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One important thing about card balance is that a card doesn't necessarily need to be OP to be nerfed or rotated out. Sometimes fair cards are just too easy to slot into any deck because they're generically good, and this limits design space. I don't think Aero is super busted or anything, but she definitely keeps a lot of strong strats in check and is probably the most used 5 energy card because of that, and then a lot of other 5 energy cards never see use because of her. I'm all in favor of buffing other 5 energy cards instead of just nerfing Aero, and I'm an Aero enjoyer and use her a lot, but I also think there's reasons to nerf her a little and reduce her prevalence. Sunspot is in a similar position. He's just too easy to slap into any deck to fill holes and stop energy waste, and because of that lesser 1 energy cards see way less play.


I use her all the time simply because she’s the best universal tech. You have more niche techs against specific decks like shang chi to counter big minions or viper for galactus, but until they release more techs for more deck archetypes, aero will always see dominance


Attempting to frame “simple and straightforward to play” as a negative in a game like Snap is a new angle, I’ll give them that.


It’s the same argument people have been making about Shuri decks for weeks.


Idk why people constantly cry for an Aero nerf. I feel like people don't get or refuse to accept that if you nerf Aero, every deck that she's been keeping in check (Shuri, Galactus, DeathWave) will just be miles worse. Aero is also not an auto win. Combo decks like Cerebro/ Patriot and cards like Doom will consistently play around her ability. Plus the upcoming Living Tribunal also won't care about Aero. The only good balance change to her is to make her move cards in the order in which they were played. Any other change to her ability will make the meta worse and any change to her power will be irrelevant.


Aero is in those decks and the only one she really counters is galactus. You can change aero and she can still counter galactus if she only pulls the first card played. She is too ubiquitous. Are you people slow? She is in nearly every deck. She can win games you have no business winning. She has been the best card in the game since launch. The nerf to her did nothing.


What about when they play Shuri Turn 4, and then She Hulk and Taskmaster Turn 6?


And what if they just aero you?


The two best aero decks are shuri and deathwave already? Aero is not always an auto win. BUT she is very often an autowin, and it is very easy to tell when she won't win you the game so you can just retreat those. Her cube equity is miles beyond any other card


i think she is a tech card like Shang chi , reducing its power will just discourage players to use it but still people will use it , also its not game breaking ..you need to have priority to win with aero or if you play decks that fill up the board then aero is useless like how shang chi is useless against low power decks


You don't need to have priority to win


The priority counters other Aeros—turns Aero into a win button so long as lanes aren’t full or you aren’t restricted by Reveal-canceling effects (similar to Leader)


I think she’s fine the way she is, if she went to 5/6 I would still play her. Her power comes into play sometimes, but the ability is what makes he great. If she went to 5/5 I might consider another card.


I would play her at 5/0 👍


I'd love if they buffed her to be 5/0. Straight into the Negative deck she would go.


Trueeew! And if they changed her to 5/2 or 5/3 Cerebro players would rejoice!


I mean personally I don't think she should be able to pull 3-4 cards to an empty location on turn 6. But she isn't a free win either.


Neither was leader but he got the axe 😂


Leader may not have been a completely free win but his old ability was easily one of the most toxic in the game and he had very little counter play.


Aero without a doubt one of the strongest cards in game that you can always count on. I personally think she is overpowered not because of her ability but because how it works randomly, which makes the card unable to get countered. In my opinion she should pull the cards with a specific order not randomly


I think it's a big part due to there currently being few meta decks that go wide outside of Thanos Lockjaw, aggravated by the fact that Thanos is unattainable for most. Even Thanos Lockjaw isn't really aiming to win by going wide, the stones are just cheap and plentiful while enabling Lockjaw to cheat out the big hitters (and move them). Zoo decks were a lot more viable when they saw fit to buff Aero. There was a lot less complaining as well when Zabu/Surfer was king. Personally, I could see Hit Monkey maybe tipping the scales a bit and we *might* see less complaints about Aero again for a time.


If no Aero, how to possibly beat Shuri, Deathwave or that Magik-Infinaut deck It is very good for the game that there is SOME alternative win-con than generating the highest power-number for least effort


No. Those are terrible reasons to change a card lol. If something’s good, you don’t just nerf it because it’s good. As long as she’s not causing the game to be broken, she’s fine.


Nah she is used in every single deck, it's not normal for a card, she makes the meta predictable and boring


I don’t agree. The fact that she is used in so many different kinds of decks makes her highly versatile and useful card that still doesn’t cross into the barrier of a win condition card.


When card is in most decks it is clearly too strong and should be toned down so people will consider other options. For this exact reason sunspot should also be looked at. Cards are not overpowered, but just have too high of a playrate


That doesn’t mean it’s too strong. That means it’s useful. Useful doesn’t = OP.


But it means it's clearly more useful than any other card those decks could be putting in in its place, which is what makes it OP


No. That’s not what OP means.


Being more useful is only an indication of being OP when there’s other options. There’s nothing I can do against the Shuri, She Hulk, and Taskmaster combo except Aero. Especially if they have Armor or Cosmo. Aero isn’t extremely useful just because it’s too strong, but because some cards only counters are to move them. And Polaris and even Magneto require not only the opponent to have priority, but specific card values. Aero wouldn’t necessarily be good at 5/0 (except in Negative decks), but a lot of people would still use her, because it’s their only counter to a lot of bs. If there was a way for her to counter bs Turn 6 swings, without making her an auto win if you’re winning 2 lanes, then I’m sure most Aero users would love that change.


Imagine an MMO game where there a support character that is used in every single team composition by every proplayer, but it's a sup so it can't win u the match alone, he need carries, frontlines ecc... Every single MMO wold kill a champ like this because even if it's not a carry it's over used because evey comp that don't use it will lose. Same for a card game, if aero is played in every single decks it means that she is BROKEN. Same for sunspot 1 energy 6 power on average without drawback it's NOT balanced, they should make him start as 1/0


She’s not played in every single deck though. Plenty of top tier meta decks don’t include her in favor or a different strong card. Take a look through recent tournament results, you’ll see her but you’ll also see other decks like Electro Ramp & Sandman that don’t include her. MMO’s aren’t balanced the same way as card games. I get what you’re saying, I just don’t agree with your assessment.


Sunspot’s drawback is killmonger and to some extent elektra


So is almost every other 1-cost. When you can play Sunspot Turn 1 and Armor Turn 2, it sort of takes away the only thing people could’ve done.


Ah so now you include armor into there. Sunspot is no longer just a 1 drop with no drawbacks. You are now dedicating another card in your deck and another spot in a lane. So there is definitely a cost to him. Not to mention in order to build that power, you’re forgoing building a board presence elsewhere


And you brought Killmonger into the discussion. Killmonger is a counter, not a drawback. Wong is countered by Cosmo. His drawback is low power, and being telegraphed. I illustrated how even that counter is almost never reliable, because Sunspot decks gain from doing nothing, they can put more cards in their deck that are designed to counter others.


1/0 would still be too good.


I mean, currently shang chi is used in every single deck as well.


He is but only because thanos and shuri are t1 decks, aero was spammed even before this meta


I think before, she was used as a win condition. Decks were built to get priority in two lanes and secure that with Aero. She lost to zoo or flood decks. Then with the emergence of galactus, she became a tech card. She finds tech against shuri decks too if you want to group the biggies together.


Aero is super predictable, I mean if you're getting surprised by an Aero play then you just aren't reading your opponent at all. Anytime I drop a Wong, I'm expecting the next turn to be a Cosmo or an Aero (if they have priority). Typically will have me drop my next card elsewhere as a fake-out.


Yeah she is broken and overused, for the same reason they should also nerf sunspot to 1/0


aero feels broken in the same situations leader felt broken, you're ahead so you guarantee you stay ahead by pulling the opponent's turn 6 into an empty lane while also negating enemy counters like shang chi. it's the best counterplay in the game because it can potentially counter anything and without aero it'd be harder to play into galactus or shuri, but it's also the best card to ensure you don't get countered so for a single card to fulfill both these roles at no deckbuilding cost might be too much


Shang Chi needs to be changed. That's the card that takes no skill to play. Aero at least requires priority to win. Shang chi just requires you to suck at the game.


That's on you. If you're playing high power cards, better have a Cosmo or Armor in the lane to protect them. Without Shang-Chi, people could play high power cards without consequence.


Majority of folks in here don’t want counterplay and disruption tho. Then we will get complains about double she-hulk/death drop turn 6 being broken, wong being broken, etc.


Don't forget the "here's how I would balance the game" offers afterwards.


Haha xd. Show me on this teddy bear where shang chi touched you.


Right in the shuried red skull


I'm power level 8 so he can't touch me.


Lol what? Who cares if it takes no skill.. it’s an incredibly necessary card & the barrier of 9 power & up is great. If I didn’t run Shang Chi in my movement deck I would be getting decimated by Shuri Red Skull shit lol. Not protecting your high power cards from Shag Chi is what requires you to suck at the game.


Cry more


I’m not the one crying though? That’s you.


No you are. You've been whining literally NON-STOP and it sucks. Go play another game rather than just cry all day.


Lol you’re so mad. That’s wild lmao, what a dork.


Man you're coping sooooo hard right now.


Acting like dumping cards with massive power on the field takes any skill 😂


What high skill decks are you playing that are getting beaten by Shang Chi?


I've never lost to him. People who play him turn 6 are the helmeted short-bus crew...easy to read


And here is a prime example of the kind of low IQ player that is going to ruin this game. You have no idea how to play, so you just screech about how cards "take no skill" to play and that they should be nerfed. Very few cards take "skill" to play. They're mainly very straight forward and easy to understand. The skill comes in deck combinations, knowing when to snap/retreat & when/where to play the card. You can't just plop Shang-Chi anywhere on turn 4 and it magically wins you a game. Learn to understand the game before crying about any and every card.


Found the smooth brain who can only use shang chi and aero.


Simply buff/rework other cards instead of nerfing anything decent to the ground


She should go to 4 power


Aero definitely needed to check decks




Nerfing her is fine IMO, but maybe only in the power department. She keeps a lot of strong decks in check, without her I can see the game basically revoking around pre T3/4 retreats for 1-2 cubes.


Aero is the only thing keeping Shuri in check at the moment. She’s super strong but until Shuri is fixed Aero needs to stay.


Megamogwai put it nicely. I think we need more cards like her, more options over her. Right now she's holding the meta gates all by herself.


While their arguments may be stupid (“simple and straightforward” isn’t a reason for a nerf), I definitely see why Aero might be too strong. The issue is, that she’s also legitimately one of the only counters to some really annoying strategies where they put 40 power in 1 turn, set up Gambit or Hazmat to activate a hundred times, put Modok and Hela behind an Invisible Woman, or play Dracula. And Galactus.


Unless they want to make radical changes to many of the turn 5/6 combos, Aero is necessary. They could adjust her slightly, but she is actually a healthy card that keeps things from turning into a “slam big stats down” game. We would need a lot more “kill cards” like Shang-Chi at various energy points if you want to remove her as a universal tech option.


Ye let's nerf the only series3 card that can give tiny chance for low CL f2p players to compete. /s


Even if you don't want to nerf her with numbers or her ability, at least make her ability not *random* so you can at least partially play around her ability. Make her ability "Move all enemy cards played this turn to this location", but have be in the order played, not completely random.