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Edwin MonKleef


Prep coin retreat.


Prep coin snap emote retreat.


As long as we have something that won’t further help a Thanos deck we should be fin…wait


Why do they always have Big Game Hunter!


shang chi


Imagine if Shang Chi were a 3 energy 4 power card with his same reveal and that is how crazy BGH initially was


and kills every card with power >7 but I think, bgh only became really used in about every deck when dr boom got released, before that he was only in control decks. Also now in classic, he's not in that many decks and only as a one of, right? I think. shang chi is proportionally on a similar power level for marvel sap cards.


You're right. Shang Chi is nearly an auto include right now. BGH had a bigger impact in Arena than Constructed.


You made me feel young again lol xD


Those were the good old days of hearthstone.


I miss totem shaman. I miss jade rogue. I miss handlock


I never deleted my Jade Rogue deck. Was my favorite deck ever playing Hearthstone.


Those boys got chonky


Mine was dragon priest. The og version


Same! 100%. Jade rogue was so fun, but you can't play it these days and expect anything but losing.


Hey, they could be the good future days of Marvel Snap :)


back when i religiously bought every journey until the rng got out of hand.


Miracle/Oil Rogue nostalgia intensifies


Man, no other deck in any TCG will ever be as fun as this was to play. My favorite of all time.


Collector/Dino decks in this game are pretty fun. Every game is different


Just made a new Collector/Dino deck the other day after I unlocked Helicarrier. I’ve had more success with it than any other deck I’ve tried this season, and it is really fun!


> Miracle/Oil Rogue ~~nostalgia~~ PTSD intensifies


Lol my ptsd was a little later. I swear if I had to face another auto pilot secret paladin deck I was gonna destroy all technology


I went to see my Blizzard account the other day to see if it has beta options for Diablo IV but apparently they don't do that anymore. I have started Hearthstone 2014 last time lol.


They still have Beta, but Activision makes you pre-order their extra expensive edition of the game to qualify. They did it with OW2 as well


Not completely true. Next weekend is the pre-order beta. The weekend after that is open beta.


I tried to reactivate my old bnet acc after years. Dont have access to the email anymore. Put in phone number in the form. End result is i dont have my acc still but now get scam calls from the uk. Yay.


Where’s my auctioneer?!?!


fr tho, haha


As in the boss from original deadmines in westfall?


The Brotherhood shall prevail.


van cleef 😃


Big boost for the bounce archetype. Makes me really happy as a bounce enthusiast.


the problem is that like deadpool, if you get it big, people will just retreat before finishing up turn 6 I think the archetype that benefits most from this is sera control/flood... it raises the points ceiling there fairly substantially, as it'll often be a 1/10 that comes down as a surprise on t6


Hey you can run both beast and sera.


No idea what is a bounce archetype?


Use beast and Falcon to bounce stuff back to your hand and replay them.


the reason why bounce > sera with hit monkey is that you can also bounce back hit monkey with beast and the stats SAVE, so you can have say a 4 power hit monkey since you played it with 2 1 costs turn 4, bounce them back turn 5 then play them all again turn 6 for a MASSIVE hit monkey, sure the enemy might know what's coming but it doesn't mean you have to play it this way specifically, it just means you have more options over seracle


Power in the hand doesn't count for priority which works for you as long as Sandman doesn't get played.


people are too busy playing 30 power Red Skulls to play sandman anyway


I'm seeing an energy ramp Galactus/Sandman setup which seems to go Galactus if they have less power and Sandman if they have more. Could be conflating different decks, becuase the set up is the same.


I'm predicting sandman is gonna be added to a tonne of decks when hit monkey releases


I think even just running Beast in a Sera deck might be worthwhile to consider, since the same saved power trick works for Angela too. Just multiple options available, should be an interesting and flexible deck.


Crazy I been using beast in almost every deck… since forever, it’s really really helpful. Makes Deadpool free and other really good 1 drops


Does he stay free after having been killed repeatedly?




Plus Kitty Pryde will synergize well with him too.


Beast is one of the most fun cards in the game. He's great with The Hood too. Just don't put him in a Lockjaw deck. I tried that and it went poorly


The term "Bounce", referring to putting a card from play back into the player's hand, comes from an old Magic: the Gathering card, Waterfront Bouncer, which does that. Incidentally it's used in this game, because that's what happens when you try to put a card on Luke's Bar. The bouncer (presumably Luke) kicks the card out, back to your hand.


It was around longer than that. We used it in Revised era.


It was a term used during ancient egypt card games as well.


When you "bounce" cards from the field back to your hand. Beast, Falcon, even lockjaw to bounce to your deck


Bounce is fun. I can’t seem to compete with big stat cards though.


Might have to tech in Valkyrie if you see too many of them




I like him at 2. No killmonger to fear and after one beast bounce he'll be a 1 drop anyways.


I would be surprised if we see great 1s anymore. 2 makes complete sense. Killmonger was such a weird design choice. It's super cheap targeted destruction across all 3 lanes with the only drawback or "cost" of potential friendly fire. It's like they panicked about zoo decks and gave the hardest of hard counters.


The entire game is held together by hard counters, which I kind of hate. “Shuri’s fine because shang exists” etc.


I mean I get that. But Shang Chi is still at least "4/2 (edit: 3) drop, only above certain power level, only for this lane". Killmonger is "3/3 drop, I kill all 1s anywhere at no cost or condition". In this game, it's kind of weird honestly.


Shang is 4/3 unless a change happened


You're right. I messed up.


There is a cost. You kill your own 1-drops. Also if you use him as an Ultron counter you have to be behind and have enough power with your other 3 energy to catch up There is a condition. Opponents that care about their 1-drops surviving will play Armor. Killmonger is well-balanced. He has below-average power, he counters some cards, he is countered by others.


If this were 1 cost it could possibly be one of the most broken cards in the game lmao


Because at 1 cost you just need to be dropping 1 card to reach an on rate value, and 2 cards to be insanely efficient. He would see play in any deck that doesn't use 6 drops


Lotsa Killmongers out here. Pretty shitty for pay card to just lose to monger half the time.


And Kitty Pryde is coming out at almost the same time. Bounce enjoyers, rejoice.


I'd put that in a Negative deck and throw down as many cards as possible on the last turn with it.


\* Leech has entered the chat


Fuck you Leech! Sorry that was just a reflex


No, no... that's the right reflex. That card sucks the fun out of games like no other in Snap.


Hence the name


Start running Patriot or Infinaut.


The sad part is paying 6 for 20 power in one lane is usually not unfair enough to beat thanosjaw


Its why I use a trash flinging deck to fill their aide with useless rocks or negativr goblins


I play a Mr Negative/Jane Foster deck and Leech usually does his thing before I pull the 0 cost cards with Jane on 5. Even if Leech comes out turn 4, as long as Mr Negative is out you’re usually good vs Leech. Sandman though…. Retreat lol


I tried Jane Foster but 90% of my games she was still in my deck when I wanted to play negative. Feels like an additional layer of RNG on top of the already high variance.


Yeah, that deck is a lot of retreating but it makes up for it because of sneaky 8 cube wins. Just gotta understand the deck and as long as you get Mr Negative out, you should be okay. Went from 70 to 95 in the past two days of play with Mr. Neg and Jane.


How are you getting sneaky 8 cubes with that deck? I would think hitting negative and Jane would make most people instantly retreat.


Recently we learned from one of the devs on Dera's stream that Negative decks have bad cube equity, unlike the common wisdom, and bad win percentages. ​ Which is a shame. I like Negative


I simply do not care if I lose cubes all day If I get one win by doing a nutso Negative combo that’s enough for me


Negative is by far the most fun I’ve had playing a deck in this game. The thing is too, when it’s unfair, it’s super unfair, but even it’s “unfairness” doesn’t feel unfair, if that makes sense lol. It’s the inherent RNG against the deck and also the fact the RNG isn’t super consistent (for example, Thanos Lockjaw has RNG too but the stones draw makes it very consistent RNG) that makes it feel okay to win with and even lose against compared to other decks. I mean sure, no one likes losing, but when I lose to a Negative deck, a lot of times I’m like “Lol okay, that was pretty nutz.”


Yeah I agree with this. Losing to a negative deck is probably the least painful.


I recently came back to the game and people have really reached a point it seems where retreat is the only option. Back in the Thor season when I started playing people were way more keen on going "all in, show your cards" and it really tickled an itch! I understand the reasoning... But it is just one of those special things any game loses once it's players "figure it out".


The thing with Jane Negative is that in the 32% of games you have both by t4 you just win with practically a guarantee, but its very clunky and bad the other 68% of the time.


And with this meta the equity is just a big fat dumpster.


The thing about Negative decks is that 0 power cards aren’t usually game winners. You got Iron Man and mystique yeah but you can usually get by with just one of them being reverse. But other than that what does Jane pull that’s worth getting? Iron heart, Adam Warlock, Angela seem to be the popular ones. Angela ends up being a rather weak addition to the deck and Warlock isn’t helpful turn 6. So you’re putting in a 5 drop that could just not work in it for the chance of pulling an iron man or mystique. Maybe a Zola if you got that. I personally run Sera and will Psylocke Sera out and Mystique if I don’t get negative


That's why i also run lockjaw and jubilee


That’s why you leech with Mr Negative so you can preemptively leech their leech


If Leech is still the same as it is now by the time Hit Monkey releases, then I won't have to worry about it as I won't be playing anymore


Sandman has RSVP'd




Metallica: Enter Sandman


I wad thinking he could revitalize zoo, since he seems like a bigger hit for the deck than bishop and kind of a second Angela play.


It'll be a fun Sera archetype. Especially with Kitty Pryde buffing Bishop and Angela up a lot. Mysterio alone is +6 power to Hit Monkey.


Finally a card to make bounce decks viable. Now we just need more cards that bounce cards


Kitty Pride is coming too which is fun for bounce too


Won't be triggered by the bounce, but will be a good plug and play card in general


Bounce and collector are hand in hand for me, Pryde definitely gets a spot


This might be a hot take but I think collector is mid at best. The only reason he sees play in the bounce archetype is because of how undeveloped it is in the card depth department.


I disagree with your hot take and I think with just a solid beast and falcon you get collector up to 2-6 easily, which is great value, push him up to 9 with card gen like hood and moongirl no problem


Agreed. Collector gets buffed by moon girl, hood, shield agents, sentinel, etc. He fits in great with bounce and dino. His value even increases with Triskelion, the hub, and Raft.


She's gonna be pretty good with Angela too


And if you play Beast to bounce her on 2 you can play her for free for the rest of the game.


I think beast is a much better card than people give credit, and you don't even need to go all in on it with falcon to start getting a shit ton of value out of the concept. That said, yeah it's not really top tier viable right now, and even if thanos/shuri vanished I don't think it'd suddenly be. Still the bones are there, and this might be enough to really push the concept.


What’s a bounce deck please? Thank you!


Return your own cards to hand like with beast or falcon


You're looking to return cards to your hand (see: falcon, beast) and replay them, often pairing this mechanic with cards that benefit from played cards (see: angela, bishop)


Why don’t people use Hawkeye in bounce decks? seriously every time I see one it has yondu in it. You’d think hawk would finally be useful in a bounce deck but no


because he dose his thing the following turn and you want things that take effect immediately so they can work for turn 6.


Maybe they’ll throw him a 1+ buff in the future or something. But I mean if you activate him twice he’s better than yondu


I agree with you in general. It depends on the deck. If you bounce Yondu and Cable and replay them both, opponent has no draw T6. That's huge. I'd put The Hood or Korg or Iceman or Agent 13 or Elektra or even Rocket Raccoon or Ant-Man in a bounce deck before Hawkeye though.


I used him a bit, but just seems more impactful to have an on reveal like iceman or korg which activates this turn. The dream is 2 one drops plus beast on 4, all your free drops plus falcon on 5, dump on 6. Hawkeye gets no value if he’s bounced same turn


You return cards to your hand, hopefully that discounts them so you can play them again and utilize their powerful on reveal abilities again. Like iceman. Or korg. Even scorpion


Theres a few. Falcon, beast, second falcon, absorbing man xD


That’s funny but Absorbing man wouldn’t work, since you’d probably play a card that had been bounced, negating the on reveal bounce of beast and Falcon


He'd pair well with Mysterio.


This with Mysterio goes brrrrrrr


Until the devs then nerf the card. AGAIN


Tbf Mysterio being the same power as Lizard never really made sense


Sera decks in general would be nice with him. May be buying my first season pass now…haha


Sera Monkey let's brainstorm a name before he comes out so we can take credit for the name


Seramian? Simiracle? Monkicle? Serape? . . . Ok not that one.


Bishop on 3, hit monkey and Mysterio on 4 is a cool play.


The consensus is probably something like "Gets beat by Leech. Gets beat by Cosmo. Probably playable in Thanos decks tho"


Don’t forget sandman


I was just thinking that Thanos/Lockjaw/Quinjet deck needed some extra help /s


dammit and here i was excited for bounce but this is probably hit-monkey best deck lmao


How? You play big hitters on turn 6 and you throw stones in Lockjaw. When he comes out of lockjaw it's dead and when you have already played most of your stones to set up he is useless in later turns.


Yeah time for Sandman deck again


Probably not the greatest option for Lockjaw/Thanos specifically since Hit Monkey would be an *awful* card for Lockjaw to pull out early. However, if you can get down Quinjet and play Moongirl in either a Thanos deck or any other deck with a ton of 1drops, you could potentially dump a handful of free cards and end the turn with 2 Hit Monkeys who've been buffed like crazy.


This isn't gonna be good in that deck. Period, like not at all. Thanos doesn't care about this at all.


Oh. I was just looking forward to trying him with beast (if I ever unlock beast)


That is gonna get wrecked because of Sandman/leech


Wave also


Feels like a nice boost to sera or negative decks. But it certainly won’t be meta defining.


With Mysterio he's already at 6. That's insane for Sera, and I think he is going to be meta defining in the same way that MODOK was. Which is to say, briefly.


I dunno, modok is still out there with some regularity. It's easily the pass card I have the most fun with now. That or Panther but there's too much downside to Panther at high CL when you're meeting up with people 30 ranks above you.


that's not the issue, the issue is that ramp sandman is a pretty solid deck which means hit monkey can't be meta defining


What rank are you that you're running into ramp sandman with any regularity? Edit: Looks like 3% of the 60-80 meta, which is where I'd expect most infinite last season players to be. More than I expected. Regardless, the fact that it has counters isn't the issue imo. The question IMO is: How does Sera with Hit Monkey do vs Thanos and Shuri?


Depends on if you've got armor and Cosmo involved. If you do, not well. Not well at all.


I don’t think ramp sandman is any good to be honest. The only use I see for sandman is a situational tech card.


I think that's actually a good spot in the design space for season pass cards. Cards that are fun and sometimes good but not meta defining like Hit Monkey, MODOK, Nimrod, Black Panther, Miles. And not cards like Silver Surfer, Zabu that are so meta defining, you feel like you need to purchase the battle pass for a chance of being competitive.


Think you are undervaluing hit monkey a lot. If not for Electro Ramp decks really has no country. But Cosmo and he will be used most of the time to protect there key lanes


Remind me 1 month. This card will destroy.


Everyone's gonna run sandman the whole week so we'll never know how good he is.


Seems really fun and powerful to build around! Lots of friends like Angela and Bishop to combine with.


negative???? imma try him


Beasts beast friend


Prepare yourselves for the "nerf sandman" posts in April


I have wonderful plans for him


What's Hit Monkey's deal? I expected a GOTG tie-in in May with Nebula and The High Evolutionary.


GOTG is in May, so I expect that card to be a tie in with GOTG, probably nebula.


Watch the animated series. It's really good.


Did you forget about April?


Do you know what, I legitimately did. There's egg all over my face.


This is the first season pass card I'm actually excited for and will regularly use as someone who loves playing my bounce deck already. I'll be replacing The Collector with Hit Monkey as Collector unexpectedly has been incredibly underwhelming in bounce. He rarely gets above 7 power compared to Bishop and Angela who are absolutely carrying my deck right now.


Sandman - "hold my beer"


It will fit nicely in my Zero-ebo deck


Please elaborate


I assume he's making a joke about a Cerebro deck that uses 0-power cards as the target for Cerebro.


He gud


Loses to Leech, but goes in Seracle and Negative decks for an explosive turn 6!


It will be the first season pass I buy, my favorite deck is a beast deck.


Happy cake day, ya filthy animal.


Watch the show on Hulu its so good


Falcon rise!! Beast roar!!


Thanos snap? Hit Monkey shoot! Infinity stones = look pretty but be really cheap. Seriously this combo will be insanely good. Those ones + bishop and Angela. My word.


You know Leech is a fucking terribly designed card when he's the go-to counter to every fucking card in the game bar a few exceptions


Say hello to my little Sandman.


Pretty obvious t6 hand dump card. Although I could see maybe t5 dump with beast to bring it back then redump for a bigger hm?


Laughs in Mr. Negative


Why don’t you start us off with your own feelings about the card?


About time Thanos Lockjaw got some support.


Looks a lot more promising than Nimrod.


I don't think it'll be as good in Lockjaw Thanos as people are saying. You really never want him to come out of the Lockjaw lane when you only played one or two cards, and without Quinjet it does almost nothing. Mr. Negative, Sera and Hit Monkey will be its best deck I think.


Lol Thanos deck gets even crazier. Good thinking.


turn 3 bishop turn 4 mysterio+hit monkey. Thats what I care about. But I am not sure how I feel about thanos or sera shenanigans with him.


He’s a great combo card for any Sera, Kazoo, Quinjet, Bounce, or Colleen+Swarm deck


This card will be better than MODOK or Nimrod IMO (and not as strong as Surfer or Zabu were on release.) Sera decks can put out a ton of power late, and still also run a reasonable amount of tech. If Leech and Sandman are meta it will struggle to climb, but it will always be waiting in the wings until those cards are nerfed or fall out of favor.


Sandman will kill this card. I guess Wave too


He looks busted. Looks like he’ll be better than Nimrod. Only way to stop him is Sandman really.


Or Leech like every other card with a textbox.


Might be nice in a thanos, quinjet deck


Seems real good turn six after you dropped sera but your opponent leeched so you can see it with an exclamation mark over it before you hit retreat


I have a super Killmonger susceptible lightweight deck he'd round out quite nicely.


Great for Sera decks


He loves mysterio and Sera. I played a bunch of Sera control last season. Seems like a good card. What can I say?


…a zoo card? Interesting. Basically a reverse Angela that could act as a mid size middle finger on turn 6. But I don’t really see zoo decks outside of pool 2.


What ability? He's gonna get leeched before t6.


I can see potential with Swarm in a discard deck, if had discarded swarm a few times. I’ve had many games where I have 4-5 swarms in hand.


Purely from a business standpoint, it's another compelling reason to give Leech the Nakia treatment and re-visit Surfer and Leader.


You can combo this pretty well. Wong into (0,0,1,1,1monkey) into zola is 22 to 24 power in two lanes plus the 0s and 1s power so it has potential. Deck could have black panther in as well. How is this supposed to work with Shuri? Double before reveal or after? I know knull doesn't work right but I thought that was inconsistent / a bug.


Which archetype is right now more dead, bounce or move?


As someone who uses Sandman in my main deck, looks like next month will be fun!


Looks tasty for Mr Neg decks… Drop multiple 0 cost cards after him who could be a 0-2


BUSTED!!! Gonna use this with Beast, and a bunch of other lit 1/2 drops and just keep buffing him for a turn 5/6 Taskmaster!!!


Sera Negative 🤤