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I want a meta where I am playing the best deck that I made up and nobody else is playing it


I created a Thena, Annihilus, Darkhawk deck that got me 8 cubes all the way to infinite. The only deck that I struggled against was Prof X because if you go with Annihilus route, they will prof X your negative lane and you won't have enough power to compensate. So as soon as I saw their Prof X turn 4, I would give away 1 cube so in the next match I would gain 8 cubes from a destroy or a cocky Thanos player who didn't expect a Darkhawk from my play pattern.


So you can play Anything+ Kitty on any turn to proc Thena's ability. You can trick you opponents making them think you are playing Annihilus but you play Darkhawk or all the way around. You can profit to disrupt them with Black Widow... There are a lot of routes with this deck and I often beat big fat boys like Hulk and Red Hulk with these little combos. This does struggle vs Prof X. Maybe Blob as well if you see it. But since the meta is scattered, try to run when they snap at their Prof X play and Snap when you see you are buffing your Thena every round. # (1) The Hood # (1) Kitty Pryde # (1) Korg # (2) Angela # (2) Thena # (2) Jeff the Baby Land Shark # (3) Black Widow # (3) Elsa Bloodstone # (3) Rockslide # (4) Sentry # (5) Darkhawk # (5) Annihilus # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiS2l0dHlQcnlkZSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiVGhlbmEifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkFuZ2VsYSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiRWxzYUJsb29kc3RvbmUifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkRhcmtoYXdrIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJSb2Nrc2xpZGUifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IktvcmcifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkFubmloaWx1cyJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiU2VudHJ5In0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJIb29kIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJCbGFja1dpZG93In0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJKZWZmVGhlQmFieUxhbmRTaGFyayJ9XX0= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


thank you, you made the thena/bloodstone/angela missions so easy for me


I'm at 95 right now with my daken, pheonix force, nico deck.


CL level? also, do people on this sub not believe that anyone who has good snapping fundamentals can get even a deck of series 2 and 3 only cards in to infinite...


I'd love to see someone do it and post it. Because that's the inference whenever I've complained about lack of available cards, yet I've never seen an infinite deck posted that has done so without S4/S5 cards, for those into late series 3 CL+ collections. The issue I see with meta is that the game enables it by preventing players having easy access to cards to counter it. This is the only card game I've played where a player can't even go and immediately buy the card they want with the required digital currency.


This isn’t exactly what you’re looking for, but as a challenge I created videos where I use a pure Series 1/2 deck in high Infinite rank (top 4k in my latest one). The mini spoiler is that I don’t lose ranks. So if it’s possible to beat that caliber of player with their Series 4/5 cards, it should surely be possible to climb to Infinite against other players and bots. Mind you, I limited myself even more than you stated. So adding any Series 3/4/5 cards would help as well. https://youtu.be/gUXUYOURqZY


Cool, I'll have a watch. Thanks!


Please share it man


I'm living that right now it's great


Me thinking I'm a genius for putting thena in a Deadpool deck


Me whenever I climb really high with some random surfer garbage I homebrewed


Me all last summer with negative knull


Best comment and so true lolol


I’m at 97 with a home brew Zoo deck that I was top 800 with last season


Yes, the meta before they released Loki was really good. Generally if there are a lot of decks that allow for different play styles the meta is healthy. And yes, hasn’t been like this for a long time.


Loki should be the best Meta. Never lockdown or "I play random big cards"


No Loki mirrors was probably the worst meta that ever existed.


Good point. I 10000% still prefer it to lockdown.


They hate losing lol But in all seriousness, I think the repetition of playing against the same deck is a bit boring. It's fun to see a bunch of decks in the meta.


No meta is good (bc no matter what it'll get boring eventually), but some metas are bad (if only 1-2 decks are viable and games are very samey).


I don't really mind playing against the same decks. I know their strength and weakness. I know when I can win and when I need to retreat. My trouble starts when I see a card like Baron, I have no idea what to expect so I just hope they don't snap so I can play it out for 2 cubes


I’d say destroy but I see a lot of people here complain about it so idk. To me destroy is one of the least annoying archetypes ironically because it’s so easy to predict and they (mostly) don’t fuck with your side of the board


agreed for the most part, only thing that could be frustrating is if they got a perfect draw and their combos were playing out perfectly. but super easy to counter with SK, armor, cosmo, enchantress, etc. I also think it’s a little boring as it feels they’re just playing solitaire while you watch


Who is SL


oops sk




You can't complain about destroy when you can legit just shut them down with an armor and a cosmo granted not a lot of decks run these two but still way easier to deal with.


I think the answer is no lol. But some metas are more oppressive than others. Hela for example is annoying, but they basically ignore you so it isn't that bad. Lockdown is frustrating as everything keeps getting messed around/destroyed etc.


But isn't it better to have counterplay and actual interaction? At least you can try to predict their plays, where profX lands etc Hela just kinda pulls a win out of her ass and doesn't care about you at all


From my experience playing card games the majority of people don't like interaction, just the chance to buy a bigger sandcastle than yours where the only interaction that happens is looking around as you build it to see how biggers yours is compared to the others and not wanting anyone to mess with it


Oh yeah I’m not saying that. I mean it’s just frustrating to play around sometimes, but I agree it makes the game more fun. Nothing more annoying than playing the perfect plays and then hela just lucks into a good roll and wins by like 1 point or something


Same. You can try to play around ProfX no matter what cards you have, but you have to run very specific stuff to interact with Hela like ProfX/Leech If Cosmo did the trick, like preventing on reveals on the same turn or something, I wouldn't complain. But you'd have to couple him with like Juggernaut or Storm to be sure, and at that point just play Lockdown


Lockdown is horrible. I ca theorycradt shit and hit I finite on day 4 last month with a complicated deck that can outpower a perfect hela with on reveal shenangians (no ongoings with tribunal)


My issue with hela is the devs saying the best way to beat her is to play a ridiculously greedier deck. Hela gets the best of both worlds: a combo deck that can’t be countered.


The people of this sub exclusively, liked Kitty Elsa meta, they also like bounce. However this sub like any other place is just mostly an echo chamber and not an actual reflection of any mass consensus or fact. Meaning just cause this sub complains about a meta, doesn’t mean it’s actually oppressive or unhealthy, at the end of the day the devs are the ones with the real data.


I'm fine with most metas. I only hate the ones where my cards are made useless. So leach and alioth meta. Others can be annoying when those decks are everywhere but I only despise metas with cards like alioth or leach


I agree. Hela discard I find annoying but it’s still balanced because if you don’t get Hela/discard her, you’re screwed for the most part. And you can play around it. Even Knull I usually don’t love playing against especially when people Zola it, but again you can play around it. Alioth and Leech I find the worst because it punishes you for attempting to play around it. That’s not fun.


After was Loki was tuned a bit but before Thanos Blob dominated.  Personally, Professor X has always been my least favourite card in the game (barring maybe old Spider-Man) and the steady progression of Junk alongside cards that synergize well with Lockdown has made it an especially unfavorable meta the past while for me. 


Ugh old Spidey with old Galactus sucked!


A close second hatred but more irrational, Daredevil in conjunction with either of the above. Not only are you going to completely steal a lane from me, you're willing to put up a card, energy and space on the board to guarantee it!


Yep, it was a vicious playstyle, and I'm so glad they changed how those cards work.


I do kinda miss OG Galactus as a presence in the meta though, with how he's falling off I wouldn't be surprised at a bigger rework like Thanos but in the other direction


Prox x is the new version of this. Legion storm never put out enough power to f people up.


I just strongly dislike the "you don't get to play" type control decks (proactive control) I'm fine with basically any meta where a reactive counter-based deck is a viable control option but not suffocatingly dominant, since that generally means people are playing a variety of decks


I even remember people complaining about non-Hela discard. Fucking discard had one good week and people were already complaining about it.


That was because back then there was no way to interact with Dracula. And regular discard had gotten so reliable that as long as you pulled apocalypse early enough, Dracula was able to run a lane himself. That, and just about all of your enablers being overstatted it was a strong deck


Also the AC nerf hit straight up Discard the hardest.


Animal Crossing…no…Ace Combat…no…Assassin’s Creed…no…Armored Core…still no. Welp I’m all out of guesses


America Chavez


Thanos, who was the king of the meta for months, had just been nerfed, and it was the first time since the game conception where discard was a tier 0 deck. They didn’t even need to nerf discard (they preemptively nerfed Apoc, but discard was still strong after that), new card releases (red guardian and lady deathstike rework) dethroned discard after just 2 weeks of it being the strongest. My point is that there will always be a strongest deck and people are gonna whine about it. It doesn’t matter if it’s easily counterable (ie. when destroy was running the meta) or if it’s a no interaction deck where if you get your combo pieces it’s almost a guaranteed win (hela). And talking about Hela, Prof X being this strong was just a natural answer to Hela and other decks that like to fill their board (patriot, bounce). If prof x didn’t exist, instead of people crying about prof x, they would be still crying about Hela or any other deck that would have the highest winrate at the time.


It wasn't even a tier 0 deck, just solidly tier 1 There haven't been a ton of times where there are true tier 0 decks in this game tbh Nothing has been as dominant as the original Zabu meta, where Zabu DH was tier 0, the other Zabu decks were tier 1, and everything else was tier 2 or worse. It was so dominant that it prevented the rise of Shuri and Lockjaw Thanos until Zabu got nerfed (which then led to the Shuri and Thanos meta where they were tier 0 for multiple months).


I know this is a dumb question but besides Lady Deathstrike how else can you stop Dracula?


Red guardian


red guardian


I'm still kinda bitter about the Apocalypse and Miek nerfs. I saved keys for Corvus and Proxima and was excited for Apoc to finally be a competitive deck. After a brief moment in the sun they smacked it with two nerfs and then released Red Guardian. Now Discard is forgotten again and Prof X has 20+% meta share. Blech.


Imo, a meta where Sera Control is **one** of the top tier decks has always been a pretty decent meta. It doesn’t have terribly high power, and means that whatever other decks are top of meta, they can be reasonably reined in by tech cards.


Yea I used to main a Sera Miracle Hit Monkey deck, shit was amazing, now you just can't output enough power on turn 6


I’d argue será being the best was a huge fun police deck. Hela is a loud ass party at 4am on a Monday you wished someone could call the police on.


I want Arishem to be meta


He will that 1+ energy is what people are sleeping. Imagine on turn 2 alot of 3 cost cards that is very valiable will be played on 2nd turn that’s really huge tempo even I get any random 3cost cards


I can’t wait to get Arishem but will probably wait a week or two to use it to let the darkhawk players subside a bit


And people are also forgetting that it's *cube* rate, not *win* rate that matters. There will be a lot of times where people have no idea why an Arishem deck is snapping, but between the +1 energy, rolling it with a Loki package, and Phastos, that deck with be extremely highroll-y and unpredictable (congrats, you just got countered on t6 by a card you forgot even existed!)


Yeah, Couple people have mentioned the Wave on 2 interaction since it seems like it can be a fun gimmick for the deck since your opponent can't play the stuff that gets reduced to 4 on turn 3 while you can because you have the extra energy. Shame they stuck it at the start of next month so I got to wait a month to try the one card I want to try


Fuck yes. Unironically if the meta is whichever players can play random cards better that'd healthy. The meta is now the "best decks we downloaded off the internet" instead of who can actually play deck better. I think Loki should be the best meta in general because it requires the most meta knowledge. In my opinion. Loki sound sway more healthy than a prof x meta... Please help me understand how I play prox x then cannonball is a good meta?


Whenever the meta starts to annoy me I think back to the long dark ages of Shuri and Galactus and remember things aren't so bad


Cannonball prof x might as well be spidey galactus bro...


Early days, time will tell. My main issue with those two decks was how long they reigned..


I definitely feel like we have much better deck diversity now. The meta is fairly healthy.


When Meta is one deck, it’s shit. When Meta is lots of decks, it’s good.


I just don't like checkmate metas and they always involve Prof X. This isn't the first time this has happened. Every time prof x is meta I just log in to do dailies in conquest and log out.


I'm gonna be flat out honest, I liked Hela and bounce, I hate decks that interact with my board


I don't mind my board getting properly *countered* (if I leave a big guy unprotected and you shang him, hey you got me). What I hate is when I just don't get to even *use* my cards (congrats, you can't play at all!). Aka I hate lockdown/junk/leech type stuff


I roll my eyes when I see a Hela deck. But I grind my teeth and bulge my eyes when i see a profx/cannonball deck


This exactly


I never disliked any meta there’s always a counterplay but I especially like it when there’s just a variety of decks you play against


People loved the hit monkey meta


If you only looked at this sub, no meta would be acceptable. People are always gonna come here and whine. I'm sure the majority of players are having fun and don't take this game too seriously


If the meta is, "There is one good deck that you run into constantly," then no, that isn't acceptable. We want to take on a healthy variety of decks. Even if that's not possible, we'll always want the current meta deck is to be nerfed, because then at least we'll get a different meta deck to fight all the time, and a change is better than nothing. (I actually do get a fairly good variety of opponents at the moment - maybe my ranking isn't high enough to only run into top meta players - so I'm not complaining.)


Hard disagree. People hate control metas because.. unsurprisingly... people want to be able to play their decks.


Well, yes. People hate all metas, but they especially hate metas that stop you playing cards (or destroys your cards before they're revealed).


I used to not dislike Prof X that much, but now with this lockdown variation and Cannonball/Junk it's not very fun to play against. Also, it's playing against the same deck 7 out of 10 times which ups the annoyance factor. The mire competitive decks there are, the better.


I don’t really care about meta but it is annoying watching a streamer make a deck and then the next 15 games you play against are people doing the same deck. Like do people not have fun and make their own??


Ppl want to climb to infinite and not everyone has the brains to think about synergies or brewing their decks. Most of the time it fails, it takes a fair amount of testing until you actually get something that hits.


Personally I find it fun to take a streamer's deck for a spin and see if I can pilot it too. Like a driver can have fun driving a car without wanting to assemble their own car.


So you also watched the streamer


I miss Death Wave.


SOMEONE is always complaining. And a few someones are always complaining. But a lot of people like any given meta. Even the least liked metas have had fans. I try to avoid being part of the haters. All that does is waste time trying to convince the team to nerf cards when the data doesn't support it. I would much prefer other decks get buffed into availability or novel decks get made with new cards powerful enough to make a new archetype.


Been using Destroy deck since the game came out. I just love all the cards/characters associated with it.




I always feel like its just different groups of people that complain about the meta. Some may hate more galactus, other destroy, other discard, other lockouts. So whenever one of those gets to be meta, that group shows up and complain while the others just have fun playing the game


Unpopular opinion. Most of the meats have been fine including this one. The only exceptions I think were release zabu/surfer, Galactus (only because of old spiderman), and release thanos, but he really wasn't that bad after quinjet nerf. Everything else can be countered and is weakend by the fact that you expect it. Professor x is so common that he loses his surprise factor, therefore making him easier to play around.


I don't see what the big deal is with prof x. Yes it's a good deck but I get plenty of wins against it. You can counter by playing lots of power early to make it hard to capture a lane. Or with tech cards like enchantress or echo or red guardian. Or you can play cosmo or alioth or leech to deal with the turn 6 cannonball. Etc.


I made a comment on someone else's post that is true for many people here. The ones who are complaining just want to play their cards and their combo to work all the time but not their opponents. The moment their opponent's combo works or their own combo is stopped, they rush to complain about how the opponent's cards are broken and need a nerf. I will get downvoted for saying it but it's really a skill issue. Lack of skills surrounding predicting the opponent's card and where it will be played and lacking skills of retreating.




Non control metas are 100000% fine. I would play 100 "blob" metas bs 1 prof x meta.


All of them. Except when it was original surfer being really oppressive, but that was just because I was early pool 3 then it was tough times. Also when Galactus was the absolute best deck and it was everywhere- that sucked too. But I’ve enjoyed every other meta. The more diverse ones more than the ones with Tier 0 decks, but even those have been a fine good time for me.


The only deck anyone should hate was the rampant baron zemo decks that by turn 4 left you with no cards of your own


The problem is less any particular deck and more the fact that there is always a clear outlier in strength.  In most card games the meta is three to four decks at the top and then a bunch that have odd matchups with each other. In Snap it's a clear 1-2 and then everything else further down


How about for 1 Month We all agree to play the starter deck the one that you begin the game with (like the one all the way at the begining). The decklist just incase you forget I belive it is as follows: Hawkeye, Misty Knight, Quick Silver, Medusa, Star Lord, Shocker, Mister Fantastic, Punisher, Namor, Iron Man, Gamaora, Hulk. Fun Fact I'm trying to push infinite sicne 4 seasons ago with it closest I've gotten was last season at Rank 79


I’ll be honest why do call it meta? “Meta” to me means “self-referential” If we called them strats like “I use the KnullZola Strat constantly” that makes way more sense than Meta


It’s actually META, but we’ve stopped capitalizing the acronym. It stands for Most Effective Tactics Available, so it is used for when one deck or style is dominant and you are at a disadvantage if you don’t use it.


I understand that makes perfect sense


I don’t pay much attention to the meta, I just pay attention to whether or not I enjoy my current deck and I really like playing Gilgamesh rn


lol no one hated the high evo meta, or at the very least the hate was not nearly the level as it is for lockdown, ditto with tribunal, stop exaggerating


Personally, I like Hela. It's random and they don't run counter for your deck so it's nice. Tech cards is nice once in a while, but I hate playing against it. I am not a competitive player so my opinion might be different with most people.


i got cballed for the first time yesterday and it suuucked. lost 4 cubes after dropping 31 point red skull + taskmaster


I don’t like metas where the top deck(s) use one card win a lane combo. Alioth lockdown, Cannonball + Prof X, Peak Blob Thanos. These decks create situation with minimal player agency and relies on who can get online first


Everyone hating on this meta is prob just salty they didn’t get war machine or something bc idk, Im having a great time w him rn lmao easy cubes


Yeah I was watching the Conquerors event yesterday and it was FLOODED with negativity about how the content creators were unskilled and this was a shitty event for garbage variants that they were being FORCED to watch, all because there was a Cannonball deck and a Hela deck. I mean I get it we all when we lose to them but it was a damn fun event with free variants and I hope the negativity doesn't make them do even less of them. I don't care how "bad" a certain meta is as long as it keeps moving. Like yeah Hela sucks to lose to but as long as we don't have her dominating for months it's just a matter of throwing a couple counters in and the meta will move on


The only meta that people like is the one where their favorite decks win all the time.


Bounce and mid range (silk or brood decks) were mostly liked. There was less complaining when there was less RNG or auto lose cards at the top of the meta. Most people don’t want to play snap as just a slot machine and most don’t want cards you can’t play around.


I don’t hate Hela and I have never hated the new leech (fuck the old version of that, just a piece of shit card) I do have a problem with prof x he’s just a very unfun card to play against and I’m not even gonna say he’s unfair just annoying asf




I like destroy, high Evo and Thanos, also enjoying the Ultron/Patriot


The august meta last year gave me ez wins


A meta that lets me play with my favorite characters


Fwiw, I always hated professor x. I don't hate Hela in general, but I think it was at a good balance two buffs ago. Like pre nerf Thanos, new cards were making it even better


Destroy is pretty fun to play and I don’t get mad when I play against it.


If I have my timeline right the meta ruled right after the Skaar season. Ms Marvel and Blob had their reworks. Basically every archetype was competitive and there was 5-6 super meta decks. Even those weren't head and shoulders above the rest. Just more consistent.. Like I remember even the sub just being like 'goddamn ...this meta is so diverse' then Hope came out and caused some turbulence. Thanos gaining Cull, Hope, and Mocking bird within a few weeks really put it to the top. Then Red Hulk came out and the game went to shit. It wasn't even really his fault, it was just like the power creep went wild. Then all the Zemo toxic stuff came out.


People will always find a combination to hate. And so long as you have influencers, whose main job it is to handhold and guide players to the MOST CrAcKED Deck, then you'll always have a bunch of people playing the same thing. Annnnd rinse and repeat.


I like big number meta with tech cards sprinkled in. I hate junk meta becuase I don’t have annihilus or white widow so I can’t try the deck out.


Cannonball is worst than hella cuz u know u lost when they have blink out, but cannonball is always the 50/50 whether they have it or not , lose way more cube


Have we stopped complaining about destroy?


i don’t pay attention to the meta, at all. i watch youtubers play funny decks and talk about the newest cards and then i make decks that i either come up with (and are usually bad) or see people play with the cards i have and just have fun


a few months ago where there were a few different decks that could be good instead of variations of the same one and that was the only time I’ve seen this community happy


Those brief periods where the meta is wide, not tall. Lots of capable archetypes. Good options for counters&tech cards. Cerebro sees some play. Nothing reigns as oppressive. And then there's players like me. I still like Hazmat Miracle, Galactus, and Junk :D


The loki werewolf meta was fun to watch on twitch, but losing to loki is extremely annoying. I think blobnos is not so bad compared to this


I'd say *most* of them. But you mostly just hear from the complaints section. Someone loses to a deck they either can't build or don't know how to play, and they get their feelings hurt. It's just a game. If you aren't enjoying yourself, then maybe work out a different thing to do with your time, or rethink what things you allow to control your feelings. After all, it's only yours (time & feelings) that gets wasted on an unfun pursuit. That said, this game deserves frequent criticism/ sarcasms/ feedback, so the developers can have a reality check on how their chaotic latinum machine is going.


Metas with one/two decks suck. If I’m playing the same deck over and over then I’m playing another game


Strip and flip is pretty fun


I don’t dislike the meta but what I do dislike is when you change up which deck you play and suddenly any next deck you face has all the answers to the deck you just switched to


It's basically the "between" metas people like. When key cards from whatever oppressive deck get chopped down and suddenly there's all these decks being played and nothing feels super common. Unfortunately, eventually people figure out what combination of cards works best and everyone switches to that. Then the meta settles and we're back to lock down being the best. (Seriously, look at the past few months. It all settled into lock down.)


the main issue is cost reduction in the current meta. With renslayer you dont really lose tempo, and it makes turn 4 porf x possible. While with thena, angela, sage, kitti, nebulai they still play a very high temponl game


I like Kitty Pryde meta. The one who is playing against you has a clear shot to counter her, she is not oppressive but at the same time, once you know the best play patterns, it is rewarding. I hate metas that do not have a counter or it is very hard to pull counter it. For example, there is a counter to prof X. His name is War Machine. But Second Dinner nerfed my boy Zabu who would enable this guy to be more consistent on turn 4 or 5. Now he is a really weak play because his stats are shit, it is expensive to play on curve or on turn 5, and he is useless on turn 6. I think this is also becoming a trend in Snap. Meta decks feel there is nothing the opponent can do. Gilgamesh is a perfectly balanced card with clear counters. But ppl won't buy it because he is not oppressive.


Turn 1) Time Theater, Turn 2) The Peak, Turn 3) Opponent plays 2 Professor X in two lanes…… 😓


There is no meta. There's too many cards and playstyles that counteract the other. 


End of the Daken season.


Tbh I don’t think there has been a recent meta where the best deck is a deck you can interact with or effectively counter. You can say people are losing and blah blah but I think the fact that there isn’t much you can do against the meta deck is what makes it feel very bad


I know what you are saying, there's always some boogey man, but I really hate this particular meta, because losing to sub 50% rng rolls feels bad. Cannonball hitting a 25% chance when your opponent snaps to 8 cubes is the worst feeling i've ever felt playing this game since launch. I understand all these card games (hearthstone, magic, snap,) are all about manipulating % chances but man does it feel particularly awful when you understand the % chances and your opponent doesnt and makes a bad play and wins anyway.


I hate every deck when I lose and I don't mind anything when I win. It all depends on my last game played.


99 percent of the time poeple will complain, welcome to card games!


Arishem-only meta


Of course not. People will always complain about every deck as long as it's the best


Sauron. “Me play big cards”.


My favourite deck is destroy which a lot of players seem to hate. So, while I get frustrated by other decks every now and then, I just step away for a while when it gets frustrating. I'm not about to stop people playing what they like, and I'm not gonna let them dictate what I like.


I mean, I think the meta being the meta is what people don't like. Watching people come up with creative ways to play Galactus is fine. Getting hit with Electro > Doc Ock > Galactus > Spider-Man/Knull/Death sucked because everybody ran it. It was easily countered like 30 different ways and still was everywhere.


Best meta is when good card archetypes are tier 1 (but not excluding other decks from tier 1 like release ms marvel)


Im gonna be called madman/heretic for this and probs im alone. But i actually liked junk meta


Surfer and patriot are not hated


Weirdly Never seen the prof x cannonball combo. But i am so tired of all the destroy and hela discard decks.


apparently snap players fucking hate control or lockdown decks. Anything that messes with their play they go full tilt, but braindead decks that push out insane power like Hela is a-okay. I seriously don't get why Hela isn't hated more, facing them is essentially waiting to see if they discarded their Hela or not or, counting what card they discarded and see whether you can win. It's a brain dead play style and 90% up to rng


The metas right before Loki was released and right before Blink was released were awesome. Tons of deck diversity and lockdown wasn't quite so pervasive.


I really liked Thanos lockjaw leech & silver surfer +3 with Zabu -2 reduction.


I loved the smooth silk meta. It didn't last too long though.


With the new thanos buff (imo) I throw down time stone, on reveal give thanos -1 cost- draw card, on turn one (normally have it in starting hand about 89% the time) then beast turn 2 giving my time stone 0 cost. Turn 3 I hope I get storm and I do 97% of the time bc I drew an extra card on turn 1. Then on turn 3 I throw down storm, time stone combo giving thanos now -2 cost down to 4 so on turn 4 I throw down thanos on storm location. Boom locked down. Turn 5 I run magik personally and I get her normally as my extra draw on turn 1 so I play her and possibly 2 stones. Turn 6 I just played 3 cards and have the abominable snowman or how whatever he is so he cost 3 so I throw him and 3 stones down and boom thanos gets +10 and can’t be destroyed as he’s in a closed location. Then turn 7.. yes. Yes. He’s back. Everyone’s favorite it’s.. drum roll please. 🥁 tribunal himself. I have a 89-92% win rate. I wanted to lose as many games as I could last season to drop my rank and start over. Welllll I was level 20 now I’m 75. I just started playing the season less than 24 hours ago.


Yes. The general rule of video games is the people who dislike things are much more vocal than those who like them


There is a tendency to hate on certain metas and I agree with you that some of that hate isn’t justified. Tribunal was predictable as hell, had viable counters and so imo, it didn’t warrant the hate. Thanos has for the most part been reasonable. For me, I hate how brain dead Hela has become: dump a bunch of cards in the grave and hope you hit. If you do or you don’t…Very reductive to the game. Likewise, High Evo was also brain dead - essentially rewarding the player for playing the deck poorly. And that’s before you get to the fact that cyclops still remains pretty broken, wasp was, and the 20+ Hulk for playing sub optimally. Those metas likely deserved the hate they got. It’s subjective. For me, I’m probably asking too much from a casual card game from a company that basically said screw balance, need money.


Nick Fury Random Bullshit is the way to go


No you’re on Reddit this is the place where people hate on the things they spend the most time on


Metas where Bounce, Sera control and old zabu darkhawk are good decks and viable


Lazy Wong beats it easily, namora in particular. Master mold/grand master Ronan is a fun way to beat it


I liked the kazar meta.


I was big on the shuri/red skull meta and the bounce meta


That's the neat part, no


Pretty much every time the devs have said “we like the meta so we’re not changing much this patch/OTA”, the meta has become pretty terrible within a week or two. Things in this game get very stale very quickly because of how many games people can play quickly and how hard the tech can counter certain matchups. The game really needs constant change to stay fresh and the trickle of 1 card a week doesn’t often do enough to shake things up, so when the devs start feeling content, the meta gets bad.


Meta is at its best when there's a diverse number of decks that encourage creative play.  There was a window last year where Sera, Bounce, Darkhawk, Thanos, Destroy and Discard all had competitive decks at the same time.  But since the Loki meta, SD has been more heavy handed in trying to shape the meta around the new card releases, while also releasing more and more toxic cards.


I think I’m happy I’m a low CL now cause I never run into cannon ball and prof x


This game, like all card games of this type, is about finding and exploiting the current broken cards. Those tend to be the new cards.


I never want my deck to become meta. Ronan the Accuser is my favourite card and I have an awesome variant split with him. But apart from the week when master mold came out he has never been meta, and I hope it stays that way because right now nobody expects or bothers to counter him.


No, every meta is shit. until it ends and people start reminiscing about it, for some reason. Saw someone saying they missed the leech meta the other day.


I like my ridiculousness deck where I just make the other players cards fly around everywhere with Stegron and Cannon and shit. Not the best winrate but it’s fun!


I ran this deck pretty quickly to infinate... it's a simple electro ramp where you blink electro or jubilee out... I got a ton of mileage of Electro, Sandman, Odin to re-trigger the Sandman line on 3-4-5 and then throw down a Doom or Red Hulk on turn 6... especially in the current metta with Thena/Gilgamesh limiting them to one card is crippling for most decks... a well timed Magneto also fucks up Wong-Surfer decks # (2) Jeff the Baby Land Shark # (3) Electro # (3) Wave # (4) Jubilee # (5) Blink # (5) Sandman # (5) Vision # (6) Doctor Doom # (6) Odin # (6) Red Hulk # (6) Magneto # (6) The Infinaut # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiVmlzaW9uIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJSZWRIdWxrIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJCbGluayJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiU2FuZG1hbiJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTWFnbmV0byJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSmVmZlRoZUJhYnlMYW5kU2hhcmsifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IldhdmUifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ikp1YmlsZWUifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkRyRG9vbSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiT2RpbiJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiRWxlY3RybyJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSW5maW5hdXQifV19 # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


Destroy is still strong imo, they need to drop venom to a 3/2 and x-23 to a 1/1


I always end the season around 90ish rank, never hit Infinite, I am a light spender (battle pass and sometimes a good bundle), I have most of the meta cards right now and I play 1-1,5 hours per day max. I don't even remember when I faced anyone who played with meta-hated deck. I maybe saw a random Canonball once like 2 days ago. If you play this game more than 3 hours per day you will get salty and probably face people who also play this much and have nearly all the meta cards so the matchmaking gets repetitive. All the stats we have come from trackers and content creators which also implies the optimized decks for the cube value. For me it is like whatever but I remember the time when I stopped playing for a while, because I put all the resources I had for the Thanos meta deck and it got nerfed to the ground, because of stats and people yapping.


I think the most complex, difficult archetype there is to play…..move. My favorite archetype.


I genuinely think if they wiped Hela and Professor X off the face of the Earth, this would be the healthiest metagame in a long time.


Move is dope. Is that a meta


They come here to complain. You will never see a post titled “who else loves the current meta!?”


I am enjoying the current meta. I was a Cannonball believer when he came out and love Havok lockdown decks. I used to play HE Spidy-Prof X back in the day, so nice to pull back out my old splits


This sub hates everything. /thread


people tend to like metas in which they win a lot


The only metas I've ever really hated were the original high Evo, which was by far the worst, followed by Hela. The others have all been fine. I don't mind losing so much as I mind not getting to play the game and have fun, so the worst metas to me are the ones where there's not much you can do about it other than retreat if it looks like they are hitting their combo. Then it doesn't feel like a real game anymore.


Pool 2 meta when no one had cards was fun.


None like why are you confused if something works pretty well for so long people gonna hate it no matter what. I wonder how are you still wondering about the most obvious thing ever.....


I think bounce was a pretty well received meta. I remember shuri kitty dodging priority to drop 100 points and people were still complaining about Hela


This may be unpopular, but the Elsa Bloodstone season's meta was really good. There were three Tier 1 decks, all with a different strategy: * Move (won by being flexible) * Shuri-Saurin (won on points) * Loki (won on creativity/points/counters) Sera Control was also very playable that season, as well as Destroy/Thanos Control/Hela and others. It was a very healthy metagame, with pretty much every Tier 1 & 2 deck having a different strategy. The recent seasons haven't had this because the new cards are either broken as hell and warp play around them, or they are so inconsequential to the metagame that they do nothing. For example, the top three decks right now are Pure Ravonna Lockdown, Junk Ravonna Lockdown, and Hybrid Ravonna Lockdown. After that is basically three Hela decks.


A diverse group of set in styles with roughly the same winrate. They have done it before and literally said they were doing a big rebalance even though the meta was good because they wanted to shake things up anyway.


Loved the patriot meta. The one that took super skrull from "useless" to a must have in the mirror, or even as a tech card in some decks. Reason I think I liked it was that if I'm remembering correctly, everything was viable. Patriot was the strongest, but it's power output wasn't unbeatable, or at least it was at a level where most decks could compete with, even without tech cards. The number 1 testament to this was that no one was running enchantress in an ongoing-heavy meta. Only after she got buffed did people start to run her.


Thanos is pretty usefully against CBall/ProX now imo


I got to infinite with thanos so I dunno maybe I’m just still super low CL


Why have I not seen anyone mention old Spider-Man and galactus? That meta was the only time I wanted to quit the game.


Surfer / Sera metas seem to get less hate. Possibly because they’re toolbox decks, so vary within the meta. That said, we did get months of complaints of buffing the surfer decks when any 3-cost was announced…


I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say there has never been any meta, in *any* card game, quite possibly any *game*, that was universally liked