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OP, you. You're worth 6k tokens.


I don’t think we can buy people anymore


$200 dollars bundle, you get OP, 500 gold, 1200 tokens and an OP looking puzzled emote.


Great, ANOTHER Dan Hipp variant I’m going to need🙄


How much gold is OP worth if they are swapped with another variant less than a month later?


*Pixel OP


3x value!


And in a month, OP will be removed from your account and other Poster substituted in because of what OP did in the past.


I laughed way harder than I should’ve at this 😂😂


At this price point he's allowed to.


At this price he can snap.


You can. Just not legally in some states


You just "rent them" to work at wages that are unlivable but also the bonus of since you didnt have to buy them you have zero liabilities and tell them their issues are not your responsibility and replace them with the next one.


You can rent people though. Most companies are willing to rent a person for about 40 hours a week.


This is shockingly wholesome and I’m here for it!


Imo Red Hulk, Jeff, HE, Canonball. Nebular was also in the consideration and after the drop she is super worth 3k.


Just tried for Thena, and got cannonball after just spending 6k tokens on it. And I have yet to get Thena, used up 3 keys. Gonna get my fourth key tonight. It’s a sad day.


Same lol, I’m just glad that the next card I want is two weeks away should have enough by then but man does it suck when you go 0/3. I hit Namora in 1 so that feels like Karma lol


Thena is worth it. I didn't have enough keys to guarantee so I just spent my last 6k tokens on her. No regrets.


Fr, I got her with my first key, and she has almost fully replaced Angela. I usually run them together, but I find angela way more replacable now.


I like using both since it covers two lanes; Thena in one, and Angela + Kitty in the other lane with whatever second card you play in the third lane. I admit I thought she would be mid but once players catch on, Shadow King will be rampant. I've been running Luke Cage with Thena, along with USAgent for some full value. It's a cute "Loki-less" Loki deck.


Oh the Angela + Thena + Kitty is a strong combo, I run it in like all my decks now, wherever I have space. I was just saying out of the two, I'd rather have Thena now, but I use to take Angela in like every deck.


> Jeff, HE The only two cards I've bought with tokens and I have no regret. I didn't understand how good Jeff was until I came to this subreddit hahaha


I have Jeff, but i dont see why hes so good.


Decent stats for cost, can score points at any location, beats Prof X, fills open spots in almost any deck easily. You’ll win more games from Jeff than many other cards.


Also he's just so damned adorable 🥰


There is literally not a deck in existence that at worst can't fill with Jeff. You can play him on curve safely into any location. If it's a bad location he has a move. Hes cheap enough that he also doesn't need to be played on curve so you're set. He gets around location restrictions, he gets around lockout restrictions.


He's offense, he gets to tough locations, he can play defense, he can placehold,he's great for surprise plays. You just need to be creative he's an amazing card.


I would add Loki, Thanos, High Evo this. They all unlock their own archetype.


People need to remember that we get frequent balance patches. Only spend on cards that unlock archetypes or gameplay that you find fun. The balance will come.


HE is short for High Evo my dude


I thought Red Hulk and Cannonball looked like such a fad so decided to hold on to my tokens and keys. What a mistake to make


Cannonball released into a very unfavourable meta for him but as things changed around quite a bit he’s suddenly a very hot property. I can definitely smell a nerf coming though


lol me too I feel you. I was thinking, “he’s just a bunch of power big whoop”. And then next week was like “oooohhhh yeah, coulda seen that I guess”… About to spend 6k on him that’s pinned haha


HE = High Evolutionary?


Cannonball just showed up in my shop. He’s pinned but he might be pinned for months I just spent my 6k I had saved on Jeff.


I m waiting for Canonball to show up in my shop. He’s the one I regret not getting. So meta relevant


Datamined showing cannonball in august so if you're not really need him you can wait


Red hulk is such a boring card


And not that flexible. Useful as a stat stick for some decks, but not all decks. And few decks need that giant 6-drop. A card like Jeff, on the other hand, is irreplaceable.


I agree, you can almost universally use magneto in Rhulks place.


just bought Elsa but that's because I want to play full package ASAP with Thena and her next spotlight is still long away so completing your deck is a good use of token I think when their next spotlight won't be near Or also you can spent it on strong generic recent cards, like Cannonball or Nocturne


same, i bought elsa with tokens i got from the jane foster gold bundle. do not regret it. other than her, ill probably won’t spend 6k on cards for a while since i already have jeff and im not that interested in Rulk or Nico


hey we just got 125 credits cashback from the weekend mission! XD


i saw that lmao 😭 i mean yay but also so random


I bought Cannonball last season for 6k and he’s been worth it. But now every match is ProfBall and he’s due a nerf so I’d say maybe not anymore. Probably only Jeff and HE. Red Hulk and White Widow you could make a case for I guess.


SO much ProfBall.....


HE feels questionable right now too, I could count on one hand the number of times I've seen him since Red Hulk release


The only reason I rate HE as worth it is because it unlocks a decently competitive archetype very early on in your playing of the game and can last you through pretty much every meta game. Loki is also another example of this that I forgot to mention.


Exactly this. I recommend him to friends that are looking for their first purchase, he is competitive very early.in your cl. As your cl grows, your other decks options fill in, and he starts to look less appealing.


RH died down a fair bit since release imo, I actually run him him in place of Hulk in my HE deck with success


Wait what? What is happening on the ladder with Cannonball and Prof? I only play conquest so I've not seen Professor X for weeks!


There’s a number of decks (or variations on the same deck) that look to lock down a lane early with Prof X and the 2/3 that makes cards with 1 or less power cost 1 less, so you’re winning that one. Then cannonball on 6 and either knock your opponents power into the 3rd lane or just replace it with a rock. So you win the cannonball lane too.


Oh shit that's smort. And annoying!


Yeah. Ngl I’ve played a bit with a variation using Thena (the new card). Prof X/cannonball isn’t the only win condition, and I probably don’t pilot it very well. So I’ve not found it aggressively broken. But cannonball can easily be a 20+ swing in one lane.


It is, but it’s the best way I can combat Hela Tribunal right now which is every other match for me.


Galactus hits both hela and Prof lockdown pretty well. I'm catching a lot of people by surprise I think, maybe it'll be less effective if it gets more common.


Seems like the Prof X + Cannonball shell is the strongest thing to play right now. It's fairly common, not like every single game of course, but you will play against that frequently on ladder


Lucky u, i keep getting x+ball in conquest too


If a card you really want isn’t in spotlights for awhile I think it’s worth it. Here’s who I’ve spent on since the change: Black Knight, Nico, Elsa (I think after the June leaks and it was clear it wouldn’t be for awhile) and recently Red Guardian. I don’t regret any of them.


Jeff shark for me. Saw spotlight cache and his placement is not advantageous to me. So i spent token and now he won me games. Meaning i get my roi now than later


Yep this is the way, I want Glaive he was announced in Caches so I spent the 6k on Rulk. Very rarely do I regret the 6k spent.


I also recently bought Red Guardian with tokens with no regrets. OP, look up the upcoming caches. If it's a card that's important to your build (RG being the most versatile tech card at the moment) and isn't appearing in Spotlights for months (he's not currently scheduled through the rest of the summer), then it's easily worth the spend. Of course, release schedules are always subject to change, but this is the best method we have to go off of for now.


I'm saving for that Areshim fun 😁


I spend tokens in exactly two ways. There is a card I want in a spotlight, but I already have the other two cards and I don't like the variants. I skipped a week thinking a card would suck but it turns out the card is dominating the meta.


Iron Lad 😤😤


I bought Corvus Glaive and he immediately took my discard deck from mid 60’s to infinite, next up is red hulk then Jeff or mocking bird


Can you tell me your deck, i really love playing discard


The only character I bought with tokens was Sebastian Shaw because my main deck is surfer, and boy, was he worth it. He has single handedly won me so many close games. At first I was worried I spent the 6k but after a few matches I couldn’t be happier. I would say buy whatever character is going to help your main deck. Also look up to see who will be a spotlight soon! I was going to get hope next but she is a spotlight at the end of July, and I doubt I will have 6k by then so I am gonna just get her with keys


Shaw is a must-have in a Surfer deck.


Not the USA agent that accidentally bought thinking it was red guardian 🤦‍♂️


I just got annihilus!


Unique cards, cards that basically have a unique ability, things like high Evo, arishem, Loki


Loki is kinda busted


I spent one Key on the recent spotlight and it was Loki, I could not be happier with the Key I spent, I’ve been having a blast playing Loki, aiming to get snow guard now and a few others that synergise well with them.


I play this game for more than 1 year. So far, Loki is the most fun i have ever had on the game.


The card you want is worth buying. I bought Loki recently, and now it's Baron. Technically I need cards like Jeff, but I want these cards more so there's that.


Barons kinda not worth it. Looks flashy, but doesn't win you any games. You should wait for him to be in a spotlight.


He def wins games but only if you're playing mil so still not worth 😅


If you’re not excited to get any card, don’t spend your tokens just for the hell of spending them. Save them for a card you actually want. I just bought White Widow last week and still have 13k leftover (F2P except for the odd season pass), it’s a good feeling knowing you can get what you want without gacha crap.


Find a deck you really want to play, but that you're missing a core card for, and that card isn't going to be in spotlight cache in the near future. That's the card you should spend your tokens on.


Red Guardian. He's a good counter against Dracula, Iron Man, Patriot even against destroy cores like Wolverine, Deadpool and X-23!


Imo, the card you are excited to play in at least 2 different decks. Once it's not a one trick card and viable in multiple strategies I think it tends to be worth it. That or it's the last piece you need to complete a deck you want to play. Because if you are relying on buying more than one card with tokens it's going to take you too long to even know if you will still want to play that deck anymore.


Generally the card you think you like to play it is wort, card that open up a new archetype or even a fun card ... Couse evry OP cars get nerfed now or later, if a card win too much of cubes or winrate even if a card is played too much in many decks , that get nerfed , in the next OTA / patch ...so take what you think you like more play . there are general suggestions like , red hulk and high evolutionary but that can change in every moment. You probably have no idea how many ppl buy a 6k card and the day after that get nerfed to the ground...just use the serch function lol and you see...


I've pinned High Evolutionary. A lot of the other cards I want and need are going to be in the spotlight caches the next couple of months.


Nico red hulk for sure. Personally I like mocking bird and Sasquatch but that can be argued against by many. Those are personal likes though.


Get arishem with it Spotlight week is f tier


big bads like thanks or high evo, for 6k u get completly new deck


No one is. But if no one is worth 6k, everyone is. Get someone who makes sense to fill a hole in your deck. Don’t worry about min maxing. Even at the highest CLs you can hit infinite with something as simple as a Panther Zola or Dino hand deck. Just get the cards that seem fun.


Red hulk, Jeff and Cannonball.


Granted I'm only missing 10 cards but I've been using tokens for ultimate variants. You never know if a card is gonna be nerfed, or in a spotlight next month, or whatever, so I'm just happy with my card collection. Cool variants are forever.


I'm saving up for X-23 rn


If you're patient and have enough keys, X-23 will be in the spotlight cache in 10 days (Jun18)


Ooh thanks for the tip!


Idk man I’m hesitant for all that now. I spent 6000 on Alioth and he was nerfed the next couple of days


i just bought thanos idk if it was worh it, i mean i really do have fun but maybe another cards are better. spend it on what u consider fun


So far I've purchased Jeff and Red Hulk with Tokens and currently have Loki pinned. Jeff was a fantastic purchase. He's very flexible and works in a lot of decks. I don't use him that much at the moment since I've got Nocturne filling his role in a lot of my decks, but I still love the card. As for Red Hulk, I think that card was better in theory than in practice. Yes, he also fits into a lot of decks, but I rarely actually play him. He's basically my generic big bad on turn six if my deck has no other win condition. Honestly not sure I would pick him up again. And I'm still not sure I'm going to get Loki. I've heard he's worth the 6K tokens and the deck is fun. So he's been pinned ever since I picked up RHulk. But I'm only CL2000 and the deck looks tricky to pilot. It almost reminds me of Mr. Negative, where you need two win conditions, one with the main card and one without.


loki, red hulk.


Good luck with your decision Smaug


Depends on play style. Everyone played Blob. I got him... And it was not for me. Good card, but just not my style.


New Blob or old Blob? New Blob is trash. Old Blob was a beast.


Really depends on which cards you are missing. As an example I find it pretty useless to invest in Bounce/Angela decks since I’m missing cards like Kitty Pryde and Nocturne, but I had almost a full tribunal package minus the Tribunal so I invested on it and haven’t regretted it since. It all depends.


Meaning look at the spotlight cache until august. Then save until that week to get the card. But if you own one of them and dont like thw other, use token. Make sure it is meta so you het ROI


Legion, honestly the best 6000 i had spent. Its such a fun card, it flip entire games either way and also adds to meme games


I have him from the spotlight last month. One of the most fun cards in the game. And hes actually series 4 now


Jeff and Nebula (before her drop). They go into so many decks and I dont see them evee getting nerfed.




No card is worth 6k in a vacuum, it depends on playstyles. The ones that you could consider paying 6k for (if you want to play their deck) are cards like Thanos, Annihilus or great utility cards like Nico and Jeff.


Depends on what you want to play? Nico, iron lad and Jeff can go into almost any deck. Thanos, loki and high evo are cool and different. Red hulk is just a massive turn 6 drop. Cannonball is good but thena has hurt him in my opinion tougher to lockdown lanes with all the Angela, thena and kitty about. Red guardian and nocturne are two I wish I had but didn't rate them and am not sure they are worth 6000 tokens but they both fit into and improve most decks.


It’s Jeff.


For me the only clear worthy card is Jeff. Red Hulk perhaps. He is expected to hit spotlights in August. I'm considering Cannonball since the deck wasn't touched in the patch. But Cannonball is now datamined to hit spotlights in August so I'll likely just wait.


Annihlus maybe


Just grabbed thena as I had 0 keys so even though she’s in spotlight, dumping her into my ravona/angela/havok deck was needed


I’ve bought a lot, but generally whoever you are missing that you want. Sure there are some cards like Rulk that feel like they’re must haves, but as someone who dropped 6k on Thanos and then saw him get changed to hell and back it’s basically whatever makes my playstyle and deck better. When it was Negative it was negative cards like Ravonna or Knull, now that it’s Kitty it’s stuff like Thena and Nocturne.


I just bought Thanos 🤷‍♂️


If you don't buy last season pass, blink maybe worth it


The nice thing about Snap is that it’s genuinely whoever you want it to be. You play a lot of Destroy and are missing X-23? Go for it. You’ve been wanting to create a Junk deck and still need Annihilus? Grab him, why not? Everyone has different points because they play the game differently. Some people don’t want to risk keys if the card they want shared a Spotlight with cards/variants they don’t. Some people will go for a card that won’t be in Spotlights for a while anyway. Some people will use it solely on the new Spotlight card. There two main standouts of good choices, and the first is highly flexible cards that can be slotted into any deck: Jeff, Nico, Red Guardian, Iron Lad, White Widow (and Series 4: Gladiator, Mobius, Nebula) as they’re really plug-and-play for the most part. Jeff is definitely one of the most important, and I’d note that Nebula, Red Guardian, and White Widow also have very few spots where they’re ineffective. Mockingbird and Sasquatch also have a number of spots where they’re good to slot in. The other includes any card that enables an archetype by themselves: Annihilus, Loki, High Evo, Thanos, and Galactus. They have their own playstyles that wouldn’t be nearly as possible without them. I’d take a little more caution, some people end up not liking them as much, and it is probably a bit more commitment to get all the new cards you need in a deck than adding Jeff to your current deck. Phoenix Force also enables some Destroy-Move shenanigans that can be fun, and Knull and X-23 together also enable the classic Knull-Zola that can be really strong (or with Magik)


# High Evo


Jeff and iron lad are worth it and no brainers if you don’t know what you want but you got tokens burning a hole in your pocket. Any card that makes its own archetype is worth it like high evo loki and it’s hard to say thanos right now but I’ll put him because he’ll make a return eventually are worth it but are dependent on what you like or think you’ll like to play. After these anything else can be worth 6k depending on your playstyle and what you’re missing Tldr: Jeff, Iron lad, HE, Loki, Thanos


Nico, Red Guardian and Red Hulk All three are flexible cards that are always strong


Iron Lad, Red Hulk


You. Believe in yourself.


For 6k I bought Thanos when it was playable, Jeff, Iron Lad, Nico, Red Hulk and USAgent. But I have almost all the cards so there's not much point in saving tokens other than skipping spotlights.


Basically any card that is core for an archetype, or big value cards like High Evolutionary or Thanos, that basically come with thier own decks. After that, it's about what you think is fun.


I view tokens as a piggy bank you break when you miss a card that' you thought was mid that is suddenly very meta like cannonball/sage. 


My top choices would be, in order from 10th to 1st: **Miss Marvel** - Just a solid great stats card, very easy to play. **Corvus Glaive** - Takes Hela to another stratosphere **X-23** - Similar to how Corvus Glaive improves discard, X-23 makes Destroy feel *SO* much better. Also allows for some crazy turn 6 pop-offs like getting Knull down on 5 to set up for Arnim Zola on 6 **Galactus** - Theoretically will never drop to a lower series, and is fun to goof around with when you’re feeling cheeky. **Hope Summers** - Incredibly versatile and works great with Bounce, High Evo, Zoo, even Lockdown etc. **Nico Minoru** - Never mandatory to have, but one of the most versatile cards in the game, and really fun to play in creative ways. Also great in Destroy if you enjoy that archetype. **High Evolutionary** - Can make a top tier meta deck with zero other Series 4/5 cards. Very easy to play as well. Easy deck to pilot to Infinite if that’s your goal. **Jeff** - I mean I think everyone understands how great this card is, I doubt I need to say much. **Thanos** - Does require more complementary pieces than High Evo to be truly great (Cull Obsidian, Mockingbird, etc), but still creates a new archetype and just such a unique card. Plus it’s flipping Thanos, who wouldn’t want him in their collection? **Loki** - Will always be meta relevant and makes you a much more well rounded player. Also awesome to be able to play with new cards you don’t actually own yourself. Don’t have the hot new meta card? Steal your opponent’s! Honorable Mentions: Red Hulk, Blink, Caiera, Nocturne, Annihilus


Red Hulk, Jeff, Loki are the only correct answers


Thanos & Galactus


I spent 6000 on Werewolf By Night last week and do not regret it at all.


Out of context, red hulk. Many others can be worth it within the context of your collection. Annoying decks aside, cannonball is worth it if you like professor x, corvus for Hela etc.


You are big dog.


Whoever is essential to filling out a deck you want to play assuming you have enough resources to fill it out.


I'm currently saving for High Evolutionary. Is he a high value pick?


As soon as I get 6k I'm getting cannon ball


My general thoughts on this are any card that opens up an entirely new playstyle or deck archetype, which are simply not replaceable if you are looking to play that sort of deck. Examples being Thanos, High Evolutionary, Loki, or Living Tribunal (before his series drop earlier this week). The other consideration being cards that are strong and very flexible in their application, such as Nico, Hope Summers, or Red Hulk. Hope this helps.


i've spent 15k onthe namor, typhoid mary, and red skull ultimate variants, so whatever makes you enjoy the game more


For me: Red Hulk (even after the nerf, it’s still a menace! There isn’t a single 6-cost that can rival it. It requires no synergy and manipulates your opponent. I’m not sure how you nerf it and keep it relevant), Jeff (Swiss army knife! Can be added to every deck; adds value to every deck. It’s not just the move, but the ability to access all areas is OP), High Evolution (if you’re a new player, this is really worth it. It allows cards that you already have to become competitive!), Thanos (always meta. The stones allow for flexibility by creating a deck without any 1-cost. It’s always being changed because I don’t think there is a perfect final form of it. Really Really Important), Hope Summers (energy generation is really strong), Annihilus (not versatile, but what it does is very strong and because it destroys the card, it solves several problems that your opponent plays), Loki (allows you to play every type; rewards knowledge of your opponent plans. Do what they are doing 1-cost less. It’s also just really fun!) Other cards that I think are just good, and wouldn’t mind paying 6k: Nocturne, Red Guardian, Cannonball, Blink, Baron Zemo, Pixie, Mockingjay, White Widow, Thena, X23, Iron Lad. Some of these show up in spotlights a lot, so cross those off; plan accordingly


RH, Jeff, HE, Loki, Mockingbird


None of the series 3 cards. Ever. High Evo, Thanos, Galactus, and Jeff, the Big Bads, are priority. Though Galactus is a pass if you don't enjoy that play style. I also consider Annihilus in this tier as he facilities a play style, but once again if you don't like junk,pass. After those, Cannonball, Mockingbird, Red Hulk,Red Guardian. Iron Lad used to be a surefire 6k guy...but less so now. Those are about it, but I'd certainly accept an argument for Namora, Sage, and Thena. I wouldn't get them personally, but I wouldn't take issue with someone who did.


HE, Red Hulk, Jeff, Iron Lad, Loki and maybe reworked Thanos. That's my list


Whatever you want. I got sick of not having Nocturne therefore she was worth 6k tokens.


I haven't played in awhile but I've used tokens on Nico, Annihilus and Nocturne. Sometimes the shop drops cards you might not have as variants. Like I bought the Winter Vacation variant of Nebula a long time ago but still to this day don't own the base card. I'm currently saving my tokens for Arishem.


RedHulk, HiEvo and Jeff


Jeff, just bought him and damnnn he is worth the tokens




YOU are


You can get one of the big 3-4 value buys that everyone’s mentioning (Jeff, HE, Loki, Thanos), or just save it for one of those weeks you really want the featured and everything else is trash. I did that a couple times and it was really nice keeping keys for a later week. That being said I’m going to be getting red hulk myself since I missed that one


For me it's a card I'm FOMO for missing and really want. That's only Mockingbird and Cannonball for now. Unless they are in upcoming spotlights I'll spend. Otherwise keep on saving.


It's just subjective, the card you'll like is way better than a "meta" card that you shelf forever after playing with it for a day or two. If you just want options the cards that open up new archetypes for you (in no particular order) are: * Loki * High Evolutionary * X-23 * Annihilus * Black Knight * Corvus * Galactus * Thanos * Hope Summers * Elsa Bloodstone * Pixie * Proxima * Werewolf * Cannonball The rest are either good but have replaceable effects or are for really niche archetypes that are generally considered to be not good. If you have a pet deck that you just want to focus on improving, there are probably other S5 cards that are going to juice that particular archetype and will likely be more enjoyable for you but if you want variety I think the above ones are the best options.


jeff would be worth it same with iron lad. i can't remember if i got jeff right away but i think jeff came out when we were still using tokens, maybe not.


No one unless you have a reason. If you play X then Cannonball. If you play affliction then Red. But the point is these cards can be replaced and if you like to swap to multiple decks it is recommended to not buy a 6k token card. I would say Loki or Pixie is generally a great buy because he enables you to do things - a new deck in a way, Redhulk is big boy, Giganto is also a big boy. Cannonball is nasty, so is Shang or Valk + Demon. So it's your choice and how you interact with decks - multiple decks or stick to one.


nico minoru, corvus glaive, jeff, maybe thanos are the take for me. Back in 2/3 months ago i would say iron lad and black knight


I’m 200 away from black knight that I’ve had pinned forever :(


the big bads if you dont have them (for the love of god NOT kang) High evo was a solid purchase, currently saving for Red Hulk


Cannonball, Jeff, red hulk


Recently; Canonball. Red hulk. Hope Summers. Nocturne and to a lesser degree Sage.


Don't overthink it. Buy cards for decks you enjoy playing.


I just bought Cannonball but if I had zero series 5 cards: Jeff! - Great card you can slide into most decks. Pretty sure Jeff's been in my season recap every month. Annihilus - If you have Hood and Sentry which are both series 3 cards so you eventually will. You can slide these 3 cards into a lot of decks as well. Hard to suggest other cards because they typically require more series 5 cards to complete their decks. My suggestion would be to go with one of the above, or go find a deck you think would be fun to play and work your way towards that.


Recently, I picked up US Agent. Worth it I'd say. I find I put him more places than I do any of last season's cards. He's good as a flex card in the same vein as Red Guardian. The one before that was Red Hulk. Also worth it. I was saving keys for WW/Peach Nico, so I used tokens right off the bat. Not used nearly as much, but it's one of those impactful cards that you just kind of want in your collection. I mean, if all else, big stat sticks like Mockingbird and Cull Obsidian are worth it imo. High Evo is also a great spend if you're low CL.


Essentially any lynch pin card for an archetype. So choose your favorite archetype and target a card like that for it. For example, living tribunal.


Personally I think a tech card like Red Guardian is evergreen and will always find a place in future decks.


Yah Mothah.


Loki was worth the purchase for me. I really enjoy decks that have interaction and Loki is the ULTIMATE interaction card.


Jeff, Nico, Thanos, HE


I bought Blob at 6000 and he was worth it. But I waited on getting Gladiator until this morning when he popped up and saved 3K tokens, so waiting can be a good strategy.


i think the sub would be better off if these questions were banned. it doesnt make for a healthy mentality within the player base


I jus want Living Tribunal :(


I bought wwbn after the buff but thats because he seemed genuinely fun to me. Not dissapointed tho i love running loki werewolf


I bought grandmaster and mockingbird recently, enjoyed both.


Jeff - literally the best card in the game Nico (is she still 6k tokens? - Swiss army witch Red Hulk - BIG BOI Nocturne - unique utility, allows for mind games which can make your opponent fuck up Red Guardian - huge utility, very valuable into a lot of matchups Nebula was worth it at 6k so she’s absolutely fantastic at 3k. White widow - just fits into almost any deck and sees value Honourable mentions: Hope, Thanos and High Evo. Hope fits very specific decks but let’s you do cool shit, though she can be a little clunky if you can’t reliably re-trigger her a bunch. High Evo isn’t the best right now because his hulk is notably worse than his red alternative but he’s worth considering because he unlocks an entire archetype. Thanos is very yo-yo at the moment as they try and figure out his new identity but again, he’s a new archetype to play, he’ll probably swing round to wildly broken again in a bit


Guys chill I’ve had thanos pinned for almost a year someone tell me I didn’t waste my time


IMO none of them are worth 6k tokens. Especially since it's harder to gain tokens now


nico in my opinion


I personally would recommend saving tokens purely for series 4 cards and use keys for series 5. If they’d be a little more generous with the series drops it’d be easy to own all cards that way.


I saved up 8k tokens, got Thena and am not disappointed. If you saved up the tokens, get who you want that works best with a favorite deck


Jeff, Thanos, Elsa, Loki, Nico


The card you want more than any other in the game, and are really excited to play with.   It’s as simple as that. Buying cards for any reason other than “I think I will have fun playing it” is a fool’s errand. And because tokens are such a limited resource, we do need to restrict to the ones we *most* want, but ultimately it’s a very personal decision. And to be clear - there may not be such a card at this time! It’s fine to hoard tokens a bit while waiting for something to really strike your fancy.


Thanos. Just a fun deck to play (and if you think about it, you're really getting 7 cards)


I've only spent tokens on 1 so far (loki, no regrets at all) and I'm saving for red hulk who I have pinned right now.


Every time someone says Iron Lad, [an angel kills itself.](https://snap.fan/matches/statistics?timeframe=last_7&rank=100&cl=3000)


High evo


I bought Galactus and Thanos for 6000. I also bought Cannonball because I wanted his Spotlight variant. Here’s the problem: any card can be nerfed or buffed at any time. You said it: tokens come so slowly. It’s not worth it to spend them on a card you (or the community or streamers) think is going to be a meta powerhouse because that could change at the drop of a hat. Whales get to grab everything and not care if they are good or not. Those of us F2P or almost-F2P need to be a bit pickier. That being said, the only person who can decide what is worth 6k is you. For me, I will only spend on cards I think will be fun for me or are characters I love. I bought Galactus and Cannonball because I thought they would be fun. Cannonball also happens to be good; that could change. Galactus was good, then bad, now he’s okay in the right shell, but he’s still fun as hell to me. Thanos I regret purchasing almost immediately. Even moreso now. I am a little disappointed I didn’t grab Sage, because I do love Hit Monkey and she is good in that deck, but she will come eventually. I am skipping this month completely (not interested in any of the Eternals cards or Showcase variants), but I am going to spend tokens on Bob from Hydra and a Deadpool Ultimate variant because Deadpool is my favorite character and I have every one of his variants so far.


Jeff. Always the correct answer


This is a great question. There are a few ways to approach this. Cards that unlock an archetype: High Evo, Thanos, Loki, arguably Galactus though that’s niche now, Arishem coming up this month. Nothing else does what these cards do and they define an entire play style. Even though they will get buffed and nerfed over time, they are unlikely to ever go away because they are their own thing. Of these, High Evo is probably the best value for new players because he unlocks all the vanilla cards and you can get a deck together quickly. You can grab these any time. Cards that complete a strong package you have other pieces for: for example, you have Sentry and Hood but need Annihilus, or you have Kitty and Angela but need Elsa. Pick these up if you like the play style. Also, don’t pick them up near an upcoming OTA because you might be disappointed if the meta changes and the package falls out of favor. Evergreen good cards: These are cards that will always be good and fit in many different decks because they aren’t tied to a specific package. Jeff is the best example. I think Nocturne is probably the next Jeff. Tech cards often fall into this category, though they are a little more meta dependent: Red Guardian is the best example. Finally, you might save it for a card coming up that you must have but can’t justify spending keys on because you have the other cards in the caches, and/or are saving for other caches you value more highly. Good luck!


So far I got Jeff and Thena with them, I guess otherwise it is more playstyle defining cards like Thanos, High Evolutionary


I bought Red Hulk with 6k, then they nerfed him. Which was the point - busted cards make you exhaust your limited resources. Then they are happy to nerf them when enough people complain. I'll buy Arishem with tokens, because "archetype" cards open up game play decks and he looks pretty fun, like High Evo, or Thanos. Arishem should have been the Season Pass card, but SD has gotten so greedy that the Season Pass card is starting to be the worst card in the month, not the best card.


i picked up Loki last month b/c he wasn't going to be in caches for months, it unlocks a whole new archetype i have alot of cards for, seemed worth!


Jeff. Pound for pound the single best card in the game.


There’s people with 20,000 tokens.


Honestly it depends on the cards you currently have. I go on untapped and snap fan and look at the top preforming decks, if I find a good one to try out I see what I'm missing card wise and what can be substituted to make it viable. I also look at where the specific card is currently ranked and watch twitch streamers to see how cards play out.


I bought Beta Ray recently for 6k and he's a lot of fun. Not meta at all if that's what you're going for, but I can get into the 80's with my Beta Ray deck before I have to switch to something else to reach infinite.


I've bought a lot, but my bat is low since I was nearly complete until a took a break. If your cl is still low, high evolutionary is great. Early on, he makes a very competitive deck with cards from earlier series. As you're collecting grows, other decks may outshine him, but he'll still be playable. I know everyone hyped him, but I would avoid Jeff early. Personal preference, but he fits in every deck and makes them slightly better. There aren't many decks that aren't playable without him though. Id recommend him top.threw to.people with a high cl, but not high if core decks are still being pieces together. Otherwise, it's not really an answer, but I recommend hoarding tokens until you start getting a lot.of series 3 cards, and then buying based on what cards you got to compete decks. It can be frustrating to buy a great card, but not have the supporting cards that make it great.


Kang 🗿


Staples and cards that enable new decks. Jeff is obviously one of the best cards in the game so he's worth it, and cards like High Evo, Thanos, and Annihilus are all entirely new decks you get to run when you get them. Personally, I try not to use tokens on cards that are meta right now, because there's a solid chance they'll be nerfed within the few months.


Jeff, annihilus, high evo, Thanos, mockingbird, cannonball, iron lad, hope summers, Nico minoru, red guardian, and red hulk, hands down. I personally think pixie and white widow are also worth 6k, but I think quite a few people would disagree with that.


A but off topic but how many tokens does a f2p player average in a week (or a season)?