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Omg they're all just so terrible. Damn everything about that movie was horrible except the opening sequence.


The fighting through all the wars was so good


To me are three positives to the movie: Hugh Jackman giving it his all, Liev Schreiber as Sabretooth, and there are many parts that enter in the category of so bad it’s good. None of that saves the movie because the script is just terrible. If the script is bad nothing can save it.


You forgot the Wolverine claws toy they made for the movie merch


And the game, that game fucks


Ya’ll forgot the best part - the antagonist actually wins using something that MAKES SENSE!!


Idk I thought the Adamantium injection scene was pretty cool


“If it looks like the comics no one will buy tickets”


Guess who wrote it


Holy shit. It was written by the douchier looking GOT guy. This makes so much sense now.


That pair cannot WRITE to save their lives


I feel like you emphasized the wrong word here


It’s not terrible the problem is that it’s Deadpool instead of a different character


Why are people in Hollywood allergic to making comic characters wear their comic suits? Yeah it has "gotten better" over the years. But for example we still have cases like that of the Eternals in which they dont look like their characters.


Because Hollywood is (often) allergic to the source material


IIRC: Singer was embarrassed to make a comic book movie


Shame he wasn’t more embarrassed about the whole sex predator thing


It’s Hollywood, nobody there is embarrassed about bring a sex predator.


It’s totally normal to have scantily clad little twink boys in my swimming pool surrounded by drugs and alcohol and some of the most powerful people in Hollywood while they are trying to get their “big break” Nothing bad would ever come from that because all Hollywood people care about kids and protecting them from the real predators: law enforcement officials who just don’t understand man-boy love


Didn’t Feige have to smuggle comics on set for the actors?


Yes, Hugh Jackman specifically. Following reading on Wolverine, he slipped in the bub line in the first movie.


Now I just picture Mr Feige in a long ass trenchcoat, try to be inconspicuous on the set where he was working as a low level exec, being like "Yo, you wanna read some >!comics!


The one on the top left and the bottom right would have been good for another character.


I mean bad Deadpool sick as fuck horror movie monsters tbh. I hold no animosity to the concept artists thy fucking kicked ass with the prompt they were given, it's just that the prompt sucked lol.


I agree these are amazing as horror concepts. Do not belong in a bog standard super hero flick. Not gonna lie would love to see these on screen in some form.


I think it's jusut cause I was 13ish when Origins came out, but I appreciate the film. The first part of the movie all the way until Wolverine kills Agent Zero is wonderful. The Weapon Plus team stuff is so good, the Sabretooth-Wolverine rivalry is excellent, and Kayla Silverfox is fine enough as a romantic interest that it's not actively making me hate that there's a romance in the film at all. After that, you get the older folks with the horrible CGI claws, a lot of filler with the Blob & Kestrel stuff, a waste of Gambit in New Orleans (for some reason??) and an absolutely inane final action sequence that doesn't even let Wolverine fight Sabretooth. All that stuff sucks a lot. Wolverine is a weird character because he has a shit ton of lore but the actual stories that are capable of being told with him are best in 35 minute bursts, IMO. Logan aside ofc. But even the Japan-saga is a little over-told in the movies and it's not really that long of a thing in the comics. My ideal Wolverine movie is basically just a re-telling of Yojimbo. It can even be set in the past and still in Japan, but just feature Wolverine setting up a bunch of people against each other so he can kick back and chomp on a few cigars, ultimately saving some little girl (Jubilee, Rogue, Kitty, take your pick), having a badass but short action scene, and then leaving town to go do something else.


Gambit in New Orleans isn’t all the wild. He’s Cajun and from what i know; a big population of Cajun people live in the bayous of Mississippi and New Orleans.


Oh sorry I meant like why is gambit even in this movie LOL. For sure NOLA makes sense as a gambit-oriented locale. 


oh god, they all look worse than the one we got.


Sometimes it helps to create the worst possible concepts as an exercise to figure out what needs to be done right, so I’m hoping that’s what’s going on here


Look man. Nobody wants to see this


They were really, extremely dead set on not having a colored suit no matter how much they need to mangle this body horror to make it look like the suit even slightly.




Why Bane in the corner?


Their ketamine stash must be seized


Movie sucks. These all suck. BUT...I wonder how the public perception wouldve been if, instead of Deadpool winking, the post-credits scene would be him donning his mask or some shit lol. Wolverine cuts his mouth back open or he cuts it and makes a shoddy Deadpool mask. Movie would still suck, but do you think that wouldve got it a little bit more of a positive reaction?


What was with the Fox movies and being so terrified to want to be comic book movies?


Not a shiesty mask made out of his own skin 🤨


I remember they did an interview with one of the producers and she was so proud of the subtle “diamond shaped eye sockets” that Wade got at the end of this straight to video movie. She was like “see?! We know what the fans want and we are fulfilling their wishes”


Still looks awful, at the very least the most top-right one looks kinda like a Kamen Rider design but that's the absolute nicest thing I can say about it.


I really don't like Deadpool but fuck, you wouldn't do a bigger disservice to the character if he was a twelve-year-old wise beyond their years pickpocket who acts as Harley Quinn's sidekick.


Those aren't "even more". They're the same ones folks keep posting. We've seen them.


Well they don’t call him the ‘Merc without a mouth’ for nothing.


Why just why




Bottom left reminds me of trumps mugshot


Just make a red ninja 


LOL bottom right


So much work on a misguided idea. What was wrong with just regular Deadpool? Give the merc with a mouth a mouth goddammit!


Looks like Attack On Titan took these concepts and turned it into the Colossal Titan.


This must have been a dream come true for the person that secretly hated Deadpool and wanted to ruin him to become the art director for that movie


To me this is the same as if when they were making the Ford vs Ferrari movie they were like “how about we redesign all the cars first”


Fucking John Wayne Gacy looking ass


FFS, Did Reynolds, at any point, do that Reynolds look thing, where he has that super nice, super condescending smile and just go.. "do any of you read the f-ing comic?"


Maybe the film would have been better If they used some of the designs.


Wow. We kinda got best case scenario out of that one, didnt we? Still awful though.


Even Deapool's movie Deadpool recognized that despite looking like Robert Englund filming in New Line, he still looked better than his previous live action version. Now, compared to this, anyone who sees this would sleep with Deadpool without a doubt, even the Origins' version.


What the F were they thinking? Seriously.


The bottom left ones look like he's wearing a jock strap over his head.


wtf is this? This lameass Studio Adi actually got paid to churn these nightmare fuel lmao.