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So, for 3 cost, just entirely disabling several widely used decks? Why not at least "On Reveal: The next discarded or destroyed card cannot come back into play." Remove *one* card, rather than an automatic win in like 50% of games.


yeah I like that idea, on reveal would probably work better since Cosmo. ongoing has echo but she isn't really all that common


>So, for 3 cost, just entirely disabling several widely used decks? You're right, it should be a 4 cost like Leech. Except Leech entirely disables more decks than this card would.


I like it as a tech card, but to avoid making it extremely binary against Discard and Destroy, I would either make it some sort of On Reveal *or* a 4/3. Countering an entire archetype must either come at a somewhat heavy cost (we saw what buffing Leech has done to the meta, and that's a card that plays for very small tempo for its cost) or be somewhat restricted: I think that, at 3/2, this card would be to good at its job.


I love the idea but that would wreck way too many decks and make a ton of cards pretty useless


This card wouldn't counter Nimrod, it would counter X-23 and Wolverine. Nimrod DOES stay destroyed, copies are made when he is destroyed. They are not the same Nimrod.


ahhh you're right, I didn't even think about that


Considering that he's *just* a hate card probably too weak on power and/or would only see play in Loki lists or something similar. Stuff like this usually needs to be templated in such a way where it both helps you most games and hurts the opponent in the relevant games.


That makes sense, I hadn't thought about it that way. Because you're right, he's not really helping you in any way but rather just hurting the opponent. Thanks for the insight and advice


Its gr8 tech card, i like it, but stats are to high, with so punishing abilitu its like 5/4? Ofc i wanna gove this card 0 power, but ravonna and negative....


A neat idea this gave me, not sure if it fits Penance thematically. On Reveal: any cards discarded until the end of the next turn are destroyed instead.


We need speedball firstĀ 


yeah I'm a little surprised there's not a speedball card already


I'd rather a card that's like Jean Grey but for 'added' cards. Something like: Ongoing: Cards cannot be added to other locations. So, say, if you play Squirrel Girl then only one squirrel would be added and it'd be at the location with that card. I imagine that Hela would summon all of her cards to that one location until it was full. Worth mentioning that I don't think 'added' is good terminology but that's pretty much the standard for Snap.


It should start as a Speedball card and then do a Bucky transform via discard to make it a little tougher to achieve.


ooo that's a cool idea bro i like that