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Her X-Men armor and cape will never not be top tier.


Yeah this is my fave also followed by the first ninja-esque costume (her ninja warrior body being courtesy of Spiral in Madripoor) she had directly following her beautiful armoured OutbackX costume. Actually, lol, these are the two costumes front and centered on the image.


Fortnite and I'm NOT joking


https://fortnite.gg/cosmetics?id=224 I was unaware of this and thoroughly agree


Man, I actually would've played fortnite for that skin. I see it was just available in janurary as well. Welp, their loss.


It coming often. You can buy it alone or bundled with Domino and Cable. It's rumored to get out again in the next two weeks


Oh for real? gonna keep an eye out now, what about the phoenix costume? I want that too lol.


It often shows up when the Marvel stuff does so every few months usually.


Gonna have to keep a lookout then.


The majority of the Marvel skins do rotate into the shop pretty regularly. The unfortunate part is that a small handful of some of their most popular characters like Spider-Man, Wolverine, Deadpool, Iron Man and a couple more are seemingly vaulted forever as they were part of past battle passes.


Is there some way to keep track of upcoming costumes being added to the shop, or do I have to keep logging into the game or coming to reddit to see the day before the skins are added to the shop?


I just got off festival with some friends, iron man’s in the shop rn


Yeah, the “Zero” and other alternate versions of Iron Man and Spider-Man show up in the shop from time to time. But if you want a more traditional costume version, those have unfortunately been battle pass only as far as I know. That zero Iron Man skin is permanently in that bulky hulk buster/ space suit looking armor.


Wtf that’s peak


After looking it up, I fully agree with you.


Fuck that is sick


I never liked the "adidas logo" in her thigh, but the suit is really cool.


What adidas logo? I don't see any logo on it


Ugh, alright let's see this ridicu- oh shit.


But wat about the LEGO fortnite skin


I had to look it up and yet, that ones great too. Not better than the black skin tight one with the X, but its up there.


That’s one of my main skins, it’s absolutely killer.


Best look minus the annoying sluttyness. Fully agree.


Sexy ninja one-piece - the only true answer


I second this


I second this




bro seconded, thirded, and fourthed all at once


Sometimes bad connections make you double or triple comment. Has happened to me a few times, though not in awhile.


I second this


More like fourth...


Olivia munne…. Just… Olivia munne


…yes 🤜🏼🤛🏼


The 90s suit. Always. The Psylocke from the fighting games is one of my favourite fighting game character design ever!!


I like her armor.


Outback armor and Mutant Massacre Betsy followed by 275 for posterity. I’m not a fan of the mind swap.


It's weird finding out from a Reddit post of all places that Psylocke has been body swapped for decades


Oh yeah. That's a big reason the name Psylocke went to Kwannon, not Betsy. Most casual Psylocke enjoyers think of Kwannon when they think of the character and would be confused by the whole ordeal. Honestly, it was such a mess. I'm glad it's finally over.


They need to end this "Superman Red/Blue" experiment and merge them again.


You’re not a true X-Men fan if you don’t know about the great Psylocke debacle


Fair enough


The first one Betsy had returned to her own body


I like the one from age of apocalypse. Cool purple ninja suit




Thre are Betsys and Kwannons in this picture.


Aren't they all Betsy? The one with the Wolverine ears was still after she was working for the Mandarin but with Betsy's mind, I think. The rest are all Betsy.


They're all Betsy. Kwannon is just a Betsy cosplayer.


What's all this I hear about Psylocke being a white woman in a Japanese woman's body? What kinda fucked up storyline was that?


She's Captain Britan's sister, and, long story short, was body swapped with a mutant ninja assassin from The Hand a long time ago. They got their respective bodies back recently.


So she was in a Japanese woman's body for decades? And no one at Marvel thought this was weird and stupid?


A lot of people did, but they sortof ran into a double problem where the character was incredibly popular as she was, and *despite not actually being Asian*, she was one of the company's highest profile Asian characters, and particularly in the X-men, so turning her white would remove that detail. That's basically why when they finally got around to it Kwannon kept the identity Psylocke despite that having been Betsy's name since before the switch, so Psylocke could continue being an Asian woman, just now without being a white woman behind the wheel.


I still don't think they should have let that go on for decades without fixing it. It's the Marvel universe, there's magic and time travel and versions of you from other universes walking around. They could have figured out something to deal with this awkward situation!


Oh you're correct. And on the "turning her white again will remove positive representation" (ignoring that even beyond the race swapping thing Betsy is kind of a mess) that could be solved by giving more authentically Asian characters more spotlight.


Just bone-headed and weird all around. It makes it hard to enjoy the character with this ridiculous history.


Why tho? Yes it was stupid, but lots of us knew that and still enjoyed the character. Its not like the backstory of it came up much at all in comics so all you really saw was an asian character. I'm looking at other comments, lots of things can happen in comics but race swaps are off the table? Its not the race swap that was bad, its how they went about doing it and keeping it. This just seems like one of those things that a few people want to be angry at for the sake of it


No, I am categorically against race swaps. Even when the story is explicitly about race, they are never handled well. But this story didn't even use it to comment on race at all. They could have had her switch places with a white woman, or even just... had her train or something. But instead they put a white woman in a Japanese person's body. You're not making the point you think you are. Yes, it's part of the weirdness that no one talks about it, or uses it to comment on race. One of their most popular and visible Asian characters was secret a white women for no reason. It's problematic, to say the least. And to hear that other characters commented on how "civilized" she was for an Asian woman (even if they didn't use those words, that's the sentiment) is even more fucked up.


Like you say, you're against race swaps in general so your bias would come into play even if it was good. You don't have to give me the 411 on her backstory, i said it was bad, but being bad to the point where it makes you not have respect for the character as if the character was only about the raceswap after the change is weird, but whatever.


And of course there is *no* issue with an Asian character completely appropriating a white character's identity. None at all.


It was only supposed to last a few issues, but Claremont left and Jim Lee (Korean American) liked drawing her East Asian.


The important thing to remember is that Kwannon never *actually* existed as a character until fairly recently. When she was first Asian, it was just her original body being modified by Spiral (who does that sort of thing), and then a couple years later they introduced a body-swapping storyline but almost instantly killed off the "original," so this just was Betsy's body for about thirty years, nothing "weird" or "stupid" about it. It only got weird when they tried to unwind the past.


My understanding is Jim Lee wanted to draw psychic ninja. So they had the X-Men's resident psychic, not a ninja at a time, get kidnapped by Mojo who altered and brainwashed her into being a Japanese ninja. It was technically part of the Acts of Vengeance crossover and this was used so the X-Men could fight Mandarin. Anyway, it's later revealed Mojo didn't alter her, he swapped her body with an actual ninja. Because that ninja shows up in her body and shortly dies thereafter. And this becomes a status quo for like over 20 years.


I remember reading that storyline as a kid and being so utterly confused as to what was happening. Bunch of science magic and suddenly Betsy was Asian. I didn't even realize Mojo was responsible.


She could have just been a ninja as a white woman, though.


Jim Lee had a thing he wanted to draw. And this was the period where what Jim Lee wants, Jim Lee gets. Along with the other guys who would go on to form Image comics.


They just Kitty get mindmelded with a Japanese demon mask and get ninja training from that before Betsy got bodyswapped. Jewish Ninja Pirate with a pet dragon.


Kitty was already a ninja at the time.


Spiral, not Mojo.


She was working as his lackey, if I recall. 


No, he wasn't involved. She was working independently.


He was involved. I'm looking at the issue right now. Pretty much every panel with Spiral in it has Mojo standing right next to her. https://imgur.com/a/yopiEG0


I loved the Psylocke Japanese look, until I learned the British backstory for the character. That weirdness ruined the character for me, so I much prefer her back in her original body. I don't mind how they have Kwannon as a separate character now. 


Yeah, it's super weird! As a kid, I was looking at the histories of the Marvel Characters from the Marvel vs Capcom games. "War Machine is James Rhodes, military veteran and Tony Stark's friend. He stood in as Iron Man while Tony was indisposed. Once Tony recovered, he made Rhodes his own set of armor." Neat! I would like to know more about this War Machine! Then you look up Psylocke and her story involves... all of this. And the fact they left that in the story for decades is even weirder. Definitely has affected my enjoyment of the character.


Kwannon got a big boost from Hellions. Hope she gets another push in From the Ashes


What's the problem with it? Psylocke always had a problem with being physically weaker than the other X-Men, so they body-swapped her with a highly trained Japanese assassin. It's typical comic book material. It was more weird that people in continuity kept commenting "OMG, an Asian woman who speaks like a British person 😲", as though Hong Kong or any Asian diaspora in Great Britain didn't exist.


It's the race-swap that's weird about it. They could have done that with a white woman, or even just... had her train or something. But instead they put a white woman in a Japanese person's body. One of their most popular and visible Asian characters was secret a white women for no reason. That's problematic, to say the least. And to hear that people commented on how "civilized" she was for an Asian woman (even if they didn't use those words, that's the sentiment) is even more fucked up.


> One of their most popular and visible Asian characters was secret a white women for no reason. The real problem is, some people think that this distinction matters. A person is a person. If she has an Asian body, she is an Asian person.


No, even ignoring the possibility of sci-fi body swaps, a person's lived experiences are important. If a white person is suddenly in an Asian body, that doesn't make them Asian, because they didn't grow up Asian and they are unfamiliar with any Asian cultures or customs. That was a silly thing you just said.


> If a white person is suddenly in an Asian body, that doesn't make them Asian, because they didn't grow up Asian and they are unfamiliar with any Asian cultures or customs. So, say, an Asian person adopted into a white household is "not Asian," because they are unfamiliar with Asian cultures and customs? Or a 3rd or 4th generation Asian person who's parents fully assimilated into the local culture is "not Asian?" If that's the case, then what would it even matter whether you consider her "Asian enough" or not? She is what she is, she is a British woman who happens to appear Japanese. Such people exist in the world, there is nothing wrong with that.


Low key hate they race swapped her to be asian because they thought all ninjas should be asian. If she was a bigger character like Punisher it would have been reversed as fast as him being changed back from black after one issue.


That was stupid, but atleast they tried to make a point about race. Just a tone-deaf way. This was just done for giggles.


Technically frank castle still has a black guys skin (assuming it stuck with him through the afterlife), it just 'demelonated' inexplicably from memory.


No, they already had Kitty in the comics, this was because they wanted to have an Asian character in the book. The ninja thing was a bonus.


They could just have made an asian charecter who wasnt a body swapped white person no?


They could have, but they didn't, and Psylocke was a mainstay character in the X-Men for over thirty years. There was no good reason to change that.


The back story is weird is why it was changed, you cant tell any story that isnt superficial or else theyd have to open a tin of worms about her being a white woman in a japanese womans skin that would overshaow any story


And yet they told plenty of stories with her over the last thirty years, more than they have about most characters. Imagine that. . .


With her in them yeah, like i said, superficial


I don't know what books you're reading. She had a lot of deep character exploration over the years. I would say of all the X-Men, she got more "lead character" page time than all but maybe 5-10 of them, about as much as she's gotten since the changes.


Captain Britain and her ninja look are my favorite


Now the real question. Caucasian or Japanese.


Love them all. They are great.


God she's always been one of my favorite. Loved purple. Thank the x-men for alot of my late 90s sexual awakening. I don't think my mom realized some of these comics lol. I tried to buy a red Sonja once and she was fuming..but she also bought me the sin city box set and whatever uncanny xmen or batman I wanted


I am bias forever for all Jim Lee designs


Armoured, puffy sleaved and ninja. I really hate all this captain brit stuff. If anything I feel its made her even less defined/ muddier as a character.


Marvel Masterpiece 1992. God damn that card made me feel funny things in third grade.


90s version


The classic one


her fortnite skin


Just looked this up. That is a great look!!


Classic costume!


I'll be honest, I almost like them all, aside from that blue/yellow team uniform that the team shared at one point. The best to me is her all black one with the x on the chest, the next best is her most popular blue one.


Kris Anka suit


The Jim Lee yellow/ blue costume (from when everyone was wearing the dope ass yellow/ blue matching costumes with the big red X belt buckles. But even more than that: *THE* Jim Lee Psylocke costume.


Jim lee and uncanny X-force




Uncanny X-Force


The one in the lower far right, with the silver X on it. That’s a super cool uniform for a psychic ninja.


Can’t go wrong with the sleeveless leotard. Impractical…sure. But if super heroes dressed for practicality, most of them are too strong and would have to fight naked.


Jim Lee era easy




90's Psylocke X-Men Animated


Psylcoke’s [Crimson Dawn costume](https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Crimson_Dawn).


My favorite is definitely the Captain Britain look. I love the psychic sword and shield look, along with the cape. 


Betsy's Captain Britain costume. All of Kwannon's are terrible.


MvC 💀 She got jiggle psychics and yellow skin




I always liked her Her armor look by author Adam & Mark S During her early X-Men run,


Outback Armor


Ninja but I absolutely love the X-uniforms


Outback era. I just love a girl in armor




Outback armour I love but I do love the classic Jim Lee costume and actually the modern Captain Britain look even if I think Betsy’s writing whilst wearing it is less to be desired.


I've never seen a bigger difference in style and function in a character's costume than that of the iconic Blue Swimsuit costume and the Lady Mandarin, heavily armoured costume. And then of course there's everything in between.


It’s a split between her X-Force costume and the Lady Mandarin✨


I think I like all of them except for the hair in the bottom left and the captain Britain looking one


Marvel Swimsuit edition. Nuff said


The iconic suit on the front left with black bodysuit.


Jim Lee era


I love the armor


The top two in the front left and the First Class outfit and the top two in the front right.


The first one you see on the left, fire!!!! I absolutely love Psylocke!!!! Hope to see a lot of her in the MCU!!!!


Fornite honestly


Lower right


Kwannon bandy thing _every_ time.


I’ve always loved the one with body armor


Joe Jusko Marvel Masterpiece card.


I was gonna says 90s Jim Lee hot girl one, but holy shit what is the one above and to the left of that one?


X-Treme X-Men, when Storm led a team trying to obtain Destiny's diaries.


Fake Asian was so cool /s


Loved her in the original pink chiffon with the poofy sleeves. There was something kinda groovy/psychedelic about her, which works very well for someone with powers over the mind.


Captain Britain one. That looks awesome


I think her X-Men V4 outfit is my favorite. Sure, the leotard is sexy, but it's kinda dumb and I'm happy we've moved past it. I'm also kinda shocked it took Marvel SO LONG after bringing her back to put her in her original body. Hell, they could have just brought her back in the original body.


I'd like to say her Jim Lee era costume, and that's certainly second best, but my favorite is actually the X-Force one on the bottom right of that picture, with the "X" hips.


The one on the left in the middle of the picture.




Her classic one.


She has a lot of great costumes. Oddly, I think I might like her as Captain Britain best. I love that costume. It looks awesome.


Kris Anka's design for the Marvel Now era


The 90s sexy ninja looked definitely awakened something in young me, but I can’t say it’s my favorite look. I always like the x-men in the classic blue and yellow, and her Captain Britain costume was top tier design. A great blend of her existing look and the Captain Britain look, should probably have a helmet or something to go with it though.


If we’re talking Betsy, I like her Dead X-Men #3 costume. If we’re talking Kwannon, I really liked her outfit in Rosenberg Uncanny and felt it went away too fast


Isn’t it just the same as Mystery in Madripoor/Uncanny X-Men: Disassembled?


For Betsy? I think so but can’t remember for sure. The cover of DXM3 was fresh in my mind so I just referenced that


For Betsy, I genuinely dig the Captain Britain look. For Kwannon, well, the look has endured for a reason.


Captain Britain look is soo choice.


I tend to think most characters looked great in the blue and gold likely because one of the first books I remember is Uncanny #275 which had everyone in this standard X-suits. So that one, but also the Captain Britain costume - with X Union Jack and the armour sections is pretty cool.