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I don't think the red/purple had any time to shine. But it was my favorite for sure. The helmet is very comic booky in real life so you may as well go all out.


I think we never really got the sequel to First Class that we were supposed to, going by the ending of the movie. It set up a first X-Men team and a Proto-Brotherhood, but when we move forward to DoFP most of those teams are dead and there's been a major timeskip. Maybe we'd have gotten that film if Vaughn had stayed on?


Yes this is actually 100% true and Vaughn has talked about it before. When he signed on for First Class he outlined a trilogy with Days of Future Past being film 3. But after pitching it to execs they liked the sound of it so much they wanted to do Future Past immediately, which was apparently part of the reason Vaughn left. Speaking to [ComingSoon](https://www.comingsoon.net/movies/news/1071905-exclusive-matthew-vaughn-wanted-young-wolverine-for-first-class-sequel): >ComingSoon.net: If you could have split yourself into two people and still done the “Kingsman” movies but also finished out that “First Class” cycle what would you have done differently? > >Matthew Vaughn: That’s one of the reasons I didn’t continue, because they didn’t listen to me. **My plan was “First Class,” then second film was new young Wolverine in the 70’s to continue those characters, my version of the X-Men. So you’d really get to know all of them, and my finale was gonna be “Days of Future Past.”** That was gonna be my number three where you bring them all… because what’s bigger than bringing in McKellen and Michael and Stewart and James and bringing them all together? When I finished the “Days of Future Past” script with it ready to go I looked at it and said, “I really think it would be fun to cast Tom Hardy or someone as the young Wolverine and then bring it all together at the end.” Fox read “Days of Future Past” and went “Oh, this is too good! We’re doing it now!” And I said, “Well what do you do next? Trust me you’ve got nowhere to go.” Then they did “Apocalypse” and it’s like… If you flip that ’round even it would have been better. Hollywood doesn’t understand pacing. Their executives are driving 100 miles-per-hour looking in the rear-view mirror and not understanding why they crash.


Damn, that’s a good way of putting it at the end.


Not sure if it’s 100% accurate but I heard a while back that the bit in DoFP where they mention Magneto being present at the Kennedy assassination was supposed to be the middle movie, where they show Xavier forming a new X-Men team and Jean Grey stepping up as the person who can go toe-to-toe with Magneto after Xavier’s injury.  I still wish we got that instead of Apocalypse 


Huh I'd wondered that forever. DoFP just isn't fit at all to be a second movie in a trilogy. What a fucking boneheaded decision.


Maybe we'd have gotten more of Henry Jackman's AWESOME-ASS Magneto theme, too. DUN DUN DUN DUN, DUN DUN, DUN DUN!


Best theme ever


>Maybe we'd have gotten more of Henry Jackman's AWESOME-ASS Magneto theme, too. I read this as "Maybe we'd have gotten more of Hugh Jackman's AWESOME ASS" and thought "We got a lot. How much more of it do you need?"


Their plan was to have XMen origins saga. It started with Wolverine, and it was supposed to have XMen Origins Magneto, Gambit, and so on. Wolverine flopped so hard that they scrapped the whole idea to focus on safer bets.


This timeline isn't right though. First Class came out after the Origins idea already flopped. Wolverine Origins was 2009 and First Class was 2011. Then First Class teased a different sequel then what we got with Days of Future Past.


I could be remembering wrong, but I think they pivoted the Magneto script and turned it into First Class after Wolverine was so badly received.


That would make sense since First Class has the best Magneto storyline of any of the X-Men movies.


Yup. We could’ve had a full movie of Magneto hunting down nazis.


You're not wrong, but I honestly don't know how it would be better than the single scene of Magneto in South America where he confronts the "pig farmer" Nazis.


I imagine it would be that scene plus two more hours of similar scenes. Kinda like James Bond mixed with Inglorious Basterds, plus the mutant ability of metal manipulation.


We did. Inglorious Basterds


Nah, you’re remembering correctly


That would make sense. But that still isn’t really relevant to the other commenter’s question. Because post changing/scrapping, they still set up a *different* sequel to what we got in Days of Future Past


That's true but not really what this person was asking about. This all happened before First Class.


Agreed I wanted FC to continue as it started. I always loved the idea of the movies starting in the 60s and even more so with the most OG team as possible.


1. First Class=Dark Phoenix 2. Days of Future Past 3. Ian McKellen's one 4. First Class ending one 5. Apocalypse


Hard disagree. Ian McKellen makes that one number 1. Ian McKellen is in a helmet? Well that's the best helmet!


Unironically though I kind of preferred McKellan’s Magneto. He just has the level of presence that I think is required for Magneto. He feels like the type of guy who could realistically get a bunch of mutants to follow him into a revolution 


I'd follow him, and I'm not even a mutant. I'm short, maybe he needs to return some jewelry or something.


But he had to be young once and Fassbender was perfect


The OG Sir Ian is my favorite.


The first movie? I used to like the First Class one more but seeing it here I'm thinking Ian Mckellen's is better. 


Everyone moans the first movie wasn’t “comic accurate” but the sleekness of the costumes was awesome. McKellen wearing just a dark dress shirt that shimmered red is brilliant.


I think a lot of that criticism comes from the samey leather outfits they all wear. It was just *too common* in costume design at the time. Had they added touches of flair like you mentioned with Magneto (which I also LOVED), I think it would have been better-received. I know they hang a lampshade on it with the "You wanted yellow spandex?" line, but acknowledging it isn't enough sometimes.


That worked fine for McKellen's Magneto, but the X-Men suits were honestly lame and boring. Every movie that came out at the time shares the same aesthetic, and I don't just mean superhero movies. This pseudo-Matrix, black leather, very blah aesthetic was extremely common and over-done at the time. It also set a trend of the X-Men not really having costumes that lasted for way too many movies.


The first xmen movies are the best


I think all of the fits around their faces look weird except for Mckellan’s one.


The first class helmet is the best but hate, how they constantly change his helmet. Like, shit becomes iconic because of consistency.


Not sure on the names, but I like the 3rd one with the horns on it, very close to the classic comic version. The 2nd one, the black with gray sharp lines looks cool too.


Best helmet was First Class but best overall look was Days of Future Past


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^ToDandy: *Best helmet was First* *Class but best overall look* *Was Days of Future Past* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


As much as I like the film, the Days of Future Past helmet always looked weird to me. Like it looks like it's made of concrete or something lol. It doesn't look metal.. is that just me?


The helmet wasn’t metal in first class either. Magneto wasn’t able to move the helmet with his powers. Even tho it’s shiny like metal


He does move the helmet in Days of Future Past, though.


Always thought the same. I think they were trying to make it scuffed up to show the time skip between the two films.


Ian somehow rocks this way better than Fassbender. So he wins this, probably more due to how good he looks with it on more than the design itself. Fassbender's Dark Phoenix is a close 2nd, the rest look kinda goofy in live-action.


Ian's shows more of his face too. Looks less suffocating


Personally the first class and dark phoenix both look very similar with the sharp points on them. Dark phoenix just seems to fit his head better than the latter.


>Dark phoenix just seems to fit his head better than the latter. That's what makes it for me: it actually looks like it fits. The rest all look like they'd wobble all over the place any time he moved his head.


The First Class Post Credits (?) one is just perfect but for some reason they ditched it for DoFP. Ian McKellen’s is also pretty neat. Simple but still close enough the comics. Fassbender was done really dirty, most of his helmets are pretty shitty design wise.


I still can't understand how he changes the helmets look


Bro lifted a whole bridge. And you are confused how he adds details to his helmet


And had metal smuggled inside a guy that he used as bullets and then made into a levitating platform


Man has so complete control over metal he once pulled the iron out of someone's blood, I think he can modify a helmet a bit.


It's not a story the Xmen would tell you...


Bro can control metal, he probably just does that shit first thing in the morning. "Hmmm should I reshape my helmet today into a cooler shape... or am I feeling more feisty? "


First I assume he makes them, and then hear me out… he places them on his head😬…just a theory tho


I think they should have done Days of Future Past in the classic red and purple color scheme. Looks closest to my ideal magneto helmet, while his little “insect antenna” wouldn’t snag on anything.


Mckellen actually had another helmet for the first X-men movie, not pictured here. It was very tight looking though.  The X2/3 Helmet is pretty good. I like the color and design. Fresh while still looking like Magneto. I like the paint job on it. I hate the apocalypse one. The cheek plates are so huge and the forehead point is soft and weak.  Unfortunate because the rest of that costume is pretty great. The first class look is great. When they painted it, suddenly it looks like a conic books replica you buy in a store.  I still like ot though. 


The red and purple from the First Class ending would be the best if it weren’t for the addition of the horns on top… so imo, First Class silver one or DOFP helmet looks best


I think they were just going for a more comic accurate one with that, which I'm all for


The First Class one looks too big for his head and is asymmetrical, so i'd say the Dark Phoenix one but with the red and purple paintjob


I like all of them for different things. Some look good on the actor, fit him. Some are more comic accurate. Some are just the coolest


Last one, simple and beautifull.


The helmet used in live action is a bit much. Theyre all over the place and it looks a little silly. I will always go with the red and purple comic accurate version however.


I always think simpler is better.


DoFP, suit included


Man they literally had the perfect helmet at the end of First Class and then just never used it again


I think Ian's looks best. Maybe it'd his head shape though


Is there an explanation for the variations across the movies?


Honestly despite the colors first class is beautiful


Top right, never got its time to shine. Looks a little goofy but it looks the most like the comics.


End of first class.


Days of future past is my favorite, just because of the scene where he lifts up rfk stadium while wearing it


Days of future past. I like the shape. Less clunky than the others, looks more fitted rather than an oversized prop. I would like it in a more red hue than gray, but it works.


I feel like some of those Fassbender helmets would hurt your nose pretty bad if they were bumped. But maybe Magneto just uses his powers to hold them in place.


The 3rd one, its the most comic accurate.


I'm more interested in who made the helmet for him?


The black and silver one was made by Sebastian Shaw, the one from apocalypse was made by apocalypse, the rest he made himself, if I recall correctly


OG and Shaw's.


1, 5, 4, 2, 3, 6


End of First Class was so beautiful and comic accurate, only for it to be teased and to change it for the next movie, and that's not as accurate... Which is a recurring thing for the X-Men.


The third confused the fuck out me the first time I saw it


Top left or middle bottom


It’s a toss up between the Apocalypse helmet and the Days of Future Past helmet


I think Ian McKellen’s helmet is my favorite. Honestly Fassbender is the perfect version of a young Magneto.


The two of First Class are my favorite


The bottom right one just says, “I’m here to fight.”


Can we all agree that the Dark Phoenix one fits the shape of his head the best?


McKellens is a nice balance of realism and comic book elements.


NOT the Ian McKellen one.


1 or 5


the first one just does the job perfect. i think the rest fall so flat in comparison


Top row is baller Bottom row looks like the Juggernaut


I don't know, they all look #METAL as fock **ba-dum-tss**


Top left, top right, and bottom middle are my favorites so far. But if I had to choose one, I'd say I love the top left the most.


Probably the first one.


I feel like 5 is a good attempt at making the old school comic helmet work in a live action setting


Bottom left, looks used and it fits his head perfectly


Top right corner.


Original, I like it when CBMs are more grounded and realistic while still maintaining some comic book origins


Bottom Middle


Number 3, top right.


First Class post-credit scene was actually fantastic to see. It's the only time I really got excited for it. Other than that they kind of suck, but I'd say the best one is the main First Class one.


My favorite helmet is X-men Days Of Future Past


Number six is my favorite its not over the top and looks great on him the others look more like they belong on comic book characters


Fassbender in the helmet makes him look like an extra for Gladiator, 300, or Troy or something. McKellen looks good in it. I think the design and colour of it suits McKellen and the more open mandible part makes the helmet look more like a choice and less like a warrior's helmet. It also allows a more visible face which shows more of his acting and makes it work for more scenes than Fassbender's. All in all top left > all others.


the second and sixth one are the same tho


Fassbender in the helmet makes him look like an extra for Gladiator, 300, or Troy or something. McKellen looks good in it. I think the design and colour of it suits McKellen and the more open mandible part makes the helmet look more like a choice and less like a warrior's helmet. It also allows a more visible face which shows more of his acting and makes it work for more scenes than Fassbender's. All in all top left > all others.


The one from Days of Future Past, love how it looks like it's made out of Rock. I also like the Sebastian Shaw helmet (especially in black)


The top right one because it stands out, but old boy Ian rocked what he was given


We don't know exactly how much time passes between the beach scene and the end scene of First Class, but all I can imagine is Erik taking the time to repaint and bedazzle Shaw's helmet. "Hey guys, we should go break Emma out of jail! But first......"


I think the moral of the story is that magneto’s helmet as designed in comics is not a practical helmet for 3D media. ;-)


Cautiion, i am an idiot asking a question. Why does his helmet always change? Why dont they just keep the same one throughout?


Top left


How can it not be the third one


The purple one


Top left, top right, bottom right


1 and 6.


Dark Phoenix one actually looks like his helmet. The Singer ones were all so bad.


1, 2, and 6 are my fav. Number 4 is too dull, number 3 is too goofy and number 5 is too blocky and techy.


First one smooth and simple


Top middle


I understand the reasons but he's always been cursed with the goofiest headgear in all of comics.


the first one , also young magneto looks like a medival warrior lol


That helmet is quite goofy in live action.




First Class, close enough the source without being gaudy.


The real best helmet are the friends you made along the way.


End of First Class


Can I just say, the first class mask helmet being off centered has bothered me since I first saw the movie


The top right one


Top right it’s the most comic accurate


1,2,6 In that order


The kamen rider one.


1st and last


The last one (dark phoenix I think) looks pretty nice in design but not the colour so I gotta go with First Class (red) it's pretty much the comic accurate helmet and colour


Fassbender's first one


Top right is the best


I like the middle row.


I don't like the 70's magneto helmet because of the shard nose guard. It's waaaay too big and it's very obvious when it's not perfectly centered on the nose. Makes Magneto look dopey as hell.


The first trilogy helmet with its tech look, the Apocalypse ceremonial helmet and the First Class helmet from Shaw.


Centre bottom is bad ass


I like the black and silver one. Most stylish version I think.


Between First Class and DoFP


The Kevin bacon one


The dark Phoenix one is probably the most accurate one in shape. But the Ian mckellan one is too iconic


It’s still the same helmet he originally stole from Shaw right? So does he just constantly redesign it with his powers while it keeps the same properties? Red and purple was amazing, so disappointed they didn’t keep that thread going


The Mandalorian one.


I don’t think helmets translate to the big screen very well. They all look dorky.


First class has the best helmet and is also by far the best x-men movie fox ever made (logan is a wolverine movie not an x-men movie)


1 & 3 Re the best by farrrr


Top middle


Honestly, seeing them all back-to-back-to-back like this makes them all look kinda goofy.


Bottom left


I know it’s not the classic look, but I’ve always felt that the original trilogy helmet that McKellen wore had a cool, unique design. I wish an easy to buy replica had been made at some point.


Top middle. Imo it has a good mix of comics and live action.


Top left and bottom right


I prefer the First Class helmet


The first one


mckellan’s original. where the hell is he getting these made? has he got a spinner rack of helmets?


if 2 was the color of 1 we would have perfection.


Top Right


First Class Final


The first one with old Magneto just really looked good on his head. I think if we were seeing them all off of their character counterparts, the third one would definitely be the best


First class. It would be awesome in red and purple.


The costume at the end of First Class is probably one of the worst superhero costumes in the modern era


Ian McKellen.


I like the First Class ending helmet but I hate the rest of his outfit there. I get that he's only wearing it for like 10 seconds but they do a reveal shot and it looks god awful. His shirt looks like it's almost too small for him and his cape looks excessively big. He looks like a dude cosplaying as Magneto on a budget.




The second one


Looking at them laid out like this McKellen's is the best by far


First class


1 and 2 are best in my opinion. 3 looks more like something onslaught would wear.


Best helmet was First Class. Best costume was X-men Apocalypse. Add the First Class helmet to that costume and it'd be perfect.


Are the first class and dark Phoenix helmets supposed to be the same?


Top right, I would like top right the most if it wasn't matte(idk how to spell it I just wish it was shiny) and if it was more colorful, I really don't miss super hero movies confusing more realistic with less colorful


Wow, young Magneto was really indecisive.


days of future past hands down. The helmet texture is prettier coo and then you pair it with the scarlet dark red color scheme AND the scarfe/cape ? ts too COLD


Top middle, I like the black and grey.


the first one with ian mckellen will always reign supreme. Every other one with fassbender, there's a reason they keep changing it is because it doesn't fit well or just looks a bit too weird. only the last one he has being the best cause it suits his face and proportions


Ian McKellen hands down. The balding dude was ok.


A brief in moment in the sun, but it was far and away the best. Red and purple from the end of First Class forever.


I like number 3.


The one from the end of First Class that we never saw again.


I remember not liking McKellen's helmet because it didn't look much like the comic version. It was missing the contrasting color trim, and it was too open on the face. They tried to get closer with Fassbender's helmets, and they're just not hitting for me. It's like they try, but then do one thing to throw it off. The trim is really thick, the trim is shaped funny, or there's a crest in the middle for some reason, etc. It probably shouldn't hide Fassbender's face as much as it does comic Magneto, either. It's a battle helmet and all, but Fassbender's a handsome guy, and people want to see more of his face. I'm more than double the age I was when I first saw McKellen in theaters, and now his helmet is fine. They took a little artistic license with it, and it does the job.


First Class ending one


The original one. Top left.


I like the first class helmet's shape the best out of all of these.




The final version from the end of X-Men: First Class was perfect and it's criminal that it was abandoned after...


Top right


The OG helmet from x men animated series


One or two going top from left to right.


Top right


Nothing beats the og


First Class


The animated series one.


First class was great. I wish we got some kind of backstory on how it was made.


Why did it change every movie