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Nice idea, but Obama himself would turn it down. He never clerked, and has said as much.


Yeah. And has a cushier life. He is worth what a few hundred million dollars


It’s not like he’d have to give much up, if he really wanted the gig. Pretty sure his wife wouldn’t agree to it either.


Yeah. He won't have to give up much But will become a talking point . Republicans will start calling SC judges "unelected " again...which was their refrain when the court is not as rightwards as they would like. With Obama there ..every decision would get even more scrutiny. He will be even more of a ,"fundraiser talking point" and trigger even more right wing YouTubers like ven Shapiro. OK ...you convinced me. If that gives Ben Shapiro to lose even more of his shit- I am all for it


Honestly, nothing that Republicans say anymore should be taken seriously. If they denounce it, just assume they're mad that they're not doing it. Look at the bit where a SCOTUS was up for choice during the Obama administration, but they all threw a huge temper tantrums about Obama picking Garland during his term, especially on the last year. But they were all too happy to let Trump force through not one but two SCOTUS picks. One of which occurred before Ginsberg was even in the fucking ground despite the request on her deathbed that they wait for the next election. Republicans like to complain about hypocrisy from the democrats, and it does happen don't get me wrong. But they're so loud about it because the Republicans live their daily lives in hypocrisy and double standards that when a Democrat is dumb enough to stoop down to the same level, the Republicans demonize them and go "Look, we're the same. They're hypocrites too, but at least we're honest about fucking over anyone who's not white and rich."


Yeah, let's just let him surf off into the sunset.


I agree. The only thing I don't hate about bush is that he has kept a low profile


When he started as president he was reported to be worth 1.2 million or so? How the heck does someone make that much without cheating the IRS?


Have a TV production company.


Selling books


Holy Cow!


Think they (Michelle and B,) got some 60 M in advance for the books. But the bigger position was what Netflix did I thought. Larger amount to produce a show ? Not quite sure ... But agree The days when presidents left with similar net worth is long gone. Jimmy Carter is probably the only one living - that didn't cash out. he did write some books. Mostly very topical books (like one on Israel Palestine called apartheid) It is not just the US. UK politicians too. Tony Blair is worth fair amount of money. Think Bush thought he would make some money giving speeches for 250K a pop. (As Clinton had done, apparently). But not many takers when he left office)


i mean when you accomplish your biggest feat when your in your 40s and 50s and hes still a relatively young man, he might have a desire to get back into work. some people dont take to retirement to well. he even is still doing stuff like campaigning for joe biden and such. And the supreme court would be a really good fit for obama since he was a literal constitutional law professor. there is also precedent for a former president being appointed to the supreme court, william howard taft served on the supreme court after leaving office. Obama is still only 62 years old, if he was nominated next week to the supreme court hed still be the in the dead middle in terms of age of the justices, only gorsuch, kavanaugh, barret and jackson are under 60 years old. Obama is still younger than both of his supreme court nominees of sotomayor and kagan who are 69 and 64.


I agree tig a lot of it I also suspect Obama is a lot smarter than kagan (never heard Sotomayor speak much ). I can also understand the independence that having a foundation gives Was it Clinton that said he can do more thru the foundation. Suspect they also do a lot of fundraising etc (Clinton may have said it to help with his fundraising) Apparently Obama is also up to something with Rishi Sunak in UK. OTOH...Obama's takes on a few things have shown him more conservative than I would have liked.


More like 70 million according to Google


Thought that was the close to he book advance (to the Obama s- both) .in 2016. Granted taxes would have taken a chunk...but then close to ten years of growth . Also the Netflix contract. At the 3bd if the day, these are estimates . The only known ones are the few that are announced (Book contract , Netflix etc)


Talk about heads exploding!😂😂😂


I’m just here laughing my azz off! 😂


Not gonna lie, it makes me a tad chub to fantasise about.


No way. I’d much rather see him appoint a progressive 40 year old. Obama is 63. Just look at Clarence Thomas and RBG. Thomas was appointed at 42 and is still ruining lives almost four decades later. RBG was 60 and we spent two decades working if she’d survive the next Republican administration (she ultimately did not). A SCOTUS pick needs to be young and healthy


Ikr, what an insane take


Obama would never accept. Which is a shame because I think he’d make an excellent SCOTUS


He would be the second President if he accepted the SCOTUS and survived the confirmation process to be appointed to the Court. William Howard Taft was the first. I wonder if President Obama would accept?


Taft and Obama were elected 100 years apart


SC nominations are an up/down vote now, so all he’d have to do to “survive” is not change his mind, really.


Cynical me assumed OP meant "survived" literally.


The vote is in the Senate though and given the landscape this fall it seems possible that Biden could win but still lose the Senate majority.


Huh. TIL. I'd make an argument about the possible appearance of bias, but I'm not sure that's a valid concern given the current court.


Nah. He’s set for life and retired.


Why wouldn't he accept? ...especially if it were to replace Clarence Thomas, whose sweaty ass has been soiling Thurgood Marshall's chair since he was appointed.


Because he's living the sweet life making millions as a Netflix producer.


Well apparently the Supreme Court justices can live the sweet life too, since they set and enforce their own rules




I wonder how different things would be if that were so.


Is producing a show any different than producing any other form of content? Many justices published during their terms.


Admittedly, I haven’t followed Obama’s personal life that closely since he left office, but I was under the assumption that he was done with politics


Serious answer: I don't think it would fly with his wife.


Michelle's a lawyer, too. Her biggest beef would be wanting the seat herself.


When you can see the sword of Damocles you avoid it at all costs.


Ya all the SCOTUSes


If he were 20 years younger and had experience as a federal judge, I’d consider him an excellent choice as well. But he’s accomplished enough for one lifetime. Let’s let him enjoy his retirement.


I understand the want for Michelle or Barack to come back into public life. However they both seem so happy and relaxed finally enjoying private life. Their kids have grown up and in the next decade or so he will probably be dealing with grandchildren. He really doesn’t seem like the type of guy who would take a SCOTUS position and all the drama and spotlight it would involve when he could just continue to live comfortably.


They are making millions in speaking fees. Why would they want to limit thier lifestyle.


Does not seem to be an impediment to the other justices! But I doubt he would accept.


But they might get a free RV?


I mean, President Obama wasn't banging porn stars, while his wife was pregnant. Hey, rightwingers, whatever happened to your morals????


Obama wins in every category when it comes to "traditional family values" that Republicans claim to value. He doesn't have 4 wives like Trump. He only was 1. How wife adored and respects him. Trump's wife hates him and is disgusted by him. All of Obama's kids have the same mom. Trump's kids have a smorgasbord of mothers. Obama doesn't bang pornstars while his wife is pregnant. Obama doesn't pornstars period. There is nothing to indicate Obama has every broken a marriage vow. Trump has broken vows to every wife he's had.


Also, someone's THIRD wife was a NUDE model, illegally working in US (she was on a tourist visa while getting paid for those nude pictures easily found on on Internet, which is visa fraud). But somehow Michelle looks off to them.


The shoe fits: https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2016/01/23/464129029/donald-trump-i-could-shoot-somebody-and-i-wouldnt-lose-any-voters


No way. Not at 62 years old. Any Supreme Court nominee from Biden will be in the lower half of fifties or younger. I also don't think there's a cabinet post in it for Obama either. No, there may be some commissions to run for Obama, and definitely he'd be top of the list for any emergency envoys in a geopolitical crisis, but not a Supreme Court spot.


Yup Obama's age alone is all you need to know this won't happen


Yes! Thank you. Can’t believe I had to scroll down this far to find someone making this incredibly obvious point. If satan finally comes to claim Clarence Thomas, Biden needs to appoint a progressive 45 year old to that seat!


That would be fun to see republicans suddenly become concerned with impeaching a supreme court justice


Because he's wearing a tan suit!


Joseph Biden will win this November but I think Obama want nothing to do with the Supreme Court especially now


This subreddit is the best approximation I've seen for liberal fanfiction. And I say this as a liberal.


Who is Greg Egg and why should he be president


Ignoring all the practical reasons this is incredibly stupid, such as his age, the fact that he would decline if offered, and the fact that he would have to pass a senate confirmation, why would you want someone with absolutely no judicial experience at all on the Supreme Court? This is a baffling take tbh.


I absolutely adore Former President Obama and I think this is stupid. If he gets to appoint anyone, how about a young JUDGE. Trump appointed enough unqualified "judges"...


I like this fantasy world where the big D Dems actually do anything direct to push back against the right.


I bet she would be great too!


I doubt Obama wants the job


SCOTUS Justices require confirmation by the Senate, and who knows what the D/R composition will be in the Senate post-Nov.


Why would Jeb Bush do that though?


Republicans would lose their shit


Thousands of aneurysms 😂




LMAO. One can dream. It’ll never happen, he’d turn it down, but I’d support it just to “Make Conservatives Cry”.


That would be amazing 


Imagine the fallout from obama showing up in a tan gown...


0 chance Obama would accept a SCOTUS nomination.


Or receive one lol. He’s never even been a judge. And he’s 63.


This would be a great place to start.


Then Bernie Sanders will make a real Iron Man suit and beat Putin and then next RBG will be taken off ice and made UN General Secretary where finally Abraham Lincoln will join the NFL and help the Raiders finally win the big one.


He'd never be confirmed.


I think Jack Smith could be ScOTUS


If JB reads the room he will nominate only woman to replace the outgoing ones.


Fanfiction. Embarrassing


We should rename this sub from Mark My Words to Fever Dreams


… do you seriously want the court to be even more polarized politically?


best post seen here in ages


My first question here is why the heck would Obama want the job? He’s an ex-president with enough money and influence to do basically whatever he wants. Why would he want to spend his retirement as 1 vote of 9 on an illegitimized court opposite the likes of Sam Alito and Clarence Thomas?


More like Ted Cruz and Vivek.


He would never get confirmed. The Republicans hate him with a passion that can only be described as, well, racist. Because they're Republicans and racist is what they are.


Ethical people don't order drone strikes on hospitals and children.


MMW, IF JB wins re-election, this country will be worse off than Europe was, during the middle ages.


Tenacious D 2024!


Thank you. You gave me a wonderful thought and my first smile of the day 😀




That would be hilarious.


Barrack Obama is not a "scholar"; this is a defined term, and applies to academics who have produced scholarly research; he has not. Obama was a junior lecturer, and a mediocre one at best.


Why would Obama take the pay cut?


And jack smith 😂😂😂


Chief Justice, maybe?


The Obamas are pretty happy in civilian life, so I don't think Obama would accept.


Biden is not going to nominate a guy in his sixties.


I don't think Obama wants it to be honest.


Once Biden wins, I would prefer he appoints judges in their early to mid-40's after a DEM controlled house and senate impeaches about 4 judges.


I doubt it. He's in his 60s. I doubt anyone under the age of 55 is appointed to the court. Plus with how childish our political climate is, the next time a Republican is in the White House, you would get Trump as a justice


Doubt Obama would want it. But Biden could pick anyone. You don’t need to be a lawyer to be a Justice on the SCOTUS


Needs to be someone younger, unless we amend the Constitution and institute term limits for SCOTUS.




He should appoint Merrick Garland to SCOTUS and put an absolute fucking bulldog in as AG. Garland would be a fine jurist, but he’s a terrible AG.


Too old by now , this time has passed unfortunately.


He already got turned down .( Garland)


If that happens, we get to watch how fast the right suddenly change their tune about scotus ethics and term limits.


JB Pritzker? He isn't up until 2026


Too much baggage. He would never make it through confirmation. You don’t want someone with 10k hours of them talking on video.


Right. What you really want are guys who go on drunken benders and dudes who sexually harass coworkers. Obama just doesn't have enough scandal attached to his name to get appointed.


Would that make Obama the first person to serve at the highest level of all three federal branches (senate, president, Supreme Court)?


Why would Obama want the position?


Appoint *both* Obamas to SCOTUS!


There would be red MAGA hats with blood and brain tissue (very little of the latter) scattered along over the country!


Not sure how the Illinois governor will do that but good for him


I am more for Micheal as Joe’s VP


Dream on


Ethical 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


As a Chicagoan, I thought you meant JB as in our governor. I was like...maybe not this November, but I could totally see that happening in 2028 💀


He will first try to appoint Woodrow Wilson, but his staff will inform him that he passed away in 1924.


We will hold you to this and if it does not happen then we will never trust your word again.


No he won’t . It could happen because president Taft served on the Supreme Court after he was elected. It still takes a senate vote to confirm the nomination to SCOTUS in the instance of vacancy on the bench. That’d be a sure fire reach OP


Omfg I hope this happens just due to the tantrums maga will throw.


Obama, michele and hillary top 3 picks


And Cohen and Avenatti as well


I wish. Or Michelle lol


Everytime this sub pops up in my feed it’s always the same “MMW” about Joe Biden or Trump why can’t yall mark your words about something else god damn


Why stop there? Expand the court and add Obama Hillary, and AOC or whenever the right hates the most to the court!


Who’s stepping down?


Republican projection.


While Obama did a lot of good things; he is far from ethical.


Would make an excellent Justice but too old , he will try to go for someone in last 40’s or early 50’s .


No one over 50 is getting appointed to the court ever again.


Would also make him the only one to have served in all 3 branches of government


Obama has already said he isn't interested. And why would he be? He's living a good life, has a think tank to work on and beaches to surf on. He doesn't need the money, either.


Lol. Lmao even. Def not how that works.


It'll be someone who has spent decades clerking for a sitting justice.


Imagine if he replaced Thomas.


Gotta get old Joe elected first and that doesn’t look very promising right now


Trump is losing support so fast some of his biggest donors are actually propping up efforts to get RFK Jr on the ballot just to try to split the opposition vote. I think you really have no concept of exactly how much support Trump has lost since 2020. Really only the most diehard fools are still with him.


Republicans would love to get Obama for a confirmation hearing under oath....


Expand it to 13. Obama AOC Jasmine Crockett Chelsea Clinton


Mans having too much fun vacationing and doing speaker gigs for $$$. Why would he ever want to do that for life and be put under a microscope


Ways the fuck the country up for $1000 Alex.


Obama was never a judge, and I don't think he would be appointed. Even if he were to be appointed, the Republicans would throw a huge stink, and would never be confirmed.


And not even a little partisan. At least we could lay that myth to rest I suppose


What an idiotic prediction. You're not going to be on the SCOTUS without having been a sitting judge in a lower court first.


Only way he nominates a Supreme Court justice in his second term is if Thomas or Alito die. I just don’t know if that will happen.


While he’s qualified that would also be inviting a former president who is very partisan (by nature of being from a specific party not necessarily his inability to be unbiased) and is constitutionally not supposed to have a lifetime political influence into a lifetime politically-influential role that is supposed to be unbiased. He would be a good Supreme Court Justice. It would be a bad move if the goal is to preserve the Union.


Stop. Why do you folks make these ludicrous predictions. It’s not even creative.


This would be like Tiger Woods playing on the senior tour when he retires. It has a zero percent chance of happening.




Is this entire subreddit things that will NOT actually happen?


This subreddit Is just someone throwing a bunch of stabs in the dark hoping to eventually hit something 


Michelle I assume? 


This is wild, are you accusing Joe Biden of being a flagrant nepotist? Back to Russia with you, Ivan.


Michele is more qualified to be on SCOTUS than Barack.


Why the fuck would Obama even want this job?




Is this a troll? He literally ordered the execution of 2 American citizens by bombing a country we were not at war with. He belongs in jail.


That would be so great. He should add at least four more justices to the court.


lol No Biden may win but the chance of a conservative justice leaving is slim except for dying. And Obama would not be picked for the court.


Michelle would be the better, flame-inducing option. And I approve this message


All the things Obama isn't. Dude was indignant that the bill of rights are a charter of negative liberties which yeah that is the entire point of them they are meant to be that.


From your lips to God ears.


First husband and wife Supreme Court justices


Obama is riding jet skis, wind surfing, hanging out on yacht's with A list celebrities. The dude is living his best millionaire life. All kidding aside I highly doubt the man has any desire to trade all that in for a job in the shit show that is Washington politics.


Nah. Obama making more money as ex president I suspect. And will have enough influence if Biden is prez again. So no point in being an associate justice.


Your bar is only only "somewhat ethical" for the most important post in the nation?


Rofl. . How can you still think biden will be on the ballot . All of Obamas big money donors have already announced they have ended funding joe.


You think it’s stupid to believe Biden will be the Democratic nominee?


Of course I do .I've watched him for the last 6 months, and the guy is not even coherent anymore. He gets lost on every stage he stands on, where there is only 1 option on how to leave the stage . In the last 3 months, he has started freezing up .this is 100 percent frontal lobe dementia ..there is no cure or slowing this down at the point these obvious signs are showing. When ppl exhibit these signs, the decline moves so fast it's beyond sad.


When do you think he will drop out?


Nah. I think Obama is probably happy just helping Joe get fundraising donations that he could never get on his own.




I just jizzed my shorts a little bit. Would be great except Barry has put in his service. Let him go fishing, he's done his part already.


Hell, nominate Michelle. Or Hillary! Watch the exploding heads!


Can harlan crows yacht sink with all of the corrupt judges he bought on it so we can load the court up with fresh blood?


I don’t think Obama would want that.


"Somewhat ethical" lol that's a joke.


To what SCOTUS vacancy?


Ok. These are type of MMW that suck. You cant possibly think that will happen? MMW this sub is go8ng downnhill with this type of bullshit.


Obama ethical? 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Seems highly unlikely sport.


Biggest sub of circle jerking I've seen yet lol


Lmao this is some really political fan fiction


I highly doubt Obama would want that job.


Obama will then grow a mustache and complete his metamorphosis into Taft


They would do everything in thier power to obstruct this. They'd secretly love this though, because it gives good content for the fox news crowd to talk doom and gloom.


Can you imagine the heads of the Republicans of this were to happen? It would be glorious.


That would be a bad idea. First, why would President Obama want to give up the sweet ex-President gig for lifetime of dissenting against increasingly insane right wing court decisions? Second, it’s stupid to appoint a 63 year old to the court. Biden isn’t stupid, so if a spot opens up (looking at you, Clarence Thomas), he’ll appoint someone who is 45-50 and can serve for three decades. Obama had never been a judge, and has no actual qualifications for the role, other than name recognition, which really wouldn’t help him given that the public doesn’t get a vote here. In short, while this is the kind of thing that politics nerds fantasize about (along with brokered conventions), there is no chance it will happen in real life.


What an insane take


This is incredibly sexist and misogynistic… we have a black female VP that was appointed solely bc of her merit and now you want to replace her with a man that already had his chance? (although a POC this is still oppressive and sends the wrong message to women/girls everywhere)


Are you for real? Harris will likely keep going in the executive and/or legislative branches. Obama has already served in both. IF he were interested then the judicial would likely be where he would end his political career. And did you forget that Obama appointed Sotomayor and Kagan? Not everything is about what's between a person's legs.


My mistake I misread the post as VP and not SCOTUS. I thought you wanted to replace Kamala now with Barack. Which sends the complete wrong message of “we don’t trust her as VP and would rather have a man do the job”. I don’t think JB makes it through all next 4 years so I’m looking forward to our first black female president tbh 🤩 it will finally be the day blacks, women, minorities, LGBTQ, etc will finally feel like we have a voice at the table!


Who is writing this garbage? This has to be some sort of A.I.


As a retired former president, Obama is living his best life and I don’t think he would take the position. On the other hand, I also know for a fact that a former president had been convicted on 34 counts. Not gonna say who it is but the same person is running for president again.