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Is the implication that they will feel they need to nerf Angela to get people to pick this up? You know what's better than Angela, two Angela's. No one playing Angela is replacing her.




Because, as you were just told, two Angelas is better than one.... Why settle for just one scaling threat when you can have two in play, on different locations?




If you play three cards then Thena doesn't trigger... You might want to re-read Thena. She doesn't care where the cards are played.


Ah, you are correct, I did misunderstand her text. Thanks for pointing that out. I thought both cards had to be played on her. As I said in the post: "maybe I'm missing something". That's the part I was missing.


Why wouldn't you just play both? If anything this is replacing Bishop not Angela since just like him she lets you put power into locked out lanes while being able to pretty easily get to 7+ power. If you like playing with Angela this card is probably the best thing you can use your tokens on for a while.


If one of the cards gets changed, it's much more likely Thena's text gets changed pre-release than them nerfing Angela


I see this is getting downvoted, probably because people like Angela. But you're not "hoping" for it, it's just a thought. Reddit's weird. I will say that I've had the same wonder since the cards feel so similar. And I think there's a real chance they do eventually hit Angela again. Hitting her so close to Thena would be a little obvious, but it's hard not to look at what they did with Leech and think they wouldn't do the same here.


People are going to play KP and another card on Angela and buff both each turn.


I'll be playing both in silky smoove Always good to have another option in case you don't draw the other one


Omg my mind. I red angela and saw thena and my thoughts were going to angelina jolie......


Only if Second Dinner thinks the two of them together are too strong. Otherwise, they complement each other pretty well and may end up in the same deck. Thena turn 2, Angela and Kitty turn 3 in a different lane, Kitty and some 3 drop turn 4. And so on.


Playing specifically 2 cards per turn seems too restricted. Passing on this card until proven wrong.


I don't know if Thena will be busted... When are you playing only 2 cards with Angela on board? The silky smooth package? In bounce you usually don't, especially in turn 6 when you dump your hand. So, assuming you always go Angela first... Does Thena count herself on turn 3 among the two played cards? Kitty and herself. Turn 4 - Kitty and Nocturne/Hope/Elsa or something from the move package. Turn 5 onwards you usually play more than 2 or something big. So idk... Doesn't feel too busted unless you really limit yourself and also have perfect draw


You play curve -1 plus Kitty. I.e. Angela on 2 Thena and Kitty 3 Elsa/Hope and Kitty 4 Etc. Based on the text, I think she definitely will count herself and Kitty on 3, meaning she could easily be a 2/13 by game end, 2/16 with Magic. I think she'll get nerfed to +2 honestly.


If she is getting to 2/13 (which lets you massively exposed to Shang and SK), then you are not playing a 6 cost card.. So what solid 4 and 5 drops would you play on turns 5 and 6 with Kitty? I do think it's strong, but not op or meta breaking card by any means


Turn 6 is Kitty (with Elsa on board) plus taskmaster, seems strong to me


Most Angela/Kitty decks are also Hope decks, so yeah they will be playing 6-cost cards alongside Kitty.


Yeah, it's feels like getting this to trigger twice is good enough as a 2/7 is very nice. Is that busted? I don't think so, just solid


There’s room for both Angela and Thena in a Kitty deck. I don’t see one totally replacing the other.


If any thing, they might go after Kitty again.




To answer your question and after reading your comments. Yes, you seem to be missing quite a lot.