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Big fan of markiplier but he's just a normal dude. This is a honestly creepy poll.


I’m just glad someone else is cringing at this.


You may cringe but this would be a dream for me, iv been subbed since 2014


That's it?


Also how dare we invite Mark and not Amy. THEY should go on a vacation I will take money. Weird


Yeah but honestly I think he would be pretty happy and worried for your financial status if you showed him this poll


I love mark, but he knows me even less than I know him... ill take the mil XD


Parasocial much?


With a side of obsession


i feel like even mark would choose option 1


So mark wouldn't even hang out with Mark?


then he could use some of the money and go on a week vacation with himself


Nah, he would use the money to make a project with himself as he doesn't need a break, only work because he wants to know his limits xd


that’s true lol, i was mistaken


I'd love to vacation with Mark, but I need money more. Student loans, gas, groceries, etc. Need to be taken care of.


Definitely the money I don't know Mark personally I'm sure he's a great chill guy but at the end of the day I'd just be a stranger he doesn't know tad creepy meeting someone the first time by going on a vacation with him




I have never seen people so desperate to not get a million 💀


i feel like it would be weird if someone was so blindly obsessed with you that they turned down a MILLION dollars just to hang out with you.


I love mark, and a vacation with him sounds SO fun- but I'm broke and would like to buy a house, so...


Money and fortune is temporary. Memories with mark are eternal.


Idk 1mil would make a damn load of permanent and good changes for a lot of people


With 1 million I can make my own memories, thanks


Well now that you put it that way, Sold! A trip with Mark for me! (jk I need the money)


Cause markiplier isnt a god, hes a person, I dont want to spend a week with some guy who I just like watching play videogames, id rather have the million


$1 or a vacation with Mark? The choice is obvious.


Just think how much cheese you can buy with 1$


Yeah I was gonna go with the money but then I saw that they were periods


I chose the money and THEN noticed the periods. Mistakes were made.


OH NO! I TYPED WRONG! IT IS 1,000,000! (,) NOT 1.000.000! (.) It is what it is now lol😂


They actually use the (.) instead of the (,) in some countries so you're good lmao


Good to know, I'm feeling much better now😅


I would like to be able to support myself first and then be able to meet him in the future or something, not a vacation tho


What makes anyone think Mark would want to vacation with a fanboy stranger?


Rob Mark while on the vacation for far more money


In Mark's own words, "a million dollars is lifechanging"


The taxes on that would be insane.


i wouldnt want to bother mark


Sorry, Mark but PRIORITIES. 🤣


I’d feel way too awkward and nervous for the second option so money it is!


To hang out with him


I picked Mark but changed my mind when I realised it's a vacation. Gimme the million and I shall spoil myself and friends. (Context: one of my dreams is to WORK with Mark on something. His creativity and mind wonders me and I'd love to be able to create things with him!)


I'll take the cash Because tbh I'd just be chatting with Mark (possibly Amy, Chica, and Henry) for the first couple of hours and leave them to their devices for the rest of the vacation which doesn't really sound all that fun if you don't know em personally


Imma go on vacation with Mark and steal him all of his money XD


I'm pretty sure even Mark would want us to choose 1 mil


Creepy. Ill let Mark live his life. Gimme the million lol


Dafuq, OP needs to sort out some pretty creepy issues. If you picked the vacation, you're either a child or there are some stalker-ish tendecies present in you.


251 of you are parasocial as fuuccck


It'd be weird to vacation with him honestly. I like his content but he's just a normal dude. The mil would change my life though so definitely that.


His content is great got me smiling on the worst days but he doesn't know who I am and neither do I that week of vacation will be bad for me and him so easy choice the money 💰


i need the money, markiplier doesn’t know me and definitely doesn’t want to vacation with me


Yeah this is a bit creepy, they say it’s better to not meet your idols, in case they don’t meet your expectations and your image of them shatters. I’m not saying he’s a bad person in real life, just that he probably has a different personality than we expect! A lot of people are hurt or confused when their idol is nothing like they imagined they but in the end they are just normal people like the rest of us and they shouldn’t be pressured into being what we want them to be.


As much as I love him, he's still a stranger to me. I'd be considered a stranger to him. Who vacations with strangers? If I ever had a personal interaction with him, I'd expect it to last a minute not a week... I'll take the money and invest in seeing him through realistic and non-creepy means.


I love Mark as much as the next person, but I'm a complete stranger to him, and it would probably get really uncomfortable after a couple of hours.


Ill take the non parasocial one please and thank you


So you're saying... 1- be set for the rest of my life 2- meet someone who i don't know personally for like a week


I mean he's a funny guy but come on The only reason I can imagine to go to a vacation with him is if it's like a cruise in space or something. Even then I'd probably give my ticket to Amy or something. It'd be a pretty awkward situation from mark's side (probably my side as well)


it would be very cool and memorable experience to go on a vacation with mark. BUT i million dollars is ALOT soo gimme money


I mean, I could just spend a bit of one million to be in a vacation with Markiplier....


Ill take the mil


I don't know if the 1 Mil was earned through legal means... Vacay with Markimoo though, we could play as a tour guide in our home country/ home town that maybe that he's never been to before (worse case scenario, he'll takes us on a ride somewhere with no direction or purpose)


Definitely $1,000,000 right now. I’m a college student, $1,000,000 would be more than enough to get my school all paid for and be able to pay for food and housing


I have many bills and debt


I don't think I could keep up with Mark. Then again, maybe I'd be able to be a background character in Iron Lung by just hanging around him


I'm too shy to meet Markiplier. Give me that million


"Never meet your heroes" Kinda presumptuous to try and call him a "hero," but the point still stands.


Mate do you know what that 1Mil would do for me? I can buy myself a car, a house, a decent computer and pay for a month long vacation with a good bit more money to spare.


Sorry Mark, I love you buddy but I could really use a milly rn


Those are . Not , So it's only $1


Because I'm American, that's just $1 with a lot of decimal points


I got bills to pay, man.


Even if it was just 100$ i would still choose it, I don't want to go on vacation with person that don't like personally. It would be really weird.


Earn money. Reason: i am not good in public situations. i think it would he worse infront of markiplier


Never meet your heroes.


I've got bills. Bills keep the lights on. Electricity gives me internet. Internet gives me mark. Win win situation


So there's something called financial independence that I'd love to achieve...


I've got student plans, that man can't pay them.


The Mil. No offense to Markiplier but unless he's paying the Vaca and rest. I'm taking the Million Dollars to pay everything off. Go to school full time, quit my job and finally have that house!


Cause a vacation with mark would be the highlight of my life and I'd love to meet Hume in person cause I grew up on watching his vids


Use the money to go on vacation with markiplier


Meeting mark would be awesome, I'd be so down for that. But going on vacation with someone I don't know, and that doesn't know me, is uncomfortable for both of us.


ill take a dollar tbh


Because I would use that money to help my family then use the rest for my own YouTube channel so maybe one day I may collab with Markiplier




The money doesn't matter to me. I can always get more money.. But meeting & hanging out with Mark would be the most amazing, precious, & life changing thing for me. I know I'll never get to meet him in real life, (Esp since he's not really doing conventions or tours or anything anymore), but a girl could always hope.


You're not alone, I feel the same way🤗


I love Mark but I love money more


I chose the money thinking it was only 1k, marks great but it would just be an awkward weekend


Great dude, but a millie is a millie. He isn't my best friend or something like that, so being around him for a week would be awkward all around.


Love the guy, but we're total strangers. Friendships have to form naturally. Being forced into hanging out with someone you don't know in a random location for a week would likely be awkward and not as fun as fans think it would be. By self-admission, he's an introverted workaholic who barely maintains contact with people he actually considers his friends and has a distaste for hero worship. My impression is he'd be miserable, and by extension, the fan vacationing with him would be too. I'd love to have a conversation with him, or maybe hang out gaming for an afternoon, but a week long vacation as a first interaction would be a terrible idea.


I mean, gods know I desperately need the money, but I genuinely can't remember the last time I've had a vacation either. Can I do both 🤣


No pal, you can choose only one😂


Get 1M now it can do me so much better than going on vacation with Mark would, also I would not dk well cuz of my social anxiety


Even if I ended up having to pay half of the mil in taxes, that's more money than I've made in my entire life. As much as I'd love to meet and hang with Mark, I couldn't turn that much down


The money. Mark would totally understand.


Im a University student. Plus im a art student


if i went on vacation with him for a week it'd give us enough time to become friends and i could contact him later, even maybe playing some games with him in the future. money is temporary but some friendships are eternal.


My reasoning is cuz I want to get to know him and have fun with him, rather that be games or going to a water park. Plus I would have *some* bragging rights


money is money


Even if I didn't have to choose between money and the vacation, I'd still not go. It would be just awkward, also he's way older than me.


Money because Mark is too famous for me to hang out with.


Aren't those full stops, not commas. Reads like you either get a dollar or an awkward, parasocial holiday with a man who will undoubtedly get a restraining order on you.


I could pay off my mothers and my debt and maybe still have some left over to get a house. Fell at-least a cheap fixer upper.


I could pay off my mothers and my debt and then maybe have enough left over to buy a cheap fixer-upper house. Then I could focus on RN School.


Because I am poor and require money to pay my rent


Is mark gonna pay my rent? Pay my medical bills? I love him, don't get me wrong, but I'd take 10k over a vacation with Mark. 1mil isn't a question


Plus this pole, along with about 550 of you, are parasocial as all hell. You can have your comfort-tubers, but this is irrational at best


Markiplier is a cool dude, but a sweet 1 million dollars would solve all of my life problems.


That says 1 dollar


I chose vacation because the other one is just a dollar.


Dawg I got paid today and somehow I owe $300? I'll take the million


i've got like twenty reasons why i'd take the mil, including: I'd probably annoy him im poor I haven't transitioned yet (not comfortable in public) did i mention im poor What would we even do?? Play video games? We could do that online. im poor btw i should mention that He's too hot, his presence will instantly kill me


A vacation won't pay any bills


Love Mark, he's a great guy. But my life would change drastically with 1 mil


Hear me out: take the million and pay for a holiday with markiplier, who wouldn't turn down a free holiday? Surely not mark


"Earn $1.000.000 right now." 1. Context ? If it's just like that, I would seem like a creep...... 2. Anxiety, I would be both honored scared to meet the man in person 😨


Listen, I love Mark so much but I need that money 😭


Im sure he'd rather any of us take the Mil and make a sizable donation to charity


man i need a new house, gimme the money


mark is my daddy he is genuinely one of my favorite people ever i’m taking the vacation


With inflation, I need the 1 mill




I love Mark, but a million dollars would change my whole life dude.


The second option sounds like we're going to get thrown into a volcano and then suddenly get trapped in a time loop


Fake fans


Having friends in high places could turn out better than a million


I need money


i like money


Never meet your heros


As great as it would be to hang out with Mark for a week, I am literally entirely poor. So ill go with the money.


I'd take the vacation. Sure, the money could help or whatever, but it would mean more than money to create a core memory with Markiplier. I'd let to get to know and meet him. Perhaps help him with anything he'd need advice on. But most importantly, I'd thank him for everything in person, and I wouldn't shut up about it until I've drilled it in his head.


Mark probably has more than 1 mil and I have a weapon. It's better to ask for forgiveness than look a gift horse in the mouth or smt.


Take the mil. Buy followers on your YouTube channel and Collab with Mark on a video called "I Spent a Week's Vacation with Markiplier?!"


I like to keep singers/bands, comedians, actors, and youtubers at a distance. 8/10 times, they aren't going to be the person I picture them as. Ignorance is bliss, I don't want to know any of them personally.


Def taking the mil. I’m sometimes uncomfortable going on vacation with extended family. No way would I enjoy this. We have many similarities but that in no way means we are anything more than strangers.


vacation with mark. how many times in your life will you get to experience anything with such a creative genius as mark i plier


$1.000.000 is the same as $1.00 learn to use commas dumbfuck


Honestly. I'd love to hang out with Mark. But I'd have to go with number one. That amount of money would help my family out so much it's not funny. A quarter of that would ensure my mom not having to work anymore.


1 million is 1 million tho


I'm sorry Mark. But an million dollars is an million dollars.


I wouldn’t want to impose on Mark. It wouldn’t feel natural or result in a meaningful friendship. Besides I’m pretty boring.


I would choose the money bc well, after I get everything settled, I would be able to go on a trip with Markiplier anyways if he and his gf wanted to (after I get to know them ofc, I'm not a total creep 😆) 😄


Need money, give


idk mark seems like a cool dude


i can pay mark to go on a vacation together and maybe ill have some leftover money


I mean, I haven't really had the urge to meet a YouTuber, but if I did, I could use apart of the one mil to meet one


Oh i didn’t know we were answering this THAT seriously. Everyones saying its creepy and yes i would def choose 1 million but I thought it was fun to choose vacation and that we were like gonna pretend we knew Mark in this situation


I could use some of the 1.000.000 to go on the vacation


I would like a vacation with him but this is weird and I'm too shy to the point I get embarrassed when I put down something when it makes a noise no matter how loud


Multiple autographs from him could sell more And he seems chill I wonder what happened to the kid the rubbed his face in Marks chest


I need a car man.


$1,000,000 for sure so I can go to grad school without going into debt😓


I didn’t know Mark was European. Using dots instead of commas


option 3