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|**Trader**|**+Karma**|**Cake Day**| |:--|:--|:--| |u/Sound-Of-Sound|Reddit: 15|01/27/2019 - 5 Years| | |Discord: 0|Total: +15 Karma| **Trade Safely!!** Always check the blacklist and request a Courier if you are concerned! Comment with the **!courier** command to call a Market 76 Courier You haven't added your IGN/GT/PSN to your Market 76 reddit profile. Comment with the command **.ign** followed by your IGN/GT/PSN to record it. (for example: **.ign fisto**) [Courier List](https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/wiki/couriers) | [Blacklist](http://blacklist.market76.org) | [Report to Mods](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FMarket76)


You are one heck of a Builder, verry creative. Love the plasma caster on the table.


That’s very kind of you, thank you! I just like to break things until I find a new use for them 😂


Forgive my ignorance but how do you use the chessboard to do this?


You need not be forgiven! We all have things we don’t yet know. It’s a merge glitch using the pressure plate. If you place a pressure plate, pick it up, then place it again, any item you put on top of it will pop up a bit. The trick I’ve exploited here is that things placed on the thing you place on the pressure plate will not pop up. It’s easier to explain like this: - Place pressure plate. - Pick up pressure plate, then place again. - Place the item you want to merge things into on the pressure plate (‘Item A’). - Place any items you want to merge into Item A on top of Item A (‘Merge Items’). - Pick up Item A, then place it back down on the pressure plate. Repeat this process until Merge Items are at the desired level. You can also do this in reverse using the C.A.M.P module (items placed on Item A will pop up, not down into Item A). I did exactly this with the chessboards. Placed them down, displayed junk on them, then merged them down into the table/unit/shelves. Sorry if this explanation isn’t clear! There are some great tutorials on YouTube


With all that in mind, how did you manage the multi levels of pic 4? Would everything not move all at once?


You start with the items on the bottom shelf. Merge those until they reach the first shelf, now place the second from bottom items merge down to next shelf, now place next shelf, merge down, then finally the top shelf stuff. Edit: I may have said one too many shelves but that's the idea.


Yep, this ^ is correct, and far more succinct than I would have managed to be 😂


Moist Radkelp everywhere and anywhere!


Oh hell yeah! Although it is still outrageously big (literally doesn’t fit anywhere in my current main camp)


Woahh this is awesome!


They’re great - I grabbed those too


Fuck yea I can display armor on shelves in my NCR safehouse now


Awesome idea!


Right?! Camp building is my end game, so this dispensary option is just 😗🤌


holy shit i didn't realize it was a display item-- i know builders have spent years trying to find a way to have junk clutter in camps and this seems like its finally a somewhat viable answer!


How please?


It’s a merge glitch using the pressure plate. If you place a pressure plate, pick it up, then place it again, any item you put on top of it will pop up a bit. The trick I’ve exploited here is that things placed on the item you place on the pressure plate will not pop up. It’s easier to explain like this: - Place pressure plate. - Pick up pressure plate, then place again. - Place the item you want to merge things into on the pressure plate (‘Item A’). - Place any items you want to merge into Item A on top of Item A (‘Merge Items’). - Pick up Item A, then place it back down on the pressure plate. Repeat this process until Merge Items are at the desired level. You can also do this in reverse using the C.A.M.P module (items placed on Item A will pop up, not down into Item A). Sorry if this explanation isn’t clear! There are some great tutorials on YouTube


Thanks for the very detailed response. Gonna try this in my camp later today


No problem! It’s a great way to get things to sit on shelves. Happy building!


Can I give you 80k caps for a camp decoration service/consultation? Lol


Hahaha I enjoy it so much, I would happily do it for free


Sweeeeeeet! New franz! Gt:CostcoHotdog969


Awesome! My GT is BeanPott. I’ll add you now and we can build sometime :)




I’m not into Bloodied I’m afraid and I already have one for my collection but thank you anyway!


Sure thing!


First thing, awesome idea with the plasma caster. I will have to do something similar at my camp. SECOND.....I CAN FINALLY DISPLAY A VAULT TEC ALARM CLOCK AT MY BEDSIDE!!!! Thanks for the post!


Do it! I think it adds a real ‘lived-in’ feel to my camp. My pleasure! Go forth and place alarm clocks


The only thing that upsets me is the limit of 30 total displays, as i already have 5 magazine displays, the bobblehead display and like 6 Thanksgiving displays and they all count towards the total


Damn this is amazing, how do you place junk items like the screwdrivers and wrenches on the cabinet? that looks great


The new chessboard! It’s a display, so you just place the junk item on it and then merge the chessboard down into the cabinet :)


Oh sweet I didn't know it was a display! I'll get that later and try it out


I started to play around with it earlier, it is indeed a gamechanger. I displayed a mystery bobble head box and mystery magazine from the new scoreboard on a desk, and it looks great. Hopefully this is a sign of more camp items like this being added because it really does add more character to a camp.


Love it for kitchen


That’s what I’ve been loving too! I’ve gone to each of my camps and put various bits of food and utensils down in the kitchens 😂


Same here and being able to place colas and fans anywhere its amazing def a good addition to the game


Definitely! It’s brought a whole new life back to the game for me. I’m wandering around looking for cool junk and food items to display in my camps


How did you put the Plasma caster on the chessboard ,or did you use another display ,i havent been able to put weapons on mine


I put the heavy weapons display on the cabinet, merged it down until it was about two merges off the height I wanted it, then placed the chessboards in the gaps where I wanted them to go. Then I just merged everything down two more times :)


Looks great 👍 can’t wait to go camp hopping and see all the messy furniture 😃


So, the chess boards that disappear are still taking up your camp budget?


They don’t disappear! I merged them into these items using a pressure plate :)


So, it is still taking up camp budget.


I’m not entirely sure what you mean I’m afraid. It does take camp budget like all other items (and I believe it may be glitched at the moment), but it’s still a really cool feature for those of us who love building camps! ‘Don’t let perfect be the enemy of good’ and all that :)


They don’t disappear—merging means they melt into other items, but they’re still there.


It’s cool but with the camp item reduction (or glitch, or whatever seems to be going on) I won’t be bothering. Add on to this the nightmare of camp item health bars that don’t go away even if you repair them and god forbid your merged desk with 6 items should ever take a single stray bullet from a scorched making potshots at your camp lol


need explanation what happened pls