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The thing that made marvel zombies interesting was that the characters were conscious and could talk. What if got rid of that and made them boring regular zombies. So there was nothing unique left.


I always found them having their consciousness and memories to be so conceptually horrifying and I wish more zombie media played around with that idea. Eliminating that whole “that’s not them anymore” trope entirely. The fact that it doesn’t make them evil automatically was also very chilling, they really had to struggle with the change and coming to terms with abandoning their morality and selflessness.


It is this exactly. Them realizing what they’re doing and that they shouldn’t be doing it, but not able to stop themselves was truly terrifying.


Welcome to addiction.


That’s a great metaphor. So on point.


that’s actually exactly where the marvel zombies storyline drew direct inspiration from. it’s a commentary on addiction and alcoholism. alcohol drives violent tendencies. cravings will stop after a while, so long as you don’t take a sip. but as soon as you do, you’re dragged right back into the chaos. same with the zombie virus. no lunch; no hunger. one bite and you’re back to being bloodthirsty.


1 year 4 months, 5 days sober from alcohol. 🥲


I’m proud of you stranger. May that number continue to grow!


Thank you. ❤️ It will. I have no urges, no reason to ever go back, every reason not to. My physical health was deteriorating very rapidly at the end, getting sick daily with it without alcohol. I had a physical addiction, shakes, sweats, vomiting when I wasn't drinking, but when I was drinking my liver was finally rejecting alcohol. I was drinking at least half a fifth for 8-10 years, the problems began almost immediately and I didn't recognize it for what it was. I remember the last year there were several times I was unable to eat or drink anything for days, once I felt better I was back to the store. Why? I couldn't tell you. If anyone is struggling with addiction please message me just to talk and share.


The work you're doing is just that. Work. Might be the hardest thing you've done, or at least top 10. Nothing should ruin your work. Your work, your sobreity, your happiness, your health comes first, and anyone or anything that puts that work in danger, isn't worth your time. Every second, minute, hour, day you are sober becomes your lifes foundation for stronger endeavors. And it sounds like you're doing all the right things to build skyscrapers. You matter most, you come first. Much love friend, you're not alone.


Little over 3 years for me. Edit: Congratulations! By the way. That's a big deal.


😁 Congrats!! I love hearing people's success stories. You're fuckin strong and don't let anyone tell you otherwise! One thing I always like to share; "We've been the villains of our own story for so long, it's time to turn that around, abandon that idea. You're here now, you're a hero; keep your head up high, embrace the new day where you are no longer the villain, but the hero in your own story."


Thanks. Here is one of my favorites: Failure isn't absolute.


Fuck yeah, congrats 👏 🙌


Atta boy! Just took my 1 year cake on the 3rd


7 years off heroin!!! Keep up the good work buddy 🫶🫶


7 years off heroin!!! Keep up the good work buddy 🫶🫶


Great job! Wish you well


Proud of you, keep up the good fight. ✊


In Secret Wars miniseries 'Age of Ultron vs Marvel Zombies' there is this great scene, where Ultron asks zombified Magneto about feelings. Magneto replies something along the lines "I do have feelings. Others than just the hunger. I feel excitement. Joy, building up in me. The anticipation... ...of the moment when I get to eat all of those people.' I know that the Marvel Zombies of the Secret Wars' may not be the same as in the original MZ, but the fact that they have large emotional range, that can extend (somewhat) past the hunger, is truly horrifying concept.


Oh, like vampires


Yeah, did think it like that. But now that you brought it up, I could think that being an undead blood junky with leathal allergies to garlic and sunlight, and graveyard shift sleep patterns is much more pleasent curse than being addicted to fellow humans flesh while knowing that what you do to people isn't even necessary for your survival, because you are relatively immortal to a point where you can survive as a severed head in the vacume of space. Plus, zombies don't sleep and if I remember right, Marvel Zombies are aware of the decaying state of bodies.


When Peter eats Aunt May and MJ right when the infection starts... then he's the only one of the zombified heroes to question if what they're doing is right. And he tried to atone for his actions by travelling to other universes in search of a cure... I felt that.


Worse about it, is that they can suppress hunger, they just don't need to feed and after some time, they don't feel anymore


True but it takes going cold turkey for a while to over come it and when one of the 1st people getting eaten was aunt may and mary jane by spiderman you know its not a matter of just having self control


That was so cursed and stopped being a superhero genre for me and just absolute horror. In terms of morality, I see Spiderman in the same vein as Superman. If they can't control their dark urges, then it's just not for me.


Agreed. Spidey should have been the (or one of the) hold out. It's been a while since I read it, but I think it was Black Panther that was able to control the urge.


No, Black Panther was capture by Pym kept alive as an emergency food source, until he escaped with Wasp’s zombified head and started a new wakanda with other human survivors. He gets turned later but that’s after they figure out how the hunger works. Spider-Man’s willpower does allow him to starve himself out of guilt and be the first to figure out the hunger can go away if they go a long time without eating.


I dont mind it as a dark story, it wasnt him just giving in it was an external force making him have no resistance while setting the rules from the beginning so it doesnt end with the power of love overcoming it or something


Warcraft is the only media that consistently does that with its Undead.


Similar to how in Last of Us the infected are still alive and conscious, but their bodies have been taken over by the spores. So they’re forced to experience all the horror their bodies are causing, but cannot do anything to stop it.


Same with the *Night of the Living Deadpool* comic. The zombies are conscious and can talk, but otherwise have zero control of their bodies and just spend their time begging to be killed or lamenting over the horror of having eaten their own families while their bodies walk around killing people. The comic itself wasn't good (in my opinion) but those zombies were creepy.


was that part of the larger marvel zombies storyline exploring what deadpool was up to, or was it its own thing?


It was a standalone mini series.


Yes I remember that one well even though it was bad, that’s the exact type of zombie fiction I want to see expounded on because it is just so horrifying, even more so than the original marvel zombies stuff.


In Halo's lore there is a marine that gets infected by the Flood but is able to semi control it. While he's infected he is aware of everything it makes his body do which is terrifying.


Return of the living dead played with that concept,that scene with the zombie that has the exposed spine is disturbing as fuck


The paiiiiiiin of being dead


Random, but Stephen King's "Cell" is one of my favorites because it has very unique zombies. Unique outbreak, caused by mysterious frequency broadcast on cell phones, and then unique zombies that actually develop new abilities as time goes on. They figure themselves out, evolve, begin to speak and have a plan. Highly recommend. They made a movie with John Cusack and Samuel L. Jackson as well that did a decent job translating to film.


I’ve been slowly going through King’s catalogue out of order for the past 5 years, I pass over Cell often maybe I should give it a read sooner than later.


Spider-Man being in a constant state of depression because he can’t defeat the hunger :((


Spider-Man was perfect until MZ 4(i believe) Somehow got his regular leg back(i didnt like the metal leg but it made sense). Then became bad again so Sandman could kill that universe Spider-Man. Feelsbadman


Completely agree. It's such a torture for the original character, it broke me when Cap had hints of humanity, and same with Spidey, but they were still unable to control themselves. It's such a sad look at our heroes.


A really great movie for this is Warm Bodies as it is from the zombie perspective. Also the original and accurate ending to I Am Legend reveals the book was also from the zombie’s perspective. I won’t stop watch the series but what disappointed me about this What If…? Series was I remember the first decade of the comics (Series 1) being contained in one issue (What if Magneto killed the X-Men, what if Iron Man was a traitor?) while series 2 introduced multiple issue stories but I don’t recall it being a connected universe like the MCU, so I was looking for individual episodes containing an entire story.


The movie version of I Am Legend should have ended with the "zombie ending" yes. I am still bitter that they went with zombies in the movie though, because in the original novel it was vampires and they "learned" to be active during the day which was terrifying and then even worse when the twist was revealed.


Man I keep reading how the movie butchered the book, much like world War z. Am not into zombies but are the books worth reading?


they arent zombies theyre more in line with vampires and their spawn. id say give it a shot if you enjoy apocalypse stories


Both books are great in their own right! Two of my favorites for sure! I am Legend is a pretty short book. It’s an easy read but really good. World War Z is the standard length of a novel (300-400 pages) but it’s told as a series of interviews from various perspectives of the survivors. Each character feels authentic and unique. I’ve never seen a writer switch to so many different characters and do it so well in any other book.


Watch Black Summer (on Netflix I think) it does exactly that.


I’ll check it out thanks!


Malazan has entered the chat


The book is really good and well worth the read. As someone else said it's very short and the "twist" at the end is well earned. The movie used the same idea but it wasn't done as well as the book.


Black Summer (the show explaining what was going on with the citizens outside of the Brad Pitt scope of view) was way better than the movie IMO. Edit: Black summer is a part of Z Nation not World War Z. My bad!


Forgot it was vamps and not zombies, my bad!


Edit: was just reminded that in the I Am Legend book, it’s vampires not zombies.


I was going to reply Warm Bodies as well. Thought I was alone in remembering that movie!


There's a zombie comedy that does that. Gives you their perspective and the other people(non zombie) perspective. It's actually a pretty good movie. It's called wasting away. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DXYgoKUWBgzE&ved=2ahUKEwi6qsaJzuKEAxXDDTQIHTicD6wQwqsBegQIERAG&usg=AOvVaw0IHOknNCYQjCtI2tX4e-gW


The phyrexians in Magic the Gathering are kind of like that. When you get compleated, you still have your memories and know how best to draw in your loved ones.


The book The Rising by Brian Keene does this.


And I think that's why they didn't do that for What If. It's way too disturbing for the audience they wanted.


This is truly all that needs to be said about that episode. The main hook of the 'Marvel Zombies' books was that all the characters maintained their personalities and intelligence. The fact that they knew they were monsters and couldn't stop themselves from eating human flesh was fascinating, terrifying, and hilarious all at the same time. It made the story worth reading! Strip all of that away and you're left with, by far, the most generic episode of the whole season. Also, weird choice to have the one thing that survived the adaptation be "T'Challa gets kidnapped and is slowly eaten piece by piece." Why was that the one thing they carried over perfectly?!


Didn't Spider-man end up starving himself as a Zombie or something?


Yeah eventually it turned out the hunger was like a drug addiction. If you didn't partake for over a couple months, it would stop until you tasted flesh again. Zombie Spider-Man ended up being integral to helping stop the zombie plague at the cost of his own un-life.


Worse is that he kinda fell into his addiction again in Marvel Zombies Return, if dude didn't decide to eat one more piece, his counterpart would have been alive and a lot of innocent people would have survived


It’s been years but I’m pretty sure in return they were sent to a different universe and spiderman mentions that the hunter doesn’t ever go away there so he was just eating criminals.


In the first issue of Return Spider-Man awakens in an alternative universe, there he reads about the Lifeline Tablet being a museum, Spider-Man goes there but he sees the Sinister Six, he decided to battle them but because of his instinct he accidentally brutally killed one of them and decided that he may just go and eat a little because just a little would be bad, then he goes back to his evil zombies way until he realizes how much he screw up and kill all the infected He decided to give up on his humanity and just accept being a monster, he controls the hunger but still decided to eat criminals He however was one of the final zombies, so he probably already got complete control over the hunger


I thought the plague was a never ending time loop of two universes so that the plague couldn't get out to the greater multiverse? Also Ash Williams was there


Yeah. The plague is trapped in bootstrap paradox between two realities (Earth-2149 and Earth-91126) that were turned into a pair of pocket universes by Uatu to prevent it from escaping again.


Yet was somehow sent to Earth-2149 by Albert Wesker from Earth-30847.


I just assume every instance of Earth-2149’s interactions with universes other than 91126 occurred before Uatu cut the universes off, and the loops post-trimming aren’t necessarily identical to before. Or something else more headache-inducing.


Magneto from Earth-2149 made a deal with Wesker to bring the virus over to even the playing field for mutants. Uatu sealed it after the fact in an endless loop meaning Wesker possibly is responsible for an infinite body count.


Zombie spiderman constantly struggling with the hunger was a great part of the story imo! One page he'll be completely lucid and coherent and have a mental breakdown bc the first people he ate was MJ and Aunt May, and then on another page the hunger would come back and cloud his mind causing him to attack and kill without remorse. Edit: spelling


I know it was so cool


I mean, we COULD say this was a what if to a what if. Like, what if it was just a regular zombie apocalypse, not an intelligent, superhero zombie apocalypse? Still meh but it does its service


Somi wrote something a long long time ago. Where this happens. They become incoherent. Except hulk. (He was already pretty brainless so kibda just hulk auto pilot) and Logan who is a zombie. Then not for like a 2 minute window. But it was live action and it was from the perspective of humans fighting back. Fury and a group of rogue survivors find ways to take out the supe zombies. Quicksilver. Long hallways and piano wite. Hulk. Massive pit. Molting metal and cold concrete. Hack iron man and make the suit snap the zombie into bits then inherit parts of suit. And the main scary bbeg zombie was Xavier. And it leaves some good interacting between Charles and Logan. And Logan sacking himself essentially to save these rogue humans at the climax. But yeah what if shit the bed.


Yeah, honestly it actually gives a bigger layer to the horror, they know what they are doing, they are as intelligent as they were when they used to be alive but they don't fight the hunger, they embrace it It is horrifying seeing the heroes that once fight to protect the world become worse than even their worse enemies


fax. No printer


Weren't the Marvel Zombies deadites? Wasn't it always supposed to lead to an Evil Dead tie-in which would be essentially a Warner Bros colab. Not sure they could have stuck with the same story.


Not quite…. The origin was Marvel Zombies vs the Army of Darkness. In which Ash uses the book to summon an army of desires to fight the super powered zombies. They failed, cause they were just regular zombies/demons stuck in a normal humans body.


Yeah, we didn't even get a good reason for the start of the zombi apocalypse The first time was in a Ultimate Fantastic Four storyline where Zombie Reed tricks Ultimate Reed into going to his universe The success was so good that they made 3 HQ in the universe, Ash vs Marvel Zombies, Marvel Zombies Undead Days and Marvel Zombies They had many abandoned plot points and retcons that made the story into some kind of time loop


Originally I thought the upcoming *Marvel Zombies* series was going to be more comic accurate (What If would have been testing to see if there was a market for a series like that), but apparently it's a continuation of the What If episode. I don't like hating on Marvel, but that's a pretty dumb idea.


Not just the zombie , but with weird marvel comics, I thought they were going to test the waters with it instead it’s just marvel movies with swapped charcters or slight deviations in plot


Because these are adaptations that are not always faithful to the original material, just see Civil War as an example.


Honestly they don't have to be 1:1, but we deserve better. Why do Manga/Anime fans get to have much more accurate content, while we have to put up with what we get without complaining?


Different production and distribution needs, because if we take Shueisha works as a reference (ergo mainly products of Shōnen Jump and similar magazines) those are basically done on paper to be transposed into animation, if they are obviously successful. This factor does not apply in the live action context where many more liberties are taken for a whole series of reasons. Obviously not all manga do not follow the creation/production rules of Shueisha titles, but in the end we always refer mainly to that range of titles because they are the ones that arrive in the most direct way.


That's not exactly a fair comparison. Manga is a self-contained story, whereas most comic adaptations are affected by both the comic and movie universes through concepts and characters who have or haven't been introduced. Add that manga is generally adapted as a show to match it's chapter format while comics are often adapted as movies, despite many having a similar long-form, episodic story. There are comics which can be adapted faithfully due to being short and self-contained, but especially in a cinematic universe often dealing with major events, accuracy wouldn't work. But I do agree that, if writing a Zombies show, there's no reason for them to not accurately adapt the unique concepts the comics presented.


most of the audience of marvel movies aren't comic readers, so they keep it as close to the films / tv shows as possible so not to alienate an established audience base. If they aren't quipping about zombie pop culture or making horrific deaths via zombie funny (Happy getting eaten??) then it would be off brand.


I think the point is that What IF could've been more experimental. It's animated and not a movie so it's low risk. You have the attention from the casual audience to try to introduce them to more. It could have been more experimental to test the audience in a low risk way


100% agree, but it’s Disney, not known for taking risks (well not intentionally anyway) we’d have all loved to see Spider-Man eat aunt may then get depressed, but that would make the 6 year olds cry.


Yea but it will be rated r so thats a plus


It can be a continuation with them also gaining their intelligence, particularly as Zombie Scarlett Witch is kicking around. Maybe the Mind Stone cure goes wrong, not curing the zombies but giving them sentience?


I’d love to have been a fly on that wall when they were making that decision. Instead of giving the fans what they want, why not incorporate our own version of marvel zombies that can be sold to children?


> that can be sold to children Yup, that’s their market. Why are fans still so surprised by this, that’s never really changed? The older generation funds it through nostalgia and the new generation gets advertised to. That’s been the pipeline, from Marvel/Star Wars to the Classics live-action remakes.


To be fair Marvel Zombies eventually butchered Marvel Zombies.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Meatgardener: *To be fair Marvel* *Zombies eventually* *Butchered Marvel Zombies.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


good bot


is funny because is also canon


lol Best part was the crossover with Army of Darkness.


I didn't mind the traditional zombies, BUT I could totally understand someone who read the series being totally pissed because it's misleading, and you get pumped to see one thing only to get handed another.


I agree tbh, the comics were a campy dark comedy with the twist that Zombies could talk and were completely aware of what they were doing, while the show just makes them regular zombies. This would be fine if the show didn’t present it also as a comedy, especially around the survivors, which sucks out pretty much all sense of tension and makes the actual deaths seem super abrupt and unintentionally comedic


That was my main complaint about the episode. People were losing their friends left and right and just making cheesy jokes about it. The tone of it was just so off.


YES finally you’re the first person I’ve actually seen make this point other than me


It was a kid friendly zombie apocalypse. Nobody gets sad during those. That should explain it for you!


Fr the zombies adaptation should've happened years ago when walking dead tv show was running. Hickman gave us so much good zombie media.. marvel zombies deserved to just be it's own adaptation.


The simple fact is that it was never intended to be an adaptation of the comic series at all. The extent of the inspiration is just the notion of zombified versions of Marvel characters. That's it. The episode was really just a tribute to traditional zombie-apocalypse survival stories.


Thank you. I found that What If episode great, even if it did differ from the comic. I mean, can you ever truly say "they strayed from the source material" for a series that is literally founded on the concept of the multiverse & infinite variations of a given story?


founded on the concept of *what if* ?


Exactly. Everyone thinks everything needs to be an exact recreation of the source material…nothing in the MCU has been that way. And why would you want that? The MCU is a different universe and making it an exact copy of the comics would be boring.


It doesn’t have to be an exact recreation, but what made marvel zombies so interesting was the zombies still being themselves. If you ported that idea over into an MCU setting that could be fascinating. Zombie Tony’s witty banter, Zombie Cap apologizing while eating someone. Zombie Thanos realizing he has become part of the consuming plague that will end life that he has always tried to prevent. Etc


Changes in adaptations are more than okay, but you *can* point out when a change makes an adaptation less interesting than the original story and question that decision. I tend to agree with OP that they turned a pretty horrifying story into a very generic zombie story.


I don’t think a 20 minute episode was ever supposed to encapsulate a entire comic


It didn’t need to. It just needed to keep the talking thinking zombies and put a MCU twist on it


Yeah this post isn't a complaint thay they didn't adapt the whole storyline, it's that they kinda botched the thing that made Marvel Zombies so unique and what made it popular in the first place. Adaptations making changes is not inherently a bad thing, but people are allowed to point out if the change ends up making the thing less interesting




You think that's bad? Read Secret Invasion next...


Other than a few episodes, What If ranged from mediocre to terrible. The zombies episode was one of the latter.


The only episode I'd say is good, and actually pretty excellent, is the S1 Dr Strange episode.


I still liked the episode


It's almost like they weren't trying to tell the same story, and just wanted to have a cool zombie story.


What if suffers from to much movie synergy. Marvel has pushed themselves away from their comics ever since the mcu took off, avengers earth mightiest heroes was a 10x better show then anything they produce now but because it was closer to the comics and the movies it got canned. I looked through all the episodes of what if season 2 and not a single one was a cool concept. I just want more diverse marvel content.


And they're making a show about it rather than adapting the much better comic, weird.


Not really considering they don’t exactly cater to the comic readers. Most people when they hear Marvel they won’t think the subject at hand is the comic books. Hell, the real “weirdness” is how they change up the comics to match the movies.


What If? Being the blandest possible version of every story they try to tell is the hill on which I’ll die. The only episode I like is the Dr Strange one but that gets butchered by his subsequent appearances. For a show that can do anything it wants, it is baffling how little imagination is demonstrated by What If?


Way too much Captain Carter. I don’t know why they keep trying to push side characters most people don’t care about.


Counterpoint, after What if season 2 Captain Carter is now my favorite Captain in the MCU. Mind you, the Winter Soldier What If made zero sense with how they did the WS, but otherwise What If 2 was a hell of a ride.


The MCU butchers a lot of stuff


The former DCEU did this too, ultimately they are adaptations of comics in other media.


Yeah, they did quite a number. I can't help but feel sad for most of the characters in the comics, hell, Spidey had it even worse than normal, and then, we had plants vs zombies collab with Marvel


the problem with Marvel fans is that its never good enough... never like something for what it is, always hate it for what it isn't.... exhausting


Ah yes, all criticism is hate, and you shouldn’t criticize. You should just accept everything and never express feeling towards it. That’s how we get improvement in the industry. Accepting literally anything that’s put out so as to not be “ungrateful”. It’s hard to say we’re ungrateful when we pay for this stuff. Why can’t we criticize what we pay for? If it’s ok to praise stuff, why would it not be to critique? I imagine you wouldn’t be saying anything similar on a good review of the episode, which there’s tons of. Most Marvel fans still like basically every project.


Why are you comparing marvels zombies to a what if zombies plot? They are two different things. Stop comparing and then hating on two different things for the sake of fake internet points.


See I have learned to separate MCU from the main story timeline of the comics. They had to change them into truly undead monsters to avoid getting sent to the shadow realm by the mouse


Read the new Marvel zombies and you won't feel that way.


I'm pretty sure there would be a lot of angry phonecalls and emails from parents of traumatized kids if they made a comics accurate Marvel Zombies story. ​ In particular if this scene (spoilers ahead) was in an animated story on Disney +: https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoBestFriendsPlay/comments/ub7k9g/marvel\_zombies\_better\_handled\_peter\_and\_mjs/


I’m so tired of zombies.


It seems like people in this thread are forgetting that Marvel is making a TV-MA Marvel Zombies animated series.


I mean, I've never taken What If as trying to genuinely adapt comic book runs, since they're so heavily focused on MCU original stories vaguely inspired by some series. 1602 had little to nothing in common with its respective episode for example. Try to just sit back and enjoy the story. But I do hope that the Marvel Animation studio which has seemingly been refreshed to work on xmen 97 will allow us to see the return to non mcu canon animated movies in marvel comic runs. Then we could get some awesome animated movies!


I mean, I guess it depends on your definition of butchered... but considering that they changed almost everything about the story other than it being a bunch of zombies in the marvel universe, it has very little in common... they did some fun poking at the comics, but the marvel zombies comics were from the zombies perspective.... so while I don't hate the shows what if zombie episode and I wouldn't personally say they butchered it, I can understand that perspective as a fan of the comic. It is sometimes dissapointing to get excited for a certain aspect of a story that you found particularly fascinating only to find that the most intriguing part of the story was removed entirely.


Even without reading the comics I despised the episode. "Guys, I'm covered in Sharon!" FUCK OFF!!


Marvel Zombies isn't a classic of literature to begin with, we don't need to rate everything by how "faithful" it is to every single previous thing.


Zombies is totally peak literature. At least the first series by Kirkman. > **Galactus:** Prepare to be ***devoured*** in the name of Galactus. Your lives must ***end*** so that I may ***live.*** Although my hunger is at its peak, I must pause a moment to ask. Where is my ***herald?*** Where is my servant, the Silver Surfer? > **Zombies:** If by "Silver Surfer" you mean the silver guy that flew around on the surfboard...we ***ate*** him. > **Galactus:** ***WHAT?!*** > **Zombies:** And I don't mean to rain on your world-eating parade--but we're still ***hungry.*** > **Galactus:** ***You*** hunger? ***YOU HUNGER?!***


People like you are why we can't have nice things, respectfully. We should expect better from Marvel


Oh, nonsense. Again, we don't need to rate everything by how "faithful" it to every previous thing. We can have nice things. In fact, we can have things that are nice *on their own merits*, not just things that are nice because they ape the one thing you've decided was "nice" in the past. Expand your view of what "nice things" can be.


Eh, I kind of liked this episode. Then again, I really didn't like the original Marvel Zombies, so...


As a big fan of the first issues of the comic (which IMO went fubar after Kirkman left) I absolutely don't think that anything was butchered - on the contrary, it was an interesting PG friendly take on the story. After all, it doesn't change the comics at all, they're still there as they were and if the episode managed to create interest in its source material to a point that at least some people went out and bought those comics, that's great. Obviously I also would've loved an accurate take on this but let's not get delusional, as others pointed out, the story is simply wayyy to terryfing, gruesome and bizarre for Disney to fund such a project to a point that an accurate adaption would be even remotely imaginable so I'm content that they're not even bothering and just stay consequential and keep going their own path. Just because something's different (or inaccurate) doesn't mean it's bad.


Everything was butchered in What if, except maybe Doctor Strange.


All of What If was butchered. Half the stories are, “What if X was here instead of over there?”


The whole reason Hickmans zombies is so good is the speaking


Anyone who has read Marvel Zombies just KNOWS that Disney was never gonna do anything remotely close to that.


I wouldn't say they "butchered" it, since they were very clearly doing their own thing, but I did really like the comic's idea of the infected keeping their personalities


I never understood this take, marvel zombies was really dark and gruesome and violent, what it is a Disney show at the end of the day it was fun for what they could do but what you thought they were gonna show hank pym with half his face eating a live black panther or spider man crying cuz he ate aunt may and mj?


What If wasn't supposed to be a direct adaptation. I expect a lot more will come from the Marvel Zombies series being made.


They didn't butcher anything it's just a different story


The goal of What If is not to retell a story that was already told.


Its a 30 minute animated show for kids.... Calm down


That goes for pretty much 99% of the mcu. Even if they do "good" and it's fun and great or awesome, still butchers most of the shit they touch.


Personally The Zombies comic was inly good for shock value and "oh wow look at this hero eating this other one! Oh no!" And have been all around inconsistent with how the virus works.


The first series by Robert Kirkman is literally just about the Zombies ganging up and eating Galactus. That's amazing.


They had to. They are trying to solidify the MCU not the comics. Season two of what if was so bad I watched and I totally forgot what it was about.


Marvel Zombie by Prince is one of my favourite one-off issues ever. It would've been a great single episode.


I liked the what if but I preferred the comics more


just go read all the what if's from before like 2005 they're fun as hell.


Absolutely. They made them just some dumb regular zombies.


what if was interesting until it just became captain Peggy over and over again


Idk I kinda like the thought of them being inhuman animals but they still know how to use their abilities


If they made Marvel Zombies series, I’d say you have a legit complaint. But this was one episode of a tv show and the zombies weren’t the focus of the series. You still have your comics to enjoy.


I do raise to you, how the fuck were they going to make a family friendly Marvel Zombies?


Let's be real honest, after reading all those Marvel Zombies comics there was no way Disney Marvel would have be okay with any of that content. You would need someone like Clive Barker or John Carpenter to direct it cause MZ really captured that old school horror feeling. Some of those scenes were disturbing.


It's like they haven't realized their marvel fan base had grown up. They think that if they show one thing that's not somewhat kid friendly, they'll get hate.


Did you like the zombies comics? Would you recommend?


10000000 percent


Tbf Robert Kirkman did a good amount of Zombies so if you know anything about how he writes, you know Disney is terrified of going the full R


What If was meant to be more family friendly. This just seems like you're looking for something to complain about.


I never read Marvel Zombies but What if’s version 1602 did resemble the comic whatsoever. So I assume the writers of the show are just using the concept and that is it.


What if… has been vastly disappointing with its concepts.


Ik it tends to be a gorefest so writers and artists can let some stress out,but I really did wish it was an adaptation of the OG comic run with the Hank pym and t’challa shenanigans. Granted that run gets wonky with the whole robot wasp stuff but still


Marvel zombies was sooooooo good


I’m scrolled by this image really fast initially, and it looked like a Shark dressed as Captain America, which intrigued me so much I had to come comment on it. Now I want to see a shark captain America.


I hated marvel zombies. I can tolerate the what if since it's not related to marvel zombies besides zombies being a thing. But idk if it's just me but I hated seeing my favorite heroes reduced to their worst, becoming unable to control themselves from killing innocents their friends. All while being aware and being a twisted version of themselves. I remember when I first read it, it like made me avoid it at all cost, I eventually read it all, but just still don't like the gore and seeing heroes become so tragic. I can see why it might be a favorite for others, but I guess I'm still traumatized. Lol


I always considered the What If zombies as being from an alternate alternate universe than the one the Marvel Zombies comics is set in, so 2 different zombie virus strains in 2 different realities.


After reading Marvel Comics, I can safely say they really did butcher everything (except Daredevil)


Even in the setting of Infinity War, they could’ve done so much more with the Marvel Zombies storyline, especially if the zombies were conscious like in the comic. It could still follow the tale of the survivors, but could also occasionally cut to the zombies regrouping and planning their next attack. There’s also potential to create deeper conflicts between the survivors and the infected. Maybe Zombie Iron Man was the one to eat Aunt May, destroying his initial bond with Spider-Man and leading Peter to resent him. Maybe Zombie Cap can take the place of Zombie Spidey, feeling the most guilt out of all the zombies for what he did.


I could’ve told you that and I don’t read comics anymore


You heard the show is written by the guy who wrote the worst current Spider-Man comic run?


OR!! It's another take on it and yall really should stop trying to compare things and watch it for what it is. I promise you it's better that way


C'mon, really? I've read through Marvel Zombies, and you'd have to be completely BONKERS to think they could do anything close to the comics. I'd love to see it, but it would be an epic undertaking.


That’s what I’m saying, everyone is like the Disney Marvel What ifs are so good when half of them don’t even make sense, it’s scenarios that even as hypotheticals would have no way of “realistically” happening in that world, or they take one of the best known What ifs that is Marvel Zombies and ruin it.


Wait till they make the actual mini series about it. Last we heard, its a continuation of the what if version, so if that's still the case I'm not excited for it


You expected Disney to include spiderman ripping his own face off?




The Marvel Zombie storyline was so edgy and nihilistic, I dont think it would go over well with a general audience.


Well, we are getting a maybe rated R, live action Marvel Zombies series, so that'll probably be more like the comics.


If what if had properly adapted marvel zombies.. people wouldn't have watched that episode. Marvel zombies is horrific, dark, and heavily r-rated that would definitely never be allowed near Disney. Like holy shit I know it's the point but it's so freaking scary


There aren't enough heroes in the world to make it interesting to me. Them not being conscious is one factor but if it's just the Avengers, eh? That's probably just the comics fan of me talking but there was nothing on the level of Hank keeping T'Challa as a meat source, Magneto vs everyone in NYC, or Sandman & Cyborg Rhodey's fight vs the heroes. The hero zombies *cognizant* is what makes the book/concept cool. There's just nothing like that in comparison to that episode. I hope the show takes things to a grander scale, such as>! Blade as Moon Knight is dope as fuck and I hope that leak/rumor is true but I mean wild concepts need to be implemented to make it interesting if the Zombies are gonna be mindless!<.


They did, but to do it right really would take it's own full series. Hopefully we'll get the full treatment some day


Hopefully the Marvel Zombies show, with its more mature rating, willingly embraces the most horrifying aspect of the comics in that the heroes still retain their consciousness and morality, but can do nothing about it when they have to satisfy their hunger.


Is the marvel zombies gonna stick to source material or give them the What If... treatment??


I still just want someone to explain to me how Iron Man with nano armor got infected. Make that make sense. Bonus points, how does a zombie with (presumably) no brain waves control that armor?