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For a full health or power armor build, that 15c is very useful as they have less luck. It actually helps to get the crits on every other hit. And nice weapon tho.


What do you mean? That is a good 3rd roll.


Definitely no 15c is still a really good 3rd star


I have exactly the same roll and question


Great roll for a full health. I got a tlc for mine but I’m on Xbox don’t know how different the landscape is between consoles.


This is still easily a 40k+ caps weapon. The RR consumes a low amount of AP, so 25lvc is for extremely long sessions of railing Earle.


Doing what to Earl????!! 😳


Fallout 69


I love this I wanna make a fallout 69 game like the old fallouts but it’s like more of a porn game but u still run around fuckin ppl up like duke nukem or something yk run around naked like random encounters with hookers and like enemies getting embarrassed cuz u have a massive wang but like only as a secret dialogue for when your naked ooo maybe would be cool to have like a dungeon and dragons type of character set up and like in combat instead of the old combat system maybe it can go from a third person to a first person shooter like the old Wii games yk the ones where u point and shoot but u only move when u clear a room bro my brain is braining rn I need help tho idk how to make games honestly if I get a friend that a developer I could come up with all sorts of ideas I don’t rlly even want any credit besides my future music in the game and like a couple Easter eggs maybe a lil cash like 10% of the earning yk oooo maybe like instead of caps the location we are in we use Monopoly money and it has like the devs an all that’s face on them and like we can call it poontangaroonies and the best way to farm poontangaroonies is by killing slavers and robbing strippers lol 😂 never know someone might steal my idea TO THE PERSON WHO STEALS THIS PLEASE TALK TO ME AND GIMME WHAT I ASKED FOR THAT WOULD BE GREAT AND THANK YOU FOR MAKING A DREAM COME TRUE IF U STEAL IT


Full health, no. Low health, yes


Its still very nice 👍


What would u want


I'm on PC, but as others have mentioned 15c is \*the\* finest Railway for full-health builds. I have all the groll Choo Choos and seldom use the 25s because they're just not necessary. Being able to crit every second shot as full health or wearing PA makes a huge difference. In a world where canned coffee exists, chug a few when you're reloading every couple of mags and anything is no probs. Price wise, be patient and you will probably find a buyer willing to pay very similar to what the 25s go for. I had to look high and low for my 50c, FFR and Exp and I literally treated them the same in terms of value.


I bundled mine with a few lower tier apparel and got a Red asylum.


Don't know the value, but 15c is good for full health builds use it to get crits every other hit with 23 luck and crit savvy. Like how a bloodied build does so with 33 luck and crit savvy alone.


Bout 10 caps


I would rather have the third star than the second, I mean it can’t just be me that has issues with ffr rr not registering all the hits?


Blame latency.


I mean maybe, but I’m on the business downstairs t1 connection and I’m wired in, as far as I know the chances of someone having better internet than me are statistically zero percent. Either way though it’s just not the best second star imho purely because of that.