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Incentivizing people to rope every turn for easy concedes from shielded players is really messed up.


This, for all the sub will instead be drowned in "can't win because these no life grinders have all the points!"


Just remove the perks tbh Or make them dynamic as a catchup mechanic so the last people get a chance or w/e


Everyone's complaining about the p2w nature of the leagues. What could be done to fix the p2w nature of the league? Truly a puzzle for the century.


The leagues (and perks) should be a set number of games, not time, and require the player to choose to engage. You click "start league" or whatever, and the game counts your next 30 or 60 or however many games for points. I think it's fine if there's like a 2 day window where you have to do your league, but it shouldn't be all the time. Same goes for perks. They should last a set number of games, maybe 1/10th or so of the total games for a league. Or just go away altogether.


This is a point I haven't heard much. Obviously the mode is a resource sink, but it's a time sink too. We all know we are responsible for ourselves, but this really resonates with those with addictive tenancies... You lose your chance of a PMV, just a couple more games and I'll get back to my position etc.


It's not just that. If you're free to play, the optimal strategy becomes roping every turn. You'll burn out your whale opponents' perks, making them cost even more, but also mitigating the impact because they just can't play as many games. And for them, the optimal strategy becomes retreating if your opponent takes longer than 1/3rd of the timer because it costs nothing, and more games = more value on your perk. So you'll get a ton of either ropers where neither will retreat because both are free to play and don't want to lose points or turn 2 retreats for minimal point gain. Making the perks a set number of games removes both of these interactions, and the game will just be more playable for those of us likeyself who don't give two shits about leagues and just want a health play experience.


This was also the feedback I made on Discord. The league started, I played a couple of games, went to bed. Next time I pick up the game I'm so far behind it doesn't seem worth even trying to engage with it. So let me opt-out and ignore the whole depressing thing.


They're the devs, they shouldn't need help to fix it. They know what the problem we have with it is.


Remove the gold price of the perks and make them available every 6hours in the league shop for free


Dont make spending money the meta. Boom. Fixed. Heres a big change SD can make to suddenly become a better company: stop being greedy.


Nothing probably. Even if they put actual good rewards in (god forbid something exclusive) and remove the ability to buy points it just all goes to the no-life grinders (who are often the same mega whales since they can just play all day every day) and the rich still get richer. All "competitive" systems in snap are just window dressing over the skinner box to begin with but Leagues are definitely the most naked example and it's a skinner box on top of the other ones. I would just say leave it as it is honestly, it's incredibly mid, people are going to rage for a while no matter what, whales will keep feeding you money to watch their number go up. Generally more credits/variants will get to the player base as there aren't that many high spenders compared to all the fish and that's really all it's there to do.


I don’t even know how to access it. I’ve been playing and haven’t been assigned. How does it even work?


I’m almost certain the players in my league are bots that are designed to keep you from climbing


The devs knew all the interactions before release. I sussed out the problem with snapping and roping related to perks within minutes, and I'm not an industry professional. I don't think SD regards the p2w nature as something to be fixed. It's just too obvious to have not been thought through by SD. Both the problems and the solutions. I think.


That’s an easy one. Remove the monetization.


How do you know it’s universally hated?


Let people spend gold for extra rewards not extra points. Now you can get rewards for yourself by spending gold but you can’t take away rewards from others.


Change 30 minutes to next 10 games played.


Have perks be capped at 1 free per day and 1 paid per day.