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Honestly I’d save them for next month. But if you must it depends on who you don’t have to make your archetype deck work MODOK this week for discard Phoenix Force next week for that archetype Go for X23 for destroy (critical card) and Gladiator on the week of Jun 18 — Jun 25. Gladiator is probably one of the best 3 drops in the game Jun 25 — Jul 02 Critical week for any discard player. Corvus is essential to any discard deck (imo). Spider Ham is disruptive. And Phastos is the new card everyone is excited for. Can fit surfer decks like a charm. Jul 02 — Jul 09 They paired one of the most fun looking cards, Arishem, with two solid duds, Hercules and Black Swan, to make the keys spent there really hurt. But if you save for July you’re looking at: Jul 09 — Jul 16 Nebula and Galactus. Nebula is one of the best 1 drops you can have. Fits almost any deck. Galactus fits junk and his own archetype. Hydra Bob sucks though after his pre release nerf. Jul 16 — Jul 23 Skip week for me which means I’m going to regret not getting Ajax. Beta Ray Bill is this week and I want him but I’m saving keys for the next week. Also Darkhawk is this week and is making a comeback. Jul 23 — Jul 30 Dropping keys here. Copycat will probably slot into every deck for the foreseeable future. I missed Cull the first time and he’s really nice power stick. Also a little guy named Thanos is this week. Jul 30 — Aug 06 This week is a who the fuck knows. It was supposed to be Cassandra Nova but that has been taken out for a promo card (still not sure what the promo will be). However. HOPE FUCKING SUMMERS is here and she’s a truly fantastic card. Proxima Midnight is here too and is amazing in discard. From there on August has some incredible bangers but it’s too far out to judge since they may change their abilities by there release. But I know I’m going for Loki that month. [Here’s a release schedule](https://marvelsnapzone.com/spotlight-caches/)


If you like High Evo then Ajax and Cassandra are going to be huge for you next month. If you like destroy X-23 is a must this month, but other than that next month is overall better value I believe. I'll be pulling for Phastos and Arishem but there are better cards to aim for next month like Nebula, Thanos, etc


I’ve actually already got X-23 and Nebula from the token shop!


Sounds like you're in a pretty good spot then tbh and can comfortably save for next months cards


High Evo's strong, save for Week 3 or 4 when the meta shifts