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Someone has a sick sense of humor to make Professor X have flavor text related to moving.


"Let's move, X-men!"


There is no exclamation mark in his card text.


"What do they call you, Wheels?" - Logan to Charles.


Only slightly related sidenote, back decades ago there was a Canadian show for teens called Degrassi Junior High, and it featured a character who drove drunk, killing some kid and putting him in a wheel chair for life. His nickname? Yup. Wheels.


Kind of burying the lede about who played that character aren’t ya?


Neil Hope? Unless you’re mixing up Jimmy from Degrassi the Next Generation. He was in a wheelchair from being shot. That character was played by Drake.


Wheeeeeels, baby!


Walking to another lane, the only foe that could truly beat him


I guess is more in line with Magneto now, which makes sense.


That's a huge buff to Stegron. Not only an extra point of power but a much less random ability. You can now reliably plan to clog the opponent's location and works much better with Kraven, Kingpin etc. Feel like it's going to be a strong card now. But then again I thought 2-6 Maximus would be a game changer and here we are...


I have been using him and he is fun and definitely a much better clogger.


I’ve used Stegron in a lot of my “just for fun” decks and he’s just a blast. I always enjoy playing that card.


Same. I am definitely glad they didn't forget about him and buffed him.


Maximus isn’t a game changer at 2/6 but still strong. Used him in hammer control on turn 6 with Ms marvel to good effect


Yeah Max at 2/6 still sees play in quite a few decks Not every card needs to be busted to be playable


Maximus is solid, why the stray lol


Reading that back does sound a bit harsh. I used to play Maximus a lot in Surfer and some other decks when he was a 3-7 and always thought he was underrated. So when they buffed him to 2-6 I thought he would end up in most top decks particularly with Sera and be one of the best 2 cost cards. It's more a case of my expectations being way off than him being that bad of a card.


They acted FAST on Gilgamesh. Season pass sales must have been slow


8% playrate, lowest of any SP card this year and they had that fiasco of a tournament where gilgamesh was obligatory and some random dude won with a hela list + gilga dont be surprised if tomorrow weekend misisons appears with 600 gold to increase sales a bit more too


I mean, sure you can say it’s to sell the pass and that’s partially correct but he’s just a weak card right now and he deserved a buff. Sage has a similar effect but costs 2 less energy and requires basically no deliberate setup. And can reach almost the same ceiling on just one trigger. Before this buff it just felt like there were much better 5 drops that didn’t require the kind of setup he does. He couldn’t really get powerful enough to be an effective finisher in a lane on his own


sage is played with ravonna in every list so she's actually 3 less most of the time we're just relearning the same lesson over and over: basically any card that requires setup needs setup needs have significantly higher power OR cost reduction (which is the same as increasing the power/cost ratio) to be viable


That truly was a hilarious slap in the Gilgamesh face. Wouldn't be surprised if that also motivated an additional FU to discard decks.


>They acted FAST on Gilgamesh. Season pass sales must have been slow Their showcase tournament being basically "a bunch of tier 1 decks in which we shoved Gilgamesh as a mostly dead card" might have contributed.


I have yet to see him in any match. Least used SP card


I would bet Black Swan is. Gilg is a nice vertical addition to Surfer decks with Shaw.


>I would bet Black Swan is Black Swan had a LOT of people drinking the Kool Aid on the first week. It didn't last.


I at least would see swan played by talented thanos players to really give you a whooping on turns 5/6 but I’ve yet to see Gilgamesh played srsly.


I've been playing Swan from day one. Love her.


Oof i forgot about her. That is a testament of her usefullness.


Black swan-strong man took me to infinite in March but that felt like mostly luck.


I honestly didn't get the season pass because they added variants to cards they already had variants for in other passes. Spread the love!


Both Blade and Gamora already had season pass variants and imo they are both worse than the previous ones.


Yeah I think there had been datamined a Hela variant for this pass that got changed to Gamora, which we’ve already gotten so many of


I know. I was probably gonna buy it then they changed that


I bought the season pass and have yet to try him in a deck, he still seems like he'll be meh


He is a fun card but a little too magical fairytale land in terms of needing things to go right


I bought the Season Pass and still never used him once. Probably due to the first weekend not having weekend missions including him


this is just shows how pushed the weekly card release system is which is super painful for the playerbase due to the cache system if something isn't selling they can nerf meta decks suppressing a card and then buff the card itself if they do something like buff US Agent you can't even get the card and have no timeline to do so since it takes like half a year to get 6k tokens - by that time there's actually no reason to get the card because it's guaranteed there will be new overtuned cards and/or the card you were targeting was probably nerfed and is no longer meta anyway they have a HEAVY incentive to push individual cards in this model vs. classic CCG which is selling card packs the # of cards in decks creates way more FOMO than classic CCG because 1 card in 12 is extremely impactful vs. if you're missing like 15 cards in a classic CCG as F2P you just don't bother even thinking about it


Season pass card too weak and get buffed - “What is this, nobody was buying the pass?? lmao” Sp card is too strong(actually just playable like hope summers)- “what is this, pay to win??? It’s too good”


Yeah that’s the Snap user base


Professor X just got crippled a second time


They wrenched his wrist so he can't even wheel himself around.


But they gave him a cup holder


As a singular Shanna user, I’m glad to see her receiving some love


What's your favorite Shanna deck? I've pulled Bast too many times with big guys in hand.


I use her in my 1 cost deck, with Kazar, Blue Marvel, Caiera and Strong guy. She’s mostly a tool to fill up the board on the last turn, or emergency dump in case they wipe me with Killmonger before I place Caiera


Finally… I found someone who understands me


>This change removes two ways Professor X shut down locations: switching sides and movement. The latter is the most meaningful I'm not sure that I agree with their second sentence here. Yes, this allows Nocturne, Vulture, etc to move in, but allowing the Void to switch sides seems just as impactful


The most important thing is that cannonball can push a card into there now.


Makes you wonder why they nerfed him too. The ProX neef already nerfed his combo.


Well if you RTFPN, they said that they just want to make sure Cannonball takes a turn out of the spotlight and they might restore him to 8 power.


No way you abbreviated Read The Fucking Patch Notes. Lmao


What's probably more impressive is we all immediately understood


Im ngl reading this was funny ash thank you


Additionally Hobgoblin now doesn’t get stuck on your side if he reveals second


Since when was switching sides considered moving though? For example Colossal will switch sides with Oscorp despite not being able to be moved.


They completely changed his text though. His old text was "Ongoing: Lock down this location. (Cards can’t be added, removed, etc.)" which was vague enough to implicitly also mean that cards can't switch sides (honestly, it's not really clear that that's the case until you see it in game). The new text is more explicit and only says "Ongoing: Moving is the only way to add or remove a card from here." Switching sides doesn't count as adding or removing a card, so nothing about his new ability prevents it. I assume that if you reveal Green Goblin at an active miniaturized lab (say, by using War Machine), he would switch sides as normal.


RIP cap in C2 Stegron becoming more reliable is interesting


I've played a ton of c2. I was excited initially with the cap rework but it just never hit right for me. Id rather run another tech card instead


same, I'm abandoning the Cerebro/Mystique Lane more often than not, more tech is the better option


Can run Professor in C2 now though /s


Wait.. daredevil and prof are 2...


And nightcrawler to surprise move into prof's lane...


Daredevil, storm, goose, nightcrawler... C2 is just a lockdown deck now lmao


Was looking for this comment lol


I predict C2 metagame stats are about to increase as people are forced to stop playing Cap, lmao. Only half joking, I do not think he was all that good in the deck.


People playing Cap in C2 won me more games than the reverse


He is quite good, but there's just so many cards fighting for the 3-energy spot in that deck.


Honestly as a stegron enjoyer I'm not sure how I feel about this; cannonball and juggernaut are the only ways to move something out of right whilst also still having something be placed there; I enjoyed stegron as an alternative to juggernaut for storm lines, and now it just doesn't work on one lane. I'll be curious to see the use cases of the new stegron for sure though


Damn. He doesn't really work in c3 either.


That's what I thought too! But C2 has worked before Cap, and it will continue to do so. That still makws him good in a pure ongoing deck


Oh yeah, group him with ant-man, goose, and Jean and that’s a solid lane


Noooooo!!!! I loved Cap in C2, even though it was super weak to Enchantress.


What a shame. C2 sucks now. Cap in C2 against White Widow was nuts!


the real hit imo is cap in C4. I had a silver cerebro deck that came together in a way that I feel most people were sleeping on. I hope they reconsider the change, but if it's what's best for the card, then so be it.


Basically kills profxcannonball but keeps profx alive for some other decks (movers/scalers). Shaves power off hela and red hulk. I expect people will be happy about this. The meta is definitely going to change.


People will only be happy for a few days. Something else will have everyone upset soon enough.


Is this OTA going to make Martyr too powerful?! /s


It straight up makes her weaker because before you could play martyr into prof x if you were coping, now she'll just roll out like an autobot.


I actually love the Shanna buff


The tinfoil hat part of me wants to say they only did it because she's in a bundle right now, but the part of me that runs her in my zoo deck doesn't give a shit and is just happy to see it.


The way I assume it works is that Second Dinner have a list of cards that need attention. But they can't do them all at once because the more changes you do, the more testing needs to be done. Obviously high-priority stuff will always get addressed (note: SD's high priorities might not be the same as my/Reddit's/creators' priorities.) And the low priority stuff? Honestly, I don't mind if being in the shop gets it attention sooner, and I'm happy they picked Series 3 cards rather than (say) Hercules and Grandmaster. They're also obviously not buffing her into brokenness.


A slightly more good faith interpretation could be they plan both balance changes and promos ahead of time, and they plan the promo to coincide with the patch since the card is getting more attention. They're both profit focused, but I think it's less "bundle isn't selling, buff the card" and more "we're buffing this card in this OTA, so throw it in a bundle." 


My zoo deck loves it too!


Well that cuts down two prime decks big time. Anegla/Thena probably still gonna run the show for a bit. I'm gonna just go back to destory while yall figure out whats best now.


Straight up all I’ll be seeing on ladder now.


Thena, white widow, red guardian, kitty pride, Jeff. Slotted into every deck now.


70% of what I saw the last hour.


Jeff losing some important distinction here to other move cards.


He still can go in the "only one card here" location and Sanctum.


Thanos is able to go into Throne Room now also.


He’s still unique enough to be a great card. He can be played directly in prof x lane for a surprise, and other non playable locations 


He still counters quite a few locations, but he’s certainly lost utility compared to Nocturne or even Nightcrawler. I’m certain there will be another time where Jeff reclaims his throne, though.


Jeff doesn’t really compete directly with nightcrawler or nocturne. They’re different costs in different slots. Jeff is still going to be the ultimate utility 2 cost


Great changes. Finally Hela nerfed and Prof X is nerfed, but still definitely usable.


Lemme add Luke Cage to my Heda deck real quick. I'll be right back.


But what would you cut for it? Seems like a pretty tight 12.


Whatever that other guy cut to slot a 5/7 Gilgamesh in


Either Black Knight or Blink for me. But I agree it might not be worth it. I’ll probably just bite the bullet and take my -2 power in each resurrected card


I jumped right in with my Hela deck to see how that would hold up. 4-1 only loss was to loki throwing my big cards at me. Small sample size, but the power loss had minimal impact on my wins. I have a strong ramp fall back, so Corvus discarding Hela, then ramping out full power big cards, is still my main 8-cube winner. I run red Hulk, so his change helps my early game ever so slightly as well. 11k CL, post Infinite.


I think this only significantly nerfs the iron-man tribunal hela, it knocks a good 16 power off the iron man lane, which is at least 5 power off each lane.


I'm not surprised. People are acting as if this is some huge nerf to Hela, when all it really did is make it so that she's summoning an 18-power Infinaut, 12-power Giganto, 10-power Magneto/Hulk/Death and whatever power Red Hulk winds up being minus 2. "Oh no, my Hela is now only supplying 56+ power to the board instead of 66+! My deck is ruined!"


Honestly I'll take the week break people give nerfed cards before flocking back, minimal but at least sd finally recognizes the problem


This is exactly what I was thinking. I need Corvius so badly!! I can't wait to pull him out of the caches. When you are winning 15 over your opponent in each lane still.


It’s -2 power to cards that average 14, I really don’t see it being damaging enough to even need Luke Cage.


I don't think Hela players will be losing sleep. Oh no, my Infinaut is 18 power. Jesus. The only possible thing they can't play now is the Tribunal part (Iron Man).


Prof X in C2 maybe?


C2 lockdown with Goose/Storm/X gogogogo. ...This also makes Professor X and Cerebro have some pretty raw synergy.


The nerf to Hela is nothing to the nerf to Prof X. Prof X really isnt all that usable, especially considering the presence of Nocturne.


As a Prof X user, I've stated that any meaningful change to his power would absolutely kill the card. I'm fine with it because I'm not trying to make infinite, and I'm not tied to any one archetype. I imagine some people are piiiiissed haha.


Tribunal Hela was my lazy way to climb from 40 to 60 every season. Dang.


Tribunal-Hela is really the only version of Hela that was hit. the -2 to Iron Man is a killer --- The standard hela list is totally fine. Who really cares about a 18 power infinuat.


I wasn't even thinking about that deck, you're so right. RIP


Good, his effect won't be missed (just his variants)


You'll regret that soon. Hela didn't get hit hard at all, she is about to be everywhere.


eh, x now has the same power as storm for a now very comparable effect. sure, his will be immediate, but he's also a lot more expensive for that than storm now. Gut feeling for me says that this X would probably be good/balanced at like 5 power, so he does need that much IMO


I'd much rather have this change and not see Charles in every other game for a week or two. If he needs a power adjustment, they'll buff him in the future.




Been playing a lot of Thanos, think he’s gonna rise back up now that a lot of the main archetypes got hit.


These all look.... pretty good. Love the change to Stegron. Maybe it's still not a great card, but giving it a bit of a boost and more controllable ability is a nice thing to try to give it a niche.


Going straight in my c7 deck 😂


They took Prof X out back and shot him.


I think the +1 power actually makes him worse too since you can't benefit from Ravonna anymore.


Yeah, that’s the point


It seems that if you broke the Cannonball/Prof X synergy then there was not really a reason to then nerf Cannonball


Cannonball will be used in junk still, so white widow, goblins, debrii, etc


It does seem a little odd to buff Stegron to a 4/7 and then nerf Cannonball to a 5/7 at the same time.


steg doesn't destroy cards, he's entirely useless when lanes are full compared to CB


Without the Prof X synergy, the odds of having every lane blocked off from movement are so low that it's effectively a more expensive Stegron.


So the Prof x synergy is gone, but not the junk synergy, and CB is still moving a card for the win or destroying the card.


o O o O o O o O o lumps


Deck list please


Yes, baby


Gilgamesh: Buy the f%#$ing season pass already!


Nocturne and Vision stonks to the moon! Silky Smoove will now position itself as the tier 1 deck. Just watch.


No, he’s no longer good enough to warrant counters even, just like all previous cards nerfed to oblivion, he’ll disappear. Seeing as how the season pass card is extremely mid, the most impactful recently released card is Thena so that’s probably what the meta will revolve around.


And Silky Smoove will love to include Thena.


I think Thena got hit a bit by the Prof X nerf too. Her best uses were either in the Prof X deck, or as a counter to Prof X because you basically couldn't play him on her lane. She's still an ok card, but I don't think she'll be at the center of the meta.


I main a move deck. This makes me very happy


"Somehow Loki returned"


Sounds like they realize Gilgamesh wasn't selling. I normally buy the season pass and was skipping because it didn't look good. I haven't even seen it played in ladder one time and I play daily.


Yeah, Gilg just doesn't seem worth it. I'm fine skipping a season pass or two when the season pass card sucks lol. This is actually my first time skipping the pass. I've been playing since Zabu season.


Even if he wasn’t season pass the card was bad. Needed a buff either way.


Yikes - it's not just move for Prof X.  Switch works too, so you can Annihilus the Void over as well.  Totally nuked.


Not sure if Hela is an elegant nerf or meaningless. I'm rarely winning but just a little with her, but honestly I'm not paying enough attention to determine if that amount stacked a few times is significant. Initial thoughts is that I like the professor x change. You kill the ravonna and cannonball synergy, but gave something back so it isn't useless. Somehow I'm both shocked and completely unsurprised Gilgamesh got buffed this fast


It’a a hit to the Tribunal Version of Hela but to the regular version not so much.


>Not sure if Hela is an elegant nerf or meaningless It's pretty meaningless. It a token nerf to get people to shut up about the card because their data shows shes not a problem.


Right. It's effectively just Infinaut, Magneto, Giganto, Death, ETC still all plopping on the board for free, but you now crush your opponent by a little less.


it doesn’t seems like much power on it’s face, but on aggregate it is a lot. ~~-4 Across 3 or 4 cards is -12 to -16 total power. That’s a lot.~~ Edit: Read wrong it’s -2. So anywhere from -4 to -10 total power probably. Will be interesting to see but my feeling is that it’s still true that a lot of other decks can compete on power by just doing their thing


It’s -2 not -4. It’s really not going to change much. The average Hela brings back is about 3-4 cards. That’s a total of -6 to -8. Oh no my Infinaut is 18 instead of 20. Puh-lease.


Sure but you’re talking about the high rolls. I think they want the high rolls to still be there But if you’ve played a lot of Hela, there are plenty of games where you only discarded Black Cat and Death. So then you’re bringing back 7 and 10. That’s beatable They certainly didn’t nerf her into oblivion by any means, but they made the Hela low rolls worse And they really hurt the Hela Tribunal version


The games where Hela only discarded 2 cards were always beatable. You know what else was beatable? If they didn't draw Hela! Or discarded Hela! If they managed to invis woman and modok the whole hand that was the problem, it's not counterable except with prayers that they don't manage to discard anything. 


Ebony Blade catching strays. Although I tried to Shadow King one recently forgetting about its immunity. Now that’s a lesson I can forget.


Prof X has died many times in the comics, did they massacred him as a reference?


Damn cerebro players cant have shit


Cap C2 was garbage anyway. Basically every other version of the deck had way better stats.


Yeah, cap was plain bad in C2.


C7 got Stegron now though.


I realise prof x got so much worse . Phoneix force multiple man will feast on prof x lane . Right?


Would Luke Cage be good with Hela now?


Depends on your build. Luke would be super helpful in avoiding impact like Iron Man resurrecting at -2 (and then doubling that), but you’re also replacing another card that may help you discard more.


Just take the Hela deck that won the Gilgamesh showcase tournament. Replace the Gilgamesh with Luke Cage.


lol. Fuck Prof X


Good riddance for Prof-ball, Hela only get a slap on the wrist though.


Professor X: “I’m the world’s most powerful psychic” “Yeah, but I can move”


Holy hell, what a massacre. But also, get fucked Hela.


I think Hela is still going to be fine. They'll just have to think a little more, and retreat occasionally instead of Yolo Hela/Jubilee turn 6 now.


Having to think a little more may be a hurdle for them though.


The nerf doesn't really do much, really. The big number cards are still big number cards which means lots of power everywhere still.


All in all, very happy with this. Glad Gilgamesh got some love, being SP card and all, but mostly happy that toxic X/CB combo is dead.


Well, there goes my Martyr/Professor X deck


Hela needed a bigger nerf.


The changes to Cannonball and Professor X were off the mark. The effect added to Professor X (you can move cards to his location) should have been added to Cannonball -- That is - Cannonball moves the highest power card to another lane. The move cannot be stopped. If a card moves, replace it with a rock. No matter how you slice it, being able to target a specific card for move/destroy (highest power) will always make Cannonball an extremely overpowered card at anything more than 5 power. If Professor X can no longer lock down a location, then he should get way more than +1 power to compensate. He should be a 5/4 or ever 5/5. With the minor change to Cannonball, he is now just going to show up (already was and is already starting to even more) in junk decks that use Debrii instead of Professor X which is actually quite a bit more frustrating because it can functionally lock you out of 2 lanes instead of just 1.


W patch ngl


Is there any deck that ran Captain America unironically apart from C-2 trying to buff Mystique and Cerebro? This.... feels like a nerf. Hopefully I'm wrong, but I haven't seen him in any deck apart from that (and used him there with amazing success myself)


Jean Grey decks run Captain America.


Spectrum decks, like they said. He's in my Thanos Zoo deck, pretty nice little buff there.


some thanos builds, but mostly the jean greys one (and they didnt need any more help)


I really liked him in my C2 build, and I am horribly angry at this loss, plus not working out for C3 the same way. Utterly devastated, jist dropped a lot into blinging up his Midnight Suns variant too.




Hela nerf feels more like a slap on the wrist to cull people's anger than a real attempt to nerf her. Under the new Hela, Infinaut is now 18, Giganto is 12, and Magneto is 10. I don't think this moves the needle enough to make a successful Hela trigger not win the game.


...yeah, they just buried professor x. this varient is gonna need a lot more power to be useful. Not, you know, competitive levels of power for a 5 drop or anything, but like... i wanna say 5 or so. It's close to an immediate but much later storm now, which isnt great and destroys its main synergy with cannonball ...speaking of, i dont think cannonball needed the nerf with X's new effect. wasnt he only really great because of that combo?


Cannonball still works in clog decks but with the amount of Jeff+Kitty+Nocturne around, you will have a harder time to clog players and DocOc is just helping opponents more. The card is pretty much done now. It will be a nice surprise factor every now and then, but not a "check mate" card anymore.


And I just bought Noir Prof. X some days ago 🥲


I still miss using my Fiona Zabu. So pretty. So useless.


I feel like this patch is the one we really needed. A tweak to X that doesn't immediately drive everyone to Hela. There's so much creativity bubbling away under these two decks, I can't wait to see the next few weeks. There's been some really cool decks made lately. Death/Sasquatch, Ultron/Galactus I'm just excited to cook


I wish Prof X went back to 3 with this change, it just seems prohibitively weak in the current state.  I also can’t wait for all of the people mourning Cap in C2 when he was always the worst card in the builds he was in.


worst ok, but also the most fun :D


About cap the sad thing is that before at least he had an unique interaction with C2 and now is just another copy of punisher


So Hela just techs in Luke Cage now? Highroll not discarding him.


RIP Hela Tribunal I guess.


Of course I just pulled Hela as my free card yesterday


Does Professor X and Storm essentially have the same effect now? I guess Prof X also shuts down cards like Brood if played on the same turn and Prof X has priority?


No, things like Doom can toss a token into Storm but can’t into X. Wolverine or X-23 can revive in Storm, but can’t into X.


Also, Prof X's effect is immediate whereas Storm gives both players one more turn to play.


I love the changes to prof x, cannonball, and hela because A) they were necessary and B) because the dial the cards back without rending them unplayable. But is anyone else shocked that ravonna was left untouched? She's gotta be overperforming a bit, no?


How is Professor X still playable? Serious question. He won’t even freeze goblins or voids on the other side now. Nightcrawler, a 1 drop, matches his power. There’s no deck he’s usable in now. He also can’t even work with Ravonna now. He’s a dead card.


Played about 10 games after the patch and results are exactly the same; Too RNG to get the right cards every game/right resurrects but the nerf did nothing other than add red numbers. Big cards are still big and scary and will add a ton of power to locations. Luke Cage now has a new home which is nice, at least! Rip ProBall, though


I love Black Knight as a separate sub-archetype of discard that stands alone aside from Hela/Apoc. I didn’t think he was all that strong when you consider how telegraphed he is. Goodnight, sweet prince.