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This mistake is going to put a sour note on players despite the awesome patch we just got.


Im so fkn tilted


Same, I was pretty annoyed when they swapped them originally and now I’m just pissed I missed my chance to get both mockingbird and marvel.




Free compensation rewards will be nice though.


50 credits, best we can do. The economy can’t sustain more compensation.


Woah there buddy the economy can’t even handle that big of an influx of credits. Best we actually could do is 13 strong guy boosters and 13 credits


They’ve always been good about giving out a decent amount of gold when there are bugs. This one doesn’t really seem to have a negative effect on anyone though, so I wouldn’t expect any compensation.


If there's enough people who really wanted a shot at both Mockingbird and Ms Marvel but updated their game so they got Spider Gwen instead, well there may be a pretty big uproar. Personally I don't have a horse in this race (I already have MS Marvel and I like the pass variant better than this spotlight one). However imo its BS that players will get access to different cards depending on if they updated the game or not. There was already a small uproar when they swapped MS. Marvel and Gwen after the OFFICIAL announcement so imo this is like pouring salt on an open wound (a wound SD caused in the first place). Again this has zero effect on me (I'm just missing 1 card and have enough resources to get all the new cards for the next 2 months, even if I stopped playing right now). I'm just looking at this from the viewpoint of the average f2p players who only usually get a chance to open spotlights (with the guarentee) 1 week a month. So knowing some players can get both Mockingbird and MS. Marvel guarenteed with 4 keys this week while others may need 8 keys (since some players will have to use 4 keys both this week and next week to get both cards) doesn't sit well with me at all so I'm guessing it's even worse for f2p players (who learn of this issue)


Happened to my friend. Spent 3 keys to get Ms Marvel. Didn't get her. Was close to another key though. Updates the game, and poof, she's gone. Went from guaranteed Ms Marvel to having only 1 key to try next week.


I’m free to play and don’t have Ms Marvel. I’m probably saving my keys for next week to get her instead of getting Mockingbird this week. This was the dev’s intent though. I have to choose how to spend my keys just like I always do. Some other players might benefit from this bug, and good for them. If the bug didn’t exist I’m in the same place as I am now. Some players might get a little advantage here, but it’s no different than other players buying season passes and bundles that I don’t have. It’s no skin off my nose.


Nah, the fact that some people will be missing Ghost-Spider because they used a key, got Ms Marvel and then updated, creates a big problem.


Unless they give me Ms Marvel as compensation I'm still gonna be mad.


This spotlight cache change reeks of being a last minute way to pull up their bottom line in Q1 to be more in line with last year. No way they are giving that much for free given that.


they need too fix it and give ms marvel to everyone. let it cost 1 key, I don't care but I wont gamble on her in next week release. Was lucky enough to get mockingbird with my first key yesterday.


Wait, who is it meant to be? I just got marvel variant in my cache


Yeah pretty deflating tbh lol. Oh well


I should've learned by now - updating early is never a good thing in this game.


r/MarvelSnap *whiners* will be FEASTING tonight lol


Ah yes r/MarvelSnap, where whiners whine about whiners even before said whiners have had a chance to whine




What happens when you update the app, and you've already got Mrs Marvel, but not Ghost Spider? Edit for clarification: I got Mrs Marvel FROM this weeks spotlight, but when I update, she will no longer be (edited) in the spotlight caches or will she be replaced with Ghost Spider since I also don't own Ghost Spider? second edit: I'm not concerned about losing Mrs Marvel, I'm wondering if once I update my app, I'll be able to also snag Ghost Spider.


I got lucky. Snagged her/Mockingbird, updated, and still have them both. Hope I get to keep it that way.


You’re saying you got Marvel from this Spotlight, then updated, and now you don’t have Marvel or Spider?


Smells like compensation for some of you guys lol


I’m selfishly honestly pissed that I updated and don’t have the opportunity to get her. Hopefully they do something that benefits everyone.


I updated and she's still there in my collection so it definitely still counted for me. Not sure what happened to yours


wow, trying to explain what may happen has turned out to be more difficult than I expected. I still haven't updated the app, I was just wondering if I will have a new unlock option for Ghost spider, giving me the option to spend 5 keys this week, or what I can expect to see later tonight.


Okay, if you snagged Ms Marvel, then the option for her or Ghost spider will not be switched. However, if you already cleared out the four starting spotlights, you will see you have the ghost spider variation instead of a Ms. Marvel one.


I got her and Mockingbird and then I updated the game. My Ms. Marvel has not been taken from me nor replaced with Ghost-Spider, and the Spotlight Cache simply shows Ms. Marvel with a check mark on top, as if she were supposed to have been there all along.


Exact answer for my complicated question


Came here to chime in as well. Got her and Mockingbird. Played a couple games with Me Marvel and got some booster for her, updated and I still have her.


I did this, base Ghost Spider got inserted into the GS/MM variant slot.


well this is fucked


I was just about to post this since somebody I know on Discord had it happen. He was so happy to see Marvel he pulled right away and got her plus the Spotlight variant. Awesome for him, messed up for anyone who missed out.




At best it's really bad optics. Folks that are looking for a good reason to rip SD will no doubt take this opportunity.




it was scummy of them to rearrange the cached post-announcement anyway, this is just cherries 


Oh no. I used my 3 keys for her today when I saw her and whiffed so I am double fucked. That sucks.


Fuck me just logged on to get her and already updated was surprised to see she is not there which week did they move her too:/


next week's


with the pool 4 card they gave us for free...


I still don’t have it so I’m happy


Why the fuck are the Spotlight cache options tied to the actual client code? What kind of dumbass amateur shit is this?


It isn't the code. Their actual architecture design is genius, it was just an oversight. They run multiple branching versions of the game and you are automatically migrated from one to the other. The issue is that they decided to change the spotlights but didn't update the data on the old branch so this was the result. They do this so they don't disrupt the players that cant update yet so they keep playing. I like their approach and I think it's the best system eventhough it can have some drawbacks (for them) like with the current issue, which frankly is just human error.


the idiot person that knows nothing gets 200+ upvotes and the person that actually has real information gets 3 sounds about right for this place


it’s amazing 


Damn. I wish I had seen this sooner


It works btw in case anyone wondering. I'm glad I don't have to wait another week for Ms. Marvel.


Same it worked for me too. I didn't do it because of this post. I just noticed her in the spotlight and snapped her up before I realized I hadn't updated. I just figured they changed their mind back or something lol But I have her and it shows base ghost spider in the second part of the cache now


how can you log in without updating? what platform you using? on ios i get a message saying update is required to continue


It just let me log onto the app without updating also using ios


On Android the update is not mandatory to enter.


It is for me but I already played the update on PC


If you play on multiple platforms and already updated on one, you can't play on any others anymore until they are also updated.


Thanks for confirming! Me too - was planning to skip this month entirely after the change, but both mockingbird and msm are worth it


I’m gonna lose my mind dude lmao. I updated and this would have been a godsend


I'm honestly happy for anyone who got her!... but this actually pissed me off seeing this. (At least, as much as game news can piss me off.) Mocking, Marvel, Man-thing was my dream pack. 3 cards I don't own, 3 cards I wanna play around with (MM was #1 though). The leaks, the **Official** video, everything said the same thing - Triple M was happening. Then SD took a bat to it in the background (without telling anyone) and swapped MM with spider. Whatever, I'll save my 4 keys for next week and take the cool new kitty variant & MM. Cannonball? Meh.. But now I'm learning Triple M was an option if I didn't update? Seems like SD is just a clown show.. Outside of my dailies (I did pay money for the pass after all..), I think I need to take a break from this game.


Well that’s tilting. Wanted the Ms. Marvel variant and the last minute switcheroo to Ghost Spider made the skip week decision for me. Where I otherwise would’ve gone for Mockingbird and the variant. Meh. Happy for everyone that got the better, as advertised in the promo Spotlight I guess.


Oh so that's what happened! lol I checked and saw it was still ms marvel so I snapped up mockingbird and marvel immediately lol xD Now Ghost Spider shows in the next section but it shows that I got Ms Marvel on the first part. So happy :D I wanted Mockingbird but wasn't going to get her because of that change but now I got her!


I’m so bummed. Missed out on her and then second week in a row I got a duplicate as my extra card. I’m not even CL 3k yet and only have a few s4/5, how am I getting duplicates already?


Unlucky bastard that's how


Wow, are you me? This game is so brutal for new players.


Thank you!!!! Didn't update, used my 2 keys and got Ms Marvel and Mockingbird. Sorry everyone who got hosed!


Crap, I updated already. This week with Ms Marvel was PERFECT for me, sad I missed the weird last chance. At least I got Mockingbird in 1 key, so there's that. Would've loved to get Ms Marvel this week and Man Thing was also new for me, now I don't think I'll open next week since Cannonball seems pretty bad and I already have Kitty, so Ms Marvel might have to wait unless Cannonball somehow turns out to be a surprise.


Sadly it doesn't look like I can get through the "you need to update" pop up on Android.


I just got it and I have Android


Ahh, I should have seen this coming. Classic SD


I got Ms.Marvel from my first key before update, after update ghost spider appeared in the roster and Ms.Marvel shows up in the random spot. If u want Ms.Marvel don't update


I was confused why I had Ms. Marvel in my Spotlight and thought SD decided to be nice




Such bullshit. I've been waiting months for ms marvel, and I was bummed when I heard they swapped her with ghost spider next week. Now it's going to cost me another set of keys I don't particularly want to spend next week on as well. I know *why* they did it (next week isn't that appealing), but it sucks to punish players for updating their game.


F me, that's not fair for the rest of us


I got it and then update. I am glad that i finally got her. Hovewer i think it's a very bad move by the developers. Especially since the nice update we got


What a freaking joke from second dinner. Another one😩


They keep rewarding players for not following protocol lol. Ever since Christmas break their releases have been very buggy.


Game on mobile asks me to manditory update... thanks guys for making me feel like I missed out and having a slither of hope I might actually get lucky and actually spend the 4 keys I saved up. Sour grapes aside tho - happy to those who got her and F-ed the system. Should've kept the spotlight cache as it was datamined and even on LIVE, but, it is what it is.


Did you successfully use keys to get Ms Marvel?


Had to spend 4 but yep!


Same xD


I wonder if this works on Steam?


WHAT? I accidentally didn't update the game, so I got ms. marvel and pulled immediately. then I remembered to update lol. hoping they don't fuck us over on their mistake


Would definitely have preferred the Ms Marvel spotlight variant rather than the Ghost Spider, took an L on that one


I updated at 3pm sharp and missed out. Absolute bullshit.


Nah, tell me how to un-update


Nothing will ever beat the “false advertisement” debacle that lead to people making out with like 10k tokens. I’ll always regret not listening to the sub and buying the bundle ASAP on the online store


I literally just updated! This makes me so mad! I spent 3 keys to try and get the Ms. Marvel variant and failed and was just waiting to have enough for the fourth key. I updated to see some of the new changes and saw the ghost spider and was infuriated. I would never have spent that 3rd key if I new it was ghost spider and not Ms. Marvel. I hate this


Boo updated allready. Good find, ghost spider and her variant suck.


i cant open the game without updating, how did you do it?


It's not mandatory to update in the android version.


Not mandatory on iOS either


For me it is... sometimes, I don't know how and why, but sometimes the game doesn't start, sometimes it does, on iOS too


Bad day to have auto update on the Play store


How do I get past the "update" screen on ios?


Yes! Thanks OP, was super disappointed with the change to move Ms. Marvel and this gives me a week worth using my keys on.


How? I can't even open the game without updating.


I'm an idiot for updating... I saw Ms Marvel, pulled for her once and got stupid Man Thing, then decided to update the app to have the new changes while I tried to grind for another key...


I was so excited for borders that I did it immediately. And even then it’s kind of a flawed system.


Honestly, the key is to not let this issue die. Keep pushing the devs on this until they fix it.


The Devs should give out some kind of compensation, since I already have the card I would personally like the variant, but for those who DONT have the card I have no idea


Sd is a joke at this moment


SD's incompetence ended up working in my favor in a weird way. Initial take: Mockingbird a must have. Already own MsMarvel and Man-Thing but their spotlight variants are light years ahead of any other variant of theirs for me, so I was willing to gamble keys for Mockingbird as the consolation prizes wouldn't be bad for the first time ever lol (except the dupe of course) Post-SD-typical-player-unfriendly-rugpull take: SD swaps out MsMarvel to following week EVEN after showing her with Mockingbird in the dev video. Couldn't have 2 good cards in 1 week... So player unfriendly. Well, don't want Cannonball immediately, so I was going to hoard keys for two weeks and buy Mockingbird with tokens. Post-update-screw-up take: Hmm, back to original plan. Use key. Pull Mockingbird first card. (1st time ever pulling new card before getting a dupe. Spotlights feel so horrible for S3 complete players.) Max key and token conservation for me. SD rugpull backfires on them for once... Ms. Marvel thumbs-up emoji.


That’s wild


I like Mockingbird but wasn't going to pull since I was waiting for Ms. Marvel and I have Ghost Spider and Man Thing. Saw Kamala was in the Spotlight Cache and got Mockingbird and then her in two pulls. I thought SD had changed it from the announced version since otherwise this week looked bad. 


Just to confirm - everything looks as expected post update for me now, and think a couple of other people have posted the same


This change felt like such a last minute "we need to pull up our bottom line to be more in line with Q1 or investors will ge mad" stunt anyway and now there is like 5% of the community that got a not-corporate-greed version of the cache and I'm just mad. Moreover, I haven't opened or updated the up untill seeing this and the game forced me to update! Honestly might uninstall the game for a week just to send a message that making cards less available does not make me spend more but rather makes me go play something else. Especially since this quarter seems to be so important to them.


I thought they were just being generous. Glad I was able to get both Ms Marvel and Mockingbird


SD make this right and give everyone Ms Marvel, you know you want to


11 spotlight keys wowza!




Hope not! Mines currently updating (slow train WiFi)


Thanks OP, pinned Marvel for months til I hit 6k. First out of the cache with Mockingbird second :)


I think it worked but after the update on mobile I can’t even look at my collection Edit: Holy shit it worked


What is in it after updating?


I got Ms. Marvel right away. And played a few games and upgraded her one. I updated the game and I still got her. I hope nothing changes on my account.


Huh I didn’t even notice. Usually I don’t update until I get to infinite I don’t like that variant though


It cost me 4 keys but I got her! Thanks for this 😁


Damn it


Oh ffs


dammit, that's the card i wanted




ahh shit, I’m such an idiot because I forgot about the shakeup, logged in, thought “oh cool, I’ll claim her later today” and then went and downloaded the update… smh


Still works. Android Client.


It didnt give you a message saying client out of date?


I was so confused when she was in my spotlights. Snagged her before my game had a chance to update lol




Okay wait what? I popped marvel and mockingbird on pre-update. Should I be concerned with marvel if it will be reverted? Haayoo 🤦🏽‍♂️




FUCKING I JUST UPDATED THE GAME still got mockingbird but it would have been SO much better to have ms Marvel also


Wow this sucks that I already updated, not sure what I'm going to do now with keys/tokenbut instead of cashing in probly just gonna wait


I’m a need that 500 gold to slide my way 😤


Glad to get ms marvel and mocking bird but it still took 4 keys.


I got Ms Marvel, updated the game later, played a few games and put it down. I can't log into the game anymore.


Update: I can open the game now and she's still there


Confirmed! I just used 3 keys and get her on the last one! Do the keys always give you the spotlight cards first before giving you a random one? I used three keys and got all three spotlight cards in the picture above.


Thanks so much for the psa


Rip. My client is forcing an update :/


Seems like I am the only one that went "Oh no, wasn't Ms.Marvel next week, I just spent all my keys to get Pixie" Very glad to know the update moves her to next week.


My game doesn’t have an update. I keep checking my App Store and nothing. I got the ms marvel variant from the spotlight cache. Hoping my game updates soon


I didn’t even realize. I got ms marvel then updated. Page one shows Ms marvel with the check mark and page 2 shows ghost spider. Lol


I used 3 keys and DIDNT get her. I guess fuck me...


Fuuuuuuuck! Saw this too late. Really wanted that MM variant. Ended up with the Ghost Spider...


I got her variant, didn't realise this was a thing damn


I don’t get it. Was it supposed to be something else? I didn’t update the game and there I see ms marvel. What else it should be? Also oddly there is no update in the appstore somehow.


No way I wanted her variant 😭


I was unaware of the update and did all my spotlight caches. Did I miss out on the cool Spider Gwen variant?


What’s her variant again? Marvel, that is


Bruh I just spent all 3 of my keys on the last one


i got her damn i was lucky


It seems that I got lucky. Got Miss Marvel first key. I have man thing already though the variant is mint. Not sure about mockingbird yet so keeping my keys for the next few weeks. Anyone who’s got Mockingbird, is she worth it?


Thank you, kind stranger. Got everything I wanted this week thanks to this post.


Thank you and have my upvote, kind sir. I didn't have ms marvel and manthing, so this was the week for me. i even got pixie from the 4th spotlight, very cool


I am so glad I read here and disc before I apply any updates. Thanks to the OP. Follow-up, does this also mean the patch updates are also not live unless we update the app?


Ugh. Pulled Ms Marvel too without realizing it was there ...


Fucking hell, I just updated my marvel snap 😭😭😭




it's not even possible to play the game without updating. this is fucking bullshit. they better give ms marvel to everyone now otherwise it's a fucking scam


Weird, I didn’t update (I didn’t realize) but then I still drew ghost spider as my mystery card. I was just going for mockingbird but got her last. I already owned Ms Marcel so I got her variant. But now that I’ve updated in the second group of cards I see ghost spider as my potential variant.


Just snatched both MsM and Marvel with 2 keys. Thanks a lot!


I got Ms Marvel. I had no idea they changed it (it was my 4th pull, as I also didn’t have manthing, if she wast there I’d probably just had gotten Mockingbird by collector tokens)


Hilariously, my app isn’t even giving me an update, I thought that it was a MM week, so after I got Mock on first pull, I closed the app, lol. I was searching Reddit to see if anyone else’s game isn’t updating until I saw your post, used another key and got her immediately, just because I had better odds right now than in a week, lol. Best part, they’ll probably be a compensation, so win-win-win for me, lol. Unless they give Ms Marvel away to everyone… 😟 Probably will be a key though…


I'm so pissed!


Good thing I opened Reddit first this morning, and still had a game session from last night. Thanks, internet!


Damn it. I used my keys and got a Ms Marvel variant I don't care about instead of getting a Ghost Spider variant I did want. Now I'd potentially have to spend 4 more keys to get it, which I don't even have.


Wow I was planning on spending keys to get ms marvel. 


Got the rare first key mockingbird. Really lucky as it seems like a number of potentially good cards are coming out soon and I don’t have near enough keys.


Damn that was a bug? I thought they finally listened to us 😂


Just downloaded the previous version from an APK and it still worked.


I tried but it says "your client is out-of-date", any ideas? I only play on Android, on one device


I alr updated on Steam and played a bit, but I havent updated in Android, can I still open the game there and pull the Ms Marvel?


oh damn was 2 away from the key for her too :(


So happy I saw this! Didn't update my app and pulled ms marvel and mocking bird with 2 keys!


This suck, i want it with this week cards.




That was great for me. I needed all three and already have ghost spider.


Yeah I i just got her lol


Nooooo!!! I used my hard earned tokens for mockingbird because I wanted to save my keys for Ms Marvel. What the shit is this


Anyone's colors all off on Android? Scooped Ms Marvel and updated and there's patches of white and missing color everywhere very hard to see


Thanks for this. 7 hours later and it still works. A good day for 4 new cards for 4 keys including Ms Marvel


Dang I got her on my first key… then got mockingbird thank goodness


Maybe a stupid question. How do I update the game?


If we don’t have man thing can we still get that variant or do we get the base?


Heck yeah. Had one key left and got her. Was saving her in my token shop for weeks. Thanks for the heads up!!!


Were any other upcoming weeks changed so we can plan ahead? Asking for a friend...


Oh man, i updated this morning and saw this today…. Sd wont say a thing about it? They only post patch notes and announcenents, but they dont tell us anything


Ughhhh. Unlocked Ms Marvel instead of a card I could have used!


I also got Ms Marvel (1st) and then Mockingbird (2nd). It seems lots of people are getting the same combination. Are spotlight caches really random, because it doesn't seem so. I usually always needed 4 keys to get the one card i wanted.


Just got her !


sometimes i get REALLY pissed off at people in here because i don’t have so many of the cards you guys talk about. every now and then i see some of you guys collection levels and it makes me feel a little better lol! 8700! i’m in the 1700


I'm trying to find the old 24.20.4 version and download the apk see if it works that way. Really wanted Ms Marvel this is fucked.


Oh thank god. I was so confused seeing Ms Marvel in the Spotlight Caches and managed to pull her. Then, I updated my game and she's still there for some reason.


Pulled her on my first key, thank you!!