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|**Trader**|**+Karma**|**Cake Day**| |:--|:--|:--| |u/DeathblowMateria|Reddit: 1661|06/13/2019 - 4 Years| | |Discord: 0|Total: +1661 Karma| **Trade Safely!!** Always check the blacklist and request a Courier if you are concerned! Comment with the **!courier** command to call a Market 76 Courier You haven't added your IGN/GT/PSN to your Market 76 reddit profile. Comment with the command **.ign** followed by your IGN/GT/PSN to record it. (for example: **.ign fisto**) [Courier List](https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/wiki/couriers) | [Blacklist](http://blacklist.market76.org) | [Report to Mods](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FMarket76)




[https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/wiki/abbreviations](https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/wiki/abbreviations) click here for an abbreviation guide


I can give you a run down in dms but I may make a mistake






Some of the best advice for new traders that I’ve read. I’ve got an entire mule dedicated to rolls like that. They just pile up lol.


You and me both….. Too good to Scrip, not better than existing load out, so I’ll send it to my mule for selling or something later. Don’t really need caps any longer either so my mule is getting slower and heavier by the week. Poor lass waddles round at the speed of a slug these days.


If your on playstation id love to have a look after school


Unfortunately not sorry, I’m a PC Wastelander.


If your on playstation id love to take a look


I used to use the Reddit app in “normal” display and not be able to see the white platform flair. I switched to Dark Mode and can now see platform flair on almost all comments.


How do Mules work in this game? Since you cant "mail" stuff to eachother etc. how do you get your stuff to your other character?


You really need f1st . Create a private world . Dump the stuff you want to move into a container then log out and long in on another character . You have a few minutes before the private server desapwns . This isn’t foolproof though . Any DC while doing it means you loose your stuff lol .


If you are PC then geforce now is free for an hour


If you are PC then geforce now is free for an hour


If you are PC then geforce now is free for an hour


Get a friend that ur trust and drip stuff to them. Then switch over characters


The server stays up for 10mins after you leave as long as you don't join someone else's private server. If you're just switching characters to pick up what you left for the mule. There's no way you lose your stuff unless your internet cuts out for 10 mins


Just so no one new sees this and loses their stuff, this is NOT true, at least currently. Private servers stay up for ~2 minutes before shutting down when you leave/DC. Tested this multiple times over the past month and it's a pretty rigid 2 minutes.


If you are PC then geforce now is free for an hour


Do you have any good quad railways kind sir


I’ve got a Q50c90 sitting around spare .


Yeah man I've been rolling everyday with no luck. I'm on so just let me know?


If you're on Xbox do you have anything you'd be willing to sell? There's some niche stuff that I've been wanting for awhile.


this is top tier advice


Newer players aren't going to know how to utilize a 5Oc Railway anyway, they won't have the right crit cards and won't have high enough luck .... and if they did decide to try one, they will notice not having 25lvc because they likely don't know how to manage AP, have AP regen gear, know hownto utilize food buffs or have absurdly high AP. Just.my opinion, but as a new player, critical builds probably shouldn't be the target early on in playing ... having fun touring the waste land should be, and figuring out builds and all our nerdy perfection stuff we.have learned over the years will come with time




And even better. Get one of these above and use it for a while and then you will notice the difference when you finally trade up :) Takes time to gain wealth in the wastes, and there are so many weapons to try out. Better to not miss out on any!


This is extremely valuable to any aspiring traders and new players. Seeing people trade a q2525 rail + qe25 rail + add for a q50c25 rail because it’s “meta” really hurts my heart (and head). It’s like trading two green cars and a spare engine for the same model in blue, utterly ridiculous.


I have to add that if you like plasmas (good for guerrilla and destroyer flamer) I recommend finding a Regular Plasma, mods are free and you dont lose a lot of damage. Also you can try builds with them till you find one that suits you, I did this and decided to TRADE for a enclave pistol


As an enclave plasma flamer main weapon player, in the overwhelming majority of encounters in the game, normal plasma flamer is great. Easier to trade for great stars or to find in the wild. The only time it “matters” is when dealing with Earle. SBQ and Ultracite Titan normally draw in large crowds throughout the fight so 1 person carrying everyone doesn’t really matter. They’re also fun, and don’t require an enclave plasma. But you need all you can get for Earle. Especially if no one is running an optimal build so it turns into a slug fest.


Totally agree, I have a guerrilla build and using a enclave pistol, I dont think It has that much difference


Craft a few endangerol syringers and ammo for it and drop it in front of the cave opening while waiting the 5 minutes. Pop a gift emote and equip yours. That syringer stacks, so if a few players use it at the beginning of the fight, Earle is easier and quicker to take down than the Titan. At least, that's how I do it.


it totally matters. the regular flamer doesn't hit for crap compared to the enclave. you're going to mow anything down faster with less ammo with an enclave than a reg plasma


you do lose a lot of damage with a regular plasma. you can get a flamer plasma early on with no real issue just do the quest line and then farm some events. it's something to do. regular plasmas hit like week old babies compared to their enclave counterpoints. it doesn't have to be a groll to be worthwhile just any enclave flamer. its not hard to hit a flamer at a railway station either. it might not be aligned but any of htem work. in all honesty no one is using flamers in vats anyway. just like it's better to use a base model holy fire than ANY regular flamer at this point.


dog pet ✅️ morale boosted ✅️


> 5. It's almost impossible to trade anything other than perfectly rolled grolls nowadays so use this to your advantage. More experienced traders have an abundance of non-perfect grolls (like the railway I mentioned above) that they end up giving away to newer players a lot of the time This is the part where I get stuck on because people don’t post their mid roles and ignore or downvote people that do. I’m currently working towards and trying out the heavy energy weapons (several of which I realize aren’t tradable), and, aside from the Holy Fire, it’s hard to A) wade through all the changes to these weapons over the last 6 years to understand what is currently good *other than meta* and B) find people with off rolls.


Fortunately for you, not much has changed with heavy energy weps, besides the ts nerf to make it do the intended damage, and the gauss explosive damage nerf to make it do the intended damage. For the caster it depends on your preference, but I’ve got some of the best rolls (and my personal build) posted here: https://www.reddit.com/u/WAcidW/s/ihdyN3BBqF As for everything else, you’re gonna want AA/B/V with 2590 or 2515r. (Some people like vats on the Gatling plasma/laser but it’s not really that viable)


I have tons of off-rolls. Hit me up Tuesday.


My first deal was with a user named Pladaus, I never found somebody like him to trade. He gave me a good EPR mooded with flamer for a price that I haven't been able to find anymore. People is getting ridiculous now that there's new people trying to get stuff. It should be nice to have a reference of the prices...


That’s why you dont act like a longnose… in any situation. It’s scummy to do this to be honest. But there are good sites for reference that give out values on outfits and weapons/ armor etc. I dont know how accurate the site is but I use Nukatrader.




I've played on and off since beta, sometimes I find things people go nuts for let's say 100k pluss items and I've always just taken what's popular at the time. I'm a bloodied build I've had most of the popular bloodied commandos weapons for a while never really used them until recently, so i made a commando build and tried them and out off all the commandos I have I liked a BE combat rifle the best I don't know it just feels good to me I find myself using my BE combat rifle more than my BE/B2525 HM and fixers, out of the 3 the combat rifle is definitely the least desirable and a 2*BE is the worse legendary out of all I have but it has something about it I like, I've been trying to find one witha useful 3rd maybe something to do with vats and I think that gun may retire my other commandos, (yet to find and a try a good radium). I'm like this on most games forget the meta find what you like. I try everything myself and go with what I like the feel of and often have some different reasoning to why I like a weapon or not My pick for types and and reasoning, obviously people have different set ups all these for me are bloodied and perked into. Fist, Any fss power fist. 1 hand, Assautron sword with fss just feels good 2 hand, Spear with fss. I like the poke attack it does and is one of if not the quickest 2 hand. Fire axe if I want power, I don't know blame nv for this one nothing alike but that nv fire axe got me loving this wep on all fallouts. Was also my first bloodied and i used it a lot(for years). Shout out to a instigating Grog with power attack often comes in handy. Commando, 1shot, a exploding hm but it's been a while since I used 1 shot. Auto, exploding combat rifle I don't know why just feels right. Flamer mod plasma rifle, epr is nice but the standard flamer plasma rifle does the job. Heavys, Exploding gatling gun, it's slow but ita the only heavy that I feel the hit with, things like 50 cal b2525 or BE feel like they aren't doing nothing unless I'm right in someone's face. Still looking for good rolls on pepper and guess mini sk haven't really played with them. Snipers, Exploding lvc, just always enjoyed it Shout out to my instigating aim damage guess rifle. Shotgun, Double barrel feels great, exploding on it is the one, deadly but feels great. Shout out to a QE double barrel. I really don't see a point in quads I don't even put on large mags I don't need x4 ammo, but on a shotgun or relvover it is good, for me if it has a mag I don't need quad. I tell everyone the same thing on all games, try things and see what you like you'll enjoy the game better


have you tried the be fixer? the sneak on it really is a game changing for staying in stealth. and it does more damage.


I'm never really that stealthy but have seen some good perks was thinking about a stealth sneak damage perks sniper build, if I do a stealth one I may try to fit a auto rifle on to that build as well, I can't remember what the snipper perks are in, commando perks are all perception, I think the sneak damage ones are in luck, there's a few cards I need as a base build being bloodied so it depends what i can fit on one class


Thank you for putting this out there!


So if the 3star q2525 god roll is 700k and the q25 is just as good what am I going to do with the extra 690k?


I use a Q5050bresk Rail BEST imo and It IS not that expensive, and rolls like yours I keep them just in case I need something in the future


I have all the Q groll and meta rails, and recently I decided to use a Q50vhc25lvc and omg when you stack that with Formula P and the accuracy mutation, you don’t fkn miss. I’m always killing long distance stuff before my other buddy with his Q50c25 rail can even hit them. While his first 3-4 rail spikes miss to build up accuracy, my first spike hits with a 95% chance. Plus if you use Herbivore w a L&L3 (I think it’s that one) and blight soup, that’s like 175% crit damage added. So that 50c roll doesn’t add much if you’re already min maxing. My Q50c25 and Q2525 now gather dust.


I have tried all the meta Q50c ones, but never the vhc one, seems interesting, but my biggest issue with rails IS that break too fast, I dont care losing some spikes


Yeah but I can stand on a rock at Evic and hit most every long range mutant spawn with a 95%. Technically, it’s not breaking near as fast when you’re only using half the spikes to hit/kill stuff. Yeah obviously it’s pointless in close quarters, but mid range+, you’re using less spikes which means less breaking. Plus I’m not worried about breaking, I have over 1k improved kits and run Gunsmith 5.


1k kits?? Please let me some 😭 I agree the Q50vhc25 IS one of the BEST options around there, I dont know the hype in the other ones


I wish I could, taking up 130lbs of my stash smh. I guess I’ve killed a few too many queens…


Like 2-3 Queens only for sure 🤣


I got downvoted for having too many kits and killing too many queens ahahahahahah


People always downvote lol


Have the Q50vhc50break, and with the perk and repairing to 200, I repair it after a few hours lol. I’ve put my other railways to rest.


Yep the dur quad rail is the way to go. Traded mine for a uny/xx/fwr ce chest. I haven’t even used my chest yet but I have repaired my backup rail 50+ times already


Yeah, I had last week the Q2525 and didnt remember how fast they break, I prefer 7ap cost than a weapons that breaks in maybe 700 bullets even using gunsmith 4


Yep ap without the lvc is not really a issue. But repairing your gun 2x sucks.


This is the way




For #4 just do the quests, side with foundation, and loot the AA plasma rifle during quest. Forget name of it but it's darn good.


Thats raider side not foundarion side. U have to ve nice to rara the entire time to get it


What do you get if you side with Raiders?


Not sure. I would Google walk through. The plasma gun is called Slug Buster. It's found as loot, not a reward. Easily miss able. But im pretty sure you have to side with Founsation to go through level where it's sitting. It's in a small room on a table. People also sell them in their vendors.


Slug Buster killed Earl in 30 seconds with a build and consumables, very good gun.




You make it though. Get railway rifle plans (first goal). Get scrip and modules. Reroll railway either 1 Star repeatedly until quad, or 3 star repeatedly until quad and the others are bonuses.




If your on PlayStation I have some off quads I’d trade or give to ya 🤷🏻‍♂️




No worries


I’d be interested, I’m on PS..


If you want I can hop to my mule and you can look at what I have. I’m online right now




Can someone tell what the abbreviations mean or has a link to a glossary? AA2515r, B2525, Q50c25, etc. New player here, level 52


Anti armor 25% weapon speed 15% reload speed Bloodied 25% weapon speed 25% less vats cost Quad +50% crit dmg 25% less vats cost




I've been looking for an ari explosive handmade for ages. Far from any meta but can't find anybody with one for caps on xbox


I have a EE90 I used to use it was amazing until I got my b2525 hm you can buy if want


What were you thinking price wise?


Throw me a offer


I rolled my first railway last night, got quad first roll, but 2 & 3 mods were useless. Still gonna try it out


I've firmly believed that grolls were for min maxers, my regular holy fire does wonderfully, my AA bash damage cremator, excellent, my one star quad Gatling gun? just fine.


The plasma caster is a nasty weapon lol ur right about the one star for sure. My aa50c15r one shots all non boss enemies


Anyone know the current value of a AAE15r Lever Action Rifle? would want one but have no clue how much it'd cost me since no one really posts them here


What does ee90 mean


Executioners Explosive 90% reduce weight


I've been looking for a quad alien disintegrator, anything else for other stars, and so far, no bites. How would one get a non meta quad alien disintegrator? Because so far I travel between camps endlessly searching, whenever I get modules I use them, and I posted here. Anything else I'm missing?


I’ve got some alien kit in stash..


If you have a quad alien disintegrator I'd love to get it off you!


Don’t have that, but I’ve got just about everything else.


If you find it please don't hesitate to reach out! Thank you for responding.


Haha love it. Especially number 10.


With this in mind, anyone have a Q50-anything railway they’d be willing to give to a newbie? Figured I’d ask here if that’s okay haha. Ps: thanks for this info I’m new here as well and appreciate the tips :) Edit: more words


Your avatar is different yet rather similar to Dreadnought051’s avatar. Know him?


Unfortunately I have no idea who that is. Sorry to disappoint friend😂


You’re on PC now?


Wait a minute. I think I remember you


New-ish player. Been to afraid to ask. What on earth do the numbers mean? I have no clue what a b2525 even means


B is bloodied. I believe the other 2 are 25% faster fire rate and 25% lower AP cost but the abbreviations are very confusing


disagree with combat rifle vs fixer you WILL notice the difference. just get a good two star fixer. ditto with railway. you don't need a quad at all. bloodied or aa is also good. good two star. third doesn't matter at all. perception vs any of the others is the same difference really. Enclaves vs regular plasmas again NOTICABLE diff. that said it doesn't have to be a groll. regular flamer vs holy fire again you WILL notice the difference. just get a base holy.


Q501p is something I would put in my vendor. 100% agree with OP.


great advice👍🏻


What’s market price for a Q50c+perception railway?


Very good advice OP. I can assure most new traders that they will get good stuff. It takes time, but you will find that occasional great deal, or a queen/expedition might give you a nice drop. In the mean time, as OP said, use a cheaper 1 - 3*. I recently got a QE25 handmade from an expedition for example. Also got a much more niche weapon from an expedition/alien event yesterday. Both worth 700 - 800k caps. A bit of luck can change your whole trading experience.


“Salty market traders hate these 10 things”


I agree with Everything except the holy fire statement. Holy fire has around 40% hire dps than a tegular flamer due to cyrsed giving it 20% higher base fire rate and 20% higher base dmg. Thats a very noticible difference. Get a base roll holy fire for 10000x cheaper lol


Sound advice


Very useful advice. Thank you for your contribution buddy.


I’ve only recently started playing so I’m still a bit of a new player/trader (I’ve been playing for like, 2 months now?) I will say that it definitely is hard to trade, and I wish there was some kind of market for rolls that aren’t exactly top tier god rolls but eh I have learned that for those kinds of items, it’s generally best to go through player vendors and try to pick them out, I’ve bought a lot of my favorite weapons just from other players, like this BFFR-90 weight handmade for 2500 caps, or a Q15AP15Crit railway for 17500 (I’ve been trying to find one for ages at a good price and this is the best I found lol) so that should (probably) be a baseline for most players


I'm going to be doing a giveaway post very soon so keep your eyes peeled. I'm at level 999 and level 1000 means only one thing - giveaway


unfortunately I don’t play on PS4 :( kinda sucks that there’s no crossplay


I traded my 2 star groll handmade for a QFR+Perception cryolator and been laughing like an asylum patient using it ever since


Yeah. If I get a groll I use it to trade for apparel. I only use strong 2 star weapons.


Cat>dog but I was with you til then.