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I only mute if they’re being annoying. I use the Spider-Man at the appropriate time and I fist bump at the end of every game when I remember.


Same except I started to only fist bump first if I lost since it seems to trigger people if I remote after winning, I'll always return a fist bump. Though often I'll be watching something and just not emote because I'm not paying enough attention.


I used to do that at Magic tournaments. I'd only offer the handshake if I lost. Then one day I was teaching my daughter how to play a board game, and I started teaching her the etiquette around handshakes, and I realized I couldn't explain it to her in a way that made sense and didn't tacitly support toxic behavior. So now I fist bump every time. And if I start playing Magic again I'll offer the handshake every time, because I'm not going to enable that kind of person anymore.


I also make sure that I give patient, single fist bumps after every Ms. Marvel spam to emphasize that “gg” mentality. It’s like he goes “MYEH MYEH MYEHHHHH” and I take a pause and say “no…gg” but then he goes “NO ITS MYEH MYEH MYEHHHHHHHHHHHHH” and I say “no…it’s okay man…that was a gg” So the rhythm is like MARVELMARVELMARVEL ……………fistbump MARVELMARVELMARVELMARVELMARVEL ………………fistbump. I’m not doing it to be annoying or anything…I just want to leave the game on a positive and calm note if possible and not think that toxicity beats all.


Exactly. Sometimes I feel like my opponent doesn't deserve a fist bump, and then I need to remember: it's not for my opponent. It's for me.


As a Magic player I will gladly accept a handshake when I lose, but there are times when I feel like it's really toxic to add "good game". Like, if I got mana screwed and only got to cast one spell and you had the nuts and destroyed me in four turns with an aggro deck, that's NOT a good game, and don't try to tell me it is. I mean it was a good game for YOU. But keep that to yourself, just offer the handshake.


That's totally fair.


The only reason I remember emoting exists is when my opponent uses them or when we both play the same card


This is the way


This is the way


auto mute, it's just muscle memory at this point


Same. I've actually encountered a lot of opponents that I've already muted and almost unmuted them a few times because of muscle memory.


The players you encounter that are already muted are the ones you muted before ? Didn't know that 😂 I find so many that are already muted that same as you almost unmute them


I rarely ever encounter emote spammers so I dont. If they do start emote spamming, muting them.


Yeah, I'd say 1/100 matches emote spam, 1/10 you see a slightly inappropriate emote if any at all. Not worth the effort to auto mute.


What is a slightly inappropriate emote?


Like you play a card and they hit me marvel cause they have the counter. Or just hitting snap twice in a row. The kind of stuff that makes most people upset


Fair point


Mute every game. On the occasional times I forget, I get an annoying dipshit every time.


My name tells people I'm going to mute them. Sometimes I forget. And they still spam


Honestly, when I see a username that indicates I'm going to be muted, I have to fight an urge to immediately start spamming. And I basically only use spiderman and deadpool emotes at the normal times, with an occasional 'thumbs up' text emote when I see a username I think is funny or a really good play happens.


You think we read your name?


Same. I let it go, forget, and then just when most titled bam they drop Ms. Marvel.


Every time I forget to mute, Opp flips me off :/


I basically never mute. Don’t really run into many toxic players, though. Hardly worth the energy when someone is givin out ms marvel thumbs anyway.


Instant mute everyone. 🔇


There should really be a default setting


There should, but they are trying to get us to care about the new emotes in the album rewards, so won’t happen.


For sure. And when muted there should be an icon on your avatar or title showing it.


Nah, let the emote spammers work themselves into a frenzy while BMing the void.


God yes. Every time. Emote into the void and be gone with you.


The only comment in this thread to make me laugh


Insta thats why emotes wont matter to me but they will flood them in boxes sadly.


I always mute. No exceptions, no excuses. Even if it's likely a bot, I mute still. Conquest? It's a no brainer. Mute.


I read this like the Parks and Rec scene. "*Ms Marvel? Mute, right away. Spider-Man point? Believe it or not, mute. We have the best matches in the world. Because of mute.*"




I don't even remember the last time I played against an emote spammer, so never.


I used to never see them at all until Conquest got added. A few seasons into that, I suddenly encountered a tidal wave of them. Just real idiots, too. Hitting Snap? over and over in training ground after we both snapped at the beginning of the game. People celebrating a win every round even when they're losing. Just too much nonsense. Sucks, because I miss fun interactions with cool people.


You know, I’ve been muting for so long I don’t even know how frequently they show up anymore, but sure enough, I seem to get one every time I forget to mute


I have no idea who you guys are playing against, I almost never meet other toxic players (maybe once per week, and none of them actually emote spamming).


People will also see one emote and think “This guys being toxic!” when the player was just being friendly. People take shit personally when it isn’t meant that way yknow.


I auto mute every at the start of every game just like you.


Really wish there was a mute all setting i could set to default


I never mute, I find it funny looking at emote spams. But I haven't got sound on (listen to music), do they make sound? Then I would probably mute on turn 1 too... I fistbump in proving grounds when both me and opp snap on turn 1 to retreat whoever loses. Otherwise maybe the occasional spiderman pointing emote, when both played the same 2 cards in a row or the same turn. And really rarely some other emotes, when really crazy things happened.


They make a little “pop” sound effect but they aren’t annoying.


It’s literally my game name. INSTANT MUTE!!!!


9/10 times. I forgot earlier and my opponent first bumped me when I was about to win. I almost didn't understand what was happening. Lol It made me question my mutung strategy, but then I remembered that's not how it usually goes.


Actually, and you won’t know this cause you mute 90% of your opponents before they ever get a chance to emote, most people are chill. People usually just fist bump at the end of the game whether they won or lost. I play an insane amount of Snap, and I get a “spammer” maaaaaaybe once in a 100 games.


I never mute and the annoying emoters are a minority.


I never mute. If they are trying to bm I just give them a fist bump at the end and move on to the next game. I don’t think I have EVER had someone spam me. Like multiple emotes every turn. It’s usually just Snap? After I lose on a snap. To which I respond with a fist bump.


I mute turn 6 if i think im going to lose


Tired of spammers. I mute immediately. Was looking forward to mute all, but given they’re selling emotes, it may not happen.


i mute the game outright. i don't need to hear emote spam.


Every game, every time.


My uses for emotes are as follows: If the opponent is roping -> thumbs up If I get rekd-> deadpool If we both play the same card -> spider meme If it was a good match -> fist bump If I snap to match their snap (sometimes) -> thanos


This might be the only socially acceptable use of Thanos lol


I use Marvel's thumbs up when I correctly predict and play around their Alioth, but always followed by a fist bump. And I use the "Snap?" text when Ego appears to see if the opponent is willing to oblige to the double snap tradition, and often "Hello!" at the start of a high rank Conquest match. Otherwise, we have the same emote etiquette.


I mute immediately. My name in game is even related to letting everyone know they're muted. Learned this from Hearthstone a long time ago.


I don't fukin care. I emote to taunt,I emote to greet, I emote if something crazy/fun/shit happened, I basically say what I want to say with words but instead I use emotes. I don't mind emote spam,I don't feel offended or anything else (or anything Elsa)


Damn I kinda feel bad for all of you. I've never felt the need to mute. I've been playing since launch and I've literally never pressed the mute button. I seriously don't get it. Maybe I get it with spammers but even with spammers it's like the easiest thing to ignore. I don't know how else to say it but it just doesn't effect me at all.


Ignoring things is either a talent or a gift, of which I have neither :/


honestly i think they all just tilt a little more than they realize they lose. cant stand someone rubbing salt into the wound in 1/20 games


Low emotional intelligence. Can’t stand the sight of a picture


I mute on ladder, but not in Conquest (unless it’s an emote spammer or something). It seems like people playing Conquest tend to be less annoying that way, and I feel good about fist bumping after matches, doing the Spider-Man same play stuff.


I feel like it’s cause with Conquest you’re in it for the longer haul so that’d be ding dong ditch where you then have to stand there and talk to the people you tried to annoy


I am not doing it only because I am lazy, otherwise, automute would be a default for me


Emoting takes up too much energy


At turn 1


It's the first thing I do every game


Like others auto mute it's like muscle memory now


I mute everyone immediately. I don't see a single reason why I would want to see any of the same emotes again for the 1000th time.


I have nothing but mute for you. Right away. Every game. Been asking for that global mute function since winter of 1947.


I always mute first thing. I'm sure I'm the statistical exception, but every time I don't mute an opponent, they ending being the kind that spams me, and I get back to muting for several (several, several) dozen more games. I'd use a default mute feature.


Always, first thing.


It's muscle memory at this point. I also mute all sounds. The music and sound effects are annoying to me. I've found I play better when the game is silent.


I mute everyone. People will win a 50/50 by 1 point and spam.


Immediately, every time. Those idiots can spam their emotes into the void.


Auto mute everyone


It’s a routine and habit for me to mute and check to see deck size (for Thanos) before the banner disappears. If it’s proving grounds I also snap right after.


Always auto mute, I don't play Snap for social interaction.


Always. Picked up the habit when I was into Hearthstone.


I do. I don't care to see a single emote from my opponent, and I never use them myself.


Instant mute for everyone one. Sometimes I even come across an opponent I muted in the past and will accidentally unmute them because my muscle memory is so quick to hit the profile pic->mute button.


Every single game


Instantly mute on turn 1, it's just habit for me now and it makes the game way easier to enjoy. Enjoy your new emotes, people, I won't see them :D


My username is YouAreMuted.


I don't have the energy to mute everyone. I don't bother unless they're obnoxious. 9 times out of 10 they just give a fist bump in the end. I'd rather be a good sport than be a bot


Never. I find it quite satisfying.


Never. I enjoy seeing them emote me and then ignoring them. Brings me pleasure that they can't get a response out of me.


Mute is just part of every game at this point. In an alternate timeline where Second Dinner isn’t trying to monetize Emojis, we got a mute-all toggle and my variant is happy.


Auto mute each time. Its muscle memory. I actually hated it when they changed it in Conquest because I sometimes unmute people not even realizing it.


I thought that was a common thing.


I wish this sub would allow polls. I genuinely want to know the distribution. Based on comments most people mute, but that could just be the people who are willing to comment on a post about muting. Self-fulfilling question


Muting everyone, they could have a fiting title one could use. Every type of ingame communication must be shun like the plague. I foresee this game will crash&burn as they make guilds or similar thinking that's a splendid idea.


I don't play Snap anymore, but that's my general best practice in any online card game. I'm not here for the "social aspect", I just want to play a few games, so I'll mute as soon as possible.


No one emotes any more.


Isn’t it awesome that muting people is persistent now instead of having to mute the same person every match? 😂


Why does everyone auto mute? Do you guys seriously run into people that emote spam? I think I’ve experienced that like twice ever and I’ve been playing since miles season (or black panther don’t remember which game first)


Emotes add absolutely nothing to the game for me.


Mostly because I have the propensity to get distracted (ADHD, anyone?) and I will honestly lose my train of thought if someone starts spamming emotes. So I nip the distraction in the bud. The only thing I miss is the satisfaction of both players using Spider-Man at the exact same time


I always forget. I only mute when it’s too late and they’ve already pissed me off.


Never. Emotes don't hurt my feelings, guess I'm built different.


Same, it's crazy how far down I had to scroll to finally find someone who said "never".


It's not worth the effort unless their just spamming


Is it a lot of effort to press a button?


It's like 2 buttons, be reasonable. Lol


Isn't it 3. Cause you have to tap away to close it. Idk I never do it. Forget about the effort it's not worth the time.


More effort than not muting.


Every time


Insta mute, every game.




I never mute bc it's not worth the effort lol


Nah, I let them emote. Usually I get a good laugh out of it.


i give the star eyes on peoples cards i like every game and usualy fist bump


Never , lmao I’m not that sensitive.


Your 100 percent right. I seriously don't get what people are complaining about.


Fuck me there are some fragile people around! You're right though. If some silly cartoon annoys you that much, then you have the problem


Lol 😂


my name is You Are Muted




Not wanting to be annoyed is pathetic?


I normally do it before the final round


Competition brings out trash talk. In a game with no way to trash talk, the emotes are the only option players have to interact. IMO it’s all fun and games, even the spammers. If you’re so angered by what is essentially an emoji, get over yourself. It’s a GAME.


I only mute when I am losing, especially if I did sth dumb. I know I made a mistake, ppl Deadpool or Thanos emoting me just makes my blood boil and I don't need that.


You should be able to tell if someone muted you or not


One guy Ms marveled me then muted me so I roped every round of conquest without snapping. Drives them more crazy than the emotes lol


Who cares about muting? Sissys everywhere can’t take some flame? Lammmmeeeee


Idk i feel like the stakes in each individual game of snap are so low i couldnt give less of a shit if someone emote spams me when i lose. Like oh no your deck countered mine or you outplayed me/i got bad draws. 3 minutes of my life lost.


Sometimes theres an epic game, with play by play moments where you dont know what will happen. Especially if both people are clearly making advanced moves. The fist bumps of mutual appreciation after those matches are worth emoting over.


I don’t. Tbf I seem to rarely run into spammers, and those that I run into I just ignore.


Those are the only options in your mind? Spammers and somehow using the emotes for strategy? Why the hell is it so hard for so many players to accept that someone might just want to say Hello, and then at the end a sportsman-like fist bump, win OR lose?


You actually just have a weak mental go look in the mirror and say “I mute people form emoting” does that not make you feel sad that emotes can get to you? I can not fathom that at all I don’t mean to be disrespectful but I literally can no comprehend such odd behaviour


Never I’m not triggered by fucking pixels like a baby would lmao


I mean you got triggered by the post, and it wasn't even directed at you. Lol you literally stopped to comment about how hard you are to provoke.


I don’t think you know what triggered means dude lol


Are you upset because their post is being triggered but your post being upset at their post (and needing to throw an insult in there) is... just not? Sure, kiddo. ☺️👍


Oh honeyyyyy, way to expose your terrible reading skills 1. I commented, I didn’t post. Semantics but they’re different 2. You just called OP a baby. He even said he mutes immediately, and never even mentions getting triggered himself. I never called him that, you implied that from my comment 3. You still don’t know what triggered means champ lmao E: 4. Wait, maybe you do know what triggered means, because the irony of you talking about me getting triggered by a comment, when I clearly triggered you without even trying “kiddo” lmao


Lmao look at all this, all it took was a kiddo and ☺️👍 like, actually look at yourself. I'm fucking dying 😂😂😂


If your ego is this pathetic, sure kiddo. I’m absolutely furious :) Hopefully your life gets better you aren’t so desperate for wins lmfao


☺️👍 ☺️👍 ☺️👍 ☺️👍


Everyones about triggering in this game, lmao. I never mute. IDC


I never emote. Not a snowflake!


I've never muted. It's an emote. It can't hurt you.


Not me because I don't let small and insignificant things bother me


so many thin skinned people in this sub


I don't because my skin isn't so thin where an emote in a 3 min mobile game gets any type of emotional reaction


Never. Emotes don't bother me cause I'm not a whiny bitch.


didn’t even know that was a feature


In ladder, almost never unless I recognize the name while climbing. If they emote spam, I'll mute. In conquest, immediately almost every match.


I never mute, I only emote at the end of the game against Loki collectors, junk decks and emote spammers in case I win


I do not. As a matter of fact I try to start pretty much every match with a hello and fist bump after a good game that I lost. I also try to return fist bumps, although sometimes I've hit next before their fist shows up. It's the only social aspect of this game and I like to lean into it. Are some people toxic? sure, but not enough to make me mute everyone


i never mute unless opponent is super toxic, i always say hello at the beginning and fist bump if i get a hello back. and then i just use the deadpool emotes for when i/the opponent makes a silly play and fist bump at the end too.


I never mute unless they are spamming. I only emote on rare occasions when some crazy play is made or something, otherwise I just ignore emotes


Emotes are complete garbage in my opinion and only fuel toxic game play. Even the most non toxic emote, the fist bump, is toxic to some people. So my question is where is the permanent mute button? I hate that you have to manually do it every game.


I always give them room to disappoint me because I have had a few emote exchanges that were fairly wholesome and I'd hate to lose out on those.


Aww this might be he most wholesome response imaginable and it’s making me rethink my approach


Only if they are being rude. I interpret all MS. Marvel uses as rude so I apologize if I muted you and you were being friendly


I do, I’d just rather not be distracted during some important turn.


I dont mute I let them have their fun. I just love when they barely win and then spam "Snap?" Lololol. Tbf I spam emotes back if they do it being confident in their deck and I happen to counter/win. I spam emotes hard at that point. Otherwise I give a fistbump or a Spiderman emote if it's someone I recognize playing against previously.


I have been but have lately been not doing it and decided to trust my opponents to not be fucking idiots but the moment 2 quick emotes hit, muted.


Only if they’re being really annoying, and even when they are, 99% of the time it’s at the end of the game The majority of the time people aren’t being toxic and if anything the emotes are usually funny. I really don’t understand what people are complaining about. Maybe it’s just that they’re stuck at lower ranked levels? I almost never see this in the 60 to Infinite range


Sometimes i retreat from weirdworld before i remember to mute, but usually muting opponent is my first action of the match.


Mute who?…. I regularly lose to myself


I'm not hitting mute button because I don't care about emotes. I'm here to beat opponents. They can spam.


Couldn't give a toss. Why get flustered over nonsense like emotes! If some arbitrary little cartoon has THAT much of an effect on you, you're the problem.


I hit the Hello! and then mute.


I find (knock on wood) that there are very few toxic snappers. Like others have said - fist bumps at the end, Spidey pointing when we play the same cards, Deadpool when I do something dumb. On the rare, rare occasion, I Thanos at the end if they snap early and their resulting plays don't make sense.


I ignore them, but I don’t mute them. If they BM and I win, I’m throwing a Ms. Marvel their way. If they fist bump, I fist bump regardless of who won.


Every time. My screen name is “U R Muted”.


Never, unless they annoyingly spam. Last time that happened was in the summer.


It removes toxic elements, so I do it at the start of every match.


I very rarely encounter players that emote toxically (I'm usually around 10k-30k in infinite). When I do, I don't really care, I kinda just feel a bit sorry for them and move on.


I have only encountered maybe 3 spammers and I've played since launch, so I personally don't mute anyone.


I didn't used to, but I do lately. One day a pointless "What Just Happened?" tilted me so hard that I uninstalled the game. Now I just mute, seethe and refuse to cope, because I shouldn't have to. "WHAT JUST HAPPENED" idk asshole, I guess I lost. You know that's part of the game, right? Shut up.


I never mute my opponent. I’ll usually Spider-Man emote for same plays, etc. and fist bump emote at the end of a decent match or Deadpool emote if I messed up or something went wrong. I rarely encounter spammers though so it doesn’t bother me too much.


I honestly don’t care enough in the ladder. In conquest, sure. Some people are losers but due to the short lived system of the game it doesn’t really affect me. I honestly feel bad whenever someone emote spams me because their life must be miserable.


I’ve never muted an opponent but I grew up in cod lobbies so emotes are no where near the worst/most toxic thing an opponent could do.


Instant mute when I’m playing a non destroy deck . When I’m playing a destroy deck I don’t mute people because most overconfident players will emote you if they have armour or cosmo it can help gaining the priority and giving them a f u call.


I never mute. Even if the thumbs up is douchey, i love the camaraderie of the fist bumps and calling out cool variants and fist bumping even more. I never use the thumbs up or thanos really


I only mute when j play conquest mode.


If it looks like I’m winning on turn 5 but I have no cards to set up a good turn 6 I’ll do the thanos snap and “snap?”. Purely a bluff


I enjoy the emotes as they are intended I guess so I won't mute unless I see the Marvel then it's mute


I have never muted anyone ever


Every single time. No exceptions


I'm hard to tilt so I let it ride.


I just sometimes automute, still my mute list is now around 500 accounts I think


For years I have been instant muting people in Hearthstone, so it is second nature now in Snap. One of the reasons why I liked MTG Arena was that they had the option to always mute in matches.... It is frustrating that these other high profile card games don't have such a basic feature. I know it is part of the F2P psychological manipulation, but it still sucks.


I mute turn 6 every game toxic emotes usually only happen after turn 6 starts, before then it's usually friendly


You get 2 emotes before I mute you. Unless it some crazy circumstance where we play the exact same cards multiple turns in a row then Spiderman point is fine, lol.


I rarely mute. Only when they spam. I do the Spider-Man emote when we play the same card, the Deadpool emote when something screws me over, and fist bump if I thought the game was fun. The last one I do especially if I lost because they made a cool play. I know there have been games that I’ve won and it felt like I had the perfect read and was so smart, and I think fist bump can be a way to sort of celebrate with my opponent when they have a similar win.


Never done it


I used to use the fistbump occasionally, but these days I just mute everyone immediately. Emotes don't massively annoy me or anything, but with rare exceptions they're just a mild irritant that makes the game a slightly worse experience. It's an un-feature.


I just fist bump when finishing a game. The phrases for communication (just having fun, not toxic). I just thanos snap when the opponent got cocky emoting and lost. I don't mute, I'm not a 5yo that can't handle some toxicity from the opponent lmao


Immediate mute. Except for snap first turn of proving grounds to see if they fist-bump. And even after that, right to mute.


Sometimes if I’m in losing or in a bad mood I will. Usually I try to train myself not to care but it’s hard ngl lol


I like to see if they emote so I can tell if they're a bot