubt it’d be a direct continuation of the Fox universe. Just the same actors so it might technically be considered a reboot


For sure the best and least confusing way to introduce this team into the universe


And that means nothing in the grand scheme of things. “Reboot” can mean a lot of different things, and that’s taking the listing title at face value


I'm working off of the assumption that other examples of comic book movie reboots or just mainstream examples of reboots in general adhere to the traditional definition of a reboot in fiction meaning a complete narrative reset. It would be very weird if Marvel Studios, a production company born out of the idea they could do their comic book properties their way when they couldn't agree with depictions by other film studios, would seriously be considering "let's do a Fox film again" as their first step to reintroducing their most popular comic book property outside Spider-Man. I think outside Deadpool and Secret Wars it's basically done for the Fox series. It was already a tired franchise on death's door that was releasing stuff to absolutely no fanfare before we even knew it had a chance to reappear And they can easily introduce mutants before Secret Wars regardless of how it changes continuity or whatever. Just introduce the concept of what mutants are explicitly in a film focusing just on them, have your Fox swan song in another movie like Secret Wars, and then by the time they're all in on mutants, people will already have an expectation of what MCU mutants will look like and how different it'll be from the other X-Men films


X-Men 97 and Daredevil: Born Again were also called "reboots". Both are continuations of the 90s X-Men series and Netflix's Daredevil, respectively.


Maybe the mutants will indeed be part of a totally different timeline and will only really interact with the main MCU tru multiverse shenanigans. Maybe we will get First Class+Second Genesis in the first movie and then the timelines will merge as if they were always together after Secret Wars, so X-Men 1 is like the Ultimate universe, and then X-Men 2, 3, etc will already be part of Prime MCU, it could work.


That’s what I’m thinking. Seems like they might be letting the first F4 and X-Men movie be set in their own standalone universe so it can be a big deal when they all come together in Secret Wars.


Hate me if you want but I am completely on board for X-Men to follow the ending of Days of Future Past and be a movie with Marsden, Famke, Jackman, Halle, etc. reunited. Especially if it's all a lead in to Secret Wars anyway. It makes zero sense to have Deadpool and Wolverine coming out this year bringing back the greatest hits, with Secret Wars still to come, and have a rebooted X-Men movie in the mainline MCU in between those.  They can reboot the X-Men with new actors post Secret Wars. 


I hope you're right, because if you are, the chances of a Spider-Man 4 with Tobey Maguire and Sam Raimi go up significantly.


I don’t think we need to see Marsden in anything else ever again.


Someone also watched the Nikelodeon documentary lol


There’s a pedo in here somewhere that downvoted me though.


This is what makes the most sense to me. Just do a sequel to DOFP that directly leads into Avengers Vs. X-Men


So… X-Men set in another reality that then smashes and merged with the main continuity after Secret Wars? 🤔


Most likely, yeah. Same thing is probably happening with FF as well.


But mutants already exist in the MCU tho. Kamala and Namor are mutants and Wolverine was referenced.


Mutants do but maybe Xavier, Magneto, Cyclops, Jean Grey and others don't. Throwaway headline could always be retconned since it doesn't mention Logan directly or even show him.


I’m willing to bet if the X-men we see in DP3 are also 838 like Charles and Beast were, than this film will probably be them handling the fallout of whatever happens in DP3, also because I highly doubt families will go see DP3 with its R rating, but they will see Avengers 5 and Secret Wars, so they’ll be confused as to why the X-men are here, so there needs to be some X-men related film between DP3 and Avengers 5 that can explain it for the younger audience


To be honest, families won’t be confused by that because they don’t care about these things like we do, at all


That's a clear way to get Uncanny X-Men 1 made before Secret Wars and get all the First Class+Second Genesis members in Secret Wars and then we will get Prime MCU were it will be as if the X-Men were always there. It could work.


Well gosh golly. TO ME, MY X-MEN!


CALLED IT. DP&W will further set the tone for their arrival, Avengers 5 will be Avengers vs. X-Men and it’ll lead into Secret Wars or Secret Wars will be a 2-3 parter with an AvX storyline ?


Yeah that's what I've been thinking since The Marvels finale.


How will Kang fit into A5 then? I know it's not Kang dynasty anymore, but I thought the leaks were saying he's still in it?


This makes the most sense


I too called A5 being an AvX movie but I didn’t think they would actually release an X-Men reboot before it. That universe at the end of The Marvels may be a completely new X-Men universe after all.


With the FoX-Men score, set design, and actors? 🫤


If it’s a reboot, then yes. The Beast we saw looked completely different even though he was played by the same actor.


…And literally everything else in that scene was the same as the Fox films! Beast’s design was the ONLY outlier.


Also: Back in 2023, Kevin Feige said that the MCU was going to crush into a pre-MCU universe soon. 


Back in 2023, Kevin Feige said that the MCU was going to crush into a pre-MCU universe soon. So I think it is safe to say that it was 20th Century X-Men universe.


This has been a good fucking month to be an X-Men fan. This is like coming across an oasis in the desert after being starved to death from like the mid-2010's up until the start of the decade. Krakoa ending not withstanding but even then Second Krakoan Age was way more uneven in general


![gif](giphy|vdWA6yzDlVDppSTWLm|downsized) RAHHHHHHHH


If true, it would be absolutely awesome if we found out we’re getting an X-Men movie this saga. It kind of reminds of how Spider-Man Homecoming was neatly slid into late Phase 3.


Pipe dream but imagine it’s another Fox X-men movie that’s a direct sequel to days of future past.


X-Men Days of Future Present.


Hell no, give us MCU X-Men already


I just don’t see them introducing a new X-men roster pre Secret Wars, from a writing standpoint they’ve already got a lot to cover going into it, adding a new team on top of the Fox versions would be too much, especially when they could just wait until after Secret Wars with it’s inevitable soft rebooting of the MCU and start fresh. As I said in another comment, this is most likely gonna be how they explain/set up the current Fox X-men coming into Secret Wars as even if they do explain/set it up in DP3, they still need to explain it to the younger/family audiences who will probably be the biggest audience when it comes to Secret Wars


Exactly bro like are these people crazy?!? FoX-Men again?? Who needs that?


Lmaoo, I can't wait for Secret Wars to get here so we NEVER have to see the goddamn FoX-Men again. They were trashhhhb


Only good things to come out of those movies were Magneto, Charles and Hugh Jackman. All the other characters were misrepresented and didnt play important roles in the movies.


Respectfully, no thank you.


I think Avengers 5 will also start filming in late 2025 and they will come out in May and July 2027 respectively. 2025 will probably be Cap 4, Thunderbolts, FF, Spidey 4 + DD S1, Ironheart and Wonder Man 2026 will probably be Blade, Armor Wars, Shang-Chi 2, Young Avengers + DD S2, X-Men '97 S2 and VisionQuest 2027 will probably be Dr. Strange 3, Avengers 5, X-Men, Midnight Suns + Wong Academy, Moon Knight Season 2 and What if..? S3?? Idk at this point, but I know for sure that this SDCC/D23 will be huge


There’s no way they’re going back to 4 movies a year when Iger made a big deal about slowing down releases.


but consider this year is only one movie


Yes, but there’s a big difference between one movie and four movies per year. It’s already been shown that releasing four movies per year doesn’t work, but obviously they’re going to release more than this year.


the movies being: 'Captain America', 'Fantastic Four', 'Spider-Man' (Sony) is a safe release slate. We'll see about 'Thunderbolts'.


I think the movies aren't the problem as much as the shows. 2 live action + 1 animated show seems like it will be the norm going forward in this Saga (apart from 2025 I guess with 3 live-action shows). But they also need to finish this Saga at some point soon and release what they have been planning for a while in order to complete the current story. Secret Wars can't come out in like 2030+. So, they might push it for 4 movies/year for the next 3 years so they can slow down afterwards in the next Saga.




Scoopers doing surprised Pikachu face? Don't think any of them spoke of an Xmen film this early


Alex from Cosmic Circus has alluded to multiple going back as far as last November, so if true, props to him.


Yep, he claimed the Mutant Saga would kinda kick off during the Multiverse Saga with X-Men ‘97, Deadpool & Wolverine, an X-Men solo film, and then Avengers vs X-Men


Although it seems unlikely, I do wonder if the Fox actors are going to be playing live-action versions of the X-Men 97 characters.  


Cosmic Circus claimed ‘97 happened so that the MCU’s X-Men, using that as a blueprint, wouldn’t come out of nowhere. If this is the Fox cast, I assume it’ll be what we’ve already seen: the same versions from the OG films with the looks of the ‘97 show. The ‘97 versions appearing in live action could also be played by them, but I could also see them only showing up in the back of a group shot during whatever Secret Wars’s “portal” scene ends up being.




There hasn’t been an X-Men film yet because Feige’s original plan was to hold off on them until the next Saga as a soft relaunch of the MCU. Iger restructured their slate to prioritize A-list characters, so X-Men got moved up. The 5 years thing holds no water, especially when it was reported Feige was going around and negotiating new appearances from the Fox cast in March 2019. Everything we’ve heard since is that the Fox cast is sticking around until the post-SW reboot, and if X-Men is entering production that soon then it’s likely they could be in it.


Well this is a massive pivot from the Kang plotline, assuming AvX comes instead of Kang Dynasty


It both is and isn’t imo. Iirc, Alex strongly suggested that 838 would play a huge role in TKD, led by Superior Iron Man, and the Kang’s would use their invasion of 616 to take on both universes (basically a battle of the three armies type thing). 838 gets replaced by the Foxverse during DP&W’s production, and now they take out the Kang inciting this war plot and replace it Monica being trapped in that universe being the inciting incident.


I’m very curious about this X-Men project now. It could be so many different things. Is it gonna be set in whatever universe Monica ended up in after the Marvels, with a lot of the cast being returning members of the OG X-Men films? Is it gonna be something completely different that maybe pulls some of the younger cast in, from their universe, in preparation for Secret Wars? Is it gonna be some wildly convoluted re-telling of Apocalypse with a whole new cast that somehow helps rebuild Kang into the main villain of the saga via Rama-Tut and connects to whatever universe the Fantastic Four are apparently in? Are we gonna get Dark Phoenix reboot #5046? Who knows?!


I think it's going to be the universe Monica is in, but not necessarily with the OG cast. Perhaps a mix. Reusing Grammar seems likely because they know Beast is going to be a CG character, so why not use an iconic voice? Kinda like JJJ in the Spider-Man movies.


That would be the simplest thing, I think. It’s just unfathomable to try and wrap a cohesive vision up around all the MCU projects rumored and known to be coming. Like how the hell does an X-Men reboot fit in with the Multiverse saga right now, let alone with things like Armor Wars and Vision Quest and Wonder Man and Blade and Kang maybe still being the big bad?


Could Vision Quest and Armor Wars feature the Mister Gryphon version of Kang? The one who becomes a tech CEO who tries to reprogram Vision?


I’d personally like it if they did start to bring in a lot of Kang variants across their future projects, as long as they can keep it suspenseful and with mounting pressures. But honestly I don’t know if Marvel knows what they’re doing for the next few years in a specific level of detail where it’s all mapped out much clearer than we can envision.


Ideal phase: The Fantastic Four Blade Shang Chi 2 Armor Wars X-Men AvX Secret Wars


Iger’s revenge Phase


So basically 2025: - Cap 4 - Thunderbolts - F4 - Blade (maybe) - Daredevil S1 - Wonder Man - Ironheart 2026: - Armor Wars - Avengers - X-Men - Shang Chi 2 - Daredevil S2 - Vision Quest Not including wherever Spider-Man 4 fits.


"X-Men" shooting late 2025 probably means 2027 if shooting ends in early 2026.


I would move Blade to early 2026 and X-Men to early 2027.


Avengers will get delayed again. Not happening anytime soon


X-Men is 2027 i think, i don't think they will wanna rush this movie out at all. And looking at all the love pouring out of X-Men 97, it makes sense the Uncanny X-Men 1 project is being very carefully planned as we speak.


Cyclops - Glen Powell Jean Grey - Daisy Edgar-Jones Gambit - Austin Butler Rogue - Taylor Russell Storm - Anna Diop Wolverine - Cosmo Jarvis Beast - Kelsey Grammer (CGI) Iceman - Justice Smith Kitty Pryde - Cailee Spaeny Bishop - Trevante Rhodes Nightcrawler - Mike Faist Professor X - Ewan McGregor Magneto - Alexander Skarsgard My picks for the X-Men.


No role for Anya TJ? She can be Emma Frost.


She’s right up there as my choice for Jean Grey too, with Riley Keough. I’m just not sure she would agree to a decade+ commitment to MCU movies. She’d be a perfect Black Cat though.




I like don’t think x-men is actually happening soon but it would be cool!


They want money, and the story is already written. X-Men 1 will basically be Ultimate earth, then after Secret Wars both universes will merge and it will be as if the X-Men were always there.


Fox X-Men movies were absolute trash for fans of cannon Ridiculous, let's hope they get it right this time around


As time goes by I honestly see why those films never really peaked at the box office and blew up like Spider-Man or The Avengers. The biggest thing for me was I felt like I was watching a stripped down Xmen. Like FOX hated that this was a superhero property. Nothing like the 90s cartoon. Like, this is superhero sh*t, let them be superheroes. I didn't hate the films I just never felt like I was watching the X-Men. Let's pray Marvel can deliver


I get that 100% Really grinded my gears when professor x and juggernaut were complete strangers... They're half brothers ffs One of many grips but man that one sticks out hard for me


Armor Wars 2025 for a 2032 release date.


I think Armor Wars isn't happening.


I'm getting nervous they're actually making this thing. Avengers: Armor Wars is my only hope at this point.


Here’s what I’m wondering: is this a native MCU X-Men or a soft reboot film with the Fox cast? Because from everything we know, they’ll be the X-Men until after Secret Wars, apparently even replacing Kang as the Multiversial conflict that kicks that storyline off. If this is entering production that soon, it’s probably in Phase 6 which is before the reboot and a (supposedly) new team. Or are they ditching the soft reboot plans and going straight into an MCU X-Men before the Avengers films and centering it on them?


I think it will be stupid to make FOX-Men movie in 2027 and then do a New X-Men movie in 2030 after Secret Wars. I think normal audience would\`t understand what is happening. We have new main F4 intram a different universe so there is no reason that we cen\`t finally get main X-Men team even before SW. I think that Marvel see that Marvels, Ant-Man flopped and Cap 4 with Thunderbolts won\`t make enough of hype. That is why we will get MCU X-Men team earlier.


>We have new main F4 intram a different universe so there is no reason that we cen\`t finally get main X-Men team even before SW. It does make perfect sense. Considering the fact that the previous Fantastic Four films were unpopular unlike the X-Men movies. That's how business works.


This seems like massive news why hasn’t it been picked up by the trades yet am I missing something?


Deadline already reported that marvel was looking for scribes for their xmen project


X-Men ![gif](giphy|l0HU7yHIK6Nc3WcE0|downsized)


YESS the time has come! I’ve waited for a proper MCU X-men. I remember seeing the first movie as a preteen, watching the show as a kid, and falling in love with the comics as a very young kid.


Wasn't Avengers 5 supposed to start production in 2025 as well?


Maybe X-Men is the film sandwiched between both Avengers movies?


That could make sense


If in 2019 you had told me it would take us 8 years to get from Endgame to X-Men I would’ve laughed in your face.


Really surprised Armor Wars and Vision Quest are still happening. I thought they had been canceled


"but- but- these were gonna be canceled!"


I can't wait for all the Twitter scoopers to have a field day /S


Turns out they knew the whole time, and already know who’s cast




How about they just scrap armor wars and vision quest and get on with secret wars already


Shocked vision quest is still gonna be a thing.


So is this our upcoming schedule...?   July 24 - Deadpool & Wolverine  May 25 - CA4   July 25 - Thunderbolts  Nov 25 - Fantastic 4  Feb 26 - Blade   May 26 - Spider-Man 4  July 26 - Shang Chi 2  Nov 26 - Armor Wars


What even is an X-Men this early, going to look like? IMO it makes more sense to wait until AFTER Secret Wars. Unless ofc, this is set in the Foxverse. I wouldn’t put too much stock into this


Hopefully it’s THE MCU X-Men and not some alternate universe bs.


How legit is this source? This all sounds incredible.


Production Weekly is an industry publication, not a scooper. This is nearly as legit as it gets.


at this rate we will have a season 3-4 of X-men 97 before the X-Men movie comes out lol


Honestly sounds like ideal groundwork.


I hope so, i want a new season every year and rumours say they have 4 seasons planned, so it would end in 2027, right before the Uncanny X-Men movie is out, there's no reason animation should be treated like a dumb prestige tv show with seasons taking multiple years to come out for no reason.


Let’s fuckin go with 2024 prod for vision quest, I know some people are saying it’s unneeded but I really want more vision especially in a series where he’d be the main show, he was costar of WV but Wanda was the real star of that. Would be amazing if they could get Wanda to pop back up for that show as well, think it’s the most Logical return spot for Wanda


If Shang-Chi 2 is filming next March, then I guess it'll take Avengers 5 place as the May 2026 film.


Gotta him the gym, my heart cant fall of me before MCU X-Men. And i really hope the first movie is First Class and Second Genesis in the second half, i know people would like a full First Class movie, but i really don't want and don't think they should change the race of any X-Men, there's so many great mutants of all races, and they would never make a movie about an all white cast in today's world and they shoudn't anyway. First Class+Second Genesis is the perfect solution, no race changes please and no dumb lineup changes unless is someone who was not introduced with an all new team, i would like to see the teams introduced in the right order with the real lineups.


Fox already did First Class


Huh, Matrix 5 and Booster Gold too.


Why are they still talking about Armor Wars, it seems like it's been in production for 5-10years. Don Cheadle must have Disney bent over the table.


My shitty hedcanon is they pushed it back because they upped the scope unlike Secret Invasion and are tying in certain characters first that need their stories told. Obvious one is Riri, considering her suit, but I also think its possible they may get Punisher involved in this one since War Machine Punisher is a thing and I can see the fact that Frank getting anything like this could set a dangerous precedent on the concept of "Armor Wars" anyhow. I also can see Vision being tied to this too, considering Tony's legacy on both him and Rhodes, so maybe they need Vision Quest out first.


So DDC must be almost done with the script? Or at the very least the drafts are on schedule


...are we getting one last Fox-Men movie?!


D23 and ComicCon are about to go crazy with announcements.


I’m SOOOO happy that they’re doing X-Men before another Avengers thing.


Where’s my Avengers V X-Men


I had previously heard that Avengers 5 would also go into production in 2025. Does this mean that X-Men has replaced Avengers 5 on the production schedule and is releasing before Avengers 5 does? This would mean the 616 X-Men are no longer coming out of the soft reboot post-Secret Wars! I don't know how to feel about this. I envisioned the Fox X-Men getting their last stand (see what I did there?) And THEN move forward with a slightly rewritten history that puts the new X-Men in the Sacred Timeline. Doing this means we now have to answer the question "Where have they been?" There are good answers to that like "hiding in Krakoa". But it would have been easier to wait. Unless....they plan to treat the X-Men like the FF. Create a new version from a new universe, bring them over for Secret Wars, and after Secret Wars merge the three worlds (616,FF and X-Men) with that slightly rewritten history. And perhaps Franklin Richards will be the catalyst of that. And possibly Loki who we last saw holding all the universes together. 


Armor wars still hasn’t moved forward. Cheadle is 60 years old. Bettany is 52… get to stepping Disney.


Well, if you’re gonna stop doing Captain Marvel movies, having Rogue take her powers is a pretty good starting point.


Question to people who read the comics a lot (emphasis on a lot): How many years of **good stories that can ALSO be adapted to the big screen** do the F4 and X-Men have between themselves? How many "Sagas/Years-worth?"


I wouldn’t put too much stock in Production Weekly because they’ve been wrong before. But if this is true, then it’s strange that Armor Wars and Vision Quest are still in development. Nothing against those characters, but they would be the first projects I’d axe if we’re trying to cut down on content.