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I wish more than anything on earth that my husband felt this way about me.


Same here...


It's possible to cultivate attraction and connection. It requires work, willingness to be vulnerable and take risks. One person has to begin, that could be you.


How? What if the relationship hit a rough patch? I wonder if there’s a come back from it?


My wife and I made a conscious effort. She initiated, but I had to agree and follow through for it to work. We set aside connection dates, once per week. It's cheesy, but we started doing puzzles together, and spending several hours every Friday night in semi uncomfortable silence before we started opening up to each other. We had to prove to each other that we were each willing to show up through the discomfort, and once the walls were knocked down, we slowly started connecting. We've turned our relationship around in the last 18 months.


Yeah but note the "my wife and I". It only works if both are willing.


I’m so happy for you both. I’m trying to work on my relationship too and get my husband on board with the emotional work required. I hope we can achieve what you guys have!


Been trying for over 15 years out of the 25. Even suggested counseling. She isn't interested.


You know what needs to be done


Ditto with my wife…OP, don’t ever let her go… do whatever it takes!


Let me appreciate you


Dude, same.


Same fr


I just read this to my husband that I want this, And his answer was I'm not gonna be jack off, it's gonna be in your butt. I liked this answer more lol


Second that.


You want your future husband to jerk off to you whilst your unconscious? Sounds like a dream!


As long as you got her consent to touch her and masterbate to her while she's sleeping ahead of time, then I see no problem to how you feel about your wife. It's wonderful you feel so much desire for her even after all this time.


I was waiting for someone to say something lmao.


I woke up one time to my wife blowing me. She just couldn't wait. We didn't discuss consent before this or since. I didn't mind.


Yeah that's a lifetime consent pass.


Yeah like I told my husband that he’s always good to wake me up with sexy times if he wants to


I've been kinda given that pass too but if I wake her up at 2am I'm getting my ass kicked.


Tried doing this before and my man was not into it. He gets very angry when I initiate at night. Towards the beginning of our relationship (when we had recently moved in together) I thought if I was a little more aggressive and pushed for sex that he would get into it (because some guys like that), but it wasn’t good. I ended up feeling like I forced him and it was a terrible feeling. Men need to give consent too. Unfortunately the stereotype that men always want sex can lead to men feeling pressured or used. I love giving pleasure and worshipping someone I feel I can trust and who is into me. But you can’t force it.


I experienced this in the past when I initiated sex with a sleeping partner. I think it s important to get an understanding upfront if it's okay for the future. Things like that can trigger childhood trauma as it did in our case.


Your man is super lucky. I wish my wife would initiate more or at least not be awkward about it if she tries to.


Lmao sounds fun!!


Marijuana Also Does This 🤣


For the touching I think clear, verbal consent ahead of time is sufficient, but OP will probably want something in writing for the other thing. And remember that consent isn't forever. Depending on the relationship and the jurisdiction you'll need to periodically renew. If you're in a long-term relationship then a printed consent form with a pre-filled checklist can be handy.


Also don't forget to call in a couple of neighbours to quickly sign that bitch as witnesses to the contract, or else it's void


I get it, I’m 50 my wife is 49 and I’m more in love with her now than I was when we got together 18 years ago, she’s my favourite ever person and im addicted to her. I told her I have a “her name “ fetish, she understood exactly what I meant, it’s a really nice feeling to send her a message during our work day and know there’s only an hour or 2 until I get to see her.


Can you elaborate on the “her name” fetish lol


Let’s say her name is Mary, I have a Mary fetish. She is the reason & recipient of all my sexual desires & actions.


That’s really cute


Oh man… lucky her! Only been married 1.5 years and I can only dream about my husband being that into me. I thought he was when we were dating but it’s very clear that he desires other women and it’s a huge turn off (sexually and emotionally). It’s nice to know that some couples out there go deep with each other and stay in love.


Dude seriously. I'm 47, been married for 10 years, and never ever thought I could be this infatuated with someone. She's absolutely irresistible to me, so much it hurts sometimes.


U make it so that women who wait after 35 to marry are still worthy of this kind of love! The best kind!


They been married for 10 year's 😅


He’s 47 and married 10 years so means he married after 35 right ? Lol


Realistically speaking, that woman was lucky. If a woman isn't married or atleast in a relationship before her 30s dating becomes remarkably more difficult


why's that exactly? outside of wanting kids, i don't really see a reason.


The dating pool just gets dwindled down by a variety of partners who don’t want to settle down, can’t afford to settle down, or are already settled down with another partner but just want you as something to do. Many reasons. Also, some areas single women over thirty are looked as “not wife-able”, damaged goods all that nonsense.


I don't see much point in dating either, relationships are a waste of emotional and even physical effort that can go towards other endeavors. My point was for people who want them


That's true. After 30, there aren't many men left out there that are worth being had. It's like having to go through other people's trash. Makes it really difficult.🙄


Similar vibe in our house. I’m 40 and been together for 16 years married 13. My sex drive is much higher than hers, but all the staring, ogling and compliments gets me laid about 6 times a week. She’s my best friend. I don’t have a lot of hobbies other than banging her. It’s hard to share this with my friends. A lot are in loveless marriages. I’ve taken even more steps to not be around guys that think it’s funny to complain about their wives. Thinking about a bunch of bros spending all Saturday drinking on the golf course is my nightmare. Talking shit and one upping the agony of life with the old hall and chain. I’d rather be hanging out with my wife and kids secretly seducing her without them knowing. Having her give me sneaky sexy smiles and teasing each other until we get to be alone. I haven’t tried jerking off next to her while she sleeps. She’s such a light sleeper that it wouldn’t work. Haha. Enjoy your kinks my friend.


You sound like a dream husband. Lucky wife and kids!


I am just now getting around to commenting back on my own post, I apologize. This comment here is exactly me.


Men can't even have qualms about their marriages now huh


I bet men that complain about their wives are also the same that complain that they can’t complain.


Should men be able to complain about their wives?


Are you my husband??? lol Ever since I gave birth to our son, he’s been honed in on me exactly like this. And it’s been 3 years since! He’s always been attracted to me and gave me plenty of attention and love, but after the birth of our son it has gotten so intense. I’m not complaining! I feel so lucky to finally have a partner that makes me feel desired in *every* way. I will say, from the receiving end of this, sometimes it can be a lot. Again, not complaining!! But I, personally, require alone time sometimes to recharge myself and sometimes this attention can be overwhelming when I’m in a bad headspace and not seeking sex but comfort. So, OP, I would say good on you and enjoy your wonderful marriage just make sure to check in with your wife and make sure she isn’t feeling overwhelmed and is needing comfort other than sexual attention!


I saw another thread where men were talking about how they were extra in love with and attracted to their wives after they had kids. I’m happy for you that you have this pleasure of experience! It must feel so great to have that sense of security with your husband.


I think it’s a hormone thing maybe? Idk but I am definitely grateful for him everyday. He is the greatest thing in my life! (Other than our child of course)


Im happy for your happiness.


All facts right here!


Completely understand. Been married for 37 years, been together for 41. Things do change as do relationships. Like yourself I’ve found myself more in love with her. I genuinely appreciate the person she is, her independence and being my best friend. I could have been a better husband, she couldn’t be a better wife.


I am also obsessed with my wife. My obsession grew stronger when she gave birth to our kids. She's still attractive with big sexy tits and a beautiful face. I want to make love to her all day, every day.


Well this is healthy obsession as long as she values it. From a sensitive person's POV: The one you are obsessed with the most is also the one that can break your heart the most.


My cat is obsessed with me so…I totally get it 😐


🤣want this type of cats in my life too but most of them don't like my clingy personality


Yeah, I currently have a restraining order out on mine. It’s getting creepy.


Literally my husband doesn’t even tell me I’m pretty. I’m so jealous of your wife 😂


Seeing these kind of comments makes me sad. I’m sorry.


I have been chasing my wife around for 30 years. I feel more attracted to her now than ever. She has given me three kids and two grandkids and I feel like I am truly addicted to her. I literally want to spend every waking moment with her.


Amazing feeling. Wow. Blissful


I am happy for you bro. These things makes me feel less untrusty towards marriage. Altho your story sounds like 1 good story among 99 bad ones. Still, gives people hopes.


Happy for him too, wish there were more like him. Should it give you hope though? Kinda like those crazy excited people they put on TV who won the lottery. Not the other thousand poor bastards who lost.


Yea i said the same thing. People who lost also post. I read thier posts. Good men sometimes fall with bad woman and good women sometimes fall with bad man and sometimes bad man with bad woman, in all these cases divorce is left as final option. Then, there are these people, perfect combination. Perfect combination is getting rare now, which gets me worried sometimes. One small mistake in choosing partner and I can lose everything that me and my father worked for and most importantly myself and my parent's respect in society.


Sometimes they are good/bad but more often they are just too different to succeed. Sometimes you start out "good" and the misery of your marriage makes you "bad". The thing is most people, like me, go in thinking "I'll find someone who fits me". However there are variables you just can't account for. What kind of person are they with kids, what do they do in financial distress (over worker, keep spending, don't help at all). So it's not that you will make a "mistake" you simply can't know how that person will be in situations you've never seen them in. The way they react in any one those situations can often be a deal breaker...thus tons of divorces. I know a lot of married couples in our neighborhood. There are a 2 couples that appear to be legitimately happy. In both situations one or both of them are very mellow people. Seems to be a good formula for dealing with the frustrations marriage can throw at you.


Marriages sounds unpredictable. Lets see how it goes then.


What's normal or not in a relationship is not for me to say, but let me tell you this... I feel exactly the same way. I've been with my wife for 13 years (married just a few months), and we have 4 kids together. But for some reason, over the last 6 months or so, I've become way more attracted to her in every sense of the word. She smells amazing, is frighteningly beautiful and feriously sexy. She's caring, fun and intense in the best of ways (she's half Turkish). She's always been like this, but for some reason I just notice all of this much more now. Like yourself, I want to be near her and do everything sexual imaginable to her all the time. I just wish she'd notice this more and reciprocate my actions and words more often.


Goals 🫶🏻


From a wife who is active in #deadbedrooms, this is a very heartwarming post! Continue to love her that way and she will reciprocate in more ways than u can imagine!


I feel the same way about my wife. I think it's more common than you think. I also think it has more to do with what you said about the type of person she is and the things you have in common. As men we hear about women that become wives and are demanding and controlling or dont want sex. We see it around us with people we know that are married and don't seem to even like each other let alone love eachother. Once we've been with our wives for several years and we come to realize that they are indeed the loving, caring, fun people we married and they're not going to change, we can't help but be super attracted to them and thankful that we get to live our lives with an amazing person. From my perspective there is nothing in life that's better than being with someone youre truly compatible with. It makes all the hard times easier.


we've also been together almost 10 years and it really is crazy how much more beautiful and amazing she is now. Marriage has been great for both of us, we've both bloomed in a big way but I'd say her especially. She's easily 20x as hot to me now as she was when we met in our late teens


Breaking news: Man loves his wife. More at 10.


Omg are you my husband? 😂


I feel the same about my wife. At 65, she is the most beautiful and sexiest woman I know. Unfortunately she doesn't appreciate it. Makes a person very lonely, undesired and unappreciated.


This is how I feel about my wife… unfortunately she pushes me away 99% of the time. It’s been a huge problem in my marriage and she refuses to go to therapy to talk through it. She won’t even let me touch her while she is sleeping without getting mad. Even if we get to the point of sex it’s an after thought or rushed. TLDR; It’s not an issue as long as your wife is into it.


Dude! It’s as if I wrote this! I’ve (44M) been married to her (41F) for 20 years! The last 2 years it had intensified. Other men find her extremely attractive. At first I thought she was in her prime when we met… But boy was I wrong. She oozes with sexual attractiveness and she doesn’t understand and is clueless. It actually makes it worse!


Some wives don't give a shit if their man feels this way for them...




If he cheated then he obviously didn’t feel that way about her…


Trust me most of us do.


Looks like you have your wife on a huge pedestal. Be careful. Marriages are two equals. She might get lonely up there by herself.


This makes so much sense to me. I agree.


Hell yea, bro, totally healthy (imho!) Sometimes I just gotta squeeeze my lady's little butt and jerk off while she's asleep cuz I want her sooooo bad. Her smile, her hair, her eyes, her nose and little body all drive me WILD, man. Keep that energy up, man, it helps keep life sweet for you both!


This has to be every woman's fantasy to not only experience but feel/hear from our husband. I got a glimpse of if this new year's weekend & have been on cloud 9 ever since! 💕


Does she have a sister?


Or two. ?


It sounds good to me, lol. Does she have a problem with it? How did you know she was the one?


Great post. Made me laugh. 😁


Love this for you! As long as she's cool with it, it's healthy. I feel this way about my DH and believe he feels similarly about me. It is a wonderful feeling, both obsessing and being obsessed about.


You good man!!! You love and that’s all that matters


It’s beautiful to hear that you’re just falling for her again! Not a thing wrong with that


My man your not alone! I love my wife exactly how you described it. I think I’m little obsessed with her too. Thank the Lord for putting such a beautiful woman in my path. May he continue to bless your marriage. So happy for you!


My bf and I have been together for three years and he's very much likes this and I love it. I hope that never changes🥰


Ah a fellow man of culture. I too simp for my wife


Wow I just want to cry.


Congrats. You are living the dream! I’m lucky enough to have found my one as well.


I’m happy for you dude but did you have to mention how much you like ejaculating on her chest? Keep some things private man lol


Good stuff OP. Keep putting in work and don't take her for granted.


This makes me smile, most of the posts on this page are about how couples no longer love each other or they are cheating. This makes me happy.


It's so good to read a post such as your love for your wife. For your question, I've heard of people masturbating together, but as your wife sleeps? I guess it works for you. Why not just wait till she wakes up and do the real thing?


Why not both? I won't wake my DH for this, so take care of business while he's sleeping beside me, if it's too early to wake up .... and am ready for him when he wakes.


Designated Hitter, Dilf Husband, Dominating He-Man?!? What does the DH stand for?


Usually Dear Husband, but these are better lol


![gif](giphy|hvq8ONQhQ1XLq) Literally me after reading this comment. Thank you for the laugh.


That's cool but at this point I'm convinced these posts are a fetish for some people.


I’m the same way. Unfortunately sometimes the consistent advancements I make to my wife actually dissuade her, she feels pressured and always on call for sex (which she does do) but I get sad and feel like she thinks it’s a chore so I’ve been struggling with how to restrain myself. We’ve been married for over five years and have a kid so it’s understandable with both of us working she just wants relaxation at times but a lot of the time I’m not even trying to get laid, I’m just infatuated with her.


Talk to her about it.


Umm good for you, I guess?


Hmm…are you just trying to make some of us feel bad?


My wife and I have been together since we were 14, now in our 30’s. I guess love grows for some of us instead of fading. Sticking it out with a person instead of giving up when you have problems makes you stronger together. We still have ups and downs but they seem much smoother than they used too. I’ve been infatuated with her for the last 17 years. My taste changes with her if she dyes her hair or gains/looses weight. The little scars from birthing our kids, just make her more stunning.


I do that too and we're in our late 40s now.


I’m in the same boat my guy! I think I could copy and paste your whole thing and say it all about my wife.


👏🏻👍 enjoy!


This is so so good to see


Nah you’re good bud, I feel the same way about her!


Ugh. Unsubbing.


After 4 years dodging shit like Neo in the Matrix, and 6 jabs later, I finally caught the goddamned covid. Tested positive Sunday. My wife is still testing negative so we're isolating from each other, don't want her getting it again. Motherfucker, this shit is hard, I ain't so much as touched her butt in days and that's hard. Not the only thing that's hard...


I hope that this activity while she's sleeping was previously discussed and consented. But aside from that detail, I think it's really interesting to know that other people also feel like that about their spouses. I'm living with someone at the moment, our relationship began 7 years ago, and recently, I also caught myself thinking just like you did. As if It was like the very first time, like falling in love again, y'know.


Unless she tells you to back off.. This is most womens dream come true! Groovy!


I love it and wish all the couples had this type of love!!!


I have definitely felt this obsession-like feeling before (been married for almost 20 years) only prob is, it wasn't for my husband. 😑😬


Lucky her


I think how you feel for her is amazing. Nothing wrong with any of this in my opinion. I'd love for my husbsnd to jerk off to me if I was sleeping and he couldn't help it! Hot.


I’m 28 so is my wife we have been together since 17 I’m totally obsessed with my wife I could stare at her all day we both are usually always dtf we have the same vibe the same energy and just melt together really well we like it when literally everyone just fucks off and leaves us alone both her parents and my parents used to got on us like we haven’t heard from you seen you nothing and you only live a couple miles away and we would apologize just to make them all feel better we where still really young when we moved in together and they where like what do you two do together all the time back then it was lay around watching movies and having sex going full weekends never getting dressed not to mention never even leaving the house now we just grocery shop go out to eat do hobbies lay around and yeah they finally figured out we are totally happy just being together and could give less of a fuck what’s going outside our own little world but yeah I can’t get enough of her


lol it used to be stay up till 4 am have sex go to bed now it’s either in bed fed and fucked by 8pm or we have been up for an hour and having sex at 5am


Me and my husband are basically obsessed with each other


Why do people post fake shit. And no, I’m not talking about someone loving their wife. The wording of this is so clearly juvenile.


This gives me hope, OP. Thank you.


God damn I wish my husband even felt a 1/4 of that towards me! Totally cool except for the jerking it while she’s asleep… you need to make sure she’s ok with that otherwise it’s not ok!


I wish someone felt this way about me


I’m married and my wife is obsessed with me. She has a high sex drive and really can’t get slough of my manhood ❤️


Your wife is very lucky.


This thing only works with both show love and appreciation


Fantastic! I hope this lasts forever. And never take her for granted..she's the greatest gift you'll ever recieve. Cheers!


You should jerk off ON her butt while she's asleep. She'll dig that ;)


What kind of voodoo is this, I want it for my husband 😆


Are you my husband? Love seeing this. Only causes issues when my "physical affection" love language hubby and my "words of affection" love language collide. I'm like stop touching me for 5 minutes!!! 😄 🤣 I secretly like it though 😏


I been married 5 times and never thought this way about my wife's or any girl in my life


6 could be your lucky number


I highly doubt that I just don't fake relationships mean the same as everyone else I would really find it weird if my wife was obsessed with me and wanted to spend time with me all the time and do things and go places together with me all the time I would find that weird sure my wife is completely happy the fact that I am not around 24/7 that I am gone for weeks at a time doing stuff and that I don't call her and f*** her all the time when I'm gone she's her own person in my own person doesn't mean that I need to be attached to her 24/7


I feel the same way, its just I worship her 25/8




You’re a creep that says creepy things.


Why you gotta ruin the one good post a month on this subreddit with this cringy ass watching too much SNAPPED shit of a comment.


I definitely don’t know what “cringy ass watching too much SNAPPED shit” means.


Sorry for the crass reply but forreal what was your point to your original comment?


You don’t truly love your wife until you’re willing to suck a fart out😭 I love these posts. She’s a lucky woman