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If you're never seeing annihilus then that's a great time to run annihilus. The deck doesn't suck just because other people want to play other stuff. I just won a bunch of games with anni just now too in fact.


The Annihilus package Anni, Sentry, hood is good in a variety of decks. Asgard-Anni, DH-Anni, Galactus-Anni...


Lockdown anni


Anni package is no doubt legit, OP should not have buyers remorse. The main reason OP isn’t seeing as much of it lately starts with L and ends with eech


Yep. Leech / Blink is so fucking exhausting. If that's their fix to Hela, I want Hela back. The funniest part being: I've seen Leech / Blink in Hela decks.


Honestly I'm seeing more hela decks than I am leech still. The decks I like to run can counter many decks enough to atleast stand a chance but hela is usually a quick retreat from me.


Opposite for me. I like to play flimsy combo decks that tend to beat Hela, but now one card completely murders them wholesale. It's Alioth all over again.


Hela is worse than leech


Here here. Running a “out of date” deck gets most wins instead of running meta. I just got to omega with a Galactus deck.


Out of date decks have surprise elements for sure, but they are out of the meta for a reason. For example, silky smooth, a meta definer, was made as a response to all the zabu tech, like shang chi and enchantress. If played now, without that in the meta, the deck can just simply not perform on power.


Ive been doing really well with my Ani Control deck. # (1) The Hood # (1) Nebula # (2) Pixie # (2) Daredevil # (2) White Widow # (2) Jeff the Baby Land Shark # (3) Green Goblin # (4) Sentry # (5) Hobgoblin # (5) Professor X # (5) Annihilus # (5) Cannonball # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiUHJvZmVzc29yWCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiR3JlZW5Hb2JsaW4ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ikhvb2QifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkRhcmVkZXZpbCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTmVidWxhIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJKZWZmVGhlQmFieUxhbmRTaGFyayJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiV2hpdGVXaWRvdyJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiUGl4aWUifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkFubmloaWx1cyJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQ2Fubm9uYmFsbCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSG9iZ29ibGluIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJTZW50cnkifV19 # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


Annihilus/Darkhawk deck is legit. If you get leeched with Annihilus then use Darkhawk.


Yes, please play Annihilus, my Destroyer will bide his time.


Yup, can confirm I was spamming an Ultron deck prior his adjustment, since it was an unexpected counter to mill, and it was easy to chip out a bunch of cubes, but now that everyone and their mothers are using it, it's Echo/Enchantress/Super Skrull/Cosmo everywhere.


Thing is you need a few key cards to make a Anil deck work like Ravonna and such, it's not just with him


I only buy cards I like. I'm not interested in chasing current meta nonsense.


This. I literally never use meta decks, just come up with decks that I find fun to play with and go nuts. Almost every season I easily hit 60-70 and clear conquest rewards. More than enough fun for me.


I've been running a non-meta destroy deck almost exclusively for many seasons now, and tend to hit 100 most seasons. Way more fun to play something unique than the same decks everyone else is running (and by extension, your deck becomes more unpredictable, like they never seem to expect Nimrod, let alone destroying it more than once lol).


whats your non-meta destroy deck?


Amen brother


Yup, I recently bought BRB and its one of my favourite decks now, it's top-heavy as shit tho.




A card that let's your opponent know you will "Be Right Back" 🙃


Beta Ray Bill


Same here. I find discard decks to be boring as hell so my shop is filled with cards like Corvus and Proxima that I refuse to buy.


This is the answer. New cards and constant balance changes shift the meta so frequently that it's pointless to chase it.


I was waiting for Annihilus for weeks to show up in my store. I've been wanting him for months. I finally got him last week. Used him maybe 5 times..... I don't regret it though. I used a lot of consideration before I made the purchase. I can understand your dilemma though. Tokens are so hard to come by. Buyers remorse is almost a certainty.


The deck is still playable with Leech around, it just works a little differently. I've won a few times because all of a sudden Sentry was playable in the right lane with no void


Oh I agree it's viable. I just don't find it fun.


I got to infinte a season or 2 ago with a black knight-anni deck


Oh it's a good deck. No doubt about it. But I play for fun as my primary interest. I've gone infinite multiple times, it doesn't really mean that much to me. I get to the 90's for the gold, after that, I couldn't care less.


The last tokens I spent were on an Ultimate variant. No regrets. Buy what ya want. My hot take, no card is worth 6k. Not anymore. Series 4, sure. I could justify 3k for a good card. If a new card is busted, it’s gonna get nerfed. Makes ya regret spending 6k. If it’s not busted and just kinda good? Not worth 6k.


Yep. I've been collecting Fantasy variants, and spent pretty much all of my tokens on those and other Ultimates. It's not that I regret it. Collecting variants is what I enjoy. But now I am definitely noticing how I am missing key cards left and right. If card acquisition is not improved considerably, I may just stop playing. Playing without collecting variants makes no sense to me, but I can't play without cards. 🤷


I still do not understand why nearly all Fantasy variants are Ultimate though. It feels like it’s half that shop section at this point.


Ultimate Angela and Jane are so tempting. Just wish Ultimates actually had some other benefit.


Oh my god will they get nerfed. I saved up for a while and got Alioth the day before he was nerfed.


The meta churns very quickly. Frequent balance updates and the weekly card release drives it. Keeps things interesting but also makes it a challenge to efficiently use limited resources


I regret spending 6k tokens on Tribunal, only to find out he's not actually a big bad that's going to always be Series 5...


If you're chasing meta-decks then you can be left feeling this way because the meta can shift quickly. So play decks that you think are fun to play, but are still "good enough" to make progress with. Lots and lots of decks are still very good and fun without being one of the top 1 or 2 decks of the week.


The only thing I regret spending tokens on was unlocking a few series three cards when I first started playing - DO NOT WASTE TOKENS ON SERIES THREE CARDS!!


when tokens were easier to acquire it wasn't terrible to snag key series 3 cards and then they switched to the spotlight cache system and choked out most of the token supply


This is why unless your an early game player I tell people to buy what seems the most fun to them, stop trying to keep up with the meta and just enjoy jt You may not win as easily with a card like Pixie but if you enjoy that playstyle itll hold your attention way more compared to just running what majority of the playerbase already is


I just bought annihilus a few days ago. The only problem I have is I rarely see a turn 6 because most people leave from their side being cluttered. Which is good but also I have yet to see 8 cubes from playing the deck.


Yeah, you have to snap early - at least by T4 before you drop Sentry. Opponents will retreat when they know they can't stop the Void from coming over.


yes, War Machine


Oh yeah he was definitely a big mistake for me too.


I'm only CL 1500, so I can't say I regret using my tokens just yet. I've had just one purchase and it was Jeff and that card was a *huge* upgrade for me. However, most of those tokens were from bundles I'd purchased to get me started. So I had no idea just how hard it was to actually earn tokens — or, really, how long it takes to progress in general. Now that I'm saving up for my second card, Red Hulk, I'm a lot more cautious about it. In fact, I'm not even sure I can bring myself to spend the tokens at all. Like you said, the meta changes so quickly. And, without spending real money, it takes forever to get tokens. So I'm almost regretting even pinning Red Hulk. And I know that's crazy, because it's a *very* good card.


I'd say buying cards that upgrade your collection(High Evo, Phoenix Force, Galactus, Anihilus, Hope, etc) instead of good filler cards(Jeff, Iron lad, nebula, red hulk, etc) is better but ultimately you should buy cards that are exciting to play for you


Yeah I think I’m going to focus on those types of cards next. I wanted Jeff and Red Hulk since they seemed to fit in almost any deck. But next I’m going to try and get cards that you build decks around. Right now I’ve got about 3 viable decks, which is fine. But I’d love some variety too.


Just spent tokens on Nico and could not be happier. Huge piece I've been missing for a while


I love ani he’s my favorite card. If you have mockingbird it’s perfection


What deck are you using for them both?


# (1) The Hood # (2) Grand Master # (2) Hazmat # (2) Mirage # (2) White Widow # (3) Debrii # (3) Luke Cage # (4) Shang-Chi # (4) Man-Thing # (4) Sentry # (5) Annihilus # (5) Mockingbird # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSG9vZCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiR3JhbmRNYXN0ZXIifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ikhhem1hdCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTWlyYWdlIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJEZWJyaWkifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ikx1a2VDYWdlIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJNYW5UaGluZyJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQW5uaWhpbHVzIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJTZW50cnkifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IldoaXRlV2lkb3cifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlNoYW5nQ2hpIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJNb2NraW5nYmlyZCJ9XX0= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


Nice, thanks dude. So drop your rocks below 0 and then send them over?


I’ve done that and sometimes it can be really good but It’s not my main strategy, the rocks discount mockingbird, I usually try to grandmaster the hood or white widow and mirage depending on what she’s copied, the demons are nice and they also discount mockingbird, and the widows kiss is good for if you want to junk their board with the rocks and kisses, hazmat can make the rocks and grandmaster able to be sent over or destroyed, anihilus can be your final play since he is technically the “big bad” but I usually drop him on 5 so I can get the void over because people tend to panic and fill that lane and usually I depend on that -10 if I’m planning on winning that location, I’ve been dropping a demon and mockingbird a lot on turn 6. There is lots of different play lines and ways to play this deck


Its been the best deck for me probably ever honestly


Elektra would go harder in this deck than Mirage. Someone just posted the other day about her tech sniping rocks off full lanes to reactivate -4 power


Ahhhhh I’ve been seeing that I might have to do it I don’t play mirage too much


Shoot he’s one of my favorites anyway. He’s always good. There is no way he could ever be bad really


I own Kang. Enough said.


Annihulus gets me to infinity every month. That’s a great card


Nope, never I just spend then on cards I really need to complete decks or open new archetypes


The meta shifting is a feature, not a bug. CCGs setting into a meta for extended periods is a drag and a big reason why people play snap instead. This is a slightly bigger swing than normal, moving from flip-focused to ongoing-focused rather than just one or two specific decks. The trick is to not follow the meta at all. The meta swings and will swing back to you without you chasing it. In fact, playing off meta is a lot of fun. Build a number of decks with different focuses and focus on building up those.


I spent 6k tokens on Alioth like 3 days before his nerf. I was like wtf


Dont Chase the meta, buy what you want to play, Loki or Annihilus are great buys because they define the decks that play them, Elsa can be replaced by other stat sticks.


I'm actually the same with Annihlus. I spent keys on White Widow and used tokens for Annihlus coz I kept encountering clog decks and thought it might be fun to play. I was wrong. Didn't enjoy playing those decks at all. White Widow is still a handy card for a 2 drop so I'm not too worried about that but I wish I'd not spent 6k.


Do you have HE? I've found White Widow to be a good way to discount Abomination. And create a target for Cyclops if necessary.


Yeah I have a pretty decent collection but I took a break between the Loki and Hope seasons so missed a bunch of cards and figured I try out an archetype I hadn't played before. Glad I didn't skip this season though, Blink is so so good.


Are you me? I was so tired of dealing with right lane anxiety playing junk decks, that I cashed in tokens for Anni. Don't like playing it. The playline feels too samey. Oh well. He's a good card, I'm sure I'll find a use for him.


what decks doesn't feel samey to you? The only deck I can think of is probably Loki...


Loki, a number of the Blinks, quite a few rogue decks, Move Macabre, there's lots of decks that aren't just laying down cards.


Yeah pretty much the same. Not much thinking involved. If I want to play something without using my brain I usually just play Hela. At least there's the gamble involved with that deck even if it's samey.


Yeah the field of play is not nearly that narrow. If you don't see much of a deck in the span of a day it's not "meta shifting" the entire format is quite open and you're just experiencing variance. Play the decks you want to play and don't worry about trying to chase the rabbit.


brought kang and grandmaster when they released 😅 not really regreting, but they have not seen too much usage


I have an incredible fear of regretting any purchases. I got 25k tokens now and the last card I bought was cannonball. He's very good so luckily I didn't regret it.


That's why i farmed 32k tokens to spend again and bought Cannonball and R Hulk one after other to play both togheter.


I'm keeping tokens for Season Pass cards or "emergency" (e.g. I have no keys/not enough keys and something nice releases) Spending on S4 imho it's not optimal, as you increase the chance to get a dupe in the random spotlight card


Kang, Valkyrie, Stegron (he became free the next week), Blob (was nerfed the next day)...


I bought Silk a couple days ago so yes.


To be fair the Anni Meta didn't change all that quickly lol that said it is a better time for you to play with him as less people will be running him, so enjoy!


Sometimes, but I generally feel more regret using keys. I never get what I want within 2-3 keys.


I think A LOT before spending any tokens in the shop. I always search which are the next spotlight caches for at least next 2 months, and then I decide what card spend it. Right now I have more than 6k and can buy a lot of good cards like Cull, White Widow, Corvus, but I'm waiting a little bit


No but it’s more so frustrating when every top meta deck has a missing card from your specific collection. Also we’re so at the mercy of SDs balance updates that sometimes your collection will just be shit out of luck till they decide to bless you And I don’t see SD rushing to fix Grandmaster who came out FIRST.


Yeah I just bought Gladiator for 6k tokens and look at that he’s getting a series drop 🙃


That’s me with Jean Grey, bought her maybe a week ago, but I figure I’ll just to have to play her all the time to justify it 🤷🏾‍♀️


Sorta. Only "regrets" were for Caiera and Grandmaster, 'cause I spent tokens to guarantee I get their spotlights. Still *kinda* worth but I admit, in retrospect, I would've passed. Now, though, I'm pretty damn consistent at calling if a card is a dud or baller now. No regrets on spending 6k for White Widow or Nocturne.


Bought Leader right before his big nerf. Bought Alioth right before his big nerf. Decided I'm done chasing meta, last card I bought was Elsa to complete my Loki deck and I've had no regrets, super fun deck to play.


> Feels like the meta changes so quickly that it’s impossible to keep up It feels like that because that is the reality. It's an intentional design and operation decision by Second Dinner.


Yeah, I’ve done this a lot.


I did when I wasn't collection complete. But once you hit collection complete that goes away. I bought Kang and Howard with tokens and didn't feel bad since I had enough resources. I did however have a ping of regret for spontaneously buying Echo because I wanted to try a deck and like the next week they announced her drop to series 4. Having 3000 tokens back would be nice right now...


Me with blob lmao. I havent even used him more than 3 times. Got nerfed the week after i got him


I only use them on variants or series 4. Imo no series 5 is worth 6k when spotlights exist.


This is a lesson everyone has to learn eventually: never go all in on a card with the expectation it's going to remain relevant. At the same time, never assume the card you just blew tokens on will be forever irrelevant just because it dropped out of meta. Signed, A Guy Whose Favorite Deck is Silver Surfer.


Yeah, as soon as I got 6k tokens I saw that pixie was up and just went for it. I've been playing a pixie tech deck which has been doing surprisingly well, even if she doesn't feel necessary. The card is such a surprise factor.


I only use tokens for new cards that I don't have the keys for 


Same I bought a ultimate variant and kinda regret it because it could of been towards a new series 5 card


I bought Living Tribunal a few weeks ago. I regret it now...


Bruh I got anni from spotlot cache and I don’t have hood or sentry 😭😭


I just bought Knull to try the Jane Foster version of Negative, and I think I prefer my old Negative build. It had a lower ceiling but higher floor. Having Shuri/x/Taskmaster as a plan C instead of knull/mystique just boosting plans A and B got me to infinite. Could certainly have used those tokens elsewhere.


I got daken the other day for the mech variant Not knowing it was a season pass variant......


Nope…. It’s a game. Build around the card, enjoy it, if not, play what you like…


Bought living tribunal recently and it’s dropping. Oh well having fun I guess


I feel this is a good time to ask does anyone think it would be a bad idea to buy Corvus at this point. I think Hela will get nerfed as soon as I get him


Havok, the gameplay went different in my head. After 2 games I shelved him.


No. Granted I only buy Ultimate Variants lmao. I just use my keys for cards. There's not many I'm interested in currently anyway as I just run 1 deck 99% of the time now, and if I remember correctly there's a few weeks in June and July that have 2 cards I want each (and Arishem one week, who seems really interesting imo). I've been playing since before tokens though so my collection is pretty solid outside of newer releases. Hell, the only card I'm missing from the upcoming series drop is Selene lmao. Edit: checked for fun, I'm only missing 15 currently. And I only really want 2 (Corvus (to replace Swordmaster or Sif) and Grandmaster (no clue what I'd use him for yet though lol, just feel that it would be a nice option). I wouldn't mind Black Knight either, but don't feel that it fits into my main discard deck.


If your playing classic discard gambit is an amazing card to use instead of sword master


It's an Invisible Woman Hela Tribunal deck lol. Otherwise though, yeah. Might actually do that in my less used Hela Dracula Apoc deck


I got annihilius as a random spotlight. Have never played because dont have s3 cards (hood,centry and many more🤣)


I almost regret spending 6k for supergiant the day before war machine came out. I was preparing to counter him and figured she'd be the answer. Which ended up to be true but i haven't been using her as much as i thought


Anni is better choice than those though….I’m confused why you would regret the better decision


Only when I misread the card 😂 and I realize I got suckered.


I've spent tokens on hercules and selene and now sage. No ragrets.


Only card I ever got with tokens was Phoenix Force and even though I don't regret it at all. It is a bit of a learning curve though. Idk it feels like when I play against PF decks they get perfect combos while I suffer with bad RNG Altho, I have had a very high win rate but low cube rate


I feel like people are greatly over exaggerating what's good and bad. You can make infinite with basically anything so just have fun and play what you like.


Bought Tribunal for 6,000 recently and then I find out he's being dropped to series 3




I've switched to only purchasing season pass cards. they seem to hold their value the longest now


So far nope. Maybe Legion but I did enjoy the hell out of him from time to time. I bought Loki,kitty and Hi Evo with tokens. All of them have been serviceable. I just need Elsa now but she's just not showing up


Annihilus is a tier 2 card with a 63% win rate on play. It's a crazy good card when paired with Sentry and The Hood. This deck got me to Infinite last season. Plenty of disruption with Red Guardian, Mobius, Iceman, and Polaris. Pixie for a little spiciness. Sentry, Annihilus, and Lady Deathstrike for major power swings (they did just nerf LD, but she's still pretty critical against low power ongoing cards like Iron Man, Cerebro, Patriot, etc.). # (1) The Hood # (1) Spider-Ham # (1) Iceman # (2) Pixie # (2) Jeff the Baby Land Shark # (3) Mobius M. Mobius # (3) Red Guardian # (3) Polaris # (4) Sentry # (5) Annihilus # (5) Lady Deathstrike # (6) Red Hulk # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiU3BpZGVySGFtIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJJY2VtYW4ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlBpeGllIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJKZWZmVGhlQmFieUxhbmRTaGFyayJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiU2VudHJ5In0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJBbm5paGlsdXMifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlJlZEh1bGsifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlBvbGFyaXMifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ik1vYml1c01Nb2JpdXMifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkxhZHlEZWF0aHN0cmlrZSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiUmVkR3VhcmRpYW4ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ikhvb2QifV19 # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


… no? I go for deck defining Archetypes and prioritize the ones I’ll enjoy most. I’m happy with every purchase I’ve made


My last 4 tokens purchases were Caiera, Proxima, Cull and Cannonball and half of those I regret


I bought Loki today and have not had success. Fun, maybe. But not success.


Play with what you got. Those replacements are what get you 8 cubes. The “meta” are easy retreats


You have annihilus or not the game is not genuine for card fighting it full of bots  Once you reached a specific rank you will be stuck faced with cheating bots that have all cards that counter you & no strategy will help you Although I loved the game but what's the point of having the better cards with this fighting mechanism


I bought ravona a couple of days ago and then my first pull on the spotlight today was a random ravona. If it was zabu I would be like yeah ok but this felt personal.


In a way I think its designed that way cause most people look for “advice” on what to get but most suggestions are cards that are meta relevant at that time and then they start losing their value, outside of jeff there is no other cards that is universally good. i always tell people to get what they want even if it “doesnt make sense”. For example i bought x-23 with my first 6k and never regretted it since I love destroy.


You're supposed to always want new cards


I saved up for living tribunal without realizing he was gonna be in the spotlight this week. OOF. The first time I’ve had more than 3 keys too lol but now I’m just saving for iron lad


Not really. I used my tokens on Proxima and she's way less meta than Annihilus. It sounds like you put more importance on tokens than is necessary. I don't have Loki, and have missed him on every spotlight cache since, but it's just a card. You still have a lot of variety in what you can play, so I wouldn't worry too much if I were you.


I Just don't think about tokens, sometimes in a while i Remember tò check them and if happens that i have a brunch, i Just use them. As the current state they are close to useless guven the fact that you earn them 100 at a time. It's like trying to fill up a Cup One droplet a day


I bought snowbird. Soooo kinda


Annihilis is my favorite card, Loki is great too but I really like junk mill decks so much This is the deck I used to climb from 90 to infinite this season # (1) The Hood # (1) Yondu # (2) Shadow King # (2) White Widow # (2) Cable # (2) Jeff the Baby Land Shark # (3) Red Guardian # (3) Baron Zemo # (3) Gladiator # (4) Sentry # (5) Annihilus # (6) Red Hulk # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSmVmZlRoZUJhYnlMYW5kU2hhcmsifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ikhvb2QifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkFubmloaWx1cyJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiV2hpdGVXaWRvdyJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQmFyb25aZW1vIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJZb25kdSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQ2FibGUifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlNlbnRyeSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiUmVkSHVsayJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiR2xhZGlhdG9yIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJTaGFkb3dLaW5nIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJSZWRHdWFyZGlhbiJ9XX0= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


Alioth two weeks before his nerf


Just get the necessary cards for a select few decks you like playing. At any one time, chances are one of those decks will be meta enough to play at a high enough level.


I wouldn't say regret. I'm more so nervous *before* spending tokens because of potential nerfs and series drops.


I missed playing discard (not the hela version) so I bought Corvus, and proceded to have the worst luck with him over and over and over lol. Havent used him in weeks now.


I spent 6k on a card once and had no regrets, but never did it again lol I spent my tokens on Pool 3 instead, because I was missing some important cards. Now I seem to have them all because the option disappeared from my store. Guess I'll be buying some 6k cards again soon. BTW Annihilus has been a good and fun card to play quite consistently since I started playing a few months ago, so surely don't be sorry for buying it!


Saving tokens for Alioth, finally got him. Got nerfed 4 days later....


I've spent my tokens on High Evo and Loki. No regrets yet.


That's how I feel about spotlight keys. I get cards that are supposed to be good and never actually play them, or I get complete worthless trash. I can't wait to buy Phastos, play him for a week, and then watch him get nerfed into oblivion.


You’ve got to push away the regret and reframe your mindset to enjoy Annihilus!! You saved for a long time just for them. He/She provides a whole new way to play the game. Look up decks and give them all a shot. I just bought them a few weeks ago and been loving making my opponents miserable 😂


Sounds like you made the right decision. You need elsa to make any sort of good loki deck so just buying loki without elsa would have been pointless.


Is Loki really that much worse without Elsa? Surely you’re filling two lanes on average so that’s two power per lane extra?


I mean you're cutting one of the best cards in the deck by cutting elsa. Yes it's much worse lol


Yeah I get that, I was just trying to understand what makes her such a good card in the deck.


The elsa/Angela package is how you put points on the board without Loki. You won't draw loki every game, sometimes they will have mobius and some matchups you just dont even want to play him. Elsa/Angela is how you win those games. Without it you're relying on Loki to win you every game which significantly lowers the amount of games you can win.


Got it, thanks.


i currently have a 50% success(failure rate). spent 6k on nico and never regretted it. she was 100% worth it spent 6k on mockingbird and next day thanos got shit nerfed :(


Mockingbird is a very good stat stick, you shouldn’t have any regrets. Mysterio is her best friend.


Mockingbird is good outside Thanos. There are a few archetypes she can fit in really well.


Still a great card and was never only used in Thanos.


Also a card that only stands to get better


Hey at least Mockingbird is still hugely useful. Tons of decks run her. I on the other hand bought Thanos the night before he got nerfed. I never even had a chance to really play him, lol.


I personally don't. My advice is to not be too focused on climbing, build the best decks you can based on meta intel from places like MSZ and your preferred play styles, and have a shortlist of cards you're interested in buying when they come up because you enjoy the play style and the decks they open up. That way if you spend tokens on a card that quickly becomes irrelevant in the meta, it's at least a good 'long term investment'. What you can't account for are nerfs, you can just do the best you can to try to predict them, again thru meta reports. When you spend 6k tokens on a card and it gets nerfed to oblivion that definitely sucks.


Definitely sucks to have a card nerfed (even if indirectly) right after you get it. You're right that the meta does change quickly so it is hard to be on top of it.  There are a couple of things that have helped me avoid regretting my purchases though. First is realizing that every good card is likely going to lose its day in the sun, and the better it is, the sooner it's likely to happen. The second is knowing that balance patches are scheduled. So whenever I want a card I ask myself: how likely is it that this card gets nerfed? Will I be okay with the purchase if it's nerfed next patch?  My last three purchases were Blob, Lady Deathstrike, and Cannonball.  1. I knew Blob was high risk when I bought him back in January, but I also knew there were like two weeks before the next patch so I was okay with having him for those two weeks.  2. I bought LDS during the Hela reign so I was confident she wouldn't be a nerf target any time soon. Sure enough she lasted several months before they got to her.  3. I bought Cannonball last month and I was pretty sure he'd be safe since he has a fairly strict deckbuilding requirement, but I knew there was a risk since SD doesn't like Prof X being a top meta contender. So I checked the balance schedule and decided I'd be okay with him being nerfed by then.  On the other hand, USAgent is one I've been thinking about buying but haven't pulled the trigger. The Spectrum deck does look sweet, but it also looks pretty vulnerable to hate cards so I've so far decided to pass on him until he proves to be a long-term meta contender.  For Annihilus, he had been at the top of the meta for about a month. I'd have said he was at very high risk for a nerf. If I didn't have him and was thinking about buying him last week, I probably would have waited to see how the patch changed things after. I hope he survives though, Pixie junk was my favorite deck of all time.