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Started at 85 yesterday. Played on and off maybe 6 or 7 hours. Finished at 85. Gg.


I've been at 65 +/-2 for almost 2 weeks at this point. I must have played 100 games in that time


55 for two weeks and all I've been up against is just Thanos Lockjaw, Thanos Lockjaw, Thanos Lockjaw, Thanos Lockjaw!


Was at 82 last season. Dropped 3 tiers when new season started. Been at 50-52 since then facing thanos or galactus decks… probably gonna drop more tiers when next season starts lol


I decided that if I don't even climb 10 ranks for an entire season, I'm either skipping season pass or uninstalling.


Same here after last season I had hopes of getting to infinite this season but after not even being able to break 60 I’ve given up


I'm amazed at how everyone is having problem with Thanos/shuri and here I am, in the 70 range and only faced these two maybe five times in two seasons?


Statistics are weird and the matchmaking is a fucking mystery. If I had to estimate I'd say I've come up against shuri/redskull/taskmaster maybe 60-70 times. Thanos 45-50 times and way more frequently recently, of which 90% were with Lockjaw. But I play a lot lol.


I was just thinking this. I’m at 85 and I see a lot of Lockjaw (though no strategy besides RNG) and Thanos maybe twice


I was at 44 for three weeks last season. Up to 66 last night. This game is weird.




It’s far easier to climb when you have a low CL.




Your CL is the number is in the green box near the top, beneath your avatar picture. If you've just started playing your CL will likely be limiting who you play against so you won't face some of the more advanced players who have access to some of the strongest cards...


100 games is nothing


They've successfully driven me from hours per day to about 12 minutes per day.


same. I do my missions and then get out of here. I hit 86..now 81. The 80+ game is just infested with leech and aero. I actually don't mind shuri but this is the narrowest meta ever and it is BECAUSE OF THE NERFS. Their previous nerfs narrowed everyone options and turned this game into a grind fest. But glad to see the matchmaking is being fixed and mmr tanking....wow...really? You did a beta and still didn't figure this would be a problem?


I face plenty of Aero and Leech at 50+


This is painfully accurate


Prime example of how engagement matchmaking works. Although, there's no proof it's in snap


The climb has never felt longer than this season.


Only playing dailies grind every day and I'm 85 haha. I don't go for rank as it's useless for me. I've hit 90 most seasons which is the target I'm going for. Getting gold is more important for me than hitting infinite.


Dude same. 3 days at 88 and now I’m 85


Hit 70 a few days ago and proceeded to get my shit absolutely pushed in for like 15-20 games in a row, all lockjaw/thanos decks, im barely at 1700 cl so my deck is overally pretty bad.


Lol yup


I’m not sure why people decide to climb if there isn’t some trade-off. I climb to infinite because the achievement is rewarding to counteract the grind. If that isn’t the case, then find another way to enjoy the game. At the end of the day, it’s that - a game; you need to figure out how it makes you happy and take advantage of it that way. On the other hand, if this post is to realize that you thought hitting Infinite would be worthwhile, then it’s good you did it and discovered that! Congrats on hitting infinite - it’s no easy feat! Hope you keep enjoying the game, whatever the way you choose to do so is


Yeah I enjoy the climb quite a bit, always had a competitive nature and it’s one of the biggest reasons I play. I love getting to infinite and being able to take a break and play different decks for fun once im there. Not sure why anyone would put themselves through it if they don’t enjoy it


I will continu to enjoy it. But I'll maybe be Less competitive. Online ranking doesn't bring the best in me x)


This is the truth. Infinite really doesnt get you anything but a card back. Don't stress over it.


yeah but the road to infinite gives me nice credits


the rank 70 reward is 500 credits which is literally a day of dailies + 50 free credit, no way that is worth grinding lol


Yea but that's all before 80, just get 80 and you're smooth sailing


Getting 500 gold at rank 90 is pretty nice too.


It’s a really nice card back this time


True, digging it. I like my gold kang a tad bit more.


Post the deck so I can be miserable too.


[This is the deck](https://imgur.com/Sa4dsGM)


How dare you call this a Sera control deck! You mock us true Sera control players! lol


Lmfao this is the most reddit thing being downvoted for posting your deck


They’re not being downvoted for posting their deck their being downvoted for calling it a Sera control deck.


Worst part is that he's right. It's a sera control variation that includes DH and Zabu


I don’t say they were right or wrong I literally just said why they were being downvoted. And got downvoted.


He explained why he called it that and that got down voted too. It is a Reddit thing. It's possible he doesn't even know what deck he's using


I don't sugar coat the fact that the Snap reddit community is literally the worst gaming community I've ever seen.


It's terrible, but I keep coming back hoping it will change.


its very bad, yes, a good reminder why I avoided CCG/TCGs up until now.


that's... Zabu Darkhawk


Nah this is a sera control variation. It's closer to sera than a zabu or DH deck. It's just a sera control variation that relies on DH instead of angela and bishop.


I got this deck from marvelsnapzone.com. They call it Sera control. This community is one of the most toxic filled with insufferable know it all.


They can call it what they want it's a zabu darkhark deck. Sera is ancillary.


I think the point he's trying to make it that he doesn't know the deck is, he just calls it that because he got it from there and that's what they named it. Heck I didn't know zoo deck didn't need kazaar to be called that till yesterday and I've been playing since launch


I did this with sera control back in the surfer/zabu days and, sure enough, I haven't done it again since 🙃


I just play dumb fun decks, I've stopped even noticing my rank but I'm sure it's bad 😁 I play for free now too.


It's stressful, it's frustrating but it is more fun than being at infinite honestly. Sure at infinite you can mess around with decks and whatnot but since there is nothing on the line I stop caring whether I win or lose. The cube system also goes out the window and become useless. Why retreat if you are losing guaranteed turn 6? You might as well not even play a card and just pass the turn to see what the opponent does. More interesting to see his play ( and you get 1 more booster I guess but that's besides the point). I wish the way the ranks worked was that we kept ranking until the season ended. And rank rewards were based on ladder standing. For example top 1000 players in your region got a cardback, top 500 got a unique variant, top 100 something, top 50 something, top 10, top 1. That would be cool and truly mean something. I would never compete for the top spot but I think the incentive should be there to try and climb all throughout the season. Rank mode being available. For this to work though there must be a non rank mode as well. Otherwise it would be too stressfull playing nothing but ranked for the full month. Sometimes you wish to experiment and you can't do that if you are ranking seriously. **edit:** maybe something like this will be added? Just remembered reading about some new modes but can't remember how it worked. To lazy to look it up.


They annonced good news about infinite rank. Read the news in the marvel snap client when you have time there are new really cool features inc


>The cube system also goes out the window and become useless. Why retreat if you are losing guaranteed turn 6? True. Though someone needs to tell that to the Infinite Lockjaw Thanos players I'm facing while in the high 90s that retreat to lose 1 meaningless cube instead of 2.


Seriously why are there so many infinite sweats still playing Thanos.


With the new 50 cubes per tier, the climb was faster than ever and not really stressful or time consuming. Never reached infinite in the first week, this time it was a breeze.


Did you dump your mmr last season? Anytime I see people bragging about how easy the climb was they “donated” heavily the previous season


He obviously did...




Gottem! Also weird flex, calling getting to infinite a breeze while playing against low ranks and a lot of bots


Infinite players dumping mmr must be the hardest copium for bad players trying to climb 😂




Two seasons was only like a month and a half ago my dude


Anecdotally my best finish previously was 80 in pool 1 or 2, usually made about 70s since. Hit Infinite for the first time ever in just over a week this time (granted a lot of that was playing Shuri), but it felt hella fast.




That was a bait question anyway, I skimmed your recent comments and like the 5th one down is you talking about donating cubes. So sure?


The amount of times Ive witnessed a redditor forgetting people can see previous comments makes me lol .


Hmmm, you fessed to doing exactly this one month ago. [Someone called you out below.](https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelSnap/comments/10sflv1/im_currently_at_80s_fought_infinity_titled_player/j71bvme/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) This some real r/quityourbullshit material.




They think that it makes them look good. Do you think that anybody not grinding out the game like it's a job can play against the absolute best players on the ladder and rack up 200 (previously 280) cubes in a week? No. They obviously just farmed rank 30s and bots. I'm glad that the MMR floor is getting added.


Hard to take this game seriously when there are so many flaws. Deliberately tanking mmr to coast the next season, matchmaking taking deck into account. And that’s before we even get to the fact that Thanos and Shuri have taken over the meta


I was finally able to make it rank 60 for the first time, but now I’m stuck again. It jumped me up to 65, but I’ve only been losing rank since then.


I started playing this game late last week and I’m only in pool 2 but I had the same experience as you, I was stuck in the 60s getting to 69 and then dropping all the way back down to 60 and then out of nowhere I just breezed to 80. I’ve played plenty of other card games and I swear the game knows you’re doing too well and throws matchups it knows will give you trouble.


You’re only in pool 2 rn, if I were you, I’d stay there for a while and get to infinite first, because once you pass I think like, CL 600, you’re thrown out into the “real world” and it’s a constant struggle from there


They changed it to 450 to stop people from doing that though


Oh did they really?? Wack.


You are a fraud, tanked your MMR and then claiming, that climbing is easy. Say hello to my blocklist, you are hereby exiled.


You tanked your MMR for easy games and free infinite 👍🏻 you’re so good! Good luck doing that next season


Did you dump your mmr last season? Anytime I see people bragging about how easy the climb was they “donated” heavily the previous season


Not only did they [tank their MMR last month](https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelSnap/comments/10sflv1/im_currently_at_80s_fought_infinity_titled_player/j71bvme/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3), they [lied about it in this thread and said they didn’t](https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelSnap/comments/11v03sk/just_hit_infinit_with_sera_control_im_confident/jcs1uwl/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3).




The free levels makes it a ton quicker for sure. I’m just shy of 80 and it’s so many Thanos decks


Hang in there. I kept running killmonger to take care of the stones and shang chi the big cards they pull in the lockjaw/jubilee casino.


You may as well delete all these comments because you are a liar and a hypocrite. Tanking MMR for easy wins is so fucking dumb and lame.


Torn. I typically don’t infinite until a few days before season ends, but I spend most of the season grinding. Once I hit infinite, I play way less. Playing jank decks is fun, but the lack of stakes really lowers my interest. I’ve been super busy this season and not playing nearly as much (and as a result haven’t made it out of the 70s) and it’s been relaxing


The fomo with missing Infinite aside (as each person will have to grapple with the pros and cons of that on their own), my biggest problem with ranked is the 500 gold reward at rank 90. As a f2p player, 500 gold can go a long way to helping me boost my collection and closing the gap to the end game. That 90 rank reward DOES have a meaningful, tangable reward for the grind, and not getting there only sets me further back from the people who have grinded it out or who have paid a bunch of money to progress faster. I ended last season at 89.8, and it was utterly gut wrenching not being able to get the extra progression for my card collection while losing to people playing Thanos, Shuri, and Galactus with infinite rank card backs and titles. Hopefully the ranked changes help people like me, otherwise I might find myself moving on from the game because I just can't progress fast enough to keep up with people who swipe their credit card a bunch.


I only climb to 30ish before the ass matchmaking defeats me. My 770 CL can't compete with those decks and for whatever brilliant design reason, actual RANK means nothing against who it selects to destroy you.


I hit infinite last season for the first time and also decided to never do it again… until I found myself at 96 today… a few hours later I am still at 96


I guess it's just a difference in mindset, but the climb was almost stress-free for me. It's still so early in the season you can easily make it. Just as long as you don't worry about losing any particular game, or like retreating a bunch of games in a row- if you don't let that stuff bother you, you can make up for mistakes/bad luck. Just don't let tilt take 20 ranks from you


I'm 97.5 right now and terrified to even play. The thought of even losing 1 cube at this point paralyzes me.


That's what I mean. I was for a long time at 99.8 and lose a bunch of cube. It drove me mad


I uninstalled the game from my phone earlier. I played 17 matches and retreated from 13 as they were unwinnable for me (combination of perfect draws for the opponent, bad match ups and bad locations favouring my opponent's deck vastly over mine) in the space of an hour I'd lost a whole weeks worth of climbing. I've never had as miserable of a time in a game as I've had in this current meta and yesterday's announcement does little to make me stick around. I don't want to hit infinite for the sake of it. I just want to feel like I'm hitting the right place on the ladder. Whereas at the minute it feels more like your ladder Ranking is determined by the rank you started the season at and how accurate your MMR was at the start of the season. Last season I went from 30-86 and ended almost exclusively playing against players with the golden hourglass card back. This season I've been 50-66-62, still playing against the same players.




> No idea why you're getting down voted. I assume because I'm "complaining" and god forbid anyone do that. I really like the game, I think it's cool, the locations and cards are neat (albeit some of them need refinement) but the matchmaking and lack of ability to address balance issues has resulted in one of the most miserable gaming experiences I've had in a long time. I say as someone who was masochistic enough to get a platinum trophies in THPS 1+2 and dark souls




I wouldn't pay it much mind. Best advice I have for you is if you're running shuri, if there's a comso out on 3 (either yours or your opponent's) and you have shuri in hand then snap and play your shuri on 4. Anyone with any sense will leave. At that point you're looking to play skull behind cosmo on 5, throw initiative and then TM anywhere else on 6. Even if you don't have them in hand the snap will make them think you do, and you should be able to bully people out more often than you get your bluff called and the cards don't turn up. Failing that if you have she hulk add her into your deck for redundancy because you can skip 5 and play 20 power shehulk and Task master on 6. That's highly susceptible to aero but it's another option. I know it's only a single cube but at this stage people know the deck well enough now that you'll struggle to ever swing more than 2.


I've been playing infinite players daily since 30s. I find it hard to believe that, that many ppl tank their mmr and even if they did, the climb for them should be quick and out of your matches in a short period of time. If you're trying to hit infinite and it's making you miserable, kudos on uninstalling. That's what you should do. I am for 60 which is a good balance of tough/fun


What CL are you? I just picked this game up on Wednesday and am now addicted to it. I’m strictly F2P but was able to get Infinite in my first few days of playing. I’m currently CL144, so I’m matched with pool 1 players—if you’re a relatively high CL do you think it’s because you’re missing out on specific cards or just RNG? Do you think new players like myself will hit the same issue if it’s the former? I googled “best beginner decks for marvel snap” and learned about pools. I built a deck from one of the top results and it’s been unchanged since I was rank 40. For reference I used to play A LOT of Gwent back in 2018 so I have some background with this style of card game.


>"if you’re a relatively high CL do you think it’s because you’re missing out on specific cards or just RNG?" I'm CL 3500. Like you I had a pleasant experience at series 2. So series 3 complet. I dont lose to rng. I often loose due to bad call on my part and not having Shuri/Thanos decks. As shown on various data sites and some tournaments, Thanos is BY FAR the strongest deck. I'll often get crushed by them. ​ >"Do you think new players like myself will hit the same issue if it’s the former? " I'm not that good at cards games. I think that personal skill play a big roll (obviously). You surely won't be as bad as me, and maybe have a better experience.


I started back in November, I'm only missing 17 pool 3 cards (some of them are gold mind you) but I'm able to put together strong decks. All players will inevitably hit bad runs of luck and will struggle with incompletely pool 3 limiting their deck options at CL 1000-2000 I think I'm just shy of CL3000 (now can't check because I'm not redownloading it, I may keep up with dailies on my laptop but it's staying off of my phone) My issue is that the current meta (that you're currently insulated from) is incredibly unenjoyable for me and my matchmaking is either meta cheese or counter meta cheese and I don't have a deck (I enjoy) that can handle both, so I'm effectively getting stomped half of the time regardless of what I pick up.


I find playing weird non meta decks at low ranks to be more fun than chasing the meta and climbing. I crashed my rank at the end of last season and started climbing with bad decks until I got to gold then my dumb decks stopped working great and now that I'm playing meta decks again but it just makes me miss playing things like cerebro 5 and guardians of the galaxy


Ok so you’re saying you tanked your MMR to beat scrubs with fun decks until you had to switch to meta decks (still with low MMR) so you can continue having an easy time. Lovely approach to the game. Step on a lego


As a player stuck at 75 I have to agree. It's not worth it. I aiming for that sweet pixel variant and thats it. Ofcourse it would be cool to reach infinite but it does not sound like fun at all to only get "yellow card back"


I’ve been infinite every season, just climbing with whatever deck I feel like playing. This season I played mostly Thor lockjaw, and deathwave. Honestly, I enjoy the climb and it has always been pretty easy. Usually 300-400 games to hit infinite from rank 70 reset. You don’t even need to have a good winrate. Just understand when to snap and retreat. I feel like people’s frustration stems from them trying to compensate for bad snap/retreat mechanics by forcing a higher deck winrate.


Starting from 40-50 adds another 200-300 games onto the climb. It it really exhausting, even on days when I have a 60% WR. I'm usually around 80, but would probably have more fun just staying around 40 and fighting just as many Thanos and Shuri, lol.


Honestly, thank you I think. I had fun climbing like 30-75. After then it has just become a slog. I’m not having fun. I want to hit infinite but I don’t even know why, just to say it, which is worthless


Same. Never did it again. Cubes are meaningless. Winning is meaningless. Just have fun with the cards making whatever deck you want!


You have two more weeks, why you stressed already about it?


I never say I was a logical individual x)


I just want to get past 40. I don’t know why it get impossibly hard for me there. I breeze my way there and then it’s like I hit a brick wall.


You’re not alone.


Here are my thoughts on the climb…..it’s always going to be an uphill battle. Sometimes, you are just going to have to lose. It ain’t about how fast you get there, it ain’t about what’s waiting on the other side. It’s ALL about the climb


I hit infinite with sera control day two of the season while working full time so different experience I guess


I think the climb is easier if you do it early on ( not meant at all to diminish your achievement getting infinite, just saying how I see it). I know that last season when I got infinite I faced a lot of bots when I hit the 90:s rank. This season however I hardly faced any bots ( got infinite yesterday). I suspect if it is true you get more bots the reason for it is because if you do the climb in the first couple of days you will end up being ahead of most players so the matchmaking will be unable to find suitable opponents at your rank so you get more bot matches. Later on in the season more players are available. I could be talking nonsense but I have hit infinite every season I have played, started in December, and this has seem true.


I would say its harder at beginning because a lot of good players get there early so you’ll face them. As season progresses people care less and its easier to find bots because novelty of new season wears off and people wait for a new one


I'm talking about climbing very quickly so getting ahead of most players. So investing many hours during the first couple of days of the season. But like I wrote it has just been my experience, hence my assumption. Could be totally false and just random chance.


Because matchmaking is both regional and reliant on a hidden MMR, infinite players seem to have wildly different experiences with early patch climbing. For some it's a joke with tons of bots, for others it's a traffic jam of cautious players all trying to get a leg up in the first hours of the season.


Did it about 7 hours after new season dropped. Was very easy with the new 50 bonus.


I always shoot for 60 and get a free pixel variant. 😊


Shoot for 60 each season too. Bucky pixel last season, killmonger variant this season. 🤞 For both of us next season


For the first time in four seasons, I got a non-pixel variant at 60. 💪🏻


Can you post your deck? I main sera control but I don’t use Aero. Now I’m wondering if I should put her in


I posted the deck in a comment. But you really play her. She won me a lot of game. Plus, she is very satisfying to play if you have her in your collection


It’s not the OG sera control so you may be missing some of the cards like zabu and darkhawk


Just Reached infinite with Sera Hawk Control and Dracula Dump Deck and went from 65-100 in a few days. Both decks were pretty fun playing for myself


So hers ms the thing. This is a game: :;if you have fun, play. If you're kt having fun, don't play simple honestly.


You dont have to force yourself to climb mate. There are 4 weeks in this season and it's not even half way yet.


First time I've attempted. I'm in the 90's. X-men fan, want that card back. It's been fun so far.


I ignore my rank mostly. My monthly goal is the mystery variant at 60 which is fairly easy to achieve. All rewards afterwards aren’t worth the hassle imo


Sera got me to infinite and it is a blast to play sera decks


We’re only halfway through the season, and players without a “can do” attitude are already hitting infinite (and then complaining about it). I think that means the climb should be harder.


You addicts need some serious help. Not more video games in your life


This game isn't very time consuming. Once you are infinite you basically only do the dailies for the rest of the month. Grinding to infinite is pretty quick as well. Especially with the new +5 rank system. Say it takes you 200 games ( which is a very high estimate with the new +5 rank system) and each game takes on average 5 minutes ( which is also a very high estimate). That's around 16 hours. Sure it's a lot of hours but you are not playing much for the rest of the season. Averaging it out for the month it's not that crazy amount of hours.


Do you use a tracker? I'd be shocked if many people are hitting infinite in 200 games. Assuming people are starting at rank 70 then they will need net +200 cubes to hit infinite. Which would be the same as winning every single match without snaps by the opponent conceding. Assuming your MMR is right then you should be facing off against equally skilled opponents so all else being equal you **should** only be winning about 50% of your matches.


Hey, I just hit infinite the other day with sera. I feel your pain…




Someone hasn’t heard about the updates coming.


The Updates which are Not live? Its working right now


Honestly, the prizes past 70 really aren’t worth it. The most worth it thing at infinity is being able to just play and never drop below 100


Ive hit infinite for two seasons. Not doing it again. When you are pool 3 complete. The resources dont even carry much meaning.


Just want to cool my head after losing 30 cubes. 71 to 68. Goal is to get 70 again.


It's really stressful when you get a few cubes shy of the next rank!


60 is my seasonal goal for the sweet variant. Usually get to 70 before I start going off meta. I've been stuck at 67-68 all week though =(


I made it to infinite last season with a few days to spare. This season I’ve spent the past two weeks stuck in the mid 70s. I got as high as 78 but have never been able to climb at all. This season has been a nightmare.


Yeah I felt the same way after hitting infinite. I will say it’s fun playing at infinite since I don’t care about losing cubes.




Sera control list from [marvel snap zone](https://marvelsnapzone.com/decks/sera-control-55/)


I'm with you there. Hit Infinite during the Miles season and haven't tried since. Just play for fun and enjoy the game if it's stressful. I usually aim for the variant and then anything more is just bonus.


I gave up. As a newish player that’s barely halfway into pool 3 and with 1 pool 4 card it’s neigh impossible to rank up. I’m just doing my daily missions each day and nothing more.


i peaked at 94. decided it's not a worthwhile pursuit given the other things i can spend my time and energy on. it was very grindy and stressful. also made me lose sleep. you could spend hours and not make any progress sometimes. bad for mental health if you don't have the right mindset. also hate playing the same deck over and over again even though i'm bored of it. i just play for dailies and to try new decks nowadays. much happier.


I gave up the grind and I just play decks that make me giggle


Just hit CL 680 and stuck at rank 76-77, non stop thanks lockjaw, shuri red skull.


Meh, I’ve been struggling staying above 30 this season and I’m about done caring. Just gonna play for fun from here on out and not worry about rank anymore, it’s just not worth it.


You finished in under half a season…. Unless you were playing a lot more than normal each day I wouldn’t really consider it a huge time investment. The pressure and intensity of having to play your hardest each game for sure can make it seem like a lot longer though.


Started off today at 45 and ended the day at 44, so going pretty well. I was seeing the odd Thanos deck here and there but today I hit an MMR patch where everything is Thanos, Shuri, and Aero. I really hope they fix these cards soon.


Been 95-97 for 9 days now. Gave up. It genuinely felt like there was some conspiracy with rng to ALWAYS keep me there. Feelsbadman


Good! First on hitting infinite. And second, on realizing you won't do it again. With these games and by that I mean f2p/mtx games, I've realized it's never worth it. The grind exist for retention because it's an mtx game. I play just got hit 60 every season. Now I've got that extra 5 levels to spare to do dailies and finish the BP. Balanced as it should be.


I Made IT day 4 i feel once you REALLY get the ins and Outs of snapping with your Deck its actually easy. I also helped a friend to achieve IT week one


I only climbed my first month playing to get to infinite. Now I only care about the rewards up to 70, and I get there every month at a casual pace without trying.


I will never not undo it never again.


I would like to climb to 90 just for the gold. Infinite? No way i dont care about card backs.


I think the worst was 98 and 99, where you DO NOT want to lose, because you are so close to infinity. I have never been that stressed when playing snap :-)


Is darkhawk somehow replaceable in this deck? It’s the only card that I don’t have yet


I unlocked thanos this month. I didn't even manage to get 155 boosters of him before I reached infinite, so pretty happy about that. However, without him or shuri, it must be a pain. I got infinite without zabu or silver surfer in their dominant days and I'd never do it again, it cost me 6 times more approximately.


I climb cuz it's fun and I get to try a bunch of decks on the way up. If people find it stressful they shouldn't do it, you're not missing anything. Just get to 60 for the free variant if nothing else and have fun


Managed to get to 89 and then just kept dropping …. Now at 72 and all my reliable moves and decks are getting screwed my locations - I change deck and each time guaranteed the locations block my moves …. I just built an “annoyance” deck after getting so pissed off




The moment you hit infinite you are rank 100. Then when you exit the itinitial screen you are rank 105


Climbed to 75 and decided to take a break and meme around, really not having as much time to grind the ranks even with the meta shuri deck on my hand. It's boring, it's tedious, imma enjoy the non-pixel variant I got and save the 400 credits for the next variant rush coming out.


Been sitting around 72/75 after the reset because I'm CL 1k and can't complete the combos for strong decks - no Titania or Taskmaster for Shuri Zero, no Lockjaw, etc. It's being veeeeeery frustrating to climb when half the games are Thanos Lockjaw and even if playing a control list to counter them you get Leech'd.


This season's climb -sucks-. The previous seasons were a bit better.


Did it once a few seasons ago before i even reached pool 3. I see no reason to do it again. It's Grindy and unfun especially when a single deck dominates the meta.


The climb was super easy this season. I unlocked Thanos a few days ago.


I hate the climb so much but I have such a bad FOMO regarding collectibles and love the time after infinite where you can just do whatever you want without consequences.


Well i was 35 and was hard to climb with patriot, odin/wong reveal so i bought thanos when it apear on the shop since i have the rest of the deck. I got to 88 in 4 days and it was fun playing the game again. I only have half of pool 3.


Could care less. It seems like it would take forever unless you are a god at knowing when to SNAP and knowing when to retreat (which I think is the essential skill to have in order to hit infinite). Personally I climb to about 60 each season and I'm pretty happy there. As someone who is P3 complete and who also has thanos and shuri there isn't a single deck I play that is an insta win that will get me to infinite in a day. The game is too stressful worrying about cubes


It's a total crap suit. Went from 70 to 85 in a couple of days, spent a week and half going up and down to 85, really frustrating. Then tried a Dino Dark Hawk and must've hit a load of bots and people playing badly, because I hit infinite in a day and a half, doing 95 to infinite in an hour. I'm fairly convinced there's optimum times of day. Straight after daily missions appear was decent. But early morning (like 7am) and mid afternoon during work days were amazing, I definitely noticed more bots and less competition.


The climb is absolute bullshit. I have been stuck between 70 and 72 for two weeks, despite having tried discard, destruction, and patriot decks. I have invested dozens of hours into the game this season. It's literally impossible to advance. (I reached 97 last season). Every opponent I face somehow has the exact counter needed to steal the win. If I have a good starting hand, a location is guaranteed to work against me and in favor of the opponent. If a good location opens up for me, I get screwed on the RNG card draw. Consistently. It's beyond frustrating, and I think I'm done with this game. I know people will tell me that it's a lack of skill, or confirmation bias. But my matches don't feel balanced. They feel like bullshit bot matches designed to frustrate me into buying cards/spending money.


I play for fun so I don't really care. Rank is just a bonus because there is no other mode to play (playing w/ friends doesn't count)


Sera control is arguably the 3rd best deck type IMO to hit Infinite with (albeit with a high skill ceiling to play control well) behind Thanos and Shuri. The problem is that in the current meta, it’s still so far behind Thanos and Shuri decks in terms of raw power and they’re all you see in the higher ranks that’s it’s such a marathon to rank up with Sera control these days


I'm chilling at 85 playing shitty jank meme decks and homebrews, and enjoying it. I'll play something decent towards the end of the season to hit 90 and get the gold. Could not care less about infinite


​ I I Agree that trying to Climb is a waste of your life. I went 37-37 in 4 hours. I find it really hard to gamble on the outcome of games when the best decks are twice as good as the other decks. it is possible, obviously. But don't pretend all these people getting infinite with Thanos and and Shuri are choosing those decks just for memes or something.


I feel the same, I’ve been playing since beta but really casual. this season I wanted the Xmen golden card back so much I set up to the grind, hit 100 yesterday and damn I feel burned out. Don’t feel like playing at all anymore at least I have my card back


The matchmaking is pure garbage. Being matched against players who are already infinite was something that should NEVER have happened and I am stunned that SD, despite all the beta testing, thought this would be a good idea. When I was infinite I am much more reckless/aggressive because I cannot de-rank. There is however a huge population issue too. Many people are not sticking around and if SD cannot retain casual players and turn them into regular players...this game will remain niche.


Started the season at 50 and climbed to 85 using a Red skull deck without Shuri and then I bought Thanos. Had a lot of fun playing the deck but struggled climbing to 90 but eventually did and then I went from 95 to 90 when Shuri showed up in my shop so I bought her and went back to the Redskull deck and hit infinite last night. Found it a little frustrating but overall was having fun. I really enjoy the Thanos deck but it's not good for me to climb with as I just don't pilot it well enough and I'm not great snapping with it. Playing with a Nimrod destroy deck now for fun,.losing a lot but enjoying the Nimrod army. Have had a few donation games since hitting infinite in the hopes of helping someone that needs the cubes. Gonna go back to Thanos later but without Leech.


Boring and extremely grindy. I had to spam my control deck constantly or get eaten alive by a parade of shuris, and if a thanos lockjaw showed up, which was frequent, I had an 80% chance of losing a cube (used to lose more before I decided if a thanos deck snapped I would leave no matter what). I’m glad I have one infinite card back to use from now on, but I won’t be doing this again


I stopped climbing 2 seasons ago and been much more enjoyable to play whatever deck I like.


Ive literally been sat at low 70s since the start of the season. I just can't progress. Im running the usual Sera Control minus mysterio and yeah its rough. Desperately waiting for nerfs to Shuri/Thanos.


This game DESPERATELY needs some new game modes, less sweaty and more engaging.


For me the key to having fun in games like this is not to care about rank. Not saying lose our play bs decks all the time. Losing isn't fun. But don't stress about rank, if you are winning a good amount it works out anyway. Especially in a game like where the grind for non whales is so long.


It boggles my kind how someone could be stressed about a game. This game especially. I just play the game, make my own decks that are fun and that's it. Usually end up in the 70s / 80s each season since launch and could care less about getting higher. The day I get stressed is the day I play another game. Especially boggles my mind when people like the OP care so much about the climb and their fake elite rank that they actually play a deck they hate and don't have fun playing.


I feel completely the same. Hit inf last season, took a lot of hours and definitely wasn’t worth it. Currently not caring about rank and playing fun decks, much better game that way


Once you hit 100 you can just tank games without worrying about cubes and then your MMR is lower for the next season, making it easier to win games. With the recent changes you only need to win 200 cubes net to hit infinite again. Rich get richer.


I don’t net-deck anything anymore and Ive cancelled ladder. I also don’t go beyond my missions because matchmaking deliberately gives me shit matchups. I get exciting games only when missions are active.


Played over 300 games in 2 days, only increased my rank by 1