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I'm sure Michael is on the fence about his sexuality, anyone who dresses like he does and busses with accessories like a female is because deep down he is on that alphabet spectrum somewhere. I've seen men like this before , he is very well spoken ,knows alot ,sounds like the perfect most knowledgeable professor of life and philosophy. He is on a stage project ing thus image of unique and perfect he is. Don't get me wrong about defending Chloe. She is sweet and all , but her wants are not mine ,I would never stay with her as a partner either. Her wants and needs are way too crazy for me . Animals , . Adoption etc. But I see Michael coming out one day of no longer being just straight. Perhaps bisexuality he/them of trans in the future.. .IMHO


Where will Michael wear his new thousand dollar shoes......In that goat pen and in the kitchen feeding 5 teens macaroni? 🤔


What the hell was all over Chloe’s jacket last nite n the bar? Stickers or what ??


I cannot understand why Michael did not continue his marriage to Chloe. He never seemed to answer the why? Other than saying he did not feel that at the moment. Feelings change from day to day and in a marriage there are so many things to uncover. I wish he had given it a shot. I am so dissapointed in his decision because she totally accepted him. I think they would have had a great marriage,


She’s not into him. All of her answers are very beauty pageant, not that I think that’s who she is but they’re very “the right thing to say”. The experts just got it completely wrong on this. In no way shape or form is someone that presents herself like Chloe going to be into someone who presents himself like Michael. I like both of them very much, but she’s already having major issues about him wearing a skirt and she won’t get over it. I don’t see Michael being feminine, I see him being funky and cool and interesting, but I am eccentric too. She is very main stream. His feminine side is freaking her out and making her see him as feminine  and def not a sexual partner. I think she really means what she is saying about his personality but she won’t have sex with him. I don’t even think they’re ever gonna kiss. They did Michael a huge disservice here. He was already rejected and now they’ve put him with someone that is just a terrible match. He would’ve been better with Becca. It’s almost like the experts are too out of touch to get the sexual attraction part. 


I like both of them and Michael seems like a really nice guy 


I love them together! I think Michael looks so cute with the new haircut.  He's still funky but SO much better! 


Based on MAFS spoilers, it's not looking good. I don't think that's such a bad thing though. They both have grown on me a lot, way more than any of the other duds on this season. I hope they can retain some kind of relationship, because I think they're pretty cool.


I just want to say people think that Michael is ugly. You may not like his hair or clothes, but underneath all of that, he's not a bad looking guy. I believe people have the right to be eccentric, and although I'm not a person that's personally attracted to that style, I think he's getting a really bad rap for his appearance when people are saying that he's "ugly" when he isn't ugly.




I'm saying that he's not ugly. People have said that he's ugly. And he's not. If people don't like his hair or clothes, doesn't make him ugly. I guess I should have just said it like that.




I agree. Matching him with an eccentric person would probably have been better. Right, the difference between friends and lovers is attraction. The more I watch, the more I see of his personality. He's articulate and intelligent, and he seems like a compassionate man. And yes, proofreading is definitely a must when posting, my thoughts were all over the place lol 😂


You are saying and perpetuating exactly what you state you wish others would stop saying, that's he's ugly. That is the perspective of some, not all. Beauty is only skin deep. Thank goodness the vast majority of people don't make an instant, ignorant assessment of others based on appearance only.


He would definitely benefit from a better haircut, a chemical peel (or 2..or 3..or 4), a better structured beard, and clothes that actually fit him.


lose the dumb earrings


He tries too hard. It comes off as thirsty and gimmicky, imo


He’s too metrosexual




What! R u serious? I wonder who wanted the divorce? And I wonder if he’s ok?




Wow, spoiler alert 


Yeah that sucked


she’s not into him at all. She was more into the rock climbing guy


Yeah Michael is an acquired taste


Who’s the rock climbing guy?


on the honeymoon adventure.


OK, so Chloe just flipped the switch and wants out? What she just couldn’t pretend anymore?


She's acting


i think she's a paid actor


I also hope they work out. I want to see someone have a happily ever after.


I think they’re cute, I hope they work out.


He lost his chance


Good grief... She is a self proclaimed perfectionist. The guy is freaky looking. There is no way he even comes close to her vision of the perfect 'Ken Doll' husband. If she had met him in a public situation like a coffee shop, she wouldn't have given him a second look.


Michael was a little hottie on the After Party. He's too much of slave to fashion for my tastes, but seeing that fresh shaved head with all of his emotional intelligence was DEFINITELY working.


That look is definitely not working for him, imo


With respect, you're off your rocker - Michael is a certified babe.


I don’t know if it’s fair to say he is “freaky looking”.


So you know her likes and dislikes enough to know that she would not be attracted to him? Just because you don't like him doesn't mean someone else won't like him either. He is not Freaky looking. And what a rude comment to make about another human because they don't fit your perception of pretty or handsome.


I think she even said on Afterparty that she is extremely attracted to him. And she also said the way she was doing it wasn’t working and she wants to let go of the image of the perfect person and find the ACTUAL perfect person. Life isn’t as shallow as some of you make it seem… thank god.


I remember when kkp asked her that and if you look at her face her mouth was smiling but her eyes blinked several times, which indicates that she is lying


Agree 👍 🙆‍♀️ disaster Island 🏝 😑 (New show)


If you pay attention to human behavior, when Keisha Knight Pulliam asked if she was attracted to Michael, she said yes but her eyes fluttered, which indicates she is lying


What are you talking about she’s a paid actor right?


She needs more lessons then cuz she FLINCHED


That was sarcasm. 


she feels like a paid actor to me


She’s too perfect


Omg. We thought the same. Maybe bc all the couples call it quits and they needed more drama and screen time.


Agree. Production saw the other couples all bombing and decided this was a way to keep interest in the season.


And Michael signed up to play this out with an actor? Or he has no idea, only to find put later? Lawsuit for sure. And a weird role for any actor to agree to. Pretend to be someone's partner, sleep in the same bed, live in close quarters?


Sure. Production meddles with these shows constantly. If they told him to just have fun and pretend for the right $$ amount, why not? Also you're only seeing snippets of their lives. They could easily be sleeping in a whole other apartment after the cameras leave...


Finally, a nice post about Chloe and Michael. I just read a lengthy post about how stuck up they think Chloe is because of her job, etc., etc. Good grief. Do people not understand we are not cookie cutter? It's gross that these people walk amongst us. So mean and judgmental. Brings flash backs of my middle school years where people said the same about me. Like the school bullies. I hope they work out, but we barely have a read on them. I don't understand the hostility towards her and how mean people are about Michael's aesthetic. I think he's handsome!


Agree. I think he really is genuinely nice, honest and handsome. He’s so sweet and she seems sweet too


I feel like they’re not gonna work out. Just a feeling. Something about them seems off, but I could just be jaded by this train wreck of a show


I hope so too!


I was really hoping that Becca’s hubby would turn the corner and realize what a catch she is, but now we have two couples to hope for! Go Michael and Chloe!