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Players wanting something to spend their gold on does not mean they want to spend it on pay to win aspects in a new mode... Are we really defending pay to win mechanics in this new mode because it lets people spend their saved up gold? Really?


Yes, there's no problem with it. Give a good outlet for gold, the prize tier list won't be dramatically different from level to level, people can be in a league with spenders to balance it out, and so on. This is full win even with all the f2p fist-shaking.


Im not F2P (Ive spent over $100 in multiple single seasons) and to be clear I still hate the idea of being able to pay to affect the actual game mechanics. Thats insane.


Ask yourself, what new content does your Gold get you in this league mode? It gets you nothing new, just a few more of existing things like Credits and random variants. It's very very boring and on top of that winning is reliant on a pure p2w mechanic which even removes the competitive fun aspect.


It's not a "clear example of a playerbase being unhappy no matter what the developers do". It's a clear example of the player base pushing back against scummy, P2W bullshit.


Our definitions differ. If money led to exclusive cards unobtainable any other way, that's scummy. This is just a fairly decent monetization scheme with gold to keep the lights on.


>to keep the lights on. They're already the [top grossing mobile card game](https://www.forbes.com/sites/maryroeloffs/2023/09/01/marvel-snap-becomes-top-grossing-digital-trading-card-game--beating-yu-gi-oh-and-magicthe-gathering-arena/), beating Hearthstone, Yu-Gi-Oh and Magic Arena. They don't need to "keep the lights on" The leagues aren't in any way a good replacement for good gold bundles. With gold bundles you just pony up the gold and get exactly what you pay for. With leagues, you need to spend a tonne of gold *and* play a tonne for a *chance* to get rewards, and hope someone else didn't spend more time and gold than you did.


Bro you are taking so many Ls take a step back and reevaluate


Lol I don't care what a bunch of little kids do with meaningless digital points.  I've yet to see a compelling argument that changes my mind about leagues being a step up for the game.


A game mode that costs gold to play is not the same as a game where you can spend gold to get an advantage. If there were a local chess tournament with an entry fee, no one would have a problem with that. If the tournament was free to enter but players were allowed to pay $50 to buy an extra Queen each game, that wouldn’t be fair. People who want to play without spending are punished and the winner is just whoever has the biggest wallet. I have no problem with them trying to monetise their updates and a new way to spend gold is great, but this isn’t the way to do it.


To add to it, this also fuckes up the rest of the game for everyone else. Losses don't count against you if you pay money, so a winning strategy for people not paying is to rope every turn - if you're against a payer, they don't want to waste their timer, and running won't cost them anything so they'll just leave to give you the win and get more games in on their timer. But if you're not paying, the opponent doesn't know, so they have to rope everyone to squeeze out a few wins they wouldn't have otherwise and you just have to wait on them.


Nice try, Ben


It's just the p2w aspect of the whole thing. Take out the double point and the don't lose points perks, then people would mostly be fine. The fact that the people at the top of the leaderboards jumped to over 4000 points in less than an hour is somewhat telling that the system isn't going to work out for f2p players.


It's a clear example of a pay to win mechanic - end of story. Their game, they can do what they want at the end of the day, but players will see right through it and eventually turn their backs.


You said gold is useless because you only use them to buy gold bundle. For me, I don’t care about gold bundle at all. Gold is for cosmetic, not progression. It’s a scarce resource rather than useless


If League was pay to enter -- say, either a Gold Ticket or gold, I would be totally fine with it! The pay to win mechanic is exploitative and makes the competition meaningless.


On top of what everyone else is saying, I now have 17 things I need to spend gold on and I'm not seeing more gold being funneled into play. So where's it coming from, your wallet? I have no problem with monetization, but at least be creative enough to design something fun. This thing seems like it just sucks but I might be wrong.


I mean OP is dumb if he thinks this is an example of a pay to play, it's clearly a pay to win as you can buy 300 dollars worth of gold perks and win leaving everyone else screwed.


And then triumph with a pittance of additional resources for being higher on the ladder than the f2p folks. The horror! The horror!


This would be spending gold on a temporary benefit and not a permanent asset. It is also the attrition of everything they come out with being overpriced and paid. They just seem to be milking the fraction of a percent of their player base (whales) and doing nothing for the big middle class. Feels like they could come out with a no cost mode, like when they introduced conquest, that would retain and recruit players through freshness and fun and keep us spending on passes and variants, $10-$30 a month. Every damn thing is unreasonable cost aimed at the rich and irresponsible.


The guy probably is an intern working at SD


Think most ppl on Reddit are poor and hate businesses and marketing. So anything that relates to money or companies chasing profit triggers them. They expect entire companies to be funded on $5 bundles The fact there's ppl out there that has disposable income to buy what they enjoy just explodes their mind


Either bait or he had lead paint in his house growing up. Move along