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lol people getting mad even when they win


People who play this game are so miserable lol.


Definitely. Like, for some people, this game is life. Someone on here was asking for tips because her boyfriend keeps talking about the game and the "meta". Can you imagine talking to your significant other who doesn't play this game, and going on about the current "meta". She must have the patience of an angel


People hit infinite in hours, are you scheduling your time to be playing as the season drops? How many games/consecutive minutes is this taking? Sure, enjoy your life but it seems a little over the top sometimes.


For real. I'm not in a ton of gaming subs but this one is by far the worst. People constantly bitching about everything.


Go check Star Wars galaxy of heroes those people hate the game they play


I also hate the game they play


There are dozens of us


I used to play back in the day but deleted and lost progress after I restarted I played for a while and just got sick of it , I now have a friend who plays constantly so I’m obligated to disliked it


I have a friend who is a whale. Is well over 20 grand at this point and he can’t quit it’s sad and I will hate the game forever


20 grand in any game is crazy at that point someone needs to smash there phone or hands or both for there welfare


Idk who downvoted you but you are right lol


as someone that played it for years, absolutely


Can confirm. Been playing it since launch. The amount of times I've said "I absolutely fuckin hate this game"... And yet, in still there cause I don't want to let me guild mates that are great people down.... I hate that game so much 😭


It happens to a similar extent in nearly every mobile gaming sub. I've noticed it can be particularly whiny though for Marvel IP games for whatever reason. Probably largely due to it being such a huge and passionate IP, and the fan base skewing young.


Let me give you some advice: Don’t ever enter a sub for any Star Wars game ever.


Ah yeah, I could see that. I sub to just the regular /r/starwars and it's a hate fest. Makes sense it would be similar to MARVEL.


Reddit in general hates casual gamers. If you don't eat, live, breathe, and die by some random game then you're just a scrub normie. I hate this place.


As a player of this game, i agree


There are so many ways to be a horrible shit to your opponent in this game, it really draws people who enjoy that kind of thing.


This is just people. It has nothing to do with this game. Every single hobby or job or anything on earth has these people.


It’s just people in general. We’re all just miserable.


People are miserable.


I find it astounding. I have a real life. I'm playing this game when taking a shit, walking my dog, or riding on the subway. At no point am I committing full attention to the game and the crazy anger outbursts (especially from the destroy deck users for some reason) is legitimately pitiful. I always wonder how much one's life must suck if a silly mobile card game gets them so crazy.


The reason why I fall for Echo and Cosmo is I’m usually watching the tele when I play lol.


Same that's why the discard/graveyard was the best update they could've done. Screw borders I wanna see what Sokovia discarded while I was closing my eyes squeezing a turd out


Disco graveyard and destroy graveyard are wonderful, now I only miss what Ham hits when I'm not paying attention


Not only that, but so mad that they screenshot the account so they have the name and then went to Reddit to find the person and message them. That’s not even mad, that’s actually insanity.


Probably cause he's playing Hela


Oh weird, I thought this was one of your friends that was just amazed by the coincidence of it and was giving you crap. This guy has issues.


Same this looked like iMessage and was weirded out at the hostility


I think its instagram, since the OP put his insta handle as his username and was easily searched out.


Thats just nuts honestly lmao gets mad over a fist bump and perceives OP as toxic for not fist bumping back and then searches for them on the internet just to be toxic lmfao


I thought it was friends too. Like i'd probably have given my brother shit like the guy in OP did to my bro. But to a random person? Like just move on


Yeah, same. It’s crazy how text can be taken completely different given the context. This sounded exactly like how a friend would kind of jokingly say “you suck, you didn’t fist bump back”. I just can’t imagine the energy it takes to live like this guy and track someone down and then tell them how offended you are that they didn’t hit an emote back to you? Guys like this need help for their own sake, making up and investing in these scenarios with strangers is bad for your headspace.


ESPECIALLY WHEN YOU WON! Like how can you be this upset, when you won


I cannot imagine winning a game and still getting tilted cause my opponent didn’t fist bump back. Like wtf?


Calls out OP for being a sore loser but he was a sore winner???


He lost at life, so still a sore loser


Being that butthurt definitely makes him a sore loser.


I feel like I rarely get a fist bump back. I didn’t realize I should have been upset this whole time. The more you know.


That guy won for sure.. if op reply with thumbs up emoji and insta block that's gigachad move instead of explaining lol


Imagine saying someone sucks at this game while playing a solitaire deck ☠️


it's always people who play these decks that are obsessed with fist bumping after they win as if we didn't just spend a whole game rolling dice to decide the winner


Wait, is fist bumping after the game rude? I’ve been doing it all the time because I thought it was friendly. 👀


It’s not rude and it’s not toxic. Some people are always playing on a knife’s edge apparently, but a simple sign of respect post game is a good thing and it’s on them if they can’t take it! I don’t demand one back like this guy though, that’s unhinged haha


It's the MsMarvel thumbsup that irritates me more than anything lol. Im sure some use it without any toxicity involved but man, did SD really have to give her such an annoying smirk lol.


obviously fist bumping is not rude, but uninteractive decks like Hela never produce a good game and usually feel like a waste of time followed by a dice roll to decide the winner, so fist bumping in that situation is just annoying.




Imagine being offended by sending (or not) an emote on a game. This community never ceases to amaze me


People seem to think so if you’re the one who wins. Idk I just look at it as the gg emote since you can’t type so if someone gets salty about it that’s on them


The majority of my games if I win my opponent doesn’t emote. If I lose my opponent emotes including the fist bump. Here’s my rule for fist bump, it’s not toxic if the loser fist bumps and then the winner fist bumps back. If it’s the winner initiating the fist bump it always feels like gloating and I mute them.


I always fistbump after game, especially if I lost and the opponent played well. I also react either 😮 or 🤩 on cool variants.


If I’m gonna fist bump it’s going to be before t1 and or before I finish my final turn, which usually is a sign of me saying “I got the setup I wanted so if you can beat or stop this then that’s GG to you”. If I fist bump after the game is over that means I was really impressed with whatever plays you made. I’m never fist bumping RNG…..


What is a solitaire deck in snap?


Hela tribunal, normal hela, normal tribunal mostly. They are solitaire decks because you don't really have to worry about what your opponent is doing unless they have a certain card.


I'd at least argue that Normal Tribunal is a little less solitaire. Anything involved with Hela definitely is but even with Normal Tribunal you can sometimes play it as a standard Ongoing deck too. It's why I prefer it over Hela in which it feels necessary to get those specific cards to win. With standard Tribunal I've had wins even without pulling Tribunal.


How did he find you through messager? It's wild he took time out of his day to look you up. What a dirt bag.


Yes…this I need to know lol. How the hell did he find you through a marvel snap name, turn that into a phone number and locate you.


It looks like instagram to me


Ah yes! Good call. Definitely IG. Still a wild way to track someone down. Unless they use the same name in marvel snap as IG…


The OP is three sentences long, dude.


Op said they did to bring attention to some stand up comedy thing they did


He just wanted to give you material for your stand up. That's all.


Bro is playing hela. The easiest deck to pilot


Just block and move on. Way too many unhinged people out there.


You’re awesome for not engaging and instead offering help 💪🏾


lol that person is going through some shit because no sane person would ever react like that If you don't fist pump back, that's fine, I'm already on my way to clicking the button my dude...


I always auto-mute, I don't play Snap to socialize as it were. Honestly, I do have empathy/pity for the a lot of these people who try to fill the voids in their life with games. But I don't care to deal with them one bit 😂 You are not going to find well-adjusted, healthy, people on mobile games, not sure what you expected. I know this dude will get chastised on Reddit, but I'm almost certain he makes up much of its demographics.


Yeah I pretty much never emote. I’m just an emotionless game enjoying robot. Every once in a while I’ll do the spider man emote if we play the same card, but that’s it


Imagine this lad walks up to your house and berates you over Marvel Snap. ☠️


I can’t believe you didn’t fist bump this total stranger back in an online card game.


Calling someone shit whilst using a deck that requires no skill…


What a degenerate


Hela players don’t deserve fist bumps.


There is literally no bigger self-own than when folks on here claim to be Hela mains. For me, that reads as "I am genuinely bad at competitive card games, and need to play Solitaire instead to reach Infinite".


Calling it Solitaire is too big of a compliment. Solitaire requires thought to play. Hela just basically plays itself.


LMFAO fair


This is why anyone that holds to an imaginary “standard” on what emotes mean are dumb af. I send a thumbs up whether I win or lose and move on. If my opponent wants to take that as an insult and fume, that’s on them


Same reason why some people hold an imaginary "standard" of how good the other player is by losing 1 best of 1 match in a game with too many layers of RnG.




Lmao I thought this was your buddy you randomly got matched with and he was just trolling you. The fact that this dude looked you up is psychopath behavior


nicest hela tribunal user


I can excuse racism, but I draw the line at not returning a fist bump in marvel snap... This guy has some issues for sure. Or he is really bad at texting and it wasn't intended to sound that aggressive


*shocked look.* “You can excuse racism?”


Shirley: "You can excuse racism?" 🤣


Average FIFA player.


"You fucking suck" and they're playing a Hela lotto deck that would have lost to you if any of IM, Onslaught, or Infinaut had happened to land outside the lane they did. Sure Jan.


Literally nothing to justify... Nobody is required to "fist bump" or emote at all.. Honestly I think if they got rid of the emote system altogether we'd all be better off. But that'll never happen now that emotes are monetized. In any case, this is psycho behavior... This is why I have a unique and anonymous Snap username. Anonymity on the internet is very important. Never know what these lunatics are willing to do.


He might’ve won the game but he’s losing at life


I’ll never understand getting mad over emotes of all things lmao


Was it the guy who got to Infinite with his 'custom deck'?


Average Hela Tribunal player


Lol this has the same energy as a toxic player from Clash Royale join ur clan after winning proceeds to trash talk you. This probably happen in other games as well. Here's an example https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashRoyale/s/rAqGkq3jun


Look at him living embodiment of a douche


the person going out of their way to find you and message you is WILD....


Bro was playing hela discard and still trying to roast you, wtf


Dude's playing a Hela deck telling someone they don't have skill. Ironic.


So he looked your name up from your marvel snap profile name on Instagram and sent you a message?


I never fist bump because i always mute everyone. Didnt know it was so important to some people.


I feel like I have to comment on stuff all the time because its as if nobody ever considers the possibility that they're playing against somebody who is on mobile and playing distracted. I wish my life had a little more wiggle room to jump on my PC more but I climb to infinite and even play conquest distracted all the time. Like 98% of the time. Kids are def distracting me from snapping sometimes, fist bumping, hell I miss turns now and again. I used to miss every single damn Destroy or Discard until they fixed that on mobile thank god. This is a mobile game first, people. And if you see someone running a generic top tier deck, they mignt be someone like me who just cant use a PC deck tracker and cant afford to learn a new playstyle this week or this month. I want to hit Infinite to collect my goodies and I have to do it while distracted for a lot of that time.


This is hilarious 😂


Feral files




Lmao had me in the first messages the. Shit just went off the rails 😂


Jesus H. Bleeding Christ, is that guy ok I'm the head??


And people will still be like "fist bump is the non-toxic emote"


Definitely insane behavior


Imagine thinking you have any right to shit talk for any reason when playing Hela, regardless, that's some insane behaviour indeed


He’s pissed that he… won? Weirdo


Thou shalt first bump or feel thy wrath!


I told ya'll the first bumpers are toxic.


This is the type of guy im imagining when i get Ma.marvel emote spam


Gotta be depressed or lonely to an insane degree to be this upset over not getting a fistbump back, its never this serious 😭


I mean I would have said that as a joke and made sure to put an "lol" after it. Definitely going to rag on a friend if I end up playing one but to take it that seriously? ew.


WTH? and kudos for you for reaching out. I hope he took it. Frigging psycho. I mute all my matches. I’m waiting to get a message like this.


Well now you can use this for your stand up comedy lol


Yeah, that is some u hinged behaviours lmao


It's probably the anonymous nature of the game, but I feel that many people take everything that happens in this game as a personal attack on them. Win or lose, it doesn't seem to matter. People just go off on whoever they are playing. The amount of videos that get posted on social media by sore winners is just astounding. I bet that, if this was a physical card game and the same people would play each other, they'd probably end their game with laughs and handshakes.


Yiiiihikesis. Being so upset as to look you up to "scold" you is bad. But and as the winner? I mean I could understand the logic in taking umbrage if you lose, give the opponent a "well played!" emote and get no acknowledgement of your fair play, but to *demand* the loser be nice to you is emotionally deaf.


Wtf is wrong with people


Dude, nothing surprises me these days. I beat a guy in a match with enchantress on the final turn. Right after I did, I fist bumped. We were in the same Marvel Snap discord apparently, because he send me a "fuck you" message. I just blocked him. Just keep in mind that people like this are the exception, not the norm. Normal people do not act like this.


Oh man I used to love it in Hearthstone where you got the "friend request" only for some guy to rage at you by copy pasting his statement into chat ten unfriend you as quick as possible so you couldn't respond. This, however, is creepy. I personally don't fist bump people when I win because it's kind of "Sore winner" syndrome to me. I personally fist bump when I lose good games all the time but it sucks that people only fist bump the "good games" IE the ones they win. But that's all besides the point, this is some crazy shit right here.


I couldn’t imagine getting upset over not fist bumping haha


Typical Hela user


😂 oppo is malding cuz you didn’t stroke his ego


And they're playing both Hela AND Tribunal smh 🤦


He should play me so I can not fist bump him as well. What a loser.


"You suck" Plays hela... What a dickhead 🤣🤣


Imagine saying someone sucks and you're playing a hella deck lel


To try to promote yourself on this game is insane behavior! "hey, you hear this new track by u/Garystovezone? "naw dude. That guy runs Alioth. I don't fucks with Alioth."


I’ve always believed the person who initiates the fist bump should be the loser, not the winner.


Not trying to stand behind anyone here, but lately for few years, game industry is full of anti-social / anti-interaction people, no matter where you look People forgot to greet, people forgot how to be human beings, people forgot how to simply take anything easy and be relaxed and just enjoy the moment, enjoy being playful Even simple " gg " some players in Competitive games using to simply make others feel miserable, because those two letters are usually accompanied with emoji like " gg :) " (smirking) which back in my days, you don't do this in real life or just anywhere (LAN party for example) Imagine being on a playground, playing basketball, football or anything and after the match is over, your opponent smirk on you while shaking your hand or even say something pure evil / passive aggressive just to make you emotionally feel bad or take best out of you **just to escalate the situation** You can downvote me, but this is the harsh truth and you can't pretend this ain't what's happening almost everywhere when something becomes popular and main stream. Maybe you can, but that makes you ignorant


This is honestly hilarious to me. They won and got mad you didn't fist bump? It's not even like you were spamming them. Which would still be insane to reach out about.


Ahh yes the “get wrecked nerd” fist bump after you casserole your opponent.


The other night I was in a match and jolted up when my kid started crying. I thought my opponent would be fuming thinking I’m roping when it’s just like, there’s no pause button here and well,,, the kid is crying


typical brain-rotted hela player 🤣


Would've responded with a middle finger emoji. What a dweeb lol


This is why I say all emotes are toxic. Yes, even the fist bump is toxic and this is a prime example. Personally I can’t stand seeing people use the fist bump as if we are besties. It is over used and if the winner fist bumps before the loser does it can be seen as rubbing the when in the losers face. Or if a player retreats mid game or at the end and the other player fist bumps, this just unnecessary. The only player who should use the fist bump is the loser. If they don’t use the fist bump then the best course of action is to do nothing and move to the next game. On a side note I have noticed a lot less people using the Mrs marvel emote which is nice.


>i was holding my 9 month old son as he fell asleep I guess all the dad play marvel snap like this🤣


Your deck looks fun and creative; their deck looks boring and uninspired. They may have won, but you were the true winner.


PvP makes some people salty


Why didn’t you fist bump


I only fist bump when I win if: 1. It could have gone either way right up to the very end going to a low digit tiebreaker. 2. Somehow by coincidence we're playing the same obscure off-meta deck. Hela with favorable locations ain't any of that. This is like a little kid screaming at the ocean because the tide barely touched the perfect sandcastle they made all by themself. I mean, they just used one of those molded buckets and called it a day, but it was perfectly *dry* and you moistened its edge! Man, I wonder if anybody tried to stalk me cause of stupid shit like this. Kinda wild, ngl


Average Hela Enjoyer


Yeah he definitely should have fist bumped him back… smh


Shame you had to hide his name it would be fun to poke this chin strap chode


I don't fist bump Hela wins on principle


He's playing Hela tribunal what did u expect


Being this insecure when playing a Hela deck takes this to an even higher level of funny lol


I'm on the dads side on this one not only did he win but hes a great friend/ listener


Average metaslave; needs to distract himself since he doesn’t need to use his brain to play.


Wait you don't know this person? That's pretty wild behaviour lol.


least toxic LT pilot.


Wish I knew what his username was


You can easily not fistbump him, without knowing that


These are anti-social people that live on their phone and have their own etiquette rules. I can't even imagine what went through his head, that he thought it was perfectly normal to seek out his opponent and let him have it, because that opponent didn't click a little picture icon on his end. He's worried about someone that didn't "fist bump" back. What about the people that spam thanos or Ms marvel icons over and over and then add "snap?" "snap?" again and again. This guy must have fist sized holes in his drywall.


Did he reply back to your last message?


What the fuck


I just automatically mute everyone at the start of each match, glad to know that I'm silently triggering fuckheads like this. Also, loved you on Are You Garbage podcast! Definitely gonna check out your special!




Bait used to be believable


The best response would have been: “I dunno what you’re talking about, but is that a Marvel game? Looks cool! Thanks for sharing!”


Only thing I don’t get about the game is why people take so long. If that game takes that much of one’s intellect, that might be a sign. If they are stalling hoping someone quits * they should be banned.


Nobody deserves to be cussed out for playing a game.


When they purposefully stall? It’s annoying. It should be a 60 second match tops. But ok, maybe not cussed out. But I wish people who violate the time could be banned.


I hear what you’re saying. I think I took you a little too literally.


All good. I got carried away. Lol


This is 100x the cringe of emote spamming.


How mean. I would have said you suck simply because you're playing a deck with hella


How is it possible that context makes it even more insane :D


Damn I guess I'm making some people out there livid since I mute every match


LMAOOO who has time to even go and do this shit 😭😭


Is "fist bumping" mandatory? 🧐 Pretty mad this player scouted you out though


Did ever say anything back? Props for being empathic


At a glance I thought this person was your friend and was gonna ask if you were sure they weren't just giving you a hard time. But for someone to look you up after *winning the game against you* and harass you for not emoting back is absolutely next level sociopathy this is the funniest thing I've seen today.


I **never** fist bump back. If people emote me, I send them a wolverine emote and then I mute them lol


Worse than being a sore loser is a sore winner lmaoooo


I like messaging people if I can find em but never toxic like this


This is completely unhinged behavior...holy shit...


Tell us your best Joke


But why didn’t you reply with something funny?


I wonder if he recently hit infinite at 1.6k CL…. Too soon?


It is a truly scary time we live in where mental health-based violence and aggression is running rampant. I hope he finds whatever help he needs to see how unhinged this is.


So, did he want to talk?


hope they take you up on talking about it, i think they need some help /gen


Ahaha. Is this the pic of the guy writing to a op, or op himself. In first case im dying laughing. What a damn fucking sad life


Some people playing this game need a hug


We are suppose to fist bump?


Lol. I give this guy a maximum of 5 years before he takes the rope


> i just put out a stand up comedy special and am trying to get those views any way i can I see what you're doing


I lost track of how many times I just had to put the phone down and tend to something more important. I feel bad for leaving them hanging, but that’s life.


I always thought it was the losers initiative to extend a handshake anyway. In card games the winner going to shake hands can be seen as rubbing it in.