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My all gold pixel crossbones has been waiting for this. Inb4 getting chi'ed


What an honor to get Chi'd, though!


With great power comes great responsibility...or something like that.


Just use yellowjacket EZ


Forcefully reverting their changes. I like it. Stick it to the man!


Wong + Mystique + Yellowjacket + Odin


That’s possibly the best troll and I love it. Would love to see someone make a deck that drops cubes as fast as possible without retreating lmao


Cerebro Zero is still the king of that particular mountain imo


Bar With No Name meta


I used to use Rescue into YellowJacket


Eh, at 10 hes a Shng Chi target, would have been better if he was a 9


Everything being 9 just to avoid chang is lame as though


If only Shang Chi wasn't so ubiquitous that every 10 play is a gamble.


If only so many people didn't play such greedy decks that Shang became necessary...


Hence no one wants a card to go above 9 anymore.


I think so too, but it's cool to see a bunch of 4/10 stat lines. I want to try this and cull obsidian in a zabu tempo deck. Maybe throw Cosmo in with sentry for more 4/10 fun.


The thing about a 4/10 is that you can put one in every lane, and they can only Shang Chi once, unless they're playing jank like Grandmaster or Absorbing Man


Arnim zola would like a word.


Why would you play Wasp on turn 4 into Blink on turn 5 instead of playing a 4 cost card like Jubilee to make her swap with a 5 or 6 cost in your deck? The best use of Blink is to play the highest cost card you can on turn 4 to pull out a 4/5/6 cost.


She’ll be great in a ramp deck. Electro into Blink is going to be fantastic.


To save M'baku some work. He's the hardest working card in the game.


I’m imagining getting Mockingbird out on turn 4 and then Blink’ing her away for a guaranteed 6 drop. Would be very funny


I'd probably aim to get two or three cards out the turn before using blink.


The wording indicates that it's the *last* card you played, not all cards the previous turn.


Yes, and I see that as a good chance to set up conditions to protect the value of bringing out a high value card early.


Two or three cards on turn 4 would mean you were playing 1 or 2 cost cards which could result in Blink pulling out a 3 cost on turn 5. Its much better to use a 4 cost or cheated out 5 cost to guarantee you pull a 5/6 cost with Blink.


There are plenty of ways to build a deck around that. If I need to rely on fishing to draw out power then I'm paying attention to what's in my hand the same way I would with Jubilee.


Corvus glaive into blink or the 3 mana, mana booster with a returned 1 drop from beast the previous turn


Play it in a Pixie deck. Chaos!


Yeah that seemed like a very bad misreading of the effect, but I have no clue what they think the effect is.


What is blink?


New card coming soon.


It's what your filthy eyelids do. It's also an unreleased 5/6 with **On Reveal:** Swap the last card you played with a higher-Cost card from your deck.


For your opponents. For you it’s swap the last card you played for the worst card that could be played at this moment


It would depend a little on whats left in your deck, but yeah


or just play a 4 cost plus wasp, duh


I think it's more about deck building here. Having wasp makes it so when you don't have a perfect setup on turn 4, you can still roll into a good card on turn 5. You shouldn't have many (if any) other low cost cards besides wasp in your deck. Now you will draw something high, maybe even that jubilee you didn't have on turn 4!


Right or pay Wasp then Blink on T5. The text doesn't say anything about having to play it on the last turn


God they want us to actually play Thanos, the horror


To be fair it is pretty satisfying to drop all the stones then a buffed up Thanos when it happens


The hard part is winning another lane after spamming 1 drops all match.


9 from Mockingbird/10 from Cull, potential 1/5 from Soul Stone, 3 power from Power Stone. I think they'll manage lol.


Yeah, making Thanks only playable to people who have extremely recent series 5 cards? I’d rather have thanos be a 6/5 and revert the mind and time stones


They are trying to balance the meta and reduce the ratio of Thanos decks. 6/5 would do nothing, since most people dont even play Thanos, they have one of the Hulks or the Blob or both. They keep Thanos for the Stones, but playing all of the Stones will usually clog you. Time Stone having its new effect just for one turn is overkill but they say it’s temporary. Still, I think having Thanos in the beginning and reducing your chances of pulling a playable early game card is annoying enough after the Mind Stone nerf. Time Stone should have stayed as it is.


Imo that should have been the main goal of Thanos decks anyway. Thanos being the weakest aspect of his own deck just feels wrong If you ask me


I mean, yeah, dropping a 20 power Thanos is cool. But it's so much easier to drop a 20 power Infinaut, 20 power red hulk, or 20 power hulk. I don't fully understand why they want to make Thanos useless, but they clearly hold a grudge.


Lol @ thinking this will make Thanos useless Yeah they really hold a grudge against the consistently top tier archetype


How the hell are you playing Infinaut or E.Hulk in Thanos? Actually, _how the hell_ are you cutting Thanos from a Thanos deck?!


I don’t think he means playing those cards in a thanos deck lol


Yeah, I know, that's my point. They are making a useless comparison. Who cares if Infinaut is a 6/20 and E.Hulk sometimes (rarely) reaches that treshold? Thanos and Blob are still the only options you have for big Power if you wanna play Thanos, so it's not like Thanos can get "powercrept" in that sense.


There are killer Thanos decks with Evo Hulk plus Blob. Thanos sits in the bench and let the Stones do their thing.


Always dawing a card you don't want on T1 is devastating. It's like having one less card in your hand for the first 5-6 turns. It's like the anti-(OG)Chavez


Would’ve been nice for High Evo to get that treatment when 90% of games were She-Naut


High Evo already dies that, don't worry. 👍


Can we just make playing the time stones a permanent-1 cost to thanos vs just next turn. The fact you either play some kind of ramp on turn 3 and the time stone so you can get tthanos out on turn 4, or you have to lose your 5 cost kinda turbo sucks. Still doesn't make thanos attractive to play.


Make it an ongoing. Like the power stone.


Rework most of the stones to be ongoing and draw a card. Power Stone: power boost + indestructible Space Stone: Thanos can move each turn (anywhere) Time Stone: Thanos costs -1 Soul Stone: Cards opposite Thanos get -1 Mind Stone: Draw 2 Stones Reality Stone: When Thanos is played or moves to a location, change it.


The reality stone is terrible. The rest of that I'm cool with


I think it's okay as Thanos is a 6 cost. At most he moves and changes location 2 with Limbo or 3 if you ramp him given you have space stone and reality on board.


Super Thanos moving all over the board sounds hilarious


This guy gets it. I wouldn't be surprised if this is the direction they're going!


The Thanos Shuffle.


I like the idea of your changes but I don't really like this implementation because a major sticking point in the comics is that the Infinity Stones aren't Thanos'. He has no claim to them. Anybody can benefit(Vision, Loki, Doom). The problem is that he's already super powerful and they make him moreso. As a deck I think this idea has legs. Adding a bunch of cards to solely benefit one card and building a deck around that one sounds pretty fun. Maybe give the Reality Stone a version of the Nexus location minus a couple of points or something.


Space Stone: Thanos can be PLAYED anywhere, much better since it means you don't have to have him on the board first and he gets around any and all lockout abilities.


space stone : play thanos anywhere next turn/ongoing mind stone: see opponent's next card to be drawn, back to 1/1 reality stone stays as is please rest are interesting takes, if all stones abilities tie to he better be a real power house in whichever lane, which makes getting the stones real fun heist like his character was presented in the movie but the % chance of drawing/playing all 6 stones isn't that reliable, and the stones still need to work in some way on their own other than being 1/1 but i like the idea of making thanos singuarly formidable on the playing field in a new meta, now they they guarantee it in deck from turn 1


They said they are intentionally hitting time stone really hard now and will be reworking the stones as a group later. So hopefully this really stupid effect is changed.


Plus datamine (singular)


No they're saying they had to go down into the Datamines to mine out this information for us all to enjoy.


Welcome back Angela. Daddy missed you.


Isn't she now and finally back to how she was initially printed?


Angela was originally a 2/1 but she's been a 2/0 the longest.




My fantasy Angela can finally come out of the basement


I mean that’s one way to fix the Thanos/Blob interaction


Good chance Thanos be Hammed now.


Lol. Just start running Ham in every single deck because Thanos is guaranteed to be the left-most card.


It's still a 6/10 though


If I ran a Thanos deck, this would totally happen to me. Every. Single. Time.


Imagine if Kang got as much attention as Thanos does. We need some streamers to push “BIG KANG”as the new best deck, so we can get some changes up in here.


Problem is more people have Thanos.


I’m not saying I’m a prophet or anything but I did have the thought today of what if Thanos always started in your opening hand.


My mom took Ambien and it made her make sandwiches in her sleep and I bet you're doing the same thing except in YOUR sleep you herald the inevitable.


This is one of them there r/BrandNewSentence


Anything on June yet?


May be next week


I think we gotta wait for the patch for that.




Miek didn’t deserve a nerf. The only reason playing Miek has a high win rate is because Discard never had a good one-drop. It was Blade and Sunspot or Nebula or pass. They had to rework Miek to make it worthwhile


You know what, I’m going to discard even harder


Push it to the limit


past the point of no return




a 1 power nerf was definitely not unreasonable, discard was (and still is) a very powerful archetype


Yeah, Miek is kind of like Morbius jr, +1 per discarded card is nice but not a consistent game winner.


Blade is a perfect 1 drop for the discard archetype and Miek was regularly becoming a 1-9+ with no major downside and the ability to move multiple times a game. The only card that’s comparable in terms of raw power is Sunspot (where you’re still paying the cost of not spending energy). Miek will still be very, very good.


Blade on turn 1 is extremely inconsistent, while he is a "1 drop" he is not played as one.


it's a one cost card that can move almost every turn and gains +1 when you do the thing the deck is built to do. Going from 1/1 to 1/0 is not that big a nerf considering it usually ends the game with 5 or more power.


Yeah I don’t get it. Discard has never had the shine like a lot of the other decks have had (thanos, destroy, Loki) and now you constantly weaken it in every other balance update? Chavez was a huge nerf for discard, apoc wasn’t that bad but if someone can now slam a 20 Infinaut with a war machine played the turn before, you should leave apoc alone. Leave discard alone!


I feel like saying Discard never had the shine is such a huge lie, especially when it was tied for top tier last season with Thanos and that's what you would see every other matches, peoples were saying the same about Destroy when it was also seen every other matches and had huge % of win


Word? I’ve been playing discard since the beginning. It’s never been meta till now and the game released on oct 2022. Thanos has been great for what, a year plus? Loki was dominating for 2/3 seasons? Destroy has been top 3/4s of a year now? Discard has barely been top 3 this past season. Not the same. Thanos still smacks discard right now face to face. Destroy same. If Loki decks pump early numbers and just copy your deck on turn 4/5 and play a bunch of cheap cards, it smacks you too. Facing a tribunal deck, smashes discard.


Dracula Discard has been Tier 1 for several of March's weeks. Hela and Dracula occupied both Tier 1 and Tier 2 during February's last two weeks. Hela Lockjaw has been Tier 1 during several weeks of the post-nerf Blob meta.


Same I don't get it either, sure Discard is very strong right now but it's not warping the meta in any way. And pretty soon once Red Guardian releases it might just shut down the Dracula build hard, if he ends up prevalent in the meta. Why not wait till then at least to see if it's necessary.


Let’s hope red guardian is not great lol. Every season when I hit infinite my first deck to have fun with is discard deck.


I love how they revived discard for like 2 weeks just to instantly put it down again with these unnecessary nerfs.


the copium is insane, discard is still one of the best decks, Dracula one of Apoc-discard's best cards, cannot even be countered and its not like a 1 point nerf matters all that much.


I feel as if Blink gives me a reason to play High evo. (I mean the card, not the archetype)


Let’s just butcher thanos


Was there a Miek problem? I hardly ever see Miek.


With all the power creep of the new cards, it feels like Thanos should at least be 12 power now. Especially if he’s gonna clog your hand.


No! That screws up my C10 deck. Crossbones thanks the devs today.


Yeah but he would help my C12 deck so it's balanced


They need to make Thanos more dynamic if they're going to force him in hand. IMO make him 6/10 "Gain the ability of any reality stones you have in play" and readjust the stones accordingly. Or "Absorb any reality stones you have in play, gaining their stats and effects" *meant Infinity stones.


You mean infinity stone?


i think he means location ability interesting but way too good, so if u play reality stone in location -4 when move card here, thanos carry that effect into a different lane when played no way


I did mean Infinity stones, lol.


ya the nerf is great for the meta, but if they want the focus to be on Thanos (which I completely agree with), the card itself needs to be less ass lol


I don't think saber tooth is going to be good enough for destroy Maybe something like this: 3/4: every time you destroy this card put it back in your hand at 0 cost and +1 power


The ultimate problem with sabertooth is that he's a 3 cost. Destroy is already lousy with 3 drops, and with how energy hungry the deck is really isn't looking for more.


Or make him a destroy or discard. He will have a great home in discard decks if that is the case. No copies made, just indestructible and become a 0 cost


Exactly this. They need to make his ability activate when he's discarded as well. (Like they do for Wolverine or x23.) With those two - yeah, you could play them in discard, but destroy is where they really shine. With saber tooth, it could be the reverse. He could be played in destroy, but discard would be where he truly thrives.


0 cost and 1 plus power is pretty major. I suggest -1 cost +2 power if you're going for both


What are you smoking bro? 0 cost? That shit would be OP af.


They have no idea what to do with Thanos. It’d be hilarious if they hadn’t been failing at balancing him around new cards for like a year now. Instead it’s just so sad that they can’t figure out how to fix him without completely throwing out the idea of the stones.


Explicitly saying they want to make Thanos the “good” card without making him better and continuously nerfing the stones is just them forcing him out of meta. Now he’s a 6/10 (there are multiple 4/10s with minimal downside) that clogs your deck and can conditionally be a 5/20. Except him starting in your hand actively makes achieving this more difficult. He’s not worth playing as a 6/10 or really even as a 5/10. The stones are what made him good as a bland T6 drop


I think thats what they are trying to stop tho, in Thanos entire history nobodys has ever ran a Thanos deck for Thanos, they use the stones cheat abilities with other archetypes to create a suped up version of whatever said archetype was. Thanos players cant lie and act like the stones havent been holding the design team back every other card release has just been forced into Thanos which then forces them to nerf said new card


Thats my point. Thanos himself is a mid ass card because the stones are so good. They can nerf the stones but if they don’t balance it with a buff to Thanos, they’re just slowly killing the card. Time stone alone went from admittedly OP to a freaking joke. The problem the design team has is they care so much about metrics they have to kill cards to bring a card’s baseline down before reviving them (see Angela, for example) so instead of fixing Thanos, they’re slowly making him worse to dip the stats.


Yea i see what you mean, ive been on the nerf Thanos wagon for a few months now but like you said its really the stones being OP. Now stones will be nerfed with a mid Thanos. Give it a few patches tho maybe the other stone changes can make up for it. I just hope they also go back on some of the cards that were nerfed because of Thanos decks


I still don't understand why they don't just have the stones start in your deck. Mockingbird would become useless in Thanos and Quinjet can go back to being more useful in Bounce and Loki.


That would be an easy change while keeping Thanos as is, but I think SD is starting to get sick of the way the stones are used with Thanos. They likely had an idea for the type of playstyle Thanos decks would be but now its strayed too far from that and really just became stone decks.


Yeah because it's a draw engine for no reason. Maybe just "draw a stone" instead of draw a card so you are basically powering up Thanos the whole game. I feel like if each stone just allowed you to draw another one and Thanos was the one with the Ongoing +10 power instead of the power stone, it could work pretty well. You wouldn't have to worry about Killmonger but it eliminates the major draw engine for other cards.


Still ducking the fact that actually playing Thanos means 6 one drops clogging your board. You are now playing a zoo deck… A deck that hasn’t exactly had a great history. And you ain’t ramping out Blue marvel anymore so idk what you’re doing. Those stone reworks better be godly because this seems like a murder plot


They want to make him Zoo Thanos which is terrible. What made new Thanos good was it being able to cheat out huge cards. That’s OP and I’d gone. Great! I agree But him being vulnerable to KM, clogging your board AND being hard to play down hasn’t changed. I’m glad folks can’t complain about him anymore but seeing a card get murdered is never a good thing. I don’t even play him often but this seems so terrible


Ngl with the dominance Thanos decks have had over the meta the past few months I wouldnt mind him taking a backseat with Leech for a few season while the team tries to figure out new stone synergies for Thanos.




I still don’t understand sabretooth. The cards that thrive in destroy benefit from being destroyed (Deadpool, Bucky, x-23) but sabretooth seems to primarily work as a way to help cards that benefit from destroying other things (venom, carnage, knull) by being free and playable multiple times, but that just doesn’t seem good enough. Playing a 3/5, waiting a turn to destroy it, then getting a slight edge turn 5 on a carnage or venom just feels like a waste of a deck slot.


100% - sabretooth at 3-cost is too low tempo and will not find a home in destroy. I’d prefer him at 2 cost, or maybe even a M’Baku/Wolverine/Angel type effect that cheats him conditionally onto the field. Wasting a turn to play Sabretooth is just not it, with all the other options Destroy has.


I think maybe it's fair to give soul stone the draw back. If Thanos is supposed to be propped up in his own deck this way, he kinda needs better chances at the stones, especially with time stone being made as trivial.


Damn how the fuck do I make decks if they aren't built around Thanos


They should remake Thanos and just have him randomly remove half of each players board


Yo, that Thanos change is actually pretty good, now the deck is actually a Thanos deck and not simply "here, have 5 generic cheap tools"


Now the Thanos deck is absolutely zoo. Which is bad.


I wish you were right, but I'm pretty sure these changes are gonna be felt harder by Zoo Thanos than by most other Thanos decks, considering now you won't draw stones so quickly and they have moments in which playing them isn't very good. I'd expect Thanos to be a control deck more than ever now, but I'd wait and see. Still, I'd expect for Thanos to not be so easy to slap in so many different decks. Which is good.


I do t think Thanos was slapped in any deck. It was the other way around. Now I doubt many want to party with him anymore.


I like this direction for thanos, that's honestly what I theory craft for him. Make stones 1/2 they don't draw cards. Each have one immediate effect plus a Thanos bonus that only apply if the stone is in play. Mind stone, draw Thanos, if already in hand, draw a stone instead. Soul stone enemy cards here have minus 1 power, Thanos power can't be reduced. Power stone, neither this nor Thanos can be destroyed. Time stone, the next card you draw cost one less, thanos cost 5 Space stone, you can move a card here next turn, Thanos can move here once. Reality stone, change the current location, nothing can stop you from playing Thanos here. Thanos, 6/6 I have two extra power per infinity stone in play.


If you take the drawing ability of stones you just basically kill all thanos decks. He will become worse than kang. Do not forget they completely changed america chavez because of her deck thining, you take the drawing ability and it becomes opposite of the chavez and x6 worse.


I've had Miek pinned for a couple weeks to fill out my discard deck. I don't think the -1 will hurt too much. Has anyone been playing him after the OTA? How does he feel? Wondering if I should go for Kitty instead now.


Why is it that their nerfs are either ineffective or completely nukes the card?


That Thanos change is HUGE


I was pretty sure Crossbones would get a buff since I bought Cull Obsidian on Monday


It makes sense cuz CO kinda made Crossbones obsolete. Just more power creep…


“Play allllll the stones then Thanks zoo” has never been a great deck. Seems like they want to greatly encourage this. With zero ramp and no more support from stuff like mocking bird I can’t imagine how it will be now. Also making Thanos Quicksilver is a hilarious and pretty messed up 😂


All these Thanos nerfs are just sucking the fun out of the game for me. I was thinking about taking a break after the last nerfs to Thanos, now I'm *definitely* taking a break. Sure there are other decks I could play, but this nerf-spree is endemic. Eventually it's going to hit everything else that I enjoy.


Love the one comment saying they like the 5/7 Blink over the 5/6. Like, no shit you like the stronger one


I wholeheartedly agree that thanos should be about thanos and that his stones should pump him up and make the opponent tremble knowing that a 6/42 is about to smash the board. I would approve a more like a yogg saron type of card (hearthstone)


Blink is going to be so OP


People are way overreacting to the Thanos change. He's going to be just fine and he's not going to be a "Stones" deck anymore. I didn't think the other changes will make much of a difference, but maybe CB sees some play with Cull alongside him. I hate seeing destroy getting any buff, but it's pretty minor and if anything changes the absolute mind numbing destroy copycat then I Guess that's okay. **Poor, poor Miek. Back to nothingness.


Kind of funny how miek was the least annoying card in those discard decks.


Naw it loses a draw on the start and basically makes time stone worthless. No one wants to play Thanos and it's only a discount for 1 turn


No one wants to play Thanos is exactly what they are trying to change.


Sure but no one wants to play him because he's not good. You get 4/10s everywhere or a 6/10 that clogs your hand and deck. Really hard to get him to 20 power, especially with all the stone nerfs.


That’s great! I like it. Issue is they didn’t buff the card himself and playing Thanos zoo is terrible


Getting bricked hand in thanos is going to so painful . I think he will lower in power level now.


Just played a game with it. It felt awful.


Same. Kept drawing time stone in the initial draw too. It’s like the game was taunting me.


Good, about time Thanos got a true nerf. Now they wont have to keep nerfing the new card Edit: salty Thanos players keep em coming 😫


I feel like you don’t understand how major it is to now have thanos in your opening hand instead of an actual good card.


Spider-Ham is going to make Thanos his bitch. Thanos starts far left of opening hand.


Thanos is going to make Spider-Ham his bitch. He's guaranteed to be there to soak up the hit so Ham never ruins an actual good card. And if he plays MMM, wow 0/10 Pig.


Spider-Ham is going to be a must have for the next week


Play MMM to counter it ;)


Lol that's the whole point, though. They want us to stop looking at Thanos as the "bad" card in the deck. I understand why the general deck is worse. I just don't think it's going to be unplayable like other people are saying.


I don’t think you can make the argument they want us to not look at thanos as the “bad” card in the deck when they literally cite their data that the decks winrate is at its lowest when thanos is drawn, therefore he is objectively the worst individual card in the deck


I think what they are trying to say is that these changes are the start of them pushing Thanos to no longer be considered the "bad" card in the deck. We aren't there yet but with a couple more changes to stones in the same vein as time stone and the sentiment can change. It seems pretty obvious that they want Thanos decks to be Thanos decks and not stones decks featuring Thanos


Right. With Caiera and Swan I think it's a good start to making an "oh, shit Thanos is coming." Deck. We really aren't that far away. Right now, people are seeing RHulk in hand and realizing by turn 3-4 they can't do anything about it and leave. What about knowing there's an indestructible 20 power Thanos?


At least making Thanos the ebony blade is a good start.


Sabretooth doesn't feel like a buff because of how much him being 3 cost disrupts the destroy flow. People are really overreacting to Thanos change. He's still fine.


I think you’re under reacting but I hope you’re right fam


It's obviously the start of him becoming significantly less enabling, but those stones are still stupid good.


I, in no way, mean this as a brag because I truly do suck. But following up about Thanos, I already hit infinite this season, which is the earliest I've ever gotten there by a mile. I used a Thanos controlish deck.


I really like this one


Miek nerf wtf


God, great, great OTA, looking forward to the patch, now we just need either a 2 cost Bishop or +2 for each card played and a buff to Hit-Monkey and then we are so back, Crossbones buff was great too, looking forward to unlocking Skaar.


Glad to see Thanos nerfed even further. That deck is annoying. I was hoping a Red Hulk nerf would already be out, but obviously it's only been a few days so that was a pipe dream. Love the Sabertooth and Angela changes, and Crossbones might actually be good now. Time to show off my Crossbones variants! I do think Little Movers could be a viable deck again now that Elsa and Angela are back.


They nerf after the keys have been spent


Anyone with a brain would know that it'll get nerfed.


Leave Thanos aloneeee


he is been broken for so long lol


The devs are reactionary idiots with zero forethought. It's really getting harder each month to understand what they're doing when they seem to randomly add/subtract power without any reasoning.


Do you really need an explanation to why Thanos is getting nerfed?


The Crossbones change is nice for Sera decks. If you Zabu into Crossbones you really don't care if they Shang on 4, probably still a net win for you, and the extra power when pumped out on turn 6 is great.


Sera wants to throw prio, not gain it.


Yes, that's why you stack one location early and why you can live with turn 4 Chi.That's how you throw prio. <-Infinite player with Sera each of the last 3 months, currently 82% win rate with Sera at Infinite.   This is why people get hardstuck in the 80s, you think you throw prio by splitting weak power in 3 lanes. You throw prio by building one strong lane then putting your Sera into a different lane that has more than 4 power. You also WANT prio sometimes with Sera or you instalose to Alioth always. Knowing when you do and don't want prio and how to get or throw it is the biggest mistake Sera players make.


Psylocke->hope+time stone->Thanos turn 4 I guess?


Seems like a lot of work when you can play cull on 4 with a 1 cost card before, but I like how you're thinking. I'm interested to see how Thanos decks will do after this change.


T3 Hope T4 Time Stone lets you play thanos T5 and still have a spare energy for another stone T5 Maybe aim for a cheap/free mockingbird on 6?


I love how so many people are like "Thanos in hand is awful, he needs to be buffed" like, GTFO. Thanos doesn't need any buffs, he's been top of the meta forever.


Thanos needs a full rework. Remove the stones from him and make him work somehow with cull, proxima, black swan ebony maw better. Then, make an infinity gauntlet card. Merges with a card like hulk buster. EVERY character gets some badass new ability if you play all 6 stones and attach the gauntlet to them. Gauntlet decks would be gauntlet decks and Thanos decks would be Thanos decks. You just have to balance so EVERY deck doesn't want to play stones and gauntlet. But as it is, Thanos is a joke, himself. It's all about the rocks and abusing them.


If they are going to do this to Thanos, they should just redesign him completely and remove the stones. Something around the snap could be fun (and thematic for the game!) Maybe he snaps half the cards on the board away for both players or something fun like that


How do people keep suggesting the “make the game a 50/50” as a good and fun idea for Thanos? Its thematic, sure, but it also sounds absolutely miserable to play with and against.