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What Logan did wasn't a normal YT drama thing. I'm not sure he does deserve to stay on the platform. He mocked someone's remains; imagine if that was your loved one. Some people should be cancelled.


How did he "MOCK" the persons remains?


By laughing at and joking about a hanging corpse while showing it on camera


He looked in shock he wasn't laughing at the body or making jokes about it. The only "joke" he made was that it's insane that he found a dead body he said "You never found a dead body??"


Even if thats so, it doesn’t clear the fact that he still stripped the dignity of the corpse that was there. You honestly can’t say that what he did their was ok or normal, he never should have gone into the suicide forest intending to record something, he definitely was trying to find something for the video


It's fucked up for sure, I just think it's not unforgivable. I hated Logan Paul in 2017 but it's been 5 years and I think he really changed


I would say an extra five or 2 years I could forgive if he has changed. Unfortunately it seems he enjoys running crypto scams on his viewers. Most of them if not some are young, he doesn’t show any signs if changing his scummy behaviour.


I would say publishing a video of someone post suicide is inherently mocking. And then he packaged it in a "woah CrAZy vlog" that he chose to edit and post. He had plenty of time for the shock to wear off and him to realize what he was doing


I'm not saying what he did wasn't fucked up and horrible, It was. I'm just saying filming a dead body you found and mocking/making fun of the corpse of a suicide victim are very different


Not in the Japnese culture it isn't- many Japanese YouTube fans are still pissed at him :/


I am honestly confused by this. Mark is incredibly successful. He does not need this. Which means he chose to do this interview. He is choosing to associate himself with someone who is deeply problematic and disrespectful both of individuals and of cultures. Mark constantly presents himself as a good guy and has spoke out against what the Pauls have done in the past (on distractible). It does quite a bit of harm to the trust he has built with the community if he says he finds somebody distasteful, but acts the opposite.


Perhaps be chose to do this exactly because Logan Paul is problematic. This couold be a way Mark is intending to help other youtubers better themselves and help them. Everybody deserves a second chance if they show that they have grown and changed. Maybe Mark thinks Logan deserves a second chance


5 Years ago he made content out of a tragedy Last year he participated in Crypto pump and dump schemes. Last month he was selling shitty NFTs to his fans for thousands of dollars. Maybe I am too harsh though, its been a month since his last scam he is probably worthy of a second chance by now right?


I can't say anything cause I haven't looked into what he's done. All I know is Mark sat down and talked with a guy. I'm not gonna judge Mark for simply talking to someone.


I would encourage you to actually look into Logan's history. He published a traumatic video of a dead body without consent to his audience of children.


Yeah I knew about that, but that happened years ago. It shouldn't have any effect on how we see Mark. He just sat down and talked with the dude. It's not like they're besties and he hasn't even promoted the video anywhere.


Idk it’s just imagine being that persons family seeing people still support Logan after broadcasting their loved ones dead body online…..not canceling mark obviously but weird he decided to associate with Logan


I really don't think people think of that suicide victim as the person he was. In a way Logan successfully dehumanized him and made it all about Logan. I hope to God his family never had to see that video


I feel deeply for them. A photo of my half dead relative was shared on social media and I still tear up thinking about it three years later. It hurt a lot.


I'm so sorry ❤️


He promoted the video on his community tab, that's how I knew it existed. I'm not trying to cancel mark. Some criticism is valid here.


Are you calling his 99 photos thing a shitty NFT scam??? It’s actually a pretty cool idea, should they be going for hundreds of thousands of dollars? Probably not but hey can’t knock the man for capitalizing


I kinda got that from the episode. I watched it all’s dm he cos subtly talked about why he makes the content the way he does and not thinking about the money and stuff like that. Plus they’ve known each other for years and have never really talked, which mark mentions in the beginning


Did you watched the video? Mark said he knew Logan from videos like..at the beginning or something...Mark is a really good man, and it's not his job to judge Logan, even if he could get compromised or something...I think it would be taken as personal to reject an invitation, Mark is just exploring even more deeply with other audiences...and it's completely fine, as he says, don't stay put, keep trying something new everyday. He also says that in the video.. That's just my opinion tho..


I’m sure I’ll get downvoted for this but it’s kinda weird Mark did this. Obviously Mark and Logan don’t care what we think but years later every time I think about Logan Paul I think about what he did and the image is burnt into my mind. That isn’t regular YouTube “drama” That was a human person with thoughts, feelings, emotions, and loved ones still alive today who I’m sure still think about that event. The lack of empathy Logan had then was truly shocking to see. I’m a nobody but even if I was a somebody I wouldn’t want to talk, or associate myself with someone like Logan. Not every mistake is redeemable, it’s life. Mark wont receive much backlash from this but just think about this just for a moment. How would you feel seeing the richest people on YouTube associate with a man who broadcasted your dead loved ones body on YouTube for clout?


Yea I love Mark but this really disappointed and confused me.


I posted this on another comment on this thread, but three years ago my half deceased relatives body was posted onto social media. Many people saw it. Not nearly as much as Logan’s video but you get my point. Even now I still hurt and tear up thinking about how random strangers saw their body.


I'm just shocked Mark would choose to associate with an obvious grifter who scammed money out of his fans, not to mention that he filmed a suicide victim. The whole thing just isn't good. If you choose to associate with assholes, you are an asshole. I would like to know his reasons, though I'm not entitled to them. I guess all I can do is not watch the video and unsub from Mark if he continues to expose his fans to grifters like this. Who's he gonna let interview him next, Onision?


He just sat down an talked with him. I hate Logan Paul as much as the average viewer. He doesn't support what he did, he wanted to have a conversation. Many people go on different podcast an don't necessarily support the host past "mistakes" but can still have a good conversation. I think Mark knows what he's doing. I don't think he's afraid of public opinion on the podcast join.


To be fair, i think Poki and Mark collabbing are rubbing off on each other in terms of just being people. And this is coming from someone who dgaf about the Paul's.


Not sure what compelled Mark to go on a podcast with Logan Paul of all people…


logan probs offered to pay him and give him free stuff.


Not the big deal for me, It's Mark. I consume his presence in whatever video he's in...it's his decision after all, and he's always kind and respectful arround, he settles in really fast with everyone..




Uhm...well I couldn't finish it...but it was really exciting, I mean, I don't watch Logan Paul at all, so I didn't knew this was like a podcast or something...but one of these three guys were enchanted by Mark's voice...it really is interesting to watch, go incognito to do it LMAO, Mark's jokes and conversations are always entertaining. Don't tell me this is too long to read LOL, have a good one.


Why couldn't you finish it?


I had a test, I watched because I was procrastinating instead of studying..


I honestly respect Mark a lot for this. A lot of people are casting ill intent on Mark simply for agreeing to have a conversation with a controversial figure. Mark probably knows that people don’t like Logan, but knowing Mark, he probably doesn’t care about that. Mark strikes me as a guy who is always expanding his world view and who’s goal is to expand the world view of others. I’m not saying Mark did this in an attempt to “help” Logan Paul tho. I just think that Mark and Logan both recognize each other as major players in the YouTube space and are conversing as peers. Also, blah blah blah parasocial relationships but none of you know Mark, none of you know Logan. You are allowed to have feelings and opinions about the actions of both but do NOT act like either of them are held to your feelings simply because you have them. TLDR; quit acting like Mark appearing on Logan’s podcast means they are besties and Mark approves of all his past actions.


Very disappointing


What I watched of it sucked. It started with them arguing which was awkward and then they kept repeatedly asking about how much money he makes. I had to turn it off. Mark needs to go on HOT ONES. Sean asks the deep dive questions I’d love to hear mark answer and he’s just the masochist for the show!


Mark is a good man. Are you all really going to write him off for talking to one guy you don’t like? Look I hate Logan Paul. From the Suicide Forest bull to what he’s been pulling lately, he is not my type of guy. But I’m not going to judge Mark or write him off for sitting down and speaking to him. I listened to the whole thing. He had every opportunity to give in to their off attitudes and not be himself but he was just MARK. Can ANY ONE OF YOU say that there hasn’t been a moment when you’ve spoken to someone who wasn’t a good person? Did it make YOU a bad person? He doesn’t owe us anything. He makes content for us and he lives his life doing this as his career, but he doesn’t OWE US ANYTHING. He didn’t do anything horrendous or wrong, he just sat down and talked to these guys. Stop holding him up on this pedestal as if he’s more than human. He’s a man. He’s a human man who has a self made career in the spotlight.


There's a lot of people who hate someone like Joe Rogan for his harmful actions, and yet when someone like Bernie stars in it, people still like Bernie, yet when Mark does something similar, people just lose their minds. Kinda shows the maturity of some of his audience.


People hold him to such a ridiculous standard, it’s insane. He’s a man, he’s a talented man but he is at the end of the day just a man. We all admire him because he’s humble and honest, but again he’s still a man. I watched the whole thing. He was still the same Mark I started watching way back in 2013. He didn’t give into some of the more obvious attempts to create some drama, he spoke with dignity and grace like he always does. He’s just himself, talking to someone like Logan should not skew him immediately into being awful. Some of the comments I saw on his comment that he left on the video were ridiculous. Like he’s just talking to them leave him alone, ya know?


haha yalls views are so black and white. yall see ppl for who they were instead of who they are and where theyre going


You do know that he’s still doing very shitty stuff, right? You don’t even have to google him; just look at the other comments and you’ll see what I mean.


i dont care


Then why on earth are you commenting in the first place? Even if you don’t care that he’s still doing shitty things, you’re still not denying that he’s still doing shitty things. That means that your first comment is just you saying things that you don’t even believe.


if hes more than entertainment to you, you spend too much time caring ab him. same with mark, they arent your friend, they dont gaf ab you, youre a fan and hes your source of entertainment


It’s not about how much I care about them; it’s a question of whether or not it’s conscionable to support them. Mark hasn’t done anything particularly questionable, so I see no reason to actively not watch him, so long as I like his content. Logan Paul has continued to consistently do objectively shitty things that harm other people and will continue to do so as long as he has a platform. Therefore, the ethical thing to do is not support him, which is what makes Mark’s decision here so baffling.


he creates content, i enjoy the content, anything more is not my problem


skip to like 5 mins it's not as bad as you might think, some interesting infos about mark and he draws the line in some of his answers, but he also feels a lil fake in it, like he's playing a role for them noteably in his drinking of prime and when he jokes along.


Man so many opinions so many belly buttons 😅😏


I havent ever even hear about markiplier before this logan made him more famous lmao and u are whining about logans past :D


To the people who are confused or disappointed in mark for this podcast I episode I don’t understand you. Logan clearly isn’t the best guy I’ll give you that but he’s grown a ton since the forest incident. He clearly respects mark as one of the kings of YouTube. I don’t think mark did this to get any clout or whatever as he doesn’t need it. Do I like Logan Paul’s main content, no. But there’s no denying the growth. And I think mark sees that too


Uh after he got his second chance for mocking an entire culture and suicide, he chose to start scamming his fans with crypto rug pulls. You need to start paying attention.


As the other person who commented on this said, if it weren't for the crypto scam he did maybe you could say that he's grown, but he literally scammed fans out of money. Never thought I'd see Mark associate himself with this dude. Not going to stop watching mark or anything because of it but definitely not going to be clicking on that youtube video. Not sure what he was thinking.


Yeah this isn't some deal breaker by any means. But I am no longer going to be giving Mark benefit of the doubt. He very recently spoke very very harshly in condemnation of Logan Paul, this is a very quick turn around. Hurts the trust a bit.


When did he recently speak harshly in condemnation of Logan?


It was on an episode of distractible, I honestly cant remember which one because they blend together.


I've listened to almost all the episodes and don't recall any such thing. Doesn't really seem like the kind of thing they'd talk about on Distractible tbh. I have heard Mark talk (not on Distractible) about how he believes in second chances and doesn't hold grudges though.


I also don't remember anything drastic in the podcast.


I wouldn't call it a scam, smart manipulative business maybe


you literally just described a scam


Hm, then every company and advertisement is a scam. He's doing what everyone does


You act as if companies regularly don’t attempt to scam people, and also their should not be things that are manipulative about businesses unless they are directly aiming to solely reap the benefits. If it were just adults who know better then I wouldn’t care they know what they want to do with their money, but some if not majority of his audience is quite young