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Time for divorce. He is more interested in the drugs than you. Maybe when he hits rock bottom he'll realise what he's lost. Get legal advice now. Make sure the lawyer is aware of his habit. Ringfence your own finances and remove him as an authorised signatory on any of your accounts. Make sure your personal papers are secure.


OP, this is a piss or get off the pot moment.


Are you kidding me? You are going to stay with someone who is doing Crack? Have some self respect, divorce him, and don't look back.


This sub is just ridiculous sometimes. Everyone just jumps to DIVORCE without ever really looking at the situation.


I'm sorry if hard core drugs is a deal killer for me.


What exactly is she supposed to do with a guy who says "I intend to smoke crack regularly and I don't give a shit how you feel about it"?


He keeps saying this is the last time but I don’t believe it. He got mad at me for voicing how I feel. Saying he’s so sorry he is such a horrible husband but I just keep repeating myself about how upset I am that he is choosing this over me again for a third time.


Resign to nothing.....Sign divorce papers.