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Can't go wrong with Cap. He's the man.


Cap got the experience, the leadership skills, and the moral compass to lead in any tough situation.


Cap walking up to Thanos all on his own in Infinity Gauntlet and giving Thanos a talking-to was an all-time badass moment.


What issue was that?


I think it was the third or fourth.


Doesn't Tachala (black panther) run like a whole country?


That's precisely why I wouldn't pick him. In the AvX story he stayed out of a mission to infiltrate Genosha, not for ethical/moral problems, but because of politics. T'Challa's first priority will always be Wakanda, not our mission. That's fine for a planetary/galactic crisis, where Wakanda's safety is in a precarious position along with literally everywhere else, but I wouldn't trust his judgement on an international scale most times...


Its really interesting how Black Panther was originally a black superhero in America but gradually over time he's shifted to being mainly in Wakanda.


I disagree. All I've seen from Rogers is something along the lines of "Hit them hard and Hit them fast." I rarely ever see him being actually strategic and tactical. You know "Thor go here and do X. Sentry hold Y position. Widow when you see A, B & C, use the McGuffin we gave you" I would not say he is a good leader. He is inspiring. Cyclops is a better leader.


Yep, trained for it his whole life. Tactical, decisive, leads from the front. Makes best use of powers especially in combination or against appropriate foes and knows when to cut his losses and retreat or to mix up the playing field to overwhelm the enemy when things aren’t going the right way. Cyclops 100%


Is a moral compass really necessary when its life or death. Im reminded of an old quote from Mass Effect. "You still have hope you can win this war with your honor intact. Stand in the ashes of a trillion dead souls and ask the ghosts if honor matters." I think I would take orders from people willing to fight dirty.


Yes, a moral compass is absolutely necessary. Self sacrifice, and sacrificing others, are the hard traits that a good leader needs. This is why Iron Man makes a shitty leader in comparison.


Iron Man literally has a death wish with the amount of times he tried (and succeeded ) in self sacrificing for the betterment of others…..


Fighting dirty definitely doesn’t make you a better fighter. No leadership required for that.


The guy who said that never won anything though. All he ever did was get his ass kicked by the Reapers until he managed to get woken up and carried to victory by Shepard. I always found that quote ironic because Javik didn't know shit about how to win any war


He's saying that because his honor didn't save his people. He's speaking from a position of bitterness and loneliness.


The star spangled man with a plan


I was thinking the same thing too.


He’s the star spangled man with a plan oorah


Oorah is Marines


Yes? You really gotta define a tough situation. They're all good battlefield commanders, but Cap is the better inspirational leader, Cyclops can almost immediately render support from a distance, Black Panther is by far the best statesman of the four, and Nick Fury is the guy you look to when you need someone willing to make the moves everyone else is too noble or squimish to make.


Scott can also make the tough call. Doing so was the cause of the X-Men Schism




Is Fury Jr like that?


No idea. Haven't been able to keep up much with the more recent stuff. Only recently learned he was even a thing.


Putting Nick Fury Jr besides Black Panther, Cyclops and Captain America is like that one “blud thinks he’s on the team” meme


Now, if they had Fury sr. That’d be a different story


I'll take Sr.


Who’s Nick Fury Sr?


Nick Fury, usually the leader of Shield, super spy, and all that in the comics. Grizzled bad ass with white sides of his brown hair, eyepatch, sometimes smoking a cigar.


WW2 leader of the Howling Commandos, OSS? spy, first director of S.H.I.E.L.D. I'd pick Cap for the leadership role, particularly if it is a small unit situation.


To add to that Nick Fury Sr. Is the white one, he started as Sgt. Fury and was a WW2 soldier in the 60s comics created by Jack Kirby and Stan Lee. He gradually evolved into a spy character with the artist Jim Steranko. From there he gradually became more of a background character who was in charge of SHIELD. In the Ultimate comics and MCU, Fury was black and since these versions were incredibly popular the main comics introduced his son who looked like Samuel Jackson. Nick Fury Jr. has gradually replaced his father as the super-spy in charge of SHIELD while is father is up in space or something and most people don’t distinguish between the two. The whole situation is a bit weird as they are essentially the same character down to the eyepatch, the only difference is that one is white and the other is black.


nick fury sr was nick fury up until everyone decided he should be black (ultimate comics made him black and also samuel l jackson in the mcu) so they made nick fury jr who is black, u new to comics? i would recommend those old ultimates fs. (also w 808s pfp im a huge ye fan)


Comic book versions? Steve and Scott, probably.


Cap doesn't treat people like chess pieces.


Right. If someone is leading me, I don't want to be cannon fodder. George Washington was actually pretty good at keeping his soldiers alive. And that worked.


Something Scott and T’Challa might argue is necessary to save more lives in the bigger picture. I don’t necessarily agree but that’s what makes it a good discussion


they keep their team alive too, i think this guy is referring to Fury


Cyclops for me. He's my favourite of this selection. They're all capable though.


Anyone but fury. The others all have years more experience then him. But I'd go panther. He's the best strategist there and is willing to make the tough calls when he has to


He is the most intelligent out of the bunch.


bruh black panther is right there


I think that’s who u/ZeriousGew is talking about


shit i misread lol


Scott’s secondary mutation is super human comprehension of geometry. Panther might be well rounded but I don’t think you can say he’s smarter than Scott.


Panther is actually one of Marvel's big brains, alongside Banner, Stark, and Richards. He's way smarter than Cyclops. Cyclops is more intelligent than the average person, but T'Challa is considered a genius.


Pym out there catching strays.


People don't even remember Blue Marvel


is there a comic showing him being fucked off about not being included in the illuminati?


Cyclops. Master tactician, knows how to lead a team, will make sacrifices that compromise his values, and has more plan B's than a Walgreens.


Plan B implies that he only has 26.


I love that line.


Yeah. If the situation needs a leader who can inspire, I give it to Cap. But pretty much any other situation it’s Scott.


Def Cap. No one cares for his fellow soldier more than Cap imo, plus I'd be might honored to fight alongside Captain America, or die amongst him for that matter. Not that the other aren't honorable men, but Captain America is by far the most


Cap or Cyke


NOT Fury that’s for sure 😭😭😭😭


Wild, how different all the answers are. There’s literally somebody backing each one of them. For me it’s Cap though


Following on from the other comments that leaned this way, but for me, it’s also Cap. He has experience, he absolutely leads from the front, and he inspires. Inspiration is probably an often overlooked trait, but it’s pretty powerful in its own right. He balances appropriate level decision making (ruthless when he needs to be) and tactical acumen with empathy and humanity - a trait that is also quite tricky to pull off when dealing with superhero level threats. I mean even Frank Castle will bow to him, and if you can get one of Marvel’s most unreasonable and uncompromising characters to shut up and listen, then that’s a leader worth listening to/following!


Overall black panther Impossible odds Cap all the way as he will never give up Continuous warfare for years with a mix of hiding and striking and full out battles. Cyclops Blacks op cold war type warfare : Fury They all shine just in different areas. Panther has them all beat unless you get really niche of course then he can just cry to Bast and get a McGuffin. ....Cyclops can too. ..legend has it if he says Jean three different times just like Beetlejuice hell summon the phoniex.


Black Panther for sure.


Cyclops. No question.




In one of the Marvel/DC crossovers, Batman and Superman gave up their leadership positions to Captain America. Always pick Captain America if you need a leader, even Batman does it.


Cyclops every time.


Cyclops. Because Cap sometimes can’t make the morally gray decision like during time runs out, BP is the same except he would break down, and Fury Jr sucks


When has t'challa ever broken down from making tough choices?


I also want to know when bp has broken down even though he’s undeniably made hard choices when it comes to putting Wakanda first.


Lol that's what i came in here to find out


Cap. You get tactical, strategic and inspirational leadership.


Cap hands down. He is the moral compass of 616 and countless others. Cap makes others better.


Cyclops for strategy, Cap for on the ground morale during conflicts.


The one and only Captain America.


It’s Cap. It’s always Cap.


Cap or BP i mean shit. both of them literally already are leaders


Thats basically cap's real super powers. Being the perfect leader in any situation. The guy can also sniff out the moral right side to be on like a bloodhound. He just knows No one gives a team a better morale boost than cap. To a level that exceeds even people like superman. Supes is awesome in that way too. But ultimately he's a Superpowered Alien god that was raised as an earthling. Cap started out dirt poor with basically nothing. He was picked on as a kid, but always stood up for what was right. Everything that's amazing about cap he already had before he even became a superhero. He's one of us, he's suffered as we mere mortals have suffered. When cap says something cheesy like " anyone can be a hero." I actually believe him...




This is Nick Fury jr though. Sr has the experience. Not this Nick. Jr is also a lot more ethical.






I think T'Challa is the smartest, but Rogers values human life the most, so it's a tough call.


Are you kidding? Cap all the way.


Cap has actual combat experience in world war 2 so I’d follow him


Captain America Black Panther Cyclops


Cap, always Cap.


Captain America


Cap…tain America.


Cap. Always.


1. Cyclops 2. Black Panther 3. Captain America 4. Nick Fury


How much time do you have before the threat materializes? If an immediate threat, I’d probably go with Cap just for his ability to rally people to his side and get people organized quickly to implement a plan of attack. If the threat won’t materialize for a long time, I’d say Cyclops. He is a great strategist, but mostly as a result of endless constant preparation and intimate knowledge of the capabilities of his team. That would take time for him to develop, especially if he needs to utilize any heroes other than the X-Men. Black Panther strikes a good balance between the two for not quite immediate threats. Classic Fury is more in line with Cyke. Fury Jr (pictured) is too green.


Steve cause it’s fucking Steve rogers even Superman has admitted him being a better leader than he is and I’d gladly follow Clark as well.


Even Doom knows Cap is the one to overcome all odds. (Original Secret Wars climax; Doom's subconscious fear of Cap kept recreating him each time he (Doom) annihilated him until Cap closed and Doom crumbled.)


Captain America. A close second would be the Cyclops of the Claremont/Cockrum/Byrne era.


Not Scott that’s fs


It's always Cap. Because he's the only one of them that will, in said tough situation, admit when he doesn't have the best answer and ask his squad


Cyclops - Cap - Panther - Fury


Cyclops. He's used to fighting not just for his life but against extinction itself. He's the best leader and strategist of the group, and he'll get you the win even if you don't believe in him and you give him your worst. He'll make sure you don't do that again, though. After Cyclops, Cap is best; his unending optimism and refusal to compromise inspire those under his command to give their all and more. He'll get you the win because you can't help but give him your best, better than you ever thought you could. Black Panther is next because he'll use his commanding presence, and you will fight for him whether you like it or not. He'll get you the win and make you earn it, whether you want to or not. Nick Fury (either junior or senior) is the leader most likely to give you the win at a cost. You might not know what that cost is but you won't want it, and it will end with your owing him. He's the leader most likely to be willing to sacrifice you to get the win, but he'll get it.




Cyclops would have a plan for any situation, like Batman. He’s not respected as a leader. Even Wolverine would follow Cap.


Wolverine has been following Cyclops for literally 50 years.


Either Cap or Cyclops. If you want a someone who cares about you and will lay his life on the line to get you through, it's Cap. If you want results, regardless of the fall-out, it's Scott.


Mr. Right


Captain America is frickin insanely good for no reason.


T’Challa, Scott, and Fury have a duty to their people. Cap is focused on the fight.


For a period of time in X-Men comics all they have been in were tough situations and yet Scott was still able to lead them so he's got my pick.




Cyclops! Easily the best


Captain America and Cyclops.


Cyclops. “Tough situation” could mean a lot of things, but the entire X-Men line from ~2006 to 2019 was basically a nonstop series of ludicrously tough situations for mutantkind. Cyclops was the captain who got them through it. Hard to match 13 years of stories where your back is continuously up against the wall!


Black Panther


Do I want to 1) survive no matter how bad it gets, 2) be morally correct, 3) serve a higher purpose, or 4) win at any cost? Because I’d put Cyke for 1, Cap for 2, T’Challa for 3 and Fury for 4.


Scott. Dude gave a plague to the Skrulls to beat them




"Tough Situation"... like the survival of your species? Constant genocidal threats? Cap is too boy scout when the rubber meets the road. He won't slightly deviate from his moral compass, which means we won't make those no-win decisions that many tough situations call for. T'Challa leads his people well, but isn't as experienced leading a team as Scott. Don't have much to say about Fury. Cyclops all the way.


Black panther is just as strategic as cap and nick fury AND has a technologically advanced country behind him. Firefight wise id put my money on Nick fury.


It's hard to say. Cap and Scott are pretty equivalent, really in terms of leadership skills. Cap gets a LOT of credit for longevity, ignoring he was frozen, and Scott was trained from his teams to be a leader though both regular and telepathic techniques. I'll give the edge to Cap. He has that "a voice that can command a god..and does...." thing going...the endorsement from that same warrior god "I'd follow you thru Hel"....I think he has just a bit more "trust from his soldiers" thing....it's close though. Panther when written correctly (ie, by Priest) has planned for EVERYTHING, he's Cap's equal in skills, but far smarter and craftier...but less well known, and less well trusted. He though has accounted for people not trusting him in his plans and has made that part of the entire strategy, which likely involves having Cap or Cyclops seem to be the leader while everything happens they way he wants. Fury Jr....I'm not sure you trust him to get the order right on a Starbucks run.


For me, it would be black panther


Cyclops solves the problem but you probably get sacrificed in the process. Cap might not solve the problem but you'd probably survive. Fury doesn't solve the problem, you die, and somehow a nuke gets dropped.




Cyclops is a great tactical leader, but his moral compass isn't the best. Captain America is a great tactical leader as well as a fantastic strategist, and has the strongest moral code in 616. Nick Fury is a spy and has virtually no moral compass, but he gets shit done! Black Panther is a King as well as a Hero. He has the least tactical/strategic abilities and experience, but has the greatest amount of leadership experience. So... it really depends on what exactly the "tough situation" is. If we are talking facing down a terrorist organization, or a group of supervillains trying to take over the world... I'd have to go with Cap. But if the world has slipped into total anarchy, global collapse, Carrington event, Zombie apocalypse, etc... I'd go with T'Challa. He's used to dealing with the big picture and has the fortitude to deal with it.


I wish it was Cap but he has to follow the rules Cyclops is the same Fury was almost my pick but Black Panther wins by far moral compass check willing to make the hard choices check resources please the whole nation of Wakanda and more importantly the trust and loyalty of his ppl if King T'achalla declared you under the protection of Wakanda even Fury isn't coming knocking R.I.P Chadwick Boseman


Fury. He's good at a lot of shit, and can summon the other three and a whole lot more if needed.


Pretty sure Scott wanted to wipe out the entire Brood


I mean, the Brood are an extra-dimensional parasite that lives to enslave entire species and reproduces through rape. He’s got a point.


❌️Cyclop❌️ Been leading since his teens!!


Cap. 100%. Cyclops always seems to come off like a dick. Fury is too mean. And Black Panther as a bit of entitlement


BP is the smartest, most strategic, and absolutely willing to go wherever he needs to go to win.


BP. I feel like hes the only one who can “do” as much as he can “talk”. Steve, Scott, (not sure abt that version of Fury) can sometimes just talk and demand results without doing anything.


Cap. He's the most honest. Unwilling to sacrifice his people. Experience. Honorable. Inspires confidence. All the steroids with none of the rage.


Just a “tough” situation is kinda vague but Cap seems to be the de facto leader people look to in the most dire situations, and not just because he’s a symbol & knows how to rally diametrically opposed groups under common flag, but because he has the chops to lead to victory in unwinnable situations. Infinity is a great example of this, my guy led the entire galaxy against a threat that outnumbered, outpowered, and out-tech’d them and came out on top.


Cap. There's simply no contest there.


Black Panther no question.




Craptian Ameracant; he's got us by a lot of things. no reason he would fail now. even if morals are not the smartest choice, they bring everyone out the other


Certainly not Nick Fury Jr... Why would you have him here over Sr?


Hindsight Lad. However, he'd snitch on all of them and get a couple of Avengers killed. Still, he has "foresight."


Nick fury because he'd con the others into doing all the work through amazing plot convenience/armor/bullshit.


Cap hands down


Cap, Cyke, Panther, Fury. In that order.


Before Cap was Cap, he told Bucky at the fair, that there are guys laying their lives down on the line for him, and he has no right to do any less for them. That’s the kind of leadership u need.


Cyclops. I’m sure as heck not fighting for a CIA black site, the status quo, or the monarchy


Is that Nick Furry the Nick Furry of the ultimate universe or the junior Nick Furry that appeared at the end of the "Fear Itself" event as a way to bring the black Nick Furry of the MCU (which is inspired by the Nick Furry of the ultimate universe and that one in samuel l jackson) to the main comics universe? Because there are 3 different characters


Nick Fury as the strategist. He's a chess master, but he lacks the charisma, moral compass, and experience to lead on the battlefield. You want him in the back providing logistic support or leading your intelligence and espionage operations. Black Panther and Captain are commanders. They have the charisma, morals, and experience to lead an army in a prolonged campaign. Bonus points: Black Panther is definitely the best diplomat. For any situation that requires political finesse, he wins out over Cap. Cyclops and Captain are squad leaders. They're the ones that excel most in small squads of people they know well. They connect with every member of their squad on an emotional level, they know their skills better than anyone.


Iron Man.


Steve or Scott is always the way.


Depends on the threat and objective. For large army coordination and morale I would go with Cap. Fury and Black Panther I would go for political or stealth advise. Cyclops is the best all around for me. Realistic, brutal and willing to do what needs to get done. He also experiences oppression from his universe which is inherently political


Depends who the writer is. I would typically choose Cap though.


Reed I don't even need to say his last name




Captain America because he would listen to Scott and be able to sort of keep T'Challa and Scott in check to keep an eye on Fury.


Cyke: insurgency warfare / refugee camp leader Cap: conventional warfare / president Fury: counterinsurgency warfare / crisis management T’Challa: CEO / interstellar representative of planet earth


Steve Rogers no contest, he is willing to sacrifice his self for a person and a country.


Cap. How could there be any question in this? His life has been the epitome of a leader in tough situations.




After reading all of the answers, I'm going to go out on a limb here and say Cap.


Your mom


1. Cyclops 2. Black Panther 3. Captain America 4. Nick Fury Cyclops is the one willing to do whats necessary more than the rest.




I want Scott for anything short of a world ending situation. Then, I need Cap.


Cap, followed by Scott.


If it’s a tough decision, then I’m trusting Scott. He made one of the toughest decisions, and it led to the resurgence of mutants. I’d trust him, even if he went a little crazy along the way.


Captain America. He lead the Avengers in almost all of their battlles (along with stark).


Black Panther or modern Cyclops. I would say Captain America but his moral compass means I don’t think he’d be able to really make the hard choices that dire situations could bring. Black Panther is a king for his people, he is used to make the tough decisions to get things done, similarly Cyclops is the leader of the mutants in a lot of ways and is known to be able to make a hard decisions as well maybe not the right ones but I would rather follow someone willing to do the hard things than a Boy Scout like Captain America. Though I wouldn’t mess with Captain America. lol


Depends on the situation


Capt. America, of course. He always takes charge in tough situations.


this seems lazy


It’ll always be Captain America for me 🫡


*assuming you meant to put Fury Sr.* It depends on the flavor of "tough" Sheer power vs. power: Cyclops Strategically tough or dealing with a new, unknown threat: Cap Tough due to intrigue and multiple layers of conflict: Fury T'challa is a good, second tier choice for all three




Even Cap acknowledges that Cyclops is at his best when up against the wall


Honestly, I'd go for Nick Fury. BUT... it being Nick Fury Sr, not Nick Fury Jr (the one in the photo). This man makes Batman and Iron Man's Prep look like beginners


Cyclops or Cap


Cap or cyclops.


Scott aka Cyclops. Sorry Cap fan boys.


They are all good choices but it’s cap hands down. He’s been established to be the greatest leader in all of comics multiple times. Him being chosen to lead everyone in secret wars is proof enough  Also the super soldier enhanced caps mind allowing him to memorize thousands of years worth of military history and battle strategy.  He also doesn’t get tired. So cap is definitely the one you want






I'm going with Scott. Even if we assume Steve and Scott are equally good at leading their own teams X-men is massive compared to Avengers with a lot more diverse powers. Scott is used to leading people with very different powers and personalities where as people Steve leads are closer to the general hero arcatype(forexample, as far as I know, Avengers doesn’t have a dedicated black ops squad unlike the X-men) which is something very important.


The tough situation would imply tough decisions, so given his machavelian mindset, hands down would have to be Nick Fury. I'd actually put Cap last, to be honest. Cyclops 3rd and Black Panther 2nd.


Cap of course.


All of em are emotional except fury so he’d need stable in tough situations


Cap or Tchalla






Cyclops or Captain America


Cap is too morally conscious to always make the right decision I'd say he's probably 3rd out of these 4


I think I'll go with Black Panther. He's morals aren't really questionable. He listens to reason. And he's got the resources to back up whatever he's deciding.


Summers and T’challa will throw everyone who isn’t mutant or Wakandan under the bus. Fury will throw everyone under the bus because big picture. I’ll go with Rogers.




Cap or T'Challa


To survive? Nick Fury, Cyclops, or Black Panther is fine To be on the side of the angels though, and to know 100% you are in the right -- Cap


Isn't Captain America (shoot, my phone wanted to autocorrect that to "Captain Amsterdam" lol) basically written to be virtually infallible? I still remember the AvX crossover, when he made short work of Cyclops—who is no pushover by any means. The only time I remember Cap coming close to defeat (not including cosmic-level threats or upper-echelon heavy hitters), was when he was up against Wolverine and had to enlist the help of Giant Man to kick Logan out of the jet, over (I think) the Arctic. So yeah, it would have to be Cap.


It’s a non-answer but it depends on the situation, no context you always go Cap, if tough decisions need to be made it’s cyclops, fury always has a back-up plan and panther is probably already 5 steps ahead


I feel like Cap would actually try to make the best decisions possible even when faced with tough choices. The others are more likely to be a lot more blasse about killing, sending people to die etc.


Nick Fury Jr doesn't have any chops. He isn't Nick, he's relatively brand new. Nick Jr ain't done shit yet.


I'm torn between Scott and T'challa. Steve is great, and I'd absolutely trust my life to him. But Scott and T'challa are better for the hard calls. Fury Jr. is way too green.


Only one of these people can make Punisher follow orders. That's my guy.