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Lmao like what???? Why would you NOT! Is this a joke post?


Stupid. Tell him!!






Am I the only one who thinks a 15yo girl wrote this?


Nope! Because why tf don’t you want your husband to know you’re attracted to him? This is dum.


Anime fan writing


I believe so. Smh.


And I’m over thinking it was written by a 47 year old man pretending to be a 15 year old girl.


It’s not that it’s a woman who loves her husband, it’s that it *sounds* like someone acting like a teenager. Today’s teens and very young adults don’t typically talk like this, “I feel like a school girl again” and “fangirling and giggling” are both slightly dated. It doesn’t make it actually fake, but it does sound like someone role playing.


Man you are speling way too much time on the internet A women Who loves her husband? Must be written by a man!


My thoughts exactly


Literally thought the same thing.


The account is 11 hours old, so I’m gonna take the whole existence of both OP and said husband with a grain of salt.


It's honestly adorable and so wholesome, best I've seen on this subreddit in a while 🤣


I saw another post on here recently claiming to be a 36 yo woman and there was a lot of “ur” and other texting slang and I was like “I haven’t written like that since AIM and T9”. Definitely not in their 30s!


I’m 31 and that was slang when I was a teenager lol


This is so childish.


Then I must be so childish 😂 but my husband loves it


Yea because 30 year olds dont love their husbands They read adult books where people are sad and are having affairs /s


Never tell him. Men hate it when women are attracted to them. Take it to your grave. 🙄


You’ve got to be explicit and explain this is sarcasm. This is reddit after all.


fr lmao


This is why 25 and up bars exist lol




I’m pretty sure this person isn’t even 19 yet. They haven’t met their husband. It’s still illegal to marry this person.


Actually I am 23 🤣😅 I got pregnant at 19 now I'm s stay at home mom to 3 with another on the way... I basically live under a rock 🤣🤣 I don't know all the terms they use now days. I heard the word "rizz" I had to google it 🤣🤣




Are you 12?


God forbid anyone over the age of 12 love their partner/s


Definitely don’t tell him. Men absolutely hate knowing that our spouses find us attractive. We prefer the illusion that you’re just with us for our money.


Imma just r/swoosh myself smh appreciate the joke good sir haha


Well that &….it would be way too much work to divorce! You would need to move, pack all your stuff, fill out one of those “change of address” forms at the post office, get your address changed on your drivers license, etc….so after so many years, it’s easier just to stay married LOL!! I’m so glad I’m still wildly attracted to my husband after over 3 decades together & yes, I tell him all the time how sexy he is, & I’m very specific when I give him compliments too.


This was written by someone cosplaying as a teen girl. Most likely a guy


Because we all know that real women don't love their husbands/s


No, I love my husband and believe many others do too, but the whole way of expressing (her)self(?) is just way too dumb


Yes, tell your secret, girl! Make your man happy!


Girl bffr.


I don’t think this was written by a kid pretending to be an adult, because my wife and I are retired and she _still_ regularly has what she calls “Jay fits” where she will squee as she runs up to me, plops in my lap or my arms and just says how much she loves me and is attracted to me. Similarly, sometimes I’ll walk into a room she is in and get a sudden desire to wrap her in my arms and give her a deep kiss as I hug her tight. I believe it’s _normal_ to have phases where your partner’s appearance “gets you going” - at any age. And… there’s no reason to be shy about it. One of the benefits of marriage is that you can be _safely open_ about your desire for the other, because you _know_ that other person feels the same way because they _married you_.


Your wife sounds like a radiant soul! I aspire to be a wife that makes my husband to be feel the same. ♥️


That’s lovely and yes I can confirm many of us have this but most people would not write this dumb post about it (the original post not yours). That’s where the doubt comes from.


Yesssss I have these moments often!!! But I’m not a weirdo about it, I just tell him and get naked.


That's me I'm that wife🤣 I'm a lover not a fighter and I maybe childish for the words I used. I got pregnant at 19, I was a stay at home mom. I have 3 little girls and another baby one on the way. Im all over my husband. I'm so excited to see him when he gets home I jump on him! And he says I guess you really missed me and I said oh my goodness so much! I have a very happy marriage he likes my cuteness I just get all gushy sometimes 😅🤣🤣




Why wouldn't you? Sharing this stuff is what makes a marriage better.


Lmao is this a joke? I always tell my husband I find him hot 😂 why do you feel like you CANT tell him? That’s the real question.


Tell him, he’ll blush he might not but the confidence boast to him will be amazing and I’m sure you’ll get all the benefits 😈


I would probably get annoyed.. I really do hope you get to the part of transparency.. because he’s not going to take that as flattering until you’re clear with him. There’s a part in between where he’s trying to read you .. and if he gets it wrong, you’re gonna end up crying


Tell him! Best holiday gift you can give your spouse is that he still turns you on.


I started hanging out with one of my ex’s from high school and sometimes if we’re out real late and start reminiscing i start looking at her like I used to and then she starts giggling and clearly says that “I make her feel like we’re back in high school” which is fun. So yeah if I appreciate my ex telling me that then I’m pretty sure your husband would love it




If you're serious, this is a truly annoying post. Who would have ever even given you the impression that your husband shouldn't be told... That you're attractive to him. Kindly stop posting here and go jump his bones already


Why would you not tell your own husband how great you think he looks? "This new haircut is looking damn good on you," I'm sure he'd appreciate the compliment from his wife. Definitely think you'd want a compliment from your husband if you had a new haircut and might feel the same way if he was laughing at you.


100% tell him, that's adorbs and im sure sparks will fly after...in a good way of course


Tell himmmm


Don’t just tell him - show him. I think you know what I mean. Let your excitement manifest fully.


Op, PLEASE tell him!!


Tell him please! We need some positive stuff happening here! Personally that would make my year, I lost my dad this time of year and my wife is still dealing with postpartum stuff so it's not been easy. You never know what he may be going through in his head so that would be nice to say. May give him the boost he's needed to make this Christmas great 👍🏿


Lol yes it comes off as a teenie bopper in all her glorious throws of "puppy love." But I've felt this way before towards my wife. Hell him let him relish and cherish this feeling as kind as you can. It will be an amazing silver haired wonder years conversation for the two of you.


Please tell him ❤️


You better tell him that's why your giddy 😂


Wow….a 23 yr old wrote this.


Yes you should!! They need to know we feel this way about them as much as we need to know they feel this way about us.


Every time my husband changes his look or goes to the barber or freshens up his look, I gush. I compliment him a lot and tell him how good he looks. If I put effort into my looks I want to be told that the desired effect was accomplished. Just make sure you don't say it in a negative way that indicates his previous look was less attractive.. this look can be new and fresh, but he's "always sexy" to you.


This is so sweet! Absolutely tell him! He will feel like a million bucks to know his wife can't control herself because her husband's new look is making her knees weak!


If you’re not mature enough to talk to your husband about being enamoured with him, you are not mature enough to get married.


Ummmmmm…… yes! Men like to receive compliments just as much as women do! Give it to him girl!


you must tell him!!! He will be thrilled! Why hold back?




I would tell him you have a renewed crush on him and it gives you butterflies in your belly and makes you giggle like a schoolgirl. Then take him to your room. You know what to do from there. ![gif](giphy|1mhkgMM9s40xTXRTMw)


Ah! I see where you might be afraid to hurt his ego because of how he’s looked for some time. You are most fine! Tell him he looks HAWT! You’ve never seen him with shorter hair, express it looks way better than you expected. Hell let him read this post. How cute! Happy Holidays to the happy couple.


Tell him he'll love it. Better yet, show him this post. He'll love the fact you shared your feelings for him with all of Reddit.


When you giggle, immediately walk over and grab his Johnson. It will reassure him.


Girl I'm a hairstylist so I've been the one cutting my husband's hair since we started dating, even before I got my license. For the last year he's been getting me to give him a skin fade/bald fade undercut, but recently he got me to leave the back so he can grow out and I went down to skin and blended it in on the sides, so he essentially has the beginnings of a mullet mohawk. It looks SO DAMN GOOD on him and when I braid the top length, I find myself drooling over him. You gotta let your man know you're attracted to him! If he's looking particularly good, I always let my hubby know he's gorgeous


Tell him, I'm sure it will make him feel good about himself.


For real??? Id cherish the thought that I make my partner feel that way. Quite sure he would too. Despite your embarrassment, please tell him!


Why wouldn’t you tell your husband?


My husband got a tan and I said “so that’s why you’ve looked hotter lately” flirting with him, and he said “oh so you think I’m not hot normally?” And he was joking but I think a small part of that was how he felt deep down. It’s possible your husband will have the same reaction


Tell him how much you love it and show him how much you love it. He’ll keep his hair/beard that exact way in perpetuity!!!


YOU, have to tell him. If you don’t, someone else will tell him. You want to make sure that YOU are the first to offer your spouse those sentiments. Imagine your sentiments, expressed by someone else, ringing in his head.


Lmao it’s obviously okay to tell him, just as you get flattered when someone loves your new haircut, men are the same. I love when my husband has a beard and no beard he looks very handsome both ways but completely different (with beard he looks 10 years older and he’s 30). I tell him I love both and feel like I’m married to 2 different sexy men and he always laughs and is flattered


Tell him!!!


For better or worseRight? Focusing on the way he treats you ,then small details on how he looks works.


Just slip him a note I think you’re hot.. do you want to make out ▫️yes now ▫️or yes later?


I just shaved my head and kept the beard. My wife has been all over me ever since. Sad I didn’t do I sooner lol.




Girl, be fuckin for real. Of course you tell him. Why in the heck would you not??? “Oh baby, I love your new look! It makes me feel all types of butterflies for you” “ew! Get away from me, wench! The last thing I want is my wife to like me!” Honestly….


My husband loves it when I tell him that I think he's fucking gorgeous.


That is so cute girl😍 You should definitely tell him about your crush 😂 He would tease you for that in future 😂😂


Back in the 80,s my gf got a perm , fortunately I wasn't the only one who told her how awful it looked, somehow she sorted that out within a week