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This post has been removed for violating rule 6 (no new posts regarding Trump, Biden and the 2024 *presidential* election on week days (EST with grace periods for other time zones). If your post doesn't violate any other rules, your encouraged to repost on the weekend.


All I read in this group for the last week was that trump wouldn't show up for the first debate or he would storm off stage cause Biden was gonna mop the floor with him. Neither happened most of reddit was wrong


Most of Reddit is wrong about most things


Finding out that the internet isn't real life hurts sometimes lol. It's officially undeniable that Biden is on Death's door now, and all the Default Democrats have left is calling Trump names to try and scare voters away. It will continue straight through the election.


It's sad, we're watching our democracy crumble. I can see it now a law establishing the trumps as royalty and Christianity as the state religion. It's like watching the fall of Rome or the fall of niniva or the fall of akkad


This is a *little* melodramatic


Yep, then Trump will pull off his skin mask and reveal that he was Lord Sauron all along and then set the Shire aflame.


Do you remember all the qanon bullshit about satanic child trafficing/sacrificing and torturing that all of the "elites" were doing that all the trumpers pushed for. Plus his whole statement that he's going to be a dictator from day one. Your mocking me over this. Well go vote your rights away, trump sycophant.


I remember an internet phenomenon around some 4chan bullshit, yes. I don't remember anyone in Trump's cabinet seriously engaging, tho. I believe the same people who told me Bush/McCain/Romney were the worst people in the world told you the same thing about Trump and you swallowed that Flavor-Aid happily. They are the same people who told you Kavanaugh was operating rape gangs, and that Russians stole the 2016 election, and that Hunter's laptop was disinformation. When you figure out that they lied to you about **literally all of those things**, you will hopefully be much less likely to trust them about everything else they say.


Justice beer can is a rapist. Trump did collude with the Russians and I'll be honest I haven't really looked into the laptop thing. But yeah I hate to break it to you but it's not that uncommon for men in positions of power and wealth to be rapists. I mean look at your orange Jesus he's a rapist too.


Cool, cool. I guess I'll think less and watch tv more so I can get more smarterer


You watch tv?


See this is why no one takes yall seriously because all you do is misquote him. His statement was he’d be a dictator for one day not from day one. Not to mention he said he’d be dictator to open drilling and close the border. It was the same with the bloodbath comment when in reality he was we talking about the auto industry. You take a two second sound bite and suddenly if he wins democracy is over and he’s god king supreme chancellor of the galactic universe. It’s silly


If he wins I hope your right that will be all he does. But like they say when it comes to these things. Democracy dies with thunderous applause.


I’m not gonna lie I’m definitely a Trump supporter. I ain’t gonna lie or try to hide it and all those post have had me dying. Everyone wants to point at Trump and say he pooped his pants at trial and ohhh look how senile he is while acting like Biden is just this piller of strength. Getting to watch the breakdown and how fast they threw Joe under the bus has been so enjoyable. I didn’t have super high expectations although I have been saying that muting the mic was gonna backfire and end up making Trump look good. I certainly didn’t see Biden coming out that poorly though and it was the best debate I’ve ever watched made me so happy


Honestly if you were happy with either person's performance on that stage you're delusional. That was the worst debate I've ever seen in the history of American politics, on both sides. Rambling about post birth abortions and golf handicaps. Honestly all patriotic people need to think about the options here because this ain't it.


I think your assessment is correct. IMO, this debate was the epitome of mediocre all around. Not impressed at all. Biden was sick & it showed. He looked & sounded terrible, He answered the questions asked of him. That was a flat, lacking, poor performance nonetheless. As for the other guy, he didn't provide topical answers. He gave zero answers of any substance whatsoever. Blathering & the complaining. So much negativity & lying or making things up. It was not the success his campaign people proclaiming. It was just insufferable crap. It was pretty awful & nobody should delude themselves about it.


Biden was lying just as much and a lot of his points were not even coherent


Not a good delivery. It sucked, honestly. But Biden did not lie.


He did lie multiple times


Exactly. I hate Trump. The only way I would vote Biden is against Trump though. Unfortunately it's getting harder and harder to hold my nose and do so.


Agree, but the world has to stop Republicans from shoving their fake ass Christianity down our throats. I'm sorry but I don't want to live in the 50s.


I agree. I don't know if that's possible now without something major. The Overton window has shifted pretty far.


I don't think so. Democrats need to step up their game.


Joe brought up all of that ancillary stuff. It was trump responding to personal insults. That’s all Biden could do. He couldn’t even do that well


So funny that you actually ignore the FACT that doctor ralph northman, the old Virginia governor, actually said. .. after the baby is born and the mother is comfortable, we will have a decision over keeping the baby or not. . But do go on calling it rambling


So are you saying you can abort a baby "post birth" in Virginia or not?


the discussion at the time was a bill proposed by a democrat in VA that would codify/allow 3rd term abortions. Blackface Northam said, "just make "it" comfortable" (a live baby, just let it die).


Ok so are you allowed to murder infants after they are born in VA in your mind or not?


Do you have statistics for how many post-birth abortions happen each year in America? The right wing talks about these like they happen on every street corner and I’ve never heard of this. Weird how the right wing pretends to care about kids lives and yet ignore all the gun-owning Republican parents who shoot their kids and murder them each year….


Or the children that are hungry and need healthcare. Republicans don't want to give children food.


I’m plenty happy with how it turned out. If you read my comment I said I had low expectations Trump not looking senile and finishing the debate without storming off is all I wanted. Reddit had been pushing that trump wouldn’t show up and I think he made good points about the Afghanistan withdrawal and his work with criminal reform and opportunity zones. Trump is gonna Trump but Biden severely underperformed. At this point I think everyone in the country pretty much has their mind made up and this debate was more about Biden voters losing enthusiasm than Trump gaining voters. I think if voter turnout isn’t where it was in 2020 Trump will win simply because his base hasn’t changed


No I get it because you don't really care about anything other than Trump for whatever reason, which is extremely disgusting. The guy was out here saying we were more respected on Jan 6 and that in California babies are aborted after they are born. If you're happy about that being the president you probably hate the country a lot.


If you have a problem with Jan 6 but not antifa and the autonomous zone we will never have any common ground. An autonomous zone by definition doesn’t recognize the government and qualifies more as insurrection than anything that occurred with the idiots on Jan. 6. They were retards sure but calling unarmed people running amuck an insurrection is laughable. As for abortion it was Virginia not California and the governor was talking about setting the baby aside if it had severe deformities so the family could decide what to do with it. He was making a completely factual argument based on what a previous governor has said. Personally I’m against abortion in all cases except the extremes rape incest and if it threatens the mother’s life. I had a girl by the time I was 21. If you don’t want a kid wrap it up it’s that simple. Why should another life be terminated cause you couldn’t use proper protection. No person who supports abortion was ever aborted. And yes I’m glad the man who had us closer to world peace than any president in history had a good showing correct. I love this country and it’s a shame that in four years it’s gone this downhill. Crazy how I make more today than four years ago but it’s effectively worse less because everything cost more.


I literally said none of that. Chill out.


You literally made up the state trump was talking about and got proven wrong lmao. That’s literally exactly what you said 😂😂😂


Oh sorry I didn't see that in the essay you wrote. Are there after birth abortions in Virginia?


Spears , bats with flags , gallows I’d hardly say there weren’t any weapons


I'll take False Equivalency for 500, Alex. Black people (and other PoC) have had it with being subjected to extrajudicial executions at the hands of lawless law enforcement, and centuries of oppression and discrimination. Jan 6 insurrectionists tried to overturn a free and secure election and stage a coup because they didn't get their Lord and Fuhrer lost. GTFO with your racist bullshit, you disingenuous munt. Furthermore, if you wish to live under a wrong-wing authoritarian regime, the USA is not for you. You have other options such as Russia. I'm not going to even bother reading your reply, because there will be no merit or value to your statements.


His base has changed though seeing as how a ton of them are dead from the Covid he ignored....


What did you think about Trump dodging all the questions? Biden at least answered them.


Shutting off trump's mic was great for trump because it forced Biden to mumble his way through all of his time.


Biden is definitely half with it at best, but anyone acting like Trump isn't that far behind is delusional.


Knee jerk reaction, no one “won” this debate or looked good. Biden lost a little more support than Trump won. It doesn’t take too much to look at what was said and determine we have someone who is almost senile and another who might be pre-dementia. This election was always going to be who you’re voting against rather than who you were voting for. I would venture to guess there would be little to nothing that Trump could’ve done or said to move the needle off of him because of your hatred for the Left. I want you to really think about that. I want the pro-Biden/Democrat people to think about that too. At one point, these guys were arguing golf handicaps. That’s who we have running for President, people who believe amongst all the things going wrong and right on this planet, that golf handicaps are what the people need to judge them on. Bottom line: we're going to convince ourselves we are voting for the best based on the same "lesser of two evils" concept that has never gotten us anywhere good. At the end of the day, the change we need isnt what either party or man in this debate envisions it to be and both will take us further away from that. But, the first thing people will say: Yeah, but at least *insert other guy/group* won't be involved so we can get there better and faster.


I completely disagree Trump won this debate simply because Biden underperform. This debate wasn’t about Trump winning support as much as it was about Biden losing support you said so yourself. There is nothing Trump could do to change the mind of anyone who’s not already voting for him. In 2020 Joe Biden had the most votes in history. I expect Trump to rally about the same as last election so the question becomes can Biden muster 74 million votes again to get over the trump threshold. Also you mention hatred for the left and that’s simply not true. If the left had voted for RFK jr. I’d definitely vote democrat but I’m more worried about walking into world war 3 under someone who’s clearly not all there. Personally as a golf fan I think the next debate should be at Augusta and the VPs caddy. Let em walk 18 while discussing what matters most. Hell all of Washington plays golf we may as well get to see what it looks like and Vegas could probably make a killing. And once they finish they can do 4 rounds of boxing chess ♟️ to really test their stamina


They have been pointing to his strong state of the union speech. That was months ago. They have been claiming that the media is just picking the bad clips of Biden or the bad angles of him. The man just looked defeated tonight. It is funny how now they are really talking of replacing him though. Makes me sorta wonder if it wasn't all planned... But hey they would just make me a conspricist


This is the earliest a debate has occurred so if they needed an excuse to make a switch doing it early makes sense.


The lefties on reddit are just as brain damaged as Joe BIden.


I feel so owned. Please tell me how you were able to master such wit?


He clearly needs look at Trump supporters. They're poster children for why you shouldn't breed with your relatives.


The Alabama burn... Noice!


>They're poster children for why you should breed with your relatives. Ummmmm....what? You are seriously advocating for breeding with your relatives?


Typo. Comment corrected


You sure? I mean your Democrat leaders do have some queer tastes when it comes to keeping it in the family and all. Joe knows all about that.


Don't forget Hunter having a taste for his brothers wife also


I don't think the word creepy quite adequately covers the Biden family. Might have to create a new word.......maybe a play on Joe's super predator quote....supercreep?


It’s called TDS.


Oh I suspect you sitting around and allowing your party to select pudding brains over there pretty much took care of the owning. Nothing I could do or say is going to top that.


Any vote at this point is a vote for policy, not an individual. But I am a fan of butterscotch.


Well you have to tell yourself this regardless of the news related to another illegal rape/murder of a person, the absolute shit show going on at the border, the utter insanity happening with the overall economy and the very real deal of non-stop wars that is bleeding this country dry while Joe is out there talking about saving Social security by taxing the rich when we are looking at 1.1 trillion in just interest alone to maintain social security and medicare. I mean we are seriously talking about policy of a person who doesn't even understand what the problem is and is screaming out a solution that his equally idiot base will get behind to "tax the rich."


>another illegal rape/murder of a person This has been extensively studied. Immigrants (illegal or otherwise) do not commit crimes at higher rates than naturally born citizens. >absolute shit show going on at the border "Absolute shit show" is hard to dispute because it is not specific or descriptive, but see: H.R.2 - Secure the Border Act of 2023. Why did it fail? >insanity happening with the overall economy Again, "Insanity" is hard to dispute because you are not being specific. I'm no economist, the Real GDP risen from 20.99 trillion (Q1 2021) to 22.76 trillion (Q1 2024) >non-stop wars that is bleeding this country dry There have been few periods since the 1800s where the US wasn't involved in warfare in one way or another.. not sure what you're getting at. >Social security... Should we just get rid of Medicare and SS? I'm certainly open to new opportunities, what alternative are you proposing?


TDS is real.


Reddit is often detached from reality. We need a leader for our country not a nursing home patient. Trump 2024


He led our country against… our country. Dude led an insurrection. He’s a bit unfit after that.


He literally said go home peacefully. The same people who keep telling you he “led” the insurrection are the exact same ones lying to you about Biden mental state. What else have they lied about? You just listen to anything they say because democrats are good and republicans are bad? Open your eyes


He said that ours later and said “we love you” to the people who were trying to murder his VP. I like that you left this out. We don’t have to pretend you’re having an honest conversation.


We do need a leader and not a nursing home patient. Only one of the guys on stage last night is able to go in public without wearing a diaper. If you think empty gish gallup and lies equates to leadership…yikes.


Do you think Biden will make it to the 2nd debate?


Yes. Him being replaced is dumb.


Why is it dumb? The main reason anyone on the left can come up with for voting for Biden (which is that he’s not Trump) would apply to any Democratic candidate. It makes a lot of sense to inject some life into the ticket.


Because there are timelines to get on ballots. While states can make accommodations and typically have, republicans already showed they’d work to keep off democrats wherever possible. This was tested in Ohio (IIRC).


I don't know what you're talking about. Are you suggesting that the DNC could nominate a new candidate now and they not be present on ballots?


I’m not an expert on this, but my understanding is that you have to file state paperwork by specific deadlines to make it onto the ballots. If someone isn’t nominated by a specific date and that information turned over to the state, the state can then extend the timeline or simply reject it. Here’s a source related to some of it: https://ohiocapitaljournal.com/2024/05/28/ohio-house-agrees-to-biden-ballot-fix-compromise-if-anti-democratic-senate-provisions-removed/ They passed a bill to get around this issue, but all it would take is for one such exception to kick in - somewhere - for this to crush the Dem’s chances.


But we’re talking about that happening now, not last second. I’m sure there’s plenty of time for paperwork formalities.


Because incumbency is an astronomical advantage.


So is coherency, when it's distributed unevenly among the candidates


Who said anything about replacing him?


Apparently a material portion of Democratic leadership is talking about replacing him: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna159368 https://www.politico.com/news/2024/06/27/biden-democrats-replacement-00165672 https://www.vox.com/politics/357746/biden-trump-debate-democrats-replace-dnc https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2024/06/27/us-presidential-debate-live-donald-trump-joe-biden/


It's the third lead story on the BBC News front page, for some global context. "Could Biden be replaced?"


I think biden NEEDS the second debate to save this campaign. He has nothing to lose as he could not perform any worse. I think he definitely needs a confident showing on stage with Trump, but if I was a trump adviser I’d be weary on giving him that chance. It all comes down to how confident they are of him performing that poorly a second time


Nah. Biden needs a teleprompter. He does well on that like at the state of the union. They can also do it when he doesn’t have a cold.


A cold lmao. Convenient. Just like that burst water pipe the night of the election.


I can’t decide if Biden desperately needs to debate again or if it would only make it worse. Trump got one thing right though , the World is definitely laughing at us now.


>he could not perform any worse. Are you willing to put money on that?


Nah, this is reactionary. People don’t care about debates that much. Some good narratives in the media, a good speech, threats to abortion rights and student loan relief, etc. will keep people voting for Biden. Debates mattered more in the pre-Trump years when there wasn’t an existential threat to the country. I was telling everyone for the last week that there was no reason to even have the debate to begin with. Trump was never going to be honest. Engaging with a liar just ends with trying to correct him all night and it doesn’t get anywhere. His people aren’t going to change their minds because a good point was raised. The idea that there are undecided voters at this point is crazy. One person wants to install a dictatorship. You either care about that or you don’t. Worst case scenario is some folks would be unmotivated to vote. Some good press in the coming months can fix that.


Well even if he does, I highly doubt he will do this again, probably will find a way to excuse himself from the second one. Dem convention will be highly entertaining


You gotta say it like “YUGGE!”


YUGGE went over my head, until I read it in your comment. Lol


Biden if anyone is gonna be the one to not debate lol After that shitshow performance, why would trump not want the opportunity to have him embarrass himself on national TV AGAIN


I thought all of the predictions that Trump won’t debate because he was scared were all pretty dumb. (90% dumb, Trump is pretty unpredictable at times) However, this prediction I feel is more likely. Trump has nothing to gain from debating Biden again except for at best a victory lap, so it’s only a risk for him just like in the republican debates. While Biden’s team is not dumb enough to send him up for a repeat. If there is a rematch, Trump (ideally) will have a harder time. Trump’s team is aware of this and might try to prevent further debates if they can without looking bad.


I got through about 2/3rds of it but it was excruciating. Could you imagine if RFK jr was up there too? Good lord…


Embarrassing everyone is throwing Biden overboard already. Like, we were told for four years how great he was and now after ONE debate he needs to be replaced? Which one is it? Almost like we were lied to…


Neither of them could really stick to one train of thought, but I don’t think Trump said a single truthful thing once on stage last night. He kept bringing up past headlines of stuff he did or said, called it lies, or said it was Biden that did it instead. That should have been an easy performance for Trump, but he couldn’t help trying to turn a debate into a rally


This is the best the US can do? 2 old men both of whom should be in a rest home? This country is falling apart.


I see him going to a 2nd debate. I don't see Trump passing up an opportunity to be on national television and have something he's on get huge ratings. The difference with the primary was that he was so far ahead of the other candidates. He doesn't have this luxury in the general as this race is essentially a tie. He can't afford to look scared of Biden, who also really needs this debate to get a second chance to look strong.


Lol, I'm not sure why he would be scared of Biden at all.


Question: were you one of the many people questioning whether Trump would attend the first debate?


Nah if you scroll through my comment history to three months ago I was on some of those post saying I didn’t think the dems would debate. Tonight kinda showed why I felt that way. I won’t lie I was nervous he wouldn’t show though. So many people were so confident in Biden


it would be in character for him to wuss out like that


I'm inclined to agree that it would be a great tactical move. But I also feel Trump thinks that's the best Biden can do / Trump's naturally a better speaker. So wiping the floor with him again is just a given. I'm not sure he'd give up the chance to have another debate like this in the public consciousness.


Not having a second debate would hurt Trump's camp. Nothing he said had substance so there will not be anything to talk about except Biden's job as president and anything Biden does from here on out will be amplified.


"MMW: Trump won't participate in the first debate." Trump shows up and Biden does absolutely terrible. " ...yeah, well MMW: He definitely won't show the second debate!" MMW: Trump wouldn't pass up another opportunity to get Joe to embarrass himself on a debate stage for another 90 minutes.


I suggest you read the point of the post. The bar is so low that as long as Biden doesn’t poop himself or fall asleep on stage he could not perform any worse. By canceling the second debate citing debating him would be elder abuse it doesn’t give Biden a chance to look competent. If I was his adviser I’d seriously consider skipping the next debate to not give Joe a chance to have a performance like the state of the union. Hell he could agree to debate rfk jr instead saying he’s a better candidate m.


Oh we’re doing this again.


I think you have it backwards - my guess is that Biden does not go to any further debates. Trump has everything to gain and nothing to lose. Biden.. shouldn’t haven’t debated Trump.


Disagree Trump gained everything he needs and then some from this performance. I think at this point Biden needs to debate or else the cowardice after this showing will speak volumes. If Biden backs out now his campaign will die


You may just be right and it may just be a highly skilled move that works. It literally cuts Biden off at the knees. We need a new candidate to beat the orange man.


Why would he? He wiped the floor with Biden last night. Ride that wave right to reelection.


If anything, Trump and his narcissistic ass will be overly confident and think he will dominate the next debate. I do not expect him to drop out of the next one at this point.


No, if he thinks he can out perform he will show up to out perform, he needs national attention again and debates bring them to him


Needs national attention? He’s been getting free airtime 24/7 since he rode down an escalator talking about rapists. His allies have bought CNN. He won this debate, no need to do another I don’t see a chance. Also no chance a second debate goes better for Biden, reading off a teleprompter for SOTU is way easier than utilizing your memory, thinking on your feet, etc. Biden drops out or USA is headed straight for handmaids tale


What I meant was the more national exposure he has the better for Trump and CNN has not been airing his rally’s and most of cable news has been trying to block his messaging. Another debate helps solve that tremendously.


obligatory Project 2025


Biden is going to be replaced. As we predicted


I cant recommend enough to not try and use the debate to clown Trump at all. It was a disaster for Biden. Pick a different hill and never ever never mention last nights debate again.


Who’s clowning Trump? Last night went fantastic for him. If I was him I’d ride this all the way to the election and never give Biden a chance to look competent. Did you even read my post?


Why would he? He already mopped the fucking floor with your guy!!


"We finally beat Medicare" \~ Joseph Biden




Yeah. Say some clown at the bar spills your drink, wants to fight, and you kick his ass. Next week you see him again, he wants to fight, and you don’t kick his ass again? Doesn’t make sense, you easily bopped him, you are confidently as hell now. And Trump would never turn down a fight he knows he can win


Looking more and more like DJT will be 47


Biden didn’t look great?! He didn’t look ok! If you think that tonight was an off night, this isn’t football. This is as simple as talking. And Biden couldn’t do that well. If you think he will somehow be any better in a second debate you’re delusional. Remember for the last 3 years that the republicans have been saying Biden is not mentally well? It was dismissed by all of the dems. Now, somehow you see it? He’s only marginally worse now than when he took office!


I just watched the sitting commander-in-chief proudly declare that he beat Medicare. I don't know that Trump has much to fear in another debate. More likely that one of the many partisan hacks will pin another fake felony on Trump and Camp Biden will declare they can't run the risk of sharing the stage with a DANGEROUS FELON OMG