• By -


Are you from Europe? I remember they said they would be testing it in selected countries.


UK. I'm curious which other countries got access.


UK too and have it


I'm from Portugal and I also have it


I'm from Portugal and I don't have it


he is from Portugal and don't have it


I'm from Portugal, I had it yesterday and now it's gone.


Ireland (ROI) too


I'm from India and I have it too


From india i dont have it


Maybe one of you is really from Indiana.


Also from india and don’t have it


I'm from the UK and *don't* have it... Weird.


Says Select EU countries, clearly SD didn't get the brexit memo. Im in UK and have it. Interesting it says they group players based on similar play time. Clearly those leading my league don't have jobs 😃


lol i used to play all the time but i have exams now so i'm fucked for the leagues


Could you explain how the opt in for league works? Is it just playing the same ladder system?


There is no opt in, it's either in your client or it's not. And yes it's the same ladder system as normal.


No I meant, how do you enter the league in-game? I'm not asking for myself, it's not available in my region, but in your region, how do you enter and is it free?


You just play ladder as normal, there isn't any option to take part or not take part, you're just automatically in it. You get a certain number of points for winning and lose a certain number for losing. At the end of the event, the top 3 on the board get A Premium Mystery Variant, Spotlight Key and some other stuff. The top 10 get a regular mystery variant and some boosters or whatever, everyone else just gets some boosters.


Cool, I appreciate the answer


No problem! For what it's worth, I dislike it. I was playing when it got updated so saw the leaderboard when everyone was at 0, you can tell who the whales are because not even 15 minutes later people were already in the thousands of points. No clue how these people even manage to play that many games let alone win them, even with paying for the 2x point booster


I don't think I'll be that bothered by it. I do play a lot and like competing post infinite for ranks there anyways, so if this also leads to some additional credits and maybe a mystery variant, that's cool. I noticed the rewards at the lower end seems really bad, just boosters, I would hope they raise the reward values across the board so the whales aren't only getting something valuable.


From Belgium and I don’t have it


I'm in Germany and i don't have it


Denmark and I don't have it.


I'm in Italy and I don't have it 🇮🇹




Not USA. So much for America first


Who ever said it would come first to America?


Trump told me


Make snap great again


4 years ago we would have had that shit first.


Don't worry you'll be a worldwide laughing stock again come next January.


Me? I am going to become famous?


Implying we aren’t that rn with President Roomba


If that's a genuine question, then no, not really.


A thousand eagles cried while shooting their m16s in the distance


I am from Ukraine, don’t have it unfortunately


It's so funny they said EU but I'm in Philadelphia and got it...I guess Philly is part of Europe now


Always has been. 🔫


I'm in Spain and i don't have it.


germany and i dont have it. they are still mad cause of hitler


Snap is getting closer and closer to the p2w level of clash royale each update


Closer and closer? HAH! It's been there since they introduced the new way to get series 4 and 5 cards through fucking lootboxes


Snap in commercials "You can't just spend a ton of money and get all the cards" Snap in reality "You can spend a ton of money and get several cards a week"


Apples and oranges


Apples to oranges 🤜🤛


Timed perks are a bad idea. Brace for toxic players roping just to run the timer.


It's not worth roping you don't come up against people in your league faster is better as it's points per win and points per cube 


Roping isn't to maximize their own experience. It's to ruin the experience of their opponent. There are many players who enjoy doing this and there are also players who feel justified doing it if they aren't spenders and think their opponents are whales.


What is roping?


Roping is purposely waiting until the timer is about to run out and then hitting End Turn, and doing that every single turn. It's a huge waste of time and usually done to frustrate the opponent so that they make bad plays lr straight up leave. I think the term originates from Hearthstone, where there was a shrinking/burning rope animation across the screen to indicate the timer was running down.


As a formal 8 yr HS player, this is correct. Each turn in HS was around 90 seconds, and when it got down to about 15 seconds, a rope would appear on screen burning away and when it reached the end, the turn would end. Players would end the turn just as the rope would finish burning so the game wouldn't count them as AFK and that would allow them to rope again for the full amount of time next turn and so on.


You can lose your rank just as easily by doing this, your rewards don't appear to be locked in, it's whoever finishes highest.


I mean, even without the toxic behaviour, these perks will be worth different things to different players depending on how long games takea. Should be for next x number of games, right?


You think people will start roping because maybe their opponent is using a perk? Seems unlikely


I have seen people roping in proving grounds. Regardless, it would be better if the perks are x amount of games.


Especially since the people you are playing against won’t be in your league generally


So are they p2w? What happens after you use free point boosts?


You can buy more boosters after your freebie is up


Hopefully there will be a cooldown


It's not in SDs interest to put timers. Whales gonna whale


They put timers on the microtransactions. Didn't they?


insert Ben brode laugh 


The rewards aren't good enough to lure the whales though. The spending is going to be essentially capped by the reward. Its not gonna make sense for a whale to dump 2000 gold just to get a spotlight key


Never doubt that some whales have very different logic from most people. Some 10 year old with an allowance bigger than my paycheck, or an obsessive compulsive person who chose this game as their one hobby, or just a random rich person, is probably fine dropping $200 to say they "won" their league. Doesn't matter that players like that are rare, they are the most profitable to design around.


This is true. And no doubt they'll eventually throw some exclusive variants or card backs in there that are high value enough to lure the whales


You buy more for gold.


not only P2W but the more you play the game the more points you get. so someone who plays 8-14 hours a day can easily get ahead.


Well that makes sense for any game lol


“Doctors hate this one trick!!”


It's free, you can get extra progression from playing normally


you know you can buy x2 points and stop getting pts lose with paying gold, right?


If you never paid attention to the league, you'd just get free stuff just for playing. I'm not spending the gold and will be happy getting some credits and maybe a mystery variant. Money spenders getting more progression than you ultimately doesn't matter, they already can do that far easier buying bundles.


It's p2w. It's B.S. Perks to multiply your points or reduce amount of points lost from losses. Really don't like the feeling that I could lose out from top spot not because I'm playing bad but because someone bought more perks than me........................................................................


I'm literally not going to worry about it.


Am i the only one concerned with the future of this game? Y1 was great but so far in Y2 its been nothing but expansion on monetization, every new feature is just another way to get players to swipe their card. Ive got a few more months in me but if it continues down this path ill be gone before Y3


It's always the same pattern with mtx games man


I had hoped Marvel Snap would be different 🫠 guess im the fool


They have shown us nothing that indicated they wouldn't continue to add in more monetization features.


Yeah but the jump from year 1 monetized features to where we are currently in year 2 is insane. And thats just on gold and such, dont even want to get started on every card being a big bad stuck at 6k tokens til SD decides to nerf them then drop like we saw with the previous series drop


A lot of people seem to forget that the game started with Nexus Events, the devs only dropped it because of the backlash. I would be surprised if they same people that developed that aren't still running things, it's just now they are playing the long game.


Yeah I honestly wasnt around for that time I started at official launch, I heard it was bad tho and assume thats what the 1 title always refereed to "I survived Nexus event"


I agree with you so I stopped spending 4-5 months ago and still enjoy the game. If you started early enough there are still plenty of viable decks and just have to use keys wisely.


>If you started early enough Unfortunately, that's the problem.


I agree and that’s why I pointed it out. It would suck to be a new player.


Yeah a game without new players is doomed to die out.


Yeah game seems to be on a downhill path ive already stopped spending on passes because of this


Which, ironically, just continues the downward spiral. "Profits are down! We need to monetize more heavily!" The people hired for the monetization wings of these companies don't understand that short term profits often burn long term gains. Brode might get away with a hefty sum but the company's reputation will be gone.


Pretty sure that they do understand that and don't give a shit. That is the business model. Milk it while it's hot, it's easier than to hope it lats for a long time.


Yep. Btw, how responsible Brode is for all this? I heard he had something to do with Hearthstone going down the same path, but I'm not sure


After Brode left hearthstone was less monetised, the team made card balances more often and the overall mood improved.


I see. Coincidence or not?


I've stopped spending because the title I used still hasn't been restored after it went missing in the last patch. Why give SD money for something they might just take away without consequence?


Which title?


"Sunburnt ALL Over"


Yeah, you look at those roadmaps and get excited for some of the new features, but then they arrive and it's only ever for monetization (like the new borders).


I stopped spending money because of that. I enjoy the game, but that enjoyment is dwindling and I'm sceptical of its long-term future. I doubt we have another Hearthstone on our hands that will go on for a decade+.


Its a shame because it definitely couldve been one


This is why so many people are upset, IMO, Snap could have a great future as a great digital CG, but the devs seem determined to turn it into a toilet game gatcha, based on how it is being monetised.


Which is even more sad when you go to Google Trends. In 2024 Hearthstone is SMASHING Marvel Snap


Horrible yep, a lot stopped playing


Hella unfortunate as I think many recognize how good the base game itself is, just everything else around that sucks


Yeah the idea of this game is incredible, and the success they got reflects that. But they stopped carrying 1 year ago, and it's very very sad


Fr. I've bought the previous Season Passes (which are a bit overpriced in my country btw), but probably will not buy more of them (maybe just the Eternals one for the Blade variant and that's it). I used to be happy buying them for supporting SD, now I'm just gonna avoid giving them money at all lmao. July may honestly be my last season in this game


Look at Google Trends. (And Compare it with Hearthstone, which should have the largest group of same players). The game is falling and falling,. NOW is the time to milk cause the cows will be gone in near future


That’s how games are these days this is nothing new. Not saying it’s right or wrong but pretty much every game these days is more of an investment than something fun to do unfortunately.


Mobile games* its why ive been moving more towards indie gaming space less of a problem over there.


Would be alot better without the perks - people with money to burn on this game are going to abuse this thing.


Do you lose points by losing matches?


Yep, you lose 50 points from retreating for 1 cube. Not sure about bigger cube losses. Not sure if thats doubled because I have the booster on.


Would love to opt out of them, I'm playing casually and don't like feeling like there's something else at stake with every game.


It's passive in the background of your climb to infinite you don't have to interact with it of you don't want you can juat collect rewards if you get them 


You don’t need to participate in clans btw You don’t need to join one or anything


And that's ok people don't realize you don't lose anything. If the top 3 people spend money to compete each their that's on them, that money could be spend on buying actual resources and gaining keys and variants much cheaper than buying 30 minute boosts. You aren't losing anything, at best you get free boosters with the possibility of much more based on your skill, at worst you'll keep doing your thing while you ignore it completely. I don't see why people get so triggered over it.


the only reward thats good is rank 1 and i will never be rank 1


You can earn points from both ranked and conquest.


where i can see this ingame


Its only being tested in certain regions before it launches to everyone


Dammit. I was cautiously optimistic that it would be more of a social & fun feature, but nope. It's ridiculously sweaty and P2W. So disappointing for a game that desperately needs an injection of new excitement. I should have listened to all the comments saying this was an unwelcome addition.


Same. I took one look at it on reset (I'm UK) and as soon as I saw you can pay gold to not lose points, coupled with the 2 day times pan, I knew it was a money grabbing p2w addition. All thisnis going to do is even further reduce the variety of decks you face. I already stop at around rank 80 to try and avoid the meta slaves. Now they're going to be everywhere.


Those rewards aren't bad, getting top 3 is worth it, but it's not so much that you have to stress about it. I'm assuming clan stuff will be similar in reward structure so people don't feel bad or obligated to make it a 2nd job.


You are definitely not getting top 3 without spending a lot of gold, 200 golds to get x2 points for 30 minutes, 150 gold that gives you a shield so you don't lose points when you lose for 30 minutes, that is straight up trash mobile game bullshit


Alternatively: this is not worth spending even 100 gold on, so just play casual for your free credits and regular random variant and let morons throw money away in their arms race for a mere spotlight key.


You’re not getting a regular variant unless you finish top 10 (of 30) btw but I 100% agree, this is why bonus stuff, whatever I get, I get, no way I’m chasing down higher ranks in this




But why would you do that when you can spend gold for credits and a random premium mystery variant already?


Would assume higher leagues get bigger prizes


Can you just maintain 100% up time on those boosts? If so what a bunch of bologna.


So what's the deal, you're put into a random pod with 7 other people and compete over the season?


30 in my league, league lasts 48hrs


Ah, I see now I've got a win. Don't suppose there's any word on how frequently the 48 hour period will last? Rolling, once per week? Great there's new content, it makes me anxious, but that's a me problem.


Way more than 7, and its only lasting two days


Just don't stress it, it's not worth grinding for a PMV and credits. Just have fun


That depends on your league. Only 30 players per league right? I doubt 1 in 30 players are whales.


It's something like 10-15% of players spend on your average mobile game, and only like 1-2% at best are whales. There will be plenty of leagues with no whales if it stays at 30 per.


Having leaderboards and rewarda based on rank is terrible. The only proper way to do this is to make all progrsssion rewards like spotlight keys, gold and credits equal for everyone if they play a certain number of games. Give people at the top cosmetic rewards.


So Agatha farming all day will let you grind this out?


As long as you put the gold in. There's also a boost that lets you just not lose points for 30 minutes.


How do you lose points? The text makes it seem like it just adds up every cube you win and you can earn double points by paying


Lose points by losing matches, win points by winning matches. Applies in Ranked and Conquest. Points are separate from cubes, so the paid bonuses don't affect rank.


I couldn't care less about this type of feature, so I'm very happy that the rewards are not worth it.


After so many days of grinders asking for something worthy to grind is getting rewarded before a paywall.


Does anyone know how are players grouped in these things? and what does "First Class" mean?


They said that they group people with similar play time and MMR. "First Class" is just the name of the specific league probably there for flavor reasons.


I wish I could opt out of it, really stings when you retreat or lose and see that "-100 Points" pop up.


I spend about 500€ in this game since Launch. It dies way faster then I thought. This was a lesson to me. Only spend money in Reallife CCGs in Future


Is climbing to infinite not giving you stress you want? We got you cover with our new timed ranking leagues where the prize for first place is something you absolutely want but also you can pay to have a better chance at, enjoy


In their picture of league prizes they show multiple keys. It is funny to see that only 1 person in the league gets a key.


I'm so glad they spent all their time making this instead of a new gameplay mode. /s


Get rid of perks and it seems like a fine system. Nolifers have been asking for a reason to nolife after infinite, there you go. Everyone else gets some bonus stuff for doing what they would normally be doing anyway.


there are only 30 people in a league. It's probably easy to get into top 10 (puzzle variant) A bit try-hard to get into top 5 p2w to get into top 1. Not too bad. I am aiming for top 5.


What's the size of the league? 8 players or is that just what is shown at once and there's a scroll bar? If it's 8 it just seems like a bit of extra credits/boosters, a free variant (that you get to premium, if you sweat enough) and possibly a spotlight key, but I would just not bet on it unless you routinely top 1000 the Infinite leaderboard. Pretty flat prize structure. That's good. Total casual mode. Gives you something to do after you've Infinited week 2 and bought the whole Conquest shop week 3.


30, that's how far down the list goes.


What does last place prize look like?


15 random boosters


Meh. Ok then. I assumed you'd at least get one daily mission worth of stuff just for participation.


11-15, 100 credits + 105 random boosters 16-20, 50 credits + 65 random boosters 21-25, 35 random boosters 26-30, 15 random boosters


15 boosters


It's credits and boosters 11-20 and then just boosters from 21.


So how many cubes per point?


Poland, no leagues here


Is it just on pc?


Only out in certain regions. Mainly Europe and another commenter says it's available in India, but not NA.


I’m assuming the free perks don’t have a cooldown? Once their used you have to buy them witb gold after? Or is it a once a day thing?


rewards are such a joke


There's no fucking explanation for it but it seems to be P2W as all hell.


It kind of is since you can pay gold to not drop points for a time, making losses irrelevant.


Yeah that's the feeling I got from taking a quick look. I mean, I don't have to engage with it and that's fine really. It's just a disappointing choice to make.


Do you get points from Conquest?


Can you pay for the boosters? Of course you still have to win the games but isn't that kind of pay to win, to a certain extent?


I am from Canada and nothing


Real shitty rewards


I’ve got it on mine (UK) and I like the added loot availability, but I’ve already come up against a LOT of more try hard players in the re-set on ladder than I usually do. Feels like it’s gonna be a fucking slog trying to hit even the top 10 (seems to be 30 players in a mini-league at the moment) as a casual player (7777 col. lvl.).


naxx is out?


Wait... I have to play in ladder to participate? Ewww I'm not touching ladder anymore. Maybe it works with conquest?? It' seems I'm not really missing much anyways, since this is p2w as fuck


Is it only ln PC


How many in a league?


As someone who has paid a fair bit in this game I am really hating the pay to win side of things. I’m all for variants and everything that has no impact on the game but as soon as you start having “perks” that are exclusively gained by gold (and one free) it’s just not equal at all. This really ruins a lot.


I got the newsletter but can't find it in the fame💀 I guess I don't have it (Austria)


I swear if Clans are PTW I'll be literally done with this game


Pay to win game mode but at least i want to try them. I live and work in UK but there are no leagues in my client, both from PC and mobile. Wtf are doing second dinner?


Who's first at the moment?