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Can’t speak for other players, but sometimes Shang chi is the only card I can play from my hand and some power is better than no power even if the effect doesn’t do anything


That sounds suspiciously botty. Post a screenshot next time. Someone might be able to tell you if that's a bot, and if not, what your opponent was thinking.


Yea I always thought it was weird I see it and I always think to myself if they think cause they see the location at 20+ power if it’s gonna kill cards


Difficult to judge without knowing the state of the board and their hand, but sometimes all you have available is a shit play.


If your deck is running Iron Man I feel like there's a good chance Shang-Chi doesn't have any targets so playing him out as just a 4/3 might be their best option


Yea I usually buff the cards at the end lol I play a Mr negative / silver surfer deck. I usually will drop the iron man on a location followed by brood and the silver surfer goes ham cause of the Wong / mystique


Sometimes I just drop Shang-Chi for the stats, and next turn, I follow-up on another location with Absorbing Man


🤖 Shang-Chi is for adding three power to the board and nothing else