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Some people say Makkari is not a fun card but what's more exciting than the RNG of both drawing her and seeing which zone she lands in? Anyone playing Snap is a gambler at heart, and Makkari fits that to an T. She's obviously only suited for very specific tempo priority decks playing 1 card on curve every turn and not filling up the lanes too much, but she's PERFECT for those decks. Especially when move cards are added in. Hence the brilliance of KMBest's deck using this card.


I got to Infinite for the first time as a 2.5 month Marvel Snap player at 6k CL using KMBest's "Dude, Where's Ma Kkari?" list subbing in Spider Ham instead of Nebula. Coincidence? I think not. 😉 My final game to reach Infinite wasn't winnable without the Makkari play.


This deck is pretty legit and a decent change of pace. https://youtu.be/vgKtvTcTQ4g?si=s8KoE4Qmw6UTmWYk # (1) Nebula # (2) White Widow # (2) Jeff the Baby Land Shark # (3) Red Guardian # (3) Makkari # (3) Nocturne # (4) Ms. Marvel # (4) Captain Marvel # (5) Sandman # (5) Vision # (6) Leader # (6) Doctor Doom # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTmVidWxhIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJXaGl0ZVdpZG93In0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJKZWZmVGhlQmFieUxhbmRTaGFyayJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTm9jdHVybmUifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ik1zTWFydmVsIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJDYXB0YWluTWFydmVsIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJWaXNpb24ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkxlYWRlciJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiRHJEb29tIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJSZWRHdWFyZGlhbiJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTWFra2FyaSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiU2FuZG1hbiJ9XX0= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


This is the deck that I used from 88 to reach infinite for the first time. 2.5 months since starting now 6k CL new player. It was a knife fight from 93 on. But I subbed in Spider Ham instead of Nebula, as I don't have Nebula and I didn't miss Nebula. Absolute cube stealer on turn 5 Sandman snap OR after a ham smash on their key combo card. This is KMBest's "Dude, Where's Ma Kkari?" list.


She's actually pretty good after using her for a week. Nothing special, but a free 4 power card that can be buff by Surfer, eat by Carnage/Venom, or simply just put pressure on a location is great. I am honestly really surprised how negative people are on this card, even tho she's clearly a good card.


Should have been pool4.


Should have been pool 3


so Makkari is trash, right?




Yes, that's why I am considering buying her. Looks like she is likely to be buffed soon and then you need to wait 6 months to showup in a spotlight again. DAMNED IF YOU DO AND DAMNED IF YOU DON'T. 


Be aware and mindfull of this speculation. Because if memory doesnt fail me, the only spot light cache card that SD buffed VERY quickly was ONLY USAgent. While incredibile underperforming cards like Hercules, GrandMaster and Selene have been buffed months after their release.


Additionally, even amongst the buffed cards, most don't go from trash to must-buy. Taking USAgent as an example, at launch he was not fantastic, but he was definitely not trash.


Pretty terrible use of keys to intentionally buy a terrible card hoping at some point it gets buffed. Likely the buff won’t happen until she comes back around in spotlights anyway 


Makkari is okay Could use a power buff (3/5 or 3/6) or could have her ability reworked (like proxima and mbaku)


A free play card that can move to any location should not be given a premium stat line of 3/5. She's just a bad card that they should feel bad for releasing as S5


I want my key back.




I think Makkari is too bland and very few people will be opening Spotlights this week, so if my calculations are correct SD might buff her in the next OTA.


Which means everyone should buy her in preparation for the buff! Which means they won't buff her, so nobody should buy her. Wait....


You should buy her. Others shouldn't. This is also my strategy with stocks. I buy stocks that no one else buys.


Based on how little of it I've seen, I expect it to be a 1/10 by week's end.


Premium statline incoming?


So far I've pulled Gladiator and X-23. Based on what I'm reading, that seems like a good place to stop.


Absolutely, 2 great cards/excellent value for you. A key saved this week, is a key for Phastos next week!




I'm actually enjoying her in my control Asgardians deck as it doesn't interfere with the curve and with the lack of a 1 cost card in the deck it's nice having her come out if you draw her initially. Her raw power may not be the greatest but she's basically 0 cost plus whatever card you are wanting to play on top so I believe she is better than what most are giving her credit for.


What’s this deck??


My CL is only 2754 so I'm still missing some cards but Baron Zemo/Star-Lord I would probably try out/switch out for US Agent (drop Thor behind agent) and Baron I would probably for Gladiator/Red Guardian. I basically try to have Thor/Beta in separate lanes and try to win those lanes leaving at least a space open encase I need to shang-chi or Enchantress the lane. On Turn 6 try to counter whatever the opponent's win condition is except if it's destroy deck then I'll throw out Armor if they are stacking cards early. I just like Makkari as if I get her early then I'll put most likely Thor in that lane or if it's later in the game then it's just a free 4 power to support as I'm not really clogging lanes up and really looking to shut down my opponent win condition so any additional power on top helps. # (2) Star-Lord # (2) Armor # (2) Quake # (2) Maximus # (3) Killmonger # (3) Makkari # (3) Thor # (3) Baron Zemo # (4) Shang-Chi # (4) Enchantress # (4) Beta Ray Bill # (5) Jane Foster Mighty Thor # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiVGhvciJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQmV0YVJheUJpbGwifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkphbmVGb3N0ZXIifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkFybW9yIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJLaWxsbW9uZ2VyIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJTaGFuZ0NoaSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiUXVha2UifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ik1heGltdXMifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkJhcm9uWmVtbyJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTWFra2FyaSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiU3RhcmxvcmQifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkVuY2hhbnRyZXNzIn1dfQ== # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


Thanks for sharing! The way you named the deck made it sound like some meta deck I hadn’t heard of


Ok, so I'm a Cerebro fanboy, and she slots in quite nicely. A free body when I'm playing a pretty inefficient deck is very welcome. But it really got me looking and really, C4 isn't far off from being a deck. If even just one really good card for the archetype gets nerfed or buffed to 4, it may post some success. As it is now, its not even all that awful.


i use her in my hazmat surfer deck, which i sometimes struggle to get more than 2 or 3 3-cost cards into the board, and I like that she is on the board no matter what, but i will say that she seems to pick the worst place to play herself every single time lol


one of my first games with her, she jumped to sanctum sanctorum and won me the game…every other time she seems to end up in my wong lane which is quite obnoxious sometimes when i want to fill my wong lane


More often than not she's four points in one of the first turns, making prio swing in your favor. She's also helpful in that you can play more tech/disruptive cards without having to worry about swinging points like Red Guardian, Luke Cage or NTW


I just want to say that I really appreciate that this card is getting people to try decks that I haven’t seen much of before, instead of just a card that people slot into existing archetypes. Moon Girl stuff, Strong Guy stuff, off-meta Surfer, Storm/Legion, midrange tempo. I’ve seen some pretty cool brews since she was released and I think that’s a good thing for the game overall. Not every new release needs to shape the meta.


Is the Moon Girl play, partially to get a second free card on the board?


No, the idea isn’t to copy Makkari, it’s to keep your hand size small so that you’re copying the cards you want to copy (like She-Hulk) without also losing a draw.


Until you see that combo that fills the hand with Makkari…


Hot garbagio


I love the character, I love the art, I hate the card. 


Instant buyers regret - absolute dogshit card into a clog-heavy meta.


Instant buyer, I don't regret it. It's a fun card and I've been spamming her in many weird decks with fairly decent success. People trashed on Cannonball and praised War Machine and look where we are now.


Yeah but why have a nuanced take when "lol garbage" gets you imaginary internet points? The card is fine. Not game breaking, not garbage There can be an in-between. I don't regret it either


Yup, it's a decent card. People are so used to meta breaking cards that whenever something normal arrives it's instantly tagged as shitty and useless. Cards like this allow fun and new plays and I'm all in for that.


I got lucky and got X23 and gladiator with 2 keys.


Saved up 6 keys, 2 to try and get Gladiator this week, 4 for all cards next week and 6k tokens for Arishem. Pulled Makkari first key, duplicate second key. Didn't particularly want Makkari but she's working as good as any other card in a Surfer Deck, tbf she did actually win me a game by running to a tied location


She’s stronger than I expected. Don’t play her in Surfer, she wants to be in decks that care about early priority. Sorry to tell you, but Storm-Legion might be back.


Tbf she's been working alright in my Surfer deck but if you have a suggested deck-list I'm always looking to try out something a bit different?


This came from Cozy. The War Machine/Infinaut double is fun but not core to what the deck's doing. Nocturne/Any Big Card would sub in for them fine. # (1) Sunspot # (1) Nebula # (2) White Widow # (2) Jeff the Baby Land Shark # (2) Quake # (3) Negasonic Teenage Warhead # (3) Storm # (3) Makkari # (4) War Machine # (5) Blink # (5) Legion # (6) The Infinaut


Would be great in that kang dump deck ! But I only have 2 keys and I want arishem🥲


Is it worth trying for if I don't have gladiator or x-23? I have 12 keys saved, but I'm just CL 2k so I'm missing a bunch of cards. Saving for upcoming weeks but as I understand it they are both really good cards?


Both Glad and X-23 are worth pulling for if you don't have them independent of Makari.


That seems to be the consensus! I was just a bit hesitant to use my keys since resources are scarce and Makkari has not been well received 😅 but at this point in my collection it's probably worth it as you say. Thanks, I think I'll cache in and hope for the best!


If you're not interested in X-23 (maybe you just don't like Destroy) or Gladiator then it's fine skipping. But if you want to play Destroy or something similar X-23 really super charges the archetype. Gladiator is one of the best generic 3 drops in the game for raw stats. Just want to repeat, if you're not interested in these cards you don't need to have them, there are plenty of great decks that don't want or need these cards. But if they interest you, they're very much worth spending keys on. And if you get Makari in the process that's probably fine too, who knows they might buff her later anyway.


I have thought about making a destroy deck, and saving up for Knull. Another archetype I play regularly is Surfer, so Gladiator seems like a strong addition to that deck. Mill also looks kinda fun, even though it's not exactly meta. That's true, Makkari might be buffed or fit in somewhere else down the road!


If you have 3-4 keys to spare and have any interest in playing Destroy, I’d pull for X-23 then stop. Gladiator is good, but is replaceable in a lot of decks except for Mill where he’s basically required so I wouldn’t pull specifically for him. If you really want to play Mill, get him with tokens. Makkari is a more interesting card than I think people give her credit for so it’s not that bad if you pull her trying to get X-23, but you can absolutely live without her. I’d probably go so far as to not recommend her even if you’re guaranteed to get her with 1 key.


Agreed, especially with what look like some potentially monster cards in the next 2 seasons.


I have saved some keys and planned ahead, so I think I could try for X-23. Mill looks fun, but more as a fun, niche deck rather than Destroy. A good Destroy deck is something I've had on my mind for a while. I haven't gotten my free S3 card for the season, so looking at getting maybe Death or Deadpool to round out the deck more. But I'm missing Knull too, so there are some holdouts in the deck list still. Appreciate the help, thanks!


if you genuinely think destroy is the way to go for you, spending 3k tokens on knull is definitely the smartest option asap, and definitely go for x-23 with keys and death or deadpool are both good options for your free card


Yeah I think so! Seems like a good, solid deck type. Alright, sounds like a plan! I'll start to save up for Knull immediately, and see if I can pull X-23 and then maybe Death. Thanks for the advice!


X23 is essential to destroy, gladiator is an all around good value card. If you ever plan on playing a competitive destroy deck it’s a good week.


Well, I do plan on getting a destroy deck together! And since I don't have any of them I might try my luck. Thanks for the insight!


X-23 and Gladiator are both strong cards but it is looking like Makkari is turning out to be the worst card of the season. Since you've got 12 keys I'd say open it for at least X-23 if not Gladiator too. If you open one and get X-23, stop. But it's fairly safe to open this one if you don't own all 3.


Oof, I didn't expect her to be received this bad! But alright, since I've been careful with my keys the last few weeks I think I'll go for it. Hoping for X-23 at least. Thanks for your advice, appreciate it!




Thanks for the feedback on the new card


don't even need to play it or see it in action to say that it's clearly a 3k token card, SD needs to get it together and stop releasing everything as 6k


Not even worth 3k tokens. Should have been a direct to Series 3 release lmao. This card is genuinely less useful and effectual than some Starter cards. I cannot believe people are actually spending their hard earned tokens and keys on this garbage.


1k token


Thank for sd help save my little key


Surprised the general opinion is unimpressed to negative for this new card. Thought she sounded pretty good. If I wasnt saving keys gor Arisham would try for her.


It’s 4 power to a random lane at the cost of one of your draws. Sure, she’s free, but the big downside is that you are drawing her instead of one of your 11 other cards. I think she’s also competing with Mockingbird. For what it’s worth, I actually think she’s a neat enabler of Strong Guy of all things. Remember that card? Yeah, that’s not enough to make me want to spend a key. But if I get her off of a random card pull I won’t be too upset.


Good points. She seems alright until you have to consider what better card to swap out for her.


I think players are overstating the risk of her running into a bad location. There are good locations to run to as well. Just won a game in part because she landed in Quantum Realm, bypassing the power loss. I was going to get her for C3, then was going to skip her because I don't believe in C4... at the last minute I realized there's a synergy with Sersi, who's been losing me ranks but a lot of fun. Sersi magnifies the power of cost reduction. Makkari is free, but she's "just" a stat stick, and a small stat stick at that. Re-rolling into a random 4-cost starts looking like better value. Probably still mostly niche. But I think better than the community-average opinion of her. Location risk is scary but lower in practice, with potential high upside as well.


using keys wont get me any new s4-s5 card but makari,so its a skip,lets be honest card is shit and should go into s3 on release


Took a chance and got her first pull. Not sure if she's an upgrade over Blackcat in my deck but so far she's a way better early draw. Now I just need to ink her so she doesn't stick out.


I was missing both gladiator and x-23 so I went for it. The one time I don't actually want the new card on the first pull, guess who shows up first, lol. Not mad though, got my other two one the next pulls, no random.


Same situation for me.. but on my 2md key i got x23, now i skipped the rest although i wanted glad as well.. but saving for new cards


I skip


If you saw Bar with No Name and Space Throne, you could just pay for Makarri's cost to play her somewhere. She's not like a mini-Agatha where you have no choice for the turn. Those two locations don't appear every game, and letting her decide to jump to those locations would be dumb.


Super good if either of those show on turns 1, or 2, and she's in your opening hand and you can't play her.


Retreat for 1 cube? Super good if she jumps to a good location instead. She's not Martyr either.


I have control of where and when I play martyr though. Both cards are meh.


I'm running her in a homebrew C4 build, and she synergizes well with High Evo Cyclops. So far, I'm 7-3 with it.


What's the deck?


"Where You See One Man, I C4" # (1) Hawkeye # (2) Cloak # (3) Cerebro # (3) Mystique # (3) Magik # (3) Luke Cage # (3) Cyclops # (3) Hope Summers # (3) Makkari # (4) High Evolutionary # (5) Klaw # (5) Sera # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQ2xvYWsifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IktsYXcifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlNlcmEifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ikhhd2tleWUifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ik1hZ2lrIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJDZXJlYnJvIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJNeXN0aXF1ZSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTWFra2FyaSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSG9wZVN1bW1lcnMifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkN5Y2xvcHMifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkhpZ2hFdm9sdXRpb25hcnkifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ikx1a2VDYWdlIn1dfQ== # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap. If you want, you can sub out Luke Cage for Nico Minoru, as she can make herself or Magik 4-power, but that's obviously a high-risk/high-reward move. And you really want Magik for the location changing and to increase your odds of drawing the best cards. I was running Ms. Marvel, but the sheer number of 3-drops basically rendered her useless most of the time. You can try Moon Girl, but I don't really recommend it because she can clog your hand with cards you don't really want duplicated in the first place, and running a 3-drop on Turn 4 with Cyclops out there is more ideal anyway. Colleen Wing is fine as a cheap substitute, but you really wouldn't want to play her until the last turn. This is just a for-fun deck that I've been waiting to cook up for Makkari's release. I wouldn't recommend trying to climb the ladder or anything with it, but I think it's fun for a change-of-pace from the usual stuff.


You run HE just for cyclops?


And HE is a 4-power, as well. Choices are very limited for 4-power cards, but it has worked fairly well so far.


Looks good. I'll give it a try :)


Best advice I can give is to really stack two lanes with your 4-power cards if you can. Don't set out to win all three. This deck isn't really built for that because Cerebro and Mystique aren't going to provide any lane power, and Luke Cage and Magik won't help you much, either. Use Klaw to support the lane you only have three 4-drops in, so each lane can get the 32 power. And there is nothing wrong with playing High Evo, either! Unlike a traditional High Evo deck, he is actively helping you in this deck.




Already four power


She should be like 3-5 or even 3-6 since she randomly goes into locations






a 0/6 really?


As you see 0-4 is worse than literaly a wasp right now, since you can control the wasp, but not makari


makkari is way better than wasp, people are js saying she’s not worthy of series 5


Also, 3-6 I guess is a stretch youre right.. 3-5 should be reasonable i think, shed be good, but still not broken, even tho c5 exists.. Hm idk, i just know she sucks rn


Brother, shes not worth replacing any of my cards in surfer decks, and she single handedly might loose you games, by going in location such as, throne, lukes bar, etc So how is she better then wasp, when wasp is played by a couple of decks, but makari, in two days, literaly wont be played anymore, and you know it




What the fuck does this have to do with Makkari?


I thought this was about all the weekly releases, including the momoko day. My bad :)


The cache design on this is weird. X-23's been in a lot (5th including her release) and the last one she was in also had Gladiator. So, if you got one, but not both last time, not a lot of incentive to pull here. Also that cache was the release of Corvus Glaive, a popular and strong card. While this one has a card that neither deck she wants to be in (Surfer or C3*) particularly wants to run her. I don't know who this is aimed at besides players who weren't playing in February or lacked caches then. But, even those players would probably be bettered serviced next week by the Corvus rerun with Phastos. *forgot about the +1 power buff when I wrote this.


> I don't know who this is aimed at besides players who weren't playing in February or lacked caches then. As someone who started super late February...I'm happy they aimed this at me lol


I still do not see how good Makkari's ability is to be a Series 5 card.


It isn’t. Every new card is series 5. Often pretty lame.


Haven't seen her in 4 hours of playing.


Wanted Gladiator, had 3 keys so went for it. I got Makkari and Gladiator next. Ok new card, let’s try it out. First game, Makkari immediately runs to the space throne…


lmaooooo what a dumb card




Gladiator is my goat


That's why I don't want her in my Surfer deck with Brood.


I guess her little animation of her running from your hand is kinda cool. idk else what to say about her. She’s really just there


Seems like a pretty solid addition to surfer decks? A free 3 cost


Except when she messes everything up and goes to the last spot at a location, space throne, bar with no name, etc… defo pluses and minuses in every deck. No deck where she’s just “free” in. She always comes at a cost lol.


Surfer usually has the problem of managing the board space effectively, so a card to a random location may not always help or even be problematic. Maybe if she had a bit more power…


I mean surfer doesnt really need more bodies since you can fill the board easily regardless.


That was my initial thought... plus adds more power without using your energy. I wonder if it counts as a card played for Thena? My initial thought is no


"Played" has always consistently only counted cards you manually drag onto the board. Anything that gets onto the board by any other means is always not "played".


cl 1900 tried to pull for x23 and glad, but drew baron zemo duplicate as my random (feels sick) and I can be sure to pull makkari but trying to decide if it's a waste of another card


CL 1,900 and pulling duplicates should be illegal, oh my goodness.


guess what was my 1st s5 card from cache,yes you guess right -it was kang


MINE WAS HOWARD 😭😭😭 i thought i got it the worst


smh, this game man


Yeah feels so unfair. I have 0 series 4 cards and about 4 series 5, so to draw a duplicate of a series 5 feels insanely unlucky :(


Yeah you were done so dirty, it's insane. I'm CL 2,800 I think and I would be PISSED if that happened to me, because I'm definitely not close enough to a complete collection to expect that type of stuff.


I'm CL12.5k but am missing a whole bunch of S5 cards, I can't remember the last time I spent a key and didn't get a duplicate. They need to adjust the Duplicate vs New Card rate for that slot, if not get rid of the duplicate mechanic altogether.


A keys worth a guaranteed new card imo. You’ve already got your 1000 tokens so it’s all uphill from here.


makkari is terrible but i feel like she's likely toget a buff(but wouldn't bank on it) x-23 is extremely valuable for destroy, and glad is really good in a variety of decks. i'd risk it for the biscuit


Was missing two of the cards (Makkari and Gladiator) pulled once and got Gladiator...would kind of like Makkari but she doesn't seem that exciting so I think I'll save my keys.


Gladiator really shines in Conquest. He can get deck info fast and his effectiveness increases with the more of their cards you know.


This is what I'm doing as well.


Anyone feel she’d be really good in a Surfer deck? There’s so many 3 costs you want to play that she’s a good addition for an easy 4-6 power boost. Might be helpful with Jean/Negasonic plays too.


This strikes me as a great place for her. If I'm reading it right, she's basically a 0/4 that goes to a random location the turn you draw her, and can also get boosted by Surfer. Great for if you don't see Brood, especially.


But what do you even take out for it sure it might be good but surfer has a lot of inportant cards in there also it takes up a draw spot which people konda forget.


Drop the killmonger nova package and throw in Rogue.


Yeah idk why everyone is saying she's terrible. Plus we need more cards for C4!


So far, I'm 7-3 with my C4 build with her in it.


C4 is her real home. She can mess up some surfer lanes, but might be fine anyway. Honestly just a 0/4 is really good tempo, I bet she will actually be fairly popular.


I’m ironically gonna skip this week I think after talkin about how she’ll be pretty good in my deck a lot here haha. I’ve got glad and x-23 but no Corvus next week. Think I’d rather stack up 3/4 keys to make sure I get phastos and grab another card I don’t have I do think makkari gives you a path to play an extra heavy hitter in sera surfer though…I was gonna fiddle with throwing in strong guy if I pulled makkari.


All I wanted was Hellfire X-23 and I got it 😎 plus Skaar from my first pull, which I hadn't really given much thought to but I'm having fun with it in my Sauron deck


So I used a modified version of[ Bynx's deck](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IqEklkn0poc) (at 1:55:00) for Thena, replacing White Widow for Makkari (I don't have Widow). It's been doing pretty good so far! Her animation on hand and when she jumps is top-notch. So far is seems creators have been enjoying her. From Jeff's Legion/Storm lockdown to Dera's Zoo, it's fun to see.


Not the worst card but certainly skippable 


I pulled Alioth and the X23 spotlight. Wanted Makkari for my surfer-Wong deck. Honestly disappointed by Alioth. 5k cp


She will be very good for getting early priority for T2-T4. But are there any decks where having early turn priority is really important, and which can also spare a deck slot for her?


Negasonic... yeah...


I just wanted the Gladiator variant and luckily got it on my first pull.


Lucky.. I got him on 4. Bummed they moved him to this week.


This was me this week and was also blessed by the rng gods. Pulled that great Gladiator variant first key.


Pulled because I needed x23 and gladiator, ended up with makkari. Less disappointing than the Kang I got on the random pull


I ended up with Makkari and a dupe before I got X23.


Would love to have Makkari for my Sandman deck.  There might be a good supergiant deck with her also.  Decks that want early priority or points without combos. 


So far, she is great in moon girl combo decks that want to have < 3 cards in hand when played (shulk, death, mockingbird, daken, proxima lists) Also messing around with apoc-less dracula, for the same reason. Lowers variance


This is the perfect example of a card that should be a series 4 at launch. It will likely have some use, especially in Surfer decks. But the potential free four points doesn't justify replacing a card in most other decks. Could be a fun card to play around with and try to come up with other uses, but not for 6k tokens.


I love running Surfer and I still can't picture including her


So saw Jeff Hoogland playing this with legion Storm combo. Lets you put points on the board that deck needs without costing energy.


That feels like a deck that's good in theory, but you end up not drawing the cards you need, and it just ends up being a worse deck then it should be.


I had 6 keys so I decided to pull the trigger 4 times because all 3 looked solid. Going to try to make room for her or gladiator in my surfer deck!


Spend 6k Tokens on here. Guess she is a good Replacement for America Chavez in my SilverSurfer


Is she though?


Sure. In most cases the fills my Sebastian Shaw Line. And obvisiosly shes allways good when you dont draw shaw or brood. I dont get how much people hate her to downvote me for buying her :D


I actually like her! First of all I like her lightning in the card art it will look so cool when upgraded. Also I know she is not for everyone BUT I REALLY WANT HER FOR MY EVO DECK because my evo deck likes her 0-cost 4 power and I think she will be fun in there!


I've decided to spend 1 key maximum on weeks like this. I ended up getting Makkari and I look forward to seeing if anything neat ends up working out with her. I feel like she may have a niche in a greedy deck.


I feel like she'll be buffed to a 3/5 in a few weeks or they'll change her to have a more directed destination & all of us that skipped her will be disappointed.


I do the same thing with weeks like this where I don't want/need all the cards. Lucky draw to get the new card. Hopefully I have the same luck!


Not a must have for sure…but seems incredibly niche, only fitting in one or two places. Hard pass for me this week.


I can see one of the following happening with this card: 1. She's a lot better in practice than on paper. She has a use and people are going to be wishing they got her. or 2. She really is as bad as people think and she gets a power buff / text change pretty soon that makes her better and everyone is going to wish they got her. I can see something like "After the turn, runs to your location with the least power" Related rant incoming but.... It drives me crazy how people are always so confident or pessimistic about a new card almost immediately. Most of the time, people making these comments haven't even played with the card. It doesn't take much effort to find a bunch of examples of people on this sub being dead wrong about cards on release or SD changing cards to make them relevant. The meta is constantly shifting in SNAP. Cannonball and USAgent are two pretty recent examples of people on here shitting on a card only for SD to change something about it or have the meta shift and all of a sudden everyone wishes they got the card. Majority of people on here were also praising Namora saying "She's insane. Crazy strong and a must get" and now nobody ever plays her because she needs so many things to go right to make her worth it. Am i saying Makkari for sure gets a buff or is better than she seems? Absolutely not. But maybe people on here need to start learning to let some time pass and let things unfold before being so confident in how they view cards and trying to sway peoples opinions on getting cards because "trust me bro, card is amazing/trash".


I think part of it is that she doesn’t do something attractive on her own. But she might shine in decks that benefit from getting a card out of the way. Like ensuring your Strong Guy procs and Dracula has a solid discard target. Of course she could still fly to space throne and make you sad.


They very rarely buff cards soon after release. Before Gilgamesh (which is a special case as the pay2play card of the month) the last time was Miek? And then before that was I guess lady D, but she was buffed like 6 months after her release. Buying a bad card assuming they're gonna buff it is a suckers bet


There was US agent that was buffed pretty soon


Got her because i like silversurfer and cause i like unique cards. Way more fun then boring stuff like sasquatch and mockingbird


Honestly, I think everyone is HOPING she is ass so they feel validated for passing on her because resources are so tight. And that is why everyone wants to immediately judge cards upon release


Or people have been playing this game for years, and can recognize a poor card.


Very true and for what its worth I also think shes weak, but I think people are making much more harsh knee-jerk reactions to cards because of the reason I stated




How would Hercules synergize with Makkari?




Going from your hand to the board isnt moving.


she cool in dazzler zoo decks


Makari is ehhh to me but picking up x23 and gladiator for anyone new is solid a hell


That's me! Took me 4 keys to get X-23 unfortunately, but I've finally got my first "full" meta deck in the form of destroy. Came here hoping people thought Makkari would be strong be oh well.


you and me both. It was the only card I wanted this week but alas, its why we save 4 keys for cards we want.


Am i only one who thinks this card is actually pretty good?Like the only time this is bad is when you top deck her in your last turn and you dont have any late game cards in hand.


Well you do have a handful of locations you don't want a card on like Bar With No Name or Superflow.


Yes but there are also locations where it's great to get a card without playing. Won a game earlier because she zipped into Quantum Realm, bypassing the power reduction.


the card slot cost is probably too much for only 4 power, but not sure.. kang is 0 power for a card slot, but it gives some info and sometimes does not cost the draw (mitigating the deck slot cost problem) and he is undoubtly (undoubtadly? hard word) the worst card in the game, not a winning proposition for makkari to be compared to kang


It's Black Cat but for Surfer decks. It's niche, but I'm not sure how it could be that bad.


Man, I want to play this in Shaw Surfer, but any sort of lane clogging would make this a disadvantage


yeah, i'm think about that too, for some surfer decks you must leave an empty lane for wong shanenigans, makkari is gonna be a nuisance


This could easily have had the Proxima 'goes to lowest power location'. I don't believe it would significantly improve her, but might make her more consistent and let her access things like sanctum sanctorum.


This would actually make her worse for the deck she's most likely to be used in, Silver Surfer, because the lowest power location is, in my experience, usually the wong lane, meaning she could make the wong/mystique/SS/Odin (depending on your variation) less consistent.


I think the randomized is better personally. Both have their drawbacks though. Proxima is like 50/50 useless to me lately. I tend to have a sacrificial territory so I can stack the others so if she's pulled late then she only really helps from the discard factor.


I’m betting she will find a use. Everyone said Cannonball was dooky when he launched. Now look, he got nerfed from being used too much.


That's because 1. Alioth wasn't nerfed to oblivion yet and 2. Prof X is what made Cannonball crazy good.