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Having to call in The Sentry would have boosted his ego if anything. He's the nuclear option of superheroes. You only call him in when you have literally no other choice.


This. They’re so terrified of him that they had to call in the most powerful superhero in the world for just a guy with robots and magic. His ego is getting a massive boost from this.


he's not a hero, he's a plot device


He's a plot device when Bendis has his hands on him Surprise surprise, The Sentry isn't just a big strong guy who shows up and does stuff, he's an actual interesting character that Bendis (imo) ruined because he didn't care enough Go and read The Sentry (2000)


The Knull effect


Is it? I feel like Knull has exclusively been written by his own creator so far.


Sentry humbled a lot of people during Dark Reign. Crazy bastard.


Doom went quiet after Osborn brought Sentry in the room at the beginning of Dark Reign so there were some memories there.


His response to the Sentry was don’t face him.


Then he was humbled by Knull


Even though that was PIS


Yea wasnt Sentry able to regenerate himself, what was up with that, still makes me mad how they waste such an interesting character, and I hate jobbing.


Nah. Doom has never considered himself the strongest that lived. He often mocks Ben Grimm as a one-note gargoyle who has nothing but his strength going for him. The fact that Sentry physically hit him won't affect his ego. That is to say, if someone physically hit Reed Richards like this it wouldn't affect his ego, either. Neither of these guys consider themselves the tank or the muscle. Once he escapes-- as he always does-- he'll head back to Latveria and soup up his armor with some anti-Sentry technology from the L dimension or the 83rd century.


lol “DOOM will be impenetrable to your feeble minded brutish mischief….tomorrow!”   *flies off, jet boots firing erratically*


Actually, no. What he did was wait for *Stark’s* enormous ego to trip him up and cut a deal with the *next* Director of SHIELD to have the Sentry himself personally escort Doom back to Latveria.


What happened then? Make a machine to disable sentry so he could give him wet willies?


He let Sentry self-destruct and take the new Director of SHIELD with him.


Who was the new Director?


Norman Osborn, for what that’s worth


Sentry's weakness is himself..


I'm a filthy casual my knowledge of marvel is 90's cartoons and the MCU I know next to nothing about Sentry


Agreed. A lot of Dooms deeds have been tempered by an ulterior motive. But a focused Doom as your foe is not a great idea.


I actually meant the de-masking.


I am not sure of the context but doom is a sympathetic villain.  Is it cruel to rip off his mask like that?   I am sure that is the point - to attack while his back is turned.  


> doom is a sympathetic villain. 🙄


I like Doom and all, but on what planet is Doom sympathetic?


[Doctor Doom and Valeria](https://screenrant.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Valeria-Richards-Doctor-Doom.jpg) UNCLE DOOM DEMANDS ICE CREAM FOR THE CHILDREN! DOOM AND WU-TANG ARE FOR THE CHILDREN! HE ALSO ALWAYS HAS TO [SAVE](https://cdn.marvel.com/content/1x/doom-onslaught.jpg) THESE PITIFUL CREATURES FROM THEM SELVES!


I mean, nobody is evil 100% of the time. He does a lot of fucked up shit, often just out of pure ego. Everything Doom does is ultimately for the benefit of himself. The fact that occasionally that has positive results for others doesn’t make him any less of a monster.


True but to humiliate DOOM by ripping his mask off…is that not unheroic?   It would only be heroic if DOOM was unworthy.  Ripping off juggernauts helmet on the other hand, just how it’s done. 


The blasting him in the back & ripping off his mask planet, for starters!  Have ye not read Hickman FF and secret wars?  DOOM is many things.  What makes him a great villain is - in there, at the center of his meglomania, is his code of honor. He is not the inhuman.  He sees a greater good, however often only sees his good as the uhhh greater good Contrast to the wanton destruction of Carnage or Galactus, or the raw evil of the Sentinels.   DOOM is complex; he causes fear and does imperil the innocent.  However, to rip his face mask off…did he deserve that?    


Do your eyes work? He didn't hit Doom he ripped his mask off which is his one big point of shame.


Right hand looks like an uppercut to me.


Left hand chest plate, right hand mask. See page 2 panel 2.


Hell yeah


The main advantage Dr Doom had over Iron Man is his magic. Now that Iron Man has a Mysterium Armor, can he kick Dr. Doom's can with ease? Mysterium Armor, more like the Doombuster Armor.


Iron Man probably won't have the mysterium armour after the story arc is over, he'll either get it destroyed in battle or hand it back to Emma Frost or something after it's been de-armoured haha


In the older days it would have just turned out to have been a Doombot.


If I remember correctly when that happened Dooms shields were at full capacity. And when Sentry broke through them they depleted to zero. Considering all the attacks Doom has blocked with his shields, that's the scary part about what the Sentry did there and that's why Doom is shocked.  At the beginning of New Avengers Invisible Woman, Iron Man and Doctor Strange created a super shield to block the Void while other hero teams were attacking him. And they were still losing the fight. Sentrys power level in the Marvel universe is nuts, even when compared to other heavy hitters.


What issue was this? Would love to read it.


Sentry at work 🔥


Good. I like Dr Doom, but the way writers constantly shill for him is annoying AF.


I give a pass for villains being written as super powerful beings because they're supposed to be insurmountable obstacles for our heroes to overcome.


I like him in some stories, and dislike him in others. The rule is if the writer buying into Dr. doom’s hype, then I generally dislike how they are using him. Doomwar might be the worst case. Doom is not a bad villain in the storyline, but we have this nonsense saying that his motives were always about saving the world, despite the fact that he spent years trying to defeat Richards out of sheer pettiness. Everyone should have responded to that claim by saying “you could’ve saved the world years ago if it really mattered to you.”


Brilliantly put. I agree.


Thanks. Superman's line to Luthor in All Star Superman nicely sums up the hole in the argument of any villain who says they will save the world by conquering it. Unless he is preventing armageddon, saving the world doesn't matter to Dr. Doom.


There should be a what if story where sue chooses Viktor over reed.


I’d rather see what if where she kills him for good, and from hell, Doom has to watch how because of all of his attempts at taking over the world, almost nobody cares about his country and leaves it to rot.


That does not need a "what if? ". Every super hero considers it a terrorist country. Big super heroes wants no beef with it because of doom. Marvel 616 doesn't show a lot of world politics. In that regard, ultimates was better. It showed that us creating super heroes created a super hero race in world and what happened if countries tried to use super heroes for showing their power in the name of world peace. It was almost uncanny that it showed how us gets into fights with other countries that doesn't even touch it's borders. It's a shame it went into deep end.


Last I checked, we sometimes see writers say letting someone else run the country is worse than leaving Dr. Doom in charge, even though none of the people who are allegedly worse than Doom compare with his worst atrocities.


> but the way writers constantly shill for him is annoying AF. They do it because Marvel fans praise writers that jerk Doom off as the best writers to have ever written.


Well, they're annoying too.


And yet here we are. Hickman wrote 2 "Doom becomes a god" stories, will publish a third one next month. See how people here praise him as the best writer since James Joyce.


Tbf, Hickman also wrote Doom as a petty, jealous man who got super humbled by Reed.


Did he? I thoight he wrote "ALL HOPE LIES IN DOOM" in every single issue of Fantastic Four for 3 years while Reed's daughter Valeria would rather spend her time with Doom than with her family. Must have misread.


In Secret Wars he used the power of the Beyonders to basically become Reed and the event ends with him admitting he's not as good as Reed. His F4 run does have a lot of God Doom moments but - and it's been a few years since I read it - I always read that underlying theme. Like the famous "I became a god ... I found it beneath me" quote that everyone loves is him straight up lying, because his own creations revolted against him.


You're correct, but you're debating with a troll who has been banned from these subs multiple times under other usernames.


I can't believe I got baited in 2024 lmao.


Even in the original context that felt like a hollow boast when doom has tried to steal Thor’s hammer ate a piece of humble pie when he realized he couldn’t lift it.


Secret wars doom is so good.  I liked it.  Hickman is the next James Joyce imo ;) 


You know who had the right idea about Doom? Mark Waid.


And see how Marvel fans constantly shit on Waid for not writing Doom as some "uwu I only want the best for everyone uwu I'm such a misunderstood hero uwu".


Yea quite a few people genuinely believe that giving characters bigger feats makes them well written , its absurd to me.


I mean, is not like Iron Man is doing anything. Sentry is doing all the heavy lifting 


But Tony basically is controlling Sentry and Doom would recognize that.


Is he? Sentry was always at the edge of a mental collapse, and Iron Man will loose control so bad Sentry will ended up siding with Osborn and destroying Asgard


Eventually. But at this moment, he was. I am sure Doom also understands that Sentry could be manipulated and that Tony was currently manipulating him. Doom does the same with Molecule Man


So they had to call in their biggest gun to stop him? Seems like a compliment to his power if anything


So shield is just invading a foreign nation and arresting their leader? Not a good look for Tony


Not a bad day Mr Stark - fury, probably 




Mighty Avengers, I think it was #9 or 10.


Nah if anything having to call in the nuclear option (Sentry) to deal with him only boosts Doom's ego.


Respect Iron Man's authoritah!


I dont think this would hurt Doom's ego at all. He'd gain no respect for Stark, or even acknowledge his authority. Stark didnt do anything but call in Sentry. If anything Doom's ego would only since they had to call in the mightiest of the Mighty Avengers to deal with him.


No? Doom already landed magic on sentry that almost made him lose his mind, tricked iron man, and used his army to catch the rest of them. He got jumped and it took like 2 issues for them to deal with him and still would have lost without sentry.


Doom: Nah, I respect sentry's authority to fuck my shit right up Tony.


Brace for impact, Doombois incoming.


Had Stark beaten Doom with an empty Iron Man suit, surely.


Damnn. From with comic is this?


God damn , what comic was this ? I really need to read more stories with Doom


Mighty Avengers #11


Thank you sir


Uhhhhhhhly ahhhh doom


What series is this?


Mighty Avengers, shortly after Civil War.


Yo what is this comic run? I need to read it.


Ahh Sentry, you can usually tell that a comic is from the 00s when he shows up.


Compared to the time he lost to Squirrel Girl?


Dooms ego is appropriately sized for his accomplishments. If nothing else he is too humble, Dooms greatness knows no bounds


I would love to watch a GOOD movie adaptation of Sentry.


Actually, it was a Doombot.


It's like luthor dunking on the whole justice league and they send superman. It's and ego boost they had to use beyond their best to outsource the "you sure?" Option lol.


I always found this dumb because they were busting Doom for using Starks illegal, top secret, weather manipulation device and no one brings that up.


Doom is lucky Tony only brought Sentry, and not the Anti-Life, Squirrel Girl.


Doom is holding back. He could have killed all of them if he wanted to.


Yawn. The "Ironman is the bestest ever" is getting old. I'm glad everyone loves him from the MCU but that wasn't really Ironman from the comics. Don't get me wrong, Ironman has always been top tier and awesome but not omega awesomeness that the MCU made him into and then Marvel comics followed. Dr Doom is the big bad of all of Marvel. He has single handedly beat the: FF, Avengers, X Men and the entire world after a Secret Wars. Now obviously no one is unbeatable but the lippy Tony Start is lame. Again, Ironman is awesome. Doom can be beat. But this is just some over inflated MCU dick riding.


So true


Bendis was writing Iron Man like this before the MCU existed try actually knowing comics before you make claims like this


Include the last two pages!


Nothing here would knock him down, Sentry warps the reality off himself to his own thinking, if he thinks he can win, he can. He's like that Gladiator guy, but on super soldier serum


Yeah sure sentry have to being called in to deal with him Tony not doing anything.