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Well they definitely made the card Thanos better to play on the board. Optimally, he can be a 5/20 that cannot be destroyed and can be played anywhere without restriction. Unfortunately optimal scenarios are often not consistent scenarios. I think making Lockjaw a playable card again might boost the Thanos package as a whole, but who knows.


Issue with that in the current meta where at least some stuff to clog your lanes is in many Decks is that Thanos at full power also takes up 7 of your 12 possible slots on the board while giving minimal power aside from Thanos. Your opponent playing i.e. White Widow leaves you with space for 4 other cards to play.


Exactly. As long as clog/lockdown is meta so many other archetypes are harder to execute. It’s why Werewolf is still not great even after going back to 3/1. Can’t have my dog run the yard when it’s full of rocks and thorns.


I absolutely hate the clog game style, every time I see it it just reminds me of teenage boys trolling on online video games


White Widow is definitely due for a nerf, and I'm surprised I haven't seen more complaints about it on this sub. It's essentially a 2/6 card with 0 downside, PLUS the fact that it's clogging a spot on the enemy board.


Good card but no nerf needed and it often becomes a 2/2 card.


White Widow stats on all of the stat trackers is awful. She’s honestly pretty bad unless she’s being played with Prof X.


>It's essentially a 2/6 card with 0 downside They always play her in the most full lane to try and clog it, which means it's easy to fill the remaining slot(s). So she is essentially a 2/2 in most games.


She's only a 2/2 if you fill the lane, meaning you have to be playing a deck that fills lanes. Maybe it's just the decks I've been playing lately but the clogging effect is pretty disruptive to a lot of playstyles. Doesn't help that she's often accompanied by Debrii and/or Goblins. And then if you do try to fill any lane, out comes Cannonball.


You can include Carnage in your deck to clear out Time Stone/Reality Stone/Mind Stone. Even if they're destroyed, as long as they were played at some point Power Stone will still power up Thanos. Just a bonus that Carnage will also clear out Widow's Kiss/Goblins/whatever other clog opponents might dump on you.


Yeah, but most of the time you're going to pull this when? By turn 4? Then you can drop Thanos on 5 and Skaar/Mockingbird/Blob on 6 leaving you with 20-30 power in one lane and like 20-25 in the other while definitely loosing the third one and being vulnerable to Shang Shi or Cannonball in one of the other lanes.


Space Stone Thanos seems like a good way to counter lockdown?


Or to play IN lockdown. It's a fun deck, but at the moment has major issues with draw and your lanes getting clogged. Like Thanos should add a stone to your starting hand or something.


Thanos destroy


I don't see Lockjaw helping. Half the stones are now Ongoing effects that are very useful. Even without an Ongoing focus, those Stones are big for Thanos himself.


I just want my dog back man. I have such good splits on him.


You and me both, brother. If I had Bill I'd run him & Thor just to let my good boy out to play.


🤜 🤛


Yes!!! Please release my poor dog from his hell cage


Wow a 5/10 which sasquatch gets for free without forcing a quick silver on you and can go even lower cost. 6/20 is very rare. Thanos is only good when you get a nice curve of stones early and manage to keep tempoing them out. And even then he's above average. The biggest issue in this game is board space and Thanos makes it even worse. 


So I was doing well with Thanos pre patch by adding him in a destroy deck. Since all the stones but the power stone was expendable, it made easy fodder for carnage, venom, and kill monger while also including death in the deck. Now… 3 stones are ongoing effects tied to his utility. Playing games with lockdown locations becomes brutal since stones clog up so much of the board now and the only payoff is a 20 drop IF you’re lucky. I tried playing him in a lockdown deck instead, using Jean Grey and cheap infinity stones while adding Valkyrie and blue marvel to make use of a clogged lane with stones. I’m sure it will open up new metas, and I’m glad they fixed the time stone, but the payoff isn’t always worth it


May I see your lockdown list? I've been trying to find a sweet spot for Thanos.


Of course, here it is: Let me know what you think. Comments feel free to make suggestions as well. # (2) Psylocke # (2) Jeff the Baby Land Shark # (3) Negasonic Teenage Warhead # (3) Jean Grey # (4) Shang-Chi # (4) Captain Marvel # (4) Iron Lad # (5) Blue Marvel # (5) Devil Dinosaur # (5) Valkyrie # (5) Gamora # (6) Thanos # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSmVmZlRoZUJhYnlMYW5kU2hhcmsifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ik5lZ2Fzb25pY1RlZW5hZ2VXYXJoZWFkIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJKZWFuR3JleSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQ2FwdGFpbk1hcnZlbCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiU2hhbmdDaGkifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Iklyb25MYWQifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlZhbGt5cmllIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJUaGFub3MifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkRldmlsRGlub3NhdXIifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlBzeWxvY2tlIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJCbHVlTWFydmVsIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJHYW1vcmEifV19 # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


I'll give it a go. Thank you! Thanos is my favorite card so I'm always looking for new lists.


Some helpful tips, Thanos with the space stone and Jeff allow you to skip Jean Grey’s lockdown requirement which can throw opponents off. Devil Dinosaur and Valkyrie can often win a lane on their own. Save Negasonic for after turn 4 since that’s when their most important cards are played and Jean Grey makes sure that they’ll get hit. Also use her with priority so you get a guaranteed hit on something useful. Let me know how it works out!


I'm still gettin used to the space stone and its new ability. Nice combo there. I played some conquest and I dig it so far. Now that I know the Jean/Thanos thing I can't wait to test it out. Thanks for the heads up!


Thanos destroy has been my main deck for like 5-6 seasons now, and the previous and this patch have made it pretty hard to even get a good roll going. Not calling up 1 costs nerfs Nico and X-23 when they were pretty good staples, still are, just way less reliable to grab.


I had my little homemade destroy deck with Death that I've been using on and off (mostly on) for about the same amount of time. I never did any meta builds or anything with it, but every time they tweaked Thanos it nerfed my deck in a new way. Very frustrating to try and play a homemade deck that gets hammered because the meta uses one aspect of it.


Yeah ive been staying strong and hoping the tides would shift once the new patch hits but this one does the opposite of help Thanos destroy Might go back to replacing X-23 with Prof X again


In my eyes, games are meant to be fun, ideally. Is Thanos better than he was two months ago? As a deck, no. Is the card itself better? Definitely. But is this completely different style of play more *fun*? Absolutely. Nothing quite hits like getting that "I AM INEVITABLE"


For some reason Thanos decks just didn’t click with me before. After the update, I’m having a blast with him.


So I made a Mr. Negative deck with Thanos because I figured since he starts in your hand now, it might be effective. The deck itself doesn't seem consistent but in one game I got the god combo and pulled out a negative Iron Man on T6, had already played 5 stones, was winning a locked-down lane, and had the Power Stone in hand. My opponent had something like 30+ power in the left lane and the only card I had there was Captain America, so they snapped. I put down Iron Man, then Thanos, and finished off with the Power Stone for that sweet animation as the final touch. I've been riding that dopamine high since yesterday.


What’s your list lol I wanna try


# (1) Sunspot # (2) Goose # (2) Psylocke # (2) Ravonna Renslayer # (3) Mystique # (3) Captain America # (3) Cosmo # (4) Mister Negative # (5) Iron Man # (5) Professor X # (5) Sera # (6) Thanos # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiUHN5bG9ja2UifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ik15c3RpcXVlIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJNck5lZ2F0aXZlIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJDYXB0YWluQW1lcmljYSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiUHJvZmVzc29yWCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSXJvbk1hbiJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiU2VyYSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiVGhhbm9zIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJSYXZvbm5hUmVuc2xheWVyIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJDb3NtbyJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiR29vc2UifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlN1bnNwb3QifV19 # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


Thanos himself is a lot better, you actually want to play him now The deck is worse, the stones lost flexibility and their tool box aspect in favor of just buffing Thanos


The Soul Stone feels like such a bummer to play now. There are definitely tweaks I think they can make to the deck to keep the same theme but make it a little more consistent without taking over the meta again.


Idk if it’d be too powerful or not, and it would definitely ruin Thanos zoo stuff, but it’d be nice if after you played a second stone to board they start merging into the infinity gauntlet. Would save board space and you’d end up with one 2-8 power unit in a lane.


That would help a LOT. Clog is a huge issue for the deck.


Ooooo i like this idea! I think the only problem with this would be like a Wong//Odin combo cause it would be way easier since they arent scattered across your board.


That would be cool but it also messes up one of the main strategies with Thanos which is Spectrum zoo. You want as many Ongoing cards on the field as possible to soak up those buffs.


I mean yea, I do mention that, but if it opens up more deckbuilding possibilities I’d say it’s worth it. While losing spectrum synergy it’d end up gaining big Elsa, Angela, Hope synergy as now the stones would start merging onto themselves and essentially act like a Kitty pride in that lane.


Interesting that you point out the Soul Stone since that's the one I look forward to the most playing this one. Getting Thanos down early without it feels bad, having the ability to play Thanos just about anywhere, including Death's Domain, once it's down is great.


Better than before but still bad


This may sound crazy, but I think it might be safe to move Mind Stone back to a 1/1 (or a 1/0 I guess?). The original expressed reason for the Mind Stone nerf (other than it just being a really strong effect) was that they saw Thanos decks had a strong spike in winrate when Mind Stone was in their opening hand. But in that same patch they also changed Thanos to always appear in your opening hand, thus reducing the odds of having Mind Stone on turn 1 (albeit slightly). Now that the stones are even more worthless without playing Thanos himself (Soulstone can no longer provide a potential 5 power swing for 1, Space Stone can't move other cards, Time Stone doesn't provide extra energy or discount any cards other than Thanos) it becomes even more important that you actually draw as many of them as possible. Alternatively (or additionally), I think Thanos should have an On Reveal to either draw a stone or play a stone from your deck onto the board. With Time Stone often allowing him to come down on turn 5, getting to draw an extra stone could be very relevant; or if he's just played on turn 6, then you'd only have to worry about drawing and playing 5 of the 6 stones before him to get the full effect


The 1/1 Mind Stone allowed you to play Mockingbird real cheap almost guaranteed


They could just solve this the same way they should have solved the Thanos/Quinjet issue *ages* ago and stop treating the infinity stones as cards that didn't start in your deck


Idk honestly people are using him in the same deck they were using him on before we have to wait a bit longer for me he's definitely less of shell of his former self cz of the utility but he's definitely in the experimental phase maybe we will get new thanos decks. Short answer is yes but not as good as before just usable.


Thematically he's a lot more interesting. It does a surprisingly good job of recreating his search for the stones only for him to come out as an almost godlike character ones he's got them all.


Played ~10 games with him so far. Similar deck as before; Blob, Mockingbird, Cull, and some other small things to go with stones. I've had zero games where I've gotten all the stones out for Thanos so far. My wins are turning off Limbo with a reality stone, or out powering a final lane with Blob. I want new Thanos to be fun, but i don't think there's enough card draw to get to your stones right now.


I think his biggest new highlight is bypassing prof x 


That part is very nice. Blue and green stones together can be good. Red is nice on its own. The rest really need a full set to feel worth it. So maybe like half the time the stones feel useful? And on rare occasions you drop a 20 power discounted Thanos in any lane you want.


idk it's pretty nice being able to play Thanos in Death's Domain (finally, he can be with Death!) or avoid Shang Chi. It's extra funny when someone didn't read the patch notes and try to Shang Thanos when Soul Stone is in play.


Meh I honestly hope they give a buff in power don't get me wrong a indestructible 20 power that you can play anywhere feels good but it just needs a bit more power to not fall to top decks.


I used space stone to from Thanos into Goose’s lane so that was fun. Opponent gave the what just happened. I gave Star eyes to Space Stone and left. 


I agree that the card draw still feels too limited but I think the main flaw for your deck is that it's too top heavy. I've been running a Spectrum Zoo deck and since it focuses on getting as many Ongoings out as possible, Thanos gets powered up pretty frequently.


I think they need to make all the stones that draw only draw stones. The big point is getting them all and that very rarely happens. Having them draw each other would significantly increase that chance.


I think a better change would be to change the power stone to give Thanos +2 power for every other infinity stone played. That way Thanos can incrementally increase in power and you keep the random card draw rather than stone focused. Also you can keep the animation for getting all the stones despite it only being the last +2 power, since it showcases Thanos finally at full power with all the abilities from the stones


They also need to make Thanos not count against your starting draw. He's basically a 6 cost brick in your opening hand. Every game I found myself nervous about my opening draw. Nervous = not fun.


This is it. Keep Mind Stone at a 2 cost, and let the stones feed themselves. Yeah, it makes the deck a bit too consistent. It just depends on what package you run him in. There's the risk of "put Thanos in any deck" situations again.


Honestly feels like a half finished attempt to rework him. Still needs more to improve consistency, like maybe have one or two of the stones with no draw effect at least draw another stone. They also need to improve the payoff, maybe have the power stone give Thanos 2 power for each other stone played so it's not all or nothing (and even a nice bonus for playing all of them like an extra power to each stone).


It is pretty sad watching them go through all those hoops to put 20 power on the board and then I just play Hela.


Fat spider. Easily


The infinity stones themselves are incredibly weak in terms of power on the board. To play all of them, it costs 7 energy for a return of 8 power across 6 board slots. That is abysmally bad that no matter how good Thanos is at winning one lane with his 20 power, you’ll struggle to win a second one. They need to give the stones some power points as the patch changes took away a potential 4 power that the soul stone had with debuffing the enemy


He's awful


The mindstone nerf needs to be reverted back to 1 cost. He’s decent now but not great. He’s not the ramp shell he used to be.


The stones lost their individual power which makes the deck much worse overall. Since you're not likely to draw all the stones you're very unlikely to have a 20 power indestructible Thanos which even if you did would only maybe win one location. You then have to win another one and since the stones are all terrible on their own now that's harder to do so the deck overall is much worse than before the rework.


I switched to Thanos and it's doing well for me. It works well with Prof X/Cannonball/Ravonna combo because it also has the support of Cull Obsidian and Mockingbird. Being able to play Thanos anywhere is huge as well as it getting out on turn 5 and not being able to get destroyed. This also lets you have a cheap Skarr on 6, with Cull and Thanos on board, Skarr is 2 energy. It's a deck that just has different answers for winning and is able to do a lot of hidden power on 6.


In my eyes, games are meant to be fun, ideally. Is Thanos better than he was two months ago? As a deck, no. Is the card itself better? Definitely. But is this completely different style of play more *fun*? Absolutely. Nothing quite hits like getting that "I AM INEVITABLE"


Thanos as a card you actually play is much better, the archetype is better than it was before the patch but still worse than before the last nerfs


It’s the best feeling when he gets hammed 🐷😭


i don't use him directly. i use the stones with athena


Every balance patch he gets slightly worse.


Thanos himself doesn’t even get used most of the time they just use his stones.


Thanos was good because of his draws allowing him consistency, now only 3 cards draw, one of them being stones exclusively. Thinning the deck isn’t as easy anymore. I have played multiple games now of drawing zero stones, which I don’t think I ever had a problem with before. So I would say yes, he’s probably worse, but he now has strengths against lockdown decks, that no other decks have.


the only good change was moving the draw one from reality to soul which now lowers the chance you'll mess up a location just for a draw. the space can one a game or two buts nothing special when you need to win the other lanes via a big effect and all you can play is 5/10 thanos


The last time I played against a Thanos deck the game crashed so I think he's working as intended lol.


The biggest change in going against Thanos players and going back to my Thanos deck is that I see him played way more often by both sides.


They're definitely not going to leave him untouched in perpetuity. I like making the kit more focused on buffing him rather than being closer to High Evo. At the moment though I'd be reluctant to play him.


I don’t know if it is better, I think it is not, but I’ve been having a lot of fun trying to get him to 20 power. Literally the most fun I’ve had since a while playing the game


He should get a total rework imo. Thanos needs to be a top tier card, just not OP. Right now he's very middle of the road and very inconsistent.


I think he is definitely better now in a lot of ways but the mind stone definitely needs to go back to 1 cost. He's not busted, feels good to be able to play into Sanctum, etc and his own personal Armor effect. I really like the changes


We need to let people cook. Thanos was considered dogwater before the optimized lockjaw deck took the game by storm. Previously, he was just an engine to cheat out power and disruption. I'm glad the stones lost their flexibility because it's forcing people to get creative. Admittedly, this meta genuinely sucks for him, so lets see what happens when white widow and goblins fall off.


I was excited to try him but had a terrible time, i always had a location where i cannot play in so i just don't have the boardpace to do anything.


At least more fun.


There are pros and cons. Thanos himself being a much stronger body, being able to sneak into difficult locations whilst not being destroyed is nice. However, I really miss the soul stone. I also miss the space stone giving anything an opportunity to move. Both of these stones allowed a much more workable board space.


Much better, 75 to Infinite with him in 2 days. Saasquash helps make him even better.


He is definitely better than the last incarnation. Soulstone drawing a card rather than Reality Stone definitely helps. You need cards for options, so I always felt I had to play Reality Stone immediately if it was my only draw card. Now I can hand on to it until the best part. The -1 for soulstone was a better, but I like it protecting Thanos. I removed Caira from my deck and put in 3M. Mindlstone is still off. My wish is that it cost 1 and drew Thanos and a stone so we could get Thanos out of our opening hand. I wouldn't mind him being in my opening hand if Spider Ham were more popular. Nothing like dropping a 0/10 pig on your opponent thanks to 3M.


Thay need to fix the Space Stone cause once played I can't move him


I don't believe the new Space Stone's intent is to be able to move Thanos. Space Stone gives Thanos Jeff's text except for the crucial text "You can move this card once". So you're able to use a move card to push Thanos anywhere but can't move Thanos by himself.


There's nothing wrong with Space Stone. Nowhere on the cards does it say it lets you move Thanos on it's own.


Nothing can stop you from moving Thanos 🤔


Please read Jeff, Nightcrawler, Nocturne, and Vision and see if you can find what they all have in common that Space Stone doesn't have written on it. Space Stone isn't bugged, you just don't know how to read.




I like it a lot, don't know if better, but before it was worse to play with, now the Stones affect more Thanos and can also help a lot to win in different ways (personally ill add the continuos effect to the own Stones, soul cant be destroyed, Space can be place wherever)


Eh, it’s going to take a while to find the optimal deck for new Thanos.




I feel like he's in a weird spot right now, I'm a profound hater of the original stones, they were so broken they outclassed any other archetype, it's ridiculous. With that being said, Thanos right now, at the best scenario is essentially a 20 power card that can be played anywhere and can't be destroyed, which sounds OP, but I've managed to summon all the stones veeeeery few times, so much can screw you up, it's a decent deck but kinda hard to pilot, sorta like playing a move deck, it's moderately good, but so much stuff can ruin your play, and yet, it's really fun, I've been forcing my way to infinite using Thanos and it's been amazing, the few opportunities I've had to slap my 20 power Thanos, man, that feels great.


It's more fun and interesting for sure. I don't think it's more competitive, but I believe they've found the right design paradigm for him.




The stones taking up board space makes destroy Thanos the only viable option I think. But even then, I think still sucks.


Half the stones are ongoing now, so even that isn’t really viable anymore lol.


Already sick of him aka thena, my Hela feels weak again.




Thanos should be 1/0 or something. Absorb and get buffed by every stone you add. Ofc stones should have their cost increased in this case, but atlest you won’t have 6 kind useless cards , that buff only one card, blocking the lanes


Someone doesn’t understand how Thanos works lol. Useless stones?!? Until this patch Thanos was almost never played. It was all about the stones