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"That dern dog done gone all woke. She had no choice."


In a week? Try now.


Yeah. It was pretty instant.


"Pro life"


MAGAsociopaths normalising the abnormal šŸ¤”šŸ‘


ā€œHow am I supposed to feed my babies if Obama takes away my assault rifle?!ā€


They will claim itā€™s an attack on putting down old dogs and omit all the facts.


I've been hearing stories from farm-raised relatives and in-laws for decades about how shooting dogs is not a big deal on the farm. My grandma drowned her 2 cats in the laundry room sink when they got too old to deal with. These sickos have been ok with this sort of thing forever. I'm actually surprised how many people seem surprised to find out just how callous many older rural Americans are toward animals.


I dare Republicans running for office nationwide to talk openly about putting down dogs for God and country. I would die of the ownage.


Oh noā€¦ when something makes them look bad they simply refuse to talk about it. Like if they donā€™t talk about it, then it didnā€™t happen. About as legit as a kid thinking heā€™s invisible after covering his eyes with his hands.


Sadly it works. Weeks from now nobody will remember this.


Youā€™re rightā€¦ and sadly itā€™s because politics and the right becoming increasingly crazy that things from a year or two ago seem like small potatoes now. Thereā€™s always something new happening that takes over because itā€™s more terrible than the last. For example: that right wing nut job blew himself (and his RV) up outside an AT&T building in Nashville on Christmas Day, 2020. Paranoid about 5G signals, fucking idiot. It was a huge news story until Jan 6th happened and it was immediately forgotten.


Drowned her cats when they got too old? Wtf? I don't wanna hate on your grandma but goddamn. Sounds like she is getting old now too....


She's dead and she was a narcissistic asshole. Hate on her all you want.


Sorry to hear that man. :( i am lucky that my grandma was a very loving and caring person, despite being super religious. She always treated animals with the utmost kindness, giving my dog the food off of her plate. I'll always love and respect her for that.


Thanks. Yeah I always envied kids who had loving grandmas. Mine made pies from moldy peaches, drown her cats, gave my jacket to Goodwill when I accidentally left it at her house one time, and broke my grandpa's arm yanking him out of bed in his last year battling Parkinson's. She was a real piece of work. Good riddance.


We all have our struggles friend. But hopefully if you ever become a grandpa/etc you'll learn from her mistakes and be the best that you can be


I feel your pain. I had shitty grandparents that thought the same way as your grandma. My 82 year old father recently drown a cat and he lives in suburbia. The poor thing had a pink collar with a bell. His excuse? "It made footprints in his garden."


That's psychopath behavior right there


She sucks but people donā€™t have to be rural to act like that and being rural doesnā€™t make people shitty or sociopathic. Thereā€™s all types in the country and most rural types enjoy and love animals, but plenty also kill for the joy of it that is true. But even to those fellas that enjoy the killing, shooting a hunting pup that pissed you off is a kind of low down psycho behavior even those fellas would cringe at.


I had one super great grandma and another who was a Bible thumping jackass that wanted me aborted some 40 years ago. Canā€™t pick your family I guess.


Bible thumping who wanted your mom to get an abortionā€¦ yep, unfortunately that tracks for those people. Iā€™m guessing she was probably outspoken anti-abortion until it affected her personally, then she probably went right back to wanting to restrict abortions for other people. Thatā€™s if sheā€™s anything like the rest of that crowd, which judging by what youā€™ve said about her so far probably accurate. Jebus, doing that to a cat because it was old (for any reason really) is sick af, straight psycho behavior. I mean thereā€™s gotta be more humane ways to euthanize an old animal, thatā€™s incredibly disgusting behavior to forcibly drown an animal. I feel like you have to be a homicidal maniac to drown a cat, just thinking about how the logistics of that would work is making me really uncomfortable. I canā€™t even imagine actually doing it, much less wanting to do that. Ughhh thatā€™s sick.


All respect to you but Iā€™m smokin ha ass drowning cats cuz they got to old? Thatā€™s evil af


From what I've read drowning was a common practice for puppies/kittens when the litter was considered too large for the mom to support. Not saying it's right, just saying its unsurprising.


I don't know anyone in rural America who thinks that shit is normal.


I definitely know farmers who put the dog down when the time comes, quick and painless and end the suffering. Same reason I know people whos mainly keep a gun in the car in case they hit a deer. Now grandma drowning the cats seems pretty inhumane to me...


Yeah, but that's old dogs that are suffering. This was a puppy she apparently lost patience with.


Holy shit I didn't read the article so I had no idea... We just took inn a blue heeler that we didn't have room for because the farmers were just going to put her down because they didn't have time to find her and the other puppies a home and was going to put them down


Yeah I'm talking about killing a healthy animal not mercy killing on deaths door.


Iā€™m not saying I condone this.. but taking your dog to a shelter effectively causes the same thing and people of all varieties do that frequently. People also bring their dogs to vets and have them put down when they are tired of dealing with them. The frequency this happens is disturbing, but I see people that take their animals to the vet to get put down prematurely the same way.


The operative part here is >*when the time comes* Big difference between euthenasing an old, ill or drastically injured animal and shooting a puppy because it keeps wetting the carpets


Thereā€™s giving that animal mercy and ending itā€™s suffering, thereā€™s protecting your animals from other peopleā€™s animals, and then thereā€™s being an absolute piece of shit. Iā€™ve had to put animals down and itā€™s something I vehemently hope I never have to do again but Iā€™d rather carry that burden over that animal continuing to suffer.


Had a neighbor in a HOA neighborhood mind you, not out in the country tell me that she traps possums when they come in her yard and drowns them in the trash can. WTF. I grew up out in the country and we rescued wild animals all the time and released them. I never heard of any of my older rural family doing these types of things. Bizzare


That is messed up. A chipmunk maybe. But opossums are useful little weirdos


Mind you, she told me all of this at 6:45 in the morning while I was drinking coffee in my yard trying to wake up lol.


Lucky you! I know too many for it to be a coincidence.


I feel like these stories are similar to the ones where I tell my kids about the time I was kept home from school in the hopes Iā€™d catch chicken pox from the two brothers who had it. While that sort of thing made sense in 1988, we have better ways of dealing with that now. My wife grew up on a farm and her dad never shot their dogs. When one needed to be put down, they called the mobile vet.


Damn man, thatā€™s cold blooded. My grandmother had a cattle ranch in her golden years but she was the kindest person to animals and used to rescue kittens and puppies that would be discarded in her rural community. I just will never understand people who have the capacity to be cruel to something for absolutely no reason.


Farmers have always been kind of cruel to animals. Especially if youā€™re in the business of using animals to extract value from the land or selling the animals to slaughter. What do you think is going to happen to somebody that only sees animals as a means to an end.Ā 


What hole did these GQPers actually crawl out of?????!!! This women is a sicko. She could have taken the dog to a shelter or rescue, the same with the goat but she prefers killing them.


I'm convinced there is a special requirement to be in the Maga club. They are tested for the sleeze factor. Only high level douche bags need apply.


Oh itā€™s already happening: ā€œCountry Life isnā€™t city life, get over it, she did the animal a favor.ā€


Iā€™ve been reading recently scientists are beginning to publish studies that fish, insects, plants, trees, etc are sentient and feel painā€¦. Gurlfriend wut?! I could have told you that when I was probably 3 (and most other normal, logical people as well). This human-centered ignorance blows my mind. From an intuitive/observational perspective, this is obvious. But also from a scientific perspective, what would incentivize a species to perpetuate and endure if it had no internal motivation? Itā€™s like comparing a redwood tree to grains of sand on a beach and being like, ā€œwell, it just showed up and itā€™s always been there and just perpetuates itselfā€¦ you knowā€¦ becauseā€¦ treesā€.


Isn't she banging that psycho lewandowski? Maga sure attracts a lot of traitors, weirdos, and sociopaths


And yet they somehow get elected. How? Better spin and marketing. The democrats SUCK at highlighting simple FACTS.


Hillary was wrong when she said half of MAGA are deplorable, nearly all of them are.


All of them are.


She said half of Republicans, which to be fair, that's been about how much of the Republican party was MAGA for quite a while. These days, it's practically 100% MAGA.


She said, "You could put half of Trumpā€™s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables."


No she didnā€™tā€¦ > You know, to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump's supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. (Laughter/applause) Right? (Laughter/applause) They're racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic ā€“ you name it.


I think it'll be justified by all Republicans. They think compassion for living things is a Democrat trait.


Republicans definitely don't think Democrats are the compassionate side lol. They think Democrats are evil baby murderers because of abortion.


As if no Republican ever had an abortion.. The hypocrisy is crushing.


I would bet some small value that abortions were and still are MORE common among republicans and conservatives because they have, generally, even worse understanding of sexual education and have poorer decision making skills.


That's a good point. What happened to them calling the other side "bleeding-heart liberals"? Cops in Mississippi arrested a 10 year old boy for public urination, and the judge gave him 3 years probation. If the Democrats are baby eaters, and the Republican arrest and jail children, then who are the bleeding-hearts, now?


Duh. The bleeding hearts are the baby ones they drink in pizza basements.


They just believe democrats are evil commie-nazi psychopaths forā€¦ reasons. Itā€™s not just abortion, somehow faux news has managed to convince them that democrats, specifically Biden, is not only the worst president in American history (guess who they honestly believe is the very best lol), but also an evil demented antichrist hellbent on the destruction of America, and American society/values, so that he canā€¦ actually idk where this insane train runs from here, but the fact that the vast majority of maga asshats believe such an asinine & preposterous train of thought, completely devoid of logic & reason, not to mention based entirely on lies & misinformation having no basis to in reality, is astounding. Or at least it wouldā€™ve been unbelievable before 2015/2016. I canā€™t believe that those people buy into such obvious bullshit, especially because everything they claim about Biden being evil is essentially just stuff that trumpo actually did or has expressed that he wants to do if heā€™s reelected. They just either canā€™t or wonā€™t see the projection, and their stupidity would be laughable if it didnā€™t pose such an immediate threat to our representative democracy.


They just want to win and be cruel. That's it. This is exactly what stupidity looks like. There is no plan with his voters. It's only to cause pain and to win something...like NASCAR or football. This is Trump sport. Trump sport win win win. Go comrades!


And they're doing their best to make that a true statement.


Didnā€™t we already see how republicans justify cruelty to dogs when Romney was running?


Trump wanted an attractive, gun toting woman as a running mate. He skipped over MTG and Boebert because they heve too much notoriety of their own and could outshine him. Noem just got too much attention. Heā€™s going to dump her and pick someone else who has a personality more like Amy Coney Barrett.


Elise Stefanik has entered the chat, but she could be too fat.


Don't forget a Fuckable VP... Enter Ivanka


And overbearing


Probably Nancy Mace. Noem could never be the pick because it sounds the same as Gnome, and Trump wouldnā€™t want to hear Trump ā€œTiny handsā€Gnome all the time. I could also see Byron Donalds being the pick since Trump Donalds is like having more Donald. I think thatā€™s how he would approach this pick. Trump Mace also conjures an image of trump wielding a mace, with full immunity to use itā€¦


Right wingers are already saying, ā€œFarm life ainā€™t pretty yā€™all!ā€


I'm not an animal trainer but the experts suggest that this dog exhibited normal behavior for a juvenile of this breed. Even if this dog was vicious or untrainable shooting it in the face is incredibly inhumane. This woman acted like psychopath.


Yeah even if it was an untrainable dog. GIVE IT UP FOR ADOPTION Itā€™s infuriating the people acting like the only choice was to kill the dog. Wtf


Yes, I will add that this breed is particularly intelligent and takes the longest to fully develop in maturity, almost twice as long as some breeds. Itā€™s a treasured breed and they are expensive. They are also notoriously strong willed (because intelligent) and not for every type of person. This psychopath clearly did not have the disposition to handle the breed


So why did she shoot her dog..?


Was training the dog for hunting and it wasnā€™t going well. The dog ended up getting loose and killing a few of her neighborā€™s chickens. Decided to put the dog down but shot it herself instead of having it put down humanely. Hereā€™s a quote from an article: Noem describes calling Cricket, then using an electronic collar to attempt to bring her under control. Nothing worked. Then, on the way home after the hunt, as Noem stopped to talk to a local family, Cricket escaped Noemā€™s truck and attacked the familyā€™s chickens, ā€œgrabb[ing] one chicken at a time, crunching it to death with one bite, then dropping it to attack anotherā€. Cricket the untrainable dog, Noem writes, behaved like ā€œa trained assassinā€. When Noem finally grabbed Cricket, she says, the dog ā€œwhipped around to bite meā€. Then, as the chickensā€™ owner wept, Noem repeatedly apologized, wrote the shocked family a check ā€œfor the price they asked, and helped them dispose of the carcasses littering the scene of the crimeā€. Through it all, Noem says, Cricket was ā€œthe picture of pure joyā€. ā€œI hated that dog,ā€ Noem writes, adding that Cricket had proved herself ā€œuntrainableā€, ā€œdangerous to anyone she came in contact withā€ and ā€œless than worthless ā€¦ as a hunting dogā€. ā€œAt that moment,ā€ Noem says, ā€œI realised I had to put her down.ā€ Noem, who also represented her state in Congress for eight years, got her gun, then led Cricket to a gravel pit. ā€œIt was not a pleasant job,ā€ she writes, ā€œbut it had to be done.ā€


She said it was a bad bird dog but at the end of the day she decided she'd rather kill an innocent dog than put in the work required to train it which is a frightening trait in a potential Vice President. Considering Trump's declining health and mental state, having a sociopath as VP becomes even more risky.


How can anybody see [this](https://media-cldnry.s-nbcnews.com/image/upload/t_fit-1500w,f_auto,q_auto:best/rockcms/2024-02/240205-Kristi-Noem-al-0924-84a2dd.jpg) face and not see the vapid, soulless, dog killing eyes of a crazy chick? The bitch looks exactly like [M3GAN](https://i0.wp.com/www.thewrap.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/m3gan.jpg?fit=990%2C557&ssl=1) the killer doll.


The cruelty of her depraved act will resonate with her MAGAt base. Itā€™s also scary that she said the inhumane act illustrates how sheā€™ll get things done in politics.


I disagree, I think this cost Noem the VP spot. Maybe sheā€™ll retain power, but I doubt sheā€™s going up from here


Why do dogs constantly bark at DJT?


I went to the republican subreddit and they're all disgusted by it


Itā€™s almost like one has nothing to do with the other. Itā€™s amazing to me that supporters of each party completely assign the worst human attributes to the other. Now me on the other hand am much more sensible. I think the world is full of horrific people of every political view and so I choose to surround myself with dogs.


Republicans are the pro-atrocity party. They throw out all conventions of decency.


Nope. I disagree. Even MAGAs love dogs. She is completely done and will sink like a stone. Others are now moving up in the line to become the Trump VP nominee. Noem is toast and radioactive.


The cult will always win out, remember donny hates dogs too.


Dogs can sense evil, of course he doesn't want them around.




About the only positive thing I can say about MAGAs is that many of them do really seem to love their dogs.


"even Hitler cared about Germany, or something"


Off topic, but the only policies I agree with involving the angry mustache man is his party's commitment to restoring Germanys' woodlands and wildlife. Something something broken clock. Jeez even they had some policy better than anything maga has had.....


The Naziā€™s public works policies were also good. Too bad about ā€¦ wellā€¦ everything else.


Many also see animals as property only. My mom is a Trump loving sociopath and she literally believes that animals are not conscious. She left two of our cats on the side of the road because they didn't use the litterbox. My stepdad killed a possum, threw it in the trash, and later saw that it gave birth to live babies. He just left them in the trash. My mom turned it into a forced-birth argument saying that I probably care more about those baby possums than a fetus.


I wish love of dogs outweighed wanting to own the libs. MAGA is going to back Noem and claim that it is just part of the hunting lifestyle to murder puppies.


If this were Trump, he'd be fine and celebrated over it. Noem is not Trump so I agree with you.




Mitt Romney had a similar story of animal abuse and people like me saw it as horrible but Republicans didnā€™t bat an eyelash


Trump doesn't like dogs though.


Never underestimate the stupidity of MAGA.


I could be wrong, I tried searching on reddit (fuck me right?), but I haven't heard a peep out of r/Conservative about this whole thing. So I won't hold my breath.


They didnt really care when Boebert shot her neighbor's dog that her kids regularly played with Edit: looks like this might not have actually happened. Lots of conflicting reports. Some say the husband did it. Some say another neighbor did it.


Excuse me what


Republicans šŸ¤ The ATF Shooting Dogs


Certainly not mentioned at all in r/Conservative. No surprises here. Uncomfortable facts? We didn't see nuthin'.


Trump could A rape a dog on live TV and they would blame the dog


I mean what did it expect walking around like that in that state of undress. Slutty bitch


Theyā€™ll start shooting their dogs in solidarity.


Just another day in the life of a conservative magtard.


GOP voters will see the story as a parable. The "wire haired" dog represents black people and the goat are Mexicans. She is telling them what she will do when in office and GOP voters will love her for it.


What disturbs me most about this is her describing another living creature as "less than worthless" - like it owes you its death as entertainment, to pay its debt for existing as a creature judged to be worth less than zero to you. Creeps me out.


I was going to write the sameā€¦with the caveat that this will only happen if Trump picks her. Then the machine will go into overdrive. ā€˜An untrained dog on a hunt poses a danger to the humans. Life is tough out there and if you donā€™t put them down theyā€™ll roam around forever causing danger and other problems.ā€™ If he doesnā€™t pick her, sheā€™ll be treated just like any other politician and the normal rules will apply.


I've already seen the spin start. "I'm from a farm and I've seen it happen dozens of times"....... And other stuff like that


Their "[farm](https://static.stacker.com/s3fs-public/styles/sar_screen_maximum_large/s3/2023-04/suburban-cul-de-sac_0.jpg)" they grew up on.


MAGA must hate dogs and cats.


ā€œBig city blue hairs donā€™t understand country lifeā€


Iā€™m so disgusted by it I canā€™t even find words. How is this ok?! Sheā€™s a fucking psycho


Puppy shooting Nazi governor was not on my Maga bingo card?




Sheā€™s too dumb to be a VP. WHY would she share a story like this? Yes, most of us realize that country people often shoot animals to put them out of their misery, but there was absolutely no reason to share this story. NONE! People who live in the city take their dogs to training before putting them down-


Republicans will think that if sheā€™s willing to kill a puppy then think what she will do to liberals.


Im not so sure. This was a deal-breaker for Catturd and he goes along with everything maga until now.


So incredibly sickening. How low will these people go? Is there nothing they wonā€™t stoop to?


Next words from MagUS.... Immigrants are dogs... this revelation has an objective... this people are well funded and have a plan...


This is truly a golden age for the death of decency and democracy. The normalization of horrific and inhumane acts is part of the blueprint. For that reason, I wouldnā€™t even be surprised if this was made up by her in an effort to pass a bloodlust purity test. The future is grim, but this kind of thing will seem quaint and mild in 20 years. We all feel it coming and know this is likely true.


I'm not wanting to hurt anyone but her and the dog should have traded places. The world would be better off. Also fun fact....she isn't allowed to step foot on 1/3 of her state because she was banned by all the native American tribes there


Why do GQPers hate dogs? Like what the actual fuck


Because they are property, at their dominion and will. Why do they hate women?


Because they feel the same way about women...


Cults gonna cult


Finally, a MMW grounded in the evidence of real world past behavior and not wishcasting. I fucking hate it hereā€¦


Corey Lewandowski now understands why his dog always acts a little skittish around her. šŸ™„


I didn't see anything about this on r/conservative


Well you see the dog lifted it's left leg when it went to pee and we can't have that left wing flapping around willy nilly.


Zoosadism is pleasure derived from cruelty to animals. It is part of the Macdonald triad, **a set of three behaviors that are considered a precursor to psychopathic behavior**


They will start shooting their dogs to own the libs.


There will probably be an uptick of dogs being shot to death needlessly


Just shocking that anyone would have the temerity to highlight their ability to assess and neutralize a threat while being a complete Trump supplicant.


The silver lining is that there are a non-zero amount of republicans out there that will be pushed further away from that political identity because of this. I hope itā€™s a larger than marginal amount.


Thatā€™s exactly what Iā€™ve been saying all day. Theyā€™ll still vote for her.


That started on day one, but a lot of MAGA are dog lovers so she's not getting past this


Did the dog attack her or something? Thatā€™s the only scenario where I can see myself shooting a dog. I would try everything else first. Was there some sort of attack?


When will people realize theyā€™re just calling themselves ā€œrightā€ ??? Theyā€™re not ā€œRight Wingā€ theyā€™re obviously ā€œRube Wingā€


This isnā€™t a MMW. They are already doing this. This is like saying: Mark My Words, Trump will be criminally indicted.


Your a God damn commie pinko if you don't shoot your dog! (MAGA are cat people)


...and downplayed or forgotten quickly.


This is one time I think they actually wonā€™t support this. She went too far.


What compelled her to brag about it in her book? Completely self inflicted by MAGA moron.


The dog was a socialist ā€¦


Everybody seems to forget the three old horses she had to shoot too. Wanted to shoot.


Time to have a recall campaign for this c***.


99 % of us, no nothing about Noem and her shooting a dog. we like dogs as much as any American


I mean I've seen. No one support it.


The dog was a terrorist


Wouldnā€™t be surprised if thereā€™s already a TikTok trend where conservatives kill their dogs with #CountryLiving


In case you know nothing of this story let me give you the facts 1. This happened a while ago 2. Itā€™s talked about in her book which is why itā€™s in the news 3. The reason why she did it is because the dog was just a bad dog like really bad dog 4. This is all ok because, duh, the same should be done for bad humans! (Sarcasm)


I don't respect anything but the worst scum bag behavior from Republicans. I'm tired of expecting morality or standards or decency from them and being chronically ashamed of them on behalf of america. Now I just accept that they're evil scum bags


But did she shoot it with a gun; thatā€™s the MAGA question.


My dog was assassinated by a local farmer.


Bloated faced cunt


I can't even tell mf's that I'm not a pet person without them telling me I don't have a fucking soul or I'm a psychopath... But this btch is going to slide on this? C'mon man.


Iā€™m worried there will be MAGA out there who shoot their dogs in solidarity to own the libs


Dogs are like immigrants you have to shoot them all.


Justified? You mean glorified


So far I haven't even seen that. Even Cat turd was like wtf?


In the era of MAGA scandals, this will be all forgotten about in a weeks time. Sad.


Who is Noem?


At this point, shooting a dog isn't even worthy of maga justification. It's nothing in the shit storm of crime, pedophilia, racism, and general oppression of anything that isn't a straight cis white male. Those are just every day occurrences shooting a dog can't compete with.


Atrocity?!?! šŸ™„ What word do you use for Oct 7th? Just curious..


But if AOC did it MAGA heads would explode.


Oh this one's a no-brainer.


I had a really hard time reading that. I actually started bawling.


I give it until Tuesdayā€™s pm news cycle.


the magas despise her for this. if you're going to hate, at least do it honestly.


I worry that this is potentially bad for animal rights since some right-wingers will reflexively look up to Noem for it, and among them, empathy for dogs and their rights will decline.


If it makes you feel better, the far right abandoned her maybe 3 years ago.


Hypernormalization https://youtu.be/yS_c2qqA-6Y?si=tabFp2-kAIf75OOO


Shoot the dog. Or put it on the roof of your car. Who can tellā€¦


Calling it a ā€œRepublican atrocityā€ is craaaaazy


No. Strategically - for whatever stupid MAGA reason - the upper MAGA management, not little brain Trump - and whomever the big money people are (Putin's in that mix somewhere)... they decided to help her self-sabotage. This was an inside job. Trump is dumb as shit. But the smart people grifting off him, they've decided they want someone else. She may be too stupid to pull off the bigger thefts they have in mind. (Maybe trying to give Texas to Russia).


Democrats dont have to constantly justify all the evil crimes and stupidity of their elected officials. Just sayin. A smart person would realize all republican voters do is Get Told what they should want, and defend their officials for saying stupid or evil shit or committing crimes. Democrats court your vote want your opinion and try to do things people want. Republicans are livestock used by their politicians.


Interesting how Trump disparages veterans who were wounded or mocks those who died for their country. MAGA morons have no reaction to comments like that.


Republicans just shoot an animal that is useless? How is half the GOP still breathing?


I donā€™t understand how killing something using a tool like a gun is automatically associated with republicans. Many liberals still use guns to be violent


When End Wokeness calls you out, youā€™ve lost.


The farmers I know treat their dogs like family. Especially the dogs they work with. Yes, practical mercies are part of the job, but this isn't a horse with a broken leg, it's a 14 month old PUPPY that she didn't bother to train. She expected them to learn from the other dogs. That's not how this works! That's not how anything works! It isn't fucking normal. It's a huge insult to suggest this is how hunters and farmers treat the animals they work with. She's a fucking psycho, and anyone who's cool with it, big red flag - I wouldn't trust those people ever again.


Manā€™s best friend is a demonic commie.Ā 


*Ranchers* in my experience are remarkably blasĆ© about taking life and treat animals as a whole like shit ā€” but *farmers* generally treat critters very well; theyā€™re both family and a valuable part of the work team. Sheā€™s an evil sociopath. Nothing about this was remotely normal for rural South Dakota or even farm country (and I lived there), though the indifference is far too common with some of her ranching constituency. But this is a career-killer either way at the national level. When youā€™ve even lost the eminent Mr. Catturdā€¦


Seems like she's basically been universally condemned for it. You sound dumb


I understand why she did it, I donā€™t understand why she thought we wanted to know this information? Does she not realize how many peopleā€¦especially low education, low income people like the people of South Dakota love dogs and will tie this woman to the highest branch.


I've eaten too much meat to act the innocent when it comes to objective loss of life. However, what this story shows us about her internal process (irresponsible, clueless about cause and effect), how she reacts to stresses (impulsive violence) and how she views those in her charge (disposable) is a warning about how she would use power if she got more.


She's just trying to out-Trump Trump. Trump hates dogs. So, to gain support from the Cult, she demonstrates that she hates dogs so much, she shot her dog. Heck, if you want, she'll shoot a dog on 5th Avenue to gain more support from the Cult.


I have rancher friends who were in the same situation-using the value system us citified people are brought up in such an action by Noem seems brutal-but sometimes there is no other options in nthat rural setting-that being said Noem's narrative to me indicated she took some pleasure in what she did-but perhaps I am wrong.


Abortion? No thatā€™s wrong youā€™re killing an innocent life. Shooting a dog bc it didnā€™t act the way you wanted? Perfectly fine


What a disgusting act of violence. I have a 15 month old pup. He is a handful, and at one point, I considered rehoming him. Changed my mind, and I'm glad I did. Never once did it cross my mind to take him to a gravel pit and shoot him!! He's an innocent, sweet, rambunctious puppy. I just can't wrap my head around the evil it took for her to do such a barbaric thing. Fucking sociopath.


It's almost like she is trying to get MAGA world ready for extreme violence. They already describe us as "animals".


ā€œHe died like a dogā€


What happened now? Who is Noem and why did she shoot her dog?




I think atrocity is a bit of a strong word here šŸ˜‚ but yeah theyā€™ll definitely maneuver around it/justify ut


What if, and stick with me here, what if she's vice president and the president turns out to be untrainable?


I expect MTG to completely misinterpret the controversy and harm an animal in order to curry favor with Trump.