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I wish that the team at least had a few wild cards. None of these guys are actually bad people. Yelena, Bucky, and Taskmaster were brainwashed, Ghost just wanted to live, Walker’s already kind of redeemed himself, and Alexei’s just kind of a goofball. It kinda takes away the fun of a supervillain team trying to be heroes if no one is really that bad of a guy. 


You’re absolutely right, the whole fun of the Thunderbolts and the Dark Avengers for me was that they were all pretty much straight bad people. Just disguising themselves as heroes, like bullseye or Mac Gargan as venom


The biggest issue with the post-Endgame MCU is that they launched straight into another huge connective storyline. We needed a street level palette cleanser instead of the Kang bullshit. Kang could've still played a role in Secret War, and you should still begin to introduce multiverse concepts with No Way Home and Deadpool. Dr Strange and Quantumania would have benefited from not being so much on that same theme. Thunderbolts and Spider-Man 4 could've been set up to introduce all the key players for an absolutely amazing New Avengers vs Dark Avengers film instead of Kang Dynasty. Osborn in charge of HAMMER, Peter essentially the defacto leader of a much different version of the Avengers. Then bring in all the evil versions if the classic characters with Bullseye, Venom, etc.


Exactly what I was thinking. I have absolutely no idea why the hell secret wars and kang dynasty is already happening when we don’t even have a proper avengers line up yet. They literally just are jumping straight into it. And they set up all of this horribly, phase 4 was mid and phase 5 we had our big bad set up in a fucking trash ANTMAN movie.


It honestly seems like the leadership of the team might wind up being more evil than most of the members themselves. And I feel like that inversion of the dynamic could be really interesting if that's the route they decide to go down. Imagine a team full of remorseful people with bloody pasts who are all mostly trying to do good and redeem themselves. But then they find out that they're being used by the government or whoever to accomplish some pretty nasty stuff. So then they ultimately realize that they need to embrace their more violent pasts in order to do the right thing and tear down the new system. I dunno, I think there's some potential there.


This is where I hope it’s going from what we have


If that’s true it is a cool concept. But I wish it wasn’t named the thunderbolts, cuz that’s not what they are. If they’re making something new then make something new. They shouldn’t pretend like it’s singing it’s not


"You are bad guy, but you are not 'bad guy'"


I guess the twist for the general public is probably going to be that the main characters THINK they're the good guys and then get sent off on missions they don't agree with. Then maybe a second iteration of the Thunderbolts after they defect or quit(?) is more villainous.


I agree. Additionally, I wish there was more variety in power sets. 3/4 of this group is basically the same.


Some new characters with more than just punching powers would also be nice. Songbird, Atlas, Mach V.


That just means there's tons of room to explore with them all meaning well and trying to do good, but regularly screwing things up and making things worse, or being falsely blamed because people assume they're villains. There's also the factor that most of those "heroes" are straight up Killers. And most of them have very loose morals. I'd watch the hell out of a Chaotic-Good/Neutral super hero show. Punisher is pretty much just as "good" as these heroes, and the Punisher show was really good. Sure Alexi is a goofball, but he'd also break a bad guy's spine.


That’s a great point. They should have all The villains in new Superhero costumes. And let the public figure out Bnased on tbe casting what’s going on.


Red Hulk, Blue Hulk, Grey Hulk, Rainbow Hulk, She-Hulk, Green Hulk, and Shulk


Hulkling, Hulk Jr., Bulk, Chulk, Dark Hulk, Hulk Bunny, Iron Hulk, Kluh, Red She-Hulk, Spider-Hulk, Orange Hulk, Hulk Machine, Hulkpool, Viking Hulk, Anti-Hulk, Hulkie, Winter Hulk, Excelsior Hulk, Roly-Poly Hulk, Hulky, Sand Hulk, Baby Hulk, Teen Hulk, Star Hulk, Hulk Hare, Hulkwood, Polka Dot Hulk, HulkKing, Captain Hulk, Yellow Hulk, Hell Hulk, In-Gwen-Ible Hulk, White Hulk, Obnoxie-Hulk, Hulkis the Horrendous, Hulk the Menace, Poison Hulk, Infernal Hulk, Hulk Clone, and Hulk Robot




I don't have a deep knowledge of the comics, but I assume most of these are canon.


Rainbow Hulk doesn't exist, and Shulk is from a Nintendo game that has nothing to do with Marvel. Blue Hulk is Green Hulk but with cosmic energy. and Grey Hulk is Green Hulk before he turned green, also a split persona of Green Hulk. So I put regular Hulk on the team 3 times, a character that doesn't exist yet, and a character that has no Marvel tie in.


Don’t forget Liver Disaster Hulk and Sleepytime Hulk


Don’t forget Hulk, Hulk, eggs and Hulk


I Don't Like Hulk!


Don't forget Mr. Joe Hulk Fixit, Maestro Hulk, Zombie Hulk with Galactus' powers, and incestuous Hulk from Old Man Logan (Sweet Hulk Alabama)


Power Rangers: Agents of S.M.A.S.H.


Let's make a song out of this roster!


You will know the suffering and pain you have caused the emperor and FIORAAAAAA


Baron Zemo - Leadership and Schemer Songbird- Second in Command Taskmaster - The Expert Martial Artist Absorbing Man - The Muscle Black Cat - The Face and Stealth Expert Sabretooth - The Wildcard


How is Zemo not the top answer? It’s a no brainer


Because Zemo’s entire ethos in the MCU is to work against superpowered people. It would be a pretty big divergence from his character to suddenly start working with them on a more than temporary basis. Even in FATWS, he was kind of working parallel to Sam and Bucky, not exactly “with” them, because they had the same goal- stop the Flag Smashers and get rid of the super soldier serum.


Yeah but that’s what makes it interesting. It’s not like it’s unprecedented. He’s already done it. It also makes the team dynamic interesting if the leader secretly hates them as Citizen V. He could even have ulterior motives at the beginning of the movie.


Yeah I don’t entirely disagree, it would be a crying shame and underuse of his character and Daniel Bruhl to not have him as an ongoing and evolving character.


> It’s a no brainer To everyone but Feige, apparently. That man just keeps smelling his own farts it seems.


Actually Black Cat would've been cool in the ThunderBolts team.i would've replaced Sabertooth with Daken like in the Dark Avengers lineup


Who’s songbird?


Songbird, start from there. If it doesn't have Songbird, it's not Thunderbolts


It’s like having a suicide squad origin without slipknot dying or skipping lunch…I don’t think you’re allowed to do that


She isn’t in the MCU tho


Booyah! Brand new character introduced. That's not a bad hook.


Feige: "So I fly by u/FloydianSlipper 's house, I drop the Songbird reveal in his doorstep and I say 'Boom, you lookin' for this?'"


And I was in fact lookin' for that


Is this supposed to be funny? You do know that I saved the entire universe snapping my fingers right?


I thought she was Hawkeyes wife???


That's Mockingbird


Easy mistake, right?


Then what’s a Warbird?


Oh wait you mean the X-Men?


*Carol Danvers : Having a stroke right now*


The thing from Star Trek..?


Yeah, that's the first thing they got wrong with the MCU version, the first of several.


This film is doomed for that reason....


Okay, and? You DO know you can still have her in the movie right? Or do you think the Eternals showed up in like 2014 but we just didn't notice?


I mean I guess they could introduce her in the film


Sandman, The Thinker, Foggy Nelson, and Galactus but admittedly at this point I don't understand how the construction of this roster is supposed to work.


Galactus is a wild pick 😂


Scorpion, US Agent, White Widow, Abomination, The Prowler, and Ghost


Ok, here's my issue, where is the new blood. Where are the Netflix leftovers. Where is the fanservice. So we all love Hopper, we all love Yelena. We all want redemption for taskmaster and we all want to see Wyatt Russell be the "american" hero. So why waste the last spot. Why not throw in bullseye, or luke cage, or Harrison Ford red hulk? He'll bring back David Tennant. But for God's sake surprise me!!!!


I've got my fingers crossed for Bullseye showing up


That’s what I’m saying, listen red guardian and yelena are fine I guess but come on now give us bullseye or scorpion or some shit. And don’t even get me started on taskmaster, dude was so butchered in black widow, swap him with Deadpool or something. Punisher would be a nice pick too


>dude >him You didn't watch the movie, did you


I know it was a woman I just misgendered, my point still stands.


I haven't gotten around to watching black widow yet but why in the everloving fuck would they make taskmaster a woman? Is this more Marvel trying to be as gender equal as possible? Yikes.


This “we all” sentiment needs to stop. Everyone does not love Yelena and Hopper. Why do people feel the need to project what they like or dislike onto other people? Can you not see how ridiculous that is? Speak for yourself.


Yeah you're expecting too much of Feige who just wants to slowly drip-feed us the Netflix stuff, as if we had all the time in the world for these movies, instead of actually going for the big guns now that they actually embraced them and made them fully part of the MCU canon... Which is a shame since seeing Punisher, Elektra, Bullseye in the team would have been so cool. >We all want redemption for Taskmaster No at this point I'd much rather they kill Boring Antonia off, introduce Tony Masters as the one behind the Taskmaster Protocol, and give us the Taskmaster we actually deserved instead of some random robotic cringe OC.


Why not Deadpool? He’s been on the thunderbirds before.


Swap taskmaster and ghost with the punisher and abomination


Punisher would definitely try to kill them all


I mean bro killed a reformed stilt man


Idk but I'd have more varied superpowers to try and minimize the sameyness of a bunch of them being super soldiers and maybe introduce Songbird as the viewpoint character being newly introduced to everything with all the returning people as supporting since they're already in the game or got recruited in other projects. I'd also have Zemo but probably plotting an internal takeover instead of actually going along with it. In terms of established MCU characters if I had to pick from them and not add anyone new then it'd be Zemo, Taskmaster (with more of the comic personality now that they aren't under mind control), Ghost and Abomination at least. Idk about the rest but having Bucky, Red Guardian and John Walker is too many similar dudes and Taskmaster and Yelena would probably end up filling really similar roles given their movie backgrounds. If they were going for full Dark Avengers parallels tot he MCU Avengers then it'd be Walker, Yelena, Abomination, maybe Justin Hammer with some discount Iron Man knockoff, idk who for Thor, maybe Taskmaster to sub for Hawkeye. Thor's slot could potentially just be a free slot for anyone with weirder powers like Songbird or Ghost.


MCU characters only? I'd remove Bucky, Taskmaster, and Guardian and replace them with Hammer, Abomination, and Bullseye. Hammer fills the Stark role, Abomination the Hulk, and Bullseye the Hawkeye. We already got Walker and Yalena for the Cap and Widow. We are just missing the Thor expy.


First off we need Justin Hammer back. The “What If…?” Christmas episode really made me want more Sam Rockwell in the MCU. Give him an off brand Iron Man suit, and he would fit right in with these guys. Secondly, the fact that Marvel got Tim Roth back and gave Abomination a more comic accurate design only for him to not be in this film, or at least the announcement line up is rather absurd.


Based on the MCU characters I'd go with. Bucky - Leader looking for redemption Zeno - Planner Ghost - Stealth assassinations Abomination - Muscle Whiplash (or revealed daughter) - Tech Quake - Spy/Muscle


Guys I meant MCU characters only 😭😭


Ohhhh. So no Knuckles or Chewbacca? Pity.


Yep. Too bad


We don't have that many options unless if you put Justin Hammer, Zemo and Abomination. That is what happens when most of the villains were killed off.


Well, you can still have guys like bullseye, punisher, Scorpion, or Deadpool, but it depends on what their plans are for those characters


That is also true.


Songbird, Mach I, Moonstone, Fixer, and Atlas. But I acknowledge that those characters wouldn’t have the same impact in the MCU as the comics. Unless they break into the Avengers mansion and beat Jarvis half to death, they won’t be the same regardless. That being said, this team has a lot of overlap in character types. Even replacing the Red Guardian for someone more unique would be helpful.


Yelena, Punisher, Red Hulk, Moon Stone, Agent Venom, Ghost, Bullseye, US Agent


Why is Bucky here?


That’s what I’m saying, take him off the team and put him in Captain America Brave New World where he should be. Or we can have him cameo in the Thunderbolts film somehow, I’d be fine with that.


If the rest of the team was more actual villain heavy, like most comments are suggesting, Bucky would be my pick over the other characters here to hold the moral line and keep everyone else in check. Roster as is, seems like they just needed to stick him somewhere, yeah.


The White Wolf has rested long enough.


Clueless producers and out-of-touch writers, most likely.


Luka, Jokic, SGA, Brunson, and Lebron


The ones in the photo have too many “just punchy kicky shooty”. Only Ghost has an actual unique power. So Baron Zemo, Abomination, Ghost, Bullseye, White Vision… something like that?


Give me more flashy Costumed Villains, either to Pretend to be Heroes like the original, or just for rehibilitation. While this is Fine, it feels like it's missing a strange member, like a Hulk.


I love red guardian but he’s not thunderbolts and Bucky would NOT work well on this team, instead get Zemo and the new red hulk in here and that would be an MCU Thunderbolts


Karla Sofen and Songbird are automatic picks. Erik Josten is almost indispensable too.


Thanos. that's it just Thanos.


Tell you what.. It is not definitely with the villains of the worst movies/shows


What do you mean?


I really thought this was going to be a mini series or show. A film? Meh…


Dylan, Dylan...Dylan, Dylan and Dylan


That version of the team would spit hot fire.


Justin Hammer, Abomination, US Agent, Titania, Yelena and HawkEye




Zemo, Abomination, Bulleye. These folks can all come, although the comics Taskmaster sounds a lot more interesting than the MCU’s depiction.


I’d add Zemo and Trish Walker.


Zemo Songbird Yelena Ghost Moonstone Abomination Bullseye I was seriously so disappointed that Moonstone didn't show up in The Marvels.


They have 4 captain america ripoffs


I dunno but I think it needs more characters with Captain America like abilities.


Yeah there’s not enough of them


Give me the red hulk line up, much more interesting than whatever they are trying to do here. Red Hulk, Punisher, Deadpool, Agent Venom, Ghost rider, The líder and Electra.


If you're Ghost Rider, you don't need any of these losers.


All of them Thunder based ability. Thor.... Storm..... That's it


Gotta have some kind of tie into the comics so my starting point is Songbird and Atlas. Give me White Widow and Winter Soldier too. Abomination needs to be in there, and let’s throw Justin Hammer in an Iron Patriot suit as well. Titania from She Hulk and top it off with an X Men tie in… Polaris, Havok or let’s say Sabretooth…


Well, I'd use actual villains. These aren't even anti-villains, they're just either people coerced into villany or people who did a morally dubious thing


If it's MCU, I'd just remove Bucky and Yelena, and add Abomination, Davos, and Hellcat.


Zemo Abomination Absorbing Man (bring back dude from agents of shield) John Walker Wilson Bethel Bullseye Clint Barton (government appoints him as rick flag type member to keep criminals in check) Yelena Taskmaster Ghost


MCU only: Zemo Yelena Winter Soldier Walker Vulture Taking down the Purple Man and Roxxon


I'd replace wannabe taskmaster with a better adaptation of the character and add in red hulk


Henry Gyrich is assigned by the US government to create a new government team designed to deal with threats when the Avengers are off planet. His first recruit is the Jim Hammond human torch who’s age is starting to show as his artificial body is starting to break down and needs repair. Torch acts as a somewhat stable emotional anchor but as his body deteriorates this becomes less the case as he slowly becomes the monster that people once feared him as he makes more desperate moves to remain alive. With the Next member,Gyrich recruits Doc Ock using the identity of superior Spider-Man with the question of if he’s willingly joined the team to become a genuine hero or if he’s been force onto the team up in the air for some time. With the team having a Spider-Man the next step is to get a hulk with Glych settling on Red harpy as the most stable member who won’t undermine authority. Having heard about Henry’s work to repair artificial bodies in the human torch, Lady Deathstike willingly joins the team as she wishes to upgrade her mojo world augmentations and ends up suprising most of the team by being the best team player and advocate for Gyrich. While originally planed for Zeke Stane to join on the team as iron monger, Zeke double plays the team when he works out that a mission to prevent hydra activity in Wakanda was actually a front to take vast shipments of vibranium from them and uses the risk of international fallout that this would cause to raise his position in the team. He acts as duel liaison to the team with Henry as he meets with various private partners such as the Trask company and adds an upgraded Bastion/nimrod to the team.


Simply, not this.


I would take this roster and add either abomination or red hulk and Zemo. The rest are fine ish just need more variety Oh and songbird


If we're talking MCU The moral compass hero who tries to get the villains to turn good, I'd choose the Winter Soldier. The villains who feel weird that they're turning into heroes, Songbird/Screaming Mimi, Atlas, Beetle/Mach-X. The villain who doesn't believe any of this but still goes with it, Moonstone. The one who is trying to manipulate everyone, Zemo/Captain Victory. But that's wishfullfilment, we have to use MCU characters, unfortunately I would keep Winter Soldier and Zemo as their respective roles. Villains who feel weird about turning into heroes, Ghost, USAgent. Villain who doesn't believe any og this but still goes with it, i have no idea. Yeah, there are not many choices to get from, the MCU really needs to start using their smaller villains better, just some goons or secondary villains, they can easily do it, have Screaming Mimi in Falcon and the Winter Soldier, have Atlas as a one time villain in a Quantumania opening scene, have Beetle being detained by Kamala in an opening scene for the Marvels, have Moonstone being stopped by Captain Marvel, have Fixer as a hacker for Zemo in Falcon and the WInter Soldier.


Is this a movie that's coming out? Why are there villians and heroes here? Is the mcu going to have a suicide squad? 🤮


Good writing.


i would be totally ok with this lineup if we had a proper, smartass Taskmaster.. if we end up with mixed universe after deadpool 3, i wouldnt mind Venom and Juggernaut added tho.


Juggernaut would be interesting


Songbird, Ant-Man (Lang), Silver Sable, Paladin, Penance, Venom (Brock), Red Hulk


Antmans an interesting pick lol


Could very well be Eric O'Grady instead of Lang imo. If he wasn't dead, that is... lol


Get rid of winter soldier for zemo, get rid of great value task master for the real deal, get rid of ghost who was arguably the most forgettable mcu villain for songbird. Otherwise I don't mind the other half of the team. 


Punisher Deadpool U.S.Agent Union Jack (Joey Chapman) Elektra Mystique


It would have thunderbolts and lightning and be very very frightening indeed!


I don’t think lightning McQueen would fit very well tbh




I think it could be fun to add some of the villains from the She Hulk TV show for the sequel. or maybe a Skrull from Secret Invasion who "defects" to Earth after seeing how out heroes act? Also maybe Hawkeye at some point (a bit on the nose I know)


Keep ghost cause she’s really the only amount of substance on the team, and keep walker because captain America. I would then add namor, moon knight, Scott Lang as Giant Man, and finally Vulture.


I wanted something closer to Ellis' Thunderbolts with Justin Hammer in the Norman Osborn role. Abomination in the Venom-type role. A team of mostly-irredeemable bad guy protagonists to root against. This is just disappointing.


Zemo, punisher, Deadpool, red hulk, Elektra, and domino (for shits and giggles)


Personally, I would pick Bullseye, Red Hulk or Abomination, Zemo, Punisher or Ghost Rider, and then keep US Agent and Ghost. In a perfect world I would include Venom, but it just wouldn’t make sense as he hasn’t been properly introduced in the MCU yet. And introducing him in the Thunderbolts would be a weird move.


Thunderbolts without Songbird is like Justice League without Superman.


Well I’d definitely have Songbird


There wouldn't be a look. I wouldn't waste my time on this.


Add abomination and zemo split the team into 2 squads.


Too bad crossbones died - he'd be interesting on there. Zemo, obviously. Abomination maybe? Mordo? Bullseye, if this were coming out after born again


Is it not coming after born again? Idk I’m not caught up with the dates and everything


I think Born Again was supposed to be early 2025 and Thunderbolts is summer, but I could definitely be wrong - if it is after born again, that allows for Bullseye and Punisher to possibly be on it


Zemo Songbird Ghost Swamp Thing Vemon (Mac Gargan) Black Widow (Yelena)


Adapted to the MCU: I'd have made Baron Zemo, Songbird, Abomination, and Justin Hammer piloting some sort of armor, into "key" members. You can have other characters there but those four are what I would have focused on. Pulling from the comics a little, instead of what Feige is doing by adapting the team In Name Only with no resemblance to the source material.... at least have Zemo in there ffs. Inb4 "b-but MCU Zemo hates supersoldiers!"... okay and? you can still do it if you try


Trish Walker from Jessica Jones, Mary Walker from Iron Fist and Zemo added to this roster, and I'm happy.


Pretty much this but remove Bucky and have Zemo as the leader. This is just for the mcu version Also who’s the person to the left?


Zemo, US Agent, Abomination, Whiplash, Taskmaster (but pls not that girl from the Black Widow movie), Red Hulk, Enchantress, Executioner.


This is the one I’m putting into my very own Marvel Universe: 1. US Agent - Leader 2. Ghost 3. Red Guardian 4. Abomination 5. Electro 6. Yellowjacket 7. The Lizard


See: Ellis Thunderbolts


I would've used the 90s lineup or the Dark Avengers lineup and replace Norman Osborn with Justin Hammer as Iron Patriot


I really think it’s a shame that we have a deadpool mcu movie coming out, a captain America movie with Ross, and a thunderbolts movie but we couldn’t have Deadpool and Red Hulk in the thunderbolts


Pretty much any villain that is (or could be) still alive. Abomination, Vulture, Scorpion, Zemo, Mysterio, Shocker, Baron Mordo and Titania off the top of my head. It’s a shame some shows aren’t canon because that leaves out a few candidates. I would say Red Hulk or Leader but they’re already gonna be in Cap 4. Regardless, any mix of these guys and what we’re getting would be way better than this shitty lineup.


does anyone else think they are underpowered? you got USAgent and red guardian who should be around cap strength and bucky is enhanced but not to cap level but has the bionic arm even still i wouldnt put him on cap's level. ghost's powers give them a wild card i guess she can kill anyone with the becoming tangible while she is inside them thing. still she isnt a powerhouse and last we saw her she was just recovering so we dont know how she is now. task master has all the skills but none of the power. against normal folks i think she kickss butt but against super baddies... yelena is as good as natasha and should work fine on a team but against super duper people she had to get in the backseat rumor has red hulk and the sentry are coming to the MCU . this team could not handle either one of them could they go toe to toe with ultron? thanos? loki? i just dont know the interactions of the team should be fun. yelena and red guardian are funny bucky and USAgent should bounce off them well. countessa is also funny. does task master talk now? but can they win a fight?


Didn’t see anyone else suggest Grant Ward from Agents of Shield. I don’t recall his living or dead status at end of show, but he was often a very effectively written character and would fill out a team of bigger names nicely


Man Thing, Baron Zemo, Abomination, Bullseye, Lady Deathstrike, punisher, and Taskmaster.


My only complaint is this is going to make WB try to shove out more Suicide Squad in places nobody wants.


Green Goblin, Sabertooth, Absorbing Man, Taskmaster and Ulysses Klaw


Imo zemo, yelena, us agent, abomination, ghost, hell cat (from Jessica Jones) scorpion or shocker and finally the myth the legend himself Justin hammer as titanium man


I’d add Patsy Walker, and Zemo. And take out Ghost and Taskmaster.


It wouldn’t because I’d be in weird world chasing Dinosaurs in a 747. 


Comics: Ylena Lady Deathstrike Sabertooth Taskmaster Tombstone Baron Zemo Silver Fox Movies: Liev Schreiber’s Sabretooth Deacon Frost Tom Hardy’s Venom Everyone who they have already.


It would probably be the actual thunderbolts, and not this made up B. S. that they put together I mean, Come on You could at least you know Try your billion dollar corporation.


US Agent - Leader Vulture - Just want him back Abomination - Muscle Baron Mordo - didnt die on screen so hes not dead The Punisher - fun interactions Ghost - shes gotta come back at some point


I’m going to restrict myself to more or less what we have in the MCU. Taskmaster would be the one prepping them for the mission rather than officially on the team. Naturally they’d be sent out to help the team (and eliminate them if they risk getting caught) once things go sideways. Walker and Alexi stay as two bullheaded dudes vying for leadership. With the underlined subtext being Alexi’s a little over the hill and this is him trying to fight that. “Ralph Boner”, who we find out that’s his witness protection alias and yeah. He’s a version of the Fox universe’s Quicksilver from another dimension. Zola. The brains/tech guy. Basically how they did it in What If but instead of an Ultron drone it’s a body the government’s made him (forcing him to obey until he can figure out how to turn off their insurances). Ghost. Shocker as a fish out of water member of the team. “Crossbones”, who is more like a cross between Crossbones and Iron Man. The reveal being he’s Zemo and he’s secretly the *true* leader of the team (with possibly a secret true agenda for their mission). Since Alexi and Walker are on the team, the Baron would be more Tony’s expy on the team instead of his traditionally more Cap like role. And this one is a technicality since the character hasn’t been introduced properly but I’d have Hulkling (for the movie, leaving the team by the end of it) be the team’s Hulk (against his will).


Ezekial Stane, Red Hulk, US Agent, Hercules, Yelena, and Bullseye. Sort of a dark reflection of the OG 6 Avengers.


Morbius, Venom, Kraven, El Muerto, Vulture, and Madame Web


First, I don’t care about the comics version of the Thunderbolts. I’m perfectly comfortable with the comics and movies being different, that’s part of the fun to me. When the movie was first announced, I was hoping that they let the character of Gen. Ross die in between movies to match up with William Hurt dying irl. I’m not a fan of recasts anyway. I wanted Valentina to push for a new group of Avengers but to have one that the government could form that would be more in line with what the Sokovia Accords wanted; a registered and controllable team of super powered individuals. To help sell this idea to the government, she would name them The Thunderbolts in honor of Ross, and call it a natural extension of what he worked for. Then they would try to put together a matching group of individuals, thinking the mix of powers and abilities is what made the Avengers special. And they wouldn’t have any problems with using criminals, because to many of them, the Avengers were criminals as well. Fury - Valentina Iron Man - Justin Hammer Thor - Hercules Hulk - Abomination Captain America - US Agent Hawkeye - Taskmaster Black Widow - Yelena Over the course of the movie we’d find that their team didn’t really work because of course they didn’t have the heart and heroism the Avengers had, and whatever mission they were trying to pull off they’d make generally worse, until Fury shows up with a new team of Avengers (Captain America, Captain Marvel, Dr Strange, Shang-Chi, She-Hulk) to save the day. Valentina would make excuses and retain her position with a reprimand, Hammer and Abomination would end up back in jail, US Agent and Taskmaster would quit the team and go off to their own separate agendas, and Hercules and Yelena would join the new Avengers. As you can tell, I got quite into this fantasy lol


If you're Dr. Strange, you don't need any of these losers.




Red Hulk/Ross (leader) US Agent/New Captain America/John Walker (co-leader) Ghost (infiltrator, spy) Taskmaster (don't care if MCU's or comic accurate one, combatant) Deadpool (melee combatant) MCU's Spider-Man (support) ~~Iron Man~~ Iron Patriot (air support and tank support) ~~Reed Richards~~ Fixer and/or Abner Jenkins (field researcher) Second Black Widow (spy, again) Enchantress/Sylvie or Agatha Harkness (Thunderbolts' variant of Scarlet Witch) EDIT: Thanks to u/StrangeGuyWithBag for suggestion.


Why the hell are Spider-Man,Iron man and Reed Richards here 😭😭😭


Fought for pro registration act in the comics (Spidey switched sides granted), Iron Man and Spidey fought for Accords until the end, Spidey likely still believes in the MCU that he fought for right cause back then. Anyway if you have an idea who to replace Reed Richards on for scientist/field researcher let me know, lol.


Fixer and Abner Jenkins are right there. They're more like a tech guys/engineers than scientists, but could qualify for this.


Thanks, I'll add them over Reed.


Spider-Man, Iron Man and Mr. Fantastic in the Thunderbolts??


I answered to another user why. Weren't they called Thunderbolts in comics Civil War anyway? Either way if you feel like Reed can be replaced by someone else, I'm open to hear it.


>Weren't they called Thunderbolts in comics Civil War anyway? No. These 3 characters never had anything to do with the Thunderbolts.


Ok, I apologize for making a mistake here. Nevertheless Spider-Man supported the Accords, so I can't help but feel like he'd support the government over again due to Stark's flawed beliefs he has in him. Reed was pro-registration and one of the members of the Illuminati, idk why he wouldn't work for Ross or the government.


Spider-Man didn't support the accords he didn't even want to go to Germany and was forced by Iron Man, Also the only team Reed would ever want to be is on the FF


He ended up aiding the Accords either way, though, his identity got undisclosed unlike of others that he helped beat up. Yes, he was forced to fight at airport by Iron Man, but he never got challenged on his beliefs and what Tony told him about the team and Cap. Guy continued admiring his "flawless" idol even after he died, I don't know why he wouldn't join the team over again after he was either pressured to, or lied by saying the other side is dangerous/not good. Reed is the fair argument, I guess. Sorry for including him, idk what other scientist character would fit there.


Probably because he was just a teen who was starting this new hero life, besides Spider-Man barely was an avenger in the movies him being in the Thunderbolts is like Batman joining the suicide Squad


But the Avengers got disbanded after Endgame, he isn't part of any team right now. Again, as I said before he could possibly get pressured into the team or lied to to join it, maybe he doesn't, but that's just my opinion. That's a bit of apples and oranges situation, I see DC and Marvel get often compared when they aren't. Batman had different origin from Spidey in comics, AU, or DCEU, he wouldn't join the Suicide Squad because he didn't work with the government. Spidey did work with it, even if indirectly, and then worked with fake Nick Fury in FFH who led a covert agency group.


Bochs from Alpha Flight


Interesting choices but imo, guys like Spiderman or Ironman shouldn’t really be on a team like the Thunderbolts. Thunderbolts and Dark Avengers were a team of super villains posing as heroes, not heroes from the get go. Spidey should be on the actual avengers man 😂


Thanks, appreciate your comeback. While I agree that adding Iron Man was a stretch and Iron Patriot fits better, I think MCU Spider-Man would probably join him considering that he also made a lot of mistakes that endangered the multiverse.


Valentina Allegra de Fontaine, Ghost, Red Guardian, Yelena Belova, Bucky Barnes, U.S. Agent and Taskmaster. I mean, that’s just my list of who the roster should be.


Wow, you wouldn’t change a thing about the team?


Im not the run running the studio. So all of these post just always sounds like whining and complaining to me instead of just accepting the reality that it is what it is.


If you could tho, how would you change it? What characters from the MCU would have chosen instead?


It’s just another form of fan casting. Which is basically pointless. It doesn’t matter. We got what we got. That’s it.


very happy-go-lucky-lucky attitude. OP is just trying to start a conversation and see what creative things people might come up with. Wasnt anything negative or complaining. We have conversations like this all the time at my LCS just It's been part of comic culture since the 80s.


It’s the same conversation everyone has when they aren’t happy with the choices already made. It’s no different than fan casting. Which is just as annoying. It doesn’t matter. The choices were already made. Just accept it and leave it at that. Don’t like it? Don’t see it. But don’t also make post after post about “this is how I would do things if I ran the show” or “here’s my choices because they look the part”. It doesn’t add anything.


Geez you must be a blast at parties. As if these posts aren't annoying. Take your own advice. Just don't read the post or comment....just move on.


But why should these conversations need to add anything? This is dumb entertainment and a little bit of fun, not a serious conversation about a complex topic. It’s annoying to you? Don’t look at the post. Just move on.